HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1899-07-14, Page 5HANNNS ORDERED Clothing TradeI has doubled this season. CI! 1113- 1Ft I Da Good Cloth, First-class Trimmings and a Perfect Fit.. GENTS ! Before buying, call and see the largest stock of Broadcloths, Worsted, Serges and Tweeds ever shown in Wingham. J01 -I ANN t. jno. u aiwi 1'1� EIS, JULY 14.1 . 1b99. n Having purchased the business from Jas. Duffield, the public will find us in the CORNER STORE, desirous ,yf securing by fair dealing and hon- est values a share of the patronage. The present stock will be offered at GREATLY REDUCED PRICES: Bousefurnishings, Cutlery, Graniteware, Stoves, Tinware and Coal Oil always in stook, Special attention will be given to cur ' TIN8MITHIO 30,000 LBS. HOER Pure Manilla 650 ft, to the Ib. Special Manilla. Standard Hay Fork Hops, &c. New k'ri,:es,. Order Eariy. I. CLE C&CO '1dad~ School recently established at school rection No, 13 and now known ` its the ,liowick and Tnrnberry Union I Sabbath School had been previously invited to meet them. Owing,probab, ly, to the unsettled state of the weather the attendance was not so i large 'as usual. 1rninediately after 1 the dinner a programme was carried '. ntlt,eonsisting of very excellent selec- j tions by the choir, vocal and instru- i mental. Sonne capital recitations were given by Mr. David White, of Toronto ; musical performances by the Merkley family, which were much appreeiated,and speeches were inside by the superintendents of both sehnols. Mr. Joseph Higgins presid Ing as chairman. The proeeedings, however, were intercepted by a very heavy thunder shower and all had to seek for shelter rather than amuse. Inept. The utmost goodhutttor, however, prevailed and the conver- sation was as conttnuoits as the rain. After singing the national anthem, "God Save the Queen," many left and the meeting permanently broke HOWICK. At thee barn raisins of Mr. Junes Edgit'r on the ?ourtll Concession on Friday last. Mr. Alex. Miller fell from the plate with a rarer and re- ceived apretty bad shaking up, al- th ugh no bones were broken. Me, Geor•ge,MeLauehlin, the hoes() buyer, of Neepawa, Man„ arrived at Fordwitlh on 'I'aead..Ly. Ire, is iooak ing hale acid hearty, and is around shaking hands with his runny,' friends in this vicinity. • During the big. thunder and li:*ht- ning storm on Tuesday morning early, the bar i to Mr. i belonging belonging Mathew D Lila, of the renth C in cession was stvuele by the lightning, and consumed, together with three horses, seven. head of wattle and a number of pigs. • On Friday last Mr. William Gib son had a large barn raising. There was a large itmnhee of h Luis present, britthe work was not fieish- ed. till the next forenoon. On the above evening" the ,yeun^ . p t edict gathered in the hour; and enj iyed theuiselvee tripping the fantastic the till the wee sola' 'ours o' the'nnurn'. On Wedne.dsy lest the Salm. .Methodist church held weir biro nal Sunday School pienie, ri Timis], in 11Ir. Paliner's grove rt., new Son. Having had large experience in cities, we excel in Furnace Work, Hot Water and. Steam. Heating, Sanitary Plumbing, Eave Troughing, Steel Siding, �, in Roofing and Metal Ceilings. Call on us. • We shall be pleased to make your acquaintance, feeling • sure we shall gain your confidence. BLTJ I V ALE. A'tiss .,gg'ie Herbert hasreturned from a three months' coarse at the Toronto Conservatory of Atusie.. Miss Ethel 1cnight, .of Ripley, is the guest of Aliso Mabel Coultas. The Orangemen attended divine service at the Methodist church on Sunday forenoon. Rev. D. Rogers,,, the pastor, occupied the pulpit. Miss Lizzie McEwen, of Clinton, visited Miss Alice D Lff last week. Mrs. Cowden, of Wiagham, and her daughter, Mrs. 1.autneyer, of Chippewa,, were visiting old friends in the village on Thursday. ' We are tnaeh pleased to learn that Mr. Thos, 'Stewart is, improving rapidly. Rev. SY, J. West, M. A., is attend• ing the Prohibition Conventton at Toronto, Mr, George McDonald , has pur- chased Mr, John .Bober son's farin for the sum of $6,100... Miss McGuire, .of Weston, and Mr. T. McGuire, of Toronto, are visiting their brother, Mr. W. W. McGuire, Hood'wrmllscure liver sus; the non -irritating %d MISS Olive Scott is holidaying with I out) cathartic to take with hood'► 3rrsrr$arnllh, relatives in Seaforth. up • Remarkable Rescue. Mrs. Michael Curtain, Plainfield, III., makes the statement, that sbe naught cold, which settled on her lungs; she was treated for a month by the family physician, but grew worse, He told her she was a hopelessviatica of consumption and that no medicine could acre her, Her drugist Die o.ery for Consumption; d ort; King'sr. she bought a bottle and to her delight found herself benefited from tirst•dose, She continu- ed its use and atter taking six bottles,• found herself sound and well; now does her own housework, apd is as well as she ever was. Sold by Colin A. Camp- bell, Druggist, large bottles 50 cents of her aunt, Mrs. W. W. McGuire. and 01,00, 11Ir. John King bought Ira Etcher's LISTOWEL. farm for $3,760. Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Watt and Mrs. Wm. Manning, a laborer, about Snell attended the wedding of Miss. forty years of age, hese, is said to Amelia Mills to Rev. C. 0. Keine, A. Fair Outside 4 ,Por Substitute For Inward Worth, Good ,health, insardtty, of the kidneys, liver and bowels, is sure to come if Hood's Sar- saparilla is promptly used.. This secures a fair outside, and a consequent vigor in the frame, with the glow of health on the cheek, good appetite, perfect digestion, pure blood., 1_oas of Appetite - "I was in poor bealth,troubie with dizziness, tired feeling and lass Of appetite, • I was completely run down, 1; took Rood's Sarsaparilla and atter awhile 1 telt much better; Mood's Sarsai9pn- rilla built nae up," laza A, Resat , Old t belsea, near Ottawa, Quo, Bifiotasness.-.."I have been troubled. with headache and biliousnessand was much inn down. Tried B.00d's: Sarsaparilla and it gave me relief and built me up." A. Moa;suer, 89 Defoe Street, Toronto, Ont. fJSI'I �.I NeVePDisappornts Rev. W. T. Hall; of Belgrave, preached in the Presbyterian church on Sunday evening. Mrs, Ira Barclay, of Ypsilanti, Mich., is spending the summer at the residence of her father, Mr. William Messer. Miss Sadie Greenaway and Miss McIntyre returned to ,Toronto on GORRUE Mrs. Wm. Doig is visiting with friends in Tilsonbur„;. Mr. Robt. Toting is remodelling Mr. Wm, Doig's residence, Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Found are away on a holiday -tour. Me, Walk- er is relieving at the C. P. R. station. Mr. A. E. Bradley, of New York, Saturday. visited with Gerrie friends last. week. Miss Laura Snell is visiting friends. Mrs. James Strong is visiting with. at Ifi:nburn. her daughter at Sault Ste. Marie. Miss Sraith, of Ripley, is the guest Dr, and :Ars. Tusk were in 'Tor - M�Laugiilin ARE THE LEADERS. " One Grade Only and Tliat the Best," Has been their motto for over thirty years. Some of the principal features (which no ' other buggy has) are rubber and brass. washers warranted. three years, one lever top steel circle, &c. Metauchlin's cost a little more than ..,so •�/• others, but they are"the cheapest in the end. ,> You will make a big mistake if r' -r- -f you don't see our stock before buying. We can sell you a good ordinary buggy -as eheap or cheaper than any one else. Wehave nheme a there. as We° can sell you anything .you, want in the implement 'we have done for the past 16 years, and guarantee good value.Or ife hes you *want an Orgar., Piano, or Sewing Machine, you will find our that;money can buy. Prices and terms all right too. Come in anesee us .an way. Will be pleased to show you through. . Office 2r.--..... ems opposite. Presbyterian -Church. • 0 ies T. H. osso Destiny Changed. The "Slater Shoe" is closely watched cl ; r ing the process of manufacture. Rvel y sis! undergoes- a careful examination after leav- ing the hands of each operator. The slightest flaw in the leather or work • manship-a stitch missed -a slip of the knife:, only discernible to an expert condemns the shoe that started toward the "Slater ' geed to the ordinary, Ke s`ri-'n -�._• , `' nameless, ttnwarranted army of footwear sold to whoever will buy thein. "' ... The "Slater Shoe" is made in twelve shapes, all leathers, colors, GoodyearWidths, s, size and `styles. livery pair d, name and price stamped on the soles. $3.60 AND $5.00. M � it hId s,i ,1 �r. t, nx .i a !Y; cin $a How is this? Perhaps sleepless nights caused it, or grief, or sick - noes, or perhaps it vas care. No matter whet the cause, you cannot wish to look old at thirty.. Gray hair 13 starved hair. The hair bulbs have been deprived of proper. food or proper nerve force. r•; Ito• 4 95 r increases the circulation in the. scalp, gives more power to tae nerves, supplies miss- ing elements to the hair bulbs. Used accordingto direc- tions, gray hair begins to shote- color in a few days. Soon it ess and richness of allas ofhyoute hnan rtd the color of early life returns. Would you like our book. on the Hair? We will gladly send it to you. lYiii'iiCsl' If. yott do not obtain all the benefits you expected from the Vigor, write the doctor about it. Ile may be able to suggest something of value to you. AddresAyer Co., Lowell, Mass. C. have been in the habit of beating bis wife when he got the worse of liquor. He is alleged. tohave given her a beating on aaturday morning, after which she laid a complaint agaihst him before the Magistrate. When he found it out, it is said, he gave her another beating Saturday even- ing. Finding the constable was coining to arrest him Tuesday morn ing he said he would never appear before the Magistrate, and took a drink of laudanum and died Tiesi day leaving a large family in very poor circumstances. Mr. and Mrs, J. A. Hacking are leaving this week for ,their cottage. at Port Elgin, where they will spend most of the, hot season. Mr. Will Selwood, of New York, is spending his holidays at his borne here. Quite a nutnber from town took in the camp meeting, which .is being held in Moorefield, on Sunday, and report a pleasant time. The Listowel band has reorganiz- ed: The town bas given them $100, and they can be heard every Mon- day evening discoursing sweet music from the band stand on Wallace st. Listowel � Mr. B. Y . Brook,. of the woolen mill, and Mrs. brook left, last week on a trip to'Manitoba and the North vest. They . will be gone about three weeks, Hallett, on Weduesday. Volcanic Eruptions Are grand, but Skin Eruptions rob life of joy. Bueltlen's Arnica Salve cures them; also Old, Running and Fever Sores, Ulcers,Boils, Felonet Corns,. Warta Cuts, Bruises, Burne, Scalds, Clapped Hands, Chilblains. Best Pile cure nn earth. Drives out pains and Achei:. Only 25 ,as. a box. Cure guar- anteed. Sold by Colin A. .Campbell, Druggist. NILE. • For .Said Only by HOMUTH & SON. yl;issmanrk's iron Nerve Was the result of his splendid health. Indomitable will and tremendous energy ore not found where Stomach, Liver, Kidneys and Bowels are out of order. If you want these qualities and the suc- cess they bring, • use Dr. King's New Life Pills. They :develop every power of brain and body. Only 25 cents at Colin A. Campbell's Drug Store, onto last week. Mr. Thurtell Brown, ofAeton, was visiting with friends here last week. The Orangemen from; this district attended the demonstration at Wing - ham on the 12th. The .REX' . Robert H. Hall, of Nile Circuit, Goderich District, after a brief illness, passed from service to reward on Thursday morning, June 29th. He had not attended Confer- ence this year', though in bis usual good health, but the day after Con- ference closed he was taken with a sudden .illness. For a few days the physicians in attendance despaired of his life, but he began to rally and his family became very hopeful of his recovery. He rallied so far as to be, able to take short drives.. On Wednesday, however, he was not quite so well, and in the evening be calve very much worse. The night was one of great suffering until death relieved him. Throughout this illness there was no wavering of bis. trust in Christ, until, in aim, he fell peace- fully asleep, after having completed aministerial life of thirty years. He le..ves a widow and five children, who have the sympathy of very many friends. BELMORE. The following names represent the pupils of Belmore school, who have menial Uov< n the presence of a large i tallied that the sight, will be saved. been successful at the recent promo- ',The bride was attended Story of a Slave. To be bound hand and foot for years by the chains of disease is the worst form of slavery. Gieorge D. Williams, of Manchester, Mieh. tellss how such a slave was made free. He -says: "My wife has been so helpless for five years that she could clot turn over in bed alone.. After using two bottles of Electric,Bit- ters, she is woude•fully improved and able to do her own work." This supreme remedy for female diseases quickly cures nervousness, sieeplee.aness, melancholy, headache, backache, fainting and dizzy spells. Tbia miracle working medicine' is a godsend to weak, sickly, run down people. Every bottle guaranteed. Sold by Colin A. Campbell, Druggist. MORRIS. goodly number of Morrisites attended the wedding of Rev. C. C. Keine and Miss Amelia, second daughter of John Mills, Hallett Boundary, on Wednesday of. last week. Rev. W. Rigsby, of Kincar- dine, assisted by Rev. R. J. Garbutt, L. L. Ii. of Gerrie, tied,the matri TEESWATER. , Miss.Nixon, formerly of the Public School teaching staff here, has secur- ed a school at Mount Albert, north- east of Toronto, at an increased salary. Teeswater Was well represented at " the 12 df July celebration in Wing - ham. Mr. R. N. Thurtell, who has. been in the drug business here for the last twenty four years, has sold out to H. W. Edmunds & Co. Mr:. Edmunds arrived on Monday.. They are at present taking stock and the . new proprietors will likely take charge about the end of this week. Mr. Edmunds is an.enterprising young man and has. just come from the city of Toronto. Mr, Thurtell will leave the village as soon as he can get his business wound up but will likely be here until the first of August. Mrs. Robert Lane, of Brandon, was shot dead on her own. doorstep by an unknown tramp, who has not yet been eaugbt. George Thompson, , of Blenheim, was hooked in the ese by a cow and nearly blinded. Hopes ale enter - tion tion examinations :— C byher sister, Miss Florence, and From Part I� to Part II. Marks John Keine, teacher at Sault Ste Marie, and brother to the .groom, was groomsman. The ceremony was performed at. 4 o'clock. A very enjoyable time was spent by all, Numerous, costly and useful were obtainable, 225, To pass, 112. Maud F ryfogale 189 Maggie Law- rence 188, Willie Abram 168, Mabel Edwards 166, Earlie't%ieagham 156, Hugo Johann 165, Minnie Kargus 129. the wedding gifts. A - satrlptucus From Part II to Book °II. Marks X120. To Pass, 210, repast was served by the hostess. obtainable, Rev.and Mrs. Keine will go to their Mabel Batter 306, Merle Lamonby 296, Roy Gallagher, 249, Lottie Isir. new circuit, Bethel (Pins) River P. 0.) b after a holiday visit among relatives The y 233, Edward Lawrence 215. From Book II to Book III:. Marks and M418, They begin married obtainable,., 520. To Pass,. 260,1 life under most favorable auspices and their many friends wish them Be 1t 337 Berta Mi house t many happy and ros erous rears ,,Into hook IV". Marks pp, prosperous obtainable, , . ^$0. If there is a history of weak lungs in your family, take Scott's Emulsion. It nourishes and invigor-- ates. $ It enables you to resist the disease. Even if your lungs are already affected, and if besides the cough you have fever and emaciation, there is still a strong probability of From Book I t a cure. 760 To Pass I 'ilia Clark, the servant in the The oil in the Emulsion 39°0 Tommy Itirb Tail -� 397Gordon Stewart don Lth i y y I Lane hnuseheld, in Brandon, has con 3J7, (tor J. 0, ttt' 385, to haying murdered sir., feeds s. the hiypophosphites D. C.r�+tlynsra., Teacher. j fessed g ono.; in at fit of Maine jettlettsy. give' polder to 'the nerves; TI W t t L ri S one 71 s• Jelin McLean "aged 10 years) and the glyeet i ae 'soothes and ricerge eggs n , •, . l' , of the best known dentists in Canada, tt highly respected resident of the heals. sayer &ItowNti,T.ros • died on Saturday at Cornwall, waged •incl concession of Finless, died on t,oa,,ti-,d,, att.t ag;lsrs 47 years. Thursday last.