The Wingham Times, 1899-07-14, Page 3e 0 A Milti E110111 raw WIMitiA101 TUCKS, JULY 14, tb99. 4.04,0...74AFAMOril• f the WS at WHAT 11113:5 litr,A.8. We Ilteturned C:10114 U$ current market value, a hiell , • „ QATAST-B-QPIEEE NEAR TIVElts Rite Frutt Pepsin gure for Dyspep. urIng evers - ) nts e to cows 1 sm, Dr. Von. Stan2fil Pineapple Tab- , — would be currbet in ease the food all 1,ITTIA 010/1E- OF TWO °Mitt MEMBERS A young roan and a young wawa% had to be purchased, and. which per- haps was true in the Case of the ex. perituent station. Bet sense practi- ONN allaT ,KILLND a',ND OINTUNN Mons: cto. taiga 85, 00. IAINISTBO SPOILltD, are leaning over the front gate. ' Of Kew Glasgow, P1, Q., .14Nes Says: "Paine/seniery Compound Saved My Life:" Mr. Dupbar Had been a Sufferer Por Ylfteen. years. Hospital tre,atment And Patent Medicines Failed to Cure Him. ,••••••••••••••••"..... Six Bottles of. Pane's Celery Com- pound Ma,da Bim a New Nan. Wsoos & Ricalkuosori Co., MOntreal, GEttraoMf EN:—After fifteen years of terrible eufferings from that most miser- able of all troubles, dyspepsia, 1 have been completely cured by Paine's Celery Compound, and 1 ana delighted to make ray experience known. for the good of iautTerers Mae have cot yet found the great dyspepsia banisaer. During my long years of agony, doc- tors in St. Jerome and St. Lin prescrib- ed for roe, and attended . me, and for a time 1 was in the Montreal Hospital, but all the best medical aid failed to give the results they promised. A irten.l who bad successfully u -sed your Patne's Celery Compound advised me to give it a trial, and 1 now thank Heaven for rily deliverance from a slow death. After using six bottles of your wonderful medicine I ani perfectly cured, feel youoger, stronger and more active; can sleep, eat and do all ray work now with pleasure. Patties Celery Compound certainly saved my life. You re ei ncerely, JOHN DUIN BAR, ' New Glasgow, P. Q. ' Tiverton, .Ont., July Sa---A, barn. raising held last evening on the farm of John Conway, ninth concession of K.itatardine, was the occasion of a terrible aeeident, in which one man Was killed and sixteen °them were injured. Esterything went satisfac• They are as pleasant oe the fruit itselfA minister'e widow tells this; ' loath to leeve, ae the parting ts tb • are lovers. It is moonlight. oteionsommiaa, . .aP.MPffll.Wo...............R.'P..'W 41 My husband," she Bald, " had last. He is about tr, go away- Stut [tall dairyman took hold of the quee. brown eyes that turned deeply, is reluctant to see him depart. They 1, Dyspepsia dulls the sparkle of the tion, and showed that by estimating' darkly bleck when be was angry, 'swing on the Pita eye and depresses the heart aod mind. the food t theactual f 2. Dyspepsia weakens the blood end a cost 0 growing danced with most mita I "I'll never forget yon" he ,.says, bleaches the red out of the UN and it, the food expense of el" "Iv litentewnhelehmetstmens when he (Meeks. . was 1"and. if death should claim me, usy • — would be reduced te $39.37, and the stmllsed. Natnrally, in the eourse of 144 thought will be of 3. Dyspepsia eaps the strength out food cost of the butter to 12 cents s leaving a Qt e . . ' of the sinews, museles and aetvee. • • r 10/3g ill() With I came to know! "I'll be true to you," sbe sobs, "I'll torily until .tlle fourth bent was being 4. Dyspepsia dries up the Juices of per pound, 18.30 margin head.the varying expression ot those eyes !never see anybody else or love them lifted, wheu a little too much push life and thus impedes the function or cents per pound, or $ a , 11 I clto down it fell is.pen the men beneath. ot()) futioeploosens the hair, mars watch h. las long as 1 li ve,' ing shoved .the bent too far, and every_o)rogleinp.sia with pimples, and tills the The scene whiett followed was one " mouth with burning little sores, never to be forgotton by the spee- O. Dyspepsia mulles life a bunion of torture and distress, and gradually de»tators. stroys ti -e vitality. Lying uttde'raeath the fallen thn- 7. Dyspepsia is cored quickly, and here were nearly a score of men, cat, . all trouble and discomfort at indiges- bruised, and with broken limbs, tion is rectified andrelieved at once by =MIS, Dr. Von• Stan's Pineapple Tablets— the infallbile rernecly-35 cents a box Four doctors 'wet° summoned at, —00 tablets in a box—small size 10 de. once. Dan. MeKenzie was picked up with both ot' his legs broken, and his hip smashed terribly. He was also hurt internally, and died about 11 p. M. The next seriously hurt was Jae. IBegg. He had some ribs broken, besides being hurt otherwise in- ternally. Kenneth McLeod. was hurt about the head and rendered unconseiou.s, but it is thought that he is fatally injured. With the exCeption of Mr, John ston, who is badly hurt, none of the others sustairtedS serious injuries. There were a :couple'of broken arms and wrists, but cuts and bruises com- prised the remainder of the injuries. IJ for the practleal dairyman over wbat P ' eyes when he was preaching to know was figured out at the station. It is how . things were going with him worth noting that at the New Jersey Experiment. ton. I remember once in the midst party. She has changed greatly. ing is given as only $42.50 per cow, of a rnost earnest discourse to have Between the dances the recognition which is only a smell advance cam - seen bun stonsuddenl for the space if a •and meidently, with the congrega- Russia in Europe has a forest area of about 500,000,000 acres. One. third of the. coantry, indeed is forest. It is to be noted that the whole of the forest area, of Russia is under ettreful crown management. ' Often people catch a Worse cold in the summer than in the winter, 'Don't neglect it. Cheek it at once Uy using Dr. NVood's Norway PineSyrup, the best remedy tor all kiwis of lung and throat affectioce. '.Course kindness as at least better than coarse anger, and in all private. quarrels the duller nature is triumph-. ant by reason of its dulleess.—G•eorge .If you watt to be healthy during the warm weather see that your bowels move regularily every day, If they don't, take LaxiaLiverTills, the natural laxative, that never gripes, purgbs or C sickens. For Over Fifty Years. An Old and Well -Tried Remedy—Mrs Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been used tor over lifty years by millions ef mothers for their children while teeth - Truth Stronger Than Fiction. A. despatch to the San Francisco Chronicle front Seattle dayS A Carson and Miss Maud Cranston, a young couple residing on Kootenai Lake were.married Tuesday under circumstances seldera paralleled in fiction. The preacher who was to tie. the knot failed to appear at the home of the bride at the appointed time, so the bridal couple and rela- tives boarded steamer Klondike on her trip down the Columbia River to BOnner's Ferry, Idaho, having de- cided to be married there. In pass- ing the missing preacher's ranch, clown the river, he was found a pris. oner on the roof of his sub- merged residence, the valley having become flooded by 'a sudden rise of the river. He was rescued and taken aboard the steamer. While he was changing his wet clothes the steamer made a brief stop at Rice's Landing, and two passengers came aboard with a rough pine coffin con- taining the corpse of James Carter, who wan drowned in -the river the day before. A ball dog also acemn- panted the men. When the preacher carne on deck wearing a suit of Capt. Newman's clothes, the bridal couple announced that tbey would have the wedding take place then and there, The ceremony bad pro- ceeded almost to the point where the preacher was about to pronounce them 'husband and wife, when Capt. Newman's dog and the bull dog got into a fight. In the midst of it they "Duly Feed Man and Steed." upset the coffin, which had been de- posited on a couple of beer keg. As Feed your nerves, also, if you would it struck the deck the home-made have them strong. The blood is the ofeuesdBer and sustainer of the whole nary - coffin burst open, spilling out the ystem. 1VIen and women who are corpse. One glance at the dead nervous are so because their nerves are man's features and the bride gave a starved. When they make their blood rich and pure with Hood's Sarsaparilla sereain and swooned away in the their nervousness disappears because the nerves are properly fed. Hood's Sarsaparilla never disappoints. ing, with perfect success. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind mho, and is the best remedy for diarrheea. It is pleasant to the taste. Sold by druggists in every part of the world. Twenty-five cents a bottle. Its value is incaluable. Be sure you tisk for Mrs. Winslow'e Soothing• Syrup, and take DO ether kind, • A strong-niindecl woman is one who goes shopping. without counting up her change on the way home. "A .vvord to the wise is sufacient." Wise people keep thect- blood pareavith* Hood's Sam -411011a and n,aake sure of health. • Among the friends we fondly ad- mire we have a few whom we don't like to meet when we are in a hurry. • • • - Children Cry for STOR I FARMERS They parted. Six yearn later be returus. His Sweetheart of Wetter Years has married. They meet at a partitively over the figures of our , of a. minute, not more, bis eyes grow - practical farmer. Apparently it de. ing strangely black, then brighteng pends very largely en the method of again with that irresistible tvvinkle, feeding adopted whether the owner of a herd figures ogt a profit or a through the rest of his features re- loss.—Countryroained quite rave throughout. As • Gentleman. I said, it was only for a moment; then he resumed his sermon as before, B' 33 B CUBES SHINGLES "'What Was the matter ?' I asked '' B. * Mr. John. W. Lamb, Diligent River, when. church was out and we were U, S., writes: eI recently had a severe on our way home. • attack et sliniglta, hut am glad to say 'Why, I came so near laughing that two bottles of Burdoea Wood Hit- ters lured me completely. It is a out in church that there was no fan wonderful remedy for blood disorders," mit,' he said. 'Of course the choir is bidden from the congregation be- Mr. 0. S. Doan, a member of Satisfaction or no pay when Wills Eng -Clinton Lodge, No, 81, A. F. & A, hind its protecting sureen in the rear iah Pill d of the church, but it chances to be M. was the other night erected A CARD. We, the Undersigned, do hereby agree to refund the money on a twenty-five cent bottle of Dr, Wills' English Pills, if, after using three fourths of contents of bottle, they do not relieve Constipa- tion and Headache. We also warrant that four bottles will permanently cure the most obstinate eases of Constipation. takes place - "Let me itee." she muses, asith her fan beating a tattoo on her pretty hand, "as it you or your brother who was my old sweetheart ?" "Really I don't know," be, says. "Probably my father,"—Exehange. A. A. Morrow, Chemist and Druggist, Winghatn, Ont. Colin A, Campbell, Chemist and Drug- gist, Wingbani, Ont. L. Hamilton, Chemist and Drug- gist, Winghan., Ont. Gleanings. Arming the exports of Mexico last year are to be noted two tons of dried flies, In Paris there is a movement ou foot to inaugurate street cars " for ladies only." The people of the United States consume about 4,000,000 bottles of pickles every week. Portland, Or., taxes theatre ticket brokers out of existence by requir- ing a license fee of $20 a day. A supersticious burglar broke into a Lexington, (K.y.) store the other night. There was $13 in the drawer. He took $1.75. • A Waldoboro (Me.) bachelor, while watching beside the couch of bis sick father last winter, made three as tine quilts as were ever produced at an old fashioned quilting bee. exactly in my line of vision as i 1„..„., . is.. i• era imam f a.' the thirty - stand on the rostrum. When 1 sass ssus stopped in, my sermon teday, it was because I happened to glance choir - new tenor having a quiet gaine vt i. Before. After. Wooa's Phospludine, ward and saw our new soprano and cards behind thesereen. They 1131.1t have felt iny gaze upon them, for denly and mysteribusly I thought -f. -- - Imo°. Opium or Stimulants. Mailed on receipt , Ir.:CIO:114:1g of eye those cards disappeared S ) snd T "Y fo°rreriaxsegsS, elgiiiitelv;ggss When they looked up and caught folzPirolae= Pgrate4 sgeMii eimiy rAigelsen that in spite of everyting 1 sho Id who Wood Company, Windsor, Ont. burst out langhing."--Philadeiphia Sold in Winghorn by Colin A.. Campbell, Times. Druggist. Tim Great Bnglisia Remedy. Sold and recommended by all druggists in Canada. Only reit.' able inecteine discovered. Six kages guaranteed to cure all . arms .of the groom, for the corpse was that of a former lover to'whom she bad been engaged. Capt. New- • Man vouches for the story.— ' A French writer has ascertained IT PAYS TO BUY ; Win. not be persuaded into purchasingthethat Napoleon's favorite dish was unreliable Binder Twine which some bean salad, and that he held that 60 THE BEST. 1 ' . .. . cents a day ought to be enough for dealers wish to sell for the sake of the ad- any one's meals. Louis XV, on the I contrary, had a favorite dish, made WHO ARE WISE stsseasita7arlaaa I ditional profit derived therefrom. Crudely 1 made from low-grade fibres—such twine contains but a fracticn of the quality, strength and uniform evenness of the high- ly constructed Plymouth Brands, NO OTHER TWINE IS This Trade Mark is See that you get it 1 gi JUST AS C000" AS PLYMOUTH. on every Tag. 3:54—If your dealer does not handle our Twine, write Ply- • mouth Binder Twine Agency, 54 Bay.Street, Toronto. I THE HEAT OF SUMMER and the void et Winter makee the use of'dliferent break- fast foods almost imperative for some natures, Rolled Oats are nourishing but they heat the blood—some peo- ple can eat them and gain strength from them right through the year. MOLINA ROLLED WHEAT is it rioh, delicate, nourishing substitute for Rolled Oats-, fly invalids and those of weak digestion, it serves an ideal purpose ter the breakfast in hot weather, It noes NOT 1114NT TOE BLOOD. Your grocer sells it by the pou nd, • The Vinson no.'y Xliflttec1 Tileenburg, Oat. of the eggs of various birds, which cost $100. HOOD'S PILLS aure constipation. Price 25c. Freezing Weather in July Would cause great discomfort and loss, but fortunately it is seldom known. A vast amount of misery is caused at this season, however, by impoverished blood, poor appetite and general de- bility. These conditions may be re- medied by enriching the blood and toning the stomach with Hood's Sar- saparilla. Tbiernedieine seems to put new life into the whole physical system, simply because of its wonderful power to purify, enrich and vitilize theblood, create an appetite and invigorate the digestive fuoetions. We udvise you to get a bottle and try it if you are not feeling just right. It will da you more good than six weeks vacation. It is the best medicine money can buy. Starved Nerves. When tne blond is thin and watery, the nerves ars actually starved and nee - 011s exhaustion and prostration eic,On follow. Feed the nerves with Dr. A. W. Chase's nerve food and you will impart to them the new lire and vigor of parfeet healtb, here vitt and facsimile signature of Dr., A. W. Cbase on every box of the genuine. One of Millions. Once upon a time there lived a man wbo wanted only a few things that everybody wants. He wanted plenty to eat and drink, leisure and the woman he loved. But he found that to have time to himself to make it possible to live pleasantly with his sweetheart and give her all he wanted and to take care of the children they might bave—to do all this he must have a great deal of money. So he went to work and built up a great business, a very complicated machin- ery. To this money producing machinery he was forced to give most of his energy. It gave him no time for leisure, no energy for enjoy ing the sunshine, his wife and chil- dren. But he began to enjoy the machinery of his business. When he had made a large fortune, the only thing he enjoyed was the machinery by which he could make more money. Ile had lost his in- terest in the things for which he began his busitess. Perhaps he still had interest in food, his wife and all • the native physical and sentimental pleasares, but it was blunted, dull interest. The only live interest he hr.'d was hie business.—New York A TE R1BLE TI E! A Port Hope Lady Undergoes a trying experience, from which b the she in at last roed y Nottings. • use of rfiiiburn's Heart • • The girls employed in London shops. number same 00,000. Danish lighthouses are supplied with oil to pump ozi the waves during a storm. The annual expenditure in Eng- land and Wales on funerals probably exceeds £0,000,000. The report of the Russian Depart went of Prisons shows that in the past two years the total number of persons banished to Siberia has been 20,056, of whom 894 were women. If a servant in Germany falls sick her mistress must not discharge her, but has to pay 2s a day for hospital expenses. Dairy Profits. We believe that there is a good deal of faulty reckoning done in figuring on the actual cost or milk and its products Everything used is figured at the price it would cost if bought in the market. By this method of figuring, it would he pos. Bible to show that every dairyman in coma:term 1 Advertiset. the land is miming behind. The A medical, expert contends that out of 1,000 girls studying the piano before the age of twelve, about 003 are afflicted with nervous troubles in later life. In Jewish marriages the woman is placed to the right of her mate With every other nation of the world her place in the ceremony is to the left. Austria is the only empire in the world which has never had colonies, Or even transmarine possessions, in any quarter ef the earth, Her atn bition has hitherto been purely con- tinental. and Nerve Pills. Mr. F. J. Aemsramio, oneof Port Hope's best known citizens, speaks as follows "My wife has had a terrible timewith her heart for the last fifteen months. " The pains were intense, and shelled a smothering f,.eling together with shortness of breath, weakness and general debility, Medicine seemed to do her no good, and we had about given up trying when she sfutallryt.ed to take =burn s Heart and Nerve Pills. They have toned her up wonder- " She is stronger to -day than she has been for months, thanks to-Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills. I am sure there can be no b tter rem: dy from their remarkable effects in Mi s. Armstronk's case.° Slaine Experiment Station figured Passed 15 Worms. that the food of its berd, whose yierid "I purchased bottle of Dr. Low'e Warta Syrup for my little girl :I% years of butter was 350 pounds eae year, Cost 658 to the cow. This the netts& cost oP the butt cents per pound, a cost th be sufficient to drive aw Man out of the business wl en batter iseelling at the prices it h A broeght been appointed Ohne magistrate of during the last two year. The reit- Ottawa, in the place of Mr, O'Gara, 5011 of this excessive e t [ay in Op &teased. per old and gme her the thedieine ag direct. ads ed,the result was the passed fifteen round 17,4 worms in five days. Mrs. la. Itoy, %walla itilrnalltigb, Ont. dairy George O'ICeefe, formerly member of the Legislature for Ottawa, has Lexa-Liver Pills our e Constipation, Sick catiaoho and Dyspepsia. SPRAINED BACK! The Italian Government, for 27 years, has guaranteed to the Pope an annual income of about £150,000, which he bas steadily refused to ac cept. The arrears of this annuity amount now to aver £4,000,000. The Compania General of Manila, the largest cigar -making concern in the world, employs over 10,000 bands, and turns out every year 80,000,000 clears 40000000 curer. ettes and nearly 3,000 tom, or vat tobacco. ILLS house Puie tor pfd liver, and Mire biliousness, sick headaelie, Jaundice, nausea, ittdiges Hon, etc.. They ere in. valuable to prevent a cold or break zip fever. Mild, pale, certain, the are worthy your confidence. Purely vegetable, they be taketr by thildren or detest') women. 25e.at all inedicinesiealers or bymall of C. T. Hoop & Co., Lowell, Maas. Sprains, Strains and. Injuries of the Back often cause Kidney Trouble. DOAN'S KIDNEY NUS 1HE CURE. Here is the proof:— Mrs. S. Horning, Glasgow Street, Guelph, Ont., says: "Doan's Kidney Pills are grand. I have not been ill since , taking them, which was over a year ago last winter, and can give them my wet-1114st praise ; for They restored web health after 25 years of suffering. Twenty-five years ago I sprained tny back severely, and ever since niy kidneys have been bit a very bad' state. The doctors told Me that my left kidney especially was in a very bad con- dition. A, terrible burningpain was always present, and I suffered terribly from huna bago and pain in the small of niy back, together withother painful and distressing. symptoms, common in kidney complaints. 1 could not sleep, and suffered much from salt rheum. 'When I first commenced taking Doan's Kidney Pills 1 had little or no faith in them. but I thought 1 would try them; and it proved the best experiment I ever made. I had only taken two boxes when the pain left my back entirely. Three boxes morein or five alt, made a complete cure, "Affor 25 years' of suffering. from kidney disease I am new healthy and strong again, and will be pleased to substantiate what I have said, should anyone wish to en.quittl,', LEiltD-I.oiTer MIS aro the Most perfect remedy known for the euro of Con- stipation, Dyspepsia Biliousness and Sick Headache. They work without a gripe er pale, do not sicken or weaken or icatak any bad after effects, • 1.