HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1899-07-14, Page 2•
Raters and Mitten nature disconte
ard. the pessimist ; Axel -ironic granthl-
eir hes peer health and tem friends.
Th.e weelthleat retired farmer in
town, wbo, is aleaut 5t.) years or ege,
hue never teavellecl a mile on a rath
way trair.atva the Mitchell Advecete
Tile Water° Tour.,
wEzr AW,ANCRig. fie Was an ht-
The fawn% Algoma Legia.lature ment, ort July 4th, 1$9:). Members
ecallici"let 14""d1116 te.*diQttra. A Canadien river steamer was re -
Tear is now a matter of 'emery end all present. Minutes of last rueetulg cently the scene of an amusing blun-
e the tourist% have returned to their read and approve& der. A lady paseenger WAS tattell 10 '
houte, but it will be long before the Treasurer's 'Statement shuwed bat- in the night, and the *teenier did not
.. benefits thereof, both to the partici- epee or t4e.513.5,2,,,e_Fued, carry a doctor. The steward meshed
• pants and to 'the district visited, will Geo, Smith asked to have approach to frail the list of passengers, anti
* cease to have their effect. The to his gate repaired, be elaiming thae read it through, In le was the lie=
country through which the trip lees .
tee patbmaeter had damaged it. "James Thompson, Al. IX"
1 The steward ran to the passengertt
,, of the Province, for even, tiettee whoatt Repairing etreec opposite It„ elal. berth and aroused him by s Igo
blows at the door.
4 taken is as little knewn as erty eart Left ter invesegaeon.
', the legisettoree who make its laws , "What's the raatter ? Is the boat
''. busiuess it is to know the coeutry,- lough's property left in the hands a
i at. „wen wile wtite its his. road comnatesioners,
The Board! agree to spend e200'shlking ?" came from withia in a
1 tory,-fouud that their knowledge more on roads, startled tone.
; was sapet ticial ;teal inaccurate, Tne following eliecks were issued t -There% a passenger fit ;en ae
want your assistance doctor," replieti
' yetk
"" travellea by rail anti wziter over Ina- road, eon 4, ,51-5.(a; , ttat ate .47 on playing at
rePalring gra4- the steward
▪ ",
-4 '• For ties,1 ity two week* tbe party _Ed, Nteuntre,
17'1 N it .
gravelling on ea4 grrrown led the voice. "I ain't no doe-
- eeel d e ef miles of territory, grIvelling ou eatt botradary, $25;
through thstriets coutaining thoa- B. O'Conner,
•13titC1S et 'acre* et splendid agrienitor boundary, S12.25 ; 11. Smith, culvert '1
res;ilvely cured. laevz.N.
altee ce e -,,tee-. Ite ate s from Dyspepsia,
Iir4est7.7ta ar.1 Teo 11....z.rty Et'Ittag. A per-
fect re=4,i7 fa. D'atzinass, Nausea,. lDrowsi.
the Mouth, Coated Tongue
SMa5 r• tINS‘541
• of the day.
See you get Carter's, •
Ask 1,7c.: Carter's,.
Insist and. demand.
• Carter's Little Liver Pills.
al land, ape, eundreds of square =wee . on west boundary, tel. -3 , "Why, you hatre got `el, D.' 0 fter
of mineral teacart , tektite): millittee: gravelling, e ea lt, es; Co. 1:0;1./1'411 your name."
"Well, I can etit them letters atter
roek and raislteg t.tr swamp) v er
1 h e; timber for culvert, $.4.55e J. Red- p ___.,..biti. said the voiee
or dnilars w"th ("I'de$AaLe w3sle ut ' gravelling, con 4, $12 ; P. Kearnetalit if 1 lute. can% i.?„
nothiug at service to man could be; mond, gravel „want, ;13.71 3 H.I1VP, t 'That's my trade. Pm a
bay and vegetables in abundance
. grading and. gravelling, e$5,8 * e 1
Wat.. mule driver."
produced, thee found vast tracts d Fowler, miuding gaps, 25e ;
conntry eapable of growing wheat, in, Campbell, gravel, E•,3. 05 ; J. Miller,1 Worse Than War.
and favored with a climate exactly Stewart, lumber aceount, $20.32 ; J.
4 ' - *1 Hundreds are killed in war, but hand-
! reds ot thousands are kided by consump.
suitable for their produetion. Dotted rd
* wards, gravel ageount, $16.00; 31* 'time, There would be no deaths at all
ndethat 6m -
along the route in districts where ieee
Champion, gravel and damage, icaum_d by It.nsateotinihntrdsitsaeas ice pp
and snow is popularly eupposed to ,,, 64.04 ; Jae. Bryan, printing by.laws,l =Vet' aougha I
hold indieputed peseeseion alnaest thelAr ;
u J. C Clark, calvert, and Consumption Cure is a
year round. t- ey found thriving:1;1 ; Jas. Bryan, part printing ae- 25o,c0e. and 61.00 a bottle. Druggists Willi
cm 1-04 Lure Tecriedy it taken in the early stages. /
homesteads and presperou-s farms!'
count, el0 ; A. Johnston, grading, retund the noney it a enrols not affec -
here the hardy arel iudustrions pktee gra.velling, ete, $24.90 ; B. (Manner, i ed.
er settler was living in comfort and gravel account, $1.61. ; Thos. Law- '
1 e tare line, 75c ; D. Renberford,
contentment wlaile interspersed with .rene
these -were rich traem of. minera repairing road, con 1 , . ; Ineeneet
laud, where the milling snail had Lott, repairing bridge's, S10.70 ; M.1 TO THE laiIISUAL rxpEa/F.:Ken,
been sunk and the baey stamping' woods, repairing road, a1.
mill was wre.tting the preeious metalat
Council adjourned to meet on I
from mother e,arth. Wednesday, the 9nd day of August 1 The train was late that night, and
All this was being done in spite et tat 10 ceeloe-le. - ' 1 Atlanta seemed a long way from the
South Georgia town in which 1. was
, compelled to stay several hours. 1
W. S. SloCaosm, Tp. Clerk.
1 any incompleteness in the work
but difficulties which areee not from
almost insurmountable difficulties-
--„--- ' curled up on a beneh In the little
\ room and went to sleep.
Nature had done, bat, in the lack of Hagyard's Yeilovir 031 is a clean pre. i waiting
1 paration to use, will not stain the skin i Voices awakened me after a •while.
'game. the plothing.. Ie reduces swell. !Then 1 found that some of the men
an / enterprise on the part of man to take
adVantage of that work. In that! . allays inflammation, takes ont pain from the village had come in to spend
iiitesays relieved promptly by removed from the ceutres of cora- caked breasts, sore throat, cittioay, eto la sociable evening around the stove.
eountey of immense distances, far and curer, cuts, burns, bruises, sprains 1
Dr. Fowler's Ext. a Wild merce there are little or no means of !Prim 25c- IA big, broad, red haired young man
StraWberry. trantextration ; the widely separatedi . :bad the floor and was relating an ex -
settlers, and the far removed mites "Judge Not." iperience, which, as I judged, had
are withoutmeans of communication, I recently befallen him.
one with another and weal the out- We know nothing of the trials, i
these i was in Ailauty the other week, I jest
"Yes, sir," he was saying, when I
gele world. Railwoacis and high. sorows and. temptations of
i thought I would take in the town, so
ways are wanted, river needsbridges around us, of pillows wet with sobs,
, • -
similating illeDedondReguls-
li tingtheSloraachsandBowelsof
Viten you rr - seized with an attack of
Cramps or e up Nrith Colic, you
want a. rentedi •?; ea are sure wifi, give you
relief and give it quickly, too.
•-•*t te‘,-.' an untried something
0 and rapids must be made navigable of the life -tragedy that may be hidel I went into one a them big; tall
that eteyhee.e...e. You want Dr. Fowler s -the country is there, teeming wit den behind a smile, of the seeret ibaildings that reaches eh:nose to she
to get a sight of the whole thing
Extract of fitrawberry, which every psesibilities, but it is out of reach. cares, struggles and worries that 'sky
one knewsvan psitively cure Crampsand „ .
cauze or tote
eg ect to provi e preen e an eave t eur mar in -
d sbt lif h ' k at once. Just as Iewalked into the
Colic quickly. just ha office to look out of the window I
h ur eharaeter changed and almost re-lbeard a bell go tin -a -ling ling and al
man's voice save Hello!
a, dose ortwoandyon all this is primarily, lack. of know- hair prematurely whitened, and
MSS audBest.Coutains neither
Oputui,Norplaine nor Nueral.
Notr ILtac OTIC.
.PamAt Sta-
1 ifittnScee *
tere-la:tflerne.---tly forConstipa-
Sem Stomactt.Diarrhoce.
z-,;s cedLoss OF SLEEP.
::.ituit,e Signature et
-A*" 0
1tr '
1 s
• -`" . -
Castoria is pat tp in ore -size 'bottles crap. It
is not sell in bulk. Dont alluv coyote to sell
7intrdstVgeolosg3e4e31 17.L`r*r ..tArtbat
3 osse." AR -Sys that you get 0.1.-B-T-0-B,I-A.
The 1=-
jr-g. '"'%, trapper.
to on
have ease. ledge of the necemtv.
I looked all round, but didn t eee I
Bet now a word of .,, of the tour was to remove this ignor-lereated m a few days. t
since, arel now that the legis a o '„ We ay sometimes to one who'
, Art I didn't say anything. I
know the facts and the press are seems calm and smiling, "You oug,dit ' y
enalaied to diSSErailtrate that ItliOW- tO be supremely happy ; you have! The voice say again, Hello! This i,
ledge among the people, ' there is; everything that heart could wishes' i' time I answers, Hello !
create etrawbereyee good hope that much of the needed" It may be that at that very moment t 'Who is it, the voice say. Abe I
a- won -dot -fa cure fel' work mav be undertaken, e 1 the person is. passing alone through ',1. Turnipeeed, I say. Then it tells me ;1
and by degrees, perhaps, in cemperij some agony of sorrow, where the 'i Speak a little louder, 1 can't hear.
son to the great eeed, but still it can 'teeth seera almost to bite into t el,' noticed the yoiee seemed to come
Ifrom a little closet in one corner o.
be commenced, and an immense g lips in the attempt to keep their feel-
" - under control, when life s.eemel tbe room. I yelled out loud. Abe
proof tobackup these
assertions, and we
have it from Mr. John
Hawke, Coldwater,
Ont., who writes:
2605000 CURED IN 20 YEARS.
Diarrheas, Cramps
a.ni pairs in the stomach. I was a, great
sufferer until tf,rave it 1, trials hut nom I
hake peeect comfort."
impetus given to development o as
rich a section of nesv and comparal a liring death from which there Is
MONEY -S0111E1
tively unceen.pied territory as exists' no relief. Teen these fight Ili
'MEN 3111XE. in the Denainion to day. p ar upon us and we seem as
I was quiet a few seconds, then,
Yes van. owe lase 1-;5.
IThe excursion was happily- con- isolated and separated from the reat I was surprised, bat I only yelled
D Ceived and admirabl,e carried ont and . of humanity as if we lived in another ' back, I do no such thing. ' g
FILliz-," MAN. : "Heb Mil, what i the weather from start to finish was planet. 1 would like to see you, the voice t
are ye u 1.lrlfirg at these days, you! all thatconld bedestred. The choice Let us not dare to add to the bur- answered -
seem tv, Z'.1. -,i kin the itlialip an the time! of route was well made, in view of den of another the pain of our jadg- By that time I was mad, so I call -
and we'ae as thengla yen had iml the purpose for whieh the trip was; ment. If we would guard our lips ed at the top of my voice, well, just
- . --it te on hand." I.! undertaken. At Sault Ste. hfarie, ; from expmasing. we must control
- . - lour mind we mast stop this continn- idiot.
walk out and take a look at me, von
So TM- vrill settle With me, wilt
you? -he atked.
My, 1 was mad! Yes, 111 settle
with you! I says, and with that I
jerked the door open, and. there stood .
a man with soniething to his ear, an
ear trumpet, I reckon. 'just grab-
bed that man out of there and kicked.
him clear to the other side of the
room. YOU. eughter heard him.
F:EiTaNt* MAX : -.Well, the fact is, !t which was the practical s a 6
Jack, a ti'...tle presperity puts the ,, point, the tourists obtained some lal sitting in judgment an the acts of
, ,. -
drive Et. v. man. I have struck at idea. of the nece-%*ity of a railway to i others, even in private. Let us by
positiur -,.! tnst, after a year ef hard I open up the cormtry running northq daily eierciws in self-control Iearn
lock* -t.,, , ''„! :: ii panning- eat 5(st-rate' tt towards James Bay ; the trip to i to turn off the process of judging -
FEES t: Yir SN : "'Weil, that's vour i Silver Uountaill Mine. back to Port li, as we would. tura off the gas. lAt
lack, 'n,i* 1 am daitzfr mighty little Arthur, gave a peep into the mineral 1 us eliminate pride, passion, personal
t•he elf4%,,,., But what have ycrtt 1*.artrces of that district, while north 1 feeling. prejudice and pettines from
sn,,uck ,1,-- 11 of Fors williata the nett agricultural' our mind, and higher, purer emotions
11 .,.,„,.,..1,.. f ha
SEC:3ND VAic a "1 have taken :II .--- o. t....... Slate River Talley I will rush in, as air seeks to MI a
afforded many a magnificent. object, vacuum. -te- ' 'not a fornirtia-
. • ,t le art atmcsphere. Let us cultleateirlice ! Murder ! Murder . he how ...
A lot cf men re -shed in and. nabbed
Turn me loose, I says. Tbere's
your crazy man. But thee reared
to be friends of his and hustled. me
GIPSItST:i'7; Ca*'" .°1-3171*- f uld d d. charity in jadging ; let us 'seek to
te oent arming eo o an es „
bmt "" " 87~,1,,,,DLEY.:11,issson eg what industrious an in
was;epeated at Dryden, on the wav 11 draw oat latent good 'Mothers rather
titi Rat Portage. The second week than to diseover bidden evil. It
ra3uw' ef the trip, spent hi the mining des' „requires th.e eye of charity to see the
at the - and at last they
1u:developed. butterfly the eater-
e/".k. vil triets of the Lake of the
me at.- eer, tesegn.,
Mar Let us, if we would rise to into that alligator thing that run
I knovred it, I was at the 'bottom. and
the police took me off before I could
say a. word.
They' kept me locked tip all night.
Next day that man came with his
head all tied Up and told. the jedge
that he was a taking to a friend,
and thatjadge made tae Plank down
UO.75. 1 kinder felt the tram did
It a tr-n*._ hive been at tae Werg
1101f; V-Va wed I tike dree atld among. t e
eautieg the calm:Ilan bank of 000, the fall glory- of our privilege. to the
Fra,..17 m4.11; 0.511,7 Dal do von' noble stream, was a revelation a.sclignity of true livitg, make for our
rate, ar, 54.0.1 gfirg st!ck to z.t.'
u and down the bnildin, and for
saw. startling as it was gtatifying. Thert; watchword the injunetion of the
think E eseti do the wcrk, more detailed story, however, nutste,supretne charity of the wo-Id.
the ativer;:tement th% firm Fester" be ieft fer a seciand article. "Judge not."
day. f
von e bat *vete and get cat „Every Bottle children Ory for
stt '4 dsa's see why
eAll we mk ot you is to use CAStOR IA.
'lent yett cfren." of Shiloh's Consumption, Care is this
t.S .''rhanks ad mart, g"'814.:
twoalurde ot the contents of this bottle
turns " tecefited return the bottle to imue poWer from the legislature to tax
The N Meted Treatment is the
_ e atest Discayety et the Age -
Thounattla a yanng an- al e er,:11 men aro ,stmundly swept to a premature
zwar...... :-.L.:... ea:. hs,:::..11 :Ns. L. IONs. aXCESsES. AND BLI-ntii) DISEASES. V
you har',. t.r..,7 If 2„*.ip ! I'll.c n''' 5.---atr,e - ccnsnat us before n is tctryt Imes. 4.re, von, ng-
vons,.......a, ,.....,........„- „...„,...... ti. f...°.,anty. sp7cks bzfore the eyes tvi.h ...tn. c Se. -
them vren't 2.z....7k,.,1,..117...,ys "-•-'nude, painstatien of the hoar% bashful, dreams and
losses, Sehilittr,nt int urine, pi .t:riPies on tin; face. eyes sunken- hollow cheeks, careworn
expreenhat. p.,-.7 -te‘m.. -5-. , lif:dess, distrustful, lox::: energy and strenath. tired morn -
Utz:, restIz - ^ r - T't",... ehanc"e.t. Itni-a IF-, treat: maaheed, stunted. ort;"..ns ate). premn-
tan= elaZar51--: Z. ' 7...1:1..Zia ha= tocbz,„ ei,ra tames etc.
cure you, t.uti mars.e aim= et' yen- reeves Dann- r'--",":m7:-=-177"pft'
easoLtIcItilitrapiImUlg,DittefcfsnrhatuITeberol'':°claisPapurpiellaerd; e'•
the eyes become bright, the face full and clear, ' ' 1.,•-'9" ' ,,..,. 4 r . ,,,,.,,,,A„ . . , ,,, L, . . . ,.. , _, ,',, .
the nerves become strong, as steel. s9, that nervous-
uess. hashitduess :Jed den ondenry disappear;
eneri-o-tmturns to the r.o3y and the moral. physical err,
and sexual systems are invigerate1; ail drains 4v 1/4
. . :. N.
c?ase-nn mcn vital waste rran sho systcm. The l ' ••...
=dans Organs bevome natural and manly. Tou
-..x..., ,-..
Lt27/ yourself amen and Imeer mr.rriaga cannot be '.l&t, -‘,
a failure. TrefinvitaanthC*alnkted to constas us .,
conadeattany ral,i, frze ef charze. nisn's let quacks
and su?..trs rtb von tT. your hard earned dollars.
ire Ira ea7t 1::::a or u2s.r.g.
symos is thc. most prevalentandmostserions t
BLOOD distns% It saps the very life blood of tee
'detail and arlPss entirelyeradtcated from theSTs-
tem will atrect tho ottspring. Beware of mercury. E:EntnITAllt B1.00nntsklim
It only suolu*sses the symptoms -our NEW ME (HOD positively curet it for ever.
YOUNG OR sti/DOLE-AOED MAN-Youtve led a eay life, or indulged in the tulles
avast:. Self-abuse or Eatcr excesses have, lyroken'sdown your system. Ton feel the
symptoms stealing ovor yen. Mentally, physically and sexually you are not theman
yen used to be cr should be. Lustful practices reap rich harvests. Win von heed the
danger siglIr2st slituc'ilteatilleennatIrsrleiVtlirvPgoAllroa ICVa emtellitYun'iiinaTlitatrod
Treatment win erne you. Whrtt it has dono for others it %no firTO., u.'"C'eg-u'iteedi
Free. ble matter who hr.s treated. you, write for an honest opinion Eras Of Cita:
Obarges reasonable. Books Free -"The Golden blenitor" (illustrated), on 'Diseases or
Men. Incious r,--lage. 2 cents. Sealed. Book on "Diseases ot Women" Iva°.
No names oa boxes or envelopes. Everything confidential. Question list and boat of Treat -
seat, FREE.
To. POEM' Good Ideas I
'May be secured by LOGS I
our aid. Address, .
Ba'tlinuwe'lid. LOGS I
I witi. .nol 111 let vol. kmw how it, faithfully, theft if you say you are nob The city of Witnipeg is asking
Drogriet,eud he stay rotund the. pries drama from $200 to 000 per day
==.. --__=----...-...--=-7. ----1--------- ------ taid.0 rrite 25 eta. V3 eta. and We. 1 lieenee fee.
WANTED ! I Inimatera of the PresbYtenan ACV -MS Ws:STEC,- Eng *VETE UPS .0051?
Ave yourettnen te travel. who would Church. it la announced at Toronto, maiieratlat at Aollta hl• Dillgileet, the tie,
yt ' c. : LI' trtf,:tit g tart of their Will sUbseribe tI00,000 of the one, fdeadtand aeothires of Omit meioses 44. Big- si,.., ,,,,,
lame t l t'averiAling. References. million century fund aimed at. Set grittylotet4 1"til‘rtXraittl „,„..81.ces. NtIFIL".; 7,0;
10L... :.....v-craltititerOS co.. Liattate eat wealthy elergymen hare ' Essressos niesemsei. lefig cosossioefose. ousts tree. INPAtert.
Clime* eta ellettmos. Write itelek. The Diotettreta ft
BitaXTVOtha, 0111% ed large coutrihttigions. Celeiplay, 3e41 Mee Codes SW., Cults"
Vor blotto ,ana children.
; Highest cash prices paid for all
; kinds of good Saw Logs, Telegraph.
PoI, Cedar Posts and Shiegle Bolts
dehvered in our yard,
WE. MAKEw....--
Sewer and
Culvert Pipes
Sizeo from 4 in. to 24 in. Aiso done at lowest prices and satisfaction
'5 541105 5101.5.
guaranteed, Call and get priees ha-
WRITI; PRICEtet4 nti fore disposing or your timber.
igar ONTA, 5 Vi[ii tat,
'6o I-1 Anti -Atria t'•
rAcrottv A'r sibliONTO