HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1899-07-14, Page 1VOL. XXVII.---NO. 1421. firoat Bargains in. Every e OF OUR STORE. Watch for new advt. next week. • s• HOMUTH & SON. kmvaRgvmfE.A.zLialqffrasmtagemel FALL TERM OPENS SEPT. 6 bonitnerotal 'School in Canada is the an CENTRAL BUSINESS COLLEGE j.„ =anon% Or SIxT2 nen or. of the students we enrolled during the past year fromoutside of Strat,. 0jr I ford came. from nearer other busi. ness °alleges theta ours. Write for our nets? •Catalogue. It's the finest rittl business college catalogue in Can - Aida arid represents the Most Pro. J gressive andaBeet School. NV. ELLIOTT. P111141pal. ku-E4417r3.SNa-l.u.7.0.41)-:40,Mmizargl: 1)01.1-431 Marriage Licensee ISEitled by Pliaann Pan'ansolv, No 28, Vio- toth atreot,Wingbam, Ont. llowitneesee requIred. , • CHEAP READING Our Clubbing orsior to sate our aubseribers the trouble Of waking two or more remittances we have made epeelelerrangensents with the Dubtithers by which itte enabled to offer the renown* publications connection with the WINGIAAR TIMES at special low rates from new until Dc eittnisee. 'Time end Weekly Oiohe,• , $125 Mimes and Western Advertiser, . 1 40 limes and rattily Herald endIVeekly star and Pleture 75 mei and ParmereAtitsioate, • 190 'Times and Vanning, weekly, - 176 Times And Montreal Weekl;Witneas, • 100 'Times and Parinera'Sun, VInies )nd Daily Moho •4 VS Daily World ▪ 3 00 Mists and Country aentlenian, 2 VI - TWIGS and 'Weekly Mail and Sappho 1 26 Zama end Daily Montreal alerted, 2 00 latteelet elelibine rates with all newspaper* unci ategetitets 'gutted on application. Andres all preen to or call et the ZINLES °Mali WINGITAM, ONTARIO., FRIDAY, JULY 14,1899. LOCAL, NEWS . : Numn-Ort short term plan, A young men to learn tailoring anal nutting- Apply liee Halsey Park's advertisement, Dr.aDatier, el London, will be at • Queeara Hotel Win hatn on th $1A YEAR IN ADVA -to Webster as Co, Queen'e 13looa, MUSIC bam. the' Pont SAr..n.---A, two 1 volume Funk in Wednesday of each month from 3.1,30 a.m. till 3 o'olook p. tia„ for oenaultation in diseases of the eye, ear, nose and throat. Tint Aueime Assz es.-The'date a of the autumn sitting of e Assize Cort have been announced. heaceller neyd will try the jury mama September 26, anti jury oases oz Tuesd Poseorrion Reeve genisrally tome tha carelessness or any from a postoffice th and fail to return tl tine or imprisontme newspapers thus ta as well as any othei Sonoma Doan Scbool Board was ing, Opty three an appearanoe. this (Friday) eve tion of Miss N, will be dealt will no doubt b of a new teaehe ,Bloper,FaitiaB Agriculthral Soo Enron Society tickets sold to e June 20t13, to the sent 220 pea Brussels, 289 ; .b 10. South Brue Farmers' Institute And Society gathered in the ob North, Thd 'following are by Maitland Lodge, No the ourrent tertu G, 3 II Chisbohn ;1 S, TX Elliott ; Trees, Wm Goderich on Tuesday, udge Street 04 non. y, November 21. TO, -It may not be persone,.. who from tiler cause," take Wail belonge to another sante, are liable to a t. This applies to en from a postoffice mail matter. No naeetiag of the eld on Tuesday even. f the members put in he Board will meet la ing, wwa the resigna- ray, one of the teachers ith and arrangements made for the eagagang ounsactx.--l'he Tarnbcrry eta, will share with East a coronsission on 751 cursionists on Tueaday, Model Farm, NVinghem ngers ; Biuovale, 103 ; el, 129 ; and Heofryn, Kincardine Agl• shekels from larli 10 0 V 01'S the officers elect 119, I 0 0 r. for Hensoliff ; V F Groves ; F Debertinen. r W 3 Haines meta elected the Grand Lodge, which on August Oth, Geo of Wrexeter ale a Wmptiates Pen the Ternberry Ag cultural Society held a g roosting at the Que Vs hotel ori Monday e evening. The p ize list Was thorougbly things were added and e been struck off. The committee are working The fair this year es all previous shows. representative to meets in Toront Paulia, D D G official visit to the e v , n lodge last (T11 sda, ening and install d: tbesoffiners Wagnalls Standard otionae, aa good as naw, Me sale elm . Apply at Tien office, Clveo Honteace.-T o petitions were eirouhited this emelt, siting the aliteor to proclaim &vie hell ay, One petition asks that Thursday, uly 20th be civic, holiday pad the other Ratting that Wed- nesdays Augest 2nd be the day, We uoderetand the play ceivecl either of tbe p titiens. has not yet re Cree elle Welms.-B docks', ibisiles and all other weeds that ar allowed to grow is beet yards should lie ut down at 'once. These weeds will sec bo dropping thei 'seeds and they will tit n be worse in an other year. We be eve. there is a law compelling people to t down these weeds and vs e think it would e a. good th' to enforce it. • Try King's Clearing Sale Al Oe prints Mr 5c, High Clue Or. nd Maislins And summer dress geode at a price. King forpays eas%x butter an gga. Try the safe aaring July and August. tf E KING, Wingham. Ewe Seornt, ee a the worst, thander storms of the season hilted this section on Thursday evening o last Week 2tte lightning was very s ere and the rain fell in torrenta. Ethel, • aughter of Principal Muagrove, was Waits at the ,window ab her borne and was r.. dered unoonseious by one of the severe fie• es of lightning. She e shoon for several F THE FIFE AND DRUM A OM DEMO STBATION IN WIN HAM. rueer 9 000 enema 'neennerse TES 12= OF nr• "The Bettie of the royally celebrated in C nesday ef this weelg, alt that oould have be not have been better 1 ordertd for the day, people began to pour i and by W o'clock the in town. The ex° felt the tracts of ti dea's Wixenan RACE that is needed to remits a grand suc Thursday of next been coming in th the beat homes in this year. All should so atrAege n Wingharn for next. -Fine weatber is all s make the Wingham s ess on Wednesday and week. Entries hays ck and fast and some of ho country will be here, lovers of horse racing their plans so as to be ednesday and Thursday Boyne" was iglib Vinghana on Wed - The weather was n desired and could it bedn specially eom early morning' to town by vehicles was a large crowd mien trains on the Grand Trunk and Ca radian Pacific Rail- ways brought in larg numbers, the for- mer !singing upwards of 2,200 people, and the latter upwards of Li00, The sp•vial the iates on the OP dia not exteed down line as far aslast-cele ration, and a celebra, tion in Arthur lessen d the number which usually come to toe u by this react. Before noon there Was -Ou:111 a crowd as has not been seen in Wingba if�ruiiany years, and the hotels and otherplaces of wokn°, dation were taxed to their utmost to feed the immense gatheti g. The people of Wingham inale atea provision, end all meals who desired numerous tents did a eel ample supplies of i cooling and retresbil g drinks, which were - in great demand on tieb a warm day. ere furnisheci with nob. Most of.th splendid trade, and Thr many to get their totes. By nine o'clock in the evenin the great malority of the immense arpw had left town, and were it not for the arches and other deoorations, one won hardly know that a =ouster derrionstr tion had been held in town during the .. y. The following is i partial list of the Lodges represented i the procession :- Teuo 13ines -,.. Wi bun, Walton and Winthrop, Young Britons - Delmore, 331tievele, Voidwieb, 33itylieid Gerrie, . Orange Silt, , C)tange Lodges -B yfield No 24, Gode. rich Tp 145, Carlow 53, Coderich Tp 189, Cr brook 252, Olin n 306, Auburn 317, ,D 'gw san 824, Luc new 428, Sunshine 40IMernoon 402, B !fast 409, reef:Tenon 575 Ethel 631, For wick 642, Belgra,ve 7444tincardine 765, luevale 746, Gerrie 767;4arnaaels 774,33 scele 775, Wingham 794, Winthrop 813, seawater 815A, Bel - 852, Londesb ro 863, Morris 873, Einlosa 898, Sumnie ill 928, Auburn 032, Blyth 963, liolyrod 78, Lucknow 1044, Nile 1052, Lakelet 1010, Lurgen 1828, VOTES a Tan DAY, Londesbore Lodg had the best banner in town, Tr a sh Buttermi b" -Jimmy will not forget it. Several of the lo ges looked well with their silk hats. Wingheat was A e to accommodate,the large gathering. A fait estimate •laces the eumber of visitors in town at 9,000. Did -you: se tl "Nigger in the corn genie at T A 11,1111 store. The L d lues filled a 130 nri• mportant part in te programme. The people of Ingham can clecorAte he town when oco sion requires it. There was no ea ident or anYthing else te mar the harm° y of the meeting. The three brass ands, assiated by the afers and drum rs, furnished usual° Vaan.-The Directors of A, boon to the afflicted ;1i is:cousin again. P Smith, Eye pe list, will b in Wingbaln at Colin 41 0 p e dru store on Thursday Ati us Oth, "lane de only." If you have en sleet in your ey sight ,it will pay.you to oal and see bim Examination free. Call e any. ansTrainv Kana DE athew Kerr, tesiclent of Wingha for the peat fee years, dind at his h rne un Francis stree on Tuesday, a nig et ast in his 78th year Deceased was take sudclenlyall un Sun day evening last. e came to Wnsgh an from near Belmont where be sided o a farm for man yt4ars. He wa highly esteemed by all who knew him He was a member f the Orange Ordo and the funeral to eWingham cemetery on,Thursday efter cion was conducted by the brethern o theabove order. CI:43MM, liETUR The customs re ceipts for the port f Goderich for the year ended Aims 30th la t aniorinted.to $35,818, 71, an increase of bout$12,000 over last yea,ten „noires.. he amounts collected At Goderich and Om- arlous outports were as follow -----------------a. $10,217 41 6,933(17 Wingham 5,907 61 ,Eineardine 2,079 56 Seafortti .Southaniston Lucknow g revised i InanY 00 ' many old ones ha e . apeehti attraction on the attraction a Promises to sure v The elates for thi t and 20th, Fa , given in future i 13nox nv Lee. t Port Elgin Time O of the Wingham 8 nOti aloedity eve ing while Rev Id Mo. , Quarrie, of Not Bruce, was out walk - ✓ ing, he fell and b oke the large bone of his leg at the ankle. The break is a severe • one and Mr Maau rete will be confined to the house for a oeu le of months, lie bait been unfortunate his year, having been laid asides month! st winter with sciatica. It is hoped he ma, rapidly iroprove this time." Neiman READY.- essra Walker & Clegg have nearly all of th It machinery in their new building, and wit soon be in running order. They wilt in future make ail their own frames and do al their own woodwork They will continue and matress mak- ng at their present j4r mises. This firm as made wonderful p ogress aince Meat - ng in town a little ove a year ago and heir fine lino of fu iture are .known oto ocean to ocean. Mr Walker, the elesenan of the firm. nd also salesman r the other factories n toter, will leave ortly on °fleet his b siness trips to the acifio Roast. A /G111` Mestrare- he ringing of the e alarm on Tuesday morning aboixt 11 clock, caused no little statement la Own r a fee, ininutee. Th 05080 of the alarm as at Belle' 'Itualiture aotory. The mud pe from the boiler be me clogged and a rtion of it blew off an as a consequenc•s was only a few Moine 10 until the engine on was lled with Steam. Mr Wtti 1 Oubledee, the engineer' sticocieded in etop- ng the emaitie and a oota as the witch- ery depend, the trap o eas made for the gine room td aware i4 what was wrong, d thinking the ate Wits amolte,hed the et alarm soiled. X is said that afr ubledee baa a, nor w escape from being lded to death with h eseaping steam, 8 &veep ddnit to 1,. e boiler is very Ott. AEA YOU Wax G 0140E1 Thee something is wtong. To the tieg it always MOMS trouble. Ma a thing OS saner one, unleas they are already fat. Sottas Emulsion cheeks thin ate and brine up your weight The forenoon was visitors and escorts eat hotels by the 10e the Orangemen as where the procebaio spent in reeeiviug the them to their differ - 1 lodge. After dinner enabled at the park was formed. The procession was hea ed by the Winghatit band and three loafs a of Lady True Blues, in carriages, folrowe by several lodges -of Orange Yining Brit ns and upwards of fifty lodges of Ora, gernen, interspersed with Luoknow and Auburn brass bands, The march was do n Minnie street to 'Victoria etreet and thence to Josephine street and up to ti 6 park. The proces- aion was a long on and presentecl a very year are September Inth fine appearance wi the banners of the ther particulars will be lodges floating in e .breeze. Arrived at sues of the Tams The following from the refers to a former pastor Presbyterian church :- Wnrenno Beals A Proctor, 25.13ro on Thursday mor wedding on the o of Isis eldest ding! r Hardy W Mc staff of the Matto te,. macs! the me the city. The formed in the al patter, Rev Geo at the new building. to do the tipholsterie . . .. 8,041 33 1 .. 2,018 83 h 18 80 1 I t T ...$35,813 71 ea he home of Mr Geo 8 well street, sarnia,was mg the scene of a joyous ski Daiwa! of the marriage Is ter, Charlote Minnie, to ardy, of the business fir ist Book Room, Toro. e' reveler young inert of fo ptial ceremony was per. w thodist church by the pi aniel, Ph asststed by po the Rev W H G ahem, B A, of Sparta, aion.. it asspeof*ftlittell ro ' tided in otOr, arid en sto, both very an h of the ladies • lir uquet of roses. DO ported . S Cal- eoe. Atte t part ka4 with Th ner and enjoyi e sli Oh by her Mies D 0 prettily attire carried a tinge s The groom. w cf T relitsh o sink and was as Mary , . The groone is well kno ri to many of our read- yo era, being a son of Our tiler townernan, wa Ur J II Mallard too -45 Me pays for t o Tutus till january wa wnicinam 1at,1900. the park the seatit g acoomodatioa whicla had peen previa d, and whiob was thought to be nea ly suffioient, was soon taken up and thou Binds had to be satis- fied with (teats 0 the ground, or else standing. On 11 e platform were a large number of pror tient members of the Order. air 401 n Wilfred, of Blvth, • County Master of North Enron, occupied the chair. 'Ma or Clegg welcomed the Orangemen and vi itors to Wingham in a neat speech. Bee cites were given by the following gentiem n in the order in which they are given :- sy W Lowe, Wingham, County Chaplain ; Bev kir Armstrong, Dungannon; Rev A. B Varney, Gorrie ; Col Scott, Kinca dine; Rev Wingham ; Rev S J Freed, Wingham, and A I' Caanpbela ex- P Brampton. We would liked to have given a short syuopsis of the a eeches, but our time was limited and s are unable to give them. At the lose of the speaking the people Made their my to their different eating places whe supper was partaken of, and then it wa a hustle and a rush EXAMINATION FREE Defects scarcely noticeable in children assume dangerous proportions with advancing years. A proper correction now will prevent serious complica- tiOnS later. J. E. DAVIS, DRUGGIST AND OPTICIAN* WINGH.ANI. • galore. The railway ace 1otgiving the Wingbana. The celebration congratulate thesis the demonstration. The decorations, the business pla.ces erielly to the bent A rneiry.go.round rink. Several brea during the day won nsmodation was per. sitore ample time in committee can now Ives or the success of ags, etc, on most of of town added mat. of the town. done business in the s in the machinery . lesson the receipts. The procession Nv. marshalled by Bros Morrison, Lucknow Mulvey, Bellmore; Jos Colley and Tb s 3 McLean, Wine- -& whip vendor wa doing business during . the day. His wi ips were cheap; but we venture 'to say t ey will be dear at any price before ma y days. Five arches span and they were nicely carvings of "Zing Boyne, eta, made b Morris. d Josephine street, ecked with liege and illiam" crossing the Mr R Bloomfield, of The Wingham M nistrels gave en eri- hainme);9 in the one house in the evening to a fairly good lions . The show given by the boys was a goo, one and should have been better patroniz d. BAS BALL. The Prairie Nine town and the junioi playeda game of b Friday evening. denial score :- aseball teatof this team of Walkerton II in the park last he following is the WY.". u Harrison .. . . .2 2 Alderaon .. • . .. . . . 4 Sell 44 ..1 Tiling .. • • 1 41 at • 2 2 2 Earnilton .. . . • ..,8 0 Ilettntriond Chamberlein . ....1 2 0 2 To idas•1114•12 21 wttcn on 1.1/•1111•2 Xratell 1•••1*•/.11.1•41 3ttsbane2 2 Laughton .... •.,•..„,„.0 Yack....... ... • . • b ow 44 • 0 8 D4 4 • 1.4 • y w • t1118::f 1: 6 C411/0001 1111441a 1 11,11.14110 2 4.9/4 Tot Is, 5 21 Eyintinge 1 2 4 4 5 4 7 Vaingision 0 0 0 3 0 1 8-1.2 Walkerton", 0 0 1 1 8,0 0-8 Struelt out by Alders8, by belaney S. trapire, 1 insley. Ti e of gave, 1 it bout *LI Inietttes. sit e,821. O'KEEFE'S LIQUID EXTRACT 011 MLT. Rich in Diastase, therefore an excellent restorative where digestion is weak ORROWS DRUG STORE. 1.17 rRy 701111 acD Over a, red.hot cook atave when, for lekitt nzoney, yoa can do your cooking, ironing and baking with *swore by using the ,Ecopozny Gasoline Stove, which is being sold in Wingate:xi by .. M. Brime at the Brunswick House, $7.110 will buy one. These stoves are now being used irx Wirxg- ham lay a large number of reliable people who can vouch for their completuess, economy end safety. wEAT COULD TELE •00ft GIBL bo With her persuasive smiles and winning ways she could do a great deal. She could persuade her yoarig man to quit these horrid cheap cigers and smoke theLandera Sold by J. Molaelvie. REELS° ALS. Mies MoEloy, of /3 yth, town. Miss McKenie, of Detrot, is visiting with Nies Collins. Mr ;No (Jerrie, of A svoCal,isitd friends in town this week, Mr 3 11 Hiscoks, o Tara, was 8 visitor in Wingliarn this wee Miss Thomas, of abneraton, is the g nest of Miss Lizzie P euty. Misa Page, of Whigh m, is visiting Miss Hattie Thonison.-Go .rich Signal. . Mr Gee al Duffield, .1 London weals, visitor in town Mr a fe days this week. Mr and Mrs; Henry- Tbotteron, of Zeta hotel, were visiting 'th the former's parents at Goderigh tl a ween. Mrs D 3 illonliggaa nd three claire/4 of' Toroto, are visitin 'with her parents, Mr and Mrs Stn'l You ill. Mr and airs Salter, of Toronto, were gueste of Mr and Mrs R McInnis° this week. Mr Eci Inglis, of To nto, is spending the holidays under the parental roof in tow. Miss Jessie Fulton .ent b few days with Winghain Mien. Harriston Re- view. Mrs P Islewershoet . London, was the guest of Mrs 3 5 Barb for a few days this week. Mrs H GM and se , of New Frk, are visiting Mr Sohn Salter s, East Wawa/100h tide week. Mr j D Nichol, form rly of the Earailtoh here, spent few day a in town this week, Mr W n Euetdngha has gone tb hens for ar short beanie a trip.-Tuesdayle Guelph ateralti. Mr T A Mills. march trt t of Wiz:gluon, was in town on Tues ay on bosins.-. Bseter Advocte, Mr D aleEwen aa returned home from :.- visit with frie 9 in Detroit, Lu dott and Dresden. 4b 13- Davis visit (1 with friends in Witgliatn end Clinto from Saturday to Mondy.-Mitehell Ad ocate. Mr 3 D Camptefl a. ool teacher at Bel grave, left here Ta sda' morning for Winnipeg. Re will s end the helidays at Winnipeg and other w stern points. Me Time Bower lest evening for Wingisam where he h a atetwed a Situation in Meters Welker & Oleg& furniture fatory.-Eridy's to stabil chrotitao. ivrrs Angue Stewar of St Thomas, is visitirig at Mr 1) Ste art's. She will alee visit with friend n Teeilwater and Whiteehurch bent. returning to St Thomas. * ,.tt• 44v