HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1899-07-07, Page
'RE, ----040c- 1.1507, Harry Deemer 06, ilohunie Mason I town this week, He is at present working
4981. Harper Simmons 495, Lizzie Mitchell l in the interest of the Canadian Order of
4821 Everett °leen 417. Jatisee Welsh 471, Chosen Prieude at Teeswater.
Maurice 'Weigh 460, Fletcher Weliwood Mrs 1) 0 lieuroeyer and children, of
. „ 458, 011ie Stapleton 4413, Cd. C
harlie Irelanhw
ipaa, Niagara, ere visitiug with her
I 489, Robbie Davidson 48-%, Fred Forler 410, moilier, M.re Coude. Mr Ruanneyer
Elmer Cartwright 'ilai,Geta Cote 406, was. aleo in town over Stmlay,
Howard, Davidson 300, Richard Lloyd, 391.1, air J EJefferson and daughter left for
1\10,Y. 148401% 880. Guy Montgensery 374, their home ie. North Dakota (l Friday
laet, after vieiting his eiser, M.ra W
R .
ommended because absent or al
40.1, and other friends in Bite vicinity.
ecfl, 0 r TX .
Lucinda Morden 350.
YOUR part of .x.aminatum-Joilrinle Aiay,Ida
Flanagan, Edna, Huffman, May Lamont.
zoo in 5 're 4-2xn 'co 8un WOK -TO PASS 350,
Janina Perrie 502, Norman Park 573,
Leslie Young 552, Ethel 1)9,4idsiatt 547,
Business iS good with us, but we 114ttls Gannett 540, Peal 3-)av“16"°4 ing the past lew weeks, has, through
Harry Green 544, Jennie Gilchrist 530.
▪ Want to du more. Eva Geddes 531, Ethel. Elliott 517, Elva his inventive genius, hit upon a de,
I dd 11 L'Il• N' I II 503 Homer eel, vice, whieh, it is said, will bring bin
xnventtve Oentus,
Mr. James Elliott, of Witigharn,
who has been in. town on and off fitly,
WE WANT YOUR TRADE. We dew:503, Alice Coact 403, Vero, Kneohtel
are doing (air winest to merit it. 402, Maggie Hiscoalie 49?. Hazel Bunn'.
We've gathered the best stock that man 485, Jiro Baby 484, Percy Kerr 483,
I. 1 d 1„.• Lan 47") George
brains, energy and cash could
Grapley 472, John Mitchell 05, Clayton ing his attention and spare time to.
gather. We marked the selling6
Griedale 402. Emily Constable 450, Merton ti construction oa maehine to re-
priee close as. possible, Our turn- Hart 457. John Little 451ne He Elliott
W 444 move all kinds of atone 410 hard
e f
over is IN, arid a littie on the lut 14). otmc!'" L'"iPt "7.."1 „
L.nthlemt Lowe 44 I., uve cTriscistle 440, substances Own clay preparatory to
does for its. Rev safert 439. Howard Campbell 486, making same into brick, and he Ms
golden grain, and revolutionize the
of brtek, For some
years this -gentleman has been direet.
People wile do their shopping. 1(.7=Brelgeciniel3rit Brasu.strA.4
tage and get better goods than they Little ii10. Willie Lett 406, Walier Morn
• •
find elsewhere, arid we know if you
try us you, will say the same thing.
These departments axe especially
interesting :
here say they buy to better advan- :%leLPen 411. Eciiih •Jonsone410 14011:,rnhiee
Dresz Goods
The best of all our best stocks.
Ready-lVLade Clothing
• People that look through our st•:cit
of clothing. and compare values, buy
where they aro ready to make the
Johnny Dawoon, Lauercie Goffin Bel a
investment. MeNavin, Willie Sheffield, Mary 'Thorn,
Parasols, Gloves and
Hosiery Frances Johnson 537, Fred Patterson
533, Harry McLean 514, Minnie Barber
The stuck is 'overflowing with 518, ay Swarts .506, Dottie Jobb 501,
lorabLinetlYarinsgon41. DIroacaMel:Lailtloi,lit:Iii 476,1
'choice goods -just the kind, that are
•sought for by those who know what's Motile Whyte 417, Ethel }licks 413.
the correct sty1.3s.
ingetar 3S1, Willie Kinsman .48, In te
Devell 576. Willie Hicks 365, diva Walker
362, Lnla Ferguson 353, Mary Coutie 352.
Recommended -Fred MoLead,. Jennie
TiO031 4 TO 3-1,1104MTIM TO Sit. 3tin AT Rankin
WIIRN ammo wenn OVEN.
BEIRA Burkholder, Alice Chapman, Car-
rie Stewart, Janet Murray, Ethel King,
Annie Rogers, Jennie Walker, Mildred
Beemer, Eva Simmons, Laura, Kerr
Marjory G'orcion, Greta Carson, Maud
Shark, Pearl Moore, Nellie Haines, Lille
Lottie Fulton, Katie Flanagan,
Maggie Stewart, Earnest Simmons, Boy
Crowston, Jimmie Murray, Charlie Ellis;
ji 2111i TO SR 311D -TO PASS 400.
Recom mended -Alex Brown, JohnFer-
<Risen. George Kerr, Duncan McGillivray,
Carpets and Lace Curtains, Boots '"Alvin Baby, Willie Woods.
and Snoes, Gents' Furnishings and no01I1 3 TQ 4-enonoren AT RASTRIt,TO JR,
4Trt '.
Waterproof Coats, all at special WIEN MARRS wince WM
Not in order of merit.
prices. Fred Elliott, Willie Conery, Reynolds
The looking in any department at Marsales, Bert Laug, Ben Davidsma, Harry
any time will -be appreciated, and Constable, Boy Harris, Herb Jerome,
)0H11, nut he made to feel that you Charlie Whyte, Willie Jobb, JOASPD COD -
den, Burville Griffin, Robbie Runciman,
are expected to buy. Edie Elliott, Charlie Blackwell, Maggie
Shop eady at Nixon, Jean Jackson, Burdetta Geddes,
Ariel Park, Annie Pilgrim, Jennie Gan -
M • FPI NDO 0 nett, Maggie Hood, Lina Barber, Elva
Pearen, Winnie Holmes, Ruby Burk-
• holder, Lille, Gray, Myrtle Little, Irene
ISIMOIMIAMEMP Whittaker, Flossie Graham, Olive Boomer,
PROMOTION EXAMINATIONS. Maggie Monk, Countess Carr, Annie Gil-
The follovving ie the result of the pro- Room 3 To 2 -en Jain To JR 4.mt-To me 450.
motion examinn.. i.ais held in the Public • Frank Belden 641, Annie Smile 606,
School at the cies.: of the tar. The Herb Mitchell 472, Charlie Jobb 404.
pupils were examined on the papers pre-
pared by the Principal, the answers were
react and valued. by the teachers on the
staff. To pass required 30 per cent on
each subjeoe, and 50 per cent on the total.
Some who failed on one subject and others
-who were a few marks short on the total,
have on the recommedation of the teacher
-been promoted.
A11'should be present at the re -opening
of school, as a few days lost, especially
when commencing new work, means 110-
J:ti1l work afterwards, and, besides, retards
:those who have. been present from the
first. Tile results on the whole have
been very satisfactory. The names appear
in order of merit.
11001t v11.1 TO ROOM Vii -PART 1ST TO
Lilltan Smith, Jessie Ward, Edna Gan-
nett, Gertie Kittson, Bertie Sanderson,
Bna Lang, Harry Brown, Willie Simmons,
Frank McKay, Loletta Mitchell, Harry
Runt:Amen, Elmo Sanderson, Beatrice Mc-
Donald, Leatuon Hicks, George Morning-
star, Mazy Lediet, Laura Rush, Tillie
Patterson, Cheater Page, Elam Armour,
Charlie Haines Harvey Armour, 0,,,'i,.,
Mr John Gentles, of Kineardine, was in
town on Tunda,y.
Mies J Bell was visiting with Lucknow
friends this week.
Mr Geo B Roe tdok in the ramas at
%Yindsor this week.
SVm Nicholson was in Toronto visiting
friends over Sunday. .
Miss Norma Dingley visited with Clin-
ton friends this week.
Mr Harry Snell, of Goderich, was visit-
ing in town this week.
Mr Jarnes Thompson, of Teeswater, was
in town on Wednesday.
Harry Snell, of London, spent Sunday
with hie parents in town.
Miss J Struthers spent a few days with
friends in Galt this week.
Lorne Bradwin, of Stratford, spent
hitinday with his parents in town.
Miss Doyle, of Clinton, spent a few nays
visiting friends in town this week.
Mr Harry Day. of Kincardine, was in
town over Sunday with his family.
Miss Mary Smith, of Si Marys, is visa.
ing with her sister, Mrs r H Kerney.
Miss D Spirting has returned borne from
Toronto to spend the summer vacation.
at last perfected his design with the
utmost satisfaetory results. The
models are now in the hands of the
moulders at the Exeter Foundry and
in a few days tie hopes to see the re.
suit of his labor in cold metalie form.
Nothing of the kind has heretofore
been put on the market, hat many
fruitless attempts have been made
to fill this long felt want, Mr.
Elliott is to be congratulated his
success. -Exeter Advocate.
Canada's customs revenue for the
year ending -Jane 30, 1898, shows an
increase over the preceding year of
FedOcso -In Win ghara, Dna uly fith,,,
the wife of 4r H. B. Ferguson La son .ir
KsNZIEIPV.--In Kinloss, on July 3rd,
rto wife of Mr. Win. Kennedy; a eon,
jolmsTori.-In Bleb Wawanosh, on
u udnueu:Outtha,r3ethe wife ot Robert Johnston ;
VilonneTort.-In Beet Wawanoeh, on
j-dallulyghtttehr,.1. wire or Wm, Johnston; a
Aniusynono.-ln Howlok, on June 25,
01119 ,s; oathe. wife of Mr. Lewis Armstrong
TAYLOR. Xn Turnberry, on July 3rd,
Christina wife of 1VI r. AbsalOrn
Taylor. aged 31 years.‘"
lal °Eche:in.-1n OuIross, on July late
Ajigus MoKeuzie, aged 80 years.
ontica.-In Morrie, on June 28th,
uneon Hodder, aged 82 yeare, 7 months
pd 13 (loyal(
v Maasuata.,--In Morris, on July let,
Wm. james,IVlareliall, aged 20 years and
6 months. '
. , . _ ._ _... ...... .. - .-..
CooWs Cotton Root Compound
Is successfully used, monthly by over
10,000 Ladiee. Safe, effectual. Ladies ask
your druggist for Cook's' Cotton Root Cene.
pound. Take no ether, as all Mixtures, pills and
imitations are dangerous. Pri00, No. 1, ii per
box., No. 2,10 degrees stronger,$5 per box. No.
1 or 2, mailed on receipt a price and two acent
stamps, The Cook compaey,windsor, ont.
W Nos. 1 and 2 sold ane teeommendectley all
responsible Druggists in Canada.
No, Land No, 5 for sale by Colin A, Campbell
Tehe notice that the Municipal Council of the
Corporation of the Town of Murtha , intends to
construct concrete Sidewalk four et in width
alone: the East side of Shiner strep rop the South
side of Patrick street to the So h side of Alfred
street, thence along th," S nth s' o of Alfred street
to the West side of Oen s eut, in the TWO. of
Wingham, eaa loot v ent, and to assess the
final costs thereof upon properties- immediate' Y
benefitted thereby, an hat a. statement showing
the lands table to pay the said assessment, and the -
names at the owners thereof, so far as they Can be
ascertained from the last revised assessment roll, is
now filed in the office of the Clerk of the. Munieipal-
ity and is open for inspection during office hours.
The estimnted neat of • the work is $020.75, of
which $82 00 is to be paid out of the general funds
of the Municipality.
A °mut of Revision will be held In the council
chamber in wingham, on wednesday. dilly's), 1850,
At 8 o'clock p. m., for the outpost of hearing com-
plaints against Um proposed assessment or accuracy
of the frontage measurements, or -any other com,
plaint which persons interested may desire to make,
and wrilch is bs law cognizable by the Court.
Dated at Wingham ens 7th day of Joh'', 1882.
J. 13. IEROUSON, Clerk.
auffman, Clifton Attcheson. Leo Flans.- r Chas fe and family
were visiting a few days this week with
gan, Harvey Sheffield. 1 friends in Hibbert township.
nomt 7 To 6-rAtiT 11 TO Mg. Ir- . 1 Mr H Davis spent a few days with
friends in Berlin and Waterloo this
• T3 PASS 225.
Annie, Ferguson 376, Ethel Walsh 351,
Mary Monk 348, Edna Diamond 846, Annie
Barber 343, Violet Sherk 338, Annie drrif-
fla 383, Jean Pringle 328, Willie Gannett
822, Hazel Burkholder 322, Edith Whyte
821, Olive Gillespie 318, Parkie Pringle
814, Charlie Johns 311, Mabel Chapman
806, Albert Small 302, Sadie Davidson 296,
Ileum° Constable 294, ;Berville Small
292, Barbie Dore 272, Lizzy Green 260,
Dora Kneelitel 266, Katie Williamson 252,
Fred Davidson 248, Alma Seyffert 244. OW
Reeommended-janet Rush.
neoat 6 T3 5 --TO BRAWN IN Mum
memo crass.
Maud VanctIetine 501, Earnacliffe Mus-
groVe 480, Maud Stuart 448, May Venal.
Mine 450, Ada Ittifteirean 412, Bert num
iian 408, Mlle Little 390, Clarence Wil-
son 819.
Recommended - Letter Small, Prea
Smythe, Maegie McLean, Wicks Darden,
Sammie A rscett.
u To se n -enter. 6 TO 5*.TO rAss 850.
Bessie Marsales 616, Plorence Viinuor.
man 500, Eva Cook 515, Prank Ititioaid
563, list.",teatra: SO, Fay Patterson 539,
ItobLillian Ritchie 682, George
Gilehrist6598. Ertteet Aitehesedi 519, Mat.
tie Lang 518, Jobs gaunt 516, Boy Gray
First-class farm for sale to rent, 126 -
acres heing Lot 33, n 1, 01.11rOSS.
Suitable for grain p ture, never -fail-
ing spring water t good barns and
stables, comfort a 1 welling hook., good
orchard, about o e mile from school and
four miles from Wingham, Apply to
Wm. Dawson, Lot 30 Con 8, Oulrose, or
Joseph Dawson, Thorndale P.O,,
sex County, Ont.
In the Witter of Sextus E. Rent. of the
Town ot Win 11 a in, in the County
of Huron, Hardware Mer ant, an
Notice is hereby elven that the a • ve named In-
solvent has. made an assignment under K. S. 0.,•
18e7 Chap..14l, vi• all hiS estate nd effects to me
forthe general benefit or his ere 'tors.
A meeting of his ereditom vill be held at the
Office of R. Vanscone, my s mitor, in the said
Town of Wingham, on lie sy, the 11.th day of,
July, A, D 2809, at the of one *lock in the
afternoolt, to twelve a s + M0116 of Weirs, to ap-
point inspectors and fit t r remuneration, and for
the ordering of the affairs of the estate gerierally.
Creditors are requested to file their clothes with
the Assignee or Ina Solleitor, with the proofs and
particulars thereof required by the said Ant on or
before the day of such- meeting.,
And notice is further given, that after the 2nd
day of Ausrust, A. D. 1890. the Assignee will pro-
ceed to dietribute the assets Of the debtoramongst
the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to
the claims of which nc;tice shall then have been
given, and that be will not be liable for the assets
or any part thereof', so distributed, to any person or
persons of whose citadel he shall not then have had
Dated this 30th day of June, A. D, 189e,
Solicitor for ASSIV2 60; • Aasignee,
Messrs 0 Winters and F Arnfield, Of
Preston, spent Sunday with friends in
Mr Art Stuart has secured a situation in
Seaforth and left town this week for that
Mr Cliesley A Morehouse, of London, is
visiting at the home of Mr Geo Wade
this week.
Miss Baxter, of Ingersoll, was waiting
with her aunt, Mrs Mitchell, Victoria St,
this week.
Mr ti Biter and Miss Arny,, Howson, of
Clinton, were the geests of Miss Snell dur-
ing the past week.
Mrs Clubb and ehilnren were yisiting
with her sister, Mrs A G Stewart, at Tees..
water, over Sunday.
Me and Mrs Wm Ague, of Ingersoll,
were visiting with their eaughter,, Mra L
B Fortier, over Sunday.
Ur It Elliott, of Ingersoll, formerly of
the Times, Wets calling on old friends in
town a couple of days this week.
Mr Thos MeGatv, formerly of Bell's
factory, left town Monday morning for
Woodetock, where babas aeenred a eituit-
tft D Campbell, wite and child, of To-
. ratite, ware visiting with his patents, Mr
land Mrs David. Campbell, a few days this
Thai B MeAudrews spent a few days in
in flee Town of Wingham, in
of Huron.
Pursuant to a power of sale
registered mortgage w lob
time 00 81118, there we e
auction, by Peter D
Hotel, in the Town o wham, on W0dneSdav, the
2nd day of August, 1809, at tWO o'clock in the
afternoon, the folicno property,
Lots numbers one eerltbree on the south aide of
'Victoria) street in Edward Bower's survey), in the
said Town of Winghatn, together with the buildings,
engine, beiler, machinert, Matinee and plant
Mr:tined in a certain
redi"f Pr!ltleed, 1°11
ailietioneer, ae8%)vuartis'
reserving K.ettlet
We have a full stock of Preserving Kettles in three
grades. (our best grade) is dapple gray. No, 2 is a.
blue. No, 3 is a spectacled.
Some people think that' a granite dish is a granite .dish
and that cil(1,8 it, There is the same differe.nce between
strictly first-class or three -coat graniteware as there is between
good and poor tinware.
We do not intend to give goods away, but you can de-
pend on getting good value for your money, se..
The Thorokl. Cemen• t is giving excellent satisfaction
wherever used, and at a greatly reduced price.
131.WIDIDA IR, TW I1\17
The quality of the Consumer's Cordage Co.'s Twine
needs no comment ; it is simply the BEST.
Night calla at Button Block, or Fifth
door south of School House, Shot) op-.
posite Maadonalci block.
On this property is situate a frame pump factory,
with an eoeine, boiler, antooth-plainer and other
machinery and tools used 10 the manufacture of
pumps. •
Tune or SAL?, .-Ten per cent. of the purehase
money on the day et sale, and the balance within
thirty days thareafter. The property will be offergo
subject to a reserve hid. Further particulars and
conditions will be made known on the day of tittle
Ornasy be had on apylleation to the undersigned.
Dated t his 5th day of July, A. D. 1809,
PETER DEANS, a. NTANSTONg, 1i/higher)",
Raving moved to town lita the mei-.
dense lately occupied by Geo P Wells,,
corner Centro and Alfred streets, near
the G P14., 1 ant prepared to pay the. THE NOXON
highest cash prices for allgtinda of Rage, ' .
"Air. v im.
The 1803 pattare No, 8 is fitted with every
up-toclato improvement found en any otber
Binder, also b ears 'natty fe Lianas peculiar to
15.011 and not found on others, witieh go to
make It an eminently successini
Roller and Bali E301.1,11P,'3.
Positive Gear Drive,
High Drive Wheel.,
Brags Bearings for Canvass
Best Rut Made, ,
Sure Knotter. •
All Levers Conveniently Oper-
ated- by Driver's Right Hand.
Ws Somc.11Peonticse . INSPECTION.
Rubbers, Copper, Horse Flair Wool
Pickings, Iron and ivletal of all kinds, LINE OF MOWERS
delivered at my residence, or if word be
left; I will call for same.
and we tatter the greatest variety of Up!
We furesset out this year to 'Please the
agrioulturititi no Matter whet style or
size of .111.ower he may set his, mind. upon
The undersigned ie prepared to r‘eceive
Orders lor repairingu
_longes and'
rnatresses Lou nges re-covered, mat-
resses 'made over, carpets ewed and
laid. Lowest prices and 600(1 workman-
ship. Orders promptly attended to.
Leave orders at my residence, Centre
street, next 101 WM. Holmes', or address
box 54, Wiughaaz.
to Date Grass OUtterS 11163111fP0 Oral lry
ny one lirm Canadian or American.
Our Mowers are fl,tted with
Roller and Bill Bearings,
Serrated Ledger Plates,
Gears of Broad Face, giv-
ing large wearing eurtitne.
All our Prop t-Ou t Patterns
have.-Ilandy Foot Lifts.
'Examine critically oLl va,r.
iety and pan will' make your
choice with us. .
0 rin, • e
caritious purchaser.
We have different styles Of hakes to suit all classes of work itectIcan please the most careful end
areali on Myr Agent or write us for catalogue,•
lit is ric h1ess
Having .purebased the butcher b usi
ness next the Brunswic.c, I am prepared
to supply tbe public with all kinds of
Fresh and Salt Meats, Sausage, Bologna. vvE
&c. Orders taken and meat delivered •
to any part of town.
A call solicited. 'PhoneNo. 9,
Pupils are in attendance at
anew -awe!. vendor's solicitor. The CANADA BUSINESS COLLEGE
*or --
Valuable Farm Property in. the 188 Cities, Towne and Villages in Can-
• Township of Turnb rry ada and the:Clotted States, during the
hi the County of HOC past year, sent us nearly .300 pupils.
Prom the Atlantic Coast to
the Pacific Slope.
There are now 23 Counties and Districts
The undersigned ndinInietrat et the estate of in Ontario, 5 States of the Union to-
lio auction, by James lin men, AuCtioneer, at Weet Territories repreeented.
Isaac Nichols deetated, will der for sale by pub- gether with Manitoba, and the North
the 13ninswick I.otei.
the county ot Donal
Town of Wingham, in
o lenday, the Met day of Over 200 of ourlaupils have been placi.
July, A, D, 1809, etlock in the afternoon, tho ed in good positions since Jan, ist, 1898. • ,
Tot millibar five 10 the fifth con.
W.. e recently had four mills within
hc north half of t
following vailiabie pr'ertY, that is to say !......
C0681011 of the said Township of Turnberry, contain. throe weektosupply teachers for other
innThis farm Igultuate abOut six muss front the tovrn bneea 00 egos,
fifty acres °fiend more Of ims. litai
Among those who have accepted post -
Get your sight tested.- It costs nothin
Scietifically, Correctly, Reasonably.
Try us. •
of WinghaM, end fent miles 1 coin Wrexeter. The
*011 15 a geed Clay itattur, There are short 40 acres t' lat I i are :--Jennie Bateman as
ciearedund in a geed state of cultivation and the , Sten. A . m am
and ataiistant bsok-keeper, Walk -
balance IS timbered with hard and sett wood , t ernilla Brewing Go.; anis a , as
56 X66 With at ne fouhdatidn and stables under-'
a Steno. and assietant book.keeper, Milton
There are upon the premises a good benne barrii
Meath, a leg home end about one aore et Orcherd. yressed Brick & Sewer Co. ; Catharine -,
as Steno., George Angell, Vnole- ,
I'vises or SAIL -ed per Cont, Of ptirehato Money i McRae,sale Art Supplies Detroit Mich ; Geo 1
co the day of sale end the halanee without Into -NA '
within thirty days thereafter the prosily will .,... 1 '
he sold subject to a tonna. price. rerther oration.. A uartwright. es Stfif10., With 1101t11 Am- i
hut and conditions Will be made knowntenathenday , ericata Life Amur -once Co , Torente,
1 ootrie,ovoor, may be had oe application th ve dor
fate`A it°4 lit, day clay of July, A. D. DM. i The spring term is one ot the beat
I gemming or But year for making a etart. I
j058 maaar,seat. Enter now. D. IdeLACHLAN & CO. ,
YondceiSonsiter. winghton P„ 0., vendor. Chatham, Ont.
11 -Stoves
They are perfectly safe and. warranted
to give satisfaction. in both
Burning and '13a,king