The Wingham Times, 1899-07-07, Page 6.r.
u 1 i1'�; true
If'1tfl4t•, Mlle]: 7, 1809.
From our own Correspondent.
Ottawa, July 1st,
The threatened attack upon the
Oovernmentes policy for tin all Cana-
dian ciiaii l etc:;; raph line to the Yukon
was made last week and fell very
flirt, the sense: of the House being un`
nlisttiktal)ly in favor of a policy under
wide!' telegraphic communications
with the gold fields will be controll•
ed oy Canada. Time has justified
and strengthened rile opinion of the
Government that in order to assure
Canadians their full share of the
'vette of the Yukon the channels of
communication sbould be through
Canadian territory, and, when it was
,shown that the Government had nut
broken faith with tbe companies
which had obtained charters for the
eonetretetion of telegraph lines to con-
nect the far.oif gold fields with the
slider portions of the Dominion, any
force whieh the Opposition to the
P,tetiun of thatoverlilnent, in sanding
out construction gangs to commence
work. relaying upon the patriotism
and good sense at' the Parliament to
endorse their course,, ever lead, speed-
ily disappeared. The main line of
attack was upon the ground that
faith had not been kept with Hon.
James Web, M. P., of England, who
has organized a et'mpany for the
purpose ot constructing a telegraph
line via Skaguay, .but Mr. Blair
showed that the Government only
took action atter patiently waiting
five long inonths without hearing a
word from that gentleman or his
eemp uy or receiving any intimation
eliet they wonld proceed with the
work this summer. The Premier's
deelat•ation that the Government was
bound to give consideration to the
interests of the public before the
interests of Mr. leech or his company
displayed a refreshing independence
and recognition of the principle that
tc be, as it sbould be,the public
geed is the first care of the Govern -
men:., The advantages of possessing
notified of the line of telegraphic com-
zu,lnkation will be so manifest and
its effect upon the progress of affairs
se marked that there is little doubt
when next proposal is made to con-
struct an all Canadian Railway route
but few voices will be raised against
the carrying out of a work which
will be of great public advantage.
As time goes on the course of a
great deal of the Opposition to the
agreement for the purchase of the
Drummond County Railway and the
extension of the Iutereolonial Resit
was' to the great commercial centre
cif Montreal is becoming more plainly
manifest. There is evidently going
to be a wrong fight made in the Sen-
ate to defeat the bills and as a pre.
liinin arty si ep there have been numer-
t ;.tri delnantls in the Senate for infer -
mate 'n which theMinisterof Railways
Ibis vinic eater time declared in the
noun: of Commons is not in the .pos- of the Government. The
report that a powerful lobby is being
etganiza,'d in the Interest of one of
the great Railway corporations whieb
is not satisfied with the proposed ar-
rangetnents gathers force from the
presence of its officials in the corgi••
dere of the red chamber of late. The
'campaign started with a telegraphie
deepateh sent out by the 0, P. iL
Telegraph Company stating that it
Become Strong. and Healthy
by using Dr. A. W.
Chase's Nerve f=ood.
Children are frequently left weak and sickly
es an after result of Measles, scarlet fever, etc.,
and in this state are easy prey to nervous
disorders,rickets, spinal disease, or consump-
tion, dig: ries which do not affect robust,
Healthy Children.
The blood is weak and watery and the nerves
imp rotierty nourished. Feed the blood and
nerves with Dr. A. W. Chase's Nerve Food,
and the pile, pinched faces will soon become
romid plump, and tiredness and weakness
.w,'i, way to strength and animation.
Pie E. W. Day, frs Close Avenue, Toronto,
tr t ,: "My eldest daughter, -aged eight, be-
came very much run down. Hes fretful, ner-
ve, t sleepiess condition greatly alarmed her
ler at,. She was taken from school, and in
s, t .f t1,e best nursing, the thin, ^weakened,,
ln1 1 ,
face raw painfully worse, F ortun:
ate,', :e 'used i)r. Cha'e's Nerve Fond, An
imprm.ment b, ,. nuts at)tr:trent lit tt few days,
it r in n, , i and in n few weeks she returned
r' t oat''u
c t anew, and greatly 0
I t t t o
! , 1 t ,
to }t joy
g Y
lea red to health."
Dr. A. W. biases ".d, 50e.
ee.& lx
tat all de.zlars, or lea1V Pon
had been discovered that the agree. question of Mr. Ilethianc's position,
inept with the G,T,1C. Company was and this gavel the leader of the
virtually a lease by which that rail- Opposition an opeortunity to express,
way and its American eouneetions in no mounted terms his opinion of j.
obtained the control of the Intereol• a gentleman who would betray hied
onial Railway for it years. In its party and his constituents by going
anxiety to get the ear of the news• over to the enemy's camp without I'
paper press, however, the Telegraph having the manliness to offer one I
Co, assumed the role of a pubic' word of explanation for his eondatit.
benefactor and the foot nate whiula The chief cause of the complaint,;
the despatches bore stating that it however, was that the hon. gentlee!
was furnished free of telegraph tolls , man had supported the Governttient
was sufficient to indicate its eourse but bad not been allowed to dispense
and object" Several of the big daft - the patronage of the County, Dr.
les accepted the bait and made the 3,thune s reply wasprompt.
news a feature of the following days ;brief teed though simple, effective.
issue, but another paper carefully ' lie admitted having come into the +I
ti s e vative in name the I.
pl.itt�d it in the pigeon hole until the � House a ,Const.r ,
proper moment when it exposed the policy which the Liberal Government
bold attempt to manufacture publiir had pursued was se very much the
opinion against the measures and f saute as the platform upon which he
Inereilesel e pricked the bubble before had been, elected, and in the few
is was fairly afloat. The incident is particulars in which it differed frotu
chiefly instructive as indicative of that platform he had found by ex
the lengths to which exposing inter- perienee it was the superior, that in
ests may go in order to saddle upon the interests of his constituents he
the country a continuance of the re• had found. himself bound to support
cord of annual deficits on account of
the Ietercoloniai Railway. The rival
interests are ilot slow to recognize
that what is the . gain of the Inter-
colonial Railway ;and therefore the
people of Canada who own it must
neeessarily to sonte extent, mean a
loss of theta, If the Iutercolonial
Railway carries the freight and
passengers from Nova Scotia to
Montreal instead of handing them
over at St. John, N. B., the C. P, .1L,
to carry them to the same point, it
necessarily means a loss• to the eon-
necting road corresponding to the
gain in revenue of the 1, C. R.
Sir Eilebcrt Tupper in his second
arrangement of the Government the
administration of the Yukon gave a
splendid exhibition of the staying
power which has become a recognized
sufferingfrom a severe hoarseness he tg tin, g e nil p
hearth take the place at these diseases.
applied himself with dogged detertn- 'flood's Sarsaparilla is America's Great -
nation to the task of making 'good • est Medicine and the Hest that money
the assertions that his second attack. 'eau buy.
upon the Yukon administration. would HOOD'S PILLS cure biliousness, sick.-
occupy a greater space of time in: the headache.
delivery than the first, and be sac- • .
ceedin gratifying the expectations of TI';)SATE>t.
his' friends with the assistance of the
agreed to
premier who reality' ee his
proposal that he be allowed. to spread
his .remarks over two days, instead
of being compelled to continue until
be had concluded. Sir Hibbert bad
evidently worked hard and faithtull'y
in preparation for his self imposed
task, t.nd endeavored to present the
strongest possible case against tbe
the Government and would continue
to do so as long as they pursued the
same beneficial pollee. His reply to
the taunt regarding the patronage
was equally effective and he declared
that he did not want to exercise any
such privileges. When the debate
was over the general opinion was
that the attack bad only resulted in
disaster to the aggressors and that
the subject on it bad risen in the
estimation of the House, and of the
publie, as a man who would rise
superior tt) the party when the in-
terests of his constituents and the
general good demanded it.
"Circumstances Alter Cases."
In cases of dyspepsia, nervousness,
catarrh, rheumatism, eruptions. etc„ the
cit'enmstances may be altered by purify-
ing and enriching the blood with Hood's
characteristic of the family. Although Sarsaparilla. Good appetite and gouri
d es "0 siren n rves a erica
At the last regular Meeting of the
Epworth League held in, June, the
following officers were elected for
the ensuing term 1—Prea., A. lttteb.
art ; 1st Vice, Ohas. Hooey 2nd
Vice, Mrs. biuxworthy ; Treas., H.
Baker ; See., Miss Lou Thompson ;
Cor., See., W. A, Sillick,l Organist,
]Hiss Staples ; Asst. Organist, Miss
Government. That the Government . A lacrosse club .has been .organiz,.
was uninjuced and retained the con- ed with the following officers :-_.
fidence, not only of the House, but of Pres., L. A, •Brink Vice Pres., H.
the country when he sat down was H. McDonald ; Manager, W. W.
rather because of the fact that the Johnson ; Treas., Dr.. Fowler ; See.,
material upon whieh to impeaeh the R. Waldo ; Captain, W. Cousins.
The executive committee is compos-
ed of Messrs. C. Agnew, $. Me
Naughton and A. Little.
Oar justly popular and successful
merchant, Chas. Ewing,, of the firm
deuce taken before' Mr. Ogilvie and ofMann & Ewing, left the ranks of
the burden of bis complaint was that ! baehelordom to enter those of the
the Commissioner had insisted on benediets on Wednesday of last
condueting the investigation as week. ' The interesting ceremony
though he were a judge, that thosetook place at. the home of the bride's
who came before him with complaints � mother in It/Rebell, at 2 30 o'clock,
should put their charges in writing ; when Rev. A. W. Bradley of the
that; the accused officials should have ( Presbyterian church spoke the word
an opportunity* to be present and 1, whieh united Mr. Ewing and Mss
meet the chleges against ,hem,. and, I Minnie Lousie Love in matrimonialla1 •
above all, he insisted upon proper I bonds. None but intimate friends
respect being paid to the Court and of the contracting parties were-pres
upon the reeorrls that Mr. Ogilvie" ent. Mr. Ewing returned to Tees.
was utterly unfitted for the position I water with his bride on Wednesday
of Investigation, that he was un- evening and they will take up their
biassed, and was unable to distill -1 abode in the house just opposite Dr.
gutsh crime when he saw it. He! Gillies.
renewed the charges against Major'
Government or the officials as a body
did not exist, than from any neglect
or lack of desire or vigor of denunci-
ation on his part. Sir Hibbert wad
ed through page after page of evi-
I R3 L
I will guarantee
that my Kidney Cure
will cure 00 ;per cent,
of an forms of kidney
oouiplalnt and ln.
ninny Instances the
most serious forms of
ilril;ht's disease, If
the disease is conh-
piicated send a four-
ounce vial of urine.
We brill analyze it
and advise Toa free
what to do.
At alt devastate, 25a, a vial. Guide to Health
endreediest navies free. 1505 Arch at„ Min,
Dickson, Edith Homu"h, Charlie
James, lien ry Fox ton, Nettie Showers.
rt 2nd Class, --Velma Chandler,
Ella Wade, Peter Kelly, B_sie John-
1{ irst Cias ,—Laura Elliott, 'hazel
Little, Maggie Crowe, Case Taylor,
Stella K ing, Annie Crowe, Sheldon
Johnson, Roy Goy, Johnnie McRin•
non, Violet Shower;, Li. Johnston,
Freddie Veinal),Auitin Taylor,
Sarah Goy.
.Number ref pupils* on tI:e :roll, (0 ;
average Attendance fur the 'u)onth of
May, .39 t average attendance for the
month o• June, 40.
If pupils do not attend regularly
they cannot lake the promotion ex-
:M INNIE J. ORVIS, Teacher.
.,t .
Y,A. 'WAs A. Boy.
I wieht'at I'd of been here when
11 y paw be was a boy •
They must of been txeitement then—
' 1‘ ben uty pr was a boy ;
In :school h,+ always took the prize,
He used to lick boys twice his.size—
I bet folkp all bad bul;,'io' eyes
Wheii my pttw Weft a boy.
There was tt, los, of woe dens done
When ,ny paw was a boy ;
How glomi a nicer lease loved him son,
W he', toy paw wait a boy l
Be'd tlr.00al one chop the wood,
And think up every way he could
To aliva ' sjist be sweet and good—
what toy paw was a boy;
Then- evt•ty thing was`io its place,
Wlnrn rtty,'pnW ws,tit boy.;
Row hr u.3uld rue:de. jump and race,
55 nen my paw was a boy !,
He never, never, disobeyed : '
lie bet it every game he played—
Gee 1 What it record they was made
Whet, my psw waa a boy!
I wisht '..t l'd been here when
My pas ,wtss a boy ;
They'd ,t -ver,be his like agen—
Paw was ItlIQ meddle boy,
But still last night I heard my maw
Raise up no. voice and call my paw
:rite wort fool that she ever saw—
He ouhht of stayed a, boy:.
—Chicago Times Herald.
The County of Grey carried a
proposition to erect a house of refuge
in that County with a large majority",
but the Pe't:ncil refuses to go on with
the root i, .
Walsh who he said was interested in Passed 15 Worms.
mining claims through his cooks, bis "1 purchased a bottle of i)r, Low's
Indians and his brothers and who he Worm Syrup for my little girl 2% years
asserted terrorized the Gold Corn.' tied
gage her the medicine as direet-
d th It 6 d Elft d
Sir Hibbert, which contained nothing IKiltnanegb, Ont, Y Yt
new or startling, at used very little
3 e , e resu .wast a passe een rcun
miss€over Fawcett. The speech eech of worths . €n rive da s, le2rs. 13. Fro
enthusiasm upon the Conservative. TURNBERRY. -
benches and the general feeling in The .following is the report of S.
the llotiein
se and galleries was that .S, No. 6, for the mentis of June i
while aeon example of physical ea.-, the order of their standing.
durance it was remarkable effort, Sr. IV,' 'Andy Mitchell, Charlie
from a political standpoint it had en• Anderson, Henry Thornton, Nettie
tirely failed in its purpose. Bryce,
The Leader of the Oppos€tiou niet Tr I tt .•--'•1+'`rxnets I'oxtb>f, Bertha
with cold comfort inhis attack upon 1'1eKague, Mary 1VIeI it:ltlot ; Sarah I
Er. Bethune, the representative of 'Crowe, Johnnie Mitchell and Willie 1
Victoria,Nova. Scotia, who is among Lifikleter....absent,
the members of the house giving the Jr. III.•--•-Tolnmy Kelly, Walter
Government an independent support. Anderson, May Thornton, Freddiie
Ile was, it was true, elected ss a flomutll.
Conservfttive at the last" general Sr. H. --- Margaret Meitintion-
e care his end sat on the Opposi. Mary Crowe, Leslie Bryce, Saran
tion side of the liaise for the fi
est I"oxtt n
three sessions of this Parliament, but Jr, IX, No. 1.—Johnnie James,
at the commencement of this session Revile' ging, Elam Taylor, 'Tonatny
heq uietly, and without any- fuss, (Iov-. Leah McCormick.
took a seat on the Tripper's funning Jr. fit. No, L—May Mef agne,
mate in Cape Breton the other even. Edna, Chandler, tad Porter, Minnie
Ing brought tip in the Hoarse the Linktatet., Kittle McKinnon, Edna
KID\dared by'
Bp. Chase's Kidney -Liver . PilIs.
A Disease Peculiar
to Railroad Men,
which is readily
dil a
Did it, ever occur to youthat most railroad
niers die of kidney disease? ,
Such is the tact, however, and the disease is
known amougrailroadcrsas "railroadkidney."
' Thedrstrind most marked symptom isaweak,
lame and aching b rck.Yon may think at first
that you are: only tired ; tt as this trouble in-
creases day by day, kidne isease, with alt itt
terrors, is ela:rning you as a victim.
Mr. Geo. Cummings, for over zo years en.
gineer on the (rand 'Prank running between
Toronto and Allendale, says: "'The eonstant
duty with niy work gave me excessive pains in
my back, racking my kidneys: I tried several
remedies until I was recommended by my fire.
man, Mr. Dave Conley, to try Dr. Chase's
Kidney -Liver Pills. Two boxes have cord-
ptetety cured me and 1 feet to -day abetter man
than ever. I recommend them to all my
Dr. Chase's Kidney.tiver Pills, one 'Pill a
close, xge. a box, at all dealers, or ldmanson,
ilates eci Co., Toronto.
tweets nod Trads.Marki 'obtained. and all patent
-business conducted for MODERATE FEES. My
offiteisinthe immediate vicinity attic Patent Office
and myfacilitiesforseet ingpatents are unsurpassed
Send model, sketch or photograplf of inventfo»wits•
description rind statement as to advantages claimed,
.-.Nfo oitetrod a:t nead'e for ties opinion to to
yrotesernbilfew and r'ty `foe for prosecuting the
application rout trot be eailed for ltfttit the
yt[rterii r'toalaitodd. ., i:tvfta'roAa Uttaoity' con.
a information seiningfad extfree
a A11/fommunls
tAtlone 4/011814e2'd AS tummy croltAdent{*I.
WO ft' Sv.motto, WA141/IXIGirOtt.1AY. (L
le,.414,1ATH SEUVIa1aS,
M. '1'.flODIST"--liev. R. l#abuse pas. I
or. Services at 1.1 a In end 7 It tut
I R1eSlYTE'tltIA.N—Rev. D. Perritt
paltah. Services. at 11. a m alta i p M.
EPISCOPAL, St. Peel's --Rev. W,n.!
Lowe, rector. Services at 11 a in and 7
BAPTIST — Rev, W. Freed, pastor,
Services at 11 a at and 7 p ni
Guilin, pastor. Services at 11 a in tinct
Ont' I Services
lana and Look n o;.wuaand, foci is
at i3 p nt and 8 p M.
IsAT.t. t
Vrel'TQhT ARMY—Capt. ;Vlc'Getici
ane wife in command. Services at 11 A.
tn,3pm and 8pm,
In each of ilio above teamed churches
Sabbath School is held at '2.30 p
Capital, 31,404,520.
Rest, 31,000,000
President—Joao dreaRw.
Yiee-President—A, ti, RAstsms.
DI1t5C +olts . •
Jour Panama, On, ROAOa, ~Yx Gtusos, 51 1',
A. T. Woo, 3I. I', A. B. last (Toronto).
Cashier—J. TI7RNBULL,
Bavixs ie 310,141E--ifours,10to 3' Saturdaye,10to
Deposits of 51 and upwards received and interest
Sp•ooiai Deposita also received at current•
rates of ir..reet.
Drafts o,, t reat'Britain . and rho United States
bought and hold
E. L. DICKINSON, Solicitor.
N..fono•3y tc' Loan on Notes.
Notes Discounted
Money advanced on Mortgages -at 5 riot eontuith
privilege of paying at the end of am_ • rear. Nat,.
and accounts collected. .
• It on r., MCiwnod.
Seaver block tVtr, rharn, Ont.
Having purchased theentire business
from . Mr. Daniel Showers, I am now
prepared to supply the public with
U 1{ r L4[.t
M ! W ATA c0,wit7 i * 'yt' -3' MILL 1 S
Wood and Iron J oi`'ee and
Lift Pumps,: ' Brass and.
Iron Cylinders, Galvanniz-
eel Iron 'Tubing.. Cisterns,
Water Troughs, Sinks,.
Bat►s,1'ije Fitting;, Well
Digging n andeverything
t tog
in con-
with water supplies.
Galvanized Steel Windmills for power
attd pumping water.
Deep. well pumps a speciality.
Repairing promptly attended to.
Pastier, writing for information or
ordering by mail should always state
depth of well.
Allwork guaranteed or no sale.
lirs,r 140 Wingbam. Ont.
Before placing your order
for Spring Clothing call and
See our
for 1899. We can afford to
stall New Goods cheaper than
old stock that cost one-half
more than new and better
goods of the latest styles will
We make clothes that fit.
Queen's Block.
,S . 3r
Q. tir s.A't t 0, I t. ateS.
—14 PUt,Llstiill--•
1 VIitltY l.r'1BIDA)' t1UItNI:^,G.
—41 '1'ktb-«-
sebsoription priee. at per Jrnur•, lit s dvhnoe `
Af)t tatrl81.Nei
dj.uau i,..t yr.
r I trine 1 3.ino i 1 met •
Ont column t 0:10 00 Sari o0 —ii2U n, 5S (11
lien " 40 00 2 12 +na
n l
�nunrt,:t' „ GO 00 15 00 7 no 300
lam. c
n h 1I,1 0
� 1 3a} RQ01
2C I 1 00
Legal and other casual gd' CI thleatent, lir net line
Mt liras inscr tion,end 30 per line for each enbacquent-, ile•,snyed by nonpareil Orale.
imam notices 10e. prr line for first insertion,
e:. per line for eaeh80bmegneat ;accrues.
Advertisements of Lost, Pound, Streyed,$}tuatio04
and Business Moves Wanted, sot eat,erlinr 8 line.
nonpareil, 51 for first month, and 50c, for each .
subsequent month.
tlousea and Forma for Sale. not exceedbng $ nae.
61'10r first month, 50e, per subsequent nionttt
Larger advertisements in i"oport}on.
These terata will be strictly adhered to
Special rates ler larger advertisements, or or
longer periods.
directions s will he inserted tillocal l forbid tices iatndutcharged •
accordingly. Trarett4r3• advertisements must be
paid in ad mime
Changes for contract advertisements nntet be in
the offico by Wednesday noon, at order to appear'
that weak
Fi. II, t taIOTr,
PROtBr5rcR At+n PUB/41a$11 •
addresOFor two treatment of DISEASES OF W(IMENanct
SURGICAL CASE$ of all kinds, Far particulars •
tttadiaal Superintendent, Wingham, Oat,:...
1L, vANSTOick,
BMU1letEit, bot'le lOR, Etc..
Private and Company funds to loan at lowest rate ,
interest. No cormnission charged, Mortgages, town.
and farm proport3 bought and sold.
OFFICE—Beaver Block Wuvousi,,
J. .41. Arotrrt l
lytnghan., Ont.
ice—Moyer $look. 11'ihs;}iant
Mee—Corner •Bata'lton'and St. Andrew eltotls
opposito'Colborne. Motel.
A urttUR y, .IRhrIN, DDS, L D S, Doctor 'of Dental Surgery of the Pennsv1vanla.
Dental College and Licentiate of then, t al College.
of Dental Surgeons of ntttgrio. .bice mer Post
OlSco, W'ligl am:
T s, .1ER01ins, L. D. S., DENTIST, IIAS IVITIH
CY •
him D. II. Ross, graduate of the h.. C. D. S.
ot.Gntario, and le .prepared to do all manner or
Dental work at reasonable prices, Reuter Bleek,
opposite the Brunswick House, 'Winghatn.
Seim meauIee
WINGItnir I ntiatrO;
13 DEANS, JR., vinoir tr,
Sales S s at tended to any part of the Co." Marge -
j %TIN . WxsanAnt, UNr.,
Sales of Farm Stock and Fane Imptementa
specialty. •
Ail orders tatt at the Trans office protnptly aitch
ed to. Terms reasonable.
Toronio raid last 6 40 a, m• 8 05 p, nit
Palmerston mixed 8 55 a in 3 06p m
Londonand Sontli 6 53 a in. 1). 10 a in
88CpPI 8110pin
iniratdine ,; 11 10 a in G 49 a TO
80p in 330 p
' 10 20p m 8 30 a m
�• Camp Caledonia, No. 40 meet
, e s7r • the first and third Monday le
every month, In he Odd renews halt. Visiting
brethren wetcetn. J. Murray Chief. 11 13
1±01011, tion. -Ser.
TRULUDurG nooks, Pamphlets, testers, 1111
i Heads, Circulars, ice., &a., executed In the beet
style of the art, at moderato Pecos, and on short
notice. Apply or•addrese
1±. D. ELl.l03"T.
T tors Office, WinerhStn
00�lKB N
wo are planed to announce that' any Rooks or
Maeraaines left with us tor Binding, will have our
prompt attention, Primal for Binding in any Style
will be given on avvllo,.tion 0 the Tunas Me