The Wingham Times, 1899-07-07, Page 4TitE SEE OUR WINDOW .1 It is full of Cool Smoking ipes From ,c up. COLIN A. CAMPBELL'S Drug Store. IN U AM T1 JULY 71' 1899'. .„ hick mile took place on Mondays] tkla,BEET REPORTS, i WIttonaat. P11 OTO C R July 3rd, from lot 35, con, 7, where i t % 'Ndln,gltani, ,lily G, 1.801}, be had resided for 1}, great number atom, ley ,Means, Prodi ly 0.1 cr, lror Photos you should so! 1'r years, t4'1'cesrvater cemetery, (k�lour psr 100 lbs ....,1 8i to 2 00• M. H. Zurbrigg, r4 ! Mr, fnnhar, er and ;Fir .iMc, ;rail Wheat .,. 0 07 to 0 013 t i pringWiw t ,..,..,,, U 07 to. 0 li}l GROUPS A SPECIALTY' ..,. A 28 to 0 2H Have XAu seen the ones be lies l Harley ., 0 &0 to 35 � r. �ea�,,,.,., tl tlil to Q ii1.,3 witztlUa', .t P,y ltltq, he Aaq give yqn i Lachlan have returned front Toron- attending 1 to fie' tt nthe meeting after a drag' tee rte' of the rl. Grand Lodge, L O. G. T.,. and report having hada very profitable its well t ! a a en'o kable Gi n his any- (Turkey, drawl) , ',., .. 0. 08 to 0 09 1 thing In the Photo line you watt Well Geese, !' ,... ..,,,. 0 05 to 0 00 lumped and good work guaranteed. Also Crayon and Writer Cotore, 1L E. ZIJItilitU4G, Opposite Presbyterian °buret).. Boy wanted to learn Photography. ink & n 1. ;1 Ire, �Ducks,per patty,..,.,.,.,,, 0 90 to 0 G ii1 What alight have heetz tt serious 1iuGtex..,.. ,. ,, ,. R...... 0 11 to 0 1 gl accident occurred to Mr. Fountain,of Eggs ppr cozen , , ,.., 0 14 to 0 1 51 Teeswater, as he went down a well [� r to do some repairs on the flunk of L' •' Jas. McLachlan. He slipped. and ,,0 ' fell a distance of about 20 feet ; his al_'injuries were not .serious, I i Air, Geo. A. Pringle, who has re- rft sided on the 12th concession for some, years, left on Monday for fStratford, Toronto, Port Hope, Co. i_ i family. They will vrit at these � .,—,. ., ;,7 rx: ,�,�t_t, r -tj places for about a mouth, when 'Lr. Pringle expects to go to. California. The family wW be much missed in the community where they have lived. 1' bourg and other pointswith his TO AI'iVEi1y1SE1tS- TI'otice of changes must be left at this, office not later than Saturday noon. The copy for changes must be left not later than Tues- day evening. Casual advertise- ments accepted up to noon Thursday of each week,. Ciltating • BL 'TIL The Misses Fisher, of lineardine, are the guests of Miss Vance this week. Miss Etta Twitchell, of Ofinton, is --� the guest this week of Miss Alice per cat, Hogs—choice selections bill. Emigb. ' were quoted at $5 ,per cwt.; light 6>-!I� i44 An Orange sermon will be preach, and thick fits fetched $42a per cwt., ed by Rev. C. L. Mills in Trinnity'� and .sows were quiet, at 433 per ewt ; church on Sunday. evening next at !'stags brought $E per cwt. eight _'_lock_ i East Buffalo, July 4.—Cattle-- 0 2 4 Wood per cord , , ... 1 50 to 1 7o Bay per ton„ • . . ,. 0 40 to 0 00 Potatoes, per bushel, .. Tallow, per lb, .,,.., 0 2 to 0 4 Dried .Apples, per lb...... , 0 4 to 0 5 Wool,,,.,,.., <,. ..,,,.., 00 to 00 Dressed ho_s,,,,,,,,,,,,,a 5 00 to.0 00 Chickens: 0 30 to 0 80 BUTTER AND EGGS 1 ant prepared to pay the highest cash price far all ,good butter and eggs delivered at my warehouse near the G. T. ii, I. GILLESPIE. FI IDA , JDttY 7, 1890. Mr. John S. 1V.IcKinnon, one of To. EDITORIAL NOTES. 1 ronto's wide-awake young whole - The trial of the election protsst I sale merchants, spent a few days at against Nelson Monteith, M.P. P. for i hishome here this week. Smith Perth, ended Friday. The; Mrs.Shaue returned home Wednes There were no fresh receipts, but a few ends left over from yesterday were sold at about Stetady-prices. A few head of calves sold on the ciosing basis of yesterday. Sheep and lambs I day evening , 1111ch. Her' --There was practically no market, charges of to were dismissed, dpractices the uestion ne !sister; Mrs. Erwin, is improving in there being only two loads left over q health. of the legality of the writ, judgment' and ne fresh arrivals. The weather was reserved, j About nine u clock' nn Thursday t was very warm, and there was al. i morning of last week there ,passed' most an entire absence of demand. In the two election trials in South ;.away to his eternal home an old and Ontario 16 persons were reported far highly respected res_den.t of Blyth, corruption on behalf of the Conserve lin. the person of Lphraitn Dunham tive candidate and 9 on behalf of file i Ch;tmberlain. For the past two Liberal candidate. The ' Attorney- •, it he had been in failing health, especially during ,the past few General's department has instructed i months. His first ailment was the county crown attorney to proso- i stomach trouble, which afterwards cute these men for corrupt practices.: i developed into heart trouble.. He The moral effectshould be good. i took suddenly ill on Menday of last The Mail of Wednesday reprints; week and died on Thursday morn - ., old story that Hon. Mr. Hardy, lag. The funeral took place -on Saturday morning at 11 o'clock to Weary of politics, is about to retire the Union cemetery and was largely to the bench and be succeeded as attended by many of the citizens of premier by Ron. G. W. Ross The Blyth and neighborhood. Deceased: Mail says the change will come with- leaves a widow, one daughter—and in a week. In reference to the a- one son to mourn the death of a kind husband and father. bove report Mr. Hardy Wednesday Mr. A, H. Plummer has found it made the following statement: As you necessary,: owing to continued' ill know the Mail is not my organ, and health, to resign .the principalship of our public school. Mr. W. J. Scott, of Dashwood, has been appointed to the position at a salary of $400 per annum. - if I bad any such intentions it would hardly be likely to be the first paper to receive notice of them. I gave a flat contradiction a few months ago to a similar statement. I am not in search of a judicial office. The whole article is an invention pure and simple. C17LROSS. Misses Lizzie and Aggie Richard- son have returned ' frolrl a visit to friends in Stratford. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Beatty, of Walkerton, have been visiting at the home of Mr. Peter Clark, Miss Edith Switzer returned home on Saturday having spent the first of the year teaching school in Hastings Co, The funeral of the late Mr. Angus $ WATCH :REPAIRING When it comes to the question of watch repair- i:lg, we do not take a back seat for any man in Canada * OUR LARGE LOCUALSH. A' cyclone stru,.k this district on. Tuesday- about 3,30 o'clock. It was,' about half a mile wide and travelled 1 south west. It lasted ten minutes and blew down barn roofs, trees and fences. Win. Finlayson's and Don ald McLennan's barn roofs were blown off and Henneth McLeninan's bush was blown down. A heavy, rain followed, !� wive MtoCiC Mantets Toronto, July' 4 --Export Cattle— The supply which was moderate, was about equal to the demand; choice heavy exporters were quoted at $4.75 to $5 per cwt., and $5,10 per cwt., for an occasional bunch of extra choice; light were in ample supply, at unchanged prices, or $4.- 0.0 to $4.70 per cwt. Butchers' cat- tleChoice were quoted a little easi- er, while common grades also show- ed a decline;. choice selections were quotable at $4,25 to $4.50 per ewt., and medium. and common grades fetched prices ranging,fr'oin $3.25 to $3,50 per ewt.; inferior grades were siow, at $3 per cwt, The small sup. ply of heavy eltport bulls met with a fairly good demand at steady' prices, or x8,75 to $4.25 per cwt. Stockers and feeders --Were quoted at $2.50 to $3 per cwt,; Iightstnekers fetched $2;75 to 43 per ewt. Sheep rep • $ and lambs ort and bt1te ea hers'sirilf.- track, sorts clot p built up by turning ctrl 4 use fetched 3 to $33,25 per cwt.» poor work, or charging"�f good butchers' sheep brought $3 to I $3.50 each and spring Jambe Were a tittle firmer, at ,, 3.25 to $4,50 each;. unreasonable prices, • bucks were quiet, at $2.75 to3. per A�" cwt., and lambs' brought from $2150HALSEYP ,Rto'*;�.O5 per cwt, A heavy ran of calves diet with a feeble demand, • land prices were again a little lower; 4.,406/44.4..vol good 'eats quoted at 3 to $ 'G Hogs—With about 10 loads on sale and a fair demand, the market ruled steady at yesterday's closing figures; heavy, $4.20 to $4.25 ; mixed, $4.20 to. $4.25. Yorkers, $4.20 to $4.22 ; pigs, $4.20 to $4.25: rough, $3.50 to 43.75 ; stags, $3 to $3.25. - The net debt of Huron County on Dec. 31 last was 855,800, The esti- mated expenditure for, 1895, is. $39,200:90 ; 'receipts, $3,903.77 ; net expenditure, Q35,377.13, requiring a rate, on the total e ±ualized assess ment of $32,335,230, 03;Id one- eighth mills on the Do you get up with a headache? la there a bad taste in your mouth? Thca you have a poor appetite and a v;eat diges- tion. You are frequently dizzy,.clways feel dull and drowsy. You have cold hands and feet. You get but little benefit from your food. You have no ambition to work and the sharp pains of neuralgia . dart through your body. Zi hat i:, the cause of all this ttotbie? Conotipated bowels. will give yet prompt relief and Certain etre. Xedra L o:ar !herod Paa . llyou have neglected your case a long titne, you bad better take Aje 's swwsaparlmma alit. It win remove' alt x;n impurities th4t have been accuroulati:ig in -your blood r;t. and will greatly etretigthen tit, H Vier nerves'. 'ftWia ria l,aIlc5 otrc•t.e.tltdcgttt, yo7Cor1nsyt Beant.-Vro tna ils1njdetizt the doctor rrooiry; toli hint 1te# A+nn aro euftariri . 'You •°u wit} r':om:rtty rt' ritla the best hiodoa7tOA'rrriJAyeXore,ifas0. AN ITEM OF INTEREST. Farmers, why -pay 5% and 0 per cent, interest on your loans wren .coney may be had at 5 per cent. Payments made to suit borrower< Charges low, Agency Outario Mutual Life Assur- auue Coin parry. At office k'riday afternoon and all clay Saturday. • A.'13NEB, Ct3SEIV S, Macdonald Block, Wingbam. Order your,,,. —AND— IFI - N -�ANvD--• WI --FROM THE--. HOLSTIEN DAIRY. THE SALE CONTINUES HOTS RMP SHOES For June and July. Comfortable, solid anreliable foot- wear at and below cost. We have all , styles suitable for the season. If you want a little better article at a little lower price than you expect to pay, come to tbis store. Space will not allow ns to quote many prices, but note a few of the folio wing Men's Strong Woriting Shoes, sold leather, all sizes. 0 to 11, at 90c; Men's Pine Box Calf Bats, Goodyear ,Welt, worth 0.50, sale price $2,50 ; Ladies' fine. French Kidd, band turned, buttoned and and Bats, worth 03 25, sale price x2.50; Ladies' fine 'Wrench Kid Vamps and carters with;11'1 Q Vesting Tope, Buttoned Illi and Bats, worth $3.25, sale price $2,50 PIPE �'s>`.=_ IMPS: qli 11 II .III Hill gall qi 5 115 ima 1M„g17,7 {tM■+!(IIMt!I!�iIIIIMMMa■eM,�Ra g4!e■T M M�plM!! ees MI �R ■.RR•M�R.M.i1MiMMgM■M.M■. MMMNNMgMRM11.M 4MMY.W.YMYM1111M Y1q,Ai1HM ;Peoples Popular Stor� Iq IV We offer you better value for your money than you can get elsewhere. We prove the truth of this statement. Our terms are spot cash or trade. We deliver goods promptly to any place within 3 miles of the store, Our stock is well assorted and consists .}f Dry Goods, Gents' Furnishings, Ladies' Toilet Ware, Sriiall Wares, Carpets, Ready-made Clothing, Groceries,. Spices, Dried and Fresh Fruits, Brooms, Brushes, Chinaware, Crockery, Glassware, Lanis, Lanterns, Graniteware, Woodenware, Stationery, School Supplies, Confectionery, Plain and Fancy Biscuits, Flour for Bread and Pastry, Oatmeal, Corn Meal, Rolled Wheat, Cracked Wheat, Swiss Food, Germ Meal, &c,, Sic, Best Granulated Sugar; White Sugar, Yellow 4, Dark c' Salmon per tin, Maple Leaf Salmon, Mustard Pickles, per bottle, Vinegar Pickles), Sallee, " Raspberry Syrup, " Imperial Sauce, 20 lbs. for $1,00. 21 " I.00. 22 " I.00. 25 4i 1.00. 9c and IOC, 12 4' c. Ioc. " - loc. toe, 1 OC. IOC. 41 Ingsesvamermalargxersommexwamoomeravunrive.weirm wilettropcsaalSM- Ylllli We will sell Straw Hats, all kinds, also Ladies' Leather Belts at cost until the stock is cleared out. Children's Handkerchiefs, each, .I . c.. A few pieces Ioc.and-1zz4c Print for 8c. Good Note Paper, 5 quires for 20c. Envelopes per pkge, from 2 I -2C t0 IOC, Red Ink, Black Ink and Mucilage. Children's Garden Tools at cost. Macdonald Block, also 33 pairs of Ladies' fine Button and .---.--- Laoe Boots which cost from $$1,50 to 82.50, sizes 2i,3 and 3i, will clear the lot ar, 90s. These are extra values. J. G. KARGES. TO /THE FRONT SEE WHAT THE DIAMOND PORK SHOP Opposite Post Office, Says: Fresh Beef and Pork. Lamb Bologna Pickled Pork Headebeese Breakfast ,Baeon Sausage Smoked Ham Pressed Beef Side Pork Tripe Corn Beef . Pressed. Tongue Spice Roll, Lard, - Fowl, &e,, always on hand. Our prices are right, Orders called for and meat delivered to any part of the town. Your patronage solicited. His Art Hair Goads are 'Worn by Over 1001000 People. PR F. DO S.EN D :Manager of the Doren wend Co. Limited, Nos. 103 and 105 Y whose skil a manufaotu GOODS has gi n hila a wo tation, is coming. He will lirnnsvvielt 4 ttse with Ladies' and Gen ' Toupees, Wavey Switches, Etc. Ladi.s, see the latest and st th eyer produced. I' your hair looking or grey, make yours° and young witone of Prof. Do ART STYL G.ExTL"EM < , — Why be bald, .Nth n Dorenwend's Feather' -i&tht Hair 'Cover- ings wi - affect such a nat- ural c . ange in your appear•pR1rN 1i•i4'Gji1 ' ante, and you will have IptiP EE o Toronto, rgoer StreHA.Ret, d -wide repo- � Otve• Wingltant air Hoods, Wies, 4/ gs and Fronts, w is your time, the world has • -- thin, plain - attractive'` wend's at . �* both health and comfort wearing them. Some of < the leading people everywhere can testify to their merits. Over 36,000 wear Prof. Dorenwend's Toupees to day.Why not you Y Discard your silk capps, wh!oh do not look nice ivhen worn in the house. Get nature's protector r 1•IL+ HAIR. Prof. Dorenwend's inventions will replace that which is lost. Remember, Brunswick, House Wingbam WEDNESDAY,' JULY 12th... N. B; -Consultation and trying on of these. goods free. Those who cannot call. at the Hotel should send word, and be will oall•at their residence. Cut Hair, especially white,,will be bought or taken in exchange. MAIVIGNII PM MP, The Kentucky' Bred Trotting Stallion will stand for service at Swarts'Hotel stables during the season of 1009. eas knell c err ZZNo 19 a beautiful darn bay, btapder:wet 10 hands. high, 'perfect in apmhyotry and limb and superior n4 tion, weighs 1400 lhe. At his pedigree shows, lie canto et noble knelt. combining strains of the superior racing families of olden tintas, and directly relating to many of the most distinguished trotters aver bred in ,Antorlea, and running back through nnmcrou+ branches to Old atessenger, 1lolltoundty and Jiambletonlan, the fountain head of the trot-' tiny; fatniiv. As a stock horse he cannot fait to yet raln,blo sloth for very Motor use as well as spend. Z1'ivty etrrred ell 1st prizes and diplomas whoraver shown, It will bo 00 the interest of format to sco 001, horse before breeding their mares. ' 020. WSSAM 'ir, V, VAx110101A14,. Manager, Owner, Al s t T. A. MILLS for Bargains in Colored Muslins, Oro -an - dies, Lawns, Linens and Checks. MVluslins at special reduced prices. See our line of Colored Muslins, ,suitable for Waists, usual 12 I -2C, 110W IOC. full range of Scotch Ginghams, Assorted* colors, from Ioc to isc per yard. See our White Pique Shirting at 20C. Also a line of Colored, usual I2 I -2c for 8c, A d large and well assorted stock csck of Shirt Waists to choose from at cut prices. Ladies, try a pair of our Summer Corsets,. Bicycle Sox at Cost. a A. MILL