HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1899-07-07, Page 3IlAnpr ZIZ011. An Appeal to the $uf- fering and Diseased. The Great Deliverer and Re- scuer Cures Even at the Eleventh Hour, .7.1P1777',.:Te:7,1r"'"7773r. fit'77. • 77.0773r. 7.71VIPPITE 4 LiE W(41..A.N1 'flAito'S, JULY 7, imv). IJ DRBYVI,TS CASZ. Deal at UM310. VAW iV iiTO UAW As WELL, Thie from an exchange is well es Uri. , • . worthy of perusal :---Those win)pa. ronize itinerant canvaeeers, whether "Paw,"ettys maw when We WO set- for spring Butte, job printing, carpet tin" On the parch legit 1BtC I wiehe sweepers, lead pencils, speetaeles, or you'd tell me what the peers 18al-e whet note make- a grave mistake. ways talleiff about the Dreyfee eaie .There is artiele whieh a local ler Who. is Dreyfaaennyhow ?" dealer can supply that cannot be "I don't see what good it does to obtainec1 of as game quality and at tell you about , each thinge," Paw., as reasonable a prim at home ai says, "You never do nOttuaabout erem 0,ny agent or pedlar, It. is them anyway.. Why don't you read', hard to convince some parties. of suthin besides the society Butes 40(11 ebis fact—just the same as le is diftt the bargain sales? Driffas is a; cult to pursuado people against the Frenchman they're to git often an j glee fakir er the sauve gold brick. island," man, 13arnero, the prince of hum - Who is 91 maw ast, pugs, uttered a truism when he said "Why, the li,1reoch people," says that the public dearly loved to be paw. "I gess 1111. 'hart' to git MY 1 humbugged, - and this -ebaraetee- estic'te no more evident eroongsr- the "eornmon herd" than with the other wise shrewd and 'superior iudivid- uals, as the slick agent or fakir is generally lookieg• for the smart chap, and is awareof hie weak spote,. Any extra expense in selling goods must naturally be added to the .price, and how any •.one ean expect to buy cheaper from. a high. priced salesman, Who is 'under beavy travelling expensea, than from a locel dealer is inexplainable. But one is always willing to pay a little more fur an • inferior article if• bought away from home. This is strictly true,..whother the article be a suit of clothes; a caddy of tea, or a pair of "gold rimmed" spectacles. At this tune we desire earnestly to ik appeal to leen aud women wbo are ail- ing and ia ittow condition of health. • There are thousands of sick people— clieappoiuted and now almost hopeleas_ who have ceased to think of their danger, imagining they are incurable bo. cause their doctors have failed ace the vast varieties of medicines they have used have produced no good results, Courage once more, Buffering brothers and sisters ! Rekindle the almost dead embers of bope, you sadly deceived apd dipappoint- ed ones! Freedom from disease and suffering, and a new and happy life will be your portion if you have faith enough to make trial of that life giver and disease banisber, Paine's Celery Compound, that bas in the pastrescued so many from the grave, ' If Providence and our advice should inspire you that tbere is life in Paine's Celery Compound, your efforts must be prompt and honest. During the present heated summer, it is ,perilous to neglect your aches, manes and sufferings. In- action and wilful neglect for one day may result in clean. If you suffer from nervous prostration, liver disease, kidney complaint, spep- sia, rheumatism, neuralgia, headache, impure blood and digestive trouble', you should deriye inspiration from the army of men and women of the best fatuities of Canada who have given their written testimony in favor of Paine's Celery Compound, and be ferther en- couraged by the recomendations of the most eminent medical men who prescribe Paine'a Celery Compoune regutarity, With such testimony and the indorse - tion of medical men, is it wise or pru- dent to neglect the use of earth's best tnediciee? He or she who refuses life and health is surely worse than i skeptic:. Bear in mind that Pain' e Celery Com- pound cures even at the eleventh hour. hare eut ag•ain puI' soon, or they ll think I'm a perfessional tiddler" "How did he get on the island?" says maw, "They put him on," seys paw, "Who did ?" maw ast, "The Frenchman,"says paw. "Well, if they pat hi& on, why do they want to git ben off again ee says maw. "Oh," paw says,"they found out be didn't do it ! Did e ou git them col- ored shirts fer me when you was down town yistacly ?" "Yes. He didift do what ?" says maw, "What they put him, on fer ?" says paw, "If we only bad another first class pitcher in our team, they wouldn't enny or 'them be able to stop es."' '"-Whett did they think he done ?" says maw. Paw bit off .the end of his oigar and says: "They thot he forged a bordero. Say, I've got to git some new shoes this week or go baiefooted." "Ily goodness,:' says maw. "and there he never dune it at all ?" "No," says paw. "lt was :ilia put up job. So they went and ehucked him on to this desert island, and wouldn't let him. see nobody nor even rite articles fer the magazines." "What did you say it was he forged?" ast maw. . bordero," says paw. "I westa you'd press there Sunday pants of mine. Their baggin at the' neas earribleeee - • - • e • ee "I prest them toda," ma •aneurecl. •"What is a bordero, paw e" Paw he didn't say nothin fer about a minit. Then he looked kind of sad at maw and says: "I'm saprised at you askin sich a question rite before the bcys." • Tben be started in a hurry fer the barber shop. For Over Fifty Years. An Old and Well -Tried Remedy—Mrs Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been 'used tor over 'Arty years by millions, -of mothers for their children while teeth- ing, with perfect success. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is the best remedy for diarrhnea. It is pleasant to the taste. Sold by druggists in every part 'of the world. Twenty-five cents a bottle. Its value is inealuable. , Be sure you ask for Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup, and 1..ake.ne other kind. • What a Bachelor Says. 1134-'"tr. A woman has no use for a man . she can't use. Women seem to think a bachelor has no business to know anything about them. Lot's wife .tirobably turned around to see if the hired girt had let loose the canary bird. A woman's sympathies are always ' • with the under dog unless 'the upper dog is her husband. Most girls treat it man about the way they do a riboon—when they take him off their necks they wind him around their fingers. Yoa can always tell how old a woman is by finding out whether she thinks a man is fascinating be- cause he is wicked or wicked becauee he is fascinating.—New York Press. • A CARD. For Indigestion Get Doctor PILCPI; APTablets Von, Stan's ' ' 61' at A. L. Hamilton.'s for 85e a Box of 60 TO: - lets. We, thd Undersigned, do hereby agree to refund the money on a twenty-tive cent bottle of Dr. Wills' English Pills, if, after using three fourths of contents of bottle, they do not relieve Constipa- tion and Headache. We also warrant that four bottles will permanently cure the most obstinate cases of Constipation. Satisfaction or no pay when' Wills' Eng- lish Pills are used. , • A. A. 7klorrow, rtheinist and Druggist, • liVinghatu,Ont. Colin A.. Campbell, Chemist ad Drug- gist, Wingbam, Ont. A. L. Elan:111ton, Chemist and Drug- gist, Winghate, Ont. CHAPI'ER XII. By • neutralizing the excess of aoid in the stomach - 2. By exciting the natural accumu- lation and action of digestive fluids in the stomach - 3. By vitilizing all the• organs on which your health and comfort de- pends for the proper digestion and assimilation of food— /. And by their tonic action on the stomach, bowels and liver—through the blood, Dr. Von Stan's Pineapple Tablets accomplish these remarkable results in all cases of dyspepsia told S. Most cases aro cured with one indigestion. box. Sold at A. L. Hamliton'a for 35 cents— si:Ay-tablets in a box. Doctor Von Stan's Pineapple Te.b - lets Encourage .you to ent what you his and they correct indigestion in a net pre way. They relieve &Stress in an instant. A Benne Wedding. Maple Villa, the residence cf Wm. Henderson, Esq., of Bervie, was 'the scene of a very happy gathering on Wednesday evening, June 21st, at eight o'clock, when his amiable, highly esteemed and accomplished daughter, Jean was united in the bonds • of wedlock to Mi. Henry •Dreany, of Kinloughe The gueste, •who numbered about sixty cane from Toronto, Walkertoti, Fordwich, Kincardine, Dungaution, Kinloss, Teeswater, Culross, W,hitechurch, Kinlough and Bervie. The marri- age. service was conducted by an uncle of the bride, Rev. Andrew Henderson, M. A., 'of Toronto, and the fair and charming bride was most elegantly and beautifully at- tired in a wedding gown" of create brocade satin and carried a bouquet of pink roses, The bridesmaid, Miss Healthy Hogs. Letitia Dreany, looked exceedingly pretty in pink eashmere and chiffon. The most feasibleplan tfe my mind The gtoorn was ably sustained 1).? would be to advance by going' beek- Mr. Robert Davidson, of Duegennote werd until we reach a conservative After the ceremony the guests eve 'e point between the lank., active hog entertained to ari elaborate and re of the pioneer age, which posseseed cherche wedding dialer, after which a vigorous constitution and air iree tile evening was very delightfully munity frorti. c•clisease unknown Her Idea of Worth. A Canadian minister had just mar- ried a couple. The registers were signed and nothing remained but tee giving and taking of the fee. The bridegroom, a strapping young fel low, asked, "How ninth is it.?", The parson glanced at the smiliee bride and shyly answered, -What- ever you think it's worth." Now, it should heve been worth a good deal, for the git) was pettier and pretty. "I reckon it's worth about+. 50 cents," said the swain, holding out teio quarters. The clergyman looked blankiv at the coins, then turned to the fair one. "I'll leave it to you, madele," he said. "What do you. 'labile it's worth.?" What did this young and bitieeing bride do? She reached out,, wee, the coins, heeded olio quarter to the Minister and pill the other int' her pocket. "A thrifty wife," said the Can- adian•with a sigh, is her husband's erown."--Sen 'Premise° Wave. CULROSS. At the monthly meeting' of the Board. of Directors of the Calms Mutual Fire insurance Co. held on Saturday, June 24th, the following claims were presented for damage done by the recent severe thunder storms :--Alex.*Walker, eon. 6, Kin- loss, 2 horses killed ; W. Geddes, Kinloss, 1 sheep killed ; Robt, Me. Allister, eon. 4, Culross, 1 lamb kilIed: RobL Marshall, 000. 2; Cal, ross, 1 sheep killed ; Rod. McKenzie, con, :3, Culross, barn daneaged Walter Marshall, eon. 2. barn dam. aged ; John needy, aon. 1, Culross, barn damaged., Sohn MeKinnon, eon, 5, lot 27, Culross, barn and eon. ' lents destroyed. Mural Keep yonr mush!, etc. The numerous presenta buildings tied stoelt insured in a good compeny. yerd's Yellow 011 is a clean pre - A t; 0, For five years my husband sacred from scrofula. The best physicians in our city pronounced the case incurable, Sores appear d, eating into the mouth and. throat, The jugular vein was exposed, the tongue entirely eatertaway, the palate and tonsils eaten out, and there was a large sore on the outside of the throat. After everything else had failed, he tried ./i.r's Sarsaparilla, Be had to take it through a tube, as his throat was too sore to swallow, Now, after years of terrible suffering, he is fully restored to health, and he is able to work every day, although his speech is greatly affected by the lose of tongue and palate." •14rs. E. L. FOS'rER, Wilmington. t "'For seven years i suffered with that terrible scourge scrofula in my shoulder and arm, Every means of cure was tried without success. 1 had a good physician who tried in every way to help me. I was told to take Ayer's Sarsaparilla. I immediately began its use, and after taking s vett bottles of this remedy the scrofula was entirely cured." Mrs. J, A. GENTLE, Fort Fairfield, Me. , 4, I was a great sufferer from scrofula, being unable to do any work for twelve months. Not one of the doctors who attended me,*nor any of the medicines I took, did me any good, My friends supposed that I could not live. One of my physicians induced me to try Ayer's Sarsaparilla. After using eizlit bottles I am now perfectly well." GEORGE TOWNSEND, French Camp, Miss. rst f r •.1‘. 44 For many years Ayer's Sarsaparilla has been one of the constant reme- dies used in the Home for Little Wanderers, and we have foundit valuable in eliminating humors from the blood which seem to have been inherited, especially scrofula and other skin,diseases." (Rev). B. A. COOPER, Supt. N. E. Home for Little Wanderers, Borten, Mass. Dr. Ayer's Pills are specially adapted for use with Ayer's Sarsaparilla. They promote digestion and keep the liver, bowels, and stomach in good working order, ra113161..1.5.M...001=01MIAM=1.721011011% overfeeding in confinement, I give all hogs a rangb Mr Wilkinson writes lr. during the growing all, perienef gra.' v mite of Mil,m.il fa. Rhea - the changes of food at our command, waiism from using two b :es of N. il- I burn', Rheumatic Pills. Tis rem dy wheat or middlings or oats aide the 1 shuck e :sifted out, and give also in especially during fell, winter and ) •,, a pope) tio for Rhea mat) sir, Sciatica, spring, we will in time -bring about 1 ILurobego Nearalaia and Gout, I a low trough.. the desired consummetion It is ( 1 Buttermilk is equally us valuable absolutely impossible to produce a 1 Raising Young Pigs. „ as sk lin milk, if fed without the large proportion of lean meat unless 1 If the young pigs lit in the nest - --- usuel admixture of we'er from weelli nee the butter in the f ham. the animal has ample - bone, sound i much of the time; they will become The, wash feet and legs, with organs of digei- 1 wa.ter may be utilized. . fat and sleek, And the feeder may - by mixing with grain.' It any be ler, it ehould be removed,—leerrn Journal. close free From H. etratford, Ont. that grass season danger of their becoming to i'at give them some skim milk in a low trough, and also mix in a thick slop ground and I don and respiration unimpan ed,t u tl. B. B. CURBS BEING LES. lensuritig constitutionel vigor and muscular action. Muscle is lean "'Inits' imegine be is accomplishing excellent 13at before long it will he UT. John. W. Lamb, Diligent Rivet, meat and is developed by exerciee, notieed that they senin to breathe attaeleworfitsitsin‘glesrtettntlftlihkitzlInit. 81.7Fleft and the vigorous, active hog during imrd, breathing by 1-hort panting that two bottles Of turdant( tiloo4(.1 Rte. the fattening season is taking on I h""18. In advanced eteges they tons mired me completely. It is a flesh of that stroked kind, Item and I wilt turn green or black on the belly. wonderful retuedy fer Wood iiiSortiors." tine in texture, Aim erenel facility 1 This trouble is known as thumps, , and is caused by the pig getting fat that his helpless, week ,t,Cd , brothel, takes on hie benches of mound the heart Bite) el -e is the preventive and 1 Strong butter and stroll!: 1 an g liege flabby fat. Liu -k ot prefiee e,y end The pig must he kept seirrine are ,etee'imes known to cre `Ng, ther, 1 the degenerecv of ;meet as mothere ee' e eteetelm~seieleelealleeteekAV • Children Cry for CASTOR IA. have tnore than kept; mice with th,d aiioived to lie around hi till - I d eorn n ' • way, I Feed a little sOA t, • troubles shove etunerateel.--1 . . Worle in National stockmen, etaett (toe, thus eompeiling them t'' A Jury' of Women. I ie. fel their feet to gather it up. ----- i t lot in the pen end stir them Ott no have toosti ills merils Iq ivr. A.: i • • or 11, -it• nAL•tt. and force them to run 1 spent inaloebil intercourse, recitations, among the swine of to day, crud the w. Chase's Iti,itiev re\ t .1 011mi Wm.,/ .; hat hest of all, turn them anti breeders only these of 141111,:ent equal to thin liront ilis,t)toey of Dr. will take exere'at for them- i present condition of his {a erbatelee. the verdiettha or 10 fat and Yaleteble than ordinary ed aeseenclants. If eve choose as disorders thete let prepereiton le env in a tot 44r yard as snail posstb e to the bride were even more beauti. A A. NV Chute Americas ItrAttift-t ohysia anti i 'This kitlutl mire sei,1 es. ,--"C;i; hone, eound feet and legs • oration in use, will not, etr.in the sine e,:lerettevreei Ad%ira,4 ti` tnuseular ttetion and give an hoes a en eleelere at 23 esetit ler., and hail Tlib feed shotad be given 111 a Side et soil the ()lathing. It reduces well- M,:ihcral,(11,2;,Ito%Nt`tiit 1;1.1.1' 4: sufficient range, breed off all exeoes proved most elfeettoil rie rentedv for pee, where the tnother sow eannin j itig. allays inflammation takes Ont pain gest Anil 'best book; (tier 600 pages 80.0 or grossness With Itest enough the teeny ills to vb,hich %,VOltitil is Bubjeet. gelbble, it all lip before the pigs bee e ' • atia cures cuts, buens. beuizefe, spraine, nAmy pftgeti halftone Musty:Ideas. only ws sihe shotilder to give symmetry to the '* • 1, s chatee to get an1. ceked bretiste, sore throat, quitsy, tact.' V'et1e1,'„ 75 'GENTS for the Tures mid Weekly i q‘ 11 11 i• ball on 0 ti ite. Th t et Price 2.5a. Company,ld loleer'CaxtealiTig:,bilet.uo, animal, also avoid inbreeding and mons until January, 1000. As they grow older and there is no On- Dose Tens tee story. When your head aches, anti you feel bilious, consti- pated, and out of tune, with your stomach sour and no appetite, lust buy a package of isloodxs PiIIs .4,..nd take a dose, from 1 to 4 You `c- will be surprised at Jew easily they will do their work, eure your 0:Si cents, sem by all medicine tio..lers, aeltrift/Veititivilt4010044#4 licadathe mid binomial:1%11=4e the 0.iver and make rot •