HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1899-07-07, Page 2'1 IIF. WiNOILAAI
7, I809.
t1 att=tnurrtthan intM,'lt thtold winter. worset Molt
loaitiaot st Meek it at once law using
Dr. Wc,,,.1'.. Norway InneSyrttit, the best
rsrnetlt lttr tilt krntitt of lung itotl throat
The l'•lrtitlatars of the Parrears'
Chan 't 17s):t:alay have now :'.;test?i)Q
to diad trite among the Ftotaclholdera
and depositors, and will .leal.ire
•dirk {.tt,t, it. is thou+„Tilt, ilm::t'ttlately
after th • pn ogaat°:>n tic; arli•a:ntent,
`t l'
Littitot 11ss,
Ile:- • talicv; Distress ronl Dys aeesiaa,
YtrRa t..
Too Hearty Eatieg, li, u.•
feet rer. e , wr Dizziness, N -:r es, .t)rorrs .
rtec�, •La stein. the Mouth, Coated Ton-qr.
I'aa,rt in t:.. ale, TORPID L I-tTat. Thy
Bowels.. Purely %,a ;table,
salt :t'sion
i'io fraud of the day.
See you get Carter's,
Ins :, and demand
.r'.er s Little Liver Pills.
LONI#i: , .•-8PTEUBER 7th T916th 1899.
The directors of this ever progres-
ive institution rind themselves facing
their annual difficulty, that of pro.
riding sui;i,-irrtt accomodation for
'yexhibinos :tad visitors at the great
Live So'•'k And Agricultural Show
'of Wester°, C tt;da bat now as in
the past the xt.e equal to the occa-
tsion. h :riot+ 't,lenty of money and
bard eareed experience. An exten-
sive addition i< in course of construe-
tion to the Machinery Hall, nearly
donblieg i ? Cctpneity.
The. Agricultural, Horticultural
and Dalen, Buildings have been
moved and reset, so as to Porto one
imirtente exhibition ball. and nne
hundred mild fifty feet of an addition
Ihas been built thereto.•
Dish, an new permanent publi
office building over one Iliudrerl ant
fifty feet tong is being erected at tIttt
King Street eiYtrance, for I',xpreai
Telephone, Telegraph, Barber Sop
Parcel Roam and .1'rt•ss (dims, and
to Brown at. two large open stand.:
3.0 teet by •10 feet --up to crate ii
every paarnenlata` for the t'tlntfstt`t t,
the pantie ---with itddttionatl rtt'a osit
poen!, booth), tied -dinning hillier tititJ k..r
reat h.
The {;tie>en'a Park, Fier (=Naiads
Nitre bten gle;uiy laeatutitted by tiff
above alter:itittrt' and t ddilim-La
, The prizes offered have bolo) in
creased baa little over a1.600,00,
one thousand of the menet gt.0 g t,
the Live Stuek Classes,
The 1'i'izt: Li}t book itself is ;,'resit:
ly improved,, Whig very lutits:a von -
&lensed to size, but containing borer
ill ort=tntittl, but put in better icon
that) ally other we have t el. ,ren.
The entry forms are most ettnipiete
and labor saving, it separate rural
being provided tier eatelt department,
the exhibitors naviug only w make
a mark or cross- upptaite the section
they may wish to enter in, all c etaila
and necessary lufurialttitttz being
fully* set forth on each, and depriiing
even the ):cost pr tterustinating indivi•
dual .front any excuso of lack of ti u: e,
as any enter paper can be tilled net
in less than two minutes
The special attractions are beiag
arranged for, and it is safe to say
that only. the very best will be en-
gaged, and plenty of thein.
A new Secretary*, Mr. • Jon. A.
Nelles, bas been appointed to fill the
position vacated by Dir. Browne,
after ten years of service, and as the
adage goes, "new brooms sweep,
clean" great tongs may he looked
toward tu, We' wish the ii eereing
ofiie:er every success, •
heed adyrertistntg tit) log rind so-,
e.. steadily that, our name and special.;
ties it re well known, and we intend
to advertise again when business
. better in our Line than it appears to
ray" ream ant? =dram,
be new ; in the meantime oar bust- i $'htittt»
ness won't stop.!': starlit
No ; neither will the engine stop; ticnSt
1 the minute the tnan suspend shi,)ut..l- I
i` lin„ cool, 'rile point is, however,1 EAST WA w.ti oSEI,
when an en..ictte is to- bastarted agailt,
s 1;x04:.,:..
What is
• ten tittles as mach will have been' The following is the report of S,,
lost in power as has been •saved in S. No, r•1' for the month of Jane. The
fuel or feed, males are arranged in nyder' oft
' Uiing up reserve farce peter merit atseertaiaed by a system of
pars, daily rlt'arkings, deductions being
• h is tt loss, bbwever it may be leade tor bad' cortdnet, lateness', A.
looked. at. The baying public is -Sr. IV;--Abaggie Mel)ougall.
' prone to forget, It is, moreover,' Jr, 1le-,--'Florenee Shieil, ATbet•tat
luueb inal'e difTh ult and mtaeli more. Blatant, LeslieDeacan,. Willie Elliott,. r
expensive to regain a lost customer Roy Deacon,
than to piercer his straying array,' Sr, Il"I,- Dhtvid otlnston',. I'kanic•'
-Money Maker Magazine. Shoebottona.
.. ` Jia: %I'1:. -1301a• McDougal, Ray- ,;
r •., 3, r {t a
wt.sS-•ate„ �,e�/ic3+ a a■ l4`�,Y6T,
* t 'eat direr.) to the.dis.-aFed
?get by the tmpruved z.l.,s,er•
', '-'1' tf-Feats the ulcers, clears the air
t t 3, stop droppings is the
-� r, t ,t .:nri permaeane1y cures
f\ (' Catarrh and ttayPever. Biot+er
'i'�free. fill dealers. or Dr.A. W. f lease
AfPdielDR Can.. Toronto ext nuffiie.
Shutting off Steam,
"Shall we stop •our advertising for
a while now ;z"
This is a questi'bn .that some husl-
ness men are apt to ask themselves;
particularly in the summer, or dur-
ing. what they regard their "dull
Suppose your engineer asked you:
"Shalt I stop putting coal on my
fires, sir?"
"Why, no -unless you want tate
engine tr stop ?"•
The advertiser who thinks of dis-
c7,.tInutng maw. argue,l "We hive
Didn't Walk for 5 Months.
Doctors said Locomotor Ataxia.
1iilburn's Heart and Nerve Pills
Cure a Disease hitherto regarded
as incurable
The ease of Mr. G. 0. Archibald, of
Hopewell Cape, N.B., (a cut of whom
appears below), is one of the severest
and most intractable that has ever been
e l t 1f1A,,; •
reported from the eastern provinces, and
his cure by Milburn's Heart and Nerve
Pills the more remarkable from the fact
that be was given up as incurable by
worthy and respected physicians.
The disease, Locomotor ataxia, with
'Which Mr. Archibald was afflicted is
considered the most obstinate and incur
able disease of the nervous slfstetn
known. When once it starts it gradually
but surely progresses, paralyzins, the
lower extremities and rendering its vic-
tint helpless and hopeless, enduring the
indescribable agony of seeing himself die
lr inches.
That Milburn's Heart and Nene Pills
tan Curd thoroughly and completely :t
disease of such severity ought to encour-
age those 'whose disorders are not se
Marko* to try this remedy.
'1M following is Mr. Archibald'ssletter:
3IEssrts. T. 3IIL$LII & Co. "I can
assure you that my case was a very severe
one, and had it not been for the use of
Milburn's Heart and Nerve ills I do not
believe I would be alive to -day. I do
not know, exactly, what was the cause
of the disease, but it gradually affected
my legs, until 1 was unable towalk
hardly any for five months.
" I teas under the dare of Dr. Morse,
of Melrose, who said I had Locomotor
Ataxia, and gave me up as incurable.
" Dr. Solomon, a well-known physician
of Boston, told me that nothing could be
done for me. Every one who Came to
visit me brought I never could get better.
"I saw Milburn's Heart and Nerve
Pills advertised and thought I would try
them anyway, as they gave more pro -
:else of
ro-miseof helpingnrethan anythingl knewof.
"If you had seen me when I started
taking those wonderful pills --not able to
get out of myroom, and saw me now,
working barevery day, you wouldn't
know me
"I am agent for P. 0. Vickeyy of
Ata'usta Maine, and, have sold 30o sub-
scribers in So days and won a fifty dollar
prize. -
" Nothing else in the world saved inc
but those pills, and I do not think they
have an equal anywhere.
" The seven boxes 1 took have restored
ma the full use of my legs and given lee
strength and energy and better health
than I have enjoyed in a long time,"
G. a Ancturcatn,
Hopewell Cape, N. I3.
In addition to the statement by Mr.
Archibald, we have thee endorsattott of
two well-known merchants of Hopewell
Cape, N. 13., viz.: Messrs, J. 1 . Dickson
and P. 3. Brewster, who certify to the
genuineness and accuracy of die facts as
given above. ' +W
Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills are
soca a box, or 3 for $1.25, at all drug.
gists, or sent by grail. T. Milburn
Co., Toronto, Ont.
1f you want to be healthy durinx the•
worth weather et e that your to atolls;
move regularity every day, If they
don't, take Lasa -Liver Fills, the omtt•tral
laxative, that neer gripes, purges or
The Court of Revision met aeeord •;
fog to adjournment in the town hall '
on Jude 26th, Members all present
except Mr,. Cardiff. Minutes of last
meeting were read and passed. 'i
John Ilius was entered owner SI-
zItot 12, Con. 6 ; Zulus Loebnian
entered M. F. Lot 1. Con. 2 ; L. J.
,Williams entered M. If., Los 7, Con.
2 ; AI. Maguire entered P. S.,
Con 2 ; Gilbert Stephens entered
tenant S'-, Oon, 3. Wm. Knox
entered 1'. S., S� 13, Con, 3 ; Albert,
David. and Herbert Rassel each en-
mond Elliott, Mex Rintoul, Itt)y*
Sr. IL--tttiiiieSboebottom, Herii--
ert Shieli�.
2nd Inter.---Ttbwnrd Srtie1I . Stair -
ley Elliott, I'da Abram, ]3erlenat
Jr. 2nd. -- Carrie Deacon, Ella
L. 13, DUF, Teacher.
Defoe; ager. gi�4o8.' ;rhOsphOdinotn
Sod and omimeuded by a31,.
druggists in Canada. Only relit
able medicine discovered. Stt•
packtagea, nnuar'anteed to cure- alt.
forms of Sexual 'Weakness„ all efteote of abuser•
or excess, Mental Worry ftcesstvo use of To-
baeco. Opium. or Stimulants; Mailed on�receipta
of price, one kage $ ; sax, 55. one wird nteasei,
sex rail acre, PPAtaplrlets. tree to any address:
Tlia.wnea Canspan , Windsor; Brat..
sold in Wiughain by Colin A. Campbells.
F: S.., i 9, f,;un. 6. Druggist.
On motion of Code and Shaw the
Court of Revision was then closed THE ]ON3 Y SO]W1
and the assessment roll as revised ME,. MAKE.
and correeted was conflrtned and - -
established as the assessment - roll of
this township for the current year.
Council business Was then proceed-
ed with as follows :-
On motion of Jackson and Code
Mr. Shaw was instructed to examine
the sideroad between lots 20 and 2.1
in the 4th concession and sell the
timber thereon.
On matron of Code and Shaw the
foilowilig fenceviewers and pound -
keepers were appointed and th
FIRST -Mair a "Hello B114 what
are you driving: at these days, Ape,
seem to be un: the• jump alt the time•
and walk as though you. had ice,
portant business -on. hand,"
SScorrut Atm:: "Welt, the facts is,,
J•aek, a little• prosperity puts. the
drive in: a' Haan,. I have struck a
position at last,. after a year 'oil hard
luck, whieh'is panning out first -skate-."
Clerk instructed to draw B -1a kfeme A =a Well, that's• your
iz: Nm° i luck,. for i start doil,g mighty little
confirming the same, v
Jackson and ] . W. Cam bail , these days, But, what have- you,
feneeviewars, and Jas. Logan,
y strue .. -
gen xna.;
Hunter, Peter Jackson, Jas, Murray-,,' SUto' Nam: "I have taken a
W, H. -Watson, Jas. Sharp,; will... l book agency frons THE BcrrartLitac
Hopper, R. Bloomfield, 'ritz 'Jewitt,,. GAlsitnsuonr Co, (Limited)/ of Brant.
A. Ramsay and L. Anderson; pound , forc1, Ott. They have been at Ii3G+
keepers, for months. to canvass, hint b laughed
On motion of Jackson and Cot3e• at the idea,. and at last they made
the Clerk was instructed to advertise. me a good offer, so 1 th n h�t I'd give
for tenders for the constructions of it a trial_ 1t have been at the work
the (;farness drain, tenders to .be now two months, and 1 like ft first -
opened at the next council meeting rate, and am going to stick to it."
on the 7th of August next. i EliST EliMAN : "Say Bill, do you
Accounts were ordered to be. pato think I could do the work, for I saw
as follows; viz :-John Duckett, the , the advertisement of this flan yester-
on west boundary, $4 ; Jas. Styles, I day, for more men."
putti,ig in two culverts on westi SECOND Max : ,'1 don't see why
boundary, 89 ; D. Russell, putting in i you could not, blit write and get
culvert, 83.50; A. B. Jackson, gravel, them to make you an offer."
811,17 ; Geo. Peacock, gravel, ;13.98; FIRST MAN : "Thanks old man,
W. C Wilson, do, $8.65 ; A. Buttota, I :will and I'll let you know how it
do, $3.25 ; A. Clark, culvert en side- turns taut: e
line, 82.50 ; Wm. Geddes, lumber, -
8 2.50 ; Jas. Craig, ditch and gravel,
$9.83 ; J. Crosby, ditch, $2, 'J. WANTED t 1
Kelly, culvert, 64 ; P. Kelly, diteh five young men to travel, who would
and culvert, $5,50; J. Seott, repair- not object spending part of their
1 ing bridge, 83 ; Geo. Kirkby. re• time at canvassing. References.
pairing bridge on south boandary, a RA3JLRY.OAltEESTON Co:, Limited,
$10 ; silex ;tieCall, two culverts, $5 ; BRANTFOIRD, ONT.
Wm. Robertson, repairing wash out,
$2 ; W. T, Johnston, tile and cul-
vert, $2.25 ; Jas. Russel, material for
culvert, $10.00 ; C. McCrae, fence -
viewers costs, $3.00 ; Dr. Me.
Ash, attendance on.. the late
W. N. Knowles, $2.50; P. Cantelolt,
gravelling and repairing approach to
bridge, $33; D. Sommerville, in Ildtr tNtataKS
speeting jobs, $3.00; McLean 4,•Son, Desicivs
lumber for west boundary, $36.50; j vaztvcttcHrS&C.F
F. Keys, gravel, $2.15;- A. Cioakey , tt i k1pr� SCOrtdaititF a 8ketenion Sieg wiheiaerrnuan
invention Ss probabzq irate»table. Pl� all tt an
I gravel, 88.70; Geo, PoIlard, grt..vel, ,t strieo sexton a qtyfo aecur°l°> pn :tnei'.t'e $3.57 ; T. Maunders, work an East 1?a>.entd tatter tie:ah .Setter ,e co roCetve
boundary, T. Maunders, ] *ttciatrtotir-4 without ehnr{go, intha s�
gravel, $6.80'1;1; Sheddau, jab of SdQittiflc Americans
gravelling, 87.75; Wain. Deenbow, job- A handsomelr Mu/etre/ea Weekly I araest elr
ofraveliinculattan of any' eetentrae innrnnl. Terms, $3*
g g $23.15 ; ilyj, Ames, pear; four months, }l. Sold urt.at newsdealer&
inspecting work, $ i; John Mooney, MUNN & Co,36tarotrdway, New Te
grading on side line, $6 ; E. Bosman, ?gr4'°11offiaa. sus r "w= a'rttrl:inatnn. D, a.
gravel, $176 ; John Wightman, IT re-
pairing culvert on west boundary, P/' YS81.50; Thos. Russell, ditch and lum- :,I"ll`
ber, $1220; P. Keys, gravel, $3.40,
On motion of Shave' and Jaackson,the
council then adjourned to meet again
ran the 7Th of August. TO ADV JtTJS
l•YM. CLAB1c, Clerk.
t "One good turn deserves another.►,
Those who have beers dared by Bead's aboutiaril1a are glad to- tall silicas Tim
aarsa it,
Caastoviar: iia! for, Intltnt r and Children. Ctiu<stoviat is, a
ltarzuiless, substitute ZrfCastor Oil,. Par e3't rote,, Drops,, '
and Soothing. Syrupsi- It. contains neither Opium
1liornhines nor other irayrtsottie substance;.. Il ill Plea sant,.
Its: guarantee, is thirty years' use 1)y Millions, of"
3lot1 ers., €izs1:or1a, destroys Worms and. allays Feverish.
Castorita cures; avrll.ee aut't"' Wind Cu1ic. Cats cans
relieves Teething ','DYroubles,. cu!ares. Constipation mut
Flatulency. . ea.sto rias- asslinilaates the Food, regta%i:tese
the Stomach.and lintel's' of.Infants and Cliitldreta;, givit►1
Iietaltliy and. natural sieeln.t Castoria is the Children's.
Pa nw a -Tills. 3)10:Wer's a Friend., .
"Ciistomia,. is, an excellent nigdti lite•• fttr
children. ATathers•Uwe repeatedly toic,nut.
of its, good effect upazta t'heir•childreu. e'
I)As. tn:. e . as000a,. Lon'li,%404c.
ccCpetoriu is so welt adapted to cltiidrett
that I recommend it as superior to any gab,
seriatim: known to nte.i„
Ii. A,.ATtcarn,,MM. A:.,t?i,oalifx*;, Lf . r
r7P.77,774 (PO
R E .
UM Ent
`tea t i NO OTHER. TWINE IS -
• This Trade Clark is.
on )ou'ag 1 "•JUST AS M " AS PLYMOUTH
1;ee thatt yon get itl.
If your dealer does not handle our Twine, write Ply:.
mouth Binder Twine Agency, 54. Bay Street, Toronto.
, not ibe persuaded into purchasing the
unreliable Binder Twine which some
dealers: wish to sell for the sake of the ad-
dvdor al profit derived therefrom. Crudely
made from low-grade fibres -such twine
1 contains but a fraction of -- the quality,
strength and uniform evenness of the high,,
lx corsstructed Plymouth Brands.
41111M10~11•••••=laitOMDMOSsinaimelOWNeliMalledg•milium Kr.?
To PATENT Good Idea may b
e scone b
Y 9
a hitt Addy
ux• ass LOGS' Y
me PATENT itteel1D, "•
Sattimore Mti Lcs
WE M.Al l
.ewer arid
Culvert Pipes
All Sexes front 4 ia, tet 24. In. Ala*
WRIT*: o:. POO tet# tot.
Tit lliii0111 SHIMPIPE Pf
vactorx a'r ainns n, Tpitoza
Highest cash prices paid for all
kinds of good Saw Logs, Telegrap t
Poles, Cedar Posts and Shingle Botta
delivered in our yard.
done at lowest prices and satisfaction
guaranteed. Call and get prices be.
fore disposing Of your timber.
and the cold oe Winter makes the use ot different break-
fast foods almost imperative for same natures. Rolled
Oats are uourishing but they beat the blood -some peo-
ple con eat thein and gain .strength from then) right
tbrough the year,
is a rich, delicate, nourishing substitute for Roiled Oats --
for invalids and those of weak digestion, it sorves an ideal
purpose for the breakfast in hot weather, It hots Noir
atAaur. isy.00n. Your grocer sells it by the pound.
ilia BillOta
,y Q 'y btimtted, Tilsonburs, Ont.
To PATENT Good Idea may b
e scone b
Y 9
a hitt Addy
ux• ass LOGS' Y
me PATENT itteel1D, "•
Sattimore Mti Lcs
WE M.Al l
.ewer arid
Culvert Pipes
All Sexes front 4 ia, tet 24. In. Ala*
WRIT*: o:. POO tet# tot.
Tit lliii0111 SHIMPIPE Pf
vactorx a'r ainns n, Tpitoza
Highest cash prices paid for all
kinds of good Saw Logs, Telegrap t
Poles, Cedar Posts and Shingle Botta
delivered in our yard.
done at lowest prices and satisfaction
guaranteed. Call and get prices be.
fore disposing Of your timber.