HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1899-06-30, Page 7NDOING0FAI1/LE 37) NOT REA'JrIhd-Lo. liPR Or 1-19'1 WHO ETLETC,. Yet it might bo pretense or bis part and not mita fully ter: minutes pitfall without an opening of hie eyes did I suspect he was really 1100044eloas. With the utmost care 1 shifted of cat fever of tile former, Plot glenolug pre so as to gain a• elimps Ah, there l tut the Bare Ov Waltees, I waved tuy bearded face against the door, :was D0 Slumber there. ,His t gray eyes were es wide open as wateeieg rue like u eat, ao w o war and keen* how to keep awake whoa the necessity existed. But sleep is too insidious an enemy tQ he fought off when the body yearns for the rest which it brings. The sight of the younger man unconscious gave me hoethat ay and by the older would suectumb, and then would come the des- perate effort on illy part, for I was re- solved to do something if the slightest , opportunity presented itself. I deigned eleep, but with my eyes , partly olosecl end niy breathing heavy and regular I did not allow anything to • escape me. The lamp burned brighter thaa weal laive beeu expected, aud • needed no better ilJuni, ,Lee aim peortug In at X.4% Ins 00111113a being 44 noiseless ae that of a elnalow itself. He might be a friend until he • be an enemy, but tile probabilities were wilatti01; I Itaud in salutation to the stranger 011t over and sule, and 1e mado a gesture by way at 111)14; but ill the gloom 1 coul I Uot CRAFTER TIL Maio ellen cleeeri be the weird fancies teat torn:mut R. person in my situation? The positron of Oy Welters was such that bis shadow, huge, grotesque ad shape, stretched from the side of his chair to the opposite wall, where his bead, still bearing the alone bat, I loot -ilea up like the crest of some motet - I thin peak, tvhilo b is znaestve figure, with J the legs grossed, .did not stir. Whenever I 1 stole a glance et him I caught the , gleam of the keen oyes fated upon me as if they would pierce mo through. i Rad I not rovea my acize I should ' have become fascinated like a bird ba- • ler° a rattleseake. • The young :man by the window still kept els eyes Waseca Els fe.oe showed • just above his knees and was as calm as i a obild's. It was easy for aim to feign I sleep, but I did not believe be NV`18 do - 3n� so, since no znotive could be •inecl or mob preteese. t 1 resoittely /mid' MY gaze away : the terrible bearded face for fel k: eaiuutes, during which my owe ens° of unconsolousnot.s °anti ; Teen 1 stole a gleuce at hire and feelings that cannot be imagined - , . • ceived luau ills eyes, too, were elos •I Thoth was e strong probability the fellow was as wide awake as I for it was easy to understand the ' wished to induce an attempt on 1 Itaet to oseape so as to gain the pre , for wipding ten the business by sh l. I • I it gme. And yet in the tense couch e ; of my nerves I preferred he shoal •I so then for zne to waif for the hor • of the morrow. •: For ten minutes r did not remove , scrutiny from Oy Walters' countena • I• and during that time- be was as a tl raan, but 'whether really asleep or 'could be learned only by eubjecting f kelf to the test of life or death. 1 : ready for it. I It will bo perceived that for rue , escape from ray jailors I must or* i , 4 1 toor to the wintlott: beside the •yeti. •t Apan, raise the eash and olintle or 1 ; - Out into tho darkness. If that were complishod, I could run aor it, but . 1 ehauces a dein all this without ow; •I ing either of the met, especially t ; elder, was one in a millioe. Revert less I was resolved np•on it. ; With a preliminary glance around •; Moiselessly removed. any bet froze t ! chair on which they had been restin I But for the heavy breathing which fill I the room the dimwit was like that j the tomb. 'Pausing only a moment, 1 " gathered nay ettuseles for the dociel elfert. My ietention was that if dote° ; ed and challeegell by either of the trio 1 .i would make a (lase across the roo 4 Land pileup through the male earryie •, glees and frame/mat with Inc. Who the cntiehmes of both of roy jailers 1 iconsidtwel, the madness of my whom will sarpriso every one, ea, Bad there boon but a sieeTh znatt I Would have snatched hie weapon and . got the drop ou bim. While cool rea- 1 ; swing told me I was inviting my own death 1 dal not hesitete, and / was in tthe act ef rising to xny tea when I was struck almost dumb by all astoettclieg i discovery. I atlot onto during All those trying min- t lite s did the single stair Tar away hi the horizon fell to beam upon tie. The sa twas cloudless, but 'without a moon. It • /leas iustlect rather than reason that led , me ::: elonock forh80t,ho ttvinkling orb at the ea oseotiennottho:rs lienintrga(if:domin thteh eeb:itide 01; had sucalmily become invisible eta was 'Vision and siint out tte light '1110. oe- terateTps Inittletiseithltlietil:rtitulcid71 (1s1,.'civ htilh(*(1) rentitnes and teet rode/Won of a pair of eye& A person was oeouohleg at the clearly make it ant While puzzling over the metter the window sash slowly rose for as inola or two! The stranger must be a frieud or he would not do that. Tim etilleeszt was profound, end the individ- ual was working with consummate eau - tent end eeill, for with zny sense of J.icaring keyed to the highest point cud able to hear the rustliug a a /eta it was impossible to detect the slightest uolse, • Aguas the ease begets rising, tee moo -Lion cointeuing teal it was at a beight of eix iete eizeu it rested. My impa. tieoce hem intolerable. Why did une my Wend lift the sash high enough for mo to make fity plunge before either of my enemies awei•e? I was ready. to 0:1'0 across the floor, bet tvas restrained by the belief teat I would •rat:aye the signal when it was safe to give it Again the window frame began climbing like the movement of a sloth, but to my exasperation it halted before reaching the necessary height for me to pass beneath. Then an arm was thrust through the opening tem; made and a hand extended toward the, elooping Archie Hunter. The band was reaching for the revolver in the loose grasp of the sleeper, and it belonged, not to p Man, but to a woman. The hancl and bare arm partly re- vealed were such as were ohiseled by lehidies or lintned by Angelo. White, symmetrical and delicate, nay admire - tion was enchained even in that terri. ble Moment, and, following u tb • sloe, I sew the face and'the head with- intag. out any covering except the wealth of btu,* loll. that olusteredeeboatethe /leek from and shoulders. ly 15 I The countenance of a hecate woeld pre- have appeared sweet under the circum. nue& stances, but that which was dimly res with •, vealed to ine in the partial reflection of per- the lamplight fairly held breathless. ed, Bat shoeld have beet a fool to give that way to any emotion of sentiment at such eve; a time, and I intently watched the no- t he 1 tion of her whose appearance to 2110 was zny as the mining of an angel. text • The knees of Axchie Hunter were so oat- bigh with the feet restino on the rounds tion of the uatilted their thbat the band of d do the young woman was laddeit for the rows minute or two diming which it was busy, Then 'it was withdrawn 'with the my tame noiseless stealth, and as it passed nee, through the air toward the window out perceived that the pistol of the sleeping not Archie was grasped by the fingers. my-• The factelacct all •this mots permitted was was proof that Cy Walters was Bleeping heavily. The moment for my decisive to attempt bad Caine; the The free hand pushed upward against ng the sash, which did not 'stop until it eap could go no farther. At the moment of ac- stoppage the frame gave ell t 11. the creak. My heart stood still, and ik- he he - be 4. ed of ve t - u 111 s- e • g anced attalters. 1e did not rat teee or open his caw:. Tee white Maud s I xe lentiy beeltouecl, and I started across t “FI floor toward the window. whose My eyes were fixed upon the direiy taken. • revealed fieure, white &Owl), reached out her white hand and drew it toward her face as a gestate for 2110 to advance. Fortheately 1 was able to want on tip. r r7ft" WINGRAM TIM etaater putty settee aim wonueree tau due the refresitlug touch of the air would tot recall Lis wancleritet lily :mita fear was that Oy Welters woula epee Ile eye e and, intently de- ; tectine, what wits acing tea eboat ne with liteatainglike quid:Doss before coati 1ariug out lute the aaxitness, ed at the looked tie seek My sure turned I mat my 1 lZIy leaping ue.• Titeilisa thio amad, I etopp very cage of thawiedow and etartitieglyat So fur ae I could, judo, he w in ea protomel n :deep ar$ ever, vey ties hut a Walee, 'wit= 1 aeak and reeehea ftrwara to heed ou the till preparatory to 011t, 4:3 .1 ilia t...o1 r.117 11,00 knOWL1 f:12=4 1-4!.!1iVa* •• 011APTBR .0 young. Weil:alh left a man one however, of ecr visit an tbo win in tau fotee cf the revolver et JUNE 80, 189 BURR „ • NOP AND - NERVE: PILLS FOR WEAK PEOPLE* AND THOSE Tacealleaale WJTII Palpitation, Throbblna aittirrleguiar dew sill Beating ot the Heart:. :Mem:mesa Ataat Beating of Breath, Distress after eized it Hi;caszt '4;1 gPi4e,PrzltAtnertng Feeling. Runthr, A eingle rev, gad I $ 0 1 wila and 1Heart IVIoPtildr8iiiinitroenBorfeitil with the feeling that in doing $ gteeplug Ilia itself, lettered by its pezeeselon, fe ward Cy Waltere, ready to shoot; he malle trovemeut of body o The yolmger nein was beneath The macelvo eoetinel still fleet. Posting my free lame aged:1st t of the window frame, thrust o through the opeeiug and with 4 noes and elan that surprised leaped cleer, landing on the sof outside, only a few foot below th clew fto far as I knew I in sound Whatever other than th thump of my dote as they etre green:meta, Lett a Sound from the behind 1110 showed that it had heard, and eem:r.ed oft tu the g not pausing until had run severe and blew I was beyond sight of an be.Thilniodrui.eael; of the buildiug opened 4 at the late teason there wes littl ; ing to obstruct ategrese though my f^et mulct some noise in sweeping away tae vines that were tangled about my aukles. It was at the opposite side of thi I Mina, Parilat Paralysis, Weariless - nese, Nervotsertees, Anernlat_Oene,* aced th. re 1 De bit tty, After- affeote of etrl GPO) him if Loan 9f Appetite, et. e tense Remember lieliburt's Heart attar aatta Nerve Pine aure the worst cafes after other remedies fail, b„ ,,ido •,-,,,,-.......-..,--.„...„_„--...„.—„.„....., 409 Lot Laxa-Liver Pine cure constipation. coolt eteteetterseetattent teett-_--etteate-._taeeteettettat myself t earth 43g-Taatlng TOns• clr tho !as vrell. The common practiee is to e win - ado a0 Egg eating is an annoying habit e dull among. hens and an unprofitable one rodm ; cut the head off the ben that coqtracts been , such a habit. AnetaMerittan poultry loom, ! keeper, fictive\ er, claime to have upon . I some time 1,.. i thout any t ther fuod. I 1 rt:Idts 1 diecoveree a cure for this bebit by Y Que !feeding egg e.helle to his bens for I 14, but Ille saves up all the egg sh ll' eethat on be Obtained until spring, end ho may, perhaps, get a few at the hotel and restaurant to aid him in his , cure. The Bawls arc penned up, d I a the a few egg shrills arc given them. ; turu- The first time they eat them eagerly, and the next time they seem to have I past. lost a little of their love for them'. 1 11°w ' will not eat them at all and fresh ng in The feeding is kept up and they 1 just grad lla113r thee their taste for eggs, the , and as it continues they get so they eggs may be roiled among them, and they seem to have a *disgust for sight of an egg or an egg St1011, 1vhiell t is all the same to them. i; ,-------. 0 ,-;mlaran Cry *For plot of enued-used for a garde 08 tilat i: placed one hand o paling fenao, leaped over and then ed about and looked baele It twist lav ° beeu considerably reit:Might. The only tight burnt the in wee within the room I had left, There was the wiudow, with tower half open and. the flood of xce lampligbt behind it, and with• glow teemed the gigantic figare of man it a eIduch hat, whose enormout shoulders elemst filled the space as 112 leaned outward and peered armed it the gloom, rifle in hand, searehieg foi his human target, • "Volare jest too late, Cy," I mutter ed, "Yee ought to bare awakened, s minete sooner if ken ',visited to see lively times." But if 0y Walters bad discovered tht fiigat of his prisoner while his '12tilert slept he diet not ;Maden the effort tc recapture bine „I saw the huge forti crouch together 011(1 clazitber heavily but quickly through the -Window. Then e lig still between me and the lig the head and shoulders were seen sw ing grotesquely about as he str through the garden, and, as if impel by perverse fate, crane 111 101 direct line for the opob where.' stood as if am were shining, It was •a good time for rne to make a change of bate, but 1 stood any groeuct, Doubtless the twisty experience of Walters helped hint in outwitting 1 foes at aright, but it was an extreme nary act, which must have been pure accidental, that held /aim to a mathema Melly tree until he came direct opposite me with only the paling fen separating us. I bad.the adVan Cage, inasmuch as the ditu light beyond gave tee a partial glimpse of his gigantio figure, but his eyes were keel:, and lie saw me before attempting" to leap the olittruction be - us. Thatiteenvision, too, showed velvet ieveIed at his head, iteds up ° I commanded. in a voice earnestne.ss could not be 21118. Walters was mtt:estimable' a man, and it is suds who know to fight and when to surrouder, nt both huge bands, one grasping inchester, so that it was intet• lite :a rude erase agaiest the faint aentl. ' • tip that gun I" • n it event with a themp to his AlCways relieved promptlyi by I° ram s- and IC Dr. Fowler's Ext. Strawberry. When )'ou are seized with an attack of Cramps or doubled up with .Celle, you Want at remedy you are sure will give you relief and give it quickly, too. •You Ilona went an untried something thattleebelp you. You want Da Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry, which every one acmes will pesitively cure Cramps and Colic quickly. Just a dose or two and yon have cast.. But now a. word of proof to back up these assertions, and we have it limn John Hawke, Coldwater, Ont, e who 'writes: "Dr, Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry is a, Wonderful cure for Diarrl:isa, Cramps sufferer until gas'e it a trial, but now heve perfeet comfort." RETURNED ON TIME. Carefully washed pro e „ correctly itnished and fairly priced that's the history of your linen when brought here. Not a thing inwasbour mg preparations to Injure the. ilbre of the goods and not a thing' unhealthy about our work rooms. and pains in the stomach. was groat11 D LONG Leave Orden; at Cerra: Feed Store, ..._. ... ,. . ._.:.. t A man can boss a woman just as much as be likes if he pretends he doesn't know he is doing it. Time and tide wait liar no ma It, but a Married man frequently has to ay wait a long them for his 'tied" ode lee a tht Cy iis li- ly t• ly oe ate eyestrorhs eitze,•a juipuistnnt.ditatzPrdvoar. too without bay abase giving tint any noise. Ten steps were necessary to take me from any chair to the window, 1 ie ra I breath of the night stealing. It Was Ju my id throegh 'which/ cotlid feel the cool emetielee 1 '• blowing, gently npou the side of the mkt Isleeper, and with that propensity to no- 1 laWery tics trifling incidents at the most otit- ; het It IV , feat momenta I saw in tbo dim light a I keen tee i Aug look of ktir at taitteespIeof Archie Liv:cst to Cy bravo when tTp we the,'W posed 1 beeker eta, Dow feet 18118, 00 you eco 1 have the drop on you, . It would servo you right if stretched you beside your rifle, but 1 have never eommitted murder lied don't intend to begin now, You take me for Hank /3eyer. If I were be, there woutd be ha souse in denying it when it 'would bring nie to danger, but X re eat that am another Verson. Everything that 1 said at the hotel tonight was true 1 e meter in this part of the country until yesterday. The real Reek Meyer wits that young ham *allow 1 pointed Out et:nutlet( by ire door of the :lining recre. Re bad made hireeelf look direer- ent ey ea:tying:tit bie inesteelm, and lut also disguised his voice, What do ,yoti think of any statement?" "are all a de ---d nein • alters was evidently a men el ne. 1 hod not ehelten his belief tttity With the detested levee 1 'Well, believe as you demote <let be long before, you will 1 t you r»d your frieurls ere the it els ie aliteassippi." /FLEWS PUMPS We build our pumps to last fort years and have them in price from $2.50 up. Brass Cylinders and t o Nitta nized Iron Piping. 'PHONE 4. havi a fail stock of tat above goods, Call and get prices when in need of anything in our lino • 4011-11N LTO, Opp Beattie's Livery. 11 When you want a fine line of Printing, whether it, be Largo Posters • Horse Route Cards Dodgers Circulars Letter Weacis Eill Heads Envelopes Wedding Invitations and Announcements Visiting' Cards 13usiness Cards Note Books. ReceiDt Books Or any other kind of Printing, you can q. cr t the best work at the most reasonable price at cijThis word is our olpyrighteoars for Purity and Strenath whe» seen on oar geed% It Warlie them the standards tor their severat purposes and 1ls presence proteets y on from imititions and in- ferior goods. Look for it Plant Spra,y. iPersiatio Plant Spray contains no mineral nelson - assents or Paris Green. Sore death to 411 insect life 1f,440/14F41.10etesp,r4Ilv.armiess to 'vegetation. Canacia's on13* Sheep Dip Persiatic Sheep Gip is a 'In eparation tor the tare of skin diseases anti he erartiration n.f vermin in sheep mad rattle. It Is Welly medicinal aml (low 10 work with Co d matte (le terttnting cleats. hindersed by 10414 sheep Week*. Horse Wash Perelman floras Wash ti spent prepared aineta for the mire of Akio Mantises peculiar to horses and fo 1 , uertniti„ li; has entpassintriay retrreetgfestetfaecne, hi{ 'lite 8h14 p018 III41 °eerily healthy condition, Pries ;Men per Nes. ran. n s tin) skin Iwo thor. I Pig Wash 1'l Wityli is successfully mud in Ali cases of skin diseases ot Swine, and eir 'M4).440114 has, 1 ilea and • • i healthy condition nisi 0»tra Pa. Ars Pthct'ild" 14 a in the dressed animal tor uriaiist."th 1"31"1" lienffnuse Spray Potsititia lien titheo Sorao 04.1,a1titry Powder destroy email. peculiar to the fenN.imod teek—bu row.tg ,r in theda Act in a disinfeemsolestroylini• lar3PUI:;4pfeki-VititTifoittlrinilti=Ort;isegseest.1r- direct for them. Wo invite correspondence. Purchtoto thew, Romig tenor pntr defiler or tend to The Plekhardt tioutrew Co.* Limited* 4 TIMES 1 ON GIVES RELIEF. Don't S en • a D liar for until you have tried You can buy them, in the paper 5 -'cent cartons Ten Tabules for Five Cents. pet to eheroti to Pritur thd antittrat Or•oht dom.td tor * 1o,, - If you don't find this sort of Ripans MbuLs At the Druggists Stottirvillet Ont. Send Five tents to late abeam CftENtioAl. Coutetter, Waite Spaced St., New York, And: they bo sent tO sou by. main Olt 22 cartons will be mailed for 48 tehts. The &meet 01;161%* me that Ripaes Tabula aro the very raedi inc yea Iliked. t.)1 441'1 ,g;