The Wingham Times, 1899-06-30, Page 5ORDERED
lothing Trade
has doubled this season. �y
Good Cloth, First-class Trimmings and a Perfect Fit.
GENT'S ! Before buying, call and see the largest
stock of Broadcloths, Worsted, Serves and Tweeds
ever shown in Wingham.
.:11:.n WINURAM ° .°
IVIES', JUNE 30, Ib99,.
at cost
N. I
Having purchased the business from Jas. Duffield, the public will find
us in the CORNER STORE, desirous of securing by fair dealing and hon -
eat values a share of the patronage. The present stock will be offered. at
Housefurnishings, Cetlerv, Graniteware, Stoves, Tinware and Coal 011
always in stock. Special attention will be given to cur
Having had large experience in cities, we excel in
Fur)riace :Work, .ot Water and Steam. Heating,
Sanitary Plumbing, Pave, Steel
Siding, Roofing and .MetaleCeil,ings,,,.,
Callon us. We shall be pleased to make ,your acquaintance, feeling
sure we shall gain your confidence.
arkT .;rti':
lcau hlin
T t:.
" One Gracle Only and That the Best;"
Has been their motto for' over thirty
years. Some of the 'principal features
(which no other . buggy has) are
rubber and brass washers warranted
-three years, one lever top steel circ le, &c.
McTauchlin's cost a litJe, more than
SG �_ others, but they are the cheapest in the
end You will make a big mistake if
r \ >• # you don''t•see our stock before buying.
Wo can sell you • a good ' ordinary
`buggy as cheap or• cheaper than any one else. We have theM here.
- We can sell you anything you want in the implement line the •sable as
•we have clone for the past 16 }-ears, and ,guarantee good value. Or it you
Want an Orgar:,.Piano or Sewing Machine, you will find our stoek the best
that money can buy. Prices and terms :all right too Come in and see us
anyway, Will be pleased to show you through.
Office aid Warerooms opposite Presbyterian Church.
. v®9 Ii
O l 0
In 0 0 0
0 1.1.3 113
The Stamp o Security.
On every " Slater .Shoe put there by the
makers as a guarantee of 'was Value— a protec-
tion against extortionate profits.
Many men. would readily pay more for a
" Slater Shoe " were not the price stamped on
the sole— this stamp gives . the actual market
value of the shoe determined by the inanttfac-
Made in twelve
foot -model shapes, all
sizes„ widths, leathers,
collets and styles. every pair Good-
year welted.
$3°5o and: $5,iso,
_-THF L 1 Gl'3
For Safe Only by HOMUTH, & 8014.
0 0 0 0
Itis LSa 1.0 Lf�
4.1 rE4
Z 8
JAMESTOWN, spent Sunday in the village,
Mr. and Mrs. John Strachan were' Air. Will Gardiner and bride, of
visiting their daughter, Mr.. A, 13tj Teeswater, spent a few days last
11ieCosh by lake Huron shore, last!week with the farmer's parents, Mr
week'. land, Mrs, John Gardiner.
Messrs. John. and Thomas Watson' Rev. Mr. Dever, of Teeswater,
and. Mrs, John Watton and )vliss preached in the Methodist church on
Mary McCosh, of Pine' River were, Sunday
seeing friends on the Jrd or, Grey Miss Mary .Jane Casemore, of
this week. , Howick, is visiting her aunt, Mrs. C.
Mts. A. Hogarth, of 11'ilehigan, is Brinker;
spending a few weeks with her1 Rev. Robert T.hynne and Miss
brother, Reeve Turnbull,
The Appetite of o. Goat
Is envied by all poordyspeptics whose at Hamilton and will return home'
Stomach and Liver are out of order. in a few days, while .Miss Thynne',
All such ebourn snow that Dr. Kinks Intends stay)ng several months,
Thynne, .of Souris, Manitoba, are
visiting friends in this vicinity. Rev,
Mr. Thynne attended the Assembly
New Life the wonderful Stomach
fled Liver ltewedy',givee t> splendid ep- Mrs. Fred McC1'aeken and ebild-'
petite, sound digestion and regularrep, of Brussels, are visiting her
bodily habit that insures perfect health mother Mrs. John Gardiner.
and great energy, Only ..5 cents at
Colin A, Campbell's Drug Store. Rev. 9V, J. West, M. A., has re
turned from the Assembly at. Iiainil•
pretty June wedding was cele-
brated on Wednesday afternoon at
the Presbyterian eburch•kier'i when
Lillian,. second daughter of Mr. R,
Greenway was united in marriage to
Mr. Will J. McIntyre, of Toronto.
Rev. W. Jest, pastor of the church,
officiated. he church was a garden
of flowers, on either aislebeing erect-
ed an archway made of pink and
white roses, dividing the 'invited
guests from the general public. The
bride wore a dainty costume of white
d. tehess satin, with train and trim-
mings of chiffon, forming two lovers
knots. She carrieda. beautiful shower
bouquet of white roses, orange blos-
soms and maiden hair ferns. The
bride was givenaway by her father.
Little Mary Diamond acted as maid
'of honor. The bridesmaids were
Misses Jennie and Maggie Greenway,
sisters of the bride, who wore cos-
tumes of prgandy muslin with lace
and chiffon, wearing large white
Leghorn picture hats, trimmed' with
Mr. John lVte'i ety is erecting a
drive shed on his premises.
Mr, James Cochrane and his grand-
daughter, Miss Campbell are visiting
with friercla in New Hamburg,
Mr. Sim, Hodder is dangerously
ill at present As he is well advanced
in years his life is despaired of.
The following report gives .the
sts.ndiog of the pupils of S. S,• No. 8,
for June, and determines the positions
in class for August.. Total 60b.
Sr. IV.—Gurdon Embury 398.
Jr. IV.—Ettie Agar 580, Ruby
Forbes 522, Alice Paul 504, Vena
Knox 503, Charlie Garniss 329,
Martha Ingram 303.
Sr. III.-Xartfa Fraser 393, John
Garniss 392, Eva 111av Soiled) 248.
Sr. I1.—Emma Jerwyn 5117, Annie
Garniss 508,
Sr. Pt. IL Total 200. William
Forbes 158, Harvie Knox 115, 'Tom
Jermyn 76.
Jr, Pt, II.—Lizzie Knox 115,
Vonnie Rutledge 100, hiuldah Rut-
ledge 95, Eddie Campbell. , tulle.' Mr. Ed. McIntyre supported
Sr. I.—Mildred Jewitt 145, Fred the groom and Miss Emma McIntyre
presided at the organ, rendering
lliendelssohn's wedding march at,d
Lossinis' voluntaries. The ushers on
the occasion were Messrs Frank
Gt een w...y. and Alex. Montgomery.
After the eeretnorv, a reception was
given at the bride's home, where she
was presented with presents to the
yallte pf.$500,, which .is considered a
low estimate. The tables were spread
in the orchard, but on accountof an
unexpected shower, tea was served
in the house to 120 guests. The
bride's travelling dress was of fawn
ladies cloth wi'h cerise trimmings
and a dainty travelling hat. May
the young couple have many years
of happy wedded life is the wish of
their many friends.
Agar 1190, Roy Tu"vey 115, Norman
Suuch 110, Sarah Agar 100, Stanley
Rutledge 30.
'Jr. T —Nelson. HazelStamp-
er, Willie Agar.
Low I.—Edna Johnston, Tessie
Jermyn, John Rutledge.
D. L. STRACHAar, Teacher:
Glia iiouii l ewe
Comes from 1)r. `1), B. Cargile, of
Washita. 1.'1'. i1e writes: ' Four bot-
ties of Electric Bitters has cured Mrs.
Brewer of scrofula, which had caused
her great suffering fur years. Terrible
sores wnultt break out on her head and
ince, and the best doctors could give no
help; but her cure is complete and her
health is excellent." This shows that
thousands have proved, --that E ectric
iBitters is the best blood purifier `kuuw•n.
It's the supreme , emedy for eugenic, tet -
ler, salt rheum, ulcers, boils and run-
•ning sores. It stimulates liver. kidneys
and bowels, expels poisons, heli,e diges-
tion, builds up the strength. Only 50
conte. Sold by Colin A. Campbell,
Druggist, every bottle guaranteed.
N. Aa
at cos
Miss Lizzie McKee, ot.Mtlesworth,
is visiting Mrs. George McDonald.
Misses Ruby 'and Polly Duff visited
in East Wawanush on Monday.
Mr. Will Hockley intends going to
Manitoba shortly.
\Vele'pleased to hear that 11r.
Thus Stewart, who was act badly
injured last week, is doing well.
'I'i.te congregations of the three
Methodist Churches., of Bluevale,
Browntown and Johnston's, will
bold a union picnic in Mr. Edward
I3umnun'- grove. Mori is. on July ist.
Rev, D. Perrie, of Winirrham, oe-
cui,ied tLe pulpit of the Presby tei ian
church on Sunday. day • was fine, the crowd was large,
A large number of our villaibels g
the baskets were
went on the excursion to Guelph an .tilled, with good
Ttiperlay. things. Mr. Lennox deserves credit
lade eta Code, of Trowbridge, for the well rendered programine.
Air. Jas. McLeod was on the ground
Hay Forks, Rope, Pulleys,
Hooks, &e.
ileadquarters for
Peerless Machine Oil.
Fortunately the horses ran each side.
of a telegraph post and weraet•rpped.
'rhey were just backing up to start
and run again when Mr, . George
Coekerline acid some men who were
working at Mr. Cockerline's barn,
rani and caught the horses, They
took Mr. Brown to Mr. Cockerline's
and Drs, McCallum and Walker
were immediately ea led and very
ably dressed his wounds. His jaw
was broken and badly ent, his collar
bone was broken, and chest crushed.
His head was Madly skinned by being
dragged over the gravel road. Ile•
passed a vet'y quiet night an Monday
and hopes are entertained far his
Notes. --Mr. Walter Riddell started
for Manitoba on Tuesday, His sister,
Dlrs. Warner, who has been visiting
friends here for some time, will
accompany him.
Mr. Andrews and A. Woodman
went to Toronto, ns delegates to the
Good Templars •convention.
Mr. John Stephenson has been
'promoted to' the- position of section
foreman ori' the G. T. R. track. He
will move to the seethed house this .
Rr. Robt. Bocoek, who has been
very ill with heart trouble, is able to
be out again.
'On Sunday evening when Messrs.
Bruce and Little were driving home
the horse took fright and bolted into
the ditch, upsetting the hnggy°
Neither gentlemen were hurt, 'but
the buggy was somewhat damaged.
Tha Creamery butter has been
sold and will be shipped this week.
-It will uet.the patrons 130 per pound.
This is the second sale fee this season.
T. W. Palmer has purchased a
wheel from A, Brutealon. Tom will
make things fly now.
Be Fooled the -Surgeons.
All doctors told Renick .larnilton, of
Webb Jefferson, 0., after suffering 18
months from Rectal Fistula, he would
die unless a costly operation was per..
formed; but he eured himself with five
Loxes of Bucaclen's Arnica Salve, the
Surest Pile cure on Earth, and the best
Salve in the World, 25 cebts a box.
Sold by Colin A. Campbell, Druggist.
Garden Prirty.—The garden party
held on the parsonage lawn last
Thursday evenii,g was a decided
success. After lunch was served a
very entertaining programme was
given. The party was brought to
rather an early clo.e 011 aceoynt of
the heavy shower.
Pienie.—The picnic under the au
spices of No. 4 se•hool, which was
held in Allen's bush on Friday last,
was a success in every way. The
There are three conditions:
When the blood is poor;
with a fine new tela and a large Manyle trust to luck
supply of that good ice cream •and people P
other dainties. to putt them through, and are
Farewell Sermon. --Rev. Mr. An- Do not
Sir; Wilfrid Laurier states that the
cost of the prohibition plebiscite up
to June 23; 18!)9,awas 8192,511, and
that about 61,000 eddiiion al would,
it was estimated, meet all outstand-
ing liabilities.
Joseph Wade, a rnea:ha,nic, of Clod
ice, -secured a situatie.n in Ander-
son's furniture factory, Woodstock,
six weeks ago. A Week . ago he
maven his family t t Woodstock.
Saturday he tiled -after four day's
"Great Haste is Not
Always Good Speed.'`
When more flesh is needed; Brews preaehed fits farewell sermon afters dY ointedreap
When there is weakness to a very large audience on Sunday dilly-dally ' in matters of
evening. Mr, Andrews leaves this health. With it you can
of the throat or lungs. ' week for his new cireuit in Varna: accomplish miracles. 1 ith-
ere is one cure: that is Mr. Andrews and his family will
be .
greatly missed by all, as they have out it .you are ss no good."
Scott's Emulsion. greatly the fiver, kidneys bowels. a
all taken an active part in church healthy by the use of Hood's Sat -
It contains the best cod- and league work. We wish them sap lrillta, the faultless blood puri ler.
every success in their new home, ; IRheumatism 1 had acute rheurna-
liver o11 emulsified, or d1- Sad Aeeidpnt.- Oil Monday m01 n• j tiara In my limb and foot. T eomrtienceci
treatment with Hood'S Sarsaparilla anti
gested, and cornbined with in Wm, l3rown brought his wagon Her:ni Alla and In tt :!bort time was
the h o hos Mites anti i to the village to have the tires set, cured.'' Wir,r,tAtit lisss> ir, Brantford, Ont.
✓ t p r and when returning home be got on SCrOfuiifl—""Yeas troubled with scrofula.
hot -e was very , and impure blood. A. rut on my arm
onld not heal. Hoods Sarsaparilla p
glycerine. It prolnises more i horst; back The
prompt relief and more last-
' q a arilla was
high lifed a d beeam,� unnlana;;able. recomtiten�ialc1 a11id after I hall taken three*
j About a mile south of the villa
Ina. benefitin es Gas '
breaul i was well' HAX4IEnitortissOri,
o ell e es than re i 11f Brown it °TreanleyStreet TOrnnto Ont
tired u) tem r. gave the
can be obtained, f►forn the reins tt ,jerk and the horse lost its
balance and fell back on Jr. Brown, ,
use of any other remedy. Ilia fo t was caught in the harness
gar. and $r.ob, nil druggists, and when. the team started to rt1t itAM t 1 itis titre Livor ills, tea tfon'ta ritnthnft rnr!
sCO't'i'.& liOWN :, Chemists, 'Dante. they. bragged hint some `distance. oauq ratanrtie ie _tafao yrlelY le"od s`.�a mopu'r71