The Wingham Times, 1899-06-30, Page 4I .SEE OUR
It is full of Cool
Froth 5c up,
e ♦ 5 WINUL14,111
TIMES, 1 1899'. 9'.
1 w itimit ar.
The West Elgta election trial leas i wingham. ,lune 29, 1800.
aj brought to light some very bad' Corrected by 1'. Deans, Prod.nee Dealer.]! tour per 100 lbs., , ,:..v. 1 00 to 'd 00
ri •�vark> Which was indulged in at tie.1'iill 1vhe:st ,,,,.., ,,,-.. 0 08 to 0 00
t: S cin liflloitti 0 t18 to 0 u9
1�" last provincial election in that rid- i' g , 0 5Q to 0 3p
�� p' e)ete ., 0 30' to Q 35
j ing, The TIMES will nut Uphold !Pensee .. .' , . 0 00 to 0 02
Ir etcher Liberals or Conservatives if •it Turkey, drawn .,..,.,,.,•„ 0 08 to 0 09
005 to 000
• is prot:ell that they are guilty of cora Geese, 0 90 to 4 00
Duolss, per pair , , , . , 0 11 to 0 14
rupt practices in an eleotion. The ]softer.. , . . , ,, ,
TIMES W0l11c: say have the /natter in- Eggs per dozon „ • 0 60 to f 14
Brood par cord , 0 QO to 0 00
i { vestig�ated and we fully agree with Hay per ton,.... , + .. 0 40 to 0 50
the Torento Star when it say's • Potatoes, per bushel,
Tallow, per lb......... .,., 0 S to 0 4
,i editorially i-- } Dried Apples, per lb 0 4 to 0 3
,, 00 to 00
�r +kThe conclusion of the election I p o I, .. ho�'a,• . , , , . , , „ . , 5 00 to 0 00
trial in West Elgin may have been' Chielteus 0 30 to 0 30
very satisfactory to Conservatives, 1
{7lli.ii1., CAMPBELL'S V
P 1 and to the Lberal3. It was pleasing f _
11 to Conservatives, because the seat is i
i7ru � h
P� ld i,:
paid the Liberals. The die-
— �n posessed member has also seen fit. to 1
which can be use withadvantage; MR. WIL MCKAY, CLIFFORD, N.
g Store. r1. vacant now, and all the costs are to
1 I i l be paid by tl
P--74 ,ia. see ^ e -' e r''°"� 1 sign a most damaging admission, ,
.__ d
in the next struggle. The Liberals 1 TELLS OF HIS. DAUGHTER'S CURE.
are not displeased, because exposures 1
of a much more serious nature might
have been made, and altogether they , SHE WAS FIRST. ATTACKED WITH
might have fared worse. But whereACUTE RHEUMATISM, FOLLOWED BY..
does ordinary justice come in ? Mr. sr. VITUS' DANCE IN A SEVERE.
illttcnish says that he believes that a i I,ORM—HER PARENTS THOUGHT SHE
large nnmher of persons were epee- I
jelly sent. into. the constituency b t* COULD NOT RECOVER,
meu working, on behalf ot the Lib 1
Notice ofehanges must be left at this
office not later than. Saturday
noon, The copy for changes
must be left not later than Tues-
day evening. Qasual advertise•
ments accepted up to noon
Thursday of each week.
eatiug12aiR tfin t5
=!ps■n!!gIII,IN ' ,VpA • t vn �1rofri `�y vroom j goliol �rw+e■?:1 nNimr rill !!~!VIII!! rl4rllnnYle!#!i
r , ilii r0R1440 00,11yr Iw4410,041,7“.i
AANA�rYrArA�irrA.�.. . � �ljiirrNAr,�ki/.ilkern rvir,iirArw! .r�4�„ r+,.trayr "�•
Lor Photos you should sea • e
111, E, Zurbrigg,.
have you seen the ones he has in his
window, Try Wm, he can give you any
thing in the Photo lice you Want, Well
finished and good wore{ guaranteed.
Also crayon and Water Wore.
M. JE..ZIJI1wI311 ICG,'c Gi e.
Opposite Presbyterian Church,
Boy wanted to learn Photography.
era party, for the express purpose Prom the Enterprise, Bridgewater, N. S.
of taking part in the election, and l Wm. McKay, Esq., a well known
fraudulent and corrupt means were
used. Is any attempt made to search and ranch respected farmer and mill
out and punish these men. ? This man at Clifford, 'Lunenburg Co., N.
entire election business is a game ho -1's., relates the following wonderful'
tween parties, and these crimes can ewe effected in his family by the
be committed with impunity. That i use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills:—
„About tbree ears. ago my little
such state of affairs is tolerated in daughter Ella, then a child of ten
this province is an outrage and a g
disgrace. Hon, A. S. hardy is years, ' ; wasattacked with acute
Premier of this province, and he is rheumatism. It was a terrible bad
also Atte' ney.General. As Premier case; for over a month she was con -
he frequently deplores corruption, fined to her bed, and during mese of
tee time was utterly helpless; being
As Attorney General he has the
power to investigate, and if he is unable to turn in bed, or in fact to
sincere he should investigate this move at all without help. She could
matter to the very bottom, and not even hold anythingin her hand,
shield no friend and spare eo foe." 1 All power or use of her limbs had
The Conservatives do a great deal
entirely gone and the pain she suffer -
of talking about the matter, and they ed was fearful. By constant atten-
tion after a month or so she began to
evidently do not remember that
in the last Dominion general gain a little strength, and after a
elections the same things were done' while improved enough to be taken
iu the interests of Conservative eandi out of bed and even walked around
dates in different ridings. The Cori- a bit after a fashion by means of a
servatives should remember the past support. Beit now ., she was seized
with worse ailment than the rheum -
FRIDAY, JUNE 30, 1899.
.A. 'while ago the .Conservatives
were wearing faces on which self-
righteousness and holy disappoint -
anent were struggling painfully.
The Conservatives were shocked at
the corruption in the West Elgin
,election, at the corrupt practices of
,the. Liberals. They sent up one
long howl of disgust at such goinps-
on..' They did more than this ; they
instituted proceedings whereby the
•Grit mounting to power by such rot-
ten steppingstones should be cast
down again, and the election ren-
dered void. The Conservative party
would stand no more of this base
Farmers, why pay 5,14 and 0 per cent. t
interest on your loans when money may =1
be hod at 0 per cent. Payments made
to suit borrower, Charges low. ! _
Agency Ontario Mutual Life Assur-10
anee Company.
At office k'riday afternoon and all day
Macdonald Block, Wingham..
Order your
corruption, and to prevent disgrace• when dealing with matters of thia ensue Her :nervous system gave.
ful methods in the tuture it was re 1WI •
solved to have a thorough investiga-
tion regarding this Nest . Elgin.
way,a, .completely shattered.
-She 'shook violently all - the thee,
would tumble down in " trying to.
:election Even though i4ir. Mamish.
walk. 'in drink from
did disclaim his seat, and offer to re. Tun redistribution . bill has proved a cup her hand shook so as to spill
a potent eye-opener to a good many the contents all over hersel
people who have hitherto walked in was a pitiable ebject. The
darkness so far as representation- by were called to her again
she had St. Vitus' dance 1 •
s the ,• edicine pre-
. nothing seri:, � 'nstructions
sign his disclaimer would not be ac-
cepted; ar.d the offenders were to be
:searched out, and the bribery was to
be revealed, the guilty were to be
severely punished as a warning to
other evil doers.
All this talk was very fine ; the
Qonservatives posed before the eoun-
try as lovers of truth, justice and.
clean elections. But what kind of a
pedestal are they standing on now ?
Alas! for their good resolutions. As
soon as Mr. Macnish, the member -
elect, resigned his seat, the Conser-
vatives forgot all about their bigh
resolves to investigate the illegal
labors at the election. In their joy
lit seeing the constitueney •open for
anothey election, where a Coneerva-
tive candidate might rttn and win
the coveted goal, the faithful parte
and said'
the worst
population is concerned.People who form She tool
hitherto could sc,rrbed and followed t i - --_a
ously wrong in giving the 26,450 of her physicians br ome time, but
inbabitants of Leeds and Grenville without apparen be . efit. She wast_ SEE WHAT THE
two representatives in the House of ed away almost o a skeleton and -•
ave her ul for lost. About
this time I read in a paper an ae
count of a great cure of nervousness
effected by Dr. Williams' Pirfk Pills
and resolved to•try thein. I bought
six boxes and the little girl began
using them. The. good effects of the •
first box were quite • apparent and Opposite Post Office, Says:
when four boxes were used, she seem-
ed so much improved that the pills • Fresh Beef and Pork.
were discontinued. She kept on im- Lamb Bologna
proving anct after a few weeks was Pickled Pork Headcheese
as well as ever. We were told that Breakfast Bacon Sausage
the cure would not last, that it was Smoked Ham Pressed Beef
only some powerful ingredient in Side Pork '.gripe
the pills which was deceiving us and • Corn Beef Pressed .Tongue
that after a time the child would be . Spice Roll, Lard, Fowl, &c.,
worse than ever. All this has prov- always. on hand.
ed false, for neitrly three years she Our prices are right. Orders'
has bad unbroken good health, called .for and meat delivered to any ,
part of the town.
ri mu
Peoples Popular
We offer you better value for your money than : II
you can get elsewhere. We prove the truth of this
statement. Our terms are spot cash or trade. We •„,rn
deliver goods promptly to any place within' 3 miles of
the store, Our stock is well assorted ,and consists of
Dry Goods, Gents' Furnishings, Ladies' Toilet
Ware, Small Wares, Carpets, Ready-made Clothing,
Groceries, Spices, Dried and Fresh 'Fruits, Brooms,
Brushes,, Chinaware, Crockery, Glassware, Lamps,
Lanterns, Graniteware, Woodenware, .Stationery,
School Supplies, Confectionery, Plain and Fancy
Biscuits, Flour for Bread and Pastry, ,Oatrneal, Corn
Meal, Rolled Wheat, Cracked Wheat, Swiss Food,
Germ Meal, &c., &c.
. I�r
For .Tune and July.
Comfortable, solid and reliable foot-
wear at and• below cost. We have all
styles suitable for the season. .If you
want a little better article at a little
lower price than you expect to pay, come „,
to this•store. Space will not allow us to 1
quote many prices, but note a few of the
~ten's Strom Wor>ing Shoes, solid o1;11fi
leather, all sizes. 6 to _IL, at 90c; Men's =
Fine Box Calf Bals, Goodyear Welt, :111111
worth 63.50, sale price 89 50 ; Ladies' fine jll
F h Kidd hand turned buttoned and
rent , +
ana Bale, worth 63 23, sale price 82.50 ;
.Ladies' fie French `'Kid Vamps and
"Quarters with Vesting Tops, Buttoned
and Bale, worth 83.95, sale price 82.50 ;
als338pairs of Ladies' fine Button and
Lace Boots which cost from 81,50 to
82 50, sizes 2i, 3 and 33, will clear the lot
at 903. These are extra values.
Jr G. ARVlEtial.
Commons, while the 73,862 citizens ry e
of West Toronto had but one, can,
now that the party interests are re-
versed, see clearly, and are shouting
lustily about this dishonesty of giving
15,000 people in Brant as much
parliamentary influence as 50,000
Torontonians. If '`representation by
population' is to become something
real in Canadian polities, ” and not
remain the •earicature that it has
:tans forgot that there was such a been during the past thirty years,
thing as constancy to a good resole• the Government should push their
tion, and all their righteous threats redistribution bill, and the Opposition
passed away into the air. ---Toronto should continue to show up' its defects
Star. until the most glaring of thein are
eliminated from the bill, then pass
the- measure with the understanding
that further improvements will be in
When it comes to the
question of watch, repair-
ing, we do not take a
back seat for any man in
-. Canada.
repairing trade was not
built up by turning out
poor work, er charging
unreasonable prices.
Best Granulated Sugar,
White Sugar,
Yellow " -
Salmon per tin, •
Maple Leaf Salmon,
Mustard Pickles, per
Vinegar Pickles, •
Governor Sauce,
Raspberry Syrup,
Imperial Sauce,
20 lbs; for $1,00.
2 I i t I, O(�,
2z „ i,00.
25 rr I.00,
9c and ioC.
i 2 >41
r, ., Ioc.
- IOC.
1-0C. '
- t 10C•
We will sell Straw Hats, all kinds, also Ladies'.
Leather Belts at cost until.the stock is cleared out.
Children's Handkerchiefs, each, i 1ec.
A few pieces i•oc and 12 /c Print for Vic.
Good Note Paper, 5 quires for zoc.
Envelopes per pkge, from 2 1-2C to toe.
Red Ink, Black Ink and Mucilage.
Children's Garden Tools at cost.
Macdonald $lock,
Wingbam, Ont.
His ,Art Hair Goods are Worn by Over 60O,OO( People.
`` ' «".,moi \ �'•�,
Manager of the Dorenwend Co. of Toronto,
Limited, Nos, 103 •and 105 Yonge. Street,
whose skill as a manutauturer of £1A
GOODS has given him a world-wide
tation, is coming. He will be at
1 1rii)illsWICk : House, 1r&? ii l ani
with Ladies' and Gents' Hair ' ads, Wise, .
Toupees, Wavey Bangs nd Fronts,.
• Switrbes, Etc. Ladies, now is your time,
Else the latest and b'.st th the world has
eyes produced. If y • ur . air isi thin, plain -
looking or grey, m:lc= youreelf attractive
and youngwith o, ,f Prof. Dorenwend s
bald, When Dorenwend's
Featherweight Hair Cover-
ings will affect such a nat-
ural cnange in
at-uralcuangein your appear-
ance, and you will have
both healthand consfort.
wearing them. Some "af
.COUP EL s j
wi the leading people everywhere can testify to their merits. Over
36,000 -wear Prof. Dorenwend's'i'oupees to day. Why not you ? Discard your stilt
cape, which do not look nice when ;Worn in the house. Get nature's protector --
THE HAIR.. Prof. Dorenwend'svinventiona will replace that which is lost.
Remember, Brunswick, House. Wingbam WEDNESDAY;WEDNESDAY;JULY 12th.
N. B.—Consultation and trying on of these goods free. Those who cannot call
at the Hotel should send word, and he will call at their residence, -
Cut Hair, especially white, will be bought or taken in exchange.
order next year. The iniquities and a nerves as strong as tbey are made,
inequalities of the Canadian election i and stands school work and house -
le ws are certainly mach more glaring,
and should receive more attention,
than the so called maladministration
of Yakon affairs.—Montreal Witness.
1 am prepared to pay the highest
cash lai ice for all good butter and
eggs delivered at My warehouse
near the G. T, R.
0. GILLESPIE. by insisting that every box bears
hold work as well as a mature person.
We have no doubt about Dr. Wil.
Yams' Pink Pills restoring to us our
little girl, whom we looked upon as
doomed to an early grave."
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are a l
specific for diseases arising from an
impoverished condition of the blood
or shattered nerves, such es St. Vitus'
dance, locomotor ataxia, rheumatism,
paralysis, siatica, the after effects of
la grippe, headache, dizziness, ery-
sipelas, serofula, ete. .They are also
Your patronage solicited.
a, specific for the troubles peculiar to
the female system, building anew
the blood and restoring the glow of
health to pale and sallow cheeks.
Protect ,yourself against imitations
the fait nitres Dr, Williams' Pink
'Pills for Pte People. If your deaf
Aflt;V'f3 WANTED --FOR "THE Lr1; L elm
Achievcmcn•s of Admiral Dewey," the rrorlo's er does nM have 'them they will be
long friend
nasal :erO.ra en, nation's idohel3i sent, post paid, at 50 cents a box or
lona nen at admirer ,v 8 by addressing.
gest gild hest honk : nter tdp pages. sxllr' inene•i ; six boxes for �h 50,
neatly 14f1 pages halftone illustrations', oniy 81.50.
Enormoosdcutand. Rig commissions, Ontntfree. jthe Ur. IViiiiatnB' Medicine Co.,
time Write Wok. The Dominion
The Kentucky Bred Trotting
will stand for service at Swarts' Hotel
stables during the seaeon of 1809..
ZENO is a beautlfutdark bay, stands over 10 hands
symmetry and limp and superior
action, weftrltserfect r140) Ths. As his gadlo:tee shows, he,
enure of 'lento Monk, combining srraine of the
superior racing families of olden time!', and fliroctly
rclatfntt to "arty of trio most riisthtguished trotters
ever bred in America, and running bask through
numerous breaches to Old Messenger,. iiellfoandt.r
and tiambletonian, the fountain heath of the trot•
ting fstnlly. As a ato�ek her8e lie e:tiinOb fail t.o fret
valuablo stack Tor every Id' It of use nv welt as 1pned.
ZENO earrted oft 1st prizes and diplomas wherever
rtw1111,4 to the. Internet ot brows to eco tIri
horse before bre:iitng choir mates,
fslO. WItArrrr. V. VANNOitM Ori Wer.
Mari er,
Chance of a life pry iiroeleville, Ont. ng Company, 3rd Floor Carton t3ldtr., Cnic►�o,
Highest' prices in cash or in
exchange for Yarns, Blankets,
Heavy Tweeds, Flannels, &c.