The Wingham Times, 1899-06-30, Page 31X\ L 1, .AM TIM St JUNE 30,. 109*
• Mr. wa's O1fl1O1'� Qi
rain's .thry hipai
zm RESTORED z�rm
The Virat Orange Waltz in the
Q$ Q
In the year 1835 or 30, about 20
men and boys assembled at the lodge
() I
John Cox, ,
room at the house of
the township of Gioderich, on the
12th day of July, to celebrate the
battle ot the. Boyne, by virtue of
warrant No. 145,, John. Cox. roaster
,,' TO N.E. W HEALTH. lof lodge. We left the lodge room
'Summer Aids to Fenatt nee Reality. C
for the town of Goderich • arriving
WEEN ALL OTHER there we marched, with tire, dr'utn
iV..E IOINES FAILED, and flag, down West street to the
bank of the lake. We formed in line
opposite the dwelling of John Long-
worth, an old veteran of the British
army, and a Justice of the Peace,
The old Squire came put to us and
made us welcome, and brought out.
Tt is evesywbere admitted that the
• people wbo testify to the heart -giving
and restoring virtues of Peine's Celery
Compound are Hien and woman who are
respected and well• known in the towns
and cities where .they reside. liquor and treated* the company.
The hige. standing of Paine's Celery After a short titre with hizn, and we
Compound with the most prominent three loyal with
cheers, the
me acme men, ,
rarity, is duo to the Taut that the great first of the hind sounded on the
d' ' 1 en and ztseworld wide pop- had given tht
e .oiled in
i s b
e peelings, Cucurnb i p g ,
dranees, "The home, the formative b hap.. 'tclfte COO
school of true manhood". was an ad- quires, baba Tone Mull% i
i c �wal�mi
greet to
ra In to
uedti,d, "The frls u g'
.J3 air, Jar. g
er, wits be found good for the Akin. 'toWe, thed Uha emosne , oddoahereby
er e t gree l Value of the crops', wets the stagAesr read the Bible ci vct"!itly for
A sliee oi'cucuniber may be rubbed i sept bottle of Dr. Wills' I±Jnglieh Pine,' tine title of the addreee given by a. quarter of an hour tato: Win
on the face instead of soap. Lemon ! lf, atter using three fourths of contents' Rev. R. '8, G, Anderson, Wroxeter, which are given to. those wise
r1 ie t eats ' rfrom the Lh
st r
t aspoke f to
i ve alltt a -s s lie
oBrussels, ' io Tel p Kerr, Cuss I
do net
JI,, P
bo tie,
-o t
z f
r.. Dll.
sunburn. '1 len.
' i e will �ri
u I tion: and Headache. We also warrant!g
as res is as.good for the complexion • that four bottles will permanently curet the dil'lieult subject of Sa S, 1 hrlan- . The following' i>;: the textf
skrose -waist', though it makes the' the meet obstipato cases of Constepataon, . thropy. Mfas Wilson, Clinton, Brief ^onverniug the pending of �'
paler.i"" pe :—
skin SsListacticn or .no pay when ?Valls FzJty, enumerated some helps- to S. S. Gospel
ert1ower•water is famous ;for : lisp Pilia are. used. 1 work," first laying stares on the , His Holiness XIII., et en tat7t
ltl as is also A. A. Morrow, t theorist and Druggist, , Sabbath School as an aageuey. OW, eneo on December iirber 1:1, 1898, rvltb
its cooling properties, 'inghaau, Ont,
lavender' water. - u A, c m ben Cheesier and Drug. I semina:ting Bible truth, while 1F'lre, the undersigned perfect c.f the. Coy
out in blustr weaather' ion �Wios ham,pOnt= Whiteworth, of St. Marys, gave a gregation of Indulgences, and Relies,
Never go 0 Y , g
without a veil unless you wish a. tan. 4, L. ilamilton, ,Chemist and Drug- practical illustration of Leaching' the trade known that l:e grants to all
yi s;ist, W►nRhaax, On.- primary lesson, the faithful who shall have dna oily
toed skin or freckles,
Do not forget, . when drying the Mr, Alf, Day, the efllcient Proven read the Scriptures for s t least at
to rub u ward i IurOn County C. E. and S. $, Con tial S S Secretary, gave two quarter Of au hour an Iraclttlgente of
face after washing, p !
toward. the nolo This well prevent I addresbe4, and also conducted an 'three hundred 1
provided that the ediGioaa.
medicine accomplishes jusr, what it i waves of Lake Huron, vivre returned.
promises. It eaves life after all other I up
town, had another drink, and.
medicines fail; it aures when doctors returned to our' lodge room, where
ronounoe the patient inouraule, had
P ladies of the neighborhood
Mr. John $. Brown, 'rule, N. S., the lad es
writes rte follows, a good dinner provided for us, which
'I am truly thankful fur the agoodus re-
e we heartily enjoyed,
obtained from the use u t
u is 1 have have made a res
sl odd ear , g
PainQ's Celery Com pound. For a long I Sixtyo , y s
the I have been a sufferer from general ; change in this county ; the town of
i e
..eb-r and incisresticn and have made t Goderich at that date was a small
use of many medicines, but none have
given. me the grand, results, aa tar as im-
proved. health .is concerned, as has your
wonderful 'Paine's Celery Compuuud,
village, with about 100 of a popula-
tion, and only a few Ovangnaen were
in town or county at that time. Now
it has done wonders for me, and though they may he numbered by toe thou -
i am now 63 years old I have been able sand. The above report is taken to
the best of my memory.
Gan S.ival THE QUEEN
, June. 20th; 1899.
to do light work for the past, six months,
and have net medicine all"thee rreditafor my sve tore
lion." "
-.Making Sweet Soap Grease,
In many lama. houses all the scraps Bicyclists
of Rag -
bottle g
ou band a
Should keep
yard's Yellow Oil. It is clean to use and
will not soil the clothes. Cures cuts and
bruises, takes out pain and limbers up
stiff, erne j cents and muscles.
of Kiat, cooked and uncooked, are
thrown together in a large tub or
kettle, where, exposed to air, it
quickly becomes exceedingly offen-
sive to the senses, One wonders ho v shying an florsesa
it can be that such stinking grease
can be changed into good, cleansing The vice of shying is one of the
soap, But it is said the explanation most annoying and dangerous, and
is that the thorough uniting" which many farmers cannot' understand
the grease receives v<ith lye destroys why horses shy in the first place,
all the offensive germs. But it only I and why it is 50 diffieult to break
does this after much c,f the value ort thein off this evil and dangerous
theg rease has been destroyed. Get 1 habit. They do not stop to reflect
a, cake of potash and make a strong , that shying is simply a revival of an
]ye of it. Throw this over the grease j old habit essential ro the very exis
aand fat, extirely covering it. The teuce of the ht.rse when it ran Vail
grease will be partly turned into soap % on desert or plaits. Every horse
by this and will keep swept without from colthood up was obliged to be
an waste. . on the loolcottt for an'"'enemy. itV`ere'
Y �.. would
it not for its speed the hue so.
For Over Fiftj Years. _Mss I be almost as defenceless es a sheep.
An Old and Well -Tried Remedy 1 The crit reasonable way to break a
Winslus,'s Seething Syrup has beenf h off this habit is to require it to
" r d tla •s, to be gained
--�---- i the Co i open parliament On Sunday School once a day, prov-
•eat extentthe crease el sig" 1 The annual meeting o °Pe t
out to a great f H run Christian En d
wrinkles, and will help to smooth
k ho e one of the most practical, i of the Goeiel has been approved by'
u deaver an
side ot the nose. i Sabbath School Association was he'd
Use neither hot nor cold water ex,
elusively for bathing, A good rule inn James St, church, Exeter, on Tues.
to %ollow is a hot bath at night and day and Wednesday of lase week,
but be and was well attended, I4ir. W. C. The report of the Treasurer., Mr, felt .etre lecture --every clay of the
a cold one. in the morning, Pr idham, President, presided on
if you wish L Taylor, showed the receipts during; month, It .can be gained on the day
Saukeep take a skink daily Tuesday. to your in good condition.. regular session. egmmeneed, the year, including a small balance id the month when, after confession
Do not wear tight shoes if you de- "The g on hand, to be $153,81, and the }those who have i111filled the conditions
with "The Quiet Hour" led by t ev.J,
expenditure $136.73, Cr, motion, shall have offered up the customary
sire a graceful carriage ; no woman ,prayers for the Holy
con walk comfortably or well in I S. Henderson, Vice Pres. .of the p intentions of the
Ontario 0, E. Union. It was a
meeting where ' the Master was
present, and made a splended itn-
as well as one of the most fluent S. ilegitimate authority, l.{'uthet•ntores
S. workers in the Dominion. Rev. the .Sovereign l'ultt•itiga'ants monthly
Dr. Saunders, London, gave an. ad -1a Plenary indulgence to all those
dress on "Kings and Cranks," I who shall havo read in this way—
the Ass'n pledged the sum of $60
towards the Provincial Association.
J. C. Stoneman, Secretary, gave
h• t aa follows In the printed
shoes that are too small for her feet.
Do not wear too small gloves.
A.vuid tight lacing and any form
of dressingwhich compresses any pression for the day's program. W.
organ of te body.—Mrs. Humphry 10• Myers, of Clinton, lead the evQ-
g tional exercises, after which
I the
President, W. C. Pridham, ot erode-
•rich, took ebat ge of the session. An
excellent paper prepared by Rev,
Jasper Wilson, of Goderich, was read
by Mrs. Wilson, "How to take part"
by Miss M. Ross, Brussels; "How
the Society can help the Pastor" and
r "13ow the Pastor can help the Society,"
1y and
Gorrie, e
Garbutt, I
Fergusen, a Hensall, completed the
1 inorning session.
IThe afternoon session opened with
devotional exercises' led by Rev. Mr.
of Varna. The first
I subject was "Lifters and.Leaugers"
ablyintroduced by W. C. Myers, of
Clinton, then followed the paper pre..
pared by Miss Mary E. Moaris, of
, oderich entitled 'Christ the Endea-
G ,
1 vorer's Model.' Verbal reports from
l the Societies followed, showing that
splendid work is being done by the
in the July Ladies' Home Journal.
For Dyspepsia
Doctor'' 11"APPLE Tablets
Ham>.Lton'sfor .35e a Dox of 60 Tab-
'used tor over 'arty years by millions o erre
mothers fur their children while 'teeth. i stop whenever it shies and l,et it see 1
ing, with perfect success. It soothes the that there is nrt,hfng to t a`afraid of.,
curd, softens the gums, thlube all mean,
relic. and is the bort remedy, Man himself is not much afraid .of
cureswindg h- clearly sees ai,d uiider
Tor diarrhoea.. it is pleasant to the taste.' anything S
Sold by druggists in every part of the 'stands. It is the unknown,. "the.
world. Twenty-five..esti a bottle. Its w steriuu that which eunseesudden-
value is inslow'$ le. Be sure you ask for ly and takes us unttwale, of which
;airs. Wothlow a Soothing Syrup, we stand .in. fear.—Lural, World.
4 take no other kind,
The pessimist believes the milk in l Dr.
Lewes nder antefWor xi Syrup
a cocoanut is watered. to give. ohildren for worms of all kinds.
If there is anything more slippery No peel of Castor Oil afterwards as it
than an eel it is a one -dollar b II. Contains it. own Cathartics
1. Long continued fermentations of
undigested food sometimes ulcerate
the a,omach.
2. Chronic dyspepsia often leads to
dietiessing complications which are
neglected until the system is wreck-
! ed.
3. Hundreds of dollars are wasted
by sufferers on impaired• stomachs
which Dr. Von Stan's Pineapple Tab-
lets will cure for 35 cents..
4. They cure dyspepsia at any stage.
They correct indigestion and relieve
all distresses from the start. A. L.
Fiaenilton sells these tablets at 35oents
a box -sixty tablets in a ox.
Given at Rome on the 13th Decem-
ber, 1898.
Cardinal Gotti, Perfect,
is repot .— Seen and certified
program there are 142schools for the Cardinal Richard, Archbishop of
county, this not quite all, as there IParis.—Catholic Record.
are about 150 schools in all. From
54 schools they repots 61 teachers
o ,
8041 scholars of whorn 1295 are l Row to Get Plunop and: Rosy.
b l
young people of this county.
were received from the
lets Are BO pure, and so absolutely fres, Secretary, the 'Treasurer and the
from harmful chemicals,' that a cbild Junior Superintendent; after which
may take them. They tone' up ChH` Mise Whiteworth, of St. Marys, con.
most delicate stomach, and they cure ducted a round table conference on
the most delicate forms of dyspepsia.
Junior methods at . work,, Miss
Literary N otes.: W hiteworttl is junior Superintendent
" The Julynumber of the Delineator of the Ontario C. E. Union and Was
is called the summer holiday number, s
Pineapple Tab -Reports
are members of the church, 268 hay Nature meant every woman to be
ing joined during the year. The i plump, rosy and well developed, and if
amount contributed to missionary c she, has become pale, weak and nervous
and benevolent objects was $384.29, I Dr. A. W.Cb�ise's Nerve k�oad will re. -
store and revitalize the wasted nerve
and about $60 to the Provincial belle, mage the blood rich and pure.and
i tion. There are three town- give new vigor and elastisity to the
Assoc a Por ills peculiar to women
whole body. p
ship Associations in the, county, '
although represented on the Execu •
D 3 tv C1�tasQ
tine, they do not seem to have got in
touch with the county association.,
The officers of the.S. S, association
are as follows: --Rev. J. S, Hender-
there is :no remedy se successt\il as this
great foodeure ofr... At
all dealers.
and embraces
Doctor Von an aeurate and come
prehensive forecast and review of
fashion's.most'artsstic aims and tend-
encies, a variety of literary features the exercise
service. of Misses David-
• r excellence and discussions)
of cingula - I son and Hicks, also of Messrs. Petty
and Hendrie ware very much ap-
son, Hensel], President; J. E. Huston, ' ACQUIRED ENORMOUS vyl;Al.7 x.
Exeter, D. D. Wilson, Seafnrth, J. B.
I on
Hoover, Clinton, vice presidents; Ex-,
itirhat is the smallest iucon.e
Heartily applauded and greeted with
the Chautaqua salute. -
At five o'clock the audience ad:
journed to the .Opera House where
eeutive, R, Holmes, J. 0, Stevenson,
Miss Wilson, Mrs. J. Houston, Clin-
ton, Rev. R. Garbutt, Gorrie, J. P.
Ross, Exeter, Dr. Towler,
G. F. Blair, Brussels, (Jor: Sec. and
Treas,, I. Taylor, Clinton, Min. See.,
J.JO.,Stotteman, Hensall.
of universal interest of • s'icial and
household themes. A powerful
melodramatic story o
f tb Tennessee
Nature's remedies are not like man's—they never
fail, Of the matey remedies intended to cure dyspepsia,
sour stomach, distress after eating,
ht in a th stomach,
ea im-
wind on the stomach, loss of appetite, ana
si similar
eults of 'ndigcatarrh
tion of only nd stomach, the unifomlyeadnchitn. unfail-
ingly successful—shat is nature's own remedy, found only in.
The pineapple contains a large amount of Vegetable Pepsin --
nature's most potent aid in digesting food. Mi p sad eat and
and agitate the mixture at a teitiperature $
will completely digest the meat.
Take two of Dr, Von Stan's Pineapple Tablets after your meals
and they will digest your food withoutned fstomach., mthe The stomach, This
ea course rest's, strengthens and heals the
cure the most chronic case of dyspepsia, 'They give im•
willour stomach x
mediate relief. Take them for a short time and y
will be as strong and are ash ran{ as ththe palate as candof a farmer's y. y � y
They a box—or direct from /.
At all druggists. -55c.
Toronto, Can„ and Buffalo, N.Y. I
preeiated. On the platform were R.
"To Throw Good Money After
Will but increase my pain." If you
have thrown away money for medicines
that did not and could not cure, why
should you not now begin taking Flood's
Sarsaparilla, the medicine that never
disappoints? Thousands of people who
were in your ccndition and took flood's
Sarsaparilla Fay it was the best invest-
ment they ei er made, for it brought
them health.
mountains, by Ii raneis Lynde is W. Dillion, of Stratford, and Rev.
found in this number, and a picture -1 Dr. Daniels, of Sarnia, the speakers
sque sketch• of the lowly Southern !of the evening ; also Mr.' A. Day,
lite is also presented in Uncle Pete's', Provincial S. S. Secretary, and Robe
holiday, by Jessie Beene Winaton.1Holtues, M. P., President of the S. S.
An article by Mrs. J. Weir on Jap 1 Association for the 'empty. The
aneese halyiee affords an agreeablepresident presided. R. W. Dilifon
i^sight into ':hie'. life in the East. i was the first speaker. taking for his
Art handicrafts of An.eriean wosent subject
Daniels nd oily rela-
he Juba Darrow Cuwles, eh o "National followed
high degree of success and profit 1 with "What are you living for."
artistic inelinntions may be made tot Both
ed tlemfor the Pen ere heaalrthop-
yield. An outline of an always in- I p
viting study is »rcivided in a few expressed and emphasized, and .a
roles 00 Palmistry,, by Elizabeth L. vote of thanks was tendered the vis -
Stevens. Exciting incidents of war. iting gentlemen and the choir.
The officers of the C. E. Union for
wale'sa man may live in New York?
was the question I asked today of a
noted banker, vc hose income cau,iOt.
be less than $100,000 a year, ""Well,"
he replied, "my household expenses
alone amount to $25,000 a year, and
1 do not'see how I possibly could
live on less than that." - Then a
reminiscent smile began to cross his
countenance, and, heaving a little
sigh, he said, "`But the happiest time
in my life was when my wife and I
and two children lived here on
$2,500 a ;y ear. After all, happiness
doesn't depend on- the amount of a
man's income.
"I was quite intimate with William
H. Vanderbilt when be was :consider-
ed the richest man in the country..
I met hint one day in Fifth av=enue.
and said to bim that be ought to be
the happiest man in the world. ""I
am not,' the great millionaire re-
plied, 'My health is shattered, and.
all the money I possess eannc t
restore it. • 1 cannot even drive one
of my fine horses. It is painful for
me to sit down. My only, possible
exercise is fur me to walk down the
avenue. I receive threatening
letters daily, and my nerves are so
unstrung that I am constantly afraid
some assassin Will waylay me. I
am over run with peop'le who Want
to get money. I am the most
wretched man in New York, and I
tell you that after a person has
accumulated enough to secure him
against poverty and gratify . bis
reasonable wants every dollar in
addition is a burden and weighs bim
down.' "--Philadelphia Ledger.
HOOD'S PILLS cure sick head ache,
If It Could Talk.
A gentleman, who has five daught-
ers, who are all of a marriageable
age, sent his sofa to be renovated,.
and the following is a partial list of
the articles which hacl slipped be-
"tween the back and cushion, as count-
ed and recycled :—Forty -seven hair-
pins, three moustache combs, nine
teen suspender buttons, thirteen
needles, thirty-five cigaretes, eight
photographs, 217 pins, seventy-six
grains• of coffee, forty-seven cloves,
tweuty•seven cuff buttons, six pocket
knives, fifteen poker chips, a vial of
homeopathic medicine, thirty -your
days already outotmindare vsvidly o
recalled in an entertainment called the ensuing' year are as follows :-- lumps of chewing gum, fifty nine
A Connell of War, by Antonia J.1 Pres., Dr. W. Ferguson, Hensall ; toothpicks, twentyeigbt matches,
Stemple. Other • interesting articles I Vice Pres,, W. H. Stone, B. A.; Sea thirty-nine collar - buttons, eleven
f tri • Sec W. 0. - Myers, Clinton ;1 neckties, two letters, a few pieces ot
Treas., Miss M. E. Ross, Brussels ;
Jus.ior Supt., Miss M. S. Washington,.
Clinton ; Executive Committee, W.
.0. Pridliam, Rev. Mr. Doherty, P.
Garelner, A. T. Cooler.
Chil•dren Ca" + or
'�� �it k,�J1�� Fla
IonJunei92 ��,��
How a rheomatie sufferer knows when ' The interesting report of the See- a storm is brewing. After he dikes I Cooper,POPE LEO XIII. AND TITE
Milburn's Rheumatic Pills his `weather retary; A. T. was the sub: BCI3LE.
foregasting is spoiled. This remedy re- i jeet of favorable comment.
moves every trace of Rheumatism. i TIE SUNDAY SCHOOL SEC1'I0i`t.
I ! The eonventiott assembled on SPECIAL. tN'O[iLGIt CnS von READING
A gentleman who recently died in, W ednesday morning with a fait* at- i TIM UGLY SCRIPTURES.
1London at the age of seventy bad, d the president presiding, Ai
been a smoker sincet v .. `! service of prayer was held " `
are to be (mind in ibis number. 'or ;
Order from the loon' agent for But-
' l teriek Patterns, or , address, The
Delineator Publishing Co.; of Toronto,
(limited, 33 •;iiehmond, St. West, To-
'i>onto, Out, ! It was suggested that the next
Weather Prophota. 1 place ot meeting should be Seaforth,
0 1900.
SOII.JD :3l A L. lr is+.UL's a :, iTJ
candy, two dimes, three quarters,
cue nickel, eight buckets, five lead
pencils, one pen and four button
hooks. '
ten ince,.
i Y e vas seventeen h ll fol the Pope Leo XIII., says the Paris
During tint time he kept a dairy ir+', •st 45 minutes, led by Rev: 3, 8. 'Univers, has justgivei, special indul-
which he to carder' that he had smok-
Henderson, of Ismael'. The first i gences as an encouragement to the
ed t3`tit3,7i:1 cigars, 33,639 of which' address given was "On the teacher's 1 reading of the Bible. Before the
were- gift... Those he paid for cost faith in his work" by Dr. Towler, of publication of this Brief, Cardinal
him ft`?0,850, Winihatn, followed by a 'discussion. 1 Grotti had addressed the followinarg
"The socialrelaltion of the teaehcr to! request fa His lIollfness :—
samples on the 1 av*d t the class" was the subject of ;t tine a „Holy 1'"ash cess of Paris,moved
Clan dockal3lord Bitters,atlMr. RP. tensilby, address by lerael Taelor, ,. Clinton., vier, of thet the
by Bur-
MerehaetTniler, Sheltsuree, N. 5., says "Hindrnnees to S Ss'r;i lrli• Cour; • f ideal l 'or tle pitjlloting duorlgs read~
"After paying out money to Hooters tin Istaetically dealt withby
not getting curets, I tried 13.13.B, After tic., of Iloitnesville, in which were ing of the holy Gospel in additions
shed andhave time
a all
" enuuseratetl many well known hin- containing rotes and.:ttpprovat by a
• Summer Coughs are often the hard-
est to shake oil', A bottle or two of Dr.
Wood's Norway Pine Syrup. though,
cures the severest coughs, Colds, hoarse-
nese or sore threat.
It's an iinwortant business engage
ment for, a nt»n when an heiress
promises to marry him.
A woman'sthonnhts of matrimony
before and after taking are seldom
the same.
Is often a 'Warning that the liver le
torpid or inactive. Mere serious.
troubles may follow. t"or a proms*
distant cure of headache and all
liver troubles, take
HOOtrit Pills
While they route the liver, restore
tuft, regular action of the bowels,
they do not rcripe or path, do not
irritate or inflame the Internal organs,
but have a positive tonic effect. 2,5e.
at alt druggists or by liar' of
0, r, Rlood tic Oo., Lowell, Mass.