HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1899-06-30, Page 1VOL, XXVII.---NO. 141o. 1,4 ^1_ • s' THE BEAR O THE RAMPAGE There is nothing like serving things up a little oecasnmally, especially in bueinegs, and we are going to try and make a little flutter amongst the buyers of Male vicinity; and as about the only way this eau be done is to give theus some special Wines and Bargains; we are goiog. to tiy and ttokle their appetite in that line. Now we are not going to talk you to death telling you what we are going to do, bat are going to quote you some prices that ought to set you thinking if you are open to take advent" - age df a Bargain when you see it. Here they are:- gpeetal prices for two weeks only, • Dres:..4 Goods Dept. 15 pee Fancy Dress Suiting, req, 05c per yd, now line 6 " .6 Kau 4. 41125 4. All \met Plaids, 58c " • 20 8 " Drees Goads, 85o " 28 12 ° binen Suiting, " 25e " 10 10 " ZePhYr All regular 121e Print now for lle per yard - Flannelette, sn inches wide, regular 1210 per yard, now for Oa. Shirring rex, 12,e, now fat lla per yard, - • Also a now line ef . White Peeest White Peres' Skirts, ' •• 'r�g $2 25 •", • with Colored Trimming 0 .82,00 6, 83.00 We heves, fall line of Ladles' White Wear which is being sold cheap, gliltents' Varnishing Det. /BEMs Fine Col'd Shirts, all filZoR, $1.„25, now 75c 44 " ° • 100 •sec 0 44 0 75e& 860 46o 10 dos..6tew's Mitts, special tine, reduced. to 46c 6 doz Night Shims, reg. price 06o, now - 45a r the Beloit:gen Underwear,' reg. price 46c, now SOO 25 dos. Nome Tice in all styles, .55c, pow 18o • Seal 4,11t in Katt.4 . tetatets to$ in eraiee reeoficti; ret, 2S0 now (•'.2.00 a 0 • 0 2.00, 1,60 , 1.80, 1.00 44 ‘• '0 0 1,00, 16 Special line a 110n'a Solt Fclt Oats at - 60 4 doz, Candron's Capsat • - • • Tait 113 ri 24 Department Just received Le lice of Ali -wool gorges and Tweeds whieh we are -making up at the low price of 811,00 per suit, Special cu# 1;1 the pies of Boots and Shoe s mid Oroomies. HO; -$0 lusineu Orighinss" • BRINGS REStTLTS. lt has paid othere to attend CENTRAL BUSINESS, • COLLEGE STRATFORD, - ONT.- , and it will pay you. 44 of our recent students Pave accepted good situations. • Business Men are looking for young • men and women who are trained as we ''train them. Three times the number of requests for ofliae assistants have 'been received by us this year as compared with any previous year, Enter now it you can. Proapeotus free, W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal. Marriage 14100'16es Issued 14, lottablit PAT/#11SON, No 20, Vic- toria stteet,Winghatn, Ont. No witnesses required. CHEAP READING! 4 Our Clubbing• List. In order to save our subscribers thb trouble at eaakine two Or 1001e remittances wo have made Hpeeial arrangements with the publishers by which we are enabled to offer the following publicationsin eminoetion with the WINDHAM -TIMES at epootal low rates rem now until Deo. 820,1801 /Imes and Weekly (Bebe, ^ '81 28 -Times and Western Advertiser, . 1 40 Theca taxa Irately herald and Weekly Star and Plante • 176 times and Fanners' Advocate, - i 00 Whitell end Farming, weekly, - . 176 'Times and liOntreal Weekly Whines, . 1 00 einem and Pennons' Sun, - . 2 20 Times and Daily Globe •4 25 Thug and Daily World - . SOO lI8es and Country Gentleman, 2 70 as and Weekly Alan and Umpire 1 25 i be and Daily Montreal flereld, 2 00 Special clubbing rates with all newspapers and stagasines quoted on appifeation. Addrese ell otdeni to or mill at the 1/1111108 OP'/C, wn'ionak W 4letepliTI8MBIEENTS. WING -HA* ONTARIO, FRIDAY, JUNE 30,1899. New advertisements trom the following people will he found in the columns of thlsissue :- J. Nagel vie -Special. Y. Yannorman-Snetlel Jno. Kerr -People's Popular Store. Prof. Darenwerd-Art flair floods. N, A, Farmilirson-M (lost foici Special. Yeautr llaalin-Branite Preserving Nettles, LOCAL NEWS. See Halsey Park's advertisement. Dr. Batter, of London, will be At the Queen's Hotel, Wingltarn, on the first Wednesday of each month from 11.30 a.m. till 3 oedock p. xn„ for eensultetion in diseases of the eye, ear, nose and throat. Oneez Sertexes. Wingb inn 1 0 L No 794 will attend div ne service on Sunday next. The brethr u will march in a body to the teea hall, here the service will commence At 4 o'c •ek. The gamete will be preached by Re z.t 3341k -twin, Grand Chaplain of Ontar. Welt/ PI -mamma Pear exeillier, James Me. Xelvie, of the Star estaarent, has purele used the buildingo eupied by him, also the vacant property to the north from Mr le .11 Recterus. • aft lielvie is fitting up the lot and will us I or art open air refresh - meet booth, M leiellelvie always does things up to the le ter. LAWN gum,- e lawn soeial held at the Junction sotto 1. groends on eloutley evening wits a sue ess in every respeet. There was a goo programme rendered and refreshments ere served in attend- • anee, • Qnite a lar e number were present from town and the repert having had a good time'. ,Careserest .A,renee. .--r.Vbe Christian Al- liance convention w s held in the Christian Workers' Hall, Viet era street, on Pride)+, Saturday and Sund last, .Dr Zimmer. man and Mee Phial t -were the speakers. All the services wee welt attended; On Bunday afternoonvagal candidates re- ceived the baptiem a the river at the iron bridge in Lower Vitigham. A •huge number of our town people were present to witness the carom ny• : THP. Becereeraz • men.-.TIre Mosley Enterprise speaks th • the bachele editor of the Teefive ter News "The bachelor editor of tt e Teeswater News publicly thanks yonn2 ladies who leave bouquets tn his sAnct ni. He •eyen went so far.as to mention young lady's name who brought 'him very ha,nrloome boaquet. Brother 13 tobart will not roam eatich tenger in the d eary witcls of bash. elorctom if we are . a judge of human nature. It is abonti me he was getting 21 wife anyhow." Vela two volume .4t Wageelle Standard Dictionary, us good es new, for sale cheap, ApplY TI5t48 ofilee. GRANOWIllIC W.kr, -Brussela Council has awarded the o met for granolithic walka in that plc; to the Artificial Paving Co, of Gitel M 10 cents per square feat, 2) MoP erson, of this town, who hae had eonsidera le experience uz the kind of work, will ba the inapeatoe. Mau e‘ Me Wxi .-M J J Grant, a Welt wire performer, gave an exhibition in town Tueactay eve Mg on a wire cable, stretthed from the ewer block to the erunewick house. e die many daring, tricks, welch were itnesse by z .large number- of our towns eople. Lowen Dzeru.aball. The eport of the Provincial Board of milli for rosy bas been published, sbowi g that there were 1,767 deaths reported • uring the month, Of these 203 were fron contagious diseases, made up as follows: Tubereeloeia, 230 ; diptitherie, 18 ; typho • fever, 18; ocean,- tina, 17; whopping c ugh, 7 ; ineaales, O. The death rate in pro • •rtion to the pope. talion is lower than fo 1898, QabINEI ex Rix Vingham was well represented in tlx • prize wieners at the Oeleclonian geroeft a leineardine on Thursday of last week Mr and Mrs D Pringle'e three daught re were very suc- cessful having won ne rly every prize in the different classes in which they com- peted. The first peen or the best dressed Highland boy was won by the young son of Mr :elms lIendere n, of the 13luevale road. M eleDo an $8 prize. Curler. Reeenue--You .can get the T end Weekiy Globe until the end of 1899 town on Wednesday for 76 mute. John Booey, horse lam iormerly of the town day well known in this di with had been buying her ing. district and was tak eam 01111100 on Monday ked Tueedey evening. was will have the sYloPf in thie district in t $1 A YEAR IN ADVANCE M5 JOHN HOOnir DBA ,-New a reaohed f the deatrt of Mr uyer, of Clifford, hip of Rowiek,and triot. Horn es in the Wierton W with inflame. hist and died on 'he bereaved family thy of their friends ir attrition affliction. Entrance examine, er Ontario on Wed - Friday of this week. 30 are writing on these examinations. Principal Wralters, of .Fortisvich, is the pres ding examiner at the Wingbam school, he High Sehool ex. endue -horn begin on uly 3rd and continue till the Erin ewe Mosgrove will preside Brussels a Principal Camer- on, a Brussels, win .e barge at Wing - haw. Tns House or leer ev.-The Rouse •of Refuge was built to a comedate 70 iumates only, but for some ti e there has been in the House consider hie mare than the contemplated ; here being at present 82 inmates. Two of these are iesaxie, and should be confined el ewhere. 86 was the highest number in tl e House et one time. Two new inmates w re received a few days since. The Roue bas been open for 3,1 years, an a its benefis and advantages to the county are more Tmarent every day,- Clinton New Era, • Fortenzter LIVED the visitors to the 0 A on Tuesday was Mr Jas Fluety ot Wingbam, a for- mer resiclene of G elph. Mr Fluety served his time at he printing with Mr Jonathan Wilkins n, of the old Advse- Meer. Thep he we t to Elora and served for several years rider the late John SEelth, ex -Mayo this city, who then conducted a papa in Elora. In 1873 be went to Winghatn and started the Wing - ham Advance, wh oh he piloted until,a few yearsago,and uit active journalism . AtteE:144,eenCe rtwenty.six years Mr Flueey saicl that e scarcely recovenized Guelph as the p ace where he gained most Of his earl- experienoes.-G uelph /Jerald, &Ms Wno 'Meese's' vs, tint rine-The Wingl football (dub went o Seeforth on Mon evening and playa a scheduled game the famous Euro a of that town. 1•7 ham eoeld not Se ure their ropier t and Allenby, the Jloal keeper, was kno out early in the gJwne, beam the gcore 5 to 1 in leatorth1s favor. Sumo' Somer. Prc.wics.-Sundo.y Sol pionies will be in order to -morrow (Se de)) afternoon, 7 ly 1st, The Presby ion Surela,,y Soho 'will hold their ann pienio at the flet in Lower Winglnun the. Corigrego.tio 1 Sunday School hold their annu 1 gathering at %Vila grove. Zetland. • Wo trust the Tweet will be favorable or these henna' gather- 1*295, rnoTo 13ATTONS --VW: photo huttOns see el. E. Znebrigg. They are just out of sight. Gallery•opposite Presbyterian chortle 2001 Hir:AtitSaxONs.-T turteens were held all o ter. nesday, Thursday a nal In East Buren ebou and will en's her Mont, Volt Exe nem -The joint Ag- rioultural Societies' . cureion to the Model Farm at Guelph on medal last was well patronized. 040 iekets were sold at the four stations north 1 Wingixam and Wing. ham added 220 to this number, The Guelph Heaid se. thet the crowd on Tuesday was the 1 rgest that has visite& the farm this some Over three aloes - and five hundred pe pia visited the farm on that clay. Game AT Gonna H. -There will be a great day in Code ich on Monday, July Id, piper, also won • 3rd. What with he ebildiesner gamete processines, boree trees and fireworks it A. Nome OuserT.- fees' week A j, looks as if there N GGid be enjoyment for Niobolis, of the 'Ce rat Bak y, made everyone who San alee enjoyment. There his first appearaece ith his ew delivery will be splendid r ea ; all the best horses wagon. The wago is bai from one of will be there.e7# 0 in purses for four the liztest plans an. bandy as earl. races -2.40 pace nd 2 35 trot; free for be. A new set of h r s for the delivery all, trot or pane , -25 pace and 2.23 trot; horse has also been dried and Mr leicholls half mile run in heate, weights for age, , ,,,,,, on the Square in the can now turn out bread delivery outfit s'el.',ren s ,egames that cannot be equ Ilea in any town the eln"nn?g: '121111i size of Winghauo, Up -teethe° in every fltg'fat alt; o be the motto for the 4m° for it";goo play of hreWdrits r, partiereee appearo Central' Bakery. Women.- Any quantity Tub Better. "Wingbatn Egg Combination" is the first ever known in the interests of the producer. Everybody pays 120 Cash or 1.40 Trade. G, XING. B1MS)XXG AND inn mum:vs. Win gh a rn is having 'vibe a bo. • in the way of new buildings and inopro ements this summer. New residenoee are sing built by Robert Maxwell on Prances treet; Win Nieholsom Frances street; Mr ltiott, Victoria street, near It 0 ohnrch ; Hale, Catherine street; Win Dore, hater street; Abner °ogees, corner of Minnie and Patrick streets; Wm Neil, at ner of Sohn and Will, ian streets; J ebb EC line, Edward street, Button &Vessent 110.0 built a large brick .edilition to their fe ory end Walker & Clegg are building a f ame addition to their factory, Maty oth r improvements are noticeable in,differeu parts of the town such es new stone fo aeions under houses, fresh paint, et ne town bas been greatly improved during the summaer. There is still room for a few good doelling1 cha "That small &Ora "Why have they not lace near the wheel e'e houses. . TII4SDAT'S emptier/ the pond." an alarm in some 0.0. P. Arm eh ureh service of Foresters took p1 of Net week, wbe Maitland, No 25, at the Preobyteri not the attendaue seen, only about s Court which has two hundred. a, service of this k the week ia Wing may be considere A few visiting Fo tendance. The Etev D Perris add praise of the splen bearer g races, jumping (m- aces, all kinds er mesa; prizes. A grand clie. at night 08 1118 Square, Sanvion,-The annum body go end enjoy • , whieh won't cos a cent to see. Every. tee big day in Huron's the Canadian Order of QS On Thursday evening ra,tes. county -town. Sprite trains and special the members of Court ttenclect divine worship Wereren-On short term plan. -A young man to team teller -hie and eating. Apply ,we would liked to hew). bane, venty members aut of a THE GOWN 171 DI membership of nearly is is the first time that the last sittings of nd has been held during held in. Brussels on am, and the attendance , Honor, Judge Day! goad on that mem:int. of the members nt t eresterstno nwwe were hie intention to ' re preached sh; hereafter to adopt, by Barristers in th n chnr°11^ There was to Webster & Co, Queen's Block, Wirig. 11 were high in their id discourse which they Courts, nod tipten f Court requested th Sinclair, to retire Lanies, Jam.; sews I -It is not •often by thorming hie go that the laaies of Wingham hav portunity of howl g among th m Prof : that it, Was hie i Doeenwend, of Tor nto, 1. - w. lel-known hair goods artist, wl ese s 11 • he menu- : eireular to the men toupees, wevey bittig fronts, switobes, etc, wo, ' eon in the County I this suggestion at facture of both lad s' a d gents' is seconcl to tme. He will be at the , courts. The chn Brunswick Bouse, e Ingham, on Wednes- - what remarkable day, Jury 12, with fan sample line oc mthaant,any person, b haie goods stylete very attention will be . any onenTiricieutit given in each case. ' • • n 0P- white tie. Ms =ON CoURT.- At he Division Court, the 6th inst, his ,announced to one o bar that it was uest the profeseion o court, attire, Worn County and Assize the opening of the senior member, Mr nd set the example n, black coat tine actor else intimated teution to issue bers of the profes- tsking them to adopt uture sittings of his ge suggested is some - ben it is remembered he barrister or law- suit for himself or Divisiori Court lied or wholly lost their hair should not missl 1" 1/"" on this acicount, o a considerable ex. this opportunity to c 11 at the hotel, where tent at least, has arisen the practice of private appartrnents ave been secured and the profession appearing in the law proper dernonstratim will begiven free of befects 10 • portant part to ref the face and effect ' -Trues till end 1890 for 50 eta. house?' "Has the Ingham Fire Brigade only one nozzle?" The &hove were some of the expressions e heard at the fire on Tuesday last and set out at once to in, vestigate them. In the first place, the pond was not.emp ied p*any where near it. The man who was in charge at the whea1 house closed off th poweewhen he saw the • wafer was not bein 'uted ; hence- when the firemen epee wish a to use the water there waste power to su ply the same. It was • riot the fault of low Met in the pond. In el t the second ease -T ere le an alarm near etre, the Wheel house in Mr plannagan's rest. bad &nee, and Ur Flannagan was on hand as will 00011 as it wag possible for him to be there, A sl The alarm systerb, however, isnot whatit should be and we think the council weld star greatly improve the present SYstetn. the The third oase-The ,Winghatin Fire Bri,. • buo gado have nozzles enough for any 008055100, put but through the neglect of Seine person only ins one was talte,, the fire. This is a matter who that eboul dully looked after in d future. r fire appliances abould always b be in ship shape for every oase of emerg- buoy, • • younger and han soarer appeerance. member Beenswie Boma uesday alter. 800 about three eolook the fire all:faun I ran g, when it woe diecovered thatellfr reorningstar's stable, near his pump won ka on Victoria steeet was on fire, The Bre is supposed to eve started from a spark from the putn factory smoke stack 1 and bact gained consi erteble headway be. t fore the fire brigade a rived on the scone.1 As soon 0,a the water was turned on the I Are was SW» drOWne out. The contents I, Defects scarcely noticeable 1ie barn were SaV , except the hay and , w, and the butt1n thongb pretty , in children assume 1 y bUrned, Gan be epaited. The I0/30 1 be' quite heavy or Me 11torniegstar, dangerous proportions with Ark from the fire ended on the roof of advancing years. Joe Bradwiuls hou e and oite a fire tett when. it was noticed by some of A proper correction now Wili neighboring wo en, who formed :et brigade, got the roof and soon ,T) ranted tut to thank for him, the women an end to the fire Mr Brat/win hat fiArts• tater. revent serious complica- J. E. DAVIS, • AN Arrensooe Mize • • • done such noble work in saving his sreiling, which no el tibt would have been tuned had 11 1201 bee for their eifetert. -so ell pave for Trues till ../anuary ° DALIGOIST AND 01)TIDIAN, st, 1900. z EXAMINAVON FREE WINONAM. N Gua,pa.-Among n5411, -The 1st of July will be celebrated n grand style at Wrox. eter on Saturday. followsz--Porenoo and Cuban pio Brussels braes b between the two Wroseter. After bell match, Wing of the most keel matches between no comment, Pal a purse of e100. fore some of the have promised to The programme is as -A grand wheel parade ession headed by the d. Baseball match Id rivals, Brussels and oon-2 p m, a hot foot - am vs Listowel. One ly contested baseball two teams that need erston vs Listowel, for Bicycle races -As he - best riders in Canada be present who have pronounced the W •oxeter track to be the best quarter -mile rack on which they have ridden, e SMALL LOCALS., Campbell's Headache Wafers guarado. teed to cure headache. -Messrs J Clegg Co are receiving a large quantity of co* 1. -The regular m nthly meeting of the Town Council wil be held on Monday evening next. -The W 0 T IT • ill meet next Tuesday afternoon at 3 o'olo k in, the I 0 F hall, Chisholm Block. • -Principal Mnag ove has taken down the fence in frcint o his property and had the grounds nicely I veiled. --The Winghare nd Dungannon Rifle Chiba will bold a eh oting contest at Bel. grave en Saturday this week. -.Several memibe of Whighare Lodge, A FIS&A. M, drove 1 Luoknow on So ay last to attend the M some seryiee 11 the brethren of that to n. All parties nwoi g dog have tags for the same bens th d of Jelly or oasts Will be addo W.Vx01Boamis, Chief, --The annual Or go excursion to Sarnia and Detroit, under the timepiece of the Wingham Orange adge, will take place on Saturday, Augn t 10th. -Teesveeter, W oxeter, Settferth and other towns will c Iebrate on SattirdaY. July Ist, Oodei ch and Blyth will have attractions on Mo day, Ally drd. das A Cli e offers for sale his resi- • dence on 4011n St. This is one of 1125 111051 desirable propert es in Winghara and should. find a reed purchaser, members 1 Collet Maitland, 0 0 E', should be prose 1 at the regular meet. ing to be held this (II riday) evening. Buttineseof inap01 arca to every metriber w eonae bee:gel 18 Meeting, O'KEEFE'S LIQUID EXTRACT 0I1 ALT. Rich in Diastase, therefore an excellent restorative where digestion is weak. MORROW'S DRUG STORE, as Over a red-hot cook stove when, for less money, you can do your cooking, ironing and baking with pleasure by using the Ecouomy. Gasoline Stove, which is being sold in Bingham by A. el. Bruce at the Brunswick House. I7.50 will bay one. These stoves are now being used in Wing - ham by a large number of reliable people wbo can voilsti for their completnese# economy and safety. TaBy SIVEOICE TEEN, It is a noticeable fact that nearly every wat, you meet smokes the landau cigar that J nicEelvie sells for five cents. The tendon beats thern all. •' -The MethodisbJ Parsonage has been re-shiegled, • -Mr 4. Burkhol er shipped a car a wheat to Alilvertoh on Weanesday. -Young & Peel n are receiving their first shipment of oA&l for this season, 18 Photos for 25 cents at M E Zurbrigget gallery. See his window. -Messrs Young lo Paalin and Messrs Smith & Pethick b ve each received a car load of binder twirfs. ' -The Sons of cotland Grand Carp has voted down 4 proposal to admit wo- men to the owlet , -ie; A learquh ream is selling- dinner sets, tea sets and toilet sets at 3ost. See his Iitit of prices Ia another coluran. --Meagre Rami ton & Stewart shipped a car of hatchets' Icattbe per C to the western cattle ya4ls, Toronto en Wearies - day. Tillsoesie 7,Jolina o1 d Wbeat. Gold Dust cornmeal and led Rolled Oats on. sale at N. A. Faze; arson's •21- -Dr Roes, den 'at, of this town, will visit Brussels pr fessionally every other Thursday. Ho w' 1 make his first visit on 1,j4i4 13112. -Rev R Hbb end family arrived in: town on Thursda • evening from London. 4. reception was h -Idl the parsonage 041 Thursday evenin $00 -We unciersta that Mr In Beckwith has received $75 f rn the G T 22 48eettle- merit .for injuries .eceived his recent accident at the r ilay crossing -The 'Onion urniture Co are now term- ing their factory at 5 o'oloolt every Satur- day evening. T is act of kindness on the part of the empl yers will be eppreciated by the employee -Camp Cele 0010, 5 0 5, meets neat Monday evening Mr John Murray bee beau attending tl e Grand Camp meeting ie Toronto this eek and he will make his report at this the ting. Dr. Macdonald IS ilOW perman ntly ' at home and earl be consul d by bis patrons. -The post eat will be o n on Sat- urday, July Ise rein 4 to p nn. The banks, feetteries ee d al • ees of business will be closed all d y. armors and others will please note t is. 11 -We are pleas to announce that 111r rhos SteWart. w was to seriously in. lured lett week, doing as well as his friends could expes . Ile is tiU in tome at the home of Mr 13oeman. -At the meeting f the Directors of the Turnberry Aglienit we Society, held et OiLeveyse hotel on tarday last, eommit- tees were appoune t to look after the various department in connection with the fall fair.Th fair will be held this year on the 1.0th an 20113 of September, --A few of Mr Ja les COChtane18 Wing - ham friends spout pleasant time with him at Mr I) Camp ell% let line of Mere ris, on Tuesday rang. It was the strawberry festive which Mr Cochran* and his friends h01 annually. The TIttas ishea Mr Cochran may be spared to an- y many more of t ese annual events. -. • 4.