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The Wingham Times, 1899-06-22, Page 6
I cotte Ottugpitm :,me. -aseeen se; . Fit1DAY, disNit t't, 189th T,141 WINU11.01 TIMES, JUNE 23, ititb». the preference extended to theta in THE Mall eeetnet inclined to stick the Canadian tariff, and be thinks to its .notion that corruption is a that next year's btisilaess w111 11"841" creation of the Liberal party. There tate fen Increase of at least 25 per lass. r be isolated cases of bribery on Cent, in the numbering elf travelling Men who cisme from Britain to Can- either side,. but organized bribery, to the Liberal µ authorities aetively engaged in foster- party, This is the sort of nonsenee l From our mi u Correspondent. 01./11W8,,J nue. 17th, A very important eotitri'buth.n tu• the. information already in possession 1 of the public anent The Alatsi;.,:vn boundary dispute was niaade by serge i Prenner the outer day when he an -1 pounced that it lead beep dtt,;ided to grant no farther charters ftlr railway I e.'onstruction in the Yukon Territory until stn understatuttteg had been reaealled on the boundary tinestian. The desire is to take no action which • • would complicate the situation ; and it is the opinion of the Government• • that the eonstructikn of the railway Over the Dalton;trail for instance, leading to the creation of a, town of no inconsiderable importance at Pyr- amid Harbor on the Lynn Canal. within the disputed territory,. and the general development of the surround- ing country would prejudice• the case for Canada. While the abet ofsueh a policy must necessarily be to retard - ,, in come mei43ure the immediate development of the country there is - Ito question of its wisdom of melt a poli.ey. The diflieuity suggested is a very real one and bas already made - itself seriously: felt in. the ease, ME. DAS IN'S. LITTLE i'.tPL R; "Orf that aline adversary had written a book," exela.imed Job of Yold, and the present day modification of the phrase might well be, "Oh thatt n y political opponent would start a newspaper." The Liberal and Independent pa; ers of the West, are having lots of fun with a little stra.oget• whieli has recently been born into to jonrnaiietic family* in Regina, fathered by the Conservative darty, and committed to the maternal !care of Mr. Nicholas Flood Davin, M. P., with that valuable gentleman as the- chief editorial writer in its columns. The leading role so far adopted, appears to be that of, "'The friend of the farmer" ; not a parti- cularly original - character, and one which will require more than elasste editorials and glittering generalities Vs appeal to the intelligence and capture the vote of the Western electorate. A high moral ..one per wades- these editorial columns. The ethics athe infant are beyond re- proach, bat when the member for the West Aseiniboia undertakes to lec- ture western supporters of the Gov - eminent. upon their "Humiliating position in surrendering themselves unconditionally to the Government," atte opportunity offers and is unfeel- ingly accepted to remind the writer sof the innumerable occasions in the past wren be laid aside all previous +convictions and stultified his own ~cords and actions by blindly sup- porting hie (Jovernment every time. I;t will require .:all the efforts of the Davin journals to elect its man at the next general elention, particular• l n- he is net likely again to have Vitt -benefit of the casting vote of the ]eturoitig'• officer, 'ME PREF SRENCE i3 APPRECIATED, Aomutat. the trailsiientvisitors to the Capital illi, week is Sir James Poole, of Liverpool, who in conversation vtilh the newspaper men declared that (Ja.neda was nowattracting Ino •(: awtendon in England than any er.her o„1uny, more, in fact than any pert of sate world. British manufac- tut fes, le a Lief. tete delighted with OUR OTTAWA •A LEITER, l ads, With the )steal and Federal it contends, is peculiar lag Canadiau trade in Britain and that stalnds in the way deny real i with the British manufacturer awak- ro tess in ilii roviu"„ election meth.' ening to the value of the Canadian p g ti p 4 ods. corruption, wuether little or; market for his goods, it is it Metter , gl eat, isolated or organized, has off no e:t;rprise that trade is develop- ingpartyNo by Leaps and bounds. But even art - label o a certificate of purity,' well inflrtneel journals get mixed up and to contend that it is is simply tu: set times as Wa.S the case with St, *Imes' Gazette, London, (England,).; Caldarpremitunas ted Vor'erisY.or organi1‘11zed, a couple of weeks age, when it re,g t marked :—"The Canadian budget is extensive and systentatie corruption >, one more plaice of evidence that where The Mail said thea it was all Mr, ( The It3nCi He Wanted. people will work and have good Dryden's fault, and Mr. Whitney Said it Vvas a Grit conspiracy. Mr. I° "Every been taking a fall p natural resources they Gain prosper. Dryden is unseated, and The Mail .oat u' nay chickens," he said, I even with injudicious But the and Mr. Whitney fill the air with want an irjunetion." most interesting thing about it it Is howls of righteous indignation. The "Yon de?" asked the lawyer e hat it tells us of tete famou..p1efel feet is that there have been two thoughtfully. Eltt:al CRS -Wills. corrupt elections in South Ontario,1 '"Yes, sir, I do," answered the I will guarantee that my Rheumatism Cure will relieve lum- bago, sciatica and all rheumatic palm, in two •or three Moura, and cure la a few d aye. AIU: `XON At all (Irugg1sta, 25e, a vial. Guide to Health and medi- cal advice tree, 11.1011 Arch st., 1 ilei, 1.1 Y. , Iltlj,'Ia A C171;IOUS i1lISUNDEI3s1'ANDIAr,, •and instead of each party trying to caller. "It semis that what has really throw the blame on the other they l "Been troubling you for some time should combine and try to have an eh?" asked the latay'er.. election that will be fair.—Toronto: "Pretty reg'lar for nigh onto a fairly which in .orrice means, the Globe, year," was tete reply, "an et erybody ( p seems to he able t) ser p everything Mother Country only) still leaves • with injunctions, so I thought I'd them paying more than they did be- "For the Sake of Fn, Mischief is nave to ;et one. fore. Of course there is still an ad Done." "fele., i don't belfeiie I deal in the vantage to those who do not pay the A vast amount of mischief is done, toe, kind you want " returned the lawyer. Inaxtuinn, but the tendency of fiscal beoause people neglect to keep their r, '4'hat do I Want?" askedthemethods of this Bind is not to eneour. blood :pure. The mischief :appears in age trade." ouseruness, kidneyepdiseasedandtlio hereail- - re.. The St. ,lames Gazette will find menta. The mischief, fortunately may •"You want a double barreled in considerable difficulty in producing be undone by the faithful use of Hood's Junction loaded wiih birdshot or salt, evidence to prove that this is "what Sarsaparilla, which cures all diseases replied the lawyer, "You ought Co has reallyhappened.' To show that originatlug in or promoted by impure be ahte to get it at any gun store, pp 4lood. ( "By gum! I guess you're right," this is not the case I will repeat a HOOD,e PILLS ours all liver ills, Nob- • retw tied tt,e old man, as hie face few lines from the Finance Minister's irritatiaf;. r lighted up, - "I've heard that last budget speech delivered May ,i >, `these here injunctions were [eight 2nd, which will probably be accept- Trust not to appearances, bat put, J y ed by luost as 'acloser ' indication of your faith, in 'Hood's Sarsaparilla, which t weapons in the hands of men who Dever disappoints. It is the best medi- i knew Now to :handle them, but I flats than the ill informed editorial oiue-stoney can buy, "their) t quite get onto what they were comments of the St. ,James' Gazette. i ' befut e."—Chicago Pest. Mr. Fielding said t—"As ati illustra-; •County •Counoll. • tion of the extent and valise of this ! preference I want to give the House CONTINUED FROM PAGE 2. A SPECIMEN INVOICE clause one of_ the .Executive cow - minutes on is preventable? Science minutes of June, 1898, recinded Chas proFen that and also that neglect ofmercantile cantile oods housesrted by c'ne of Canada. lame I lse and that this concil dsclaim all nSn`iI e oured'1vwwith w$hilohc'sltCough and merchant imported 91 packages of , right to the legacy contained in i Consuwptiou Oure, Sold on' positive dry goods covering a wide range, said will and refuse to accept the I gttrantee for 'over fifty. years. ,a I will read vote a list of the articles : same. . -. -'Glove_, caps wool fabrics lace 1 happened is that Canada has screwed her tariffs up all round, and given reductions to those who treat her , Do You Know PHILIP HOLT. SOlnb then have such happy dis- wool, cloth, garter elastic, wool yarn, I from certain zn mun municipalities to skin b positions that they -never atnrunt to white cotton, tape, ribbons, lacep g muche curtains; linens, damask, hander -I that municipal clerks be permitted A c(.untee Rex. I i'o>I ,i:Jiion of Can chiefs, towels.' I think we mayare a fairly representative ;i send summarized < reply of the` bill is been ejretalated in Essex assessment roll to the County Clerk,' 8 statement ofard that sa general i tie of British i instead of full roll, we recommend and tbeat It tie portrait s deted June Yrineess dry goods, Xow, what is the effect, no action, seeing that .only eleven Louise. The wf5rkn,aTlshi on the of the tariff nn that importation ? : municipalities of the twenty-six in bill is very oar and It is about a. Under the old tariff the duty would • tneneunty have acted on the question. quartet of an %n, n loner than the have been $3,154 equal to 3.0.62per That with reference to supplying "r long -Me The amount actually paid y municipalities with assessmeut and genuine, the Montreal merchant who imported ebllector's rolls, we recommend that these goods was $3,059.88 equal to their purchase be left to each Muni - 24.93 per cent, making a'reduetion, cipality as best suits themselves, and in that one importation under the that the county clerk notify the preferential tariff' in favor of British municipalities. _ For afenwl anf! Chilairen. goods of $695.12, being equal to 5,69 W. H. KERR, Chairman. per cent. on the value of the goods." COUNTY PROPERTY: -Your com- mittee visited the jail and; found 1 simile ii CANADA.'S PAPER TRADE, everything clean and well kept;.that signature J% ._ ov,ry I dr,;/d/ tart. peaks The promising outlook for the : gaoler's report and that of inspector Canadian paper trade is attracting or prisons be piloted in the minutes.1 ....I.. - " -------- favorable attention in the Old Coun-c x That we visited the registry office . VIVO `l. . ® . try. An influential North of Jngland and.found everything . satisfactory, i journal in a reoeli t issue observes:— and also examined the Court 'house D E P R cvpl ©Eg "There is every sign that the supply and found the interior in a satisfaet-i, of paper specially available for the. cry condition, with exception of t large journals of the United. States some small repairs to the furnace, 1 will shortly give out. Some of the which we recommended Mr. Ainsley' great new York papers use from bave made. That the woodwork off sixty to one hundred and twenty outside of Court House be painted,' tons a day; thenumberof books and that tenders be asked for the; published in the States is enormous, work. That regarding gaoler's re-, and paper is now being used for sidenee no action be .taken at pres I ent. . 1. ,TAMES Bosvetax,. Chairman. 1 HOUSE oI' RrtFDGE.—Reported that the windmill had been raised c STOR basins, buckets, wheels, roofing, and many other things. Spruce wood is the only timber in Atnerica which has been found suitable for printers' paper, and there is certainl not mote rI y 20 feet • that a petition had been Torture* Y Women are e Monet ciriveal insane. 4 ,a it fl., llffi. Instant Re id in Dr. A. W. Chase's O'ntment One of the most distressing sytnptetins itna- ginable is the airtime unbearable itching which is an accompaniment of Leucorrhea or whites. 'The nerves are irritated by the poisonous dis- Itharge, and the result is an itching which is *only rendered marc excruciating by rubbing or scratching. Especially at night, when the body is warm, the patient is tormented beyond the powers of human endurance. Slccp or rest is Out of the question. lvervousnc;.s, irritability and des• pondency are a natural result. In them offices there are on the file thou- sands of letters from grateful women who have fount in 1)r. Chase's ointment a quick and Certain cure for this itching to which women .ztrc subject. During the expectant period many women tuffer similar agony from itching of the parts, utr itching piles, which are absolutely cured by Dr. Chase's Ointment, Tho first_ application of this great discovery Of Dr. A. W. Chase will afford prompt relict'. At ail dealers, or isdmaneon, Bates & Co, orjato. tae i six or, sevenr yeas supply left, moved to make the keeper's rooms, as the American spruce timber lands private; that a ventilator had been are fast disappearing. But. as a , pp g put in the mens quarters; that the writer in Industries and Iron, re- committee heti d "l d build Gently pointed out, this is Canada's opportunity. Spruce pulp can be. produced in the Dominion for two dollars a ton or six dollars cheaper than in the States. The Canadians claitn that they can manufacture pa- per cheaper thananyothercourt tryand and they now establishing• pulp mills with which they hope to secure the European trade, and in time also to capture the markets of' the States. Canada hits enormous spruce forests, and it is to be hoped that she will seize the opportunity and, moreover, that the capital and enterprise of the Dominion and iiot of the States will be invested in.it." Means empoverished and Exhausted Nerves—Dr. A. W. Chase's Nerve Food Restores • aand Revitalizes the Nerve Cells. People who suffer from Nervous Depression and Exhaustion, frequently look healthy and strong. They alone know the thousand dis- tressing syinptoniS v''btch make their lives miserable. • • • The lack of nerve force results in a. slow and sluggish action of the heart, impaired cliges. tion, headache, despondency, unit a fear to Venture, loss of energy, sleeplessness, incnpa- city for mental labor or business. With these symptoms there is usually melancholy and fear of death which tends to inerease nervousness, but there is every reason to be hopeful if the right treatment is used. ommi tee a eCtC a t0 nt u a Dr, Chase's Nerve Food contains all the nutri- tion required to create new brain and nerve driving shed and ice house 2.6X41 , tissue: It imparts to the nervous system that walls 14 feet high; that the timber life -strength itntllvigor which ingh the systm thrill of new on' the farm be sold, and the land Cleared for.pasture; that 70 maples' and a large number of evergreens' had been planted; that the farm has crop It acres of oats, 0 of barley 9 of hay, S.,1 of potatoes, 1, of beans,. it. of corn, 2 of mangolds, and each of carrots, onions, garden vegetable and turnips. it0iiitIt'P 14itLTAm, °HAMMA.7. ROAD AND BRIDGE.—Eeeornrnnded' that the canttnissioner have the &t - tend, Bayfield and Brussels brides • repaired as soon as prtssible, andthat. .,enders be asked for the work, thivt c the commissioner have the river Weather Prophets. bridges painted; that Mr. Ainsley be lion a rheumatic sufferer known when paid ''$6f rr preparing a very Useful a (storm ie brewing, After he takesbridges man iiliOV(f s Mitburrl'is llheumatir: Pills ells weather p ing all the bl tt,ges' rtririft- , forecaatinft is spoiled. Thea remedy re. i rained by the count,.. irroyas every trace of Rhea mntisnr. AS. Stentia., Chairmen. • Dr. A. W. Chases Nerve Food will cure by the building -tip process, which enables the body to laugh at disease and weakness. -.Face eat and fac-simile signature of Dr. A. NV. Chase on every box of the gamine. pc. a box, at all-cluateln, oriivininimon,tJatcsc Co., Toronto, SABUMRU SE1i-VICES, «, } II ti MleT1IODIS`.l'^°-1teY. Dr. Patie0e, pas. or. Services at 11 a to and 7 p tn. ,t'Iti SBYTERIAN---Itev, D. l:'orrie pa3tor. Services at 11 a tri and c p all. .B1?XSCUPAL, St. Paula --Rev, Wen. Lowe, rector. Services at 11 a to and 7 BAPTIST—Rev, W. Freed, pastor. Services at 11 a in and 7 p ne COXGR, GATI(1NA.Lt Rev, .7, W.1 Genie, pastor. Services at U a at lance' 7pm.. CIfRISTIAN \VOItEi'al%S -- Misses , Outran) and Look in ec.mmand, Services at3p mand Elpm, SALVe.TION ARMY—Oapt, <'YloLead aur wire in command. Services at 11 a, al, 3pne and 8pm, In each of the above nailed churches Sabbath School is held at 2.30 p m. BANK of N WINGHAM. Capital, Ii1,434,5,20. Best, 111,000,000 President—Joni P.TUART. Vice-President—A, G, Ramses'. .DI1r.EC.TOR& .lei s PanaroR, GOO. ROAOn, War Glssov, rx P, A. T. Wool), M. P. A. B. List (Terontp). flashier—J. TURNBULL. > Savingts. Sank—Hours, 10 to 8• Saturdays, 10 to Deposits of g1 and upwards received and interest allowed Special Deposits also received at current rate of it..orost. Dram on groat Britain and the United Stator bought and Hold W, COBBOULD, ,DENT E. It. I)I(7 OLIN SON. Solioitor. Money to Loan on Notes. Notes Discounted AT RE&SONABLE RAT," S Money advanced on Mortgagee at 6 per contwi'b privilege of paying at the and of any year. Not, and accounts ooBooted, It OUT. wtonT)QO. Seaver Block winirham, Ont WINGI-IAM ST[AM PUMPVVORKS Having purchased the entire business from Mr. Daniel Showers, I stn now ' prepared to supply the public with J -1LL,TEEL c Mil vv Hata coM.Ohet THAT r " i'i 11.i, 1S, Wood and Iron Force and Lift Pumps, Brass .noir Iron Cylinders, Gais'an ix ed Iron .Tithing, Cisterns, Water Troughs, Sinks, aths,Pipe Fitting, Well ]digging and everything iii cork- . neCtion with water supplies. Galvanized Steel Windmills for power ard pumping water. Deep well pumps a speciality, Repairing promptly attended til. Parttea 'writing for information or ordering by mail should always state depth rf well. All work guaranteed or no sale. -•-fti t'UtsLt$11LtP - BV1a1tX k'1111)4.X 1\1O1tNINti •.-••A't v it fly+ TIMES QFf 10g, ., OSEPH1NE' STRET • r'F`IIVOHAM, °WA,1t O. Subeeriptloa prise, $t porycnr,in 44141494 i ADVERTISING at ten' ... bice!.lly r: Imo- nio.i uta Ow fiolun.n 500 0, 040 00 520 00.'I 88 So (quarter" '40 00 ll 00 i7 00 4 00 me n011 r 6au i }G 2 0 0 as 1.0551 and tiler ellen a1 advettieetnent, 8e per line for 0ratinsertio,, and iia per tincjareachsubsequent insertion, ino..ented by rampant scale, ,.o:etl notices loc. per 1I,,e for hot insertion. 64, per line forest)) subsaynent tnserticr. Advertisements of Lost, round, Strayed, Situations and Business Chances Wanted, not exggeding 8 tine nonpareil, $1 for Ilrst month,and 60o, foro subsequent month,oA kt Houses and Farms for Sale, not exceeding 8 lige, 61 for that month, .60u. per subsequent month Larger Advertisements in ie'oportion. , Thee() pec ai rates ,liforastrictly lager adehortisomente, or or Im,ger periods. Adrett.sentents and local notices without 00:104 uill -inserted forbid anaseeeordtg1V.Ta s,utinadvertismen mutb paid In Waimea Changes for contract advertisements must be in the ottico by Wednesday noon, rn order to appear that week FI. B. ELLIOTT, Pa0e1LINrwl. AND Pinion= WINGHAM HOSPITAL. ., For the treatment at DISEASES- OF' WOMEN and' SUIIGIOAL CAFES of all kinds, For particulars. address MedicaDK. Superintendent, nhani, Onta. • VANSTOAE, BARRISTER, b0LICITOR, Etc.,, Private and Company funds to loan at losest rate; Interest. No commission charged. Mortgagee, town and farm properti bought and. sold OFFIQE—Beat•er•Bl'ook tt'rrantem.. J, A, MoaerOty I' aitRISTOR, .eco,,, Winghan., nnt. E. L. DICKINSON, DARRiSTER, ETC. eoaiazTdn TO nom or HAMILTON. 'af0tiu'Y TO LOAN. Office—Meyer Block.WVinghar lt/1 I3. CAMERON,' act. BAaurSTER, SOLIOITCR, CONVEYANCER, &g.. Office—Corner Iiatmilton and 'St, Andrew atreata .. Opamaltt/Dolbcrao Iratet. > • - • GODMIOA, ONTARIO, 1 A laliUR J. IRWIil, D D S, L D S, Doctor of Dental Surgery of the Pennsylvania. Dental College and Lioenti°to"•of the Re3'51 College, of Dental Surgeons of Ontario, Office over Post O1Hce ,nghaur, r .S..111:ROHI E, L. D. S , DENTIST, 11A5 W1'1'Ir Cy • him D. D. Boss, graduate of the a."0, O. 8. of Ontario, and Is prepared to do all, manner of Dental work ut reasonable prices. Beaver Bloch, opposite, the Brnnswtck House, t4ingllate, JOHN ItITCUIE' J GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT WINGDAat, - caramel DEANS, .lit,, W, se,saM, LICENSED ATyoTION EB. IrO.h rrfE 00UNT. OP, IURON. Sales attended. In any part of the Co. Charge Moderate. jO) N CURR!Lt, WINCAHAaz, ONT., LICENSED AUOTTONEE2. Av4OET11TGSrA.11 .. Sates of . Farm Stock and Farm Implements • specialty. Bev 140 Wint;bam, Ont, 411 orders 101 at the TOM', aloe pronlntlyattotiil ed,to, Toms reasonable,- EARLY ()SING. Before placing your 'order for Spring Clothing call and see our NEW SAMPLES Caveat, and Trail .lN'arkl obtained and all patent. business conducted for MODEIih'at$ FEES. My office lain the immediate vieinhyof the Patent Office, and my facilities lot, securing parents arc ensurpsese Send model, sketch or photograph of invention wit's description and statament Ai CO advantages claimed. Sartwo chetego i.v mord@ for an opinion. re to riatentabitarlf/ and toy fee for prosecuting the applications' t • Oda 50 caned foe unci' the patent. 't aftoutec . "INvsorotts Ctmiti;' con. mining tuft inf rmation seat free. All continuo taUon Considered 01sttimtly'ontaatti lei FRANKU IN H. THOUGH s 41E' o.ra16te WAS MitttAtGt,"1'oswltri.i3. for 1899. We can afford to sell New Goods kheaper than old stock that 'cost one-half more than new • and better goods of the latest styles will cost to .day. We Blake clothes that fit. II♦ E ES'R 8v CO., Queen's Block. GRAND '1WNIC riA1LWAA. Toronto and East Falnierston mixed London -and South Einca*dine~ Di;t'AIiT . A8SBXVE G 49' a. nal '8 05p. in 880pit1023prtr. 85p 5atn 3 05 p lYI 6 58, a m J.1 10 a iii. rl rt0 p En 8 o0 p 11 10a m G 48a in 3 30 p to 3 80 p ni 102Opm.330a.ta SOCIETY MEITINGS. SO _ ,Camp Caledonia, No. 40„ meet . . a the first and third Monday In every month, in .he Odd Follows nab. Visiting brethren weteems 3, irlurreV, Chief. Ii I3 Elliott, Iten,-see JOB PRINTING, N01 UbING lloolts, Pamphlets, rosters, 13 t! Heade, Circulars, &0., &c„ executed in the best style of the art, at moderato prices, and on short only or address If,13, ELLIOTT. T arlts OHtee; Wingiiane BOOKp BIN,...ING. We aro pleased to announce that any Books or Magaslnes left With ,1s for Binding, will have our prompt a'ti ration. Prices tot Minding In any style wilt be given on applloi tion o the TIMeS Onion