HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1899-06-22, Page 5•
th &„ i uLJ Tth BS, JUNE 23, Lb09.
Ci�thing Trade
has doubled ,this season.
.1%. X
Good Cloth, First-clas Trimmings and a Perfect Fit.
GENTS ! Before buying, call and see the largest
stack of Broadcloths, Worsted,, Serges and Tweeds
ever shown in Winghann.
I-1 I A
��►' 5011�
Having purchased the business from. Jas. Duffield, the public will find
us in the CORNER STORE, desirous of securing by fair dealing and hon.
est values a share of the 'patronage. The present stock will be offered at -
Housefurnishings, Cutlery, Graniteware, Stoves, Tinware and Coal Oil
.always in stock. Special attention will be given to cur
`, :a4
Having had large experience in cities, we excel in
Furnace Work, Hot Water and Steam Beating,
Sanitary Plumbing, Eave Troughing, Steel
Siding, Roofing and.Metal Ceilings.
Call on us, We shall be pleased
sure, we shall gain your .confidence,
to make
your acquaintance, feeling
....au n nn
" One Grade Only and That the Best;"
Has been their motto for over thirty
tears. ' Some of the principal features
(which no other buggy has) are
rubber and brass washers warranted
three years, one lever top steel circle, &c,
McLauchli.n's Costa lit,,le more than
others, bat they are . the cheapest in the
end. You •will make a big mistake if
you don't see our stock before buying
We can sell you a good ordinary
buggy as cheap or cheaper than ally one else. We have them here.
We can sell you anything you want in the implement line the same as
we have done for the past 16 years, and guarantee good value. Or if you
. avant an• Organ., Plana, or Sewing Machine, you will find our stock the best
that• neney'can buy. Prices and terms all right too. Coyne in and see us
anyway. Will be pleased to chow your through.
Ray Forks, Rope, Pulleys,
Books, &c,
Headquarters for
Peerless Machine Oil,
The Epworth League of cid
Methodist church will hold a Garden
party on the Parsonage lawn, on
Friday evening, June 30th. Ad
dresses will be delivered by the
pastor, Rev. A. L Brown, Ph D; Mr.Wm..Anderson, tale .of South Africa,
will give a tall; on the dispute be-
tween the British • 'and Boers in' that
country; also on the ways and
customs of the people; an address by
J, A. Wellwood. Music will be
furnished by the church ehoir.
Admission 15 cents, fancily tickets at
reduced price. All are cordially in.
Working Night and Day
The busiest and mightiest little thing
! that ever was made is Dr. King's New
Life fills. Every pill is a sugar coated
globule of health, that changes weakness
into strength. listlessness iuto energy..
brain -fag into mental power. They're
wonderful in building up the health.
Only 25c per box. Sold by Colin A.
Campbell, Druggiat.
Mr. James, Gulley is building a
The township council meets 'on
R day next.
if Tuesday of last week Peter
Moffatt, 1st land raised his new barn
It is 50 x 60 tett and will be fitted
up with' 11 the modern improve-
Mr:; John Duckett has re- shingled
gleshis house."
Mr. Foster Fyfe wheeled to Amb
erly last week and visited with
friends. _
Mr. W. T. Fyfe. teacher, of Arab.
erly, visited with his brother, Mr. J.
G. Fyfe a few days- this week.
Office and Warerooms opposite Presbyterian Church.
Beauty and style without comfort
is easily obtainable, comfort 'with-
out appearance is equally simple.
You never saw au ugly pair of
"Slater Shoes," yet many of them
cover comfortably most unlovely
The con,ibination of these two—
comfort and beauty --are only to be
had in the 'Slater Shoe."
` Made in twelve shapes, oil lasts modelled
from actual feet, all widths and sizes,
leathers, styles and colors,
Uvery pair Goodyear welted, name and
price' etauiped on the sale,
$3.80 ANI)
For Sale Only by HON UTH & SOH.
Miss Keine, of Gerrie, is visiting
her aunt, Mrs. Fraser, of Morris.
Mr. and Mrs; Cameron, of Cran-
brook, slant Sunday with lir. George
Mrs. Lowry, of Wroseter, was
visiting her daughter, Mrs, (liev,) D.
Rogers, this week.
Mr. Ed. Coultess, of Ripley,
wheeled home on Saturday.
Mrs. James Lee ttr;ei little daugh-
ter, of Seaforth, tri e the guests of Mrs.
Hugh Ross.
invitations are out fur the wed-
ding of Miss Lilian Greenaway to
W. J. McIntyre, of Toronto, in the
Presbyterian r�hnrch, on Wednesday,
Jung 28th.
Mr, and Mrs, Watson and little
son, of Listowel, visited Mr. W. Mc.
Is the baby too thin?
Does he increase too slow-
ly in weight?
Are you in constant fear
he will be ill?
Then give him more flesh.
Give him. more power to
resist disease. He certainly
needs a fat -forming food.
Scott's Emulsion is just
that food. It will make the
baby plump; increase the
weight; bring color to the
cheeks, and prosperity to the
whole body. Thin children
take to it as naturally as they
do. to their milk.
Sec. And,^,x,ter, sal druggists.
SCOTT dr DOWNS, Chemists, TorontO.
Quire, of the Royal Hotel, on Sun-
All Mae. Meese rreturned ioToronto
on Saturday after a few weeks'
Mr. and Alis. Duncan. Dewar, of
Wellesley, were visiting at Mr. John
Robertson's last week.
Miss Lizzie and Mr. eGeorge Rich
ordeal: Sundayed at the residenceof
ruhn Burgess
n Sunday last Mrs. James Elliot
ted suddenly at her residence in
Turnberry. e�. W+:1VMiil�V'y ✓, ;lir
I't=esh,A rwiiiia eleiiee ;,- 7134
She leaves a husband nd large
family of little children.ueh sym-
pathy is felt in the village and
vicinity fa.- the family thus unex•
peetedly bereaved. The funeral
took place ou Tuesday to the Blue -
vale cemetery.
Mrs, W. Sanderson returned to
her home in Toronto last week; after
a short visit to friends in Bluevale.
Mr, and Mrs. James Burgess and
family, of Brussels, were the guests
of Mr, and Mrs. W. Fraser, of !orris,
on Sunday -
Red Bot trim, the inin
Was the ball that bit G. B. Steadman
of Newark, Mich„ in tho Civil War. It
caused horrible Ulcers that no treat-
ment helped for 20 years. Then Buck-
len's Arnica Salve cured him. Cure
Cuts, Bruises, Burns, Boils, Felons,
Corns, Skin Eruptions. Best Pile cure
on earth. 25 ota. a box. Cure guarante-
ed, Sold by Colin A. Campbell, Drug-
Mr. Ashton Simpson, of Petrolia is
visiting at Mr. Robs. Mason's:
Mr. Robs, Haines is in London
this week, attending a meeting of
the Synod, as delegate from the St.
Helens church.
Mr. Albert Stein "has the stone
work completed for his new dwelling.
Ab. is, no doubt, preparing for
Mr. Jas. Shielis left for Detroit
last Saturday to visit his sister for a
few weeks. l- Ie also purposes taking
a tripup the lakes to' recruit his
Mr. and Mrs. James Young left
for Neepawa, Man., last Tuesday,
where they intend making their
future home.
Miss Julia Taylor visited at Mr.
Pattison's last. week.
Thecrops through this section of
the country are looking well with
the exception of the low land, which
suffered from the heavy rains.
Brave Nen Fall
Victims to stomach, liver and atidney
troubles as well as women, and all feel
the results in loss of appetite, poisons
of the blood, backache, nervousness,
headache and tired, listless, run down
feeling. But there's no need to feel
like that. Listen to J. W. (3ardner,
ldaville, Ind. He says: "Electric Bit
tars are just the thing for a man when
he is all run down, and don't care
whether be lives or dies. It did more to
give me new strength and good appetite
than anything I could take. I can now
eat anything and bays a new lease on
life." Only 50 cents, at Colin A. Camp-.
bell's Drug Store. Every bottle
Dr. B. J. Hazlewood has gone to
Elmwood, where he will remain for
aix•weeks He has taken charge of
a doctor'spractice in that place,
while the latter is taking another
course in medicine.
A grand celebration will be held
hers on Saturday, July 1st. Among
the attractions is a baseball thatch
between Palmerston and Listowel.
Our baseball club was at Brussels
McKelvie & Hemphill are receiv
ing large quantities of wool these
Mr. Scott, of Weston, has taken a
situation in the tannery.
Mr. E. Gray eame home on Fridayto spend his vacation. Eph. bas teen
5, No. 8, held :a, meeting on Tuesday •
evening and decided to hold a gar
den party on the Qehool grounds on
the 30th. A brass band will be in •
attendance, and a special programme '
will be furnished by the children..
Come and enjoy,a good evening's
amusement. It was also decided to
purchase a flag for the school,
Mr, M. Maines hats been on the
sick list for 'a few days, but we are
pleased to see him out again.
Mrs. D. W, Roberts went to T.
onto on Friday to the hospital to
undergo an operation for a cancer. L
Pathmaster Panner is doing the
road, work this week.
Remember the picnic to be 'held in
Allan's hush on Friday, the 28rd,
A good time is expected. S. S. No..
4 takes the cake for a good picnic.
studyi� g law in Michigan.
The trustees .and ratepayers of S.
Minutes of council meeting held
n Lamonby's hall, Bolmore, June
19th, 1899.. Members of council all
present, The Reeve in the .chair.
The minutes' of last meeting and.
of Court of Revision were read, ap-
proved and signed.
A eom:munieation was read from
the clerk of Culrozs re boundary line
expenditure, Filed. •
Reports :—Mr, Copeland reported
having let a job of repairing culvert
at Jobb's bridge to D. Hastings at
$23.00. Also let a job of repairing
Jobb's bridge to Peter Hastings at
$3.50; also let a job of putting tile
drain across 9th eon. line to John
Willits at .$3.00, council to pay for
ale;: also let a job of putting tile'
drain across 15th side road, con. 11.,
o James Weir at $2.50, Weir to pay
Or tile.
• Mr. Mosgrove reported having let
a job of repairing culvert to John.
Ashton at 75 cents; also let a job of
gravelling 30 rods on 13 line to Geo.
Churchill at 64 cents per rod; also
et a job of gravelling 30 rods on 13
line east to Jos. Yoe at 28 cents per
rod ; also let a job of repairing two
culverts ,,n 28th eon. to John Yeo at
Mr. Mitchell repot ted having let a
job -be building twe, cedar culverts on
4ihcoii.. to Peter McTavish at $12 ;
also let :a job of building large cedar
bent culvert on 4th line to Reuben
Sanburn ;at $55.Q0; also let a job of
gravelling.;110 yards on east gravel
road to Robs, Hupfer at 191, cents
per yard. ,Council to pay for gravel
and half of inspcption.
Mitchell— Mosgrove That Mr.
Copeland let a job of gravelling 20
rods on side road swamp, con. 11. --
Mosgrove-- Mitchell — That Mr.
Cruickshank make arrangement
with Mr. I+'ife for ditch and culvert
if possible. Carried.
The following accounts were
passed and checques on Bank of
Hamilton issued:—
R. Mu •, gravel, $5.52 ; Aitken
and Hutton, P. M.; D. Moffatt, $2.50,
repairing culvert; D. Hasdings,. w:23,
repairing culvert;. P. Hastings, $5,
repairing bridge, cutting ice, &c,;
J. Willits, $3, tile drain; J. Weir,
$2.50, tile drain ; J. Ashton, 75e, re-
pairing culvert; G. Churchill, $19.20,
gravelling ; P. McTavish, $12, two
culverts ; R. Hupfer, $21,45, gravell-
ing; J. Ringlee, $2, inspecting work;
D. Dnnean, $2, 'repairing road ma-
chine; R. Hogg, $14, culvert, bridge
and foot bridge; J. Mulvey, $2.40,
gravel ; D. Hastings, $2.40, gravel ;
T. Watt, $1.50, damages ; J. Lemon -
by, $1.00, rent of hall.
Cruickshank — Copeland — That
this meeting do now adjourn to meet
in Bfuevale on Monday, July 17th,
at 10 o'clAck a. m.—Carried.
Jornv BURGESS, Clerk,
Anew granolithie floor has been
put in the baserrulina of our school,
This section can boast of having one
of the best school buildings in this
Mr. and Mrs. Itadis, of Detroit
are the guests of afar. and Mrs, A,1
Remember the Lawn Social next -
Monday evening. •
What may have been a serious
accident occurred at Mr, John Mc.
Iivilliion's barn raising(on Wednes•
day of last week. A sudden gush
of wind caused Mr. McKinnon to
fall and be was badly cat about the
head and otherwise braisedbele is
new able to be out again. Two
other gentlemen fell but escaped in-
r a1ti .
Our 7c Papers, 8 yards to the roll,
white back, etc, Cannot be beaten.
See our Lace Blinds, complete, for
50 cents.
azri' 'Y
ex.. s s
acctland's 'New Clansman.
Mr. Andrew Carnegie, the Scot-
tish, A merit:en
cottisla:.American millionaire, arrived at
his Highland home at Skibo, Suther-
landeeire, yesterday a.ftern' on. The
Skibo estate was purehahed by Barn
last rear, And over .£50,000 is being:,
expended in carrying out extensive
alterations at the castle.
On Mr. Carnegie arriving near
Skibo .tele horses hi hi., carriage were
unyoked and the c,trria.aea tK es drawn
by the tenants to the entrance to the
The tenantry Made a hsn:que pre-
sentation to its pew 'un her, tOnsist-
ing r,f a ilei;, on ime whieh
was the Union Jack sihtt on other
the Stars and Stripe,
In accepting the tine .Mr, Carnegie
said that it repro --ental what the
nations were speetlity e u.tlag to. It
was iinpee-able for loin; t.. a i•,rlize any
sentie t•1` 1.» 'pi lam ;hip, . 1,1, t after
their ham t �• s t�lcuu.e he re eognize'I
bow .. tapir, euuld l."streas an estate,
and shag, eas when he possessed the
hearts «f the people-—L'emiun, Eng.,
Daily Mail May 18th
Tite Pre:+bN terian Assetnbly will
meet next rear at Halifax.
• During a violent thunderstorm
that oecurred Wednesday evening i
about six o'clock the barn of Martin;
Myers, five miles northeast of Tees-`
water,'was struck by lightning and ;
entirely consumed with contents,'
which consisted of a large
quantity of hay and. straw and al
number of implements, including al
new binder which had been brought
home the previous evening and four
Two hundred weavers are out cn
strike at IYespler.
Thursday night burglars broke
into the Ohesley lost of icti and blew
open he vault. They got only a
few coppers for their labor.
The Thorn Comes .forth
With Point Forward."
The thorn point of disease
is an ache or pain. But the
blood is the feeder of the
whole body. Purify it with
Hood's Sarsaparilla.
I{idneys, liver and stontiaoh will a0
once respond? No thorn in this, point.
Severe pains—" I had severe pales tar
my stomach, a form of tisuraigia, 111:1*
rinother urged mo to take floor'e'Sarsapu•�
dila and it made me well and .strong. r
have also given it to my belt 'with satis-
factory results. T ani glad 'ta reoonamecd
Rood's Sarsaparilla to: others." Mno
Jou Lk PAGE, 240 Chu'reli St., Toronto, Ont.
Complete Exhaustlon�--"After tre at-
ineaat irr hospital, I w as weak, Nardiy ab e
to walk. My blood was thin, I took mood's
Sarsaparilla until well and gained 20 lbs.
It also benefited my Wire." Annum Mitts,
Dresden, Ont.
imeorl's Plats rlir; liver _mu this set-rrritrttt. p
iiia_ ly. C.,tie,trtloto lake iait;i fl'oaa'5 $�r;