HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1899-06-22, Page 3How Id People
May r• e Healthy
and Happy.
rain Color/ 5mpotai
Will Surely Banish Their
Ailments and Troubles,
It Preserves Health
and Prolongs Life.
The most euccessfel and popular phy-
elfaane of our times ere tbosis who can
banish 'the itilinente unit distresses a
men and weema in old age.
Three-feertbs of all the aches and
pains that allure old age miserable arise
irons retarded ciroulation. The slow 1,
blood la choked with isceumulatioue of •
waste nateria that produee rheumatism,
neuralgia, buitalua and lumbago. Slug,
gem circelationepeeeily produtme digest
ive chsturbanees, and unlooked-for cam -
plications urine that, in tbe triajonty of
eases prove fatal to red people.
Paine'e Celery Corapimuu is a precious
boon tQ those advanced in years. Soon
atter its use is ounimenced there le potic-
ed an ire:reuse le the blood euppl), which
is piare, ruddy anti lietive in its eoursing
through tbe body. The burin becomes
clear, digestion to easy und natural, tbe
bean, due e its work with regularity,
nerve force is acquired and 'lest) is beet
if old people desire health and strengh
to meet the euervatiug and trying weath-
er of inlosuinmer, they ehould build up
eat, cmce by the use or Paine's Celery
'Compound, Mr. John 11oldsworth,
Clarernout Street, Tureuto, says:
••1 watt taken sick hist, summer, and
was its bed for ler e wets or more, ane
sly playstutan was ttending me all the
eiine. My case waa pronounced to be
weakness of tbe•heart and old age, for 1
am vow seVerityeiget years old. .
"1 kept getting weree until my re- ;
covery was considered hupeles. One of
lay relatives recointueudest we to use
Paine's Celery Compound, welch I did
with good JGdUitB. After the first dose
I felt relieved, and atter a few days I
was able to leave WY bed and walk
around. I used four bottles, end found
e)our utedmine to be au excellentreniedY,
as I am no quite %fail. 1 hope ether
sufferere will receive ti6 nitwit benefit as
I eecei ved ."
Trustees Attention.
In the report of tile Minister of
Education for Ontario,. regret is ex-
pressed that so Ititie. al.f0414011 'IS Ijald.
to the improvement of school pre-
mises, particularly in the rural dis-
tricts, where there is ample room for
shade trees and fiewers. It is advo-
nated that sellout prettlises, where the ,
land is available, should be greatly I
enlarged and ample room given to
ehildi en to engage m sue1 athletic
sports, or the usual c tildren's games!
as would help to develop their phy- I
slut strength and increase their
interest in ,attending 8011001.
Dr. Low's Pleasant Worm Syrup
is the safest and »lost effeutual remedy
io give childrtn for worms of all kinds.
:No need of Caster Oil afterwards as It '
contains it. wn ltith rtie.
))7 IN WW1 1INI.E81 JUNE 08, VOL
Death of an Old Resident.
Von Stan's. ' "
Get Dootor piNu"L;Appt r Tablets
1,4* at A, X44 Prolubliirea 14 Canada.
a ex 0 00 Tab- (Review ot Reviews).
concession of the township .of
Ashlield, un Tuesday morniug, 6th
inst., one of the oldest and, best
known residents of the township in
the persun at M. John Stothers.
Dee esecl who find readied the ripe
old age of 82 years, was among the
very first Fettlers in thin part of the
province, having settled in, the town-
ship of West Wawanosh fifty six
years ago, and which was then an
unbroken forest. Mr. Stothers was
bore in lreined ie 1817, and at the
age of nioeteen eame to Canada in
1837, Like the great majority of
those who caine from the Old Land,
he possessed very little wealth, and
when he landed in Toronto (then
Little York), he had but 75 cents in
his pocket, After working on
farm near Norval for Some time, he
aerved six months in the volunteer
force /luring the McKenzie Rebelllou.
In 1843 be took up land in the town-
ship of West Wawanosh, arid re-
roaine1 there till 1859, when he sold
his farm to the late David Spree',
and removed to the township of .Ash -
fields k1 was married to Miss
Rachel !Sallie, by whom he had
eleven children, eight sons and three
daughters, and eight of whom, are
stilt living. His aged partner in
life preceded him to the hatter land
some two Nears ago. In religion he
was brought up in the Presbyterian
faith, but some thirty yea's ago he
joined the Methodist church and in
his death the churchtets lost a faith-
ful and devout Christian, and the
community a true friend and neigh-
bor. In polities he vt as a life long
Conservative. The remains were in-
terred in the Dungannon cemetery.
For Over Fift7 Years.
An Old and Well -Tried Remedy—Mrs
Wiuslow Soothing Syrup bus been
used for over efty years by millions of
mothers for their children while teeth,
ing, with perfect suettees. It soothes the
obild, softens the gums, allays all pain,
curse wind colic, and is the best remedy
for diarrhoea. It is pleasant to tbe taste..
Sold by druggists int every part of the
world. Twenty-five cents a bottle. Its
value is laminable. Be sure you ask for
vJrs. Winslow's Soothing Sytup, and
take no other kind.
- 11:1e Minister's Reveage:
The Atlanta Constitution tells how
a minister at even with a mean
man; who had•invitedshim Le 'dinners
The mean man had plenty of money,
but he didn't spend it on the table,.
which on that occasion showed bet
scant fare.
"Parson,"- said the mean man,
'times are hard 'an' groceries' high,
but rich as it it, you're welcome
Will yen :ix a biessin'
"I will," replied the parson ; "fold
yonr hands." Arid then he said`:—
"Lord. make us thankful -for what
we are about to receive --for these
greens without bacon, this bread
without salt, this coffee witout sugar,
and after we hays received it give
thy servant strength to get house in
gine for dinner."
. nmvsk.****..Nerro......34.•
• •
South American Rhists-
treatio Cue Curies hi
1.to 3 Days.
Solomon Woodworth, of Hope:.
well Hill, N. 13., is rescued front a
deplorably helpless condition, induced
by the agonies of 'rheumatism. Mr.
Woodworth had contracted rheuma-
tism of the severest form and in a
very short time was incapacitated for
work—for week he tould get no rest
—suffered the most violent pains in his
arms and shoulders ---grew worse and
felt he could not live, so terrible were
his sufferings—his arms became per-
feetly helpless. He began taking
South Amerion Rheumatic Core—
after the second doe he experienced.
great relief and at the end of three c
hours every vestige of the pain was
gone—the use of his band and arm
returned gradually and he feels alto.
gather like a new min and to -day re-
joice s in 0 cure which he proclaims
almost a miracle. South American
Rheumatic Cure cures in Z to a days
every form of rheumatism and nett
ralg,m. Do not suffer longer—it will
relieve in s:x h.mr%
A.Merleita Ihs1vh10 soothes
the nerves tout cures all forms of her-
• ,,1;,
tiantit Americo. 1atitie30 Cure
cures only Isidta:y diseases—relieves ;
in a few hours. 12
They Core
1. Food—that reelable in the stone -
4011 Undigested—ferments.
2, Fermenting food coupsour
stomach, heart burn, sick beedeoheie
nausea. Aad the gases melee pain
wad distrees.
3, Dr, Von Stan's Pineapple Tab-
lete neturalize fermentation, and,
after clearing the stomach of its fer-
menting burden, they proceed to cure
e cause of indegeetton.
4. Dyspepsia cannot remain after
Dr, Von Stan's Pineapple Tablets re-
store perfect digestion. They afford
a delightful relief' from tbe start.
Only 35 cents a box, at A, L, Ramie
ton 's— sixty tabiete in a ,bor.
on Stan's Pineapple trablets
Should be taken by those who feel dis-
tressed and ()pressed after eating, They
relieve in an instant and correct the
causes wbieb lead to dyspepsia.
A Knotving Horse.
Mr. Duncan Ou.rrie, of Bruce
township, got the biggest fright of
his life one night last week, says the
Paisley Advocate, and it was caused
by a remarkable display of animal
sagasity on the part of his driving
horse. During the night Duncan
was suddenly awakened by the
horse's whinnie, which sounded
startling elose to his sleeping ears.
He rushed down stairs, aell, started
outside but was surprised to find the
horse had come partly inside the
kitchen, and stili more surprised. to
see the animals body dripping with
blood, The horse bad with almost
human intelligence came to its mast-
er to be saved from bleeding to
death, from a wound inflicted ap-
parently by running into contact
with a nail, and wbieh had severed
a large blood vessel. Feeling the
need of' human assistance the animal
broke out of theltasture; came to the
house and pushing open the door,
stepped inside raised his voice in an
appeal for help. Mr. Currie slicceed-
ed in stopping the flow of blood,nnd
the belie will likely live to give him
many days' faithful service.
A Good. Test.
If you have backache and there are
brink dust deposits found in the urine
after it stands ter 24 hours you can be
sure the kidneys are deranged. To
effect a prompt and positive cure and
prevent Bright's disease, suffering and
death, use Dr. A. W. Chase's Kidney -
Liver Pills, the world's greatest kidney
Municipal Anaendments.
13y recent changes made in the
Municipal Act, farmers' stepsons are
given the same rights as farmers'
sons in respect to municipal votes.
M unieipal eand:dates' declining nom-
inations must file - their resignation
with the clerk before 6 p. nt. on the
following day, instead of before mid-
night All Municipal and county
councillors must hereafter vote on
every question coining before the
council for open vote, balloting in
council being declared illegal. No
Municipal council will hereafter have
power to grant any exemptions from
taxation except ivith the assent of
two-thirds of the electors entitled to
vote thereon. The granting of trade
licenses is made discretionary with
municipal council. Under • an
amendment of the assessment act, all
' farming implements. and vehicles,
all hay, grain and other produce
are exempt from taxation.
. •
Young Mothers.
Croup ie the terror of thousands of
young mothers because its outbrake is
so agonizing and frequeutl fatal. She
lob's Cough and Consumption Care seta
like magic ie eases of Croup. It has
never been keen known to fail. The
worst eases relieved immediately. Price
25 etre, 50 ots., and $1.00.
The London Street Railway Com
pany has resumed an almost core.
plete day service on all lines, but the
public show no general disposition
to patronize the ears
Children Cry for
. The attention of the Ontario Gov-
ernment has been ealled to the
sweating system goiog on in Ottawa
and UuU. It is stated that women
work for less than 75 cents per week,
Should keep ou band a bottle of Ilag-
yard's Yellow Oil, It is clean to Dee and .
will not soil the clothes. Cures cuts and 1
braises, takes out, pain and limbers up
stiff,. sol joints/Ind muscles.
The Canadian Parliament has
been severely exercised last Month
an the subject pf temperance legis
lation. The temperance party in
Canada clamours impatiently for the
introduction of prphibition. It rests
its laim for t14311 legislation upon
the recent plebiscite, when the
electors were asked t� vote on the
subject of prohibiting the sale of
drink, ay e or no. There are in
Canada about 11- million voters. Of
these not quite 550,000 could be in -
awed to vote, 700,000 expressed
no opinion ORO way or the other. Of
all those who did vote -gluiest as
many voted against prohibition as
voted in its favor. The majority in
favor of prohibition was barely
twelve thousand, er jest about one
Per cent. of the electorate. Sir Win
frid Laurier, being` a prudent man,
naturally refused to attempt to lay
violent hands upon the favorite poison
of the whole people at the bidding of
a majority of only one per cent. in a
poll in which Ave -twelfths of the pop.
ulation, could not be induced to vote,
and the total number of the electors
voting for prohibition was only
twenty-three per cent. of the con-
stitueney. As our temperance pen-
ple have never ventured to ask for
prohibttion, except with a two-thirds
majority, Sir Wilfrid Laurier is un-
doubtedly justified in the attitude
wbieh he has assumed.
Pimples on the Face
CUD all 'be perrnanently removed by Bur-
dock Blood Bittere. Mr. E. P. Bernaby,
Merehatit Tailor, Shelburne, N. Se says:
"After paying out money to dootors and
not getting cured, I tried B.B.B. After
using it for a time the pimples all van-
ished and have never troubled the since."
.Bee Euzzes. •
Tall sections require more honey
to All them.
The average life of .a queen bee is
about 2 years.
Feeding should begin as soon as
warm weather -sets in.
Old queens may be moderately
productive early in the spring..
Some queens are better at 8 years
old that others are at 2 years.
Young queens are tbe most prolific
and are less inclined to swarm.
Bee feeding ,must be done regular.
ly in order to secure the best results.
Stimulative feeding is the means
by winch colonies 'are made strong.
Bees should be kept on every farm,
if for no other purpose than to ferti-
lize the blossoms of the fruit trees.
While in some respects thick sep-
arators are better than thin ones, a
strong argument in favor of thin
separators is that they are so thin
that they can be blciwn away when
used once.
The body and flavor of the honey
are largely due to the method of
handling it. This is especially true
of the body, an important factor in
the make up of a fine quality of ex
tracted honey. --St. Lords Republic.
We, the Undersigned, do hereby agree
to refitted the money on a twenty -live
cent bottle of Dr. Wills' English Pills,
if, after using three fourths of contents
of bottle, they do not relieve Constipa-
tion and 'lleadanhe. We also warrant
that four bottles will permanently cure
the most obstinate cases of Constipation.
Satisfaction or no pay when Wills' Hag-
fish Pi)ls are used,
A. A. Morrow, Chemist and Druggist,
Wingbarn, Ont.
Oat A. Campbell, Chemist and Drug-
gist, Wiughans, Ont.
A, L. Hamilton, Ceerniet and Drug-
gist, Winghate, Ont.
Ants are a troublesome little
thing, and destroy many fine lawns,
To exterminate the vermin make a
few small holes in the ground near
the ant's nest. Place in the hole a
small quantity of bis sulphate of
carbon, carefully covering it with
earth, This will permeate the earth
around and destroy the ant.
Laxa-Liver Pills have become the
Jodie& favorite etithartie. They act
without any griping, purging or eickere
lore aed if persisted in for a time curia
habitual Constipation.
Pin. JAMS Constable, SeatOrth, Ont,, ViTritegt—" Ever since I can remember
1 have suffered from weak action of the b cart. For some time past it grew constantly
worse. I frequently had sharp pains under my heart that I vtasfearful if I draw a
long breath it would cause death. In goingup-stairs I had to stop to rest and regain
breath. When my children made a nt Ise playing I wou'd bq so overcome 'with
nervousness and weakness that I could not do anything and bod10 sit down to regain
composure. My limbs yvere unnaturally co'd and 1 was subject to neryousheadaches
and clizziness.i My memory became uncertain and slo.'p de%ected me.
I have been taking Milburn's Heart and NenePIlL, and as. a result am very
much better. I have improved in bealth and strength ran:dly. The blessing f sleep
is restored, to me. My heart is much stronger, and the oonressive sensation has
'vanished. I can now go up -stairs without stopping and with the greatest of ease,
and I no longer suffer from dizziness or headache. It seems to me the cireplation of
my blood has become normal, thereby remov;ng the coldne,s from my limbs, lcan
truly say that Milburn's Heart and Nerve 1,avn done no a world of good."
LAXA-LivEn PILLS MIRE C' ')f, OSPall. tCV4PCP41A. '
_ _ laWIPM
Savings Banks in. Schools,
Don in the Toronto Saturday
Night very ably shows up the folly
of savings banks in Schools when he
writes as, follows :—
Mr, George Hately, secretary of
The question of savings banks -in the Cheese and Butter Association of
schools seems to me altogether out of Western Ontario, has received the
the realm.of our educational system. following letter:
Huodreds of times I have protested mr. George lamely., secretary of the
against the idea Oat the school Cheese and Butter association, of
teacher and the school system should Western Ont:
be looked upon as superseding the Dear Sir,—In reply to your re-
teaehings of the father and the quest for information regarding to
mother at the fireside. Are those
the suleearth ducts which have been
who have homes and are bringing recently added to the curing rooms
up children, to be freed from all the in my district, I submit the follow -
cares of teaching children the graces
and Virtues of life? We have our ing report
Caistorville—The sub -earth duct
parsons elamoring for the schools to is completed and in operation. The
teach religion, which should be duet is eight feet deep and, extends
taught by the father and mother, or 118 ft. under ground. It is made of
in Sunday schools, and by the pastor
three rows of five-ineb tile, two rows
biinseii. We look to our sehools to of six-inch tile and one row of eight
teach the youngsters good manners, inch
tile,all laid close together with.
clean] i care of their teeth. Teach- "
the eight tile in the Middle ; over the
ers are nowallays expected to see
tile there is a covering of rye straw,
t tbe .oungsxer has not a bad
In digging the trench for the tile
. breath; ill combed hair, unbla.ckened a spring was found near the factory,
boots, dirty hauds, and all that sort
The water from the spring runs in
of thing.. Now. it is proposed that
the bottom of the trench for its :entire
the youngsters are to be taught by
the schoolteachers to take care
length, which possibly somewhat in -
creases the moisture in the curing
- their senniessand to engage in a sort
of a competitive scramble for the
room. Tbe intake pipe is built with
fifteen inohes
storing up of money, which they galvanized
diameter and thirty feet high, with
either need for the trifles of their
little lives, or else which they should cowel on top.
The outlet from the curing room
not possess. Johnnie Jones is to
is simply a hole in the ceiling on the
show Jimmie Smith that he can get opposite side to that at which the
more pennies and save more ot them
in a year, and Lucy Long is to be duet enters
made purse proud by beating- Sallie On the day on which I visited
Caistorville the tenaperatisre on the
Short in having a school -room. bank
aceount. The suggestion is nothing outside in the shade was 85 de-
but rubbish, and very pernicious grees. Inside the curing room a
strong breeze was Coming id from
rubbish at that, The, parents ehoeld
teach the children how to save their the duet at n, temperature of 60 de-
penniesgrecs. The tempera.tUre of the cur -
or should not give them .ing room did not exceed, during the:
pennies to save, The abominable day, 67 degrees. The .curing rooln
idolatry of mouey, which is the curse
at this factory is very poor- ant of
of our ordinary lives, should not be
taught in our Public sehools.
the opinion that with a reasonably
good curing room the temperature
youngsters are taught to labor and ,.,
and'to wait, the lessons most nem- cp,te moisture in the miring room wasaeasilya degrees,
be held at
sary to its era, this will be the near- from 80 to 82. There was no mould
est approach to economical instruc on the cheese,
tion that premiers or teaehers should
At Woodburn, Caledonia and Cali -
attempt. 'Pk dizzy and devilish boro, sub•eatth ducts have been put
race for nu3ffey comes soon enough
to those who are not levin, but were not _ready whenel-headed visited these tatetorieS. On my next
enough to avoid being either slug- visit I will take earefal Rote of the
gards, misers or speetilators, To results with the sub earth duets and.
start them in childheod with an idea
of getting- tnoney for money's sake, report to you thereon.
is a poor scheme. ,IAMFs 1110filtisb11,
Parents may well •give their child. hammer.
ren a little money for the purpose of
teaching them not only to have, but William Bryan, a prisoner in
to keep. Everyone shoulct Ishow Chicago, says he is wanted • in
the virtue of saving something lest London,..Ont., for the murder of
a rainy day may find -them unpro- Policeman Toollev, for. whieh Marfan
vided, bat such a theory of saving Brown ;was recently hanged,
is altogether different from what the —
system of a Pablie school savings Constipation) •
.51rs. Olive Sternaman, the Buffalo
lady who was tried en the charge!
of murdering her husband, has at
last got the insurance money that the'
International Brotherhood of Carpen
tars and Joiners at first refused to
give her, It amoillits to 002,
.A(41NTA WANTIO).- POlt "Tfit 1,110t AND
Achievements of dthltaI Dewey." the %voile's
,t..st moat item. By Murat Itaistead, the tire. I
lona Jamul awl tubuitor of the nation's idol. Dip
gest and best beak aver 600 pages, 8x10 inehe4 ; 1
/toady 100 pees halftone Illustrations, Only t.511.
klii(rnenns &mod. 1tI renindssio»s. Outfit tree. '
Chaueu or a lifetime, Write gulch.. The T)ondidm
Coreidny, &dMoor WW1 tfltta., -Mew.
bank would result in. One is • —
Headache, BlitoustiesS,
thoroughly domestic, the other is
more or less public and ostentatious.
The difference between the two is as
Vela tIS that between the man who IndigestionDizziness,
saves money and brags about it, and Indicate that your liver
the one who saves nuney from the , Is oat Of order. The
gentlest of motives—that the wolf beat medicine to rouse
shall not come to the door and find the liver and cure all
these Int, Is found in
the faintly defenceless.
A diamond of the first water is
one that has never been in "soak." 25 cents. Sold by all medicine dealer*,
Mclod's Pills