HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1899-06-22, Page 2-are, rt ith WINCLUAlvi '11X1.161 JrNE 23, I8w, alow Ile Won flee. ta County Connell. Municipal World to each member of! eapeal certain; by-law. "Do en think," eeked the beau elegem, r .• 4 ?'' The v mon who bad for 111011til', 4: her in :seem. saw las ehanae 1-1,t•ty tiztiP be tied ever atteuttee:1 y :tee t hing sentiment ai t( ear ehe witehed hit u off On to, polities ea siteia I problem, hat at last ti e Tontent fer witieti he had longed heal mime. Drawing in a fall ; aNt.; Hew c,otthl the world de- generete with woulati doing so much to ran it ? How eetlitt 1,1,e %%mid be otberw!se than better eloyee you have intereete d yeerseff in it e ?" Thnt vening- bernetirea t:earl it would 1.t. HI right ne-) neprer Ivhat papa thiela—Chieaae New. x.etrata goes aa far who a werean as a Mae masculine remorse, this waned. Sent, to the Executive!3, To *etherize the borrowai The June session of the County caramotee. ling of money far eon:31y purposes. tai' w vet): tztri' "thnt the world is Condi °Paned at 3 P. m., Tay, alloyed by Mr. MeEivan, seconded No. 4. To setae by aseessinenve Junta eth, the warden, B. &-. (leek, by. Mr, McLean, that tbis elatinell as within the county of Huron the surn%1 presiding, and membersev all areeent. a, body bire coeyancee, and drive of130,377 11 I The wardur en addressed the cuuntal ever the whole eoity, with at view roved by Meseta. Kerr and Snella) on the queetians te come tip -ter die of beteg able to matin a- better equal- thee this couneiletow adjourn to mete., euasioo and deeielee ey the einun otell. tic% of thdi e fferent Municipalities spin on the drsta Tuesday in Deceit--; Tbe following tionA1 lanthilM00$ Weft) in the counte ; said eetialization to bee% tioderich. read and plaetel before the eomatila• 1 commence on Monday, 19th inst., Messrs. Mamie and Torranee From Jas. Mills. preaident ef the lend when atashed to meet in this moved ibat the met meeting be bola , Ontario AgriculturalCO ego, ru eta clutaber avid put our report in pro- in the village of sall. breath, he replied . wit:du:eat of euanty students. Eamt. per shape, suet) equitlization to bold Messrs, Bowmen and Patterson, / to 1.404ciat committee. geed tor two yeers. Sent to Equal- rhb,tatit).we IneOt in Neember in. Witte, Free) G. W. Holman. see'y of ization; Committee, Wes. alarm) Teaenere' AbSt:Cant, Ootmen ackitowlaed till a ()week Teemotion to,meet in Goderieh t in reference to paper react on Venda afternoon. was parried, . ation of school housent to Ecita,- 8. ofaeook. Thefollowing ia.a, eittion committee The council uemuned. SU/lAt ADM OF TRE .00701ITTER: RNPORTS t A number of nOnutuutri v‘ el t: I ead doved by Mr. Termites, seconded es ttrially adopted fe- and sent to the laimulee etnotetteee% by Mr, 00°11014, that the Clerk EQI:LULIZATION. — Tile Committee and the council ;nen ?adjourned to, tin.4.he loalit'Y from the different on the Equalizatioa eV the asseaswent meet- at 10 a. m. On Waded -44y. eeatatiee that aave bad valuators em- of the various inunielpalities report • no r.ito DAY—warmest:ay. ployed, as to• the matter of costs and that the equalized ilesessments be ae Council met parsnaut to adjourn. general satisfioaion given, as a re- shown is the ant:teed sehedule. meetmembers all present suit, &O.; lay suellinforiaiation before (Tee schedule was athat of last yeer. Report ot 1'. 1?. Chamberlain, in- this council at the December session, s� the asseastueat le tbe same.) In speetor of prisons,. was. read and seat, • Left on. the table. reference to motion. of Messrs, Me - to the County Property couanitti.v. Moved bir Mr. Xerr, seconded by Ewan and McLean,: relative to the . It was as follows: 'Mr. Bowman, that tis county grant Comity Council driming through the There were nine Kismet's (8 men a Peddler's license for this' year to count t to arrive att a better basis of and a woman), in 41.78,40.4 whets L John. Dewelf, of 13ruesels, a young equalization, after ;;:. lengthy tits - inspected this jail on the 21st of Jaw man almost depraved of his eyesight. cession ire committee they asked to eary. The Inman was insane, end 'Sent to the Executive Committee.. : withdraw. tne motioa„ and we realin. all the men committed: for vagraney. Moved, by Mr,. gat, seconded by tumid the- same he Wowed. The building was clean and in gond air, aleannis, that in the event of an W. Li, Kama, Chairman. order in all pats; firmer' suits of appeal from the equalization of the ' EXECUNDM--Ills reference to the elothing in good order. Bookspro- assessment by this council. that the claim of B. Medd. Mr injury to a ' perly kept. Water closets and bath final evalizattoo be left to the hors,e,,we recommend that no action rooms have been pot m the jail slow County Judge.—Carried. ' be takenechat ii, Courtney Gilpin . my last inspeetion. A furnace should Memorial from the officers of the be -nominated; as student to Ontario be pi ovided. for heating purposes,. 3 -3rd Battalion, asking for the comity Agriealtatal• college- for one year, besides beiug safer it, woald be more gran t. Sent to the Exeeutive Com- that the aleck purchase a copy of the economical. The jailer requires a mittee. . statutes for ',BUD; for each member ef - house for bis family, situated near Moved by Messrs. McInnis and, the couneia the same to be the pro - the jail, and if this- is not arranged. Holt that the Treasurer furnish the perty of the. county ; that the clerk :for in the near future extensive re- clerk daring the present session, proetu•e iti copy of the Munieipalf pairs will be, necessary to the with a list of peddlers' licenses, World for this year, for each mem- apartments they now eceepy. granted for the year [899. ber ; that John LleWolfe, who is F. Blair, barriver, of Brussels, ad- The couneil adjourned till 10 suffering from a. serious infirmity, be dresse,d the council in reference to o'clock tomorrow. granted -a peddler's license free ot the legacy of $1000 to the county for leOURTIEE 11,1:Y.—YRIDAY. - charge; that is tbe xnatter of the re - the maintenance in the House of The council resumed at 10 o'clock, quest-ot theofficers of the 33rd Bat - Refuge of Miss Dickson. the warden in the chair. The re.- talion for a special grant, no action . • A petition from certain ratepayers of Hallett re school section boundary Was read and sent to 'Education 00113-1 mittee. Gaoler's report -was read•and re- ferred to County Property com- mittee. The report read as follows I GENTLEMBN,--lileresvith I submit my report of the number of prison- , ers at present confined in the county gaol: . There are- four flutes., mugged as follows: • Thos. Hewitt, Toronto, larceny ; John. Hyslop, Goclerieh, in - Farmers. burglary ; Richard Chambers, God - sanity ; Isaac Young, charged with God- erieh township, insanity. Longhoursofhard,never- Report of County Commissioner ending work makes Kidney - was placed ' before the council and Trouble a, common cam - sent to Road and Bridge committee. plaint on the farm. Paht- ful, weak or lame backs On Motion of Messrs. Kerr and and Urinary Disorders are McEwan the council adjourned. to too frequent. meet at 4 p. m. 4 o'ceocit P. M. • The council resumed according to •Ptsialvely cured 'ay these Little Pills. ''They also relieve Distress from Dyspepsia., 'Indigestion and Too Hearty Eating, A. per- fect remedy for Dizziness, Nausea, Drowsi- ness, 2ad Tastein the Mouth, Coated. Tongue Pain in the Side, TORPID LIVER. They Regulate the Bowels. Purely Vegetable. Small PIM •Small Dose. Small Price Substitution the fraud of the day. See you rt Carter's, Ask. for Carter's, :Insist and demand • 'Carter's ir ittle Liver Pills. Hard-working DOAI?S KIDNEY PILLS help a farmer to work and keep his health adjournment. .—take the ache and pain out of his back A number of accounts were read and give him strength and vigor. and referred to Finapee committee. me. Ise.iah Willmot, a retired farmer living at s38 Elizabeth St., Barrie, Ont., Report of Special eommitte re will said: of the late Elias Dickson, of Grey, "I have been a sufferer with kidney trouble was read and sent to the Exeentive and pain in the small °Piny back, and in both sides. I also had a great deal of neuralgiapain Committee. in my temples, and was subject to dizzy spells. "I felt tired and worn outniost of the time. A motion that the clerk purchase Ontario Statutes for 1898 for the use "Since taking Doan's Kidney Pills, I have bad nopain either in my back or sides. They baverentovedthenegralgiapainfrota myhead, of the members of the couneil, the County Property tommittee be Jack, a little prosperity puts the ;it any price. It is not what .you pay,, alvVetirred_feesline: same to be the property of the coun- amended by striking out clause No. drive in a man. I have struck a' - at i t ten ears bun er and can till.lt ‘k•hat VOU "et that constitutes a xern gymoz=v, 442,iti at, is * llo.404101, Castoria is for Infants and Children. Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops and Soothing Syrups, Et contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance, It is Pleasant.. Its pparaatee is thirty years' use by Millions- of Mothers. Castoria destroys Worms and. allays Feverish. ness. Castoria mires Diarrhoea and•Wind Colic. Castello, relieves Teething Troubles, cores Constipation and Flatulency. Castoria, assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels of Infants and Children, gg? healthy; and natural sleep. Castoria is the Children?* Panacea—The Mother's Friend. • Castoria. Castoria, "Castorrie is an excellent medicine for Castoria Is so well adapted to childtert children. =others hast repeatedly told 311e that I recommend it as superior to any pre. - .of its good effect up= :their children." scription known to Inc." Dn.. 0, C. ilYs.0000, Lamed', Mau. 11. A. Ascuca, X. D. .Brooklru. N.. v. THE FAC-SIM1LE SIGNATURE OF APPEARS ON EVERY WRAPPER. T.= • 1. ...,11•11AV EVrfIECT, Fl OW YORK CITY. igi*Nt1.1-A,Z.1,707,!''''''.1* • ."..77-771!Mrrri77_....21,21011* ports of the Special committee, the be taken, In reference to the will County Property committee and the of the late -Elias. Dickson, and having I 1: Education committee were read and inqtfiredm,ore fay into the puttee, discussed in committee and passed. • :and. basing learned further partiea , The finance report was read. up to Tars conceraing the matter, and cir- 4 clause 31, and so far as ,read was cumstances, having been brought to .1 a - passed in council. our notatte: of which we were not. et Report of Road and. Bridge corn- :aware at the Jane meeting of 1898% 1- mittee was presented and elaases 1, we would- recommend. h 2, 8, 5, 7, passed, clause 4 referred co,vraziuxo ON PAGlil 6. back to the committee, and. clause 6 , • struck out, In contact" the report, — aniended, was adopted. Moved nerre WoOrS Ph0C131,10ainea The Great Engtislt Remedy:. -t Sold and recommended by; druggists in Canada. Only•rell,, ; able medicine discovered: str.: dews guaranteed to cure, ' ; by Mr. Torrence, seconded by Mr. Connolly, that the County Engineer inspect Dower's bridge on the Salable Line, township of Stanley, and have forms ot Sexual Weakness, all effects of abusat Qr eg..egs=1StIfic:faritti?Zin ICI: rClee 'fia)it said bridge repaired or rebailt as he, bac thinks necessary. Referred to Road otprice, one taokage. V, spr, $. One W./Pp/tate,. and Bridge committee. Connell ad- 91142°RialgaVagra,4,117,1,'Eara=aa,,. • _.,,, journed till afternoon at a o'clock. , , 3 o'oeocx, Sold in Wingham by Colin A. Campbell, The second report of the Road a lmvuggist. and Bridge committee, the report of the Executive, and that of tae Equal- THE MONEY SOME ization eommittees were read and MEN IVIAltri. paseed, Clause No. 5 of the report of the County Pro ert committee - was taken up, and discussed, and FIRST M.N.N : "Hello Dec, whet 17, "Te:1 me what you eat nn4 i.,11 yoti, what- you are,"—thus said a groat 101 , One tikrne is certain—if you eat a norridge. oho; wood smo want to eat that porridge -in WI'Dterr F el. 1;. RI:muter, for t'.roakfast. MAUNA ROLLED HEAT ruakow nwpKrions, heatthtul breakfast fond, es- poeiRai ;n ‘v,tritt ,M,.& her. noes ttor HEAT Tt hwp. rt deliewro. (favor that no other Rolled Wheat rar, potAsiolv tom.; nse no othPr Rolled Wheat is pre- pared ea NI (Amu Yntlr grader sells it by the pound.. The Oo.17 !malted, Thornburg, Ont. .1......0aW.A.1101amoonevW0m4.1.-s,rx icliN.rmtaania-kiv..i.rnt..1.11Agii.i. council adjourned till 7.30 o'cloek, are you davit* at these days, you \ 7 1'z 7 15.2%. Ait. 4 A-4 \Vant GOOF) Binder Twine, and are when the clause 5 was again taken seem to be on the jump an the time up and passed. and walk as though you had im- Moved by Mr. Holt, seconded ba portant business on, hand.' Mr. Kerr that the report of the „Secoau Max : "Well, the fact is, willing to pea- a lair price for it. Sen- sible farmers know -GO op twine is the cheapest ; and poor twine is dear only say that Doan's Itidney Pills are the most ty, and to be handed to their into - remarkable kidney Mire, and in addition are the best tonic / ever took." cessors in office, was sent to Eteett- , Idoca...Liver ?Ills dupe ConstIpatiott. Live committee. Moved by Dr. Rollins, seconded by Mr. McInnes, that Droughts bridge between Haron and Middlesex be lengthened, or a culvert put in sufficient to receive pressure at high water, provided Middlesex pays its half of the cost ; that the eterk at once notify Middlesex council should this motion be ratified. Reterted -to Road and. Bridge committee. Connell adjourned to meet at 10 *leek a, m, on Thursday. • 'MIRA DAY--TIMASDAY.- The council inet according to ad. journnient. All the members were present, adee 50 YEARS' • EXPERIENCE - * :ft' •• TRADE M ARKS fo' Or.stcos COPYRIGHTS &C. Anions ..onding a sketch and description mar eutemy tsK•natn our opinion free whether an tereati... probably ratentalde. Corrinninica, twos sti ;•eoniklentML Irartribook an Patent,' sent Ire.. “I•iest errancy for sneering patents. Patents t then throneh Munn Co. receive special:44;a', without charge, intim Scitilifit Antrim A bandrauely rihrtrated weeldo. l'.rreest tir entattim tIVIV$eferitifig jettit31:11, erms. Tsar: • rAtits, St. said by atnevedvalers Report .of Special eommittee re Keeler's residence, was read and re - 5 and in the report, and adding position at last, after k year of hard 'l:- a. '''Plyrnouth" make and sell thereto, "That this council consider luek, which is panning oat first -tate." -"cug"'ll 'GOOD twine as low as GOOD twine it advisable to build a new dwelling FIRST- Mat T : "Well, that's your house at the gaol, plans and speeifi- lack, for I ani doing mighty little •'can bt: sold. ' "Plymouth'? does not cations and estimate for the same to these days. Bat what have you make or sell Ps OR twine at any price. -, be procured by the Warden's atom- struck ?" , mince. and laid before the council . e NO ovattt TWINE IS StailsiD MAN : "I have taken a at the December meeting." Lost on book agency from Int Stumm% " JUST AS "GOD " AS LIYMBUTH. 4 . .. the following division:— GARRESTOX CO., (Lilllited) of Brant- Nays.—Messrs.Bowman, Connolly, ford, Ont. They have been At me - lf your dealer does not handle our Twine, write Miller, Metwen, Petterson, Stuart, for months to eanvass, but I laughed rnOut,h Binder Twine Agency, 54 Bay Street, Toronto, • IT PAYS TO Bur THE BEST. rr This Trade Mark is on every Tag. See thtst you get it Ply. Snell and Torrance. -8 : Yeas.— at the idea, and at last they made Messrs. Chambers, Hays, Holt, Kerr, Mantas, McLean and Rollins, -7. me a good offer, Sh I thought rd give it a, trial. I have been at the work Moved by Mr. Torrance, seconded by Mr. Connolly, that no dangerous rate, now two months, and 1 like it firlit4 and am going to stick to it.' lunette or idiot be admitted. to the' F'' Maar: "Say )3111, do von House of Refuge, except by the eon - think I mild do the work, for I saw sent of the House of Refuge 'commit- . tee. Carried. the advertisement of this firm yester- day, for more men." Mlit-i gib.zeineww2r•ilevi*ifirk ferrel to the County Property zone placed before the council a list of Sewn; MAN ; "I don't see why —, inittee. peddler's licenses issued this year. yot could not, but write and t,et Report of the . House of Refuge Balance bf the finance report was them to make you an offer.:' committee was placed before- the taken up, and passed in committee F/RST MAN : “Thanks old man, council and passed in committee, and also in council. Estimates of I will, and I'll let you know how it with the addition of the following receipts and expenditure was laid oil turns out," words; "That the House of Refuge the table, -- ° committee be empowered irk their The following hy.laws were read now used oh the farm and pttrehase No. 1. Tel equalize the respeetisre Five young men to travel, who would it new team." assessments of the several rnttnieipall. not object spending part of their ttoved. by tir. Hays, seeonded by ties in the County of Huron. time at canvassing. References. Mr. MoLean, that the elerk be in- No, 2. To assume and maintain BRA.BLEIt-S-AlittEsTON col, Limited, strtteted to -furnish a copy of the certain bridges and adverts, and to BAANTPOItd, Ont. t'rsahlf; 1.. 1. .* IT PAYS omildimilook.s. • I . ANY••••••••141yr To ADVERTISE discretion to dispose of the horses three titnes and passed, WANT:MD k • • r I 1 II ki TIMES . a " To PATENT Good ideas may be secured by OGS I . id LOGS ! Saltless% Md., wg ivuma Sewer and Culvert Pipes All Sloes from 4 to. to 24 In. Aloe ICESt THE 011111110 SEWER PIPEIR, 000 1-2 AbELAIDE ST. g.„ w VACTORT AN InItICO. TORONTO Highest cash prices paid for all kinds of good Saw Logs, Telegraph Poles, Cedar Posts and Shingle Botta delivered in our yard. CUSTOM SAWINCI SHINCLE CUTTING. done at lowest prieesand satisfaction guaranteed. Call and get priees be= fore disposing of your timber. MeLEAN 8o SON