HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1899-06-16, Page 8Hign ti 0 OUT FOR YOUR TRADE. Bnsitiess is good with us, but we Want tO do more. \TAN" r YOUR TRADE, We are doh» fifer tl'tintst to merit it, We've gathered the I:est stock that brains, energy and, cash could. gather. We • marked the selling; price ai; t:ltise as possible, Our turn- over is l;lrge, and at little; and the lot does fee tld. People who do their shopping here say they buy to better advan- tage and get better goods than they find elsewhere, stili we lteow if you try us you will say the :lame tiling, These departments nee e peeialIy interesting : Dress Goods The hest aF all our best stocks. Ready -Made Clothing People that look through our st lek of clothing; and compare values, buy where they are ready to make the investment. Parasols, Gloves and Hosiery - The. stock is overflowing with choice goods -just the kind that are sought for by those who know what's the correct styles. • Carpets. and Lace: Curtains, Boots: and. Shoes, Gents' Furnishings and Waterproof Coats, all at special prices, The looking in. any department at any time wilt be appreciated, and you'Il not. be ,made to feel that you are expected ro buy. Shop early a9 c P:ztttsontAzs, Air F Pattersua was in Drumbo during the week. Rev W Freed visited in Teeswater on Tuesday. Mr A Roe, left on Thursday afternoon for Ohicaga. Mr R Diann, of Teeswater was in town on Tuesday. Mr A Li Carr was in Woodstock on Wednesday, Miss Cooke, of Chesley, is the guest of Airs J J Sullivan. Mrs : Rent, sr, is on a visit with old friends in London. Mr Wm Gundry, of Goderieh was in town on Thursday. Atiss Stella Griffin is visiting with friends in Thornton. Mr J 1I Dunnage was in Stratford on Tuesday on business. Mr and Mrs Alex Young were visiting hi Clinton this week. Mies Ella McKenzie is visiting with friends:in Toronto this week. Miss Lamont was ticketed to Winnipeg, per G T R on Tuesday morning. Miss L Mclienzje is visiting with her brother, Dr McKenzie, at Monkton. Ales J W'Vanatter, of Goderieh, is visit• ing with Wingham. friends this week. hlr and Airs Geo Allen and children, of London, are visiting with Wingham friends. 'Mrs Myles Young. of Blyth, was visiting With Wingham friends for a few days this week. Alts C N Peake, of Toronto, is spending a few weeks with her parents, .Mr and 1Irs H Davis. Mr W T HaII, of the Advance, is spend• ing a fewdaye, with friends in Owen Sound and Tara. Ivlr Jas Ferguson, travelling agent for the Noxon Implement 'Co, of Ingersoll, was in town this week. Mies s Sriartinq left on Thursday morning for Winnipeg, where else will visit with friends for some time. Bev i Hobbs, of London, the new pastor of the Wingham Methodist church was in town an Monday for a few Were. Fie came tip to make some arrangements for his t zoning here and also oall on some of the frfeaide. ire wit! probably preach his first sermon bete on Sunday, July 2nd. Messrs Campbell, Hall, Awde, Robinson, Perks and the x"ar4uhareon brothers and Missed Reid, Gray, -Simpson, Reynolds, Dail, I•'reikant and 1'arqubarson, of Wing - ham, spent Tusitday evening at the home of Jna. Farqubizream with a few friends lea vtlbigs.--Teeswater News, Itift TIME,, JUNE 16+ tS99, Miss T MoGillivary was visiting with a )U OQ1 1304RP. friends ill Teeswater last weak. The School Board met on Tuesday even. Mr W F Brookenshire, of London, was ing. .Present Messrs Griffin, llomuth, Bell, calling: on Wingbatn friends on Monday. Moore, Button ; OAT txrillin presiding'. 11Ir �� X 111c iltieter was an a buslueaa In the absence of the Secretary, At lI tripto Montreal atiti other eastern Gluts. l�aUnt to noted in Itis piece, P Minutes of 11Iay meeting were read and this week, adopted. Mrs A M Tait, of Butte City, Montana, JRe t. who has been visiting of the residence of 1p Urs C Bailee, returned to Loudon to visit it with friends there. ;', Mrs T Ilanlyn, who has been visiting foe the past two weeks at the twine of her par, 6 eats, returned home, taking with her, ber. 7 little daughter, Gertrude. 8 reniexs. 5's Aios ruzr nitron, Boys. Carla. Toxal. Agg. Av. 10 10 32 022 211 20 22 42 884 33 18 21 8g 728 $3 10 84 fi# 080 45- 27 31 58 1153• 52 #7 27 e4 1101 50 21 3.4 35 1042 4a 4g 25 84 1405 04 Messrs J JHi/tooth and F G Sparring 217 220 427 7021 "8were in Goderieh on Thursday and Friday Non-resldetz'ts4; fees, $422070. last, attending a meeting of rite District A. 13. Musonolin, Lodge of the R T of T. d, was in Princl. Ur Johnlyeelands, of IJrautioi on motion by Messrs Button and Mipaoore, the Prinefp town a few days this week, oalliog on Gla :til'•s report for play cues read and adapted, friends. City life appears to be agreeing Pell—Uomo h—l'r+et orders be drawn with Mr Neelands. ae his friends say they on the Treasure, for the teachers' salaries never seen him looking better. for May and done. Mr and Mrs Alex Stony, Seaforth; Me Board acfjouri,e<l, and Mrs Tames 114,e i'ath, Clinton; Air eirtaBtjt1 Xs0T2S. and Mrs T H Treleaven and Mrs R Pro tor, Luoknow; and Mrs Wm NlacJiath, Bev T Hall conducted the services in the Dungannon. attended the funeralBey of fats Congregations! church on Sunday utlllast, in the absence of the pastor, �V Gn, Bobt Maolv1ath on Wednesday. who was attending the Congregational Union meeting at 13rantforq, Pastor Freed, in the Baptist church, will speak next Lord's Day morning on the subject, "What constitutes a successful church," and in the. evening, +Sabbath Observanee." Rev. D. Perris) preached an ercejlent sermon on "Saboath Observance" in the Presbyterian church on Sunday evening. The sermon contained" many good points in support of Sabbath Qb- servance. lie compared the Canadian Sabtaath with that of the United States; also the Sabbath of thirty and forty years ago with that of to -day. Mr, Perris is a powerful preacher and is not afraid to speak out his conyn't on 00 a su jeJt of thin kind, 1'.eO ELLt. WALrs;slt—In Wingham, ota'June 11th them alt. The usual reduced railway ,t e w,iteof M rJurnee Walker•, ai daughter, rates on the .certificate plan gave been the ofp r.linitha on ,art o a the wife o� Mr. Arthur Stuart of a secured from both railway companies, daughter. if particulars of which may be secured., jj� DIARiexLra1. from the local agents, The following is "1�\V?BSTER—Uzst,r4.--'.,At the Methodist a list of the topics and speakers crowded Parson age, Whitealiureh, on the 7th into small spate:— Met., by the Rev. W,i W. Leech, Mr. Jas. C. E. DIY, Tuesday, June 201h. El. Webster, of Asllt id, to Miss Sarah Ar Daily Quiet Hour, 8 45 to 9.30 Uzell, of Kinloss j et — BLANSHASD. At the ' rest - Leader, Rev J S Henderson, Hensel!. deuce of the bride's father, William Ato5NING SESSxON Blanchard, Scott street, Winghani, June The Christian and his Bible, Rev J ]Nilsen, Goderioh Lifters and Loaners. W C Myers, Clinton How the Pastor can help the Society, Dr. Ferguson. Hensall How the Society can help the Pastor, Rev. Garrett, Gorrie ArTlin\ooN SESSION Christ, the Endeavorer's Model, Miss Mary E Morris,Goderieh How to take part. Miss Calder, Brussels Secretary's report, A T Coaper,Ciinton Treas. report, Miss M S Rosa, Brussels Nuggets of Gold (verbalreports from the societies of the county) loci by President Pridha:m Report from the Junior Superintendent, Miss M 8 Washington, Clinton Open parliament on junior work, led by bites Whitworth, 'St:. Marys, Junior Supt Ontario 0 E Union. County Chr zstian Endeavor aur4 Sunday School Conv©,nttoz>. Io this issue we print the program for the corning county 0, E. ,and S. S. con- vention, to be held' in Exeter next, Tues- day and Wednesday (20th and 21st), wbich is taken from the very neat souvenir program just loaned. It requires but a casual glance at the names and topica there given to assOre one that the convention at Exeter will be a meeting par excellence in the history of these county organizations. and for arrange- ment of topics, choice of subjects, char- acter and reputation of the speakers, this convention is easily tbo leader of 14th, by Pastor W. ?reed, Mr. Albert F. Green to Mile Lizzie Blanchard, both of ,ngham, A' s:KNAGHAN—]tiluRs.4—At the manse, Wingham, on Wednesday, June 14th, by the Rev. D.Perrie, Ur, Jas. Kernagban, of' Morris; t:, Miss Alliza Lsiveila Mc. uYrny of Mildtnayat/ liattt--,•KING.—At the Roman Catho- lic ehurch. Olin ton, on June 12th, by Rev, Father West, of Goderieh, Mr. John Kelly, of M rib, to Miss .Minnie Xing, of Clinton's . • McGraNls—CAzan aT. .&t the •Roman Catholic church, Clinton, on June 14th, by Rev. Father West, of Goderieh, lar. Lulte McGinnis. of Stratford, to Miss S:arfih Carbon, of Hullett. AeMATN.-1n Wingham, on June Ilth, Eunice Melinda Mainwnring, wi e Adjournment to the Opera House, where ofMr Robt MecMath, aged 47 years' the exercise "The Junior Wheel" is to ( Hawnroscts - In Morris, on Monday, be given by 75 of the Exeter Jnniors. June 5tb, Miss Ellen Hawthorne, aged Seats reserved for delegates. 44 years and g months\ EVENING SESSION • PAuxrr.-1n Culross, on June. let, 7.30—Song Service by the combined choirs Thomas Parker, aged 42 years. of Exeter. . , MoOoLLotcir.—In Culross, on June Address, "Christian Endeavor Work," Stb, Eiizabeth McCullough, aged 54 R. W. Dillon, Stratford years. Address, "What are you living for," 2ALLAarr.—It', Culross, on .Rine 5th, .Rev. Dr; Daniels, Sarnia Jessie Reid, wife of Fleming A.Ballagh, S. S. DAY, Wednesday, June 21st. aged 25 years, 4 months and 21. days. Daily Quiet Hour, 6.45 to 7A5. CAMs BitLt.—In Port Huron, Mich., on MORNING Seem,/ June --•, Elizabeth, Campbell, formerly The Moulding Influence of the Home, of Cuirass, aged 92 years. G F Blair, Brussels. The Teacher's Faith in his Work, Dr Towler, Wingham Secretary's Report, J 0 Stoneman,Hensail Treasurer's Report, Israel Tayler,Olinton Open Parliament an Sunday School Work, ,Alfred Day, Provinoial Seo'y. ArTEnaoON SESSION. Hindrances to S. S, Work, A. J. Coultice, T3olmesville Helps to S SWork, Mies J Wilson, Clinton The 'Vette of the Crop, Fen Ii, S G zlnderson, Wroxeter Primary Lesson of July 121h, Taught by Miss Wliitwortb, St 1liarye S S Philanthrophy, W H Kerr, Brussels • The social relations of the teacher to the class, Israel Taylor, Clinton. Address, Alfred Day, Provincial Sec'y Evrnzzxa Steams- 7.80—Song tesxo o7.80 --Song Service by the combined choirs of Exeter. Address, "Soul Power in Sunday School Teaching," Alfred Day, Provincial S. 8. Sacretary,Toronto Address, "King and (franks." 1%ev Dr J 13 Saunders, London The elflotal program is a very neat little booklet, with davit green cover, printed in blao>; and, old • "ten half - E' tones of the officers appear on inner pages, as well as outs descriptive of Ex. tater, and a complete list of alt the Sen,, day Schools and ` Young People's Societies in the county ; urea the 14 hymns that aro to be used throughout the convention. 'M'he Exeter tsierohants have shown their .appreeiation by sub- scrzbing liberally to the advertising pat- ronage. All who rota should attend "this convention. A Christian Alliance Convention will be held in Wieghani on>tune 10, 18. Rev's Philpotttt, of Ilamilton, Tusher And Salmon of Toronto. Ilnd lit' Zimmerman, of Peter - Isom, are expected to be present,. Cook's Cotton Root Compouni Is successfully used monthly by over 10,000Ladies. Safe, effectual. Ladies ask your druggist for Cook's Cotton Root Code- teth pound. Take ne er, as all mixtures, pills and imitations are .dangerous. Price, No. 1, $1 per box; No. 2, 20 degrees stronger,$& per box. No. for 2. mailed on receipt of price and two scent st�a�inpss�, The Cook Company.Windsor, Ont. t "Nos.1 and 2 sold aria recommended br all responsible Druggists tin Canada. 'lo, is and Ito, 2 far s,lo by Colin A. Caaipbel 1 Druggist LL NOTICE TO CREDITOR'S Pu -scant to an order of the Ilirh Court of Jus- tice made us-ticemade inthemutermates s a of the at .es settled by Crockett it iiltts, by will dated the 81st day of July, t D. 1800, and in the matter of t - Settlett Eitatos Act, 1805, the aruditors of a estate of Cockett Willits, late of the o.vnahip of Detrick, in the County of A . ran, 1''arm'r. deceased, who died In or a•.ut the ie nth of August, A, D• 1$0i , ar- 0r, er • tare the 11th say of July, A, D.1800, to nd .. • peat prepaid t0 R. Vanstor.e, of the Town of ingl+atn, Solicit•.r ler the Toronto tlensral T: s Corporation, the']'*us• tees under the orde made, in this matter on the 29rd day or September, A rt. 1800 their cltrl+ttan and surnames. addresses and descriptions, the tail particulars of their claims, a statement of thoir Enigmas, anithe nattt,of the securities if any) held by them ; or in default thu•ro4 they N11I be peremptorily excmird frtun the benefit of the said order beery e eletnr holding security isto pr0- duce the same before me et my Chambers at the Town r,4 Goderieh on the lath day of July, A, 0. 1909, at 11 o'ciock hr the forenoon, being the time 'apPeloteu far ow id Won do i Dated this 12th day of June, A.eD.1800. ft, VA2 StoNE, winghatn, 1l. L, DovLlt, '1'rniters' Nelleitor. Siatterat Godorlch, LOUNGE REPAIRING The undersigned is prepared to reeeive orders for repairing lounges and matresses, 'Lounges re -Covered, mat• resses made over, carpets sewed and laid. Lowest prices mid good workman- ship. Orders promptly attended to. Leave orders at my residence, Centre street, neat to Wm. Eolmea', or address. box 64, Wiugharn, 1 . 'VirALTEEIt, 1:.t a meeting in,. Seaforth in con- neetion with the organization of a turf club, it was decided to pup - chase i 5 . Immr'e, from I. C. Coleman, fo be fitted uta ns a drivinlr par.k, Poor clothes Cannot make you look old. Even pale cheeks won't do it. Your household cares may be heavy and disappoint-, ments may be deep, bait they cannot make you look old. Ono thing does it and never fails, It is impossible to look young with the color of seventy yearn in, your Bair. 9 1 Guarantee We guarantee that this i'aint, when properly used, wilt not crack, flake or chalk off, and wilt cover more surface, work better,, wear longer and permanently look better than other paints, including Pure White Lead. and 011'.. We hereby agree to forfeit the value of the Paint and the eost of app4ing it,, if in any instanee, it is not founds pas above represented. THE SHEBWIN- ILLIAF S CO, We are prepared to back this up and do nothing more or less, We will gladly furnish you plans and estimates upon any of the following lines: Eave-Troughing, Hot Air,` Stearn, or Hot Water Heats ing Bath Room Fittings, Metal Skiing and Roofing. Metal Interior Ceilings, Etc. We always guarantee our work and .our prices are always in it. ' - YOUNG 8r PACTT„IN HARDWARE MERCHANTS. Me1.1au n L7Cu r i 1 les s ARE -THE LEADERS. " One Grade Only and That the Best," Has been their motto for over thirty years. Some of the principal features (which no other buggy has) are rubber and brass washers warranted. three years, one lever top steel cit ere, Ste. ' McLauchlin's cost a little more than others, but they are the cheapest in the end. You will make a big mistake 11 c , , ,, ,•�, \ you don't sed our stock before buying. r.4.. '• ti._ �v. We .can sell you a good ordinary. buggy as cheap or cheaper than any one else. We have them here. We can sell you anything you want in the implement line the same as ,we have done for the past 16 years, and guarantee good value. Or if you. want an Organ, Piano, or Sewing Machine, you will find our stock the best that, honey can buy. Prices and: terms all. right too. Colne in arfd see tzar anyway. Will be pleased to show you through, • • Office and lAtareroofns opposite Presbyterian Church. VI permanently postpones the tell-tale signs of age. Used according to directions it gradually brings back the color of youth. At fifty your hair may look as it did at fifteen. It thickens the hair also; stops it from falling out; and cleanses the scalp from dandruff. Shall we ,send you our book on the Hair and its Diseases? The Beef Advice Free. 1f yon do not Obtain' all the 'bene- fits _you expected from the use of the l or, write the doctor about Probably there is some difficulty with your general system t,•ldeii may bo easily removed.' Addross, Lit. J. O. 6X]175, Loweg. Mwa. NUA.D' MEETIN e annual meeting of tb WEST IRON F :ITERS' TITI E. will be heed at il•, Colborne Town - un Tuesday, .,aImine 'eOth, 1899 When Pry; dent and Serre y will give their r- its for the year. Bir •tors will be ar .ointed•aud Withers electe,. or the en= • ing. year. • N.T. BAILIE, Ni. LOCIU AR President. Secretar WALKE sdes. & BUTTON. UNDCRTediER , WINGHAM. Night calls - t, Button Block, or Fifth door south of t obool House. Shop op- postte Macdonald : block. PUBLIC NOTICE. Having moved to town to the resi- dence lately occupied by Geo P Wells, corner Centre and Alfred streets, near the GT R, I am prepared to pay the highest cash prices for all kinds of Rags, Rubbers, Copper, Horse Hair, Weed Pickings, Iron and Metal uof all kinds, delivered at my residenee,or if word be deft, I will call for same. C. GOODMAN. PHOTOGRAPHS The photos M. E. rurbrigg has in his window speak tor themselves, Just look in and see the first time yon are it1 town or down street. Photos, Crayon, Water Color, En. iarging and Copgi„ g receives special attention. Good work guaranteed to all. 17JK« E. ZIT tBRIGI7ii Opposite Presbyterian Church. PP resb tt I'' y n Ch 9 Boy wanted to learn Photography. PEI.TOWS PUMPS We build our pumps to last for years S and have them 1n price from $•2.50 up. Brass Cylinders and Galvanized Iron Piping. We have a full stock of the above goods. Call and get prices when in need of atiythitlg in our line. 3Of1i J' TATO'.N9 Opp. Beattie's Livery« 'PAYS BUT • THE HEST., • • Want GOOD Binder Twine, and are willing to pay a fair price for. it. Sen- sible- farmers know GOOD twine is the cheapest ; and poor twine is dear at any price. It is not what you pay, but what you .get, . that constitutes a •. bargain. "Plymouth" make and sell GOOD twine as low as GOOD. twine can be ,sold. "Plymouth" does not make or sell POOR twine at any price. 191 I•lO OTHER, T1)ITINE 1S las to This Tfiad Mark ark is JUST AS COOD " AS PLYMOUTH. See n eyyu;e t it 'if your dealer does not handle our Twine, i wr te. Ply- mouth Binder Twine Agency, 54 Bay Street; .Toronto. CALL AND ; EE QUICK MEAL GA§OLjN,> . AND EWE F LAME Oil Stoves They are perfectly safe and warranted to give sa,;tIsfac Or1 in, `both Ruining _ni ntd irtg. NO GUST. 40rSMELL NO HEAT. SMITH & PETHICK.