HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1899-06-16, Page 5J
worn by Roosevelt's Rough Riders
in three shades.
Black, Fawn, Brown, only $1.00.
Having purchased the/business from Jas. Duffield, the public will find
us in the CORNER STORE, desirous df securin,: y fair dealing and hon.
est values a share of the patronage. The prey t stock will be offered at
Housefurnishings, Cutlery, Gr tui ware, Stoves, Tinware and Coal 011
always in stock. Special attentio ill be given to our
Having had lame experience in cities, we excel in
Furnace Work, Hot Water and Steam Heating,
Sanitary Plumbing, Eave Troughing, Steel
Siding, Roofing and Metal Ceilings.
-Call on us,. • Wo shall- be pleased to make -your aecrUaittttan>re, •foeii>ig'
sure we shall gain your confidence. •
+ ' ���-
e>a s." 11
Sig .t is
Get your sight tested.
el ss
It costs nothing.
Scietifically, Correctly, Reasonably. •
Try Its.
Order your
—AND40 ]Ft 4—(:111135t..IVIE
Farmers, why pay 5k and 6 per cent.
interest on your loans when money may
be had at 5 per cent. Payments made
to suit borrower. Charges low.
• Agency Ontario Mutual Life Assnr-
ance Company.
At office Friday afternoon and ail day
ldaodonald Block, Wingham.
+O+.esom.1111+t~ecaziab.►+► ®ao-eairtrat.®if.re,
As so
e are To -days.
Pinch your feet in wrong shaped shoes ; make
you nervous, irritable ; spell your temper ; lose
your ceacerttration.
You can't expect to go the even tenor of your
that cripples.
way in a shoe a
"Slater Shoes"' are made to fit feet—to cover
every tender joint comfortably --make you forget
you have a paitty foot.
Tltey lit the first time they're worn, and ever
after; because the stretch and shrink has been for
e lasts.
en t
she da s h
x widths, all colors,
ever taken, out of tlient whj
Twelve shapes, all sib
styles and. leathers,
Goodyear Welted, atnped on the soles with
name and price, $3.$o and $$.00,
mibeco...e.s4 -P i. w4011 .r+ .11140+®orrr4l+.rwsza.•$oi .11m.aij
For Sate Only by •HOMUT,$ !4 SOS,.
JUNE 16, 18 1.
Mr, Wm, Irwin will build a new,.
brick residence this summer.
The boys of Belmcre are talking
of as football elub,
The funeral of the late Miss Lizzie
amiltortook place on Wednesday
of last eek. The long lingering
illness was et last brought to a peace-
ful close, The f oral was very
largely attended,
Wm' Hartley, who w„s nttendii g
London Theological College, spent a •
Yew days ,at home before leaving
his summer charge at Point Edward.
He has been very successful in his
course, standing atthe bead of his
class in first-class honors for two
successive years.
Hay Forks, Rope, Pulleys, 111;iieuaai k's iron Nerve -
IHooks, &c,
Headquarters for
Peerless Machine Oil
A pleasant event took place at Ford•
with on Wednesday of last,week,
wben one of its fairest daughters,
Miss Alice Edwards, was married to
Ezra Riebm, one of Fordwieh's prom-
inent business men. ,The event took
place at the home of the bride's
parents,Mr. and Mrs. W, A. Edwards,
where about 175 invited guests from
Palmerston, Mitchell, Atwood, Trow-
bridge, Kenilworth, Gerrie and New-
bridge, as well as from the village
and vicinity, had assembled. The
nupital knot was tied by Rev, R. L
Hasking. The bride was attended
by Miss Maud Cosens, erf'i'rowbridge,
who becomingly acted the part of
bridesmaid, and two little maids of
honor, her sister Pearl, and niece,
Laurel McLaughlin, while the groom
was ably supported ny his friend,
Mr. Lewis Mahood, of Toronto.
No Bight to Aleiness.
The weman who is lovely in face, form
and temper will always have friends, but
one who,would be attractive roust keep
her health. It she is weak, eiekly and
all run down. she will be nervous and
irritable. If she has constipation or
kidney trouble, .her impure blood will
:.cause pimples, blotches, skin • eruptio.ne,
and a wretched coin plexion. Eleetrie
Bitters is the best medicine in the world
to regulate stomach, liter and kidneys
and to purify the, blood. ft gives strong
nerves, bright eyes, etnooth.velvety skin,
richt complexion. It will make a good
loukiug, charming woman of a run-down
invalid. Only 50 °sots at Colin . A.
Campbell's Drug Store.
Was the result of his splendid health,
indomitable will and trewendous energy
are not found where Stomach, Liver,
Kidneys and Bowels are out of order.
l.t you want these qualitiers and the suc-
cess they bring, use Dr. King's New Life
$ills. They develop every power of
brainand body. Only 25 cents at Colin
A. Campbell's Drug Store.
Miss Minnie .Ming,. •of Clinton, were
merr%ed in the Roman Catholic
church, Clinton, on Monday. Mr.
Lulte McGinnis, of Stratford, and
Miss Sarah Corbett, of Hallett, were
married in the same church on Wed-
nesday, Rev. Father West, of Code.
rich, officiated. at both Marriages.
Dr. J. McOassy, of Dayton, Ohio,
and formerly of Belgrave, has writ•
ten and published a pamphlet un
"How to prevent the over-produo.
tion of defectives, criminals, etc."
It is an exceedingly able and well,
written article and the subject is
dealt with in a most exhaustive and
understandable manner, Although
it applies mainly to conditions as.
,they exist in the United States, it
is equally applicable to all other
A quiet but pretty ' wedding took
place at 75 Borden Street, Toronto
on Wednesday last at noon, when
Miss Amy Augusta Pearce, only
daughter of Mr, and Mrs. J.
ST. HELENS. Pearce, was married to Mr. George
Mrs. Robert Lockhart, of St. Zilliax, jr., of Listowel. The eere-
Helens sister of Mrs, (Rev.) F. Hill menti was performed by Rev, E. 11.
and het• daughter, Miss Evelyn, are Capp,of St Stephen's ebureh, Toronto.
visiting at the Tabernacle parsonage, The bride was given away by her
Belleville, father, and was waited upon as
Mrs, Lockhart and Mrs. Bill spent bridesmaids by Miss Lizzie Zilliax,
last Sunday with their mother,M. of Listowel,. and Miss Lucy Payne,
J. Jacobs, at Newtonville, it elot of Barrie, while Mr. Percy A. Kerr,.
the 89th anniversary of her birthday. of Hamilton, and Mr. William Tow,
The old lady is hale and hearty and of Parkdale, supported the groom.•
contemplates taking a trip of four The bride was must becomingly
hundred miles this summer, .. gowned in a charming costume of
Mrs. Lockhart and daughter have white organdie, and carried a hand -
also been visiting Port Hope, To. some bouquet of bridal roses. The;
rorto, Woodstock and vicinity. bridesmaids also wore costumes of
white organdie. Both carried
FAST WA WANOSH. , beautiful bouquets of roses. Follow -
Mrs. Couttes, of St: Thomas, is re- rng the wedding the guests partook
newing old acquaintances on 'the of a nice wedding breakfast, after
12th. which a reception was held. The
Mr. Henry Patterson, of Fergus, afternoons ford
Niagara Falcoupleeft ,n and
visited with his brothers Jonathan and
Wesley :fist week, other points, where the honeymoon
Mrs. G. Sirman 'and children, .of ';'ill be spent.
I3.€i,U&B.14$. .
The annual meeting of the East
Huron Farmers' Institute was held
in the couccilchamber here on Tues-
day last.
• The '1nterprise Salt Works may
erect buildings at the G. T. R. and
pump the brine there instead of hay -
nig to haul the salt.
The debate on the Bible and
Printing Press diel net materialize at
' the 0. O. 1?'. Court here last, week
owing to the absence *of a number of
those echo were expecting to take
part, It will likely le on the pro•
grain of the next meeting
An effort was made to organize a
branch of the W. C. T 1T in Brussels,
on Monday of last week, but nothing'
was done as so.few turned out, The
. meeting was addressed by Miss
Fisher, of Wingham. , r1 flourishing
braneh existed in this .place several
;fears ago and rlid gond work:
Frank Currie conmtitted suicide
at Bothwell -by hanging He was
just recovering from serious illness
Why is it that nearly all
aged persons are thin?
And yet, when you think
of it, what could you expect?
Three score years of wear
and tear are enough to make
the digestion weak. Yet the
body must be fed.
In Scott's Emulsion, the
work is all done; that is,
the oil in it is digested, all
ready to be taken into the
The body rests,
while the oil feeds and nour-
ishes, and the hypophos
phites makes the nerves
steady and strong.
sec. and $1.00, e11 druggists,
SCOTT & SOWNE, Chemtats, Toronto.
Quebec, are visiting her parents, Mr,
and Mrs, J. R. Reid. Vo1calnic Eli ulptions-
Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Patterson, Are grand, but Skin. Eruptions rob
are visiting friends at Trafalgar, lisp of . joy, Bucklen'a Arnica Salve,
Trafalgar. cures them; also Old, Running and
Mr. Bert J. Reid purchased a fine Y''ever Sores, Ulcers, Bo11s,Felons, Come,
driver frpm Mr, Towle last week. Warts, Cuts, Bruises, Burns, Scalds,
We would like to hear from the Chousppe
reond Hgpdearth. s,)rChilblainsives out Paine and
, Best pile
man that store the white •liens from,; 4 lies. • 0,e4 25 as. a box. Cure guar -
Mr. Reid; be bas bad) them quite aalteed. Sold by Colin A. Campbell,
long enough now to know how sue- Drtaggiet-
cessful the stolen henry business is.
He knowswhe stole them so do I•
Mr. Robert Purden, who has been. Do not forget the 'Caledonian
seriously iii is recovering''. as quickly games at Blyth on Monday, July 3.
as could be expected. Mr. James Anderson has. greatly
The Presbyterian Sunday School improved in health and is this week
of Calvin purpose having a picnic on attending to business as of yore.
the lst of July on the Maitland besch, ;tiers. Shane left on Monday morn•
near the 10th Bridge; there is to be in_
to attend her. sick sister, Mrs.
games galore, a good program and Erwin, at Meson, Mich.a lunch on the grounds. Miss . Carder left on Wednesday
Kis /GM Was Saved. morning. for Paisley, 'where she has
accepted a position as book-keeper in
a large general store.
Blyth and Brussels played lawn.
tennis un Mrs. Bale's lawn on Th urs.
day afternoon..
Mr. J. E. Lilly, a prominent citizen of
Hannibal, Mo., lately bad a wonderful
deliverance from a frightful death. In
telling of it bo says: "I was taken with
Typhoid Fever,that ran into Pneumonia.
My lungs bedtime hardened. I was so
weak I couldn't even sit up in bed,
Nothing helped me. I expected to soon.
die of Consumption, when I beard of Dr.
King's New Discovery. One bottle gave
grelat relief. mI continued to use it, and
now atn well and strong, I can't say too
much in its praise." This marvellous
medicine is the surest and quickest cure
in the world for all Throat and Lung
Trouble. 50 cents and $1.00 at Colin A,
Campbell's Drug Store ; every bottle
Mr. Kendall, station agent, has
about a dozen Belgian hares. They
are large animals, buff colored, with
' fine eyes r.nd very large ears.
Mr, and. Mrs. T. Coultes spent
Monday at Molesworth.
Culross Mutual Fire Insurance Co.
Teeswater, May 27th, 1890.
The Directors of the Culross Mut-
ual Fire Insurance Co. met on the
above date. Members all present.
The•Presiden.t in the chair.
Minutes of last meeting were read
and oti .;notion of Alex. McKague
and Wm. Reid, were adopted. '
McIague—Donaldson — That all
applications for insurance taken by
the Agent of this Co. be laid before
the Board for examination—Carried.
Reid—McKague —That ha ving ex
amined the applications taken by the
•different Agents and find them satis-
Miss Mary Mcllwain, of Wingham, factory the President and Secretary
is visiting her sister, Mrs. Andrew are hereby authorized to prepare and
Holmes, issue policies for the same—Carried.
Miss Annie Oliver has returned Mcl:ague—Reid-That the request
from Brussels, accompanied by her of Thos. Wilson and Kennedy Me -
cousins, Misses Maggie and May IXaig to remodel their barns be
Burgess. granted by taking the necessary
Mr. Percy Field, of Listowel, precaution while doing so and that
visited on Sunday with his friend, . the Secretary notify them of the
Mr. Edwin Bailey. 1 same—Carried.
Rev. W. J. West, M. A., holidayed I Reid--Donaldson—That the See
at Niagara and other points last retary be instructed to get Interim
week. 'Receipt fortes printed to be used by
D. Robb, inspector, visited our the Agents of this Co.—Carried.
school on Monday.
Our 7e Papers, 8 yardsto ibe roil;
white back, etc. Cannot be beaten.
See our Lace Blinds, complete, for
50 cents.
Alis M. I3, Laidlaw, of George.
town, who has been spending the
winter with Needs on the Oth line,
Morr•ia, and .who was seriously ill ie,r
some weeks while there,'is now curl•
va.lescbnt and has returned to her
friends af. etli'getown.
Mr. John Felly, of Morris, .and
Reid—Donaldson—That the elai.rn
of John Giddes amounting to $13,00
for damage to roof be now paid, as
•e on the
• In ne • re ore ,
the s, Ctoi hasp
satire Carrier;.
Mega Istto-31eKngue—•'That this
Board do now adjourn to meet again
on the lastSaturday of .lune, in town
hall, Teeswater, tit 2 o'clock, p. m.
or Itt the call of they President. --Car-
ried. D, Moh Tosil:, See'yr.Treas.
Camp Cost e34.,000.
The total cost of the recent camp
was nearly 53.1.000: The -emus paid
to the several corp, was as follows:
13 u�-ars,$1,200:T event.y-first (Essex),
„2.000, "Isyse t.-siX Lit (Middlesex),
$2,900; Thirty tbird .(rluvon),
400; Thtrteel,t h (li'1'lIirgTOP ),$3';700;
Twenty-seveuih, (T,:.ln'nton), $2,450;
Twenty-eighilt, (Pert 11), $1,700;
Thirty second • (in uce), `j2,750;
Twenty-seet'tttf (Oxf ia) $2,550
Twenty ninetlt (Waterloo), $1,800;
a total of $26,4150 l'cr• this must be
added tile;,etr,•.A. ;t tticildt'.d for
rations; $5,0+1.86, arid fair the staff'
officers over 31,000, bringing the
grand Iota! to nearly 4 000. The
cost of the rations: Bread, $822.30;
cheat, 82,16:1,97; tt'+t,iiets, .'288.53;
gr..ceries + Jt1,4U, 11)1 Lige, $583;
i•nel,a39810;seta;•, „^2 0..
D J. Mckinnon, a prominent fruit
grower of (,tinmt,v, diode tt trip
through the Stars dintrict last week.
Ile states the dattlage done to the
lre,a.e'it tree, 1,e 11.1- dWt•iut is very
slight are the lire prusp'iCts of a
large crop is good.
"Every Weil Man
Hath His 111 Day."
A doctor's examination
might show that kidneys,
liver and stomach are normal, .
but the doctor cannot analyze
the blood upon which these
organs depend.
Hood's Sarsaparilla purifies, Vitalizes
and enriches the blood. It cures yots
'hen "a bit off" or when seriously
afflicted. It Nem disappoints.
i.hetariatlarri—" I believe hood's Sat-
Separilla has 110 equal for rheumatism, rt.
has done Inc more good thann any other
medicine I have taken." Mits. PAricrcic
12r.txxr.r, Brampton, Ont.
Bad Cough—"Atter my, long illness, I
was very weak and hada bad eougb, i
could not eat or slcep. bifferent remedies
did not helphie bat flood's Sarsaparilla
bunt me up and I am now able to attend to
my work." 'llrvrrr J.tQus9 Osbano, Ont.
+, §')
6 fJ i 41'
itond'e flit, arere livrr Ilia the nen•irrrtatrng ethos
' ,out* eatt,atit=a `to, Peke �s,tli riooet a dRarfrt,��q