HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1899-06-16, Page 4SEE OUR WINDOW 1 It is full of Cool Smoking Pipes From 7c up. COLI A. CAMPBELL'S g=ate 0peratiozneration never oak place, and p 1� : as he has started to work again and BUTTER f V Drug Store. ai in apparently good health, we loves- it-tigated the ease and found that he ' ECS G 5 i --1� � .--1. , has been using Dr. Williams' Pink t ti ''" 11- '7'1-21-5.11.5557449 Pills for Pale People. Mr. Size is a i ------4'' `-- . highly respected citizen of Ingersoll, : WANTED. TO ADVER'V1SERS. having resided here ter over thirty t Notice Yew's, and has been a faithful em- i '• ployee at Messrs. Pardo &: Son's ` I am prepared to pay the highest flouring mills for over nineteen; cast= price for all good butter and years. When asked by a Chronicle eggs delivered at my warehouse reporter whether he would give an' near the G. T. R. C. GILLESPIE. STRAY HEIFER 1 T.11th V IN O. UAM TIMES, JUNE 16, 1599. .._ onaCIOli r 1 aTAIt'RET Itt�,.iEI ,'Oli,'.l:Er. >Vinl Baline 15, 1899. waRe.Corrected by 1'. Deans, Produce Dealer, Flour, per 100 lbs 3. 30 to 2 00 -""" " • ' Fall Wheat ...., 0 08 to o ilii MR. R A. SIZE, OF INQERSOLL. ONT., l Spring WI eat 0 08 to 0 68 TELLS ROW WAS DONE. Oats, .•., ,...,..,0 30 to 0 30. { Barley • ......... 030 to 0 35 { Peas 0 OQ to 0(33 'Turkey, . drawn 0 08 to 0 00 Cr ` ST'.srl.0tts or =PPE DI:irrei---` FSE w� r 1 it T.) " '0 05 to 0. 00 0; 'rum- wETU REWnvED--TU sir.> -,Ducks per pair.....«0 40 to 0 50 Lit 4 FERER N 'on: „•F.i,i. AND ,t uRKXNt Butter..... .. ,..... 0 li to 0 13 I'd x TERT DAY, 'Eggs per dozen , . .... 0 13 to 0 12 i Wood per cord.... 1 50 to t ?o t Ray per too ......... .. .. 5 00 to 6,20 Frani the Chronicle, Ingersoll, Ont. Potatoes, per bushel, .... 0 50 to 0 110CF ° In February, 1898, Mr. R. A. Size Tallow, per ib . , .. 0 0 tc 0 4 El. r was taken very ill, and was eonfineii, DriedEVoel Apples, per lb 0 4 to 0 5 0o to 00 6 to his home tor several weeks, Z'4re pressed hoes.. to 6 00 t<l4 heard that he was to go to a hospital Cbickena 0 80 to 0 00 office not Vlater than Saturday noon. The copy for changes must be left not later thanTues- day evening. Casual advertise- ments accepted up to noon Thursday of each week. (It ijiiivarn ([ns FRIDAY. JUNE 16, 1899, interview for publication, telling the nature of his disease and bis cure, he readily consented. Mr. Size gave the details of bis illness and cure as follows •— "In February I caught a. heavy cold which seemed to settle in my left side. The doctor thought it was i neuralgia of the nerves, 1 t remain- ed there for some time and then SDITOBIAL NOTES. moved to my right side, in the region` of the appendix. We applied e' ery- thing, .and had fly blisters on for 48 hours. They never even caused a blister and did the pain no good. The doctors came to the conclusion that the appendix was diseased and would have, to be removed. The Premier Greenway, of Manitoba, told a deputation he would grant prohibition, as far as the Legisliiture had power. The Toronto Methodist Conference has decided that the labor question is not outside of the church. Action of that kind will do something to keep labor inside the church. A return brought down in the House of Commons on Tuesday even. !ng shows that from January I to April 30, the Toronto morning news- papers have paid postage on the fol- lowing weights o: paper : — The Globe, 363,796 pounds; •The Mail and Empire, 200,343 pounds ; The World, 127,027 pounds. In other words The Globe in the period from .January 1 to April oQ sent out of Toronto 181 tons 1,796 pounds of newspaper ; The Mail and Empire 100 tons 343 pounds, and The World 63 tons 1,027 pounds. IN the Province of Ontario there .are 35 Houses of Refuge and 31 Orphanages. All the county hduses' in operation are west of Toronto with the one exception of Leeds and Grenville. The total number of in- -mates is 4480 of whom 1470 are 'r —Inks and 3010 are females. In re- ligion they are classified as: Roman Catholics, 2235; Protestant 2171 ; or other religions, or not known, 24. The nationalities are : Canadian, 1715 , English, 826 ; Irish, 1450; Scotch, 261 ; United States, 72 ; and other countries, 152. Mr. Shaughnessy is now President IA the C. P. R. Co. Sir William Van Horne becomes chairman of the Board of Directors. J. J. Jefferies is now the cham- pion heavyweight pugilist of the world. He defeated Fitzsimmons at Coney Island in the eleventh round. BEAUTIES Oar up-to-date bow and Stick Pins. BEAUTIES Our dandy line of' Belt and Neck Buckles. BEAUTIES Oar fine stock of Blouse Sets, LADIES Strayed onto the premises of the un- dersigned,. lots 7 and 8, concession 1, Morris, about the middle of May, one year old heifer. Owner may get pos- session of same by proving property and paying all expenses. • CHAS. HENDERSON', Wingbam P. 0. dwellingand completing the= stone wall under his barn and Mr., Jobn Walter's new implement house is nearing completion. The wet weather has kept the farm - pain was vers great at ti=nes, and ers behind with their rootiand. there was such a stiffness in my , . Spring crops are beating alt form - ankles, also in my hand, and pain er records in the way of rapid all over my body. The day and growth. Fall wheat is not doing so date was set for an operation, and I well. was reconcilled to it, About a week Last week the White Cap foot-. before I was to go to the hospital ball team of S. S. No. 3, played a my wife was reading in the Chronicle. team• in Waddel's field, from the 6th She read an account of a man who concession and the score stood 2 to 1 had been cured by the use of Dr. in favor . of the White Gaps. The Williams' Pink Pills. The symptoms return match was played at a, picnic of the disease were so much like which was held in Young's grove in mine that she became interested and Kinloss, when the White Caps were wanted me to give the pills a. trial. beaten 1 to l0; but the White Caps I had little faith in the pills butas did not expect the 6th to consist of my wife seemed to be anxions thatplayers from all over Kinloss and I should take them, I consented. CaIross. The 6th contains too much The day for the operation bad now territorf for the White Caps, who arrived, and I told the doctors that I are residents of No. 3. Oar local did not think I. would go to the sports are giving considerable linen - hospital for a while as 1 was feeling ctal backing to the. White Caps. better. I continued the pills, and and was greatly surprised and pleas -1 The Election Trial, with the result. I continued to nn-, prove, and have long since given ups The court for the trial of the • 1 These goods are too nice to talk about. Come and see them. HALSEY PARK 1TO N esa.e.Re•:� .■.l.slRpx...R.w.....e..ve AwBANK of H TR L Y r � i .! .. r �i■.MRolfs. 1....:A4Y•„...■Ra..r...,.,. 1:1 WINQHAM. It1... Capital, $1,491,530. Rest, 51,000,00(1 President—Joan ETUAsn• Vice•rreaidcbt—A. 0. RANOar. DIRECTORS JOUM i'ROoroa, (ilio• lZOACtI, wll GIE$0N, M P, A. T, Woo, X. C, A. 13, LEA (Toronto). Cashier—J. TURNBW11,L. Savings Bank—ifoura,14 to 3• Saturdays, iG to Deposita of 51 and upwards received and interest allowed, Deposits also received at current rates of ic,,rest. Drtsfts on Great Britain and the United Stater bought and cold W, CO13BOUIjD, AGENT E. L. DICKINSON, Solicitor.. D. t. {ri ■ le LEADING UTCHER Having purchased the butcher busi- ness next the Brunswick, I am prepared to supply the public with all kinds of Fresh and Salt Meats, Sausage, Bologna. &o. Orders taken and meat delivered tc any part of town. A call solicited. 'PhoneNo.. 9. D.. PRI -N.61 -LE. THE GHEAP HARDWARE all idea of an operation. When. 1 ' petition epneerning the last, election started to use the pills, I was unable of a member for the legislative to walk, and suffered something' assembly of Ontario for tbe electoral awful with the pain in my side. It' district of West Huron opened at was just five weeks from the time I Goderich about 3 p. in, on Monday. started the use of i,hepills until•I' Mr. Justice Osler and Mr. Justice was able to walk again and I had Rose composed the court. been doctoring three months before The petitioner, Mr. Joseph Beck, that, and I have been working ever ! who was the- Conservative candidate since. Altogether I have taken six'tat the election, was represented by teen boxes of the pills,. and they bave ;Mr. W. D. McPherson, of Toronto, done me more good than all the 1 and Mr. E.L. Dickinson, of Wingham. doctors' medicine I ever took in my . The respondent,. the sitting member, life. I have now every confidence i Hon. J, T. Garrow, Q. C., has Mr. in Dr. Williams' Pink Pills and !Geo. Watson, Q. C., of Toronto and think that they are the best medicine Mr. Proudfoot, of Goderich, for his in the world today. 'Certainly had counsel. The election called in it not been for them, I would have question by the petitioner was a had to go through the ordeal of an bye election, brought on owing to operation and perhaps would not Mr. Garrow having abandoned the have been living now. I hope that seat, which he was awarded upon 'a by making this public it will be of recount, and was held on the 1st and benefit to others, as it was through 8th of December last. The majority one of these articles tbat I first Learn- in favor of Dir. Garrow, was 45. ed of the unequalled qualities of the A lot of testimony on the Wing - pi s. • ham and Goderich charges was The public is cautioned against heard. The judges have reserved numerous pink colored imitations of judgment on many of the charges. these fainops pills. The genaine Mr. Garrow repudiates all knowledge are sold only in boxes, the wrapper of the doings of alleged agents. The around which bears the words "Dr. court was adjourned on Wednesday Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People." evening until Saturday at 10 o'clock It year dealer does not have them a. ni. in Toronto. Stallion GARDEN TOOLS It will soon be time to use garden tools. We have any- thing you need, in this line, and our prices are always low. • MILK CANS We have a good supply of Milk Cans. The price we offer them at will soon sell them. Give us a call.. for 'anything you need in our line. S. E. KENT Old Post Office Stand. TO THE FRONT SEE WHAT THE DIAMOND PORK SHOP t. Opposite Post Office, Says: Fresh Beef and Pork. Lamb Bologna Pickled Pork Headcheese Breakfast Bacon Sausage Smoked Ham Pressed Beef Side Pork • Tripe Corn Beef Pressed Tongue Spice Roll, Lard, Fowl, &c., , always on hand. Oor prices are right. Orders called for and meat delivered to any I part of the town. Your patronage solicited. IAMON PSBR SEP. The Kentucky Bred Trotting they will be sent post paidat 50 cls. a box, or six boxes for ;32.50. by addressing the Dr. Williams'' A Blenheim farmer, in order to Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont.have his money nth from burglars hid it in a rag bag, and Itis wife sold CULROSa the rags,money and all to a rag man. Some time afterwards the farmer Mr. J. Welwood, our County Cour-1 wanted to make use of the coin, brit missioner is in Walkerton this week !it was gone. The rag man was attending the County Council.located and the money got back. Mr. A. Ferguson is making pre.I'I'here was X85 all told. parations for adding. an addition tol his barn. i AGENTS WANTED-- FOR "'firs: LiFE AND Mr. Sandy McKenzie, ' Creek," 1 Achiuvernente of Admiral neruev." the ererta e i has his Barn in shape for a stone • fe stat nater hero. Sy Mutat itaistcad. the Ace'. i id••a friend and iulmfter of the nations idol. Bis* - basement and he is addin=g a large Beet and Fart book over 640 pages, bx10 ineber 1 costly 100 es halftone illastraxmns Only f-1 50. ' addition to it. Lrborn,oue denirnneI Bis t euilnietltoile ttritllt ►Fee. • i 1if tr'rit 1 k. "rfie r)aWihb» ZEINO will stand for service at Swarts' Hotel stables during the season of 1899. DESCRIPTION' ZEi 0 ie'a beautiful dark bay, stands over ie hands high, 'pe kat in sr•ermetry and limb rind superior action, freigbs 1403 lbs. At his pedigree shows, he cam° of noble $'.ark, combining strains of the superior racing families of olden times, and direetti relating to many of the most distinguished trotters ever bred in America, and running back through numerous branches to Old Mtesenger, nellloundrr and iramhletonlan, the fountain head of the trot- ting family. As a steel: horse be cannot fail to gat cetuable e'oek fnres'cn 1.1"tI of neo as cell as epeelt. ZENtf carried oft 1st prizte and drprotues whcrover shown, eweler slid Optician. it will b3 to the in'.rres' of farmers to see tlis li y , pages horse before breeding arch morel. Mr. Win. Caslick 1s enlarging hl$' t hand ora etlmr. e, n t DEO.1YRAiTII, V. VASSNQORYAN, > r eVN� �►41 #S' g C '2.1r - ...piny, i3ni Vito! to .ton T1 g., Chia.go. Manarter, Owner. anal. :em. :•W: fi • 1111,-T--13 3 0108 OU ar FAZWERS ! We do not offer you more than your produce is worth, but we will give you highest market price for Butter, Eggs, Potatoes, &c., and we will sell you general merchandise at much lower prices than any one else in the trade. Our goods are all marked in plain fig- ures. Come and inspect stock and get our prices. BIG CUT IN DINNER SETTS We have just put into stock' 20 handsome printed, 97 piece Dinner ,setts, Porcelain (not common c. c. ware), regular price $6.50; our price $4.98. Move quick if you want one. Odd lines in dishes at less than cost. - A few of those handsome Lamp shades left at 10e. • ' 'Berry Setts, the very latest shaded yellow, green and red, gold band, only 50c. SEEDS Beet Seeds and Turnip Seeds at any price to clean oat the stock. Also White and Red Carrot, and all garden seeds at whole- sale prices. .FRUIT Bananas, per doz , 20c. Best Lemons, 20c, Sweet Oranges, 25c. sPEC.1A llN tir�E `�� Best Granulated Sugar 20 lbs for 51.00, Light Yellow Sugar, 22 lbs,for 51.00 Dark Yellow Sugar. 25 lbs for $1. Cream Soda Biscuits, paper, per box, 20e. Cream Soda Biscuits, tin, per box, 23o. Perfection Corn Starch 6o, or 5 lbs for 25' . Beale Gloss. Starch 70, or 4 lbs for 25c. 'Judd Soap, big bars, 2 for 5c. Catsup, large bottle. 10e. Canned 'Vegetables, 3 lbs for 25c. Good Raisins, 6 lbs. for 25o. Choice Prunes, 4 lbs for 25o. DPY GOODS Ladies' Belts at cost price. Straw Bats for Ladies, Girls, Men and Boys at cost price., . These goods must go at once. Spring Dress Goods at your own prices. Parasols at -very low prices. ' Ready-made Clothing lower than the lowest. Lace Curtains away down. Floor Oilcloth, per yd, 25c. . - Terms Cash or Trade. 43-40)3EXItttiT 1; Macdonald Block, - \Vinghem, Ont. Cin ts-`-ae€�_=__ a�"_€RE '_-eE__ . a€ n;_ '3 -.+4 THE SALE CONTINUES IN IT PAYS TO ATTENDTHEBEST. BOOTS AND SHOES For June and July. Comfortable, solid and reliable foot- wear at and below cost. We have all styles suitable for the season. If you want a little better article at a little lower price than you expect to pay. come to this store. Space will not allow us to quote many prices, but note a few of the following :" • Men's Strong Working Shoes, soPd. leather, all sizes, 6 to 11, at 90c; Men's Fine Box Calf Bals, Goodyear Welt, worth 53.50, sale price 32.50 ; Ladies' fine French Kidd, band turned, buttoned and and Bals, worth 53.25, sale price 32.50; Ladies' fine Freneb Kid Vamps and Quarters with Vesting Tops, Buttoned and Bals, worth 83,25, sale price 52.50'; also 38pairs of Ladies' fine Button and Lace Boota which cosy from 81.50•to 82.50, sizes '24,3 and 3i, will clear the lot at 903. These are extra values, J. G. KARGES. Pupils are in attendance at The CANADA BUSINESS COLLEGE: CHATHAM, ONT: From the Atlantic Coast to the Pacific Slope. 133 Cities, Towns and Villages in Can- ada and the United States, during the, past year, sent us nearly 300 pupils. There are now 23 Counties and Districts. in Ontario, 5 States of the Union to. gather with Manitoba, and the North Wset Territories represented. .. Over 200 of our pupils have been lilac. ed in good positions since Jan. 1st, 1898, We recently had four calls within three weeks to supply teacherslfor other business colleges. Among those who have accepted poet - tions lately, aro :--Jennie Bateman, as Steno. and assistant b.3ok:-keeper, Walk- eruille Brewing Ca. ; Annie McRae, as Steno. and assistant book-keeper, Milton Pressed Brick & Sewer Co. ; Catharine McRae, as Steno., George Angell, Whole- sale Art Supplies, Detroit, Mich ; Geo Cartwright, as Steno., with North Am- erican Life Assurance. Co , Toronto. The spring term is one -of the best seasons of the year for making a start. Enter now. D. McLACRLAN & CO. Chatham, Ont. WOOL .50,000 LBS. WOOL WANTED ! Eighest prices in cash or in exchange for Yarns, Blankets, Heavy Tweeds, Flan=nels, &c. A. MILLS