HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1899-06-16, Page 22 LU WINGIIAM, TimEs JUNE 16, 1899,
Kitsfirine leibeen popular in Risoneers' Pionice
Japan for many centuries, the kites
depleting the most absurd figures.
generally of aeed gentlemen, birds or
Puppy dog.
The loftiest cliff on the coast of
England la Beachv head, the height of
"••••. .."51•711,199r."-- " at! 'Ir. %VW'
1 OULROSS. will be eager to hear, are the Rev.
The plenie told on Monday under It is not often, fortunately, that Dr, Wilber Chapman,of Philadelphia,
the auspices of the Beath Bruce we have to chronicle so sad an event a very able and much beloved Christ -
Farmers.' lustitute and the Pioneers as the death of Thos. Parker who Ian Endeavor leader, and J. Willis
of Culross was a pronounced success. lived two and a half miles north r:f Baer, of Boston, Seeretary of the
M P k ' 1 • piece in the beans of alt Canadian
United Society, who has a large
The day was dna and the large Teeswater. Although not very rug.
Which is 56 i feet. gathering enjoyed the program as g I il 1.4
they silt under the trees end were his useal health. He ploughed ell -en '''aV°1.8' Both gentlemen are
le° forms °- fanned by the 1 1
we come breezes. day Thursday, Juoe 1st, and went eloquent speakers, A social reeep
The Japanese have te • f
presided. to bed feeling quite well. . Whe '
n las tion to delegates in Erskine Church,
salatation—one for' sal utieg an infer. kienr .• A rkell •
1 iss eose of the . A. C., Guelph, seeping eat 1 the beautiful Presbyterian edifice on.
ug .in equal and an. w". a, - 0 little boy who was sleep— I
iOr, one for sal WA •
Other for saluting' a superior.him got up in the morning his, Sherbrooke street, is proposed for the
s oke on "0 e eye inth Field, tl
- a !other in the T'own," She is a pleas- mother asked hiin concerning hiS'r\arst night of the Convention, and a
ing and effective speaker but witS father and the boy said be was 'grand Junior Endeavor rally with a
..-. I placed at a disadvantage as thisleo
e was laulg. Oo examination being specially attractive programme is be.
ing arranged for Saturday afternoen
her first effort to speak in the open wade it was foundeeeat hie spirit - e e .1 ''
seeaa ,
had taken its tlighV Dr. billies Was Saturday morning, it is expected
eq1"` air. She urged the farmers to sendThat provincial rallies will be held.
There are thirty-five societies in
the Montreal Local O. E. Union, and
they will alt do their share to render
the sojourn of the visiting hosts next
Oetober,happy, enjoyable and profit. '
able. It is contideetly expected that -}
a very large number will embrace,
this opportunity of (le) becoming ac- -:
quaiseted with the beautiful and -•
rapidly growing metropolis of Canada; -
(2)seeing and bearing endeavor '
workers and leaders from alt over.
the Dominion; and (3) enjoying a
spiritual feast of good things. Who
soever will, let him)donie.
, tit least one of their daughters to snminoned itud he decided that
I the college. They would
take the winter "Dairy Course" at ,deeth. Was due to heart failure riod
get a
that in all probability death bad
taken place shortly after Mr. Parker
retired. .W3 was still a young nian
man, being only in bis forty-third
year. • He leaves a wife and
five small children who have the
heart felt sympathy of tbe community
in their heavy loss.
The sudden death of Jessie Reid,
wife of Fleming A Ballagh, un Mon-
day, June 5, has cast a gloom over tbe
community. Mrs. Ballagh was in
her twenty-sixth year and had been
married less than a year. She was
a woman of lovely disposition and
will be mutat missed by a very large Summer Coughs; are often the hard -
circle of friends. Her husband aiid eft to ebetke off. A. bottle or two of Dr.
Wood'e, Norway Pine Syrup, though,
an infant daughter survive her. The
oures tiro severest coughs, Colds, hoarse -
nes or sore throat.
nesday was very largely attended.
t''' '. q 'AN •el i•e•e'`i I general knowledge of farm lifteafid
' • i l.l e/ ese..itC { t
1.49 ••• 2) t•1 e,,,,k .• ln 'fleeting with so mauy otleees their
..;"-' !:,1ilie-e i 'e ideas would be broT
adened, he eye
e', tle.e4;t11 is the window of "s sem and is
• •'-' k'esi ' indicative of charelter. The main
ee-ee-eee:eee--eesee--- idea of tbe talk. ;eeined to be that
Slip IN ii pn g tri A6fosiT the fanners olio:Ilea to bave an interest
Vitt tkeeeeiii' Kiliataikei in the toweaP
end not shut themselves
ie farm, i, e. while they
,u well after their interests on
e farm they should also go abroad.
to see what others were doing and
get new ideas. :Improvement is
-owe. „
learning what others have done and
PosiVvely eneed Tee feItcee °n
Little P.1117.:',.
mm:7 CIL T.-11!•:.7, riqr.7:it.I front Dyspepole
arAd Too -Marty Eating. A
feet rurace..y, for Dizziness,
-mess, Dad Testi in the Moen. C
1"ain in the Zide, TORPTrr ••••.---0•• then going beyond it. To know
Rep:late r,verels. • . how brings success, and we mat get
fn,flto see what others are doing end
town the Earners learn what the
world is in need, of from them and
so are enabled to'raise what will pay.
They bring the raw material to the
town to be manufactured. They
should take an interest in the town
as the town depends largely on them,
and there should be a close bond
between farmere and towns -people.
United they stand and thrive; sever -
Insist and demand - ed, they fall. Farmers were urged
to enjoy life while they were young
Carter's Little Liver Pills. for the time would come when they
could not enjoy it They should
ilio fread. or tlio day.
ee you gct- Carter's,
,Ask for Carter's,
ea7t-'11 °OSeh/ so erid of our ionorance. In tbe
Falco. -
Perm ,Irtent read largely to broaden their ideas.
Farmers were the most independent,
OW of Gamer', class of people in the world and
Some twelve years they ought to respect themselves and
ago Mrs. Elizabeth their calling'. They were the back-
Gilhula, wife of the bone of the country. They should
..0 s postmaster of Bux-
,.. not only apereciate their wives but
ton, Oat., was taken
in with an obscure tell them so.
stomach trouble A. W. Robb, Editor of the Walker •
which her physi- ton Telescope gave a short . spicy
es -- clans pronounced
talk, contrasting farming when he
---- ei „eee,,r - e„,,....5- cancer of the stom-
111 , ,t'" ',.; 1.. ' •,..$,, ach and informed was a boy with farming at the pre-
, I ---:-.7.Fher that her tease of sent time.
life would be short.
MRS. GILHULA. On the advice of he people were then te
friends she commenced taking Burdock group themselves and enjoy the
Blood Bitters. The results that followed good things which the eladies had
were little short of marvellous. Her provided for the inner man.
strength and vigor returned and in a short
time she was completely cured. Mrs. . Robertson ga.ve a very
Gilhula is to -day in the full enjoyment of interesting talk on 'The- Early
good health, and in all these years there has Settlement of Bruce County." The
not been the slightest return of the trouble. birthday of the county, was January
g the t
Here is the %cam, Mrs. G147,tzda wrote at lst, 1850. The firsewhite man in
ime of her core :
"About four years ago I was taken sick the county was, in all probability,
with stomach trouble and consulted several Rev. Mr. Hurlburt, a Methodist
of the lei.ding physicians here, all of whom missionary, who in 1836 preaehed to
pronounced the disease to be cancer of the
the Indians at Saugeen. His son was
stomach of an incurable nature, and told
Ede that it was hardly to be expected that the first white child born in the
I could livelong. Afterwardthe two doctors county. The first permarientsettlers
were Wm. Withers and his brother-
" By the advice of some of my friends,
Who were attending me gave me up to die.
who knew of the virtues of Burdock Blood in law who settled at Kincardine
A doctor in France -is not permitted
The floral tributes were beautiful
to inherit property left to him by a
an anchor by the Y. P. S. 0. E. of
Krim church, a wreath of pansies deceased patient.
with a Y. of white daisies in the A smell rent in a reputation soon
centre by the Y's, a pillow by Miss becomes a large hole. .
McDonald, a wreath by Misses
Probably Niagara falls because
Walker and Thompson, and tea
tbe bed -of the river ean't hold it up.
roses and carnations by Mrs. H. W.
Reede. , P, •Crews, of Clinton, and Miss
Dr. Low's Pleasant %Corm syrup.: ham,
1May, daughter. of Nfrs. John Prid-
of Goderich, -were married at
is the safest and most effectual remedy ,
Goderion the 7th June.
to give children for worms of all kinds -1
IN 0 need ot Castor Oil afterwards as it '
It iti nelonger a• thing to be
contains it own Cathartic. ! ged of tbat the little girl's dolhe will 11 -
Christian Endeavor Convention. close its eyes. To be fashionable it '
must be -like mamma, and have in-
e. ,'"staeseee,:ee,riireelleeVee,,TIMIMMile
, • •01111111•111•11111•1:•111014011111q119,1,1,..11,1i • """"
4.° 714tilt
• • • •
similating the:Coact andRegula-
ungthe Seeed's ondBowele
Promotes Digeslion,Cheerful-
nessqndRest.Contains neither
Oprutu;Morphirte nor
Na c o TIC.
4 i
Pimp. Ve Sad-
Bo:4447o Sa1e4
Atha &set! .-
- •
arrthed ,Fugar
Aperiectilemedy for Constipa-
"tion, Sour Stomeeh,Diarrhoea,
r cicss cnd Loss OF SLEEP.
T= Siagagaule Sienz4v.atur0 of
Castorla is put up in one -size bottle's only, Et..
s not sold in Ina,. Don't allow- anyone co sell
yen anythine else on the Idea or promise that it
is "just as good" end 1'1,1111 answer: every per -
pose." za- lice that You get.O-A44:,-0-it-I-A.
The fla-
g ExAcT COPY Cir. 'YR.?, ppr:14. dllo.
!' le stexturo
1:ete,....,..,. ------...---.,,,ee= ct
CZ:2•7'-'772ifj:4h.).'6,;;;:13-.:7,flarIP'1'77517 4 ' .
Three years ago. at Ottawa, during somnia..
the jdint convention of Ontario andl Of the -38- sultans, who have Ailed • :
Quebec Provincial Christian Endeav- 1 the Ottoman EMpite since the eon- ;:
or Upions, a Canadian. Connell of ' quest of Constantinople by the Turks, e -
Christian Er.deavor was formed, and i 34 have died violent; deaths
it was arranged that the first Natikm- i-
al Convention should be held -under } Tomatoes have been grafted
its auspices, in 1899, Ire the city of potatoes by a French experimenter,
Montreal. The annual provincial i whose hybrid plant produces tubers
conventions of Cube and Ontario:under ground and tomatoes above.
have been withdrawn foe this year,1
from whicti feet the success of the }
Montreal meeting may be regarded AfOrez' WOOtrt PhOSIZOCline,
The Grove English Remaly.
SOld,andt recommended by all
druggiSts•in Canada. Onlyrej
medieine discovered ,
as alread3 assared, so far as.attend- 1
anee is concerned ; while delegates }
in considerable num beraare expected : BLi
es of Sexual. Wkaellegfess,arar eeffectet)seolliussi
from alt parts of the.country. A abuse.
' f.4:m
large contingent from "down by the orcexceigs,iMental Worry>. Excessive use of To, -
sea" is looked for, since there is to be of perIcke,'Pone ;.),,r=0.„4r: 5. One
. Rif .47:21=presentyo. anyiaces grr,ems.
but One C. E. Conveation in the L'mumPa`
Maritime Provinces, instead of the! Sold in Wiegham by Colin A. Campbelil,
usual three annual events. A single- }
' Druggist.
fare rate for the round, trip has been 1 .
secured on all railways. As ,far as TBE MONEY SO=
possible, tbe delegates -will be billited
in the Christian homes of the city ;
"Tell me what you eat
and' 11 Witt tell you what you are,"—thus said a great
philosopher. One teen; is certain—if you eut a porridge,
(bar, heats the blood you want to eat that porridge in
Wit ter roe In Summer.. for l',*roak Past.
truth Pe a debt, nutritious, healthful breakfast food, es-
pecielty ies- wenn Wea thee ir DOES NOT 'SEAT TUE BLOOD -
rt line m rib. &heats tlavor that no other Rolled W Heat
ea c :possibly havebeenuse no other Rolled Wheat is .pre-
pared lie Molina is. Your grocer sells it by the. pou pd.
TheeTill.son Co:7 Limited, Tilsonbnrg, Ont.
••••••111•••==•••••11N . ' • •• .15•1:••••••••••••CIAL. . •
The Englishman. it is raieniated.
expends nn the vernge $250 i'year
for sustenance, the German ;1215.111e
Frenchman g•210, the Italian
the Russian S.95. •
. -
the price for these billets' has beetle
Bitters, I was induced to try it. and I am and Capt. John Spence and W. linaited by tbe local committee to 50 : F/RaT MAN: :: "Hello Bill, what
now happy to say that after using part of Kennedy who settled at Southampton. cents per day for &room, and 25 ' arm you driving at these dayse you
dot first bottle I felt so much better I was r,
apt. and Mrs. Spence are at present cents for each meab. Suitable ac- , seem to be on. tbe jump all the time
Ible to get up. I rim thankful to state that 1/4/
ram cotnpletely cured of the, disease by the the oldest settlers of Bruce, having eommodation will also be securedoin . aed walk as, though you hare im-
use of B.B.B., although it had baffled the lit ed in Southampton for 51 yearb. hotels and boarding; houses, at Bach .Dertant business on hand."
doctors for a tong time. I am firmly con-
vinced that Burdock Blood Bitters saved In 1850 the population. was 376,, the rates as the delegatse may Wish to 1 Stance Meal : "Well, the fact is,
number of bushels of wheat raised pay ; so that all wha would come are . Jack.
tny life." a Bette prosperity pats the
205, and of potatoes, 485. In 18-52 promised comfortable homes at a cost;
Here is the letter received from her a short drive in a mare I have struck a
time ago: the population was 2.887 and the within their means, ' position aelust, after a year of hard
"I am still in good health. I thank assessed value of the coantsce141,000. The Dominion -Convention will be luck, whiele is panning out nest -rate."
it to other sufferers from stomach troubles great rush at the land sale_ in South. St. James Methodist Church, n
dairy kied." ELIZABETII ampton in 1854, when 2000 settlers Catherine Street, beginning T°huStans:11nek, for I am doieg mighty little
• these days. Sat what have you
were present and $58,000 was paid day, October 5th, and closing MOM- I
in in two days. There was no time day, the 9111. The programme algaqrr1i w"
Burdock Blood Bitters for saving- my life
Mr. Robertson plettuted vividly the , held in the =gni ent and cepa ease . ,
'fie ei
twelve years age, and highly recommendDI Dr • "Well, thet's vont
y to PATENT Good Ideas
may be secured by s
our aid. • Address, ewer.and.
Baltimore, Md. ulvert Pipes
All Sizes from 4 ht. to 24 iv, Also
WRIT! FOR PR iCE7'...4 •
C011111 eet
Caveats and Trade•Markl obtained, and all patent
business conducted for MODERATE PEES. MY
eificeisin the immediate vicinity of the Patent Office,
and My faciEties forsecuring patents areunstirpassed
Send model, sketch or photograph of bweetion,wiea
description and statement as to advalitages claimed, •
gir.NO char e fe oriado for an optaton as to
CA1V1PERS to COnnt the money to it wasthrown general arrangements are in the , BECOIND AN . )ave a en a patentabili and my fee for prosectital tha
hook agency from FfiE BRADLEY .' paPatiCtast ct7drent flit;Imil.regtaf ta.uttek Sh°
into a clothes basket and eounted liana of the Canadian Couneil, welch
ShOtild take with them a supply aftrwards. • Mr. H. Davis was the -.s composed ofi Mr. G. Tower Forgo..! Geneeeseox Co., (Limited) of Brant. =tilt in=s1,49731 e
Act, aficaegmE
Of Dr. Fowler's Ext. of first regular pusehaser Crown son, Toronto, President ; Rea. g. p. ford, Ont. They have been at me FRANKLIN H HOUGH
Wild Strawberry. Land. in Culross, the hued purchased Rose, D. D. Ottawa, Vice President ; ' for months tf, canvass, but I laughed SZ1S P Sreoeto WASIIINGToN.
if •••••••••* being lots 21 and 22, 1st eon. Mr. C. 3. Atkinson. Toroato Secre- at•the idea, and at last they made
Those who intend Teeswater was surveyed in 1856, tary-Treasurer ; together With the me a good one, sr I thought, I'd give
going camping this the four - lots comprising it being Presidents a the eight provineial . it a trial, I have been at the work
summer shout take
tviththem DrFowler's owned. by P. B, Brown, ira Pafford, unions. The, following committee,* nowsE
-rate,stick months, and 1 like it first-
Extract of Wild Straw, M. Hadwen and A. Gibson, respee. appointed by Montreal C. E. Union,
Getting' wet, ctivelv. tch- has charge of the local arrangernents, l FIRST MAN : "Say Bill, do you
ing colddrinking wa- The Teeseetter Braes Band was tabiely z—James Wilson, Chairman; think I could do the work, for I saw
ter that is not always present and enlivened the proceed- George Lyman, Secretary I Xohn,, the advertisement of this firm yester.
pure,oreatingfoodthat ings with sweet niu.sier. Cunningham, Finance; J. H. Cay ' day, for more men."
disagrees, may bring Marty votes of thanks were given ford, Hotels ; W. S. Leslie, Reception ; , SECOND MAN : “T" don't see why
on an attack of Colic,
to the speakers, the presideet and' J, Ritchie Bell, Masie ; IL A Moulton, you could not, but write and get
Cramps and biarrheaa.
Prompt treatment the lathes, and, the gathering dis- Press; W. P. Palmer, Halls ; Rev, them to make you an offer."
with Dr. Fowler's persed, having spent a very enjoyable Dr. Dadson, Pulpit Supply, These 1 -c,
ARV MAN: "Thanka old tnan,
are all energetic and enthusiastic I will, and I'll let you. know how
Endeavorers and have already aP• terns out."
plied themselves to the task before ____ .
Strawberry in such f
cases relieves the pain,
checks the diarrhoea
:= and prevents serious
• consequences. Don't
4i*, take chances of spoil-
,' ea. „tam Ing a whole summer's
Outing through neglect a putting a bottle
Of this great diarrhoea doctor in with your
Supplies. But see that it's the genuine holm.
Dr. Powler'S Extract of Wild Strawberry, sumo
'Se most of the imitations are 'highly date estates
serous, at •
Per Infants mid children.
them with the determination that
nothing shall be left undone on their ,
part to make this Conventioa a grand rive young men to travel, who would
it The programme is now being out. time at canvassing. Referenees.
itetek _Egu, lined, and among the promineo, sitantfItY-GaRuZynorliclo2.,, tut:dot;
'"'" speakers already secured, whom all o , 0 w. McLEAN & SON Ti •
LID -Gs ! SdetififiC JillittiCall.'
A handsomely illnotrated weekly. Largest tie.
ciliation of any sciontitto journal. Terms. $S a
Year: fonr months, m. Bold by aliewedertters.
60, 1-2 ADELAsza r'._.": er.
t'ACTornr. IMMO. 4TertiO:iliTLP
••4 4.7410. titI •
41;4. "..'e•
Anyone sending or mar
BketchCaOnisdYDreess: Hisoan&e.
quickly ascertain oilr opinion free whether Ma
invention is probably 'patentable. Commented.
tions strictly confidential. Handbook ea Patent!,
sent free. oldest agency for seeming patents.
Patents taken through Munn * Co. matte
oeetainotice without in
Highest cash prices paid for MUNN &Coego t Broadway, ew York
Ilrazeh Mice. CZ St -Washington. D. 0.
kinds of good Saw Logs, Telegraph
Poles, Cedar Posts and Shingle Bolts
delivered in our yard.
done at lowest paws and satisfaction
1, not object spending part of their guaranteed. Call and get prices be.
fore disposing of your timber.
eieest • a
• --ams'issii*
•7.•,..1.. In` 40