HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1899-06-16, Page 1,77,19,111.11Itr7.77'"
There is nothing nee earring things
up it little occasionally, espeeially in
business and we are going to try and
snake a little fluter amongst the buyers
'of this vicinity; and as about the only
way this eau be done is to give them
,.some special Values and Bargains; we
• are going to tly and tiokle their appetite
in that line. Now we are init going to
talk you to death' telling you what we
are going to do, bat are going to quote
• you some prices that ought to set you
thinking it you are opeu to take advatet-
- age of a Bargain when you Bea it. Here
' they are :-
Special prices fi&r two weeks only.
Dress Goods Dept.
15 pee Fancy Dress Suiting, rem 65o per yd, now Vie
22 " " , "31 00 " 60o
." " " 32 00 " 31.25
-6 " i1 wool Plaids, " 35c ".. se
,s " Dress (Mods, " 30.1 ." 25
12 • Linen Suitint., " 25e " 15
10 " Zephyr " " 250 " 15
All regular 120 Print now for Ito per yard.
Flannelette, tal filches wide, regular litio per yard,
.now for 9c.
Shirting reg. 221o, now for 110 per yard,
Also a new line of
White Pecca Skirts
White Pedca, Skirts. - reg., 02 25
" with Colored irimmtng " 02.60
44 -44 44 44 30,00
'We Lave a full line of Imdlos' White Wear which is
being sold cheap.
Gents' Furnishing Dept.
.Dfen's Fme Cord Shirts, all stzee, reg. 31,25, now 750
44 100 60o
76,3 sr 85c 450
10 dot. Alen's Zhirts, special line, reduced to 450
dot Nicht Shims, roe price 650, now • 45c
Pine Balbriggan Underwear, reg. price 45c, now Soo
.26 doz. Men's Ticeln all styles, " 35c, now 18e
SPeelal Cut. liklOfittsY '
2,00, '1,60
44 1,50. 1.00
14 t. 1.00, 75
Special lino f 2lert's Softloolt fiats at - 60
.4 doz, Children's Caps at
• .
Tailoring Department
Just received a Poe of Sages and Tweeds
'which We are malting up at the low price of $11.00
per enit.
Spectel out in the prizes of Boots and Shoes and
T•atett styles in Men's Fedoras, reg. $2,60„ now $2;00
11001111111 8/ SON
"Business Brightnss"
r z -s1/4
, it has paid others to attend
and it will pay you. 44 of our recent
students have accepted good situations,
Bnsiesa Aden are lookingfor youog
men and women who are trained as we
train there. Three tunes the number of
requeete tor allin assistaists have been
received' by us this yearAs compared
with any previous year.
ter nOw it you can. Prospectus free%
. W. J. ELLIDTT, Principal.
Marriage Ietetinses
blamed by PRANIC PATEItS011, No 23, lriti-
r,orift etreet,Whighara, Ont. NoVritnehees
our Clubbing .List-
• Inorder to sate our subscribers the trouble of
making two or more remittances we have nude
Opadial arrangements with the publishers by which
we ere enabled to offer the following pnVizationt in
eonneotiOn with this 5VIII5211A5l TINIZS air special
low rates from now until *bee. 81s5,1800.
and Weekly Globe, ' ° SI 25
Times and Western Advertiser, • 1 90
Times and ninny lIerald and 'Weekly Star
and Picture - • 1 i 6
Times and Partneri' Advocate, • 100
Times mai pultins, wssiny, . . 1 75
Times nn,0 ) .r ee r ,
Tirade an . goners' Sun, • • 1 30
Times a leo, meet, • 425
Times an idly World , . . 3 OG
Times itc Qozzntiv Oontiernart 870
Times se Weektv 61411 and F.,npite 1 25
Tirtheit lad Daily Montreal Usual,* 2 00
Sp led clubldese e ides with all neeneemeas and
it* tan +meted on apprise:1e,
"ad teas Ali Oidors to ot cal/ *the
TIMES 011110)11,
Vir ADVERTISEMENTS. Fon Sare.-i1. two volutoe Funk &
Now advertisements from the following people
will be found In rho columns at this issue ;-
Jim. Kerr -Special.
.1, MOKolvis -Special.
.1, Clem; & Co -Ittrvest Tools.
It, Vanstone-Nottot to Creditors
J. 0, Karges-The Sale Continues,
Jac), Sugg Son-ltedtmed Prices.
See Voisey Park's .advertisement„
Wagoalls Standard Dietionary, as good
as new, for sale cheap. Apply at Tures
12en or Jura. Cs sintATION.---The local
committees, who bay charge Of the Orange
celebration to be bel in Winghatn on July
-,... 12th, are busy inak* arrangements for a
grad celebratiou. Particulars will be
given in future isene; o the 'Imes.
Dr. 13utler, of London, will be at the
Queen's. Hotel, Wingbam, on the fleet
Wednesday of %tell month from 11,30 a.m.
5111, 8 o'clock O. me for consultation in
dioceses of the eye, ear, nose and throe.
13or We:stele-A. gc ad, smart boy Ya,n t-
ed to leans the print ng besinese. •Apply
at the Tzsies office. •
roomier. aflame- \.'he Wingliarn foot.
Sall club have madd arrangements for a
match with the Olin. n Collegiate Insti-
tute team for Satard y next, The game
will likely be a good ne and is collect for
6.15 p sbaxp. .
• Mime Hee Arm, be three-yecir-old
daughter of Mr 2 Ta 614 was playing on
the platform in fi t of her home on
Thursday morning, hen she had the mix'.
fortune to fall off an break her arm. The
little girl had. the e %%arm broken when
she was one year ol '
WEDDINGS GALORE --On tbe C. trek
which left Witigha on •Wedneada,y noon
of last wee, Con ector Wilson luta the
pleasure of collecti ig tickets from eight
couples who had j entered a state of
double blessedness. Thie is surely an in-
dication tbat the tines are prospect:ie.
• BASEBALL Menu The first home base-
ball match of thee aeon was played ott the
park last Saturday afternoon, Clinton and
Wingham being th opposing teams. The
attendanoe was no as large as would liked
to have men and t e boys should be greeted
d of speotators on the
e Wingham boys put up
ghont and made several
lead in tine. score from
me ended 10 runs to 5,
o spare 111 Wingham's
Stuart in the box, put -
Meoldeen./re Robt
eacefully away at ber
ter etreet, on Sunday
!loess. Mrs Ifarsafo,th
ar and had res' ed in
ber of year d was
had foemed her, etc-
cnbeen a sufferer from
ny menthe. She leaves
er loss a husband and
will hove the sympathy
in the affliction. The
with a larger cro
masa occasion. • T1
a good game Aro
„geed plisys. They
the start and the g
.with au innings
favor. Angus and
up a splendid gam
MaoMath passed
late residence, Sh
last, ofter it long
WM: ON THE Ds -The main part of
the work on the den has been completed
and Mr Green and s men are now taking
a few clays oft. Wo le will bo commenced
on the apron next 31 indav and thea the
work ni be rushee through until com.
men's strike is
men have returned
daily papers, we 6
the men are still o
is in conamunica
authorities end i
an (linkable settle
re -The G T IS traok-
ill on. All the local
to work, but from the
e Unit in loamy elaces
t. Sir Wilfrid Laurie):
ion with the G T
trying to arrange for
eat of the strike,
TinioUGU WOO vv, -In driving to
Goderich Tuesday last, via Blyth, Man-
chester, etc, we n }Hoed thee the crops
were looking, very g cod until 'within a few
miles of the cbunty-town, where they are•
anything but goer. We' never saw as
much wild mustard daisy weed, etc:), aft is
to be seen within a 7eVir miles of Goderieh.
In some fields it wee herd to tell whether _
it were wild mestere, daisy weed ain
that was growing.
• Fresh Strawberries, first
riving every day diree f
le.mcrwoceks.t prices. ,In
Court Maitland, No 2i, Canadian Order of
Foresters vieiting:verabercewill attend
divine service in the ?resbyterian church
next Thursday evemag, '22nd Inst at
o'clock. Bev D Barrie will preach tho ser-
mon and the general publics is cordially
in viten to Weed the evice.
Teeswater celebeete Canada's natal
day in grand style on Ottarday, Joy let.
$500 will be offered in p zee, &a, Tile pro-
gramme isas follows:
House Russ --Preel r all Trot or Pace,
Purse 61.50; 2.35 Trot or ace, Purse e100;
3 minute Trot or Pace, urea $75.
Busses Recisse-Half Mile, Mile and a
local greetirace.
13A8BDALL.-Harriston a. Iliticardine.
The baseball match •wi 1 begin at 1 &Opel(
sharp, the horse awl bi ycle races at 2.30
811TatePe'swater Cornet B ud will furnish
music during the day,
There will be a gra d (concert in the
evening under tho au ?keg of the Tees-
eveter Musical Associat 00.
The committee is tricking arrangements
for special train servicc .
was in bar 47th y
Wingham for a nu
beloved by all wh
gclairetance, -She
lung trouble for m
belund to 'mourn
one daughter, wb.
of the community
funeral to. the Win ham Cemetery on Weel
nesday af ternoon • 'as largely attended.
Wesegre-We Must have 200 Tubs of
Butter weekly. Eggs llo Cash or 180
Trade. We are not responsible for what
the "Little Fellows" my. We pay just what
we advertise. We are right in this Race.
We've got the Pole and mean to keep it.
Wingloon track is fast. G. E. rse.
Tur WINGHAIT R ots.-Tbe Wingham
Driviug Park A semi tion have issued entry
blanks for their roc s to be held on July
105h. arld 205h,. T1ieAssocia.tion are giving
$2000 in purses this year and the meet
promises to be one o the most successful
sti she history of the ssomation. The pro-
gramme is large enough for a three days
meet but the Association are going to give
it in two days. All!lovers of this eport
wilt no doubt make 'for Wingbam oft the
above days, The prcigrarnme is asfollciws:
-First day -2.30 Pape arid Trot, e.28 Pace
and 2.24 Trot, 2.20 Voce and 2.16 Tree, and
half mile run. Second day -2.36 Pace and
2,30 Trot, 2.24 PACO and 2.20 Trot, Open
Trot and Paee and t iree.quarter mile run,
THE Zroturss.-Tle following is taken
from the Grand Vn Hey Vidette of last
week :-"The aionitee are creating quite a
sensation in the nor ,hern part of the pro.
viime by the mann 30' in which they are
slaughtering and bu vying swine. Mr Em-
erson Thectriptem, of liarriston, formerly of
Wirigham, who of a follower of this soot,
the leading eharaetr of Which is Dr Dowie,
of Chicago, assists in a big alaughtering
affair up in Bruce aunty a few days ago.
It is said that a n tabor of Wingliamites
l -.ave joined thiseo4t and will not raise nor
eat of the sWioe, Dr bowie's. latest order
it to the offset th8t each member of .Zion
2110111d send to Liit.a direct titles of bis in -
Odle, he retervinothe right to disburse the
money the Lerdse Joust as it Beanie to him
proper and within 5 dictation from any of
the members. Ar he claims to be the re•
presentative of t1e Lord here open 4o•tth
thie is fteeeeded t her the members gener•
oto pays for the Imss till Zatittary
I*, 1004
AP &AM °mann: ,
ass frtut, ar-
m the pedals.
Kerr, Macdonald
t the last regin
lar meeting of W'ingba odge, No 280, A
F & A MIG R 0, following officers
were elected for the ensuing term :-W
J Galley; S W, A J ].vin; J W, Geo Mc-
Donald; Tress, Dr J Tamlyn ; Chap, J
W Walkee; See, J A Nforton ; S 110
Bell ; ,T D, Rev W ; G, C Now-
bell; T, E Dear e rs will be i
stalled at the next reg ar meeting, which
will he held on the e ening of the first
Tuesday. in J
Hamilton have just for ed an organization
whioh the people of Wi gham might pro-
fitably follow. It is calle i an Improvement
Society, and has for its bjectec the bea.nti-
fication of the city by Gettig that streets
and alleyways are kept clean. A. similar
society is in existence i New York arid is
found to work very sat sfeesterily. Thee
is room for an Inaprov tnent Society an
Wingham, and if its obj cts were earnestly
carried out our natural y beautiful town
might be made much • re attractive.
sets is making prepare,
bration on the annivers y of Her Majesty's
accession to Britain's hrone, June 22ncl.
t here will be a proce gen of Praternal
Sopieties, who are taki • g au active part in
the celebration ; base ball and foot ball
toatohes ; athletic apo s; and a number of
special ettreeitions, i chiding Noble, the
celebrated wire walk. ,e, of Owen Sound;
Welt biotite riders end jugglers, ending
with a display 'cif fireworks in the evening.
Put Brussels on your program for Thurs.
day next.-
A Slices:ism Sxon,-,Nrliartiong the list
'of successful student at the recent exami-
nations at Tensity
notice that of E Mc
oeived tile degrees of
end stood well up in t
shortly to join his bro
Lenhan, of Mt Leo
graduated one yearaj
prosperous practice
these young men ar
Wiregharn, having
contractors here a fe
many friends congre,
merited success, end wish them a prosper.
Otte career in their c ioseti profession. •
edical College, we
ennan, who has re-
e report. 1te leaves
her, Dr Thos A Mo.
rd, Missouri, who
and lute already a
that place. Both
well known around
een veryof ceiseful
years ago d their
ulate them upon their
WE Wass on Benue -We have received
the following from c correspondent, which
• we are only too ple ed to give a place in
our tolutrins:-"In the last number of your
' paper aci article tteared which puts one
of the most clever oung 13:1612 in Winghana
in a very false sition. The 111r 3 D
Chisholm: referred to as having passed hie
second year itt T ronto Medical College,
ilot She f D Chiehohn of this town,
but is, we believe, the soo of Judge Chits.
bolm of Berlin. 'lir 41 8 Chisholm who
so creditablypassed his fourth year
examination in To onto Medical College, is ,
theD C!itsOI8z, audio, we believe,
ho contemplates e4tering the office of his
father in the neaij futoret We hope that
none of your teadei have been deoeived by
the statement tbatt he lute wily paned bis
second year ixami tion."
The adjourned in
Council was held
Met/There present -M
cullers Hanson, Gre
Minutes of last regulc
and approved.
The Clerk reported
ing on the Weterwo
The finance cora
following amounts
W Ilislliday, drawin
John Hanna, suppli
D Stewart, stone fo
A E Simmons, pet
-Prom J3 yth
Deputy Returning Officers, rent of
that a branch of the
booths and tilting votes for
18 00 to opened ia that plat
Waterworks 3y -Law
John Murray, balaesee of account,
repairs W W
Campbell's Ileadaohe Wafers guaran,
teed to cure headache.
, -Tiiirs till cod 1809 for 60 eta.
familiar say -"A very hot day."
-Mengel' ev celeteate on the 1st of Ex
-The East Wawenosl Council will meet
Thursday next.
-The Ctnroria Conn il minutes tzre
crowded out of this issue
-'.-Turnberry Townsici Council meets at
Beinaore on Monday next
-The volunteers ret rned borne from
London camp on Saeurd y kat. '
--Mr. A. Burkholder s tipped two ears of
o Portland. this we for export.
Mr John Hill of toe a has opened out
a boot and shoe ropaie hoop at Teeswater.
-A copy of the Stat rtes of Ontario for
1898.03 has been receesed at the Trams
-The next regular meeting of Camp
Caledonia, 5 0 5 will In.. held an Monday
-The brick werk Messrs Button &
Fessant's new addition to their factory is
• i -pother Carcoran'e congregation will
Secretary. hold their annual picerie at Teeswater ou
uNcII,. Tuesday next.
Wrap -On short term plan. A. young
rnati tolean tailoring and cutting. Apply
to Webster & Co, Queen's Block, Wing-
-The annual meeti of the West Huron
Farmers' Institute w 1 be held at Nile on
Tuesday next.
-Rev Mr Jeans an Mr Jeans,. of Listo-
wel, have returned to England, where they
will reside in future.
Mr, Wm. Clegg 's week shipped one
car of peas to Port and and two oars of
wheat to St. Thema
-Many Witighani tea were in Goderich
this week, as witness s in connection with
tthe West Huron Dlee ion trial,
ling of the Town
Monday evening.
yor Clegg and Coun-
ory and Mambo.
meeting were read
he result of the vot-
ks By -Law to the
ttee reported. on the
stone o am$
d 18 37
s for W W .. 140
dam ... . .. 6 15
ing for W W'' • et 25; •
Standard we learn
24 75
The Cremnittee moon -mended that the
accounts be paid. except that of John •
Murray, which is r ferred to the Water-
works Committee.
The report of the
was adopted by the
Thos Gregory mad
rain exemptions on h
was referred to the
the Council.
Hanson -Gregory
into committee of the whole to consider the
'Waterworks By Law Curled.
motion of Hanson anJt Gregory, the corn-
mittee rpse and rep teed progress. Tho
by-law was then readt third time,
Hansen o. Gregory • That By -Law No
388, as now read three times be passed. -
Gregory-McIncloo -That $800 be placed
to the credit of the Se tool Board. -Carried.
The Council then a Ijourned.
Then something is wrong. To the
young it always semis trouble. It is a
warning to auy one, unless they are already
too foe.. Scnt'," Emeision checks this
waste end brings up your weight
D. W. Itissox.
Finance Committee
application for (ser-
e farms lauds, which
curt of Revision by'
That the Council go
By•Law No 888 AV s then read and on
Defects scarcely noticeable
in children .assurne
dangerous proportions with
advancing years.
A proper correction now will
prevent serous complica-
-Messrs John Bit
stove and tinware m
old stand, have an odvertisement in this
issue. Read it.•
-"Minnie R," a h. rse which has been in
training on the Wingiam track, took first
place in the 2 37 trot ir pace race at Guelph
on Thursday of last -eek.
-A. tramp Italian as in town on Mon-
day selling his waros,1 Ho refused to stay
in the lookup over ni bt and was given a
short time to get out f town.
-Mr Jas A Cline ffers for sale his resi-
dence or. John St. his is one of the most
desirable propertieq in Wingham and
should find a reedy urchager.
Pint -class photos Best in town. War.
ranted never to fac. All sizes, 750 to $2
per dozen, Armst ong, the new photo
gopher in Brook= hire's old stand, oppo-
site Bransa iek bon 1.
-The Clinton N sws Record is now ap-
pearing in eight pa4e, eight colamn form.
This paper has befn enlarged twice since
the present propri tor took charge.
-The WingbamffooIsbtsli club did not go
to Stratford last liriday. The 'game was
postponed. Seafo4h and Berlin played'h
warm game et Berl n on Saturday. Score
auk of Hton amilis
11318 week,
g & Son, the new
in Duffield de Son's
--Mr. Abner Cos
Mr, Wm. Halliday
corner et Petrick a
ns has purchased from
he building tot on the
d Minnie streets. Mr.
Co ens nte
summer. ds er ,cting a dwelling this
8 iv
-The tem:pent ire on Tuesday and
Wednesday ran between eighty-five and
ninety degrees in the shade. The heavy
rain on Wecineedao evening (fooled the air
-The Directors of the Tarnberry Agri.
cultural Society ill hold a meeting at
Meaty's hotel, of Saturday., 17th inst at 5
o'clock, for thevo sideration of matters in
conneetion with tile fall show.
Dr. Macdonald is itoW 13ernia11entlY
at home and ean be consulted by
his patrons.
-Many people fr in Belgrave, Blyth
and stations down t1e line took in an ex-
cursion to the Model Farm at Guelph on
Tuesday. The nate Jof the excursion irOra
Winghatn to the ral#i1is June t7tb.
-11 you have 8011 work you want done
in the way of billheida, statements, letter,.
heads, noteheads, e ivelopes, or any otho
class of corritneroiel printing, try us with
an order. We can please you as well Its
any city office can.
attended service et the Baptist &etch on•
Sunday afternoon. 7astor W Prod precioh•
ed a sermon state) le to the occasion for
them. tininber oionetabers were present
from outsiee points.
Rich' in Diastase,
therefore an excellent
restorative where
digestion is weak,
117 Yun
Over a red -bot cook stove when, for lesa.
MOOeY, you can do your cooking, ironing
and baking with pleasure by using the
Economy Gasoline Stove, which is being
sold in Wingheen by A. M. Bruce at the
Brunswick House. 1$7.50 will buy one.
Tbese stoves are now being used in Wing -
ham by a large number of reliable people
who can vouch for their compIetnees,
economy and safety.
No cigar bas ever been made to equal the
Landon cigar. They are thoroughly good,
pure, healthful and aromatic. You get
nothing but dean, pure tobacco, free from
any artificial flavoring, and they cost only
5 cents at J. BleEelviels.
Pat my little shcrs away, I shall never
need them melee;
just hang them ina closet on a nail behind
the door.
Tie the laces in a isenilor's knot,. and let the
tongues hang down ' •
Then fill them up vith lime, eo they won't
swell quite so strong;
Put my sweater n the wesh, and my
stockings on tle line;
Give my aldn-pact to the baby, and nay
gum to Angell Re ;
And soak my hal-my white one -in a
barrel of Gilleii's blue,.
er I've quit the ga
e entirely Mike we,
played againsaBerloo.
Tell the Dootor no: , to sigh for nae, or heap
curses on tny Aced,
For there's a man Halifax whom he can
get instead.
And if that worth' get Z. place, ask
him in tny nm. e,
To go easy in th) practiee for we'll get
there just the name.
Then hang my olc shoes in their place
they'll have nc thing more to do,
For I've quit the ;came entirely since we
played against Berloo.
Tell "Doc." 1 dre ened the other night
was playing in the eir,
'Gainst a mighty big Berlooer, straight -
'fling out his c -,rly hair.
I saw the foot bal roll along, I heard or
seemed to heai
The German coo comitiO full of contr.
kraut and bee
And his yeller eye were on me, as' kicked.
away the ball
I wakened then, You bet your life, and
found I'd kic d the wall.
Ent PII look a 1 5 ball never mote; put
away my lit e shoes,
For I've quit th game entirely since am
played eget t Berloo.
liev Dr Ward of Torotitolha:s7.
prLd the p of standing committees
which was pros uted 011 'rune 14 to the
twenty.fifth Gen rat Assembly of the Pres.
bytsrian Mural in Canada. To it it pre.
faoed aonie tutet sting facts regarding the
olumeli. There re in it pastorts, theologk,
cal professors, A cretaries, agents, ate, to
the number of 1, 18. The retired ministers
and those witho to charge are 186. There
ate 850 charges that are self.supportiag5
but 208 that are not. The total tether -
ship of the chure4 -212,C26. Coritribetiotia
to the salaries o ministers during the past
year atrountedt41,012,116. Oblitributianit
for all purposes *ere $2,511,1*
• e