The Wingham Times, 1899-06-09, Page 6FRIDAY, ahllt. tt, 180.
Fromout own o Correspondent.
Ottawa, June 3, --The time and posal expressed on both sides of the
stttention or the house of Commons `house and the practical difficulties
trim wixilr4ASCTIREs, dU TEt 9,1 i899,
this week with the diseession upon
the resolution moved by J. U.
Rutherford (Lib., Macdonald, Man.)
calling for the creation of ll, board of
Railway Commissioners as referred to
in my letter of a eouple of weeks ago,
As I pointed out then, there leas
been a pretty general enemas
of opinion favorable to the pro.
which is being made by Professor MU NYQN'S GUARANTEE.
llllvor, of Toronto I'nivel'sity, under iltrantr AsKe rtlo,tq ne to .last Wbost
the direction of the l)epartlnent of ,
the o Roatedics Will Da.
the Interior into the condition of the;
VI111ls, it is proposed to settle in �o , at his Rheumguaranatism that hla ItheuinstUtn
�. Cure will cure nearly
taro numbers in our Northwest, the + �Ct all eases of . rheums-
Liman (Eng.) Globe says :—Ir i1 'lam in a few hours;
that his Dyspepsia Cure
recently elaborated project of the w111 euro indigestion and
all Moloch trodden;
bl t Canadiatn Government should succeed` that his Kidney onto
�;r will cure 00 per cent.
as there should be little doubt that it of all cases of kldne r
will, the Dominion will soon be en- f 1 trouble: that his ca-
t '� larch Cure will euro
ha been occupied tepetedlr this in making the ashcans ettective aro itched by the accession of a highly' catarrh no matter how
logo standing; that hiq
week in discussingthe prospects of equally well recognized. The most desirable class of imtnigrants. Prof, yap ~r ;','. Headache Cure will cure
Ales Idud of headache in
Political Economy om
l of e • that
> r iu at
e rrof fc it uta
s 1• � •o I rut as y a w
t4 ti r
the 'SCu.>
contribution ,o di ,
v lulibl
Lily!. the International High. Joint Commis -c rite Coll Gitru 1
ion wheal it reassembles. ,Everyone i0u so. for, was made by the Prime at Toronto, has been oboe ell to go to quickly break up am
who has followed current events Minister who announced the position Finland with the view of offering gotta of cold and fop On through the entire net o!
11 remedies. At all druggists, 16 cents a vlaL
with even moderate attention is , of the Government as follows: ---"I special inducements to Finns intend• rf yon nest mrdicgl advice write Piot. Aiunyga,
. w aware that when' cannot for my part see why we can. ing to emigrate to Canada. The
1605 Arch et., Fiala, 1t is absolutely free,
thoroughly tell oo 1•r a the i not de in this country what has been hardy and industrious Finns are ad. _he,..__ _ _... __.."-__.._...._______ .
tl a last adjournment took place,
statement was officiallymade that a done in other countries, notably in mirably suited to colonising purposes. damned because time, tide, and the
lurch had occurred over the adjust- g y
Ion land—I cannot see why we can- What will be Rustia'sless, especially present• condition of the world's af-
incur of the Alaskan boundary, and :not have a railway Commission to with regard to recruiting for her fairs, together with his own energy,
that the adjournment had been made deal with this numerous class of Navy, uiay well prove Can aria's have made it possible for him to do
sufficiently long to enable the matter grievences on the part of the general gain. what his predecessors would hate
so be thoroughly reviewed by beth public (referring to personal dire delighted to • have done had they
'the Imperial and the United States, pates with the railways) "I think TWO YEARS ABED. been able? The people who come
Governments in the hope and ex- ; we can agree with that. At all to us may speak many languages, but
eetations that a settlement gni ht events I express the views of the Rl eventually they will all be Canadians
be reached. This statement has • Government when I sal that we if they are properly used. It may
think there are man sorts of uev- be true that there are seventeen dif
been repeated several times by Sir y g Mrs. ferent tongues spoken in the ublic
Wilfrid Laurier and his fellow com- I atices which could be effectually g p p
enfssioners and adhered to absolutely i dealt with only by a railway cam 1'd h schools at Winnipeg, but it may not
in the face of all kind of wild rumors , mission. But the trouble and labor tisui. Y Y b d be ten years before these children
to the contrary.The Opposition has, . and difficulty of framing a law that will all speak one tongue and feel one
thus far preferred to paccept these ; would constitute such a course de a i I d impulse. The only lesson that seems
hostile rumors to the Government's' makes re e y to obtrude itself is the old one of mak-
declarations, and if the country has TIIE QUESTION A VERT EMBARRAS-
lady friend d d ing ttthe language which all
got the impressions that theywould I SING ONE, must speak, and even our French
p• fellow men trvmen, when they are
welcome ultimate failure ,—in that and I shall not surprise my hon. three I n y confronted with the problem of'either
the Government would be discredit- one latnnuage or a score of different
ed thereby,—they have° their own friends behind me, especially my
hon. friends from the Northwest official languages, will eventually
actions alone to thank. But sod- Territories
denly, and without any new informa- and the Province of
tion or any reason for the sudden i�lanitoba, when I say what this is a
• change of front, Sir Charles Tupper question which up to the present
has discovered that there is excellent time we have not been able to
reason to hope for, a successful out.
grapple with in such a way as to be
come of the negotiations, and hese a positionu to present a bill this
hastens to take back all be has said session. But the matter is engaging
derogatory to the position of the the attention of the Government. 1
-Dominion and her claims, and to as- 'claim that we have done something
North -
sure the Government of his cordial already for the people of the North
support. I west. In the very first year after
we assumed control of the adminis-
A DEATH BED CONVERSION. I tration we .obtained from the one
So anxious indeed does Sir Charles l great transportation company of the
Eight Years of Rheumatic Tcrment--
South American Rheumatic Cure
Drives Out the Torment in a Day.
JohnCook,of 287 Clinton street,
Toronto says :—"For eight years 1 suf-
fered as no one ever did withrheuma-
tism. two years I la on m e
and could not so much as feed myself --
I was so helpless. The torture was in-
describable. bable. doctoredan triedevery
remedy 1 could hear of but receivedno
lasting benefit. I aui grateful for the
daywhen a recommended
South American Rheumatic Cure. After
doses 1 was able to upsit in my
bed. continued its use and to-day—
look at me -1 am as strong and active as
ever in my life." Sold by A. L. Hamil-
appear to be to make amends for the 1 Northwest Territory, that is to say
pltst that he eagerly proffers the;the Canadian Peelle Railway Com of the United States, object to the
Government every assistance in dis- parry, a noteable reduction in its tide of polyglot immigration which is
posing el the public business now be- freight rates. But we do not think now flowing in our direction. Sur -
fore the House, in order that the that we have exhausted our efforts
tluin.nist:ioners may have leisure to . nn behalf of the people of the North- ely the Canadian national stomach is
prepare tor the reassembling of the west. On the contrary we think strong enough U., digest the few
Commission. But unfortunately Sir there is a great deal to be done in hundreds of thousands of aliens who
Charles has a strirg attached td his that respect and we think that one are coming to us. Remembering
offer of support, for to purchase his thing that can be done in order to the history of oar neighbors, we ean-
good will and assistance he asks the solve the problem is to do just what
---- Xertver 'sent to drop the Redistribu• is asked by the resolution. not deny to the original settlers the
lion Bill for this session. This is a big While this great transportation strength of mind and the absorptive
price to pay for the aseistance tender- question must in the very nature of qualities which they displayed. Ex
ed, and it is not very probable that- things be of greater importance to cept in the big cities, there is no
Sir Charles expected that the Gov- the western provinces and territories, alien population in the United States,
eniment would acquiesce. They are that importance is only a matter of if we exclude the negro, who is an
far more likely to press not only the degree ; it is of great moment to all alien because of his color—more than
Redia ribntion Bill, but also the the Provinces, and the creation of a because of his ignorance—and the
Public Accounts investigation, the Commission to adjudicate upon the contempt which is felt because he
Senate Reform resolutions, the Yukon matters of dispute between the rail -was once a slave. The German, the
Investigation, and other matters ways and the public, will vastly Icelander, the Norwegian, the Swede,
which the Opposition have been benefit our people in all parts of the, the Italian, when he remains a few
professing such anxiety to look into, Dominion. years in the United State's becomes
Don in Toronto Saturday Night,
writes thus on the progress of Can-
ada :—Talking about the progress of
Canada, it seems that an extroadin-
ary phase of pessimism still actuates
a section of the press and people.
Now that we have begun to people
our sparsely settled West, those who
should know better, if they know
any thing at all about the experience
'but which it now appears from this
suggestion of the leader they are
Must anxious to drop. This proposal
eii the part of the Opposition is the
geetteat tribute that could possibly
be p-iid to the Government's policy,
though no one who has taken the
',rouble to acquaint himself with the
tit:tracter El the Opposition leader
wtluidtsuppose that he would make
beieh an offer did he not recognize
the unpalatable fact that he and his
party are, politieially, in extrelnis.
Further progress has been made
Accompanied by indigestion and
'Constipation cured by Dr. Chase's
llvit Kidney•liver Pills
From !lath, Ont., comes the particulars of
tr remarkable cure effected by Dr. Chase's
Kidney -Liver fills, Mr. Ios•'1 Gardiner was
tier flirty years the victim of indigestion, con-
s'ifipetiou, and violent headaches. Nothing
seemed UT have the &sited effect until he be-
wan tr,e use of M. Chases's Kidney -Liver
Pies and they effected a complete cure. Mr.
-ti,�rdiner writes :
" I have been troubled for over forty years
Witt indigestion and constipation, would go
two weeks at a time. At intervals I would
Wren with violent headaches, I spent
owl dollars in vain, and was finally ad -
In use Dr. Chase's Kidney -Liver Pills.
mint say that they are the only remedy
wee me permanent relief. I would not
Witold them for anything.
Dv. r hos's. t Kidney -Liver Pills, ane pill a
2 t0. a box. At alI ealars, cr isdtiianson,
# Ce.,T01011:0.
THE FARMERS EXONERATED. a citizen and is permeated by the
In a recent letter 1 referred at wild and almost fanatical intensity
length tor evidence given the of the convert who beli;ves that his
Agricultural dente ee of the before the new condition is iacalcuably better
than the old one. With our censer.
of Commons which showed that on vative
siderable crookedness bad been e impulses and institutions we
ought to welcome the foreigner,
practised in packing and shipping of
apples to the British market.arket. The matter how different his language,
matter was further discussed at customs and previous condition may
somehave. been. We can take. care of
considerable length in the
House this week, when it was point• en, assidli.late them in a
nationaall sense, and profit by their
deeide that there must oe one, anct
one only. We have had the problem
of two races in Canada, anti it has
been Much harder to Fettle than had
it been the problem of twenty differ-
ent peoples. The very multiplicity
of the languages will make it easier
to finally settle upon the good old forni
of 1+Juglian speech for speeches in
Peri ia'befit and for statutes, while
each race may sling to their own
tongue for use at the fireside, in wor-
ship and social intercourse.
ed out that the farmers personally presence. We cannot remain a peo-
were in no way responsible inasmuch pee without responsibilities, nor can
as their fruit was purchased by job• we avoid the grave difficulties which
bing middlemen who did their oarn come to.those who must either make
packing. It is of course satisfactory progress or be ridiculed by the world
to learn that the farmer is not to for being at a standstill.
blame for the extreme folly, to say Let us have all the Finlanders,
nothing of the. dishonesty. of, course Doukhobors, and law-abiding refu-
that is complained of. Itis scarcely gees from tyranny, that can b3 ob-
necessary to add however that it tabled. We have more to fear from
justasimportant as ever that every our own political corruption and
effort should be made to stop this consequent degradation, and the re.
fradulent packing. The British sults of national lethargy, than, we
buyer does not distinguish between. have from the presence of foreign
producer and paelter. If he buys elements. If we but govern our.
Canadian apples and they prove un• selves properly and treat with human -
satisfactory he blames the country ity and generosity those who seek
and its traders as.t body, and wants refuge in our midst, fate cannot
no more to do with them, . The Injute us It may be that the Gall.
Minister of Agriculture rendered the clans will finally wander from the
country an inestimable service in so farms into the mines, but we must
emphatically calling attention to the not forget that we have mines wh:e't
natter for, as he said, Government's need their labor. The attitude of
agents in England had proved eon- prudishness which some newspapers
elusively that the accusations were and politicians are adopting is a
true, and whoever was responsible crime against Canada and displays
had done a great wrong to the Donnin- a narrowness which is enough to
ion and had et,dangered the large drive progressive Canadians tnad.
trade which Canada had built up by Our opportunity has only just now
honest methods and wlfieh had re• displayed itself; are we to refuse
stilted in a great deal of good to the that which we have long sought ? a
I Is the
Minister of the Interior,leo e
TIM IIAIWY ANI) IINDUSTRIOUS1rI IN'i, policy has made this large iwmigra •
With reference to the investigation tion possible, to be flouted and' eon-
.(Lb (Irminnhc..ttt w`.� III'`rB
MitTIIODIST--lieu. Dr. Pascoe,I,as.
or. Services at 11 a re clad i p w.
PRI'.S13YTE,ItLaN--Itev. D. Petrie
patter. Services at 11 a m and? p nt.
1 WISC0iP Alf, St. Paul's—Rev. ev. 1'4 m.
Lowe, motor. Servtnes at 11 u to and '7
BAPTIST --Rev. W. 1+retd, pastor. f
Goilln, pastor. Services at 11 a m suet
Services at 11 a m and I p
Outram and Lock in oc.mtoand, Services
at 3 p to and 8 p m.
SALV.r.•TION ARMY—Capt. it'loLeod
ane wire in command. cervices at 11 a.
to, 3pin and8pm,
In chop of the above named ohurches
Sabbath School is held at 3:30 p to.
BANK of liAiViii.Tek
tii250,000, nest, X775,000
- Presidunt-300N BTUART.
Vioe•Presideut—A. tl. RAMMAT.
For Over Fifty Years.
An Old and Well -Triad Remedy—Mrs
Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been
used tor over'ifty years by millions of
mothers for their children while teeth-
ing, with perfect suecese. It soothes the
child, softer.s the gams, allays all pain,'
mores wind 'oho, and is the best remedy
for diarrhoea. It is pleasant to the taste.
Sold by druggists in every part of, the
world. Te enty-five tents a bottle. Its
value iR incaluable. Be sure you ask for
Mrs..Wieslow'e Soothing Syrup, and
take no other kind.
Jour Pa Otos, Geo. ROAM, WM GIBSON, 3f P, A. T.
Ween, A. B. LER (Toronto).
Cashier—J. TURNBULL.
Savings Rank—Hours, 10 to 8; Saturdaye,10 to
Deposits of 81 and upwards received and interest
Deposits also 'volved at current
rates of it ..west.
Drafts on Great Britain and the United State;
bought and sold
About -340 buildings,. including
stores, dwellings, barns, out houses,
ete., were burned in Thursday's fire
at St. John, N. B. Insiirapce com-
panies lost 8230,000..
Willie i
Williei Nail- was recently married
in Cincinnati. Happy man; no
woman call drive a nail,
The beat medicine money can buy for
impure blood; nervousness, and all
stomach and‘lttdney troubles is Hood's
Sarsaparilla. . •
Brantford police made a capture.
at Lynden of 12,000 cigars stolen
from the cigar factory of Thomas
Fair & Company of that city, on the
morning of Mriy 1G.- They also ar-
rested four men.
Children Ory for
In the South Ontario election pro-
test, Hon. .John Dryden was unseat-
ed. Ilribery on the part of some of
his agents was proven.
uffering caused
by Piles
!s Quickly Ended when -
®ll^e 'ln VV. Chase's
Ointment ns app8ied
Besides the intense agony caused by the
Itching, burning sensations of piles, there ere
other symptoms which product restlessness and
at times excruciating wins known only to the
victim of piles.
What would one give to be free of 'this
terrible disease?. And yet there is a cure—a
positive cure—which does not cost much and is
not painful or difficult t0 apply. '
Dr. A, W. Chase's Ointment is, so far as is
known, the only absolute cure for blind, itch.
ing, bleeding and protruding piles. It gives
relief at the first application and affords a per-
fect core in the tno}t aggravated cases.
Mr. Isaac Foster, Erinview, Ont., says : "I
was troubled with itching piles for two years
and could not sleep at night. I was half crazed
and tried everything. ' Finally seeing Dr.
Chase's Ointment advertised I tried it and
found it good. After a second application I
found relief, and one large box cured n)e.
have never been bothered since, and I can re•
commend it to all suffering front the sante
tang c."
Dr. Cha^r:'s Ointment is for sale by all
dealers, c. Edu Anson, Hates Sc Co, Toronto.
E. L.1)1C KIN SON, Solicitor.
Money to Joan on Notes.
Notes Discounted
Money advanced on ;Mortgages at 5 pet oontwith
privilege of paying at the end of any year. Note
and amounts collected.
itOBT. MoIriDOO.
Beaver Biook Windham, Ont
-•-IS 1'llnl,lAr !1
1; Yl; ti Y I. citll)A`.' • t, ORNINt,,
- Al nue--
Subeeription price. UP ex year, in advRnast
0 a
d u l ui n '
r. i
l3 1m
I Y I . a
On: Cotun.n 800 00 39u u0 p.10 00 i3 00
half " 40 00 00 I 12 00 ' 4 00,
qunrtar" '20 00 111 00 ` 7 00 - 3.00
MO inch 0 00 s 00 I 2 00 100,
Li.aal+nuii edict• maid advertiseuroot,13e ptir glue
for tics- hrset•t'on,and 80 per line for each subsequent
inearthm. Moored by nonparai scale.
'.oust notices 10c. per line for list teortiou,
62. per line for each aubsugnent mortice.
Advertisements of Lost, Found, Strayed, Situations
and Bustueea Chartres Wanted, not exceedinir t line
nonpareil, 51 for Art month,.aud 500,10r eaoiP
subsequent month,
Houses and Farms for Sale, not exceeding S Am,
41 tor first month, 60e. per subsequent, moatlr
Larger advertisements in p'oportiau.
These terms will be strictly adhered to
`Special rates for larger advertisements, 9n?iot-
rctsill and
ellforbidvinuai4diionx1e inserted tinotices without
a000rdinglr. Transitory advortisrments must7re
paid hi ad:auce. f'
Changes for contract adrertisoniente must be:'.n
the offloo by Wednesday noon, In order to app6ar
that week
PROD/LIMA An rustasuan
Having purchased the entire business
from Mr. Daniel Showers, I am now
preparedto supply the public with
Wood and Iron Force and
Lift Pumps, Brass and
Iron Cylinders, Galvaniz-
ed Iron Tubing. Cisterns,
Water Troughs, Sinks, '
Baths, Pipe Pitting, Well
Digging and everything in con-
nection with water supplies.
Galvanized Steel Windmills for power
and pumping water.
Deep well pumps a speciality.
Repairing promptly attended to.
Parties writing for information or
ordering by mail should always state
depth of well.
All work guaranteed or no sale,
33rx 140 Wingham, Ont.
Before placing your order
for Spring Clothing call and
see our
For the treatment of DISEASES' OF WOMEN and.
SURGICAL CASES of all kinds. For partioularti
Medical Superintendent, Wingham, Ont.-
for 1899. We can afford to
sell New -Goods cheaper than
old stock that cost one-half
more than new and better
goods of the attest styles will
cost to -day.
We make clothes that -fit.
Queen's Block.
)?rivato and Company funds to loan at lowest rata
interest. No commission charged. Mortgagee, town
and farm proport, bought and sold
OFFIOE—BeaverBlock Wison,s.
.7. A. 6101tT0N
1\'rnghan , Ont.
Office -Meyer Block. 11'inrbam•
Office—Corner Hamilton and St. Andrew streets
opposite Colbordo hotel. • '• •
• Oonnafott, ONTARIO.
Doctor of Dental* RUt tUIy of the Pennsylvania.
Dental College and Licueti•,te Of the Royal College
of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Oitice over Post
Office, wroglrant:
• him D. D. Ross, graduate et the it. 0, D. 8.
of Ontario; anti is prepared to 'do alt manner. of:
Dental wort. at reasonable prices. Beaver block, ..
opposite the Brunswick !louse, Wingham. • •
p DEANS, 9a., WtxoinAst,
or IIU1toN.
Salsa attended .In any part of the Co. Ohgrge
JOHN CURRIE, Wnsosasr, Ottz..
Sales of Farm Stobk and Farm implomocts
All orders left at the Tams office promptly anent
ed t0. Teras reasonable.
DaPAIVr- mimes •"
6 49 a. m. 8 05 p .tin '
856 am 3061)rn..
d 8C p na 8 00,p ire
11 10 a nl.• G 40.0 in
8 80p nl' 8'80 p m'
1020 pr 880 a m,,
Toronto and East •
Palmerston milted
Londonand South
Cantil .Oaledorda, iVds 4t1, 4neet
S■ O■ Se—the first and third 'Monday
evtry month, in vhq rhld Fellows natl. Vfelthte. .
brethren wolcl•n+> J. Murray, • Chief, it ih'•
Elliott, lten.•Seo
'INCLUDING hooks, Pamphlets, Posters, B 1
1 Roads, Circulars, &e., &e., executed in the beat •
style of the art, at moderate prices, and on shote
notice. Apply or address
II, B. Lf,LtOT'T,
rue Omee, Wingham
• we are pleteed to announce thst any Books or
Magatincs lett with as for Bindingg, will have cur
prompt attention. Prices for Binding in any style'
will be given on apnlieatien 0 the Truss Otfat
1 g�
• si'id,
I abs
1 I
; :
.1 dr(
1 •
I Of