HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1899-06-09, Page 5.°•
11.41..E NSfjJ
r111•11041411,00,10111/11$1141%141110111e101".4001~11110111%,/0"44.01,1 • • • '1"1"*""4"`"Wilsen left his hones about 1 o'010ek
last Satarday, the 4th in, with the
WIRE broad axe from his neighbor, Mr.
prepared intention •of borrowing a
Clegg, which he quired to use at
• a driving shed at which he bad
• - been busily engaged, during the
Morning, Not -having returned at
S• ,
worn by Roosevelt's Rough Riders
in three shades.
Black, Fawn, Brown, only $1.00;
i American Steel Wire Field
Preston's three plait Steel
$ Truss Cable Wire Fencing.
McMullen's Fencing, 80 to
• 48 inches.
Poultry Netting, 24 to 72
. motets. ,
Barbed Wire, '2 and 4
Oiled and Enameled Wire.
•! Large Stook, Low Prices.
CLEGG 8.! Ca $,
5 o'clock, and as a visitor wished to
see biro, enquiry was made at the
• house of Mr. Clegg. His not having
” been there or at his son's, who lives
in the neighborhood, some anxiety
was experienced when several start-
ed out to search fel' hien. It was
• not, however, till 10 o'eloek that
Ernest King digovered him quit
• : dead. in Mr. Clegg's brief with hi
throat cut from ear to ear'and
razor in his hand, The coroner, Dr.
Sniale, was communicated with, but
DOG being able at the time to attend,
he allowed the body to be removed
to the house.
• Mr. Wilson had given no previous
anxiety to bis friends, nor can any
: motive be assigned to induce him to
eommit the rash act. Be was Elder
and Sunday School teaeher at, his
tivele„weeeeeeeeeeeeeeiveeeoen-eeewpeseeeleweetteeeeteoeveireeesobl EAST WAWANOSH.
Get your sight tested. It costs nbthing,
Scietifically, Correctly, Reasonably.
Try us.
It will soon be time to use • ,
• garden tools. We have any-
thing you need in this line, -1
and our prices are always low. Opposite Post Office, Says:
. We have a good supply of
Milk Cans. The pricewe
• ..offer them at will .soon • sell
them. •
Give. us • a call for anything
you need in our line.
Old Post Office Stand.
Order your _
As. it
; • 'Fresh Beef
Lamb -I Pickled Pork
1 Breakfast Bacon
- Smoked Ham .
Side Pork
Corn Beef
Spice Roll, Lard,
and Pork.
Pressed Beef • .
Pressed Tongue
Fowl, &e,,
always on hand. e •
Mr. and Mee. S. C. Howlett, left on
Monday on a few weeks (11 iving tour,
They will visit at Clifford, Guelph,.
Galt and other plaees before their
Mr. andltIrs. Win. Anderson, and
children; Mrs. Dowson and children,
and Miss Smith, of Johannesburg,
South Africa are visiting at Mr.
Anderson's old home near St. Helens,
Mr. James Potter, an old pioneer
resident of this township is confined
to his home with illness. Along with
his many friends we hope to see him
amongst us again soon.
That Throbbieng illteadaehe
Would quickly leave you, if you used
Dr. King's New Life Pills. Thousands
of sufferers have proved their matchless
merit for Sick or Nervous Headaches.
They, make pare blood and strong nerves
and build up our health. Easy to take.
Try them. Qnly 25 cents. Money back
if not cured. Sold by Colin A. Camp-
bell, Druggist.
The followinec ies the report of Zet-
land school f&, -the month of May.
- The names run. in order of merit,
deductions being made for lateness,
bad conduct, ete. :—
Sr. 111.7 -Ezra Homnth, Hattie Ale-
, Jr, IV.—PearlNynn, Will Burke,
Jessie' Wilson, George Tees, Alex.
Cbulter, Willie Teeert, Alvin Orvis,
Florence Carrie,
Jr. III.—Carrie Thom, John Bur -
chine Ferree t Wilson, Willie Burchill.
Sr: III.—Mamie Buite,Maleel Coul-
ter, 'Ruby Grain( James, Coulter.
Jr. -IL -7.- Jelin Jacques, Loretta
Thom Edith Peddle, Millie Peddle.
P:irt •III Class —Willie Reid, Bei-
tha Thom, George Jacques,. Herbert
BArchill, Roy McDonald, Norman
Our prices are right. Order e McDonald.
Class II.—Clara Burke, Earl Reid.
Marin Blooms, Teacher.
called for and meat delivered to any
-part of the town.
Your patronage solicited
church, one of the directors of the,
Howl& Farmere' InsuranceCo.,
•and was in his 60th year when he
died. Much sympathy is aroused
in this district for hievidow, who so
abruptly and uttexfatedly is sev-
ered from a kind husband a;cili#he
ehildren who lose a judieio rid
loving father,
Spalu'o Greatest Need.
Mr. R. Pt Olivia, of Barcelona, Spain,
spends bis winters at Aiken,S. C. Weak
nerves bad caused severe pains in the
back of bis head. On using Electric
Bitters, America's greatest Blood and
Nerve Ketnedy, all pain soon left hint.
He says this grand medicine is what bis
eoufratry needs. All America knows that
it cures liver and kidney trouble, purifies
the blood, tonee up the stomach,strength-
ene the nerves, puts vim, vigor and new
life into every muecle, nerve and organ
of the body. If weak, tired or ailing
you need it. Every bottle guaranteed,
only 50 cents. Sold by Colin A. Camp-
bell, Druggist.
tale= by H. E. Vale, nukdo glre
lessinn very natarest,in to all prate&
Fenn' new lrimbers were taken
into the Epworth League, on Monday
last; :t being coneeeration
Miss E. Allen, of Wyoming, is,
spending a week's holidays with leer. i
Potatoes are not seams since man!
tiOning our wants in the TIMES.
Rev. W. Lowe, of Wingham will
preach in St. James' church on Sun-
day next.
The Brussels Band has been see-
ured for the Dominion Day celebra-
tion. The committee are trying to
arrange with the Listowel and
Palmerston baseball clubs for a
match on that day.
Mr. W: M. "Robertson • was- •• at •
Waterloo on May 25th, attending
the annual meeting of the Ontario
Mutual Life Assurance Co.
Mr. B. J. Hazelwood, son of our
townsman, Mr. W. 0.,HazIewood has
passed his final examination for M.
D„• with honors, winning the gold
medal. Mr. and Mrs Hazelwood
• were in Toronto last week to see
their son receive the degree of M..
Duly4ND razE sim . The funeral 'of the late Charles '
1 ;Wilson, motto :So lately succeeded to
. to the township, tretteerership ren-
dered vacent through the death .of
AN ITEM OF INTEREST Mr: Jas. Perkins, took place on
• Tuesday afternoon, 6t,11 inst.. Rev.
•'A. B. Farney, English church min,
iefer, • performed the service at the
grave, and the Rev. Mr. Stewait
gave an address suitable to the oe-
casion at AfeIntosh chnrch.
• We give a .few detaili of the
tragical death of IVIr. Wilson,of which
-.however, sone of the TIMES readers
may be already. :familiar with. Mr,
Macdonald Block, Wingham.
- What. is S,Fott's Emul-
.sion ?
• It is the best cod-liver oil
Farmers, why pay 5% and 0 per cent.
interest on your loans when money may
be had at 5 per cent. Payments made
to suit borrower. Charges low.
Agency Ontario Mutual Life Amur-
anue Company.
At office Jilridai afternoon and all day
. 1
. .
?...A'..$°';111. •
•1 •• II. • 4
nee Wase
When the human foot was
first introduced to shoes it was
exactly as nature had made it,
It has been revolutionized
from what it was to the foot of
to -day by sixteen centuries of
distorting tightness atid freakish styles.
"Slater Shoes " are made to f:t
efeeeee- -- -•• e -tie...Le-eel:i.e., feet as they are. to -day, comfort first,
•• . 1.0 but good. appearance never foneotten,
‘ • (:j. ,, Li'
Li Twelve staapes, sie.- widths, ail
, • 0 -tee tie
f/::./ eye ,11, J'.1,1 sizesoleoaotcliiyeerasralnveclltceodlor.
, stanza
y reline -red on the soles,
$3.eo and $s.00. . )
i •
''' 146-.44...1.......1.—....--4.7 "7.......---- ...°
For Sale Only by HOMOTH & SON.
e •
431 •.•:•; • •
partly digested, and com-
bined with the hypophos-
phites and glycerine. What
will it do ? It will make
the poor blood 'of the anwmic
rich and re'd.
It will give nervous 'energy
to the. overworked brain anci
nerves. It will add 'flesh to
the thin form, of a chijd,
wasted from fat -starvation.
- It is everyAere acknowl:
edged as The Standard of
the World.
A Frightful Blunder
Will often cause a horrible Burn,
Scald, Out or Bruise. Bucklen's Arnica
Salve, the best in the world. will kill the
pain and promptly heal it. Cures Old
Sores, Fever Sores, Uloers,.13oils, Eelons,
Corns, all skin Eruptions. Best Pile
curon earth. Only 25 cts. a box. Cure
guaranteed. Sold by Colin A. Camp-
bell Druggist.
Notes—Mrs, 10. Lyon had her
house moved and jacked up this
Mr. George Cockerline is having
his barn moved and a stone found.
a.tion put under it.
The bricklayers are busy work-
ing on the house of Thos Miller. •
Mr. W. •Ouimette took a business
trip to Toronto this week.
Two young ladies while out driv.
ing on Saturday evening bad the
misfortnee tu upset their buggy.
while turning the corner at the 13th
con. Neither ef the ladies were
hurt. It is not only young men who
i, Segues, who bas worked for
Geo. Snell, blacksmith, for the past
year and a half, quit work on .Tuee-
day morning, owing to some dis
Rev. Mr. Andrews is Attending
Conference in Windsor this week and
last. His work was taken on Sun
day by Jos. Garrett in the morning,
and W. Lyon in the evening, who
gave a very interesting sermon from
GalationM 6, 2.
The temperance cause is being re-
vived here. Two meetings have
been held.
The 0. T. R. traeltmen received
word to start work on itonday
morning' and about noon got orders
to 'cease work again.
The Bible elass, on Sunday, was
A. Narrow Escape.
Thankful words eveitteo by Mrs Ada
E.11.art, et Groton, S. D. Was taken
with a had COW Winch settled on my
hoses; cough set In and finally tertuinat•
ed u Consumption. Four Doetorseave
see up, saying I (meld but a ahort
time. I gave myself up to my Savior,
determined it I could not stay with my
friends on earth, 1 would meet pay absent
onee above. My husband was advised
to get Dr. Ring's ,).evv Discovery for
Cense mptioo, Coughs and Colds. leave
it a trial, took iu all eight bottles. it
has cured me, and thank God, 1 am
eaved aud now a well and healthy
woman," Sold by Colin A. Campbell,
Druggist. 50 dm and 51.00. Guarante-
ed or price refunded.
The Court of Revision on the as-
sessment roll for the current year
met according to advertisement on
may 29th, 1899, Members all pre-
sent and subscribed the oath „re-
quired by statute. Appeals were
disposed of as follows : Andrew
Taylor complained of being too high
assessed, reduced $100; 'Ann and r and
John Collie entered joint owners N.
pt. S. lot
S., Bluevale ; Edward Johnston en-
•:1- 3.1, con. 1, and lot 24, P.
tered owner S. E. pt. 35, con. 1, in
piece of J. Dulmage, value reduced BLINDS
$100 ; Cbas. Garniss, entered joint
owner N.1-• 12, eon. ; Thos. Barret,
entered- tenant pt. 27, con. 1; F.
Robertson, entered ALF., lot 30; con.
1; Tbos. Cruickshank, entered IV1.F.,
S. le 6 con. 1; Wm. Findlater,entered
tenant, S. le 11 and 12, con. 1, and
N. 6, con. 2,-; L. B. Jewitt entered
M. F. lot 31, eon. 1; John Living.
StUD, entered M. F., S. a• 23, con. 4;
Jas.Taylor, entered M, F'., N. Zee, Oarb7acckP,eaptran,a8ynaortbdstebotehan.
con. 6 ; Jas. Clark, entered F. S„ S. white
a- 11, con. 5; A. Jackson, entered F.
Sceeenots7 Lace Blinds, complete, for
13, con. 9; Albert Crooks, 50
entered owner, N. -le• 28, con. 5;.
Thos. Jahnston, entered F. S, N.
24, con. 2; David Dunbar, enterea
a -
ex 'loss
owner S. W. pt. 7, con. 6 ;'Thomas •61
Bland, entered tenant N. W. - 14,
non, 8 ;R. Hughes, entered owner N. If. Richmond, repali tug culvert. 81;
14, eon. 8 ; Edward Armstrong, J. Scott, repairing bridge, $1 50 ;
entered tenant N. 10,. con. 8; Wui. Cunningham, repelling cul.
Henry MeArter, entered owner N. le verts, $3; Jas. Hall, bur e ing dead
P., N. It- 9, con. 9; Wm. Gray, en- steer, $1;Geo. Kelly, repairing cul -
la, con. 8 ; John Black, entered M.
vert, 82,00: W. Clark, part salary,
cored owner S. E. pt. 25, con. 7; L. $40; Jno. Watson, aeseseor's salary,
B. Duff, entered M. F., ,lots 12 and $70: P. Ament, elm plank, $7.80 t
3, G. S., Bluevale ; Joseph Clegg, e.
Sommerville, planking bridge,
entered occupant E. pt. 10, con. 6; 82.50 ; Jas. Irwin, publiehing drain -
A. C. Dames, entered tenan N. it 11, age by-law, $10: Geo. Findlater, re-
con.6.pairing approach to bridge, $2.50 1.
Cardiff—The Court of Re R. M. MUrrily, repairing Codman
; '
vision then adjourned to meet again bridge $3 00; Thos. Abraham re -
on the 26th of 'Jane at 10 o'clock palienk onieeee on' W. boundary,
3 -
a. m. • $1.50 ; Jno. Young, to pity burial
Council business was then pro -expenses of W. N. rue Nies, $14.50. -
ceeded ,with. Minutes of last regular Code—Cardiff—Councii then ad-•
meeting, and one special meeting on
. iourned to meet again After Court of e
drainage,by-1W were read and con- Revision on the 2H
-h Jane. •
Shaw—Cardiff—Mr. Code was
structed to examine
the side road be- The town clerk of teravenhurst has
tween Lots 5 and 6, con. 7, and re- been arrested in connection with an•
-port at next council meeting respect- alleged shortage in his accounts,
ing what is necessary to be done. .,
Horseless carriages will soon be 1
Code--thekson---A grant' of 820
was made to he expended on 13 line running all over Toronto,' • and will
between Morris and McKillop, pre- compete with street rnilway.s, tiveriee
aledintee Meltillop expends an equiv and t'xIn'ess 4'nPanivs• x thea
Ice b service is oi le- t.f the objlette idol -
Tenders weie opened for repair
Cardiff'and Jackson, the tender ot les
ing the town hall, and on nlotion of
Hunter and McNeil to do the m ork Eye Like the
according to speciwas itetepted, it being the lowest Master's Eye."
deatithis for ,',4 37 8 60
tender, and the clerk was instructed
to have an agreeinent drawn up at you are master of your,
once to be signed by the parties. health, and if you do not .
An account from Ewan & lunes attend to 'duty, the blame is
for repairing a serape was pie.
easily located. If your blood
sented. On motion of Code and Shaw,
said account was laid over to be eon. is out of order, Hood's Sar-
saparilta purify it
eidered at next meeting
Cardiff—Cede—Mr. Jackson wee It is the specific remedy for troubles
instructed to sell timber un side lint, of the blood, kidneys, bowels or liver.
Heart number Trouble-"Iand.'rtroublerned
ars different i-
betweeti lots a5 and 26, con. 8, "I had hert
On motion of ,Taekson tied Carddi, &es faired to benefit me. I tried Itood's
by-law No. 4, 1890, was dually reatt Sarsaparilla: and three bottles completely
I and perfectly cured me." Mits. C. A. Irrasra,,,
and passed. . Wallace Drldge, N, S.
Accounts were ordered to be piid ;
A safeguard. -'As
as follow: -Jas. Russell, T had lost live thil-
eepellea4.i dren with diphtheria 1 gave my remainhig
water break and reed at Cheee's• were chnateen etoutovetrrsapaernia as um -
bridge, $2 50; Geo 11d:z. (iurrie,.•"; ,
patting euhm, t, e 2 .06 ; III „i i 0 k . ,., , Nig, 2,11yrcsui. Irliry ‘allt; trouble
hi t to t
em ke, Ont.
pairing' t; u 1 cv 1 t, c 0 ; w .M.
. It'll& ';.1 kitraTittr It) siltrr°0 had
1 repairing fond south of bridge, 8 P.1%; ruro 11,,, r :int ; the ann•irri
repaithi., cal% ei t, ilF2: W. SmitAtit,"17. 1
pairing washout, $.2;Geo. Pat•lter, 3 c "
pairing culvert. e.:).50; Thos. Clerk, .......rrrs
........a.....„10(,4, 5,
81..50 ; 11. Sellars, tile drain, $.00; 14'1') t'll'° Willn" 56L