HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1899-06-09, Page 4r `,: MterahlaiktMatntz,, -"'*"" tion against his election in West Duron, The ballots were to be in spceted yesterday. The :late fixed for the trial is Jnne the I th, 'but no particulars were filed ie the Court of Appeal. WS Is unusual, but it is said that a trial may be held, provided the respondent gives •s . if TUE \VINU . AM T1M• ,S, JUNE 9, 1t 99. 1Garrott*, in connection with the peti- radical cure la all cases arising from mental worry, overwork, or excess of any nature. Sold by all dealers or sent post paid at 50e. a box or six boxes for 82,50, by addressing . the Dr, Williams' Medicine Co., 13rcekville, Ont. I3I1LMOIU . 1 The Belmore butter factory is be. Ing run to its utint.st capacity and t the amount of cream coining in is i getting larger. t ° Delmore now has a doctor of its own, in the person or Dr. Russel, of Seiifurth. He has hada year's in the profession, and we CMPBELLS I SARSAPA1LLA f�4 tr� LJT' iLr tl rt TEE FOR SL E BLOOD his consent, under these ctreum- stances. � A HOMz MA;B NNPPY ex - HRS. HRS. TUCKER, OF NIAGARA FALLS, • wish him prosperity. ity. The BEST rF TELLS WHAT DID rm i Mr. R. J. Barton has returned 'from Toronto and spent a few days Spring Tonic t' P p r HER DAUGHTER WAS AR LI.',T5D wren 1 at his old home here. He has ur- r. ST. VITUS' DANCE AND HELPLESS' chased the drag business formerly 0041040.111000kAAMAA• 171 `_7 7-iF .t,-,-..� J-1Ia'ti tr`lrCom. 1r x -t TO ADVBR'V ISERS. t'iotice of changes must be left at this °Mee not later than Saturday peon. The copy for changes must be left not later than Tues- day evening. Casual advertise. ments accepted up to noon Thursday of each week. ./12t o' zugIZant tulles 4 FItID&T, 31/NE 0, 1899. IWITORIAL NOTES. There are more total abstainers vmong the members of the present Canadian House of Commons than in any parliament since Confedera- tion. The Welland Telegraph hits it about right when it says: The Americans are the easiest nation in the world to get along with, if,you - only take them in the right way. You have merely to give everything as:and take nothing and there'll never '7* be a traee of trouble. The West Huron protest will come up, for trial at Godericb on Monday. We understand that a few of our citizens have received papers, re- •4uesting their presence in the county town on that date. Here is some wholesome advice frotn the Medical Record: "Drink .less, breath more; eat less, chew more; ride less, walk more; clothe 3ess, bathe more; worry less, work 3gore; waste less, give more; write less, read more; preach less, practice Snore." A Pittsburg barber has sdt up a claim to the original site of Guelph. 13e: says he bones it. -Dundas Ban- ner. And will razor row about it. Next ! -Hamilton Spectator. And will try and shave the alleged owners.-Simcce Reformer. And will lather the man who con- tests his elaim.---Goderich Signal. Seems to be an ob.strop erous young man. -Stratford Herald. No doubt he is in a barbar-ous state. An order was issued at Toronto, ori Tuesday by Mr. Justice Osler, on application of Mr. W. D. McPherson; for the petitioner, for the examina- tion for discovery of Hon. J. T. BEAUTIES IES ,1 Oar .up-to-date bow ani]. Stick Pins. BEAUTiES Our dandy line of Belt and It eek Buckles. BEAUTIES Our fine stock of Blouse • 1 Sets. LADIES "These goods are too nice to talk about. Come and see them. HALSEY PARK Jeweler and Optician. '116%44,114.4164414164%11, AS AN INFANT --DR. WILLIAMS PINK PILLS CURED HER AFTE SPECIALISTS HAD FAILED. From the Review, Niagara Falls. It is a horrible feeling to know that you have lost all command o control of your limbs, and must de pend upon your friends to wait apo and serve you the same as an infant This was the condition of Miss Myrtl Tucker for nearly a year, and th Review learning .that she bad bee wonderfully benefitted by the use o Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pal People sent a reporter to hear hes story, We called at the residence o Mr. Edwin Tacker, of the village o Niagara Falls. Mrs. Tucker receiv ed ue very cordially on ascertainin the object of our visit. As nearly a possible these are her exact words in speaking of her daugbter's case: - "Mt daughter Myrtle is in het fifteenth year. About a year ag alarming symptoms of St. Vitus' dance made their appearance, but for some time we did not know what was really the matter. She lost the use of her arms, her right arm was completely paralyzed. She had to be dressed and undressed, being totally unable to help herself. The best local physicians were called in and prescribed for her. But they appeared to be unable to afford re lief. We made a trip to Buffalo last January and a specialist was, consult ed, who recommended that Myrtle be shut up in a dark room for three months, allowing no one to see or speak to her but the nurse. • IJP fact the doctor insisted rlpon her. being sent to one of the city hospitals. Arsenic was one of the specifics' used; it helped to quiet for a time, but no permanent relief was obtained. After our return from Buffalo, my son urged me to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Myrtle. He said he was sure it would do her good as it had cured his boy of a similar com- plaint. I then determined to try= them as I was conscious the treat ment she was getting was doing her no good. I parehased a box and the effect of the pills were almost marvelous from the. very beginning; before the first box was used an im• prevenient was plainly discernible. Five -boxes in all have been used and Myrtle is now able to run and enjoy herself in a manner she could not do far months and months back. Two weeks ago she commenced to attend school after an absence of nine months. "I want it distinctly understood," said Mrs. Tucker, that the physicians all agreed that my daughter was afflicted with St. Vitus' Dance; that the treatment of the medical attendants did not benefit her and that no other medicine was taken after commencing Dr, Wil- liams' Pink Pills, so that there is no doubt her recovery must be attribut- ed to the use QL these Pills. Her state of health is now most excellent, her appetite is good and I am only too pleased to be able to certifj to the above fats in order that others similarly afflicted may be encourag- ed to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. An impoverished condition of the blood, or a disordered state of the nerves is the fruitful source of most ills that affect mankind, and to any thus affected Dr. Williams' Pink Pills offer a speedy and certain cure. No lather remedy has ever met with such great and continued success, which is one of the strongest proofs that Dr. Williams' Pink Pills accent- plish all that is claimed for them. They cure locomotor ataxia, partial paralysis, St. Vitus' dance, sciatica, neuralgia, rheumatism, nervous Headache, palpitation of the heart, nervous prostration. diseases depend- ing upon vitiated blood, such as scrofula, chronic erysipelas, etc. They are ills) a Ap(cifie for troubles I.eculiar to females, curing aii forms of weakness. An Hien they effect a ' conducted by him at Mildmay. Mr. It Barton took up a course in optics and analytical cheriestry, besides the course in the School of Pharmacy. We wish hint every success in Mild may. • r 13LYTH. n Mr. John Dalton, of Burlington, • who spent two months in Blyth last e winter, returned to town last week, e and is again a guest at the residence n of Mr. W. II. Finnemore. 1 The young people's societies of the e Methodist, Presbyterian and English ' churches, Blyth, will hold a union f meeting iu the basement of the f Methodist church on Tuesday even• - ing of next week. g Mr. l alter McLean has success - 8 fully passed his final examinations at Toronto University and is now en- titled to add B A. to his name. He ' also passed with honors in classics. O Mr. J. R. Bone.aod Mr. R. J. Clegg, of Belgrave, and Mr. M. C. Tait, of St. Thomas, brother of Dr. Tait, et Blyth. were also successful in. re- .eeiving the degree of B. A. Mr. Bone also passed with honors in mathematics, Mr. Fred Lucas, nephew of Mrs. Powell, and Miss J. T. A. Robertson, formerly of Bel.. grave, were successful in passing their second year in- Arts, and Mr. J. R. Bell, formerly of Londeshoro', his first year in Arts. • • GODERICH. Last Friday night fire destroyed Major Beck's tannery in° Saltford, together with the machinery and stock. The tannery comprises two buildings, one frame, the other stone, and the fire started in the frame building on the side next .the river. There is a, strong suspicion of incendiarism, as there had been no fire on since the Saturday pre- vious. Tbc alarm was' rung in town and the fire engine was taken over and used for a short time, but the flames had gained such headway that efforts to stay them were hope- less. Mr. Beck places his total loss at something like $4,500, which is partly covered by insurance of $2,500, Among the stock destroyed was $800 worth of bides which Mr. Beck intended to ship the next morn- ing, having come from London camp for that purpose. On all sides sym- pathy is expressed for Mr. Beck in the loss he.has sustained. GORRIE Rev. C. C. Baine and Rev. R. J. Garbutt attended the Methodist Con- ference in Windsor during the week. Rev. W. Lowe, of Wingham and Rev. Mr. Parney will exchange pulpits on Sunday next. Mr, W. J. Greer attended the °rand Orange Lodge meeting at Toronto last week, It is rumered that 'Anson Spotton, B. A., will ppen a laW office in Ilar- riston. Some time during Saturday after- noon, Charles Wilson,one of flowick's meat respectable farmers, committed suicide in Galbraith's hush -by cua ting his throat with a razor. The body was found about ten o'clock Saturday night. No reason can be assigned for the rash act. Deceased was at one tithe first deputy reeve of the township of Ilowick and only two weeks ago was appointed treas- urer of the township. He was a staunt'h Conservative and for many years a member of the Loyal Orange Association. Rev. H. P. Lowe, rector of the Chureh of the Redeemer, Calgary, died suddenly. Ai.EV't. WANTED-. FOtt "TUE LITE A•Nn Aeaicvemonta of Admiral Dewey.' the worin'e arudt9' naval here. By Murat Halstead. the life - •n -sr. nl.d lest honk.; over C,r,O pence, r;s10 inoheg r.anrir irq p,„°ea i,atftenn illustrations. Only kr,O. I:uoramuy drmand. Iii romn,isaions. Outfit fr e. lone trio ad and ndroiror of thu notion's idol. Ili;;• R e t haueo rt a tifetim , tVrito user:. Tire Dom:niu,z (. ompaay, 3rd Iloor Carton SIdg., Chie,.qu. • ,TA1Z1LI..'`T REPORTS. vie:matte Winghum, June 0, Correetod by P. Deans, i'roduce De Flour per 100 lbs.. ........ 1 90' Pall Wheat 0 08 �,iMw!*.,t4.4 114ri■ grrw n*•! prim to rr.•■44 4,9Prel.tur/uowo moms rwoowr44arweaggyvvy i n-44444 M i.M.44Mei*000**.- • 4 0i400nn...Y ***..ui4B4i.Mi*°46****iii4**6*11 0114 18'90. alar. to 2 00 to 0 08 Spring Wheat 0 08 to 0 08 Oats, 0 30 to 0 30 Barley 0 30 to 0 35 Peas 0 CO to 0 08 Turkey, drawn 0 08 to 0 00 tileeeo, " 0 05 to 0 00' Dunks, per pair 0 40 to 0 50 Butter, , ......... . A .. .... 0 11 to 0 12 Eggs per dozen........ .... U 11 to 0 11 Wood por cord.... .. , , , . , . 1 50 tai 70 � Ray per ton,.. ............ 5 00 to 0 00 Potatoes, per bushel, .... 0 00 to 0 701U, Tallow, per lb 0 8 to 0 4 Dried Apples, per lb 0 4 to 0 5 Wool 00 to 00 e11 Dressed hoes 5 00 to 0 00 Chickens 0 30 to 0 30 BUTTER AND EGOS}'�5, ►, �` • ♦ A ` \T Ji E • I am prepared to pay the highest cash price for all good butter and eggs delivered at my warehouse near the G. T. 1t. C. GILLESPIE. STRAY HEIF - Strayed onto tI o pr • lees of the un dersigned, Lots i : , . 8, concession 1, Morris. about middle of May, one year old heifer. Owner may get pos- session of same by proving property and paying all expenses. CHAS. HENDERSON, Wingbam P. O. ' News N cotes. Hamilton Methodist Conference has decided against the billeting system henceforth. The annual meeting of the West Bruce Liberal Association will be held at Kincardine on June 15. Mayor Raymond has resigned his position as Mayor of Brantford to accept the position of postmaster. The liy-law°toissue debentures for $120,000 for the purchase of the waterworks was defeated in Strat- ford. Charles W. James was 'instantly killed at Killarney, being struck by lightning as he was driving up to -- Macdonald Block the door of his house. e;;i;;� ' 011 M MI "TI -3:11.1 ?opu ARMERS ! We do not offeryou mare than your produce is worth, but we will give you Highest market price far Butter, Eggs, Potatoes, L &c., and we will sell you general merchandise i at much lower prices than any one else in the rigi trade, Our goods are all marked in plain fig- .nub tires. Conte and Inspect stock unci get our prices. 'BIG cur RN NIIER SETTS We have just put into stock 20 handsome printed, 97 piece Dinner Setts, Porcelain (not common e. c. ware), regular price $6.50 ; our price $4.98 Move quick if you want one. Odd lines in dishes at less than cost. ie A few of those . handsome Lamp shades left at 10c. o Berry Setts, the very latest shaded yellow, green and red, gold band, only 50c. S EE Beet Seeds and Turnip Se d - at any price to clean out e stock. Also White and- Red Carrot, and all garden seeds at whole- sale prices. FRUIT lijl4 OCEi1'. tiers Best Granulated, Sugar 20 lbs :alae for $1.00. Light Yellow Sugit,? 22 lbs, for $1.00 em. . Dark•Yeilow Sugar. 25 lbs for $1, Vyl,ie Cream Soda Biscuits, paper, per El box, 20o. Cream Soda Biscuits, tin, per box, 23e. ;f„`■ Perfection Corn Starch Cc, or 5 lbs for 25o. Eagle Gloss Starch 7c, or 4 lbs for 2:io. Judd Soap, big barn, 2 for 5e. Catsup, large bottle. 10e. Canned Vegetables, 3 lbs for 25o. Good Raisins, G lbs. for 23e. Choice Prunes, 4 lbs for 25e. DRY iuivii eCq ani Ladies' Belts at cost price. Straw Bate for Ladies, ,Girls, Mon and Boys at cost price, These goods must go at once. Spring Dress Goods at your own prices. - Parasols at very low prices. Ready-made Clothing lower than the lowest. - - Lace Curtains away down. Floor Oilcloth, per yd, 25e. or Trade. Bananas, per doz., 20e. Best Lemons, 20c: ▪ Sweet Oranges, 25c. Terms Cash Wingbam, Ont. i-L,0,-e_.a...GaE =assesses seas: -=a. _'� . !-,.._ _rpyi.uonrr_. •__ �>a�li• Manitoba Conservatives will halt G: .e:...� nil, `ASE' i ni" cesaas-saegui-IN istbssri: _! E-0,=igisd+e0EsG�. f. _..2. S'aR a convention in Winnipeg shortly, 4 after which Hon. II. J. Macdonald will begin a tour of the. Province. `R..A.R. G- I1YTS IT PAYS TO ATTEND THE BEST. • $5,000 worth of AH IMA CS 'Weir t.XYt cad kge Aro your nerves weak? Can't you sleep wen.? rain - in your back? Lack energy? Appetite poor? Digestion bad? Boils or pimples? These are sure signs of poisoning. From what poisons? Prom poisons that are al- ways found in constipated bowels. 11 the contents of the bowels aro not removed from Cis body each day, as nature intended, those poisonous substances aro sure to be absorbed into the blood, al- ways causing suffering and frequently causing severe disease. - There is a common sense cure. - They daily insure an easy and natural movement of the bowels. You will find thatthe useof A 9 'dills with the pills will hasten recovery. It cleanses the - blood from all impurities and . is a great tonic to the nerves. WA's t ci Doctor. our 9:totlleal i)opartment rias one of the most eminont physicians in the United E tatos. Tell the doctor j slat how yrnt at* Hniterinft. You r �rtil receive the heat medical advice witltouz cost. .Atldruse IIIc. J. 0. ATE% s ' BOOB WSHOES at cost. This is not a clearing sale to push offf old goods but a genuine giving up business sale. Everything must go. .Others may be selling cheap, but you will always find we are a little cheaper, and if anyone is out of sorts in the house it may be all the fault of a badly fitting shoe. A comfortable shoe is conducive to good temper. We make it very, easy on the pocket, as well as easy on the foot. Every lady should take ad- vantage of this and eome and get a pair. of our pat' canvas and tork insole walking boots. They are made in French Kid, latest styles Goodyear Welt Process, are as flex- iblo as a band turn, and will not squak.� See them. e KARGES. �� N .:X71. KARGES. Please do not ask for goods on approval without paying for them. If not satisfactory the money will be refunded. D. • SANDERSON. 0 Pupils are in attendance at The CANADA BUSINESS COLLEGE CHATHAM, ONT. - - From the Atlantic Coast to the Pacific Slope. - 133 Cities. Towns and Villages in Can-. ada and the United States, during the. past year, sent us nearly 300 pupils. There are now 23 Couhties and 'Districts - in Ontario, 5,States of the Union to- gether with Manitoba, • and the North Wset Territories represented. Over 200 of our pupils have been plac- ed in good pooitions since Jan, 1st, 18984 We recently had four calls within three wash, to supply teachers for other . business colleges. Among those who have accepted posi- tions lately, are: --••Jeanie• Bateman, as, Steno. and assistant baok-keeper, Walk-. erville Brewing Co. ;Annie McRae, as: Steno. and assistant book-keeper, Milton Pressed Brick r£; Sewer Co. ; Catharine. McRae, as Mena., George Angell, Whole- sale Art Supplies, Detroit, vlioh ; Geo Cartwright,.. as Steno., with'North Am-. ericnn Life Assurance Co, Toronto. The spring term' is one of the beat seasons of the year for making a start, Enter now. D. MCLACHLAN & CO. Chatham, Ont.. 50,000 LBS. • WOOL WANTED • ■ Highest prices in cash or in exchange for Yarns, Blankets, Heavy Tweeds, Flannels, &c. ILLS