HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1899-06-09, Page 3Hearts
Ale You Ni i Suffr-' She wl s atuaman,�therefore to be
wooed. Sue was but 20 and that
t; kind are not easy,
2 1 He was a yung ivai of fashionr
:full of proutia,es and the swell of Pig -
areae, smoke, and he loved her with
theentirepurpose of his life,
Have Continued iia- Perhaps baps that wasn't a great deal,
r because he bad too much money to
appointments tints i�f'wde htiva a great deal of purpose, but
You Defzp+andent `'' I What there was of it was all for her,
And she didn't care a continental
for him.
9 11e was *wither of brilliant, intelli-
pain� aka tl, guucenor of masterful mind, and his
v a olla
t Insane vapidi.ties bored het so that
at last, iu self defence, she firmly
Guarantees Safety and but respectively declined to marry
"I shall put an end .ta my miser-
able existence," lie said, in terrible
There are thousands of well meaning earnestness.
people in our Dvminiou who are either She did not apply for a stay of
-adding to their burdens or physwal executign, and he went forth into
sufferings, or who are making eo little
progress in banishing disease from their the cold, gray ufceri;uuii.
bodies, that they are continually des-
pondent and miserable.
The people, we refer to are the men
and women who are placing their con-
fidence in the many advertised,plus,�riedly, "What have you eaer done
tablets, sarsaparillas and nervines that! to Harry ? He looked the very
have little lir no naedi.inel value to re- picture of 'desolation when I met
commend ;hent. •hint, and he told me he was going
The tuns of thousands in Canada who Co drown himself"
are et present uetng Patne'e Celery 0.nn
pound for the bau,nt„uent or blood tate •'I think not," replied the author-
esses, nervous tafectrous, rbeuwatiew, 'ess itf all his woes.
aneuraigta, dyspepsia, liver *tad stoney "But he will, I am sure." insisted
aotupiatnts, are the wise and prudent. the visitor. "I could see it in his
They have fusee guided by the advice of
relatives, Mende arid neighbors, Who eyes. Pin positive he will go right
have round now lire, beech and strength down and jump into the river."
from Lie Celery Cutnpouutl. •"Perhaps," admitted the other,
The cuutinued flow or testimonials
from cured people is the strongt.bt proof quite freely'.
Haat Paine a Celery_ Compound its the "Then you think as I do—that he
only salvation ur the pick, the one; true wilt drown himself—Ob, uu_"
friend tutu never elts,ippointe wtae(u tits'-. "I beg your pardon," interrupted
ease threetene life. ,
Are you, dear,readei•, one of the tunny the t,ther, "1 am surri.tbtit he won't.
disappointed ones, still w the death He'can't. He's too light to sink."
grasp of bottle serious ailment ? Ir you . •
are, wt; would counsel yut( to throw, •
A Toronto Contractor.
tasitie the useless inediuiuee you are now •
using and gtv a Pattie's Celery 0, pound Mr, J. J. Markle, 257 Landsdowne Ave.,
an houest trial , the well knowu uridge contractor, was
The great medtoine. is a presoi^ption cured by ltlhuru'et khee:untie Pills of
of one ur the abtest medical. ui' a toll a severe attack of S,heuutatisw, which
ever lived. and is indorsed by the high•. laid haat up in ueii for weeks.
est praot•itiooere. You must use it if
you would have b new and happy lease(
or life. Population of Bruce.
• The papulation of the county of
Impure Blpoct.. I Bruce according to the 1897 report
Miss Aimee Peron, Athlone,U•it.,.,,.•
writes-�• lout two v sees ;,;ro T. vas' . f the Bureau of Industries is 56,330
troubttd with iurpnre blood, but ¢rot vie heitlg• divided ae follows:--Alber.
relief until I took Burdeek 131, ndl , merle, 1 374 ; Atnahel, 2,90.4; Arran,
Bitters. which e mpletely Bud p, rma-" -i (.10 •Resift 917 13rure 5 967 ;
atently cured me." Carrick,•4 J85 ;'Culr'ss 2,747 ; �1'o,Ast..
•;'nor, 1.58;1 ; Eiders}ie, 2,551. Green=
• Robert Meantachie, watehnian of I oek, 2.756 ; fluron, 3,475 ; Kincar-
the U. T. 1t, arousing, 'Guelph, re. I dine, 2,952 ; Kinloss, 2,408; Lindsay
juices in the crews( cf a .gong son, l and St. Edmunds, 9.12 ; Saugeen,
which makes, as Mr. 51sCnnachie 1 1J'24. Total of t'awi ships, 39,703.
said to a reporter, "Let ine see ; wait i'liineardine, 2,3::82 ; Wwikerton, 2, -
till 1 count thein ; well, 28 so far." i 044 1 1Viar•ron, 2,015 Total of to*ns,
11icConaellie is 61 years of atre,' and 1 7,31i1. Che ley, 1,756; Lueknow,
was horn in the northern. part of i 1,211 ; Paisley, 1,093 ; Port Elgin,
Scotland. Etc hat boon married 11.385 ; Snuthatnptnn 1.550 ; Tara;
three times. There .are seven child luta ; Teeswtater., 1,023 . Tiverton,.
Sen in the Ia't 'family. Of ti e ltd 455. Total of villages, 9,159,
children 19 aNe living,
If yon have a constant hacking cough
that won't leeve, try Dr. Wtod'e Norway
Pine Syrup. It cures tile- worst kinds
or coughs and colds quick. •
Good Health.
Half an hour later her dearest
friend came in. -
"Oh, Alice," she exclaimed hur-
Syraiins, strains, contracted cords or
painful swellings are always promptly.
relieved by ilagyard's Yellow Oil. It, is
clean to use. Price''25n.
Itvcry sufferer from catarrh who reads theselincs v: ill find in them a message
of hope. No matter how severely he may be aillicted, no matter how Horny so-
called remedies he may have tried, no. matter how many physicians have experi-
mented rpon hint in vain, no matter how completely he may have despaired of
ever ridding himself of his disgusting and distressing malady—he can be cured 1
Hundreds upon hundreds of_ cases as bad es his have been fully and permanently
This wonderful remedy never fails if taken before catarth has developed into
other necessarily fatal diseases. Don't put it off --go at once to your druggist
and get a bottle. It will relieve yqou in so minutes—it will place you on the road
to full recovery immediately, 1t cures cold in the head, sore throat, tonsilitis,
asthma, hay fever, loss of smell and deafness. here is an interesting letter from
the Rev. James Murdock, of Harrisburg, rti.
',Wen 1 know anything is worthy of recommendation, I consider it my duty to let
my frlendsknow it. I have used Dr. Agnew's Catarrhal Powder for the last two month.:
and ant now completely cured of catarrh of live years standing. It is certainly magical
in its effect. The first application benefited mo within five minutes. I would not he
without it in the house if it cost $5 a bottle, as it wilt Duro any slight colt( I may have,
almost Instantly." At all druggistg.
Dr. Agnew's Cure for the Hiatt rc ];eves heart disease in 3o minutes. Dr. Agnew's
Liver Polis --sot, for 40 doses -rare the best. Dr. Agnew's Ointment relieves in aday cc -
seam, tetter and all skin diseases. Cures piles in a to 5 nights. 150. xo
SOLD 13Y A I'.,. ?1 , T1:a...'1': 17,, WINt,I'i,.t',
THE W X GRASit sa'
Infos nation. Street lament. 1 set on lee, -serve either pieta .or whit,
"My Dear Sir," exclaimed Lawyerwhipped cream.
A note dated on Sunday is void. Bartholomew Livingston, meeting the; Canned strawberries,••• -Have the
A note obtained by fraud, or from Rev. Dr. Archibald Windbatu en the berries all fresh, then place them on
one intoxicated, 18 void. If' note villpge street, "'What does this meati F )
be lost or stolen, it does not relieve. > thaui;ht you were laid up with all aorta' a pl�l.tter and mash well with a fork.
the maker • he musta! bite diseases l ]3e sure all the berries are broken,
pay it, ;An"And eo 1 was," replied the reverned then to eaeh tumbler of berries add
endliability, if not served . with notice of rser of a note is exempt frotn1 xionland gout titin tlitaaaok on °mynwigoio one tumbler of sugar; mix .the sugar
its dishonor within twenty-four hours t t 1 z b gas ick ati kia d'eed t arstrt ar airwit is icy@ cries and when sure. that no
of its non-payment. A note bya..' g pJar it is closed,
Ilia which has put me on my��feet and Do not heat them,, but set away in a
minor is void. Notes bear interest cured all my stomach troubles,
only when so stated, Principals'erej "I don't doubt it," said the lawyer. Gaol place, and when opened they
responsible for their agents. Each "This same medicine cured my wife or
will have that nice strawberr flavor.
rheumatism and my little girl of sera, Strawberry charlotte. -eine 8.
individual in partnership is respon• Pula. When they say it's the best medi- 1 plain mould with a sponge cake cut
deb s a rt the whole
o- Ignorance of the truth,"money can boy, they Poly tell the I in slices so as to exactly fit the
law excuses no pne, It is a fraud. to "Yea, Yes, so Chex do," replied the mould, brushing over the inside with
white of egg; set in a cool place for
conceal a fraud, It is illegal to cone- minister, and the two passed on.
pound a felony, • The law compels A horxsms, an hour or so, to allow it to become
no one to do. impossibilities, An . p firm; turn out carefully, beat up
agreement, without a consideration is
void. Signatures in lead pencil are
good in law. A receipt for money is
not legally conclusive. The acts of
one partner bind all the others.
Contracts made on Sunday cannot
be enforced, A contract with a
minor is void. A. contract made
with a lunatie is void. Written con-
tracts concerning land must be under
What .Better Evidence of' Efficacy
than these Words from a Righ
Medical Authority on Dr. Von
Stan's Pineapple Tablets.
1. In an article in the American
Journal of Health,
2. Entitled "Plain truth about pro-
prietary remedies," —by a prominent
3. You will find this said of Dr. Von
Stan's Pineapple Tablets,
4. The merits of then:• have been in-
disputably proved, and
5. The household which places its
faith in this remedy will not go astray."
6. A true and tired specific for the
cure of Dyspepsia—Sour Stomach—in-
digestion—sick headache -
7. Flatulency—and catarrh of the
8. "Facts warrant our endorsement,
for not only have we discovered that in
a surprisingly large number of oases
9. The cure was remarkably rapid,
but the long list of patrons of this remot'y
includes very many persons,
10. Belonging to the best and most
edneated classes of the community."
They are delicious. 35 cents a box—GO
Tablets. Small size, 10 cents. Sold by
Q. L. J3amilton.
The Hotel Porter's Neat Joke.
In the barber shop connected with
a big down town hotel: works a colored
porter who chatters incessantly. The
hostelry has bad the misfortune to be
the scene of an unusually large numb-
er ofviolent deaths recently, and the
porter has plenty of material for con-
Ile loves to dwell upon a suicide or
a'murder and is looked upon as an
authority on the death record of the
hotel. The other day he was brush-
ing a customer's coat and commenced
the following conversation.
"Say, boss, hear 'bout dehorrible
murder on floor Yells mornin ?"
"No!" exclaimed the man. • "Is it
possible there has been another ?"
"Sure'nough," said the negro, de-
voting renewed energy to the brush:
ing operation.
"Who was killed?" asked the man.
"Oh, a wall paper man done went
up dere and hung up a border."
The custemer paid his bill and Left.
The colored porter went into the
checkroom, where he could. laugh as
hard as he wanted,—Chicago
Journal. - •
Stop It! Stop It!
Don't imagine for a initiate that a
cough amounts to nothing. Thousands
of people are in their graves today wbo
let a cough take its course. Stop that
co igh at once with Shiloh's Consumption
Cure which all druggists sell at 25 Pts.,
i 50 ets. and 51.00 a bottle. If it fails to
help you, your money will be refunded.
Population of Ontario Cities.
The fifth report of the Ontario
The secret of success is constant one-half pint of cream with an ounce
to purpose.—Disraeli. Y of gelatine dissolved in a little water;
The man who procrastinates.strug- flavoreeten wit
ith essenchsue orf vanilltoa;tastefi,ll the
glen with. ruin.--Hesiod. ' I centre of the mound with ripe straw-
. None are rash when they are un -berries, pour the eream on top and
seen by anybudy. Stanislaus, � serve surrcunded with. berries.
All that is human must retrograde Strawberries and sago -Chop four
if it do not advance:—Gibbon. I ounces of almonds ; boil with six
Better be three hours too soon than ounces of sago in one pint of stewed
one minute too'late.—Shakespeare. `strawberry juice till the sago is
He that will watch providences, cooked. When cool beat in one cup
shall never want providences to fol of whipped cream, pour into a
mould and. let stand eight hours be
watch.—Flavel, fore using,
There is a paradox in pride—it
makes some men ridieulous,. but pre- Pleasure's Penalty.
vents others from becoming so, -Col -1 When the doctor gives one up, moat
ton. people lose heart, but it was not this way
We promise according to our hopes, , with the ungteooietwoman
om n ntra West -
but perform according to our selfish- i kidney trouble through lack of care in
ness and our fears.---Roehefoucauld. i"wrapping up" after an evening's round
The reflections on a day well spent of pleasure. She heard of South AtMerl-
furnish us with joys more pleasing 'can Kidney Cure and pinned her faith
to it to cure her and in an incredibly
than 10,000 triumphs.—Thomas A , short time felt her health returning.
Kempis. Her euffering abated, and three months
Here is the manliness of manhood from !holiday her physic)xn hinted her
case w+ 3 hopeless she presented herself
—that a mal: has a good reason for to him a cured woman. Soldely A, L.
what be does and has a will in doing Hamilton.
it,—A. Maclaren.
• Prosperity is the touchstone of vir- Breed Straight,
tue ; it is less difficult to bear misfor- Whether breeding draft or road
tunes than to remain uncorporated by horses, breed the best you can of the
pleasure,—Taeitus. class you decide upon. Avoid
violent crosses. Don't imagine that
ft Wlll or It Won't. you can, as a general rule, succeed in
Shiloh's Consumption Ours will dither breedingit.cross bred animal with the
euro your cough, or it won't. One or size and weight of a draft horse and
'the orther—sure. Try it and see. If it the speed and activity of a race horse,
aures, the druggist keeps tbe.money you
pay for it. If it don't cure the druggist trot tl]at by cross breeding you can,
gives back the money. Every. bottle ordinarily, get a happy combination
carries a guarantee. 23 Pte., 50 ots. and of many of the good qualities of both„
$1.00 a bottle. Good for ConsutLptiose It may be acknowledged that ocean:.
Coughs, Colds, Croup, Bronchitis and
Throat 'Troubles generally. iona'lly an individual horsewill be
found that is an excellent animal, a
Burr Knap's Farm Furrows, good general purpose horse, and such
a horse may have been -the result of
A rusty machine is bad; a rusty cross breeding. ll3ut such instances
Winer is worse. are rare. They are exceptions to the
Keep animals well fed, dry and rule. Such crosses usually result in
clean, and throw' medicines away, a "weedy," ill proportioned animal,
Don't scrimp food for man or that is fit for neither the one purpose
beast. Better three thrifty calves nor the other. Such individuals are,
than four starving runts. when used for breeding purposes
To read about the right method detrimental to breeders. They are
is good, to see it done is better, but not of a fixed type. They are tom -
to try and do it is best of all. posed of say 50 per cent. of each of
Farmer Slow's hired man, hes been two incongruous elements, and their
sawing wood and hauling manure all progeny in the next generation will
the first part of the season. He hopes generally be disappointing. — E. F.
to begin the regular spring work Richman, before Iowa Institute.
soon. --American Agriculturist.
Grit the Teeth.
Do you notice your children gritting
or grinding the teeth at night? .It'sa
sure sign of worrns. Better give them
Dr. Low's Pleasant Worm Syrup, which
is simple, safe and always effectual.
Is My Blood Pure?
This is a question of vast importance
to all who wish to be well. If your blood
isimpure you cannot expect good health,
unless you begin taking Hood's Sarsa-
parilla at once. This great medicine
makes the blood pure and puts the
system in good health, cures spring
humors and that tired feeling,
1pod'e Pills aures nausea, sick head -
Rohe, biliousness and all liver ills. Price
25 eentg.
Seasonable Recipes,
Strawberry sherbet—Press through
a muslin bag about one pound of
strawberries . a liberal one-quarter
pound of pounded sugar, and the
juice of one lemon; add to thin a pint
of water, and partly freeze. At this
point put in one wineglassful of
curaco and a half a one of brandy;
proceed with the freezing and serve
High Lights.
wA .o.;'4 IWAlii
Nov, Alts: iso ItantatZ
Rev. ftobt, Dewie plaelyr
the oldest elerg'i ea of the £roo
terian church in Canada. ii.i
Thursday at his residence, 8') Mete
ealt street, Toronto, in 'his e'il'i
year. tie was horn •in T'131nt'aoti
Scotland, in 1807., and was educated
at St. Andrew'sand Edinburgh. B
cane to Canada early In tee fifties,
and had charge of Utica and Welles•
ley chtirebes. Ile also took charge
for soma time 0. East Williams,
Ashfield and Ripley, and last Sep-
tember, when over ninety-one years
of age, preaebcd • his fined sermon
there. He withdrew ;i'rom the active
work of the ministry many years
ago, and lived in retirement in the
city. He wits a nephew of Sir
Williams Campbell, Chief Justiceof
Upper Canada in 1822, and his
father was Robert Mackay, historian
of the Mackay family. Mrs;, Mackay
predeceased- her husband by two
years, There are flYeetitenghters
living, Mrs. Henry Carroll, with
whom ho lived , Mrs. Tboa. Carroll,
of Fremont, Nebraska ; Mrs. Grant,.
wife of Rev, J. A. Grant, Presby-
terian pastor .at Richmond Hill ;
Mrs. Greenwood Brown and Mrs,
David Carlyle, of Toronto. ' The
funeral will take place on Saturday
to the Necropolis.
Never to suspect evil is as fine as
it is foolish.
AS a' rule, whenever we find a 1
brook we findetepping stones.
The finest green pears are not as
pretty, but they are just as good as
At a play the strange woman who
.borrows your opera glass always
keeps it too long. -
Iiere and there we still run across
a woman who carries her purse in
a petiticuat pocket.
To stay that' American literature.
is pttritanical is only to admit that it
is abnormally decent
bureau of industries furnishes the fol- in sherbet cups •or 'glasses, or put When someone tries to take your •
lowing as the population of tbe eities the ice into small mould's and freeze pride down yon had better suspect
in the province: Toronto, 183,182; theta for half an hour. This can be you have been a trifle airy
Ottawa, 53,727; Hamilton, 50,035; served with trealt fruit previously Constancy in woman is often mere
London, 36,224; Kingston, 18,009; tossed in some br'tndy and sonar, stubborness or disenchantment.
Brantford, 16, 284; Windsor, 11,f115; Strawberry cream.—Place half an Acquiring success itt life is not
St. Thomas, 11,021; Guelph, 10,741; ounce of gelatine in a half it cupful like catching a chicken, the chicken
Stratford, 10,581;; Belleville, 10,339; of cold water in a small bowl; when keeps up .a noise which tells the Path
St. Catharines, 10,144. There is a soft set the bowl in a pan of hot suer which way to turn. --Chicago
;narked ineroase in every city except water on the stove, stir until dissoly I2ccorrl.
Brantford and Kingston, '.(.'hero ie i ed. ;'Hash one pint of well cleaned
a small inereaso in the population of strawberries with a silver fork, add
the townships, villages, and towns a half a capful of sugar, the gelatine
and a few drops of cochinelneal, set
Before 1'totiriitg ' in a cool place, stirring often; when
What a Bane—But Dr. Agnew's
Ointment is a Sure Cure.
Chas. 13. Lilly, 412 Luzerne ave., W.
Pittston, Pa„ writes :--"I am a barber
and meet many people troubled with
pimples. I have tried many preparations
cluimtug to cure such, mud without sue
cess, until I used Dr. Agnew's Ointment.
Within the last rew weeks I have used it
on three very stubborn cases, and in each
cruse it has (nude to euro ; has cleared oft
a.1 the pimples and blotches, and left
the skin clear and soft. It's thegreatest
skin remedy I've beard of and a boon to.
`pimply' faces." Sold by A.L. Hamilton.
To night, take n Leen-Liver Pill. It, it begins to thie,ken add a half a Mr. (latch, the G. T. R. fireman
will work while yon sleep withont 8strip pint of wlopped cream, while still* who was injured in the smashup at
or grips, curing Biliousness, Conmake ou 11) constantlt; continue to stir a few New li.11t]bltl'g, has eercled with tee
tion' and Sick Ilendache, sill make you minutes then our into a form and company for 61800 and tests,
feel better in the morning. p p'
Ory 'FOV
Three Dollars Ahead.
Joe Walsh, night clerk, was a
party to a deal the other. night which
made him 88 ricber, and which he is
still studying about, says the Kan-
sas city Times. It was getting • along
toward the theatre hour when one of
the :guests of the hotel came down-
stairs with his valise, and after pay-
ing his bill, requested that the clerk
keephis valise till he came back from
tbe show, as he was going out on the
late train. He also pulled a8',5 bill
out of his pocket and asked the clerk,
to Change it. Walsh looked in the
cash drawer. but found that .he did
not have it.
"Well," said tbe guest, just keep
the 85 for security .and lend me a
The clerk did so, and the guest
departed. He came back about 11
o'clock,' and, being In a hurry to
catch the train,. rushed up to the:
desk. He threw down four 'silver
dollars and the clerk gave him a $5
•bill. It appeared all right When
the guest had gone, Walsh looked
over his cash and found bin]self �3
Well, said Walsb, . after he bad -
puzzled his hes.d for a while to see
how it happened, that roan needs a
book-keeper.. It was lucky. for me
he didn't make the mistake the other.
13heumattsm Can't Exast
When the kidneys are kept healthy and
vigorous by the use of Dr. Chase's Kid-
ney -Liver Pills. [t is urin acid left in
the blood by defective kidneys that
cause rbeumatiem, Dr. A. W. Chase's „
Kidney -Liver Pills make the kidneys.
strong and active in their work of filter-
ing the blood, act! thus remove: the .
oause of rheumatism. One pill a dose,
25 cents a box.
The crop report of the Manitoba.
and Northwest Railway for the two .
weeks ending June 1 .is a most en,
enraging one. Wheat is, for the
most part, up four inches above the
ground, and it is expected crops on
July 1 will be as far advanced as on,
the same day Last year. The acreage
under wheat, parley and oats is con-
siderably increased ever last year.
Flo ::f° mrs Pills
Are prepared from Na.
tures mild laxatives,: and
while gentle are reliable
and efficient They
Rouse the Liver
Cure Sick Headache, Bit-
ious1"iess, Sour Stomach,
and Constipation. Sol
everywhere, 25c. per box.
rreyaredbyC.Lnod StCo.,LowslilLiss*