HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1899-06-09, Page 2Sweat. rt,trt•ahiug taleep is given b' Hood's= *te•:n'rtrtlla, which feeds the nerve=a. wow., 1 he tltotpach and cures all cii'sp•Utli: tt'. t.ti toms. .Iohf M(•Denald, of lot 28, con 7 Tillrtiri township, found a laatb in his field tear, week with two bodies, two tails, ••t•vf n leers and only one bead. This la iteleed a freak of nature. i.v(' wt's madei Len ye mirrors - and i•t'r deugh' era have kept in front of it tie or since. • t inti•+ sea tk4�'1 A Mrti .Y tTt 4 l''esitity,:.."ty cure! '•,i tthes3 Litt10 'They c' :o re'ievz: T'L istrea ;:cin Dyspepsia, Inde, c a t r .d Too II.,u•ty Eating. .A. per- fect temo,fls for Dizziness, :Nausea, Drowsi- ness, Bad Taste in the Mouth, Coated. Tongue; Pain in the Side, TORPID LIVER. They Regulate the Bowels. Purely Vegetable. o�'1i12t�1L ir3u a° w5" atti 00904 �. Pr &coo Substitution tae fraud. of the day. See you get Carter's, Ask for Carter's,. Insist and demand Carter's Little Liver Pills. ; Theoimiis • signature LUCKr OW. Few deaths have ever occurred in the village that has caused more un- iversal regret by all classes of the community, than the demise of Mrs. Jessie Chambers, which took place at her residence on Wednesday afternoon of last week. The de- ceased lady had reached the ripe old age of seventy-three years and ten days, and during her residence in Lueknow for over thirty years, had endeared herself to all who knew her. She was an exemplarly Christian, and a life-long member and earnest worker of the Methodist church, but her wally acts of kind- ness and true Christian sympathy were not confined to any ope church or people, but to all denominations alike, and the nttine of Mrs. Chani bers will long be i emembered in loving kindness by the people of Lucknow. She had been a great sufferer from an absess for many years, and fur several weeks had been coufined to the house, bat she bore is all with Christian resignation and when the hour of her departure bad come she was fully ready to meet her Heavenly Father, whom. she had so faithfully loved and served while on earth. For some fifteen years she had been leader Of the ladies' class in the Methodist church, and she was also an earnest member of the Women's Christian Temperance Union. The funeral took place last Thursday afternoon to the Zion cemetery, .and the body was interred alongside the remains of her deceased husband, the late Robert -Chambers, who died some seventeen years ago. c (l OR 11.E WJNUrnA11M TIMES, JUNE 9, 18 99. meat of this lot, as being too high, reduced $2.00. Application was made to have the following names added to the 1 of -George Cowan, W ., lot 36, con 1, M, F. 0, ; John lielina, N •, E ,, _ lot 36, eon 1, M. F, 0.; M. B. Loek.. and a young matron. They rode hart, lot 29, con 2, owner ; Thomas out nearly to Euclid and then elam- Quinn, S s, NI., lot 37, con 3, M, 1+', ; bered the hill in the direction of the Albert Quinn, S ,, lot 87, con 3, woods. Presently they found M, P. 0. ; Wm. 11. Wightman, w themselves in afield with a fence. ?,, lot 28, con 4, M. F. 0. ; Albert barring the way. It was not a Coiling, E 1., lot 3(;, con 4, DI. F. ; high fence ; perhaps a little more Franklin Campbell, lot 28, con 5, M. than four feet to the top rail but it F. 0. ; John ilallahan, N •, lot 40, was an awkward fence to climb. con 5, M. F. 0.; Wellington Henry, "Dear rI¢e," Said the matron, "we s ?•, lot as, con G, 111. 1+'. & l+'. s. ; will have to go round," .Jones Skinn... ga, ltlt 1, con , • John R. Bone, lot 35, con, 8, M. F. 0.; Duucan J. McCallum, lot 38, con 8, M. F. 0. ; S. J, Roy, °lot 42, con 9, M. F. ; Robt, Coultis; jr,, S ?r,lot 39, con 11, M. F. 0, ; John Me - Gregor, S ?f, lot 34; eon 13, M. F. ; John Cameron, 1ot34, eon 18, M. 1', ; L.,uis B. Duff, lot 40, eon 13; M. F. Dogs belonging to the following persons were, on application, order- ed to be struck off :-Wrn. Toll, eon `? ; Allan Lindsay, con 3 ; 1+', D. Stalker, cola 4 ; Wm. Moriarty, and Fred. J. Rath, con 5 ; Wm. H. Densmore and Jas. Vancamp, con 6 ; Riehmond Corley, con 6.. The Court was then closed in the meantime to be re opened again on Thursday, 22nd June next. Coaneil resumed ; minutes of meet- ing held on 23rd March last, read and passed. The Reeve reported that the Conn• ell as a whole, had met this morning tet Fothergill's hill, con 6, and con- cluded to let a job el cutting and otherwise improving said hill, on. Thursday, 8th June next. Application was made for some assistance towards repairing and A. Are11es1ey Girl. A tittle party of Cleveland young people went out for a ear rifle and a stroll last Sunday.. There were three lively girls, two young men • 4 6 14I T+' . "Oh, I don't know," cried one of the young men. "This sort of thing certainly saves time." He started back a little, took a swift run, and leaped the fence, his bootheels clicking against the rail as he went over. "Who follows?" ho cried with a merry laugh. The other young : man sho:1c bis head. He was not a jumper. "Wait for me," said one of the girls. She walked . back a few feet, with her bicycle skirt held out a little and then, with long strides, ran towards the fence. As she reached it she jumped and cleared it beautifully, her feet drawn well up and her 'skirt sweeping across the top rail. "Well," cried the jumping youth, "`you did that better than I could I" "Very likely," said the girl, "I hold the Wellesley record for high jumping." , And it really made both the young men feel rather small. - Cleveland Plaindealer. Ways to Get Ri.oti. . fixing "the diviation road leading The road to fortune is paved with For infant and Children, from iron bridge at Lower Wingham, printers' ink. into the Town of Wingham. Shekels and sense are necessary in ie m Ellis -McCallum -That this Conn.- successful advertising. z� wrippoa til take no action in this matter in • Get something people want, adver- the meantime. --Carried. tise it wisely and it is sure to pay, John Armour was appointed Path- The best advertising will not master for road division No. 25, in- create a demand for that which is stead of Jas. Ross; John S. Scott for not wanted. division No. 37 instead. of Walter Success in business is paved by the Scott, Sen.; Michael Robertson, for typesetter and made smooth by the division. No. 44 instead of Adam D. printing press. Hoover, deceased ; Wn,. Abraham; Brevity is the soul of defeat in jr., for division No. 49, instead of cone. advertising. Grain won't Joseph Brandon ; Robt. EI. Pardon, - grow to fruitfulness ,the day it is for division No. 58, instead of Robt. planted. S.Reid. The advice of a bishop to a young Bylaw No. 5, 1899, ratifying the preacher applies equally well to an appointment of Pathmasters, Pound- advertiser : "Have something .to say. keepers and Fence Viewers, etc., for Say it. Stop.". tbe current year. By-law No. fr to The men who fail and go down in order and regulate the return oblivion belong to the class who of all road lists on or before the never advertise, advertise occassion- ist day of Sept. next, and By-law No. ally or only as they think their trade 7, for the purpose of procuring money ' will warrant. from the Bank of Hamilton, There may be 'a double meaning Wingham, to meet the current ex- in this misspelled sign in South penditn;e of the township, each Brooklyn : "For Sail -A sloop yacht severally read and passed. of forty-five tons. Apply co owner, The Treasurer reported cash `on Third avenue, Bay Ridge." hand at date • of $198.73. The fol- lowing orders on treasurer were' THE MONEY SO)YIEt passed : - Wrn. Deacon, repairing MEN MAKE. washout on road allowance, lot 31, cons, 10 and 11, $7,20; Joseph Me - Burney, repairing washout sidelines 33 and 34, con. 10, $4 ; Irwin Walker, repairing washout and tem- porary pipe, lot 35, cons. 12 and 13, $1.25 John Shoebottom, repairing bridge and material, lot 42, eons. 10 and 11, $3.25 ; Wm. Deyell, inspect- ing gravelling on northern boundary in 1898, 75e ; John Marwood & Sons, drawing material and repairing bridge, lots 30, cons. G and 7, in 1898, $2 ; Robt. J. Hoover, repair - SPRAINED BACK! of Sprains, Strains and Injuries of the Back often ea: ase kidney Trouble. DOD'S UREA PILLS THE CURE, Eere is the proof:- Mrs. S. Horning, Glasgow Street, Guelph, Ont., says: "Doan's I{idney Pills are grand. I have not been ill since 'taking them, which was over a year ago Last winter, and can give them my warmest praise ; for they restored me to health after x5 years of suffering. Twenty-five years ago I sprained my back severely, and ever since my kidneys have been in a very bad state. The doctors told me that my left kidney especially was in a very Lad con- dition. A terrible burning pain was always present, and I suffered terribly from lum- bago and pain in the small of my back, together with other painful and distressing symptoms, common in kidney complaints. I could not sleep, and suffered much from salt rheum. "When I first commenced taking Doan's Kidney Fills I had little or no faith in them. but I tllouglit I would try them; and it proved the best experiment I ever made.. I had only taken two boxes when the pain left my back entirely. Three boxes more, or five in all, made a complete cure. "After 25 years' of suffering from kidney disease I am now healthy and strong again, and will be pleased to substantiate what I have said, should anyone wish to enquire.' - )taxa --Liver .Pills are tho most perfect remedy known for the cure of Con- stipation, Dyspepsia Biliousness and Sick Headache. They work without a gripe or pain, do not sicken or weaken or leave any bad after effects. Didn't Dare Eat eat What d, speptics need is not arti- ficial digestants but something that will put their stomach right so it will manufacture its own digestive 1Serments. For twenty years now Burdock 1:ood Bitters has been permanently ring severe cases of dyspepsia and igestiun that other remedies were erless to reach. Mr. James G. I eirstead, Collina, mgs Cu., N.I3., sgys salffermi with dyspepsia for years and everything I heard of, but got no tiretiOil took Burdock I31ood I3itters. I only meed three bottles and now I am and can cat meat, -- lel i dared not touch without being in distress. I always ,i D. R. 13. as .,t remedy for disorders and. medicine." LISTOWEL. Rev. W, Cuoper, formerly pastor of Knox church, has returned from the old land, where he spent several months, and was in town last week. Mr. R. Long hae sold for W. T. Crowe, his farm on the 3rd line, Wallace, for about *4,500, to a gentleman near Stratford. Oa June 1st, "Old Orchard Place," the residence of Mr. Benj. Rothwell, Principal of Listowel. Pablie School, was the scene of a happy gathering, the occasion being the marriage of his daughter,. Miss Clara Rothwell, to Rev. P. W. Anderson, Presbyterian minister of Brantford. The ceremony was performed at high nooh by Rev. Dr. Williams, pastor of Listowel Methodist church, assisted by Rev. T. G. McCullough, of Guthrie Pres- byterian church, Harriston. The floral decorations were beautiful, the bridal couple standing under a can- opy of roses and bridal wreath. The bride looked charming in a tailor- made costume of ladies' brown broad elotb and turquoise blue silk. She was assisted by her sister, Miss Nellie Rothwell, who looked very pretty in a gown of white pique, The groom was supported by Dr. Frank Britton of Brantford. Among tbe guests from out of town were Miss Clara Anderson, Dr. C. H. Britton and Mrs Britton, . of Toronto; Miss Nellie Britton and Dr, F. Britton of Brant- ford ; Mr, S. F. Gardiner, of Chat- ham ; Mr. and Mrs. A. Cosens, of Wingham ; Rev. T. G. McCullough, ing culvert and material, lot 31, eon. of Harriston ; Rev. C. and Mrs. Tait, 4,0..50; Henry Toll, repairing wash - of Moorefield, and Mr. I). M. Robert- out at Quinn's bridge, con. 3, $t ; D, son, of Shakespeare. The numerous Scott, Sen., damages and undermin- • and beautiful presents indicated the ing fence lot 35 con 6 $6• Municipal - FIRST Max c "Hello Bill, what are you driving at these days, you seem to be on the jump all the time and walk as though you had im- portant business on hand." SECOND Max : "Wellthe fact is, Jack, a little prosperity puts the drive in a man. I have struck a position at last, after a year of hard luck, which is panning out first-rate." FIRST MAN : "Well, that's your luck, for I am doing mighty little these days. But what have you struck ?" SECOND MAN : "I have taken a book agency from. THE Buitmicv- high esteem in which the bride has sty of Morris, settlement of accounts GARRESTON Co., (Limited) of Brant - been held by her many friends. The between East Wawauosh and Morris ford, Ont. They have been at me bride will be an acquisition to tar 1898, $16.46 ; Wm. Robinson, for months to canvass, bat I laughed rndsical circles in her new home, services as assessor, 1899,$50.00 • at the idea, and at last they made having won for herself an enviable Isaac Qui'm, repairing ailing on m a good offer, so I thought I'd give reputation as soprano soloist, having bridge at lots 37, cons. 2 and 3, 50c; it a trial. T have been at the work held for some time the position of M. Lockhart Reeve, services reit- now two months, and I like it first - soprano soloist of Trinity Methodist dere' settling boundary line accts., • rate, and am going to stick to it," church choir, Toronto, and until 1898, $2 ; Municipal World, St FIRST MAN : "Say Bill, do you lately that of leader of Park street Thomas, black forms under Ditehes think 1.•could do the work, for I saw Methodist church choir, Chatham. and Watercourses Act, 85e. the advertisement of this firm yester. The newly wedded couple left by The council then adjourned till day, for more men." the ,after noon train on a tour of the Thursday, 22nd June next. SRuoNn MAN : "I don't see why P. PORTS RFIEt D, Clerk. yore could not, but write and get them to make you an offer." FIRST MAN : "Thanks old man, delivered in ourard. The first sitting of the Court of The Toronto street ears carried t will, and I'll let you know how it i y ° Revision was held in the Council 158,700 passengers on the Queen's turns out," Eastern States. EAST WAWANOSIB MBEMIEIRM u•e- 10. ' rw Vifil 1. t, firs-tc tt . ,.�ti� NN'' N ter, sti�z ,, Arltvii 't\ �''� `'; �''�'�\o '�'�• ti im "� � y,R �y �Lhyli-.•� Is1iY��NM'j✓•:1�� "' '�I,�S ii �.'�I l'.i{� �• � �. �s J,+ �+:. !� Castoria is for Infants and Children.. Castoria is a, harmless substitute for Castor 08, Paregoric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance.. It is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty years' use by Millions of Mothers. Castoria destroys Worms and allays Feverish- ness. Castoria cures Diarr'lhoeaa•atnd Wind Colic. Castoria relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. Castoria assimilates • tho Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels of Infants and Children, giving healthy and natural sleep. Castoria ill the Children's Pantteea-The l9 other's Friend. Castoria. "Castoria is an excellent medicine for children. Mothers have repeatedly told me of its good effect upon. their children." Mt. G. C. OSGOOD, Lowell, Mass. THE FAC -SIMILE Cas to,ria. Castoria Is so wen a(lapte,i to children. that I reeonnueutl it as superior to any pre- scription known to me." 11. A. Asctnua, M. D. Brooklyn, .W, SIGNATURE OF APPEARS ON EVERY WRAPPER. THC CCNTAUT COMPANY. 77 MURRAY UTltr.l-'r, NCW YOnO CITY QR. A. W. CHASE'S CATARRH CORE ... 50. is is sent direct to theediseased parts by the Improved blower. FIeals the ulcers, clears the air passages, stops droppings in the throat and permanently cures Catarrh and Hay Fever. Blower free. All dealers, or Dr. A. W. Chase Medicine Co.. Toronto and Buffalo.. NATURE'S BEST GIFT to man is Wheat. It not only satisfies .the craving for meat, but it . supplies the same kind of nour- ishment that the best beef does. The ripe wheat berry (properly prepared) furnishes food to brain, bone and muscle. / Molina Rolled Wheat is as carefully prepared as . tbe most . diligent study of thirty years of practical milling exper- ience can • bring to it. It has the true, rich, delicate flavor of the wheat berry in all its fullness. The Tillson Company guarantee it the .equal of any of the su•.called breakfast foods that are sold, in fancy packages. Tour grocer sells it nY TF11L 1'otiND. The Tillson Co: y Limited, Tilsonburg, oat LOGS I LOGS! . highest ' cash prices paid for all kinds of good: Saw Logs, Telegraph Poles, Cedar Posts anfl Shingle Bolts Room, May 26, 1899, Members all birthday. present. Havin each severally subscribed , T wAw lin- r "rI 1. Lib' bysta.A(�I.N t t d I t n "' tit 1' brought up and disposed of :•--•-Scrap- gest and best book • oior itI pasree, Ixt inclreb , a ( a es halCtnne illuetratione. nnly fSi.tO. son Cartel', as agent for '; w, :«ru '.!, ' r;nnrtr,ons demand. Diet ronnniet<lone. Outdt tree, conOhance of a lifhtitee, Write nutek, Tho Uoufinion to the declaration required gfro teet'miat hero Dy Murat ltaTgead,' the ftfc trite. 'Iihe following business was Iona mend earl admirer of thu natlon'd idol. Dila. I i t 3 n arty 1 O p x appealed against the artless Company, 3rd Floor Calton ¢3ldg., Chrcago. • Five young men to travel, who would not object spending part of their time at canvassing. References. 13RAUi,Eir-GARRESTON 60,, 'Wetted, BRANT1+ORD, ONT. CUSTOM SAWING, SHINGLE CUTTING. done at lowest prices and satisfaction guaranteed. Calf and get prides be• fore disposing of your timber. ' McLLAN• & SON EARN Ttds beantt(u5 ro11sQ Rule ring set ,Vent ry,ee schent,, one 'Quit Attytttlat nose Stich Pins a locunta each. They' • aro im .n'Iot able, pretty and. easily sold. Sell then, return the ThAtit.b and Wo gondthtcvallmbl.r ring in vetvat•lined ease, by re - Mammal. Dept.Ztae Ss ecialiy Ct).: to Con. • 0 caveats and Trade -Marks obtained, and all paten; business conducted for MODERATE FEES. My office is in theimmediatc vicinity of the Patent Office„ and roy facilities for securing patents areunsurpassetl: Send model, sketch or photograph of invention, what. description and statement as to advantages claimed Atarlfo charge is made for an opinion as ens patentabili,,/ - and my fee for prosecuting this application wilt nob be called for until. Ma 'iallowed. "INvsNToss Cutpa," con- taining full information sent free. All Comment., cations Considered as Strictly Confidential. FRANK'JN H. HOUGH SPA r 8n;eneZs WASTIIIIWTON.31.C.. t:'•4e- El YplZeitCE 'iid,r•i,„r."_btu`?'. <°,_ •`rnAoa MARKS COPYRIGHTS . Anyone sending a sketeh and dcacr1ntionmay muddy ascertain our opinion free'ahpther an Invention is probably patentable. Communtea- - tious Strictly confidential. Handbook on Patent° • sent free. Oldest agency for securin,g patents. Patents taken through Munn F Co. receive. spectat notice, without charge, in the Sciet �llitr lit Mrg cal A handsomely tllnrtrated Weekly. r.nrgest Mr. oulation of any scientific Journal. germs, $3 tt year; four months, id. Sold byalt newedealers. MUNN & CO,3ctBroadway, Now York Branch OMCC, t^a P St,. Washington. D. C. foo Are Y in Have epi G There people i 'adding aufertn progree bogies, Then and wo 1idenue tablets, have lit vonn asci The t are alit pound 1 eases, neurals COW pial They h, lrelativt have ro . from P, 'kbe from et that P • only ell friend ease th Are disappt grasp •are, w aside t tiding ti an hon The of one everts) est pr you wt of life. bliss writes trou lel relief Bitter Zentl3 Rol the jokes whiet said t till I 111cCo Wa3 Scot', three ren child Sri paint aches clean WEMAXE.-:.... Sewer and Culvert Pipes All Sizes from 4 lt`. to 24 In. .ilac+ f•ettu.•t teat+ , WR/T1. rr, PGttC;tC., THE OE TiiI11] 51111.1 00 int:LAME ill VACToaYA7•St1.r•.t.• 20140....:C4) IT PAYS '1,0 ADVERTISE 1.t Till.: l.: TI\ES...