HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1899-05-26, Page 8BEACHING Q�� .ca e W INU JAM TIMES, MAY 26, 1899* ;rlen, but very Man football players. lani501!CAL6. Will Seaforth now take $24 and expense® to play a ga lie with Wieghanne "scrub" I h' Carr was in Woodstock It few days team? this week. Mra Richard Arscott is visiting with friends in. Toronto. Miss Martha Hood spent the 24th ilarriston friends. Mies Murray, of Renculi with friends in town, Mrs llarry lottery is visiting parental roof at neaforth, Mrs Wm, Bond and Miss Daisy are visiting with Listowel friends. Mrs D McDonald is away on an extend. ; aTo,1 and No. 2 for sale by Colin A. Campbell ed visit with Mende in Hamilton. Demist 111ra A t. garnilton was vision; with lyleetlz+g of the friends in Ripley daring tbe week. Seaforth came tore to will ; they bet their money that way, but of course "We were out of practice.' ren ems i:r real► sumo liACli ern moan tie Those of ns who were alive last year wiU remember that Carberry, the 1ani- toba, champions, played Wingliaut a draw game t score, 1 to 1, '.They the went to Seatorth and smashed the famous batons Business is good. with us, but We to the lane of l to 0. In speaking of the Seaforth match tare Expositor said went to do more. "Carberry added one more to their uu. W1 WANT YOUR, TRADE. We broken string of victories." When called are' doing alit usnlcst to merit • to time for tbis error the Expositor made words a bountiful apology insomewhat We've gathered the best stock thatsomewhat brains, energy and cash could like the follnwing. "We were in error Dr Macdonald, M P, was home from last week in saying that Carberry's string Ottawa for the 24th of May vacation. 44 gn gather. We. e, marked the &ening of victories was complete ; they were un- • `4tMr and Ire Sem'1 Bnroliill,of Turnberry t 9R price as close as possible. Our turn- able to win in \Vinghatn, owing to the . are visiting with friends in Ilepwortinkt over is large, and a little &au the Iot rbortness of the `grounds (? ? ? ? ?)" This Mrs 8 B Elliott is spending a week does for us. was perfectly true. It is also true of the with relatives and friends in Ingersoll, shopping Seaforth team that played here last Batur• . Ai.r M 8114olndoo ie speeding" a week 1'i saypte who tlo their r advday, Seaforth was unable to win owing with friends in Toronto and Pet rboror Bator - here say they buy to better advan t thed . being t abort. They with is visiting under the Bond A.t Harrow burglars robbed :Bugger's jewellery store and then blow open the safe itt Bichardson's hard wore stare, Tho safe only yielded them 615. gook`a Cotton Root Compouitt Is successfully used monthly by over 10,000Ladies. Safe, effectual, Ladies ask lir 3our druggist for Cook's Cotton Root Cos. Pound. Take no ether, as all Mlxtures, pills and imitations are dangerous. Prieto. No. 1, $1 per box; No.0,20 degrees stronger, is per box. No. 1 or 2, mailed en receipt of pTiee and two s -cent qts_ zaps. Who Cook Company Windsor, Ont. os. 1 and 2 beid arta recommended by all responsible Druggists to Canada. to a andget better goods than they o groan s eint, to a or . ley ' Airs Geo T41ason and daughter spent a were also too long ; muoh too narrow, and find elsewhere, and t't a know if you few clays with London friends this week';] a great deal too wide. We suspect, also, try as you will say the same thing, that the sky was too low down for tliena,or These departments a& a espeeitilly the earth toe high up ; but ' we did not hear them say. interesting Dress Goods The beat of all our best stocks. Ready -Made Clothing People that look through our st,e1 of clothing and compare values, buy wh re they are ready to mato; tl,t, invstmen t. Parasols, Gloves and Hosiery . The stock is overflowing with choice goods—just the kind. that are sought for by those who know what's the correct styles.. Carpets and Lace Curtains, Boots and Shoes, Gents' Furnishings and Waterproof Coats, all at special prices. The Iooking in any department at any time will be appreciated, and you'll not be made to feel that you are expected to buy. Shop eatiy we M. H. P9NDOOa, WIZIGFI&L.. ITS. SEdF'ORTIL iviN G AIL'& "Sc lase" TEAar. =MAT THE , 0,Eax.00.111 TEAM. The second home game in the Western Football Assooiatiou was played on the park here last Saturday evening between the Wingham and Seaforth teams. The attendance at the game was good, consid- ering the very cool weather. Play was commenced at 6.15, and the ball for the first half was continually near the Seaforth goal, but the boys were unable to score until a minute or so before half time war called. After a few minutes rest, play `was again commenced, and it was not long before Wingham scored again. This was •more than the referee conld stand and be would not allow the goal, but instead, al - toned a penalty kick. Bobby Ferguson made good use of the penalty kick in :scoring a goal. At this stage of the game the Seaforth boys got desperate and made many wild rushes on the goal ; but with gingham's crack goal keeper and defence players, they were unable to get the ball through. The game ended 2 to 0 in favor Cf Wingham. The game was considerably faster than the one with Stratford, but it was not nearly as friendly a motels. The Seaforth boys came here with the inten- tion of walking through Wingham, and when they found they could not do it by fair playing, resorted to some very mean tricks and dirty playing, the like of which we have never seen at any game on the Wingham park. Seaforth is a great town for blowing.; last year they would Sot come to Wingham and play unless we pat up $25 and expenses ; the Wingham boys PRESBX•TE113Z Or MAITLAN . The Presbytery of Maitland met at y914ham on May lath, 1669. ltev B McLeod, B D, Moderator. The minutes of last nesting were sustained. Session records of Belgrave, Berate, Cranbrook, Brussels, Lucknaw, Se Helens and East Ashfield were examined and at- tested. Rev Mr Little was 'made a cor- responding member. Rev A McKay read an overture to the General Assembly on Public Worship. It was carried that the Presbytery simply transmit the overture aimpliciter. Mr Hall intimatedthat he declared the charge of Whitechurch and Lange lie vac- ant on May 71b. It was agreed that the pulpit supply of these congregations be left in the hands of the Moderator 'and Session until July let, and the 'committee on the distribution of probationers be asked to give one-third supply next quarter. Air 7 Lovell Murray, M A, was examined on the subjects presented for trials for licenss. The examination was sustained as very satisfactory, and the Presbytery proceeded to license Mr Murray. The Moderator put to him the usual' ggestiona to which satisfactory- answers were given, and then engaged in prayer, after ;which he, in the name of our Loren Jes•os Christ,. the only King and Head of the Churoh, and by the authority of this Presbytery, licensed Mr Murray to preach the Gospel aelierever God,in his providence. inay order hie lot. Members gave him the right hand of fellowship. Dt. Hunter, of Kinloss, applied to be re. cetved es a student with a view to- the ministry. He was examined with a view thereto, and it was agreed to recommend bili to Knox College Senate as a first year Mr Jos Elliot, of Petrous, was visit- ing relatives and friends here during the week. Mr James Donald, of Kincardine, Rae taken a situation in M ]?&tterson's jewelery store, Mr John Stevenson, of Woodatoelc, was visiting with his sister, Mrs Jae. McKelvie, a few nays this week, - L McLean left for Toronto on Tneq- day mornint!, where he , will visit with friends for a short time. Ylr J D McEwen has gone to Dresden, where he will spend a short time visiting with relatives and friends. Mise Annie Currie, of Wingham, is visiting at the residence of Mr William Robertson. --Blyth Standard. Mrs Geo 13 Campbell, Master Arthur and Mrs Leapord, of Palmerston, are vis- iting at the residence of Mrs D A. Camp- bell, Miss K Bi Fisher was in Redgrave ]3owiok townsbip, on Tuesday evening, delivering a lecture in connection with WCTU. •- Miss Murray, of Kincardine, and Rev J L Murray, • also of that place, now supplying at Whitechurch, are the guests of Mrs I) M Gordon. The Council of to 'orporetion of the Cc,unty of ifurot tiv' meet in the Coun- cil Chamber in a `Town of GOI )ERIOH an the First. Tuesday 1r1 June next ata o'clock p. m. W. LANE, Clerk. Dated May 22nd. 18W9. '-PtiOTOCRA • The photos i . E, furbrigg has in his window speak for themselves,. Just look in and see the first time you are in town or down street. Photos, Crayon, Water Color, -En. larging and Copyi;.g receives special attention. - Good work guaranteed to all. .311. ZURIBRIGQ, • Opposite Presbyterian Churoh. Boy wanted telearn Photography. A. E. SNIT -14 N, LN•d }IAai General B1rrir%n1r Business trans- acted. Money advancedto farmers and business men • on endoreed, .notes and collateral., •° Farmers" Sale Notes Cashed. - .Aiise.Bella McEwen, who haa been vis- Moneys remittutd by clean to all parte ilia with her cousin, Mr J D MoBwen of Canada and the United States. gNotes and nc.ounts collected on reas- for some time, returned to her home in onable terms D widen on Saturday. . (Mr 0 M Walker, of Walker h•Clegg, re- turned home on Monday evening, after an absence of several weeks business trip ough Mir Western Country ' r Limier C'osens was in Baden this 'week, attenaing the annual meeting of the Ontaric Mutual Life Assurance Co. Mrs Cosens•spent the week with friends in Listowel, - Mr Geo Campbell, brakeman, Palmer ston, spent three weeks in New Orleans, La,. as delegate for the railroad. On hisretnrn theological student. " trip he remained; over a few days visiting Rev. Mr. 'Sinclair was .aliowed leave o6 bis parents,. Mr and Mrs le A. Campbell, of absence for three months owing to ill town health ; Dr Murray was. appointed Moder-, Airs G H Irvine, of Wingham, Ont., or- ator of Sessions in his absence and take rived in .town on Thursday last and is the charge of tbe supply. The, following elders were appointed commissionerst0 the General Assembly :—David- Johnston, Port Albert ; Wm Wightmsn, Belgrave ; 3 Portage la Prairie N . ews S Mao Tayisb, Wroxeter; Robt Maxwell, Bluevale ; Wm Struthers, Lucknow ; Wm - Milliar, 111 illiarton. AR,C you LOSING JPLESg v The ministerial commissioners are Revs James Malcolm, D B McRae, David For. Then something is wrong. To- the rest, John Maxwell, A 0 Stewart and Dr young it always means trouble, It is a Murray. warning to any one, unless they are already It was agreed that Rev J Malcolm be to fat. Scott's Emulsion checks this appoints ipto look after the claim of both waste and brings up your weight the ordiia;ry and endowment funds for againh the aged and infirm ministers within the 1300.N. bounds of the Presbytery. • }Anontaeux--•In Culross, on May 17th, A communication was received from Rev W A. Duncan, Sault Ste Marie, Ont, re aged and infirm ministers' fund. It was agreed that the Presbytery approve of the guest of Mrs John• Cornyn• for a.. sew days Were going to Carberry,. where Mr Irvine has located in the tailoring bnsines e. - wife of dos. McKague ; a son. DzANs.--In Turnberry, on May - 6 t wife of Wm. Deans ; a daughter 'TArLETON—in Tnrobei•ry. on object of Ur Annean's letter, and that Dr. ay, May 22nd, the wile of Wm Staple - Murray be appointed to speak the mind of ton ; a son. the Presbytery in the report of the Aged , MED' and Infirm Ministers' bund, SInnn1nEN.--At Lewiston, Miob., ori Several Minis -rtes will a 1 #o the May 4th, Sarah, relict of the late Thos. y p]) Y Sheridan, form ty of Morris township, found out the reason why they would not I Assembly for leave to receive as ministers aged 68 years, come last year 00 Saturday evening last--- of our ebotob the following z --Rev D FI Coatis.—In Clinton, .on May 1.9th, trust nave been afraid of defeat. checks and H ?erectile, of the Congrega° Mary Parke, wife of Robe. Goats; aged A zsw NOTES. tional church, U S, and Rev It A E'kalay 88 years' Allenby, in goal, was at Iia best. son, B A, Edington ; E M C Bettertlt,tllex 6 Seaforth—flow do you like defeat ? Fraser, Arclt'd Mao Laren, M A, and Robt The hardware firma. of AdaM Rope The Wingham boys put up a good Gow, all of the American Presbyterian & Co., Hamilton, which Comprised Osiris. church. frith its creditors on $fay 21, 1897, The referee was very unfair in his de- Thera was read a petition from the con- at 50 cents on the dollar, has paid. Melons.gregation of Knox thumb* Betgraye, ask°every cent of its indebtedness, over Frown Jacksen—"J nit kb me have ane iii.g leave to sell the old church and grounds $26,000, and interest. hick at h." therewith, the proceeds of sale to be applied • Wingbarit io not likely to be at the towarde payment en the ;new ebareh, The . Tie'. Dr. Austin, ex principal of bottom of the ]adder petition was transmitted .•through thee: Aima Ladies' COOP, has been found n - Wingham and Berlin play on the Wing. Session. On motion of Mr Stewart, guilty of heresy by a committee of N OT I ,./� THE C F UUT' OF R OP- was TOWN:3lir will meet in the said Town•on' TYTESDA ' , at 7.30 o'olo • p. m., t mine app le against the ssesstnent roll of the s• d town. All • =mons having busi.n.=s with the said oust should govern themselves • accordingly. E. FERGUSON, Wingham, May 118th. Town Clerk. ham park en "]ane drd. seconded by Mr Mao Rae, it was agreed to the St. Thomas - ethodistDistrict for Dr Irwin ratty well feel protid •of bis grant the petition. utterance in a sermon preached in Mr Anderson gave notice that he will Parkdaie in January last, noble band of football players. Beall Hamilton and Will MoDonegh move at neat meeting that the 'Presbytery ?}layoff rings around theft checks. .. ise never er had any loosingpgame Nem toeoting.Of tbee VresbYtery tr+fll he' A0hitvoeental nerd d ByattuVe ifnetaanda the ki'i 1d 0oftlek a in. gestandbeat book ; over dei) paalur„ tta10 licher ; meet in Brtaupela, and that the expenses be en" lice" A good polled. AOiL'4rne WA'14TEU-- rot wring writAN'D excuse when you play a rex as nava a e. Lett Duff had a hard man to check, but held in Wartalasim on 7;ttesday September one friend and admirer of tau nation's idol 81st stunt y lou page. atit dae 1lustratio ... n y el to ISTON o ncil Chamber in' the Y 3Otba 1899 hear and deter - Zia) gist in some good work just the same. 19th, at intratforth team was composed of gentle. Jona ]ileo rfAail, Clerk. We. teoafortb team were itlot of get**.Ltickuow, May 19th, '99. NOTICE l COURT Of REVISION for the Municipality of T nberry will hold its first sitting for - his year In Mature's H BL FRIDAY, Y2 ALE 1399 at, one o'olo " • p. M. All persons inter- ested will please take notice and govern themselves acenrdingly. JOIN BURGESS, Cr.:i x. - T Btugvale, May 10,189'9p, of Turnberry.. - WALKER OROS. tUTTON UNOERTAKIEFlS, WING{iAM. Night calls at Button Block, or Fifth door eeuth of School .House. Shop op- posite Macdonald block. The Kentucky Bred Trotting Stallion ZENO Will stand for service at Swarts' Motel stable% during the season of 1899, :r : t 'Can't Afford to Paint" Tic man who says that, forgets that painting pro. 'early done is economy, and the fact is he can't aford 1YOT to paint. - How often yo -n require to paint is largely depend-, amt• upon the paint you use. THE $HERwI - ILLIAM$ PAINTS - out last other8:, TbOTaro•tho most economical paints you can use, because they cover inostand wear longest. Adci to this thole good appea>•anee,and you have perfect:paints—The- Sherwin-Williams Paints. They are•mado for many .different lands of painting. Whatotter li es you want to paint—a house, or anything iR or out of the house—we make the rt»htpaint.for thatmu:tienierpurpose—not ono slap -dash mixture for YOUNG & PAULIN .UARDWA.RE MERCHANTS. oESCtLIeTION a blE,NpOesoat bn usmmdrky baay,d edieeaed 1eupalds action, Weighs 1400 lbs.' AN his pedigree shows, he Carne of noble stock, combining attains df tho superior racing families of olden times and directly relating to many of the most dietiugniahed trotters ever bred In America, and running back through nurnereue branebee to Old Messenger, Tl llfounder 1 and Hambletontan, the fountain head of the test - i} At et 1, horse he cannot fall to at valuable stook tor ottry ktodof use as well 04 speed. awe tattled OR ht prises and diplomas iwherarer abawn, - it wnt be to the interest of fantails *0 see thls rote horse heists breading their mares. fratoe of a lifetime, rite qquick. The bominiox OW. ter t li, V. vAS' NOle fait, novelly, 9rd 1Ploor t)axton i3ld . i)Iti . sfNager, . wrrrtote demand. .ata rcmmisalort;f, Ortrit free W R r ge augt lin1uggios- ARE THE LEADERS. • o , One Grade. Only and That the Best," Has been thei sotto for over thirty years. So,a - of the principal. features (which • • other buggy has, are • r be and brass washers warranted years, one lever top steel circle, &c. McLanehlin's eost a little more than others, but they are tbe cheapest in the end. You; will make a big mistake it you don't see our steck before buying. - . We can sell you a good Ordinary' baggy a cheap or cheaper than any one else; We have then here. We can sell you anything you want in the implement line the same as, we have done for the -past 16 years, and gtmarantee good value. Or if yolx• want an Organ, Piano; or Sewing Maehine, you will find our stock the best that money can bay. Prices and terms all right too. Come in and see tlsr anyway. Will be pleased to show you through. Office acid: W'ar:erooms opposite Presbyterian Church. PUBLIC. NOTICE.. Raving moved to: town. to, the resi- dence lately occupied• by Geo R' Wells, earner Centre and Alfred, streets, near the G TR, I. am preparedto pay the highest cash prices fon all kinds of Rage, Rubbers, Copper, Horse- Haig, Wool Pickings, Iron and: Metal- of allkinds, delivered at my restdenoe►.or if word be left, I will call for same. - C,. GOODMAN. PELTON'S PUMPS We build our pumps. to last for years and have •thele• int price from $2.50 up. Brass Cylinders and Galvanized Iron Piping.• • We have,. a fall stook of the above goods. • (;a11 and get prices when in need of anything in our The. - JOHN priaO11i, Opp. Beattie's Livery. LOUNGE REPAIRING The.undersigded is prepared to receive' orders for repairing lounges and. matresses. Lounges re-covered, mat-. ruses made civet, carpets sewed and. laid. Lowest prices and good workman- ship. Orders promptly attended to.. Leave orders at my residenac, Centre street. next to Wm. Holmes', or address box 54, Wingham. W3lr[. WA,L1tEl. LEADING UTCHEll 1 -laving purchased the butcher busi� ness next the Brunswick, I am prepared: to supply the publi0 with all kinds of Fresh auelSalt bleats, Sausage;. Bologna, &c. Orders taken and meat delivered to any part of town. A call eoligited. • 'PhoneN'o, 9. 9. FR1(NGLEr. CALLAND SEE QUECT MEAL GA.SGLIWE AND 33LtJE FLAME Oil Stoves They are perfectly sate and warranted to give satisfaction in both Burning and Baking. NO DUST, NO SMELL. NO HEAT. SMITH & P]THICK.