The Wingham Times, 1899-05-26, Page 6r.
mcs the best possible way to make John out in the Legislative authority ofl
null obderate and uneoncillatory is the Provinces, and governed by the
a to attempt to force his ,hands- He is principle thatalthough the Dominion
---- ' -• - --- ''' s '''''" '-'--- a might goednatured old tellow, andcan incorporate a company to do
ettil)Y, AlM: ea, 1899., eau be led. almost anywhere, but ii business as of legal right throughout
---- ' -- - -- . ------ - ' ' - - — he gets the idee that an. attempt is Canada, such company, when incor.
OUR OTTAWA LEITER. being made to coerse him, be is mere prated, itiust carry on its business
Froin cur own ilonesponeent.
Ottawa, May 20,
The Canadian affairs continue to
attract very mach iaterest Eng-
land—intereq t' an intelligent and
practical kind—is once more evi-
denced by the attention which haa
been given to Mr. Fielding's badge
speech. Exeeptionally extended
cable reports were supplied to the
British, Journals, and these were
very extensively used, not only being
givenennusual prominence in the
new colutune ot' the various papers,
oceapyiug a first place in the,
editorial page cf be saute issue. The
general tone of these editorial com-
ments is warmly congratulatory on
the great prosperity which the coun
try ia enjoying, and next to that,
very general comment was made
upon the Minister'remarks anent
the failure of the British manufae-
tarers to take advantage of tho pre
ferential tariff. The inanufacturers
themselves aro, by most writers
blamed for this condition of affairs, •
which is instanced as another ex-
ample of the lack of enterprise and
quick adaptibility to changing trade
conditions to which be British man-
ufacturer has too often to plead
More than• one leading London
daily refers in warm terms of com-
mendation to the consistently loyal
• and unselfish policy towards the
Mother country, which Canada has
followed under the Laurier Govern
anent. The Daily Telegraph
erv'es for example :—"The great
thing is, that oar kinsmen in the
Dominion have given one of strongest
proofs in their power of the reality
of the dee which bind England and
her colonies together. Without
lag us for reciprocity, without de-
manding that we shauld grant a pre.
lerence in favor of Canadian bread -
stuffs for instance— which would
enly tax the British workman's fcod
they have voluntarily given us con-.
cessions of considerable value out of
sheer gratitude fox -generous treat-
ment in the past. This is what has
moved the hearts of the English
people, and bas, among other things,
man. and Belgium eople. Thefull
lead to the renunciation of the Ger-
fruits of the policy, so liberal and
patriotic as this, will not be reached
Immediately, although, even now we
are buying more Canadian products
than ever befe; e. The ultimate
harvest will be the consolation of
oar great empire with those most
endttring of all bonds of connection
and laden, a common loyanty and
t'ip'eity 'f affections."
What a, eignificent comment such
smite as that from which the above
le on extract, ere upon the criticism
of Sir 011arlee Tapper and many of
hat stipportets in the House, that the
Government WW2 guilty of unstates
manlike disregard for Canadian ie -
Ts: eats when they inaugurated a
efereetial policy wit hour. seeking
to force from the Old Country con
eeesions in return. As a student of
history, having full knowledge of
tbat chdracteristic spirit of independ-
erre hich has marked the past of
rt e empire, Sir Chums knows that
stubborn thin any mule yet created. ;subject to Provincial laws as to many
The late Government. failed to tip. details covered by the bill now before
predate this fact in all its, eighteen the 'Federal I'arliament, It is. not
t ears of power, the present Adminis- likely that the bi 1 will be pressed at
tration "got on". to it from the start this session inasmuch as ten or twelve
and i4ot only IIILATO the I3tatish people of the most important societies in
understood and very thoroughly ap- Canada that would be effected by
preciated the change of polleya but the act, have formally petitioned the
the Canadian electorate, to whom the Government to allow ,the matter to
Government is alone responsible, is stand untill next year, in order to
rally alive to the significance of the allow the several Grand Lodges an
change. opportunity to consider the proposed
DierionsT ArKin SUPPORTERS. legislation in detail. As the only
purpose that the ' Government has in
The tremendous importance date dealing with the question at all, is
matter must he my excuse. for again to piece fraternal societies insuranee
referring to the folly of certain Ottu on a thoroughly sound financial
adian fruit exporters in the poliey basis, and to secure full protection to
they are adopting, by persisting in the insured, it is obviously desirable
dishonest shipping of fruits to ng*- that the *ell considered views of
land— apples particularly. Before those most vitally interested should
the Agricultural Committed of the be before the Minister for hie guid.
House*two or three days ago, officials anee.
of theDepartment declared that the . •
cause of the present unsatisfactoryNip .1.t at the Bud.
condition of the Canadian export The time to put out a tire is when it
apple trade in the British markets sfarts. Consumption is like fire. In the
was the dishonest and suicidal prac- beginning it is easy to cm re. The longer
tice of peeking barrelesatvith poor it destroys. At the
Utoessonignthe more
hen the cough bPgine and
goods placing a layer of prime fruit when flesh is lost—cure it with Shiloh's
at the top and bottom of each barrel. Cough and-Q0nStiMption Cure. 25 cts,
The British trader. is not accustomed 50 cts. and •Iti.00 a bottle. Your money
to that kind of eo called simile prae• refunded if it fai)s to cure.
dee, and if he epee has reason to When an Animal is Rape.
distrust one with whom he has busi
'Jess relations, he will not only very 1161,v shall eve know when an animal
peremotorily iefuse to do business is rIpe ? An experienced eye and
with that man again, but he is very hand can tell this, says The Stock:
naturally inclined to be suspicious of man, When a steer is fully ripe his
all traders in the same class. The nese le firm. When the finger tips
Federal Department of Agriculture at e pressed against the muscles of the
has clone very much to advance the I aeimal there is less of yieldingeand
interests of those Cenadian producers softness than in the half finished
desirious of developing the British animal, The shoulder blade, the
market, but one or two experiences lion and the pin bone will have an a p
such as are referred to above, will pearancc of plumpness all over thein.
do more to kill business thane year's The weigh scales'will also tell a tale,'
intelligent and practical effort by the When the steeris not ripe he should
Department can do to develop it. go on making the usual gains, When
The greater facilities for shipping, he is ripe the gains will drop. When
improved accommodation provided a beast, therefore, that has been gain:
by the different steamship companies, ing two or three pounds a day drops
the excellent work done by the clown tonne pound a day„ and his an:
Petite is still good, begin to examine
The Dane!' of
/ do not believelbere
as a, case of dyspep-
sia, iudigestion or
any stomach trouble
that canuot be re-
lieved at once end
permanently cured;
At all druggists,
25c. a vial. Guide
to Efealth and medi,
cal advice free. 1505
Arch street, Phila.
.i1JI I,-'
' )
Protection of Sheep,Frogn Dogs.
The Revision Statutes of Ontario,
1897, Chapter 271, Section 9, reads
as follows
Any .person may kill, •
(a) Any dog which he sees pur-
suing, or worrying any sheep or
(b) Any'clog without lawful per-
mission in any eeclosed field on any
farm which the owner or occupant
thereof or his servant finds giving
tongue and terrifying any sheep or
lamb on such farm
(e) Any dog which any person
fines straying between sunset and
sunrise on any farm whereon any
sheep or lambs are kept,
But no dog so straying which be-
longs, to or is kept or harbored by
the eccupant of any premises next
adjoining said farm or nett adjoin-
ing that part of any highway or lane
which abuts on said farm, nor any
dog so straying either when sedurely.
muzzled or accompanied by or being
within reasonable call or control of
any person owning or possessing or
,ha ring the charge or care of said
doe, shall be" so killed unless there is
rea..01,aible apprehension that such
dog 11 11,4, killed is likely to pursue,
SA131.5.84.11"D. Sg OVIQE 8.
MitTliODISTraliev. Dr. Pascoe, pas
or. Services at II a to and 7 p to,
paltor. Services at 11 a m and? p m.
klPISCOPAL, St. Pant's—Rev, Wm. I
Lowe, rector, Servaies at 11 a in ISDC1 7
p et.
13APT1ST —Rev, W. Ftesd, pastor, TIMES OFFIOE, JOSEPHINE ti;TRET
Services at m awl 7 p 1 CV lel Cielitel, 0NTAL10.
ovi titqijam ft,I,AEA
t.' lil/01.1611100
.417141.tY ataIDA.Y. a40.1ININti
'Gatlin, pastor. Services, at 1.1 a at awl
7 pm..
Outram and Look in cerainand, Services
!at 3 p En and 8 p m,
1 SASAV,a.TION ARAIY—Oapt. McLeod t
land wife in coaunand, Services at 11 a,
, In, 3 p m anti 8 p tn.
I In each of the above named ohurohes
Sabbath School is held at 2.30 p tn.
Subscription prtoo,$1 pevyartr, oevanue.
--aiiie; 't a yi. 1 a Mo. 1 3itia:-, frto •
0H" 0010114„ 000 00, ' 0,0 00 020 ini 1 St3 Ou
ealf 50 00 I 2 e 12 05 , 4 Ott,
Quatter 't 20 00 1 12 00 7 on . 2 02. inch. 5 00 I 8 00 00 l 1 00
Legal and t ther t l{mllal 1,l14eitiSell)OUt, re per line •
,.,.._ ,.....
tot fire, hisertiomend le per line for each subsequent -
insert' ui. u 0' RD k DO D) /101,10tTall Scale.
D0311 notices 10°. per tho for lira insertion,
5s,A. pdevreiritni:setionor
' and Business !muses %%anted, not mot en g tm
texert,t„duokitthrt'iti tor Sal e, not efeeedIng. line.
nentiarell, 211 far Brat month, and a0c. for ellch
21 for the ntonth,a0o. per subseitueut mouth
Capital, $1,250,000. Rest, 0776,000
out—A. 0. RatesAY,
Woof), A. B. TAD (Toronto).
1 Cashier—J. TURNBULL.
Savings Ban1.2—Uours,10 to 3,. Saturdays, 10 to
I ". Deposits of Stand upwards received and interest
' allowed.
,Special Deposita also received at current
rates of it -sfest.
Drafts on Oreat Britain and the United Stater,
bought and sold
E..L. DICKINSON, Solicitor.
Money to Loan on Notes, BARRISTER, ht/LICITOlt, Ate.,
Larger advertiseinekts In proPortian.
These tering will he strictly adhered to
Speoial rates ter larger advertisentebts. or 05
longer periods.
Advertisements anti local notices withenrespecitio
directions will he inserted till forbid and Mugged?
necorslIngly. Tratiattury advertisement(' must be
paid in advance*
Changes for contract advertisements twist he in •
the office by Wednesday noon, 10 order to appear,
that week
For the treatment of DISEASES ('F wottett and,
5000604L CAS -ES of all klbds, For partieulare.
Medical Superintendent, 11 Ingham, Oats .
Notes Discounted
Private and Company funds to lean st lowest rates -
interest. No commission charge°. Motts,4.00, town
and farm property bought and +4,1
OFFICE—Beaver Block ‘1 [NOMA%
'Stoney advanced on Mortgages at 6 pot eentwith
privilege of paying at tho and of any year. Note'
and accounts colleoted.
Beaver Block Winitham, Oat
Ivor! y, wound cr terrify sheep or
lambs on the said farm. DRPAUT ARRIVB DARRISTER, ETC.
Tdronto and East 6 40 a. m. .05 p. m
- 8 30p m 10 29 p m SOthOITOlt TO DANK CIF ITARILLTON. SIONKY 20;
Palmerston Mixed '• 8 55 a m 3 05 p.m
Londonand South, 6 53 a m 11 10 a, WI Ofilee—liever Bleak. SS Ingham
a SC m 8 DO p
Kincardine 11 10 a in 6 49 a na
' 30 p m 3 30 p m
Minister of Agriculture last summer10 29 p m 8 30 a m
, BARRISTER, ate.,
Bingham., Ont.
Orj for
in England, to interest importers in bim for ripeness.' It is one of the A Novel Appel.
ngsaheat the animal wow no minwin in i , s., 00'7 y Aignufas.
our goods, have created opportunities eariousahi- .-
g gen ous form ofa
for trade better than ever existed omy that a cattle beast will goon and post card solici tin business is pub S 0 8 —2,711.7',°,Tgivii°-m409,:d7e,
trif•I b fi f h
before, but as Mr. Fisher pointed eat eat after he is ripe; but lie will eot g ' e4ry nionth:in .he Odd gallows Bali. Visitir.
Too 'frequently oveilooked;
Dr. Chase's Ointment a
Prompt and- Positive Cure.
The suffering teased l,' the intense itching
and burning sensations Of piles is only one
the horrors of this disease, for there is always
great danger of piles developing into fistula,
one of the most disgusting.diseasesimaginable.
Even the great danger and .expense of an
tperation are preferable to running the. tisk or
contracting this most loathsome of diseases,
Dut there Is no necessity for a surgical opera.
Ceti for piles. Dr. Chase'S Ointment is
guaranteed to cure any case of piles, naniatter
of how longstanding, cr how aggravated Wu
ease maybe, so tong ,45 piles have not become
It i3 only Ilium chance that internal treat.
merit will eure.pdes. Bat it /natters not frort
what cause they Misc. Dr. Chastes Ointment
will at mice Mop the it:hit:gaud burning, and •
effect a perfect tme.
to the Committee : —"All these im-
provements must meet with compara-
tive defeat in obtaining the object in
view, until our own apple producers
and packers, right here at home,
adopt an honest system of grading
and packing the frait." The vasti tio, reduces swelling, heals ccluts, cur/
brethren widest°. J. Olurray, Chief. B
make a corresponding .increaSe in desire to .attract attention by the Ren..Sec
Weight, ,It is a curious question as to novelty of the appeal.
what becemes of the food. ''Two bull frogs suddenly found
themselves in a .pail of milk from
liagyard's Yellow Oil applied ex- which they could nut get oat. ' One
ternally relieves pain, allays inHannna-
market for Canadian apples in prop- sprains, lame back, contract° cords an
er quality and condition an Great stiff joints. Taken internally cures
Croup, Quinsy, pain in tho stomach.
Britain is indicated by the fact that Kidney Complaint, etc. Price 2,1e.
that country imports apples to the
value of $7,700,000 annually. Some Queries. .
Why aren't baseball grodnds
The annual report of the Interior diamond fields?
Department which has been brought Why isn't the detective's salary
down this week contains abundant, always spot cash ?
evidence of the splendid, progress Why isn't a slot maehiae a sort of
which has been -made in settling the eatelepenty affair ?
Northwest in the past year. In no Why isn't a roan weighed down
particular is this more clearly shown with years underage? '
than in the figures relative to the1 Why isn't a skirt divided against
taking ap of land for the deVelep- itself a pair of trousers?
Merit has been very marked. In Why isn't it a milk shake when the
1897 the number of homestead enmilkman forgets to call?
tiies was 2,384, eoniprising 381,440 Why can't we hear the bed tick in
acres mid the number -of acres sold the silent watches of the night ?
22,836; in 1898 the number of en- Why isit that the meanest people
tries was 4,848, comprising 775,6800 always have the longest memories?
acres, and the total number of acres Why isn't correeting a bad boy an
sold 47,186. The number of home- attempt to eure by the laying on of
steads entries granted during the bands?
past year is the largest since 1883 ; Why isn't satan the laboring man's
it is over twice as large as the num friendiflielinds work for idle hands
bet granted in 1897, and over three to do? • .
times that of 1896. , While there
were 1,707 entries cancelled in 1892
Scrofula Sores.
and 1,294 in 1893 the number of Mrs. Attie Wright. Derehatu Centre.
cancellations has fallen this year 155 Ont., writes :—"I had Scrofula so bad
or 3 per cent as against 82 per cent. that
11,1 f node witasEalloloodnti)3it.titioninsi nagn
three years ago. Similiai• results are fotrreThritrtacLn "Six bottles I was coin-
tobe seen in thesstatement of land. piesety ceeem
shies by railway companies having
Government land grants and by the , Live Stook Pointers.
Hudson's Bay Company. In 1896
the number of acres sold by these Try the eurry comb on the eow4
organizations was 108,016 and the Iteep the swine out of verymeld
amount paid $361,338, in 1897 the' winds.
figures were 2,546, and $719;386, A sow less than a year ohl is t(
while in 1898, they inmate(' to 478,young to breed.
789 and $1,354,908, respeetively. Feed clover hay to swine. Eton
vrtA;rEntstitt. 8001BTIBS, it if you can.
The Fraternal Soeieties Insurance Throw a blanket over the pigs in
hill Iv hieh has been intitodueed by very eold weather.
the Minister of Finance has met with The hog has been a mortgage
1an unexpected obstacle. in the form raiser and will be again
" of' a protest from the Ontario Govern -1 When times improve the horse
meht that the proposed net woold be market will improve.
I an infringement upon Provitielall Why not cut the shaggy hair on
rights. Tt is contended, that the, the horse that has It.
' matter in enestion, is simply one of Some of the best swine breeders
property and eivit right toning with- do not use oat straw for bedding.
V. at can use lir. Chase's Ointment with
a,,uranee that \that has cured scores of
tom- Inds of cases of riles sil1 cure you. For
mac by all dealerskOr Edmaaigoti, liates8cCo„
of them was for givit g up and says
to the other: I izink! I die!' Bays his
mate: 'Brace up, you duffer! Keep
a jumphrend bee what turns up.'
So they kept jumping up and dowe
all night: and by morning had so
churned the milk that it I urned into
butter, and they jumped off the top
on to dry land. This is a pretty
good 'so try and the Monti is: We do
not give Up, but keep a 'jumpin'
after onus trade,. and send this card
to remind you that the order we
have been corresponding with you
about would be gladly received just
now. Why not send it in?"
Miners, it is said, marry at an
earlier age than any other class of
society. Following them., in due
order, come artisans, laborers, clerks,
shopkeepers and farmers.
Rain fella on the taitern coast of
Ireland about 203 days in the year,
• • -
• Dr. Chase's Kidney -Liver Pills, for diseases
ef theXiclaeys„ Liver, Bladder and Bowels,
One pill ce dose.; 230. a box.
Dr. ClIases4:latarth Cure, for Cold in the
Ilead, Catarrh, Dropping in the Throat, and
May Fever; 250, a
box, blower free.
• Meta for Eczema,
^ Salt Rheum, Piles
and all itching
, . skirt diseases, 60
cents so box.
Dr. 'Chase's
•Nerve rood, tat
• exhausted, twat.
nut nerves and thin,
watery, diseased
blood. sae, alarge
Dr. Chase's /Aver Cure, for disekles of the
Liver, Jaundice told niliousness. see, &bottle.
Dr. Chase's Syrup at Linseed and Turner:*
tine, a wisitive etre for Croup, Astlime, Won.
chitis and ell Coughs and Colds. 250. 5largo
bottle, M alt dealers,
ok,911AN ALIGNfi
CAN Ear./. 11417.API01 GOPT
4---,.1-4•111-_,F- •
,;' PPIGE-..
,47 BOXED,WiTh
$2,5‘ ,
Bei invterre 'TOWN AN•.• VILLAGE. WOmitai,
-------1 b DEANS. JR., WIRK1NARI, .. .
.. .
‘ _
- — 1110;11S11.1.) AiJUTIoNtilt 1r0h B. COUNT.
Sales attended in any part . of the i',.. Charge
, Moderate,
BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, CONVEYANCER, &c. andt St. A.v4n.w streatik,.
oppoSi(e Colborne Hotel, .
00D10110 ,
AlituUR D D S, L 0 P,
Doctor of Dental Surgery of the Pennsylvania,"
Dental College and Licenti te of the IL al College -
of .Dental Surgeons of Ontario. 010143 Iver PO*
Office, Wmghnin,
1 S. .0(1004110, L. D. DENTIOT, HAS WITH
CI • biin I) 1). gri:dunto ti e 0, D. H.
01 OoD010, 4,),,1 prepartu to co all manner of:
tientni win k et reasonable prices.. Beaver Bleat,
opposite the Brunswick 000843, winghzu.
j OlIN CURIt111, lynonAni, Ui,,
Having purchased the entire business
from Mr. Daniel Showers, 1 ani now
prepared to supply the public with
MY. \NRAT A tVOW,Tesi---0-.471=m:tiA ILL 18
Wood and Iron r oree and
Lift Pump, Brass anal
]&on Cylinders, Glatraniza-
dd. Iron qtrebing.,CiStermts,
Waiter Trough, Similes,
littitlas.rillae Pitting,
Digging' and everything HI 005'
neetion with water mammies.
thtivanieed steei Windmills for power
aei pumping water,
'Deep well pumps a -speciality.
Repairing protriptty attended to.
Parnee vvritinir for information or
ordering by mad should always Mate
Ali w rk guaranteed or no sale,
13e.t 140 Wiorghare„ Ont.
1.1011,5K0D AtIOTIONEhlt • .
Sales af Karat Stook' arid iarai in.plements
ordsrs m 0l,e Timms mom, molia,titateni
ed to. Tart reasonable.
rNlJI,('l)lttl1100104, PamphIsm. roAers 81
eds. t beioarel. &O.. MA 04.0 0 41 .thilbelA
,tyle 01 the aet, at moderate priO/D., and au short,
itotiee Apple or address
T Des GRIM, 11 ingham
tVii Ord ne.lonsi ra anaconda that as e' Beaks or
MIIRIwAlIet* lac with us ter Itindiag, witi have out
prennit attention. Priee$ for Binding is .fly atria
will be Oven on ohnIteoloti G the TON* §IdlOo
Sewer and
Culvert Pipes,
Alt Sig irom 4 In. tie 24 14, MS*
(1.40,4 octi
THE ONTi1010 CO,
60 t..1 . •
DACT.0 :IVAlt 11/41.131/00.