The Wingham Times, 1899-05-26, Page 51
: .. W ..Mx!IA.i LIMES, MAY 26, ibMir,
it We wish to inform you that we are
very rnuch in ,it in the
�ot'.. Shoe Tracie
Call in and see for yo irself what we have on the
bargain table,
A very nice assortment of Women's Oxfords and
2 -button Shoes for $1.00 a pair.. A special line in size;
2I2, and 3, regular $ r.25 Shoes for sot a pair..
Men's Dongola and Buff Gaitors, all si;es, for
1.0o. Also other lines equally as good value, '
We also carry a full stock of Trunks and Valises
at prices that are" right.
Repairing neatly and promptly attended to.
Sig t is 'rice1es
Get your .sight tested, It costs nothing
Scietifically, Correctly, Reasonably.
Try us.
THE Git EAP 4.
It will soon be time to use
garden tools.. We have any-
thing you need in this line,
and our prices are always .low.
We have a good supply of
Milk Cans. The price we
offer them at will soon sell
Give us a call for anything
you need in our line.
Old Post Office Stand.
=--AND°P Pk Aft
-FRO ' THE—.
Opposite' Post Office, Says:
Fresh Beef and Pork.
Lamb Bologna
Pickled pork Headcheese
Breakfast Bacon Sausage
Smoked Ham Pressed Beef
Side Pork Tripe
Corn Beef Pressed Tongrie
Spice Roll, Lard, Fowl, &c.,
always on hand,
Our prices are right, Orders
called for and meat delivered to any
part of the town. ,
Your patronage solicited,
Farmers, why pay. 54 and 6 per cent,
interest on your loans when money may
be had at 5 per cent. Payments made
to suit borrower. Charges low.
Agency Ontario Mutual Life Assur-
ance Company, , .
At office Friday afternoon and all day
S dirt day..
You buy clothes that
- wear 6o that yott will el -
ways look well dressed.
Robertson's Pure Ready
Mixed Paint possesses
wearing properties in the
highest degree so that its
original neatness and
beauty is preserved for
years. Try it and be can
vinced, Sold by
Cleveland and Welland
Vale Ladies' Bic.5 cies.
Special prices to clear.
Spring seeding is stone in good
shape, As the weather bas been
favorable from the start, fermate
got through in a hurry, The .severe
frc'at a night or two ago did very
slight dawage,
11Ir. and Mrs. J. ensile% are visit-
ing in Brussels this week, and Mr.
and Airs. Robt. Marshall are away
to Goderieb and vicinity, where
they have friends and relatives.
Miss 'Jennie McKay, after .a seven
• months' sojourn in `Winghana, is
hunte at her parents
Mr. Thos.'Melntyre is the owner
of a wheel now, and Mr. J. lileRae
conies into possession of a new atop
Mr. James Harkness a few days
ago caught in Mud River, a 7 pound.
. mullet, but "Mack" saw a .pike.
which makes him "dux."
Mrs Trivette, whose home is with
her daughter, Mrs. J. N, Pickell, is
at present staying with her son In
Mr. Wm. Caslick and family were
� back to, the 10th. Con. last week
where. be has a couple of uncles.
,.Hobbes! the Grave.
The township council will meet
on Monday neat,
The assessor has completed his
work and from his roll the following
interesting facts are gleaned :—
Total number of acres in the town-
ship, 54,798 ; acres cleared; 42,287 ;
value of real property, $11,720,200 ;
personal property, $3,100 ; total
real and personal property and tax.
;able income, $1,723,300 ; population,
2,642 ; number of days of statute
labor, 3043 ; number of children
from 5 to 16, 546 ; from 16 to 21,
190 ; cattle, •6,823 ; sheep, 3,791 ;,
hoe's, 4,52:3 ; horses, 1,831 ; wood
land, 5,065 acres; swamp, 6,645 ;
orchard, 714 ; frill wheat, . 4,824
On Thursday, May 4tb, an old
Morrisite passed away to her reward
in the person of Mrs. Thos. Sheridan,
formerly of the 5tit line, aged -68
years. Shortly after her husband
died the deceased went to Lewiston,
Michigan, where.several .members of
her family lived and she had resided
there up to her death. Cancer of
the stotnach was the ailment with
which she had been troubled_ for
'soine time. `In" addition to. Mrs,
theory Mooney, who is now in the
N. W. T., there are Richard, Will-
lam, Hent•y, Thomas. • and . Mrs.
Daubledee, of Lewiston, Minh. ; and
Mrs. Jelin • Diment, . of l3lnevale,
serving child ren of dt ceased.: Mrs.
Sheriden was a member 0f the Metho•
dist church and was a kind mother,
a tree wife and a geed neighbor.
That Throbbing" fiteadaehe
Would quickly leave von, if you -used
Dr. King's New Life Pill.. Thousands
of suti'erers have proved their matebless
merit for Stek and Nervous Headaches.
They make pure blood and strong nerves
and build up your health. Easy .to take.
Try them. Only 25 cents. Money back
if not cured. Sold by Colin A. Oaten -
bell. druggist.
•The frosts of a week ago have
effected the small : ruits considerab! y.
I3tuevale has had a surfeit of low
caste concerts during the past week.
Many who attended were disgusted
• with, rude sayings of the players.
Rev. D. B. and Mrs. McRae, of
Cranhi ook were visiting at the
Manse this week. Mr. Melte:
preached very acceptably at the pre-
paratory services in the Presbytertan
church on Friday, when .twenty-one
new members were received.
Bluevale joins in congratulating
the Wingham football • team on their
victory neer Seator-h.
Macdonald Block, Wingbaur. '""" - - -
Doctors now agree that
consumption is curable.
• �° Three things, if taken to -
The Marne o Secur ' o
On every "Slater Shoe ", put there by tit:
makers as a guarantee of wear value — a prate -
tion against extortionate profits.
Many men would readily pay more for n
Slater Shoe " were not the price stamped on
the sole.--- this stamp gives the actual market
value of the shoe determined by' the mantifa:'-
Made in twelve
foot -model Shapes, all
colors and styles. Everpair Good 1'
Y Y ri
year welted. tai
$3. so and $`3. co. 1il \\
sizes, widths, leathers, =1 \(:?'
Jnr Sale Only by NOM 'N & SOU.
gether, will cure nearly every
case in the first stages;. the
majority of cases more, ad-
vanced,;, and a few of those
fir advanted.
The first is; fresh air; the se-
cond, proper food; the third,
Scott's Emulsion of cod-liver
oil with hypophosphi es.
To be cured, you must not
lose in weight, and, if thin,
you must gain. Nothing
equals Scott's Emulsion to
keep you in good flesh.
sae. and $ .00, all druggist's.
sc*tt & BOWNE, Cheal.tsVoreate,
A startling incident, of which Mr. Jahn
Oliver. of Philadelphia. was the subject.,
is narrated by him as follows :—"1 was
in a most dreadful condition, My skin
was almost yellow, eyes sunken, tongue
coated, pain continually in back and
sides, no appetite, gradually growing
weaker day by day. Three physicians
had given mea Fortunately, a friend.
advised trying up.
Bitters; and to
my great joy and surprise, the first bottle
made a decided improvement.. I contin-
ued their use for three weeks, and am
now a well man. I know they saved my
life and robbed the grave of another
victim,". No onesbouldfail to try them.
Only 50 cts. a bottle ; every bottle gua-
ranteed, at Colin &Campbell's, druggist,
Miss Maggie McRoberts is visiting
at her home near London.
Mr. W. R. Russell, who was spend-
in a few weeks visiting with his
father here. has returned to his home
in Rennie, Mang
Deputy P. 0. Inspector Maloney,
of London, paid an official' visit to
the Gorrie past office last week. He
found everything in first-class order.
• It is our sad duty this week to re.
cord the sudden death of Miss Bessie.
Watters, daughter or -the late John
Watters,, of Orapge bill, . who ,died
on Sunday,May 14th, after an illness
of only a few days. Her sudden
death has cast a gloom over the
entire neighborhood. The bereaved
mother and brothers and sisters have
the, sympathy of all in their sad
IA Frightful Blunder
Will often cause a horrible Burn, Scald,
Out or Bruise. fucklen's Arnica Salve,
t he best is the world, will kill the pain
and promptly heal it. (lures Old Sores,
Fever Sores, Ulcers, Boise, Felons, Corns,
alt Skin Eruptions. Best, Pileous on
earth. , Only 25 cents a -box. Cure gua-
ranteed. Sold by Colin A. Campbell,.
preached the anniversary sermon of
the laying of the corner stone of the
ehurch, Mr. Ferguson will visit
friends for afew days before return.
rag to Durham.
Strike. --The G. T. R, truck -men
are on strike. Higher wages is their
'Collar• Bone Btoken.—Mr. John
Scott had the misfortune to have his
collar bone broken last week. He
waa squeezed between two colts.
Mr. W. IL Farquhar, of the 8th
concession, lost one of his working
horses on Monday, It is. only a few
weeks' bines his brother had a fine
colt die.
Mr. W. Riddell and his sister, Mrs.
Warner, returned from Tara on
Tuesday, where they were 'ealted,
owing to the illness of Mrs. J1'oster, •
Notes.—llle. S. Woodman will not
peddle meat in Clinton this aumtuer,
as the Clinton butcher is not coming
Messrs.. Bell & Lasham are getting
in a lot of fine cattle this week.
J:D. Melville is doing quite a live-
ly business in hoose painting.
Messrs. Brunsdon & Jobpston have.
taken the contract of painting the
Foresters' hall.
, Mr. Jas. McLeod, representing W.
L. Ouimette, is busy placing the
Sharples Cream Separators. These
separators are given out on ten days'
trial and are guaranteed to in,
crease the make of butter at least
'257`. .They are a labor saver and
money maker for the dairyman.
A'! r. Samuel Willis has secured a
good, situation in London.
Rev. J. B. lien nedy attended the
District meeting of the Methodist
church at Brussels last week. ' _
A new organ has been placed in
the Episcopal church.
• Mr. and Mrs. T. G. Hemphill have
returned from their wedding tour.
While away they visited Buffalo,
Niagara Falls and Toronto.
On Sunday last, Rev. Mr. Met
Mullen, of Fergus, conducted the
services in the Presbyterian church,
Rev, R. S. G. Anderson went to
Fergus and . preached Children's
Jubilee services, He also delivered
a lecture in the same place on Mon-
day evening.
Mr. Edward Barnard has complet-
ed the foundation for his new stable
on Sanderson street.'
Mr. James Stafford is .having his
residence ` re -sided • with metalie
Mr. 131ow, of Granville, Iowa, has
been visiting at Mr. Jas..Paulhi'e on
Ann street. Mrs. Paulin's and Mr,
Blow were school ` mates in their
younger dsys and had not seen each
other for :0year,..
S. 0. E. Sermon. — Rev, Mr. Fer
guson, of Durham, preeehed1 a very
fine sermon to the; Sons r>f' Ltigi.>,na,
011 S 14 ay latit. Mt'. t' er,guson w:,.*
formerly pastor of the Wrath. Re
is 111-n a moinber of this lodge.
Clitoon, Bet miller and Gude nett
1' dgt=s were le esett end took part ilh
1 the laratle.. Alter the service they
`sit t oft dinner at TKAs, Ilill's Letel.
tin Surtlay evening Mr, Ferguson
he corner stone laying services
n connection with the new Presby
teriau church%held on Wednesday
last, were a g and success and was
largely attended, Rev. A. McLean,
of Blyth, conducted the service at 4
o'clock in the afternoonl'Tea was
served on the manse lawn from 5 to
8 o'clock, after which a splendid pro-
gramme was rendered in the Forest-
ers'. hall. Solos were rendered by
Miss Crooks, Brussels; sliss•Murray,
Kincardine ; and Rev, J. J. Murray,
who is nowsapplyingat Whitechurch.
The. choir of the church also render-
ed several selections. Addresses were
delivered by Eevds. Oaten, Belgrave;
McLean Blyth ; Ross, Brussels ; and
Whaley, St. Helens. The reoeipts
of the day amounted to. nearly $200.
A very enjoyable time, was spent
on the afternuon of Empire Day,
'May 23rd, by the pupils and parents
of S. S. No. 7. The object in view
of our teacher, Miss: Higgins, was to
insulate the spirit of patriotism in
her pupils for this broad .Dominion
of ours, and to colnmerate the birth-
day of our noble Queen, who by
grace of God has • been spared to
reign longer than any British
Sovereign. in order to do such the
schoolroom was decorated with ever-
greens, maple leaves, and strips of
red, white and blue, in that way
which is most pleasing to the eye.
A very lengthy programme was pre-
pared by the teacher and pupils of
the school, all of which was rendered
in the best possible way. At half
past one, Miss Lizzie Higgins, sister
of our teeeher;'began to play "The
Land of the Maple" and the ever-
greens with which the children wish.
ed to slim orf the Emblem. (The
Maple Leaf,) clearly pointed out the
love for their native land.
3They also sang the Red, White and
Blue," and as they'sdid so, waved
the . Union Jack. Many other
patriotic songs and recitations were
given, and she way which they were
rendered showed the ability of
Zetland pupils. A map of tine British
• Possessions was drawn upon the
board and explained, this clearly
pointed out, the vast extent of Britain
and her Colenies. The Emblems of
England Viand Canada. were also
drawn in the most artistic manner.
The names of the Prime Ministors of
England since the beginning of the
Victoria Era down to our present
time, along with the Governor Gen•
erals of Canada since Confederation
In 181i7, were written upon the
blackboard, and seethed to interest a
number who were present. As the
programme drew to a close, the
pupils min teacher, assi-.ts d by Miss
Taylor. s'•'ilar, taw, ' Maple Leif,"
of er which all j'inett tit singing
' ut•d rive „dr Gracious (Peen.
W 11
Our 7e Papers, 8 yards to the roll,
white back; etc. Cannot be beaten.
See our Lace Blinds, complete, for
50 cents.
At the assizes in. Whithe, Miss,
Wright, of Listowel, obtained 81,500
damages for breach of promise from
Alex. Howe, ' a farmer living near
Listowel. The engagement dated
from 1889.
Mr. Lewis " Bolton. 0: L. S., and
Mr. J. W. Meyers. both of Listotvel,
left en Thursday morning, for Daw-
son City. Mr. Bolton was there last
summer, and is interested in a :num-
ber of properities in the Klondike,
some of which are giving good results.
Mr. il1eyers will likely be away for
about three month.
A ease of smallpox has been dis
covered in a family by the name of
Maisonvilie near Walkerville. The
place has been quarantined.
Mrs. Robert Coats, of Clinton, died
on Friday evening at the age of 68.
The deceased was the wife of the
oldest dry goods merchant in that
section' of the country. She was one
of Clinton's early settlers, and was
greatly esteemed. She leaves a
husband, two sons and three daught.
ers. One son is a member'cf the
Globe staff in Toronto.
Exa rn p le is Better
Than Precept.
It is not what we say, but
what Hood's
does, that tells the story. -.
Thousands of testimonials are
examples of what Hood's
has done for others, and'
what it wit's do for you.
Dyspepsia "1 was weak and start
fainting spells. Dyspepsia and indigestion
in severe form troubled tae. 1i'ivc potties
0f Hood's Sarsaparilla made me well and
strong." Mics. Wxt.trA:1t Vkavartthasu5GEF
Whitby, Ont.
A Conti Medicines— "We have taken:
i;tood's Sarsaparilla In our fancily as a.
spring medicine and used Hood's Pills tor
biliousness and found both medicines very
effective. 1•'n impure blood we ktion
Hood's Sarsaparilla Is a good medicine.
;Senator Wark, aged 35 years, It. s. P I'ro 1, publisher nee, Atwood, Ont.
locked ,>tl Vunday` ill .i 0 Senate at � 9
•paueity of worst 1>1Curos th'tt body,
Winnipeg brick'ayer. and masons
have gone on strike in sympathy
with the striking carpenters.
f#lod'>t I'li1sMail Rya los tiro nonarrlt*thrgsnS
;duly cubit --to talks with stood s �arss rilFs.