HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1899-05-26, Page 4!IM.l 1111 'I' M ll lAg !4! 9F!.. :! ':' •.9j :.fi,r , ] 4 1' NAPS! S APS! We have just put into stock a large quantity of China, Crockery, Glassware, Lamps, &o., purchased at slaughter prices from a wholesale firm who are going out of business. Many lines we are offering at less, than wholesale prices. Call M and see these goods. Lamp Shades with wire frame, 10c. Tete Tete Sets, 7 pieces, worth 81,50 for 81.00. c` " 9 " " 82.00 for 81.50. ' ` 10 " " 83,00 fbr 82,00, Carlsbad China Dinner Sets, worth 820.00 for 81 ,00. Cabarats, very pretty, worth 75c. for 50c, Banquet Lamps,26 inch, high Brass font and bowl,roundwick, Bell or Globe shade, very handsome, 83.00 to 84.75, worth 84.50 to 86,50. Lunch Sets, Bread and Milk Sets, Flower Vases,Tancy Trays, Glove and Handkerchief Boxes, &ea Stone China Cups, only 30c per doz and up, " Saucers only 20e per doz. and up. Plates only 35e " CASH PAID FOR .BUTTER AND EGGS. arIC) ER. IMIZIT Macdonald( Block, Win; ham,' Ont. Fee Cis _ Mae :11 117 C; n■Y11 n■ IYi1 YI 11' CAMPBELL'S SARSAPARILLA It is an instance of terupulous r fusel to use the `brute 'majority which night have been called up to pass a gerrymander, and th Government can treasure it up to i credit, while the Convervative should preserve it for future ituit 1 tion. ---Toronto Star, Ind. Conserv: : Give, TUE W. NU..UAM 'UMLS, MAY '26, ISJ$. e- I takes a slice or Huron 01, the north, Lambton on the, vi eat and Elgin on en the south No decent fairenindcd e loan can defend this butc:eery. Theis Government have done well to de- s (tree that the natursl county lines a- _shall. be restored.—London Adver- tiser. ' FOR- THE OS �� THE EI LP The BEST 7 11 Spring Tonic TO ADVERV ISERS. Noti.:e of changes must be left at this of lee not later than Saturday noon. The copy for. -changes Must be left not late than Tues. day. evening. Casual advertise. ments. accepted up to noon Thursday of each week. qe0r.0.1lugart tinter. V.E.IDAY. MAY 26. 1899. • A FAIR MEARSURE. At intervals foe.: weeks past the mews columns of a section of the Conservative press have been filled with alleged forecasts of the. Redis- tribution Bill, and the editorial pages have blazed with fiery denunciation of the wicked Government and its gerrymander. Now that the real measure, not the Oaposition's dis- torted progrecy,'has been submitted, these Conservative papers, seeking the safest spot to fall on, and asham- ed to admit the falseness of the their prophecy, misrepresent the measure, and still call it a gerrymander. Moderate Conservatives cannot but regret tbe tone adopted by Sir Charles .'Tapper and the violent section of the Opposition press. It is a case of the people living in glass -houses and throwing stones. If eves: there was a ease of gerrymander, it was the Conservative measure which. the pre- sent bill repeals; the infamous nature IA' the Conservative law was, and is, admitted by the moderate Conserva- tives and eventhe extremists defend it only. half-heartedly. A little re - lection, then, should bade tbe Op. position throw as few stones as possible. As a matter of fact, the new bill is not a gerrymander ; it restores muni- cipal boundaries so far as possible consistent with the population, and to arrange the latter division proper- Iy, a court of judges is to draw the lines. It is hard to see how a more fare redistribution of Ontario could be made, nor how more just the party in power could be toward opponents who had treated it unfairly when they were supreme. Giving the division of the counties to a court of judges will ensure a fair division, and is an illustration ' of political decency all too rare in this country. BEAUTIES • Our up-to-date bow and Stick Pins. BEAUTIES BEAUTIES Our fine stock of Blouse ets. Our dandy line of Belt and Neck Buckles. $LADIES These goods are too nice to talk about, Come and see them. HALSEY PARK jeweler and Optician. WORLD WIDE PROSPERITY. Tho year A D,, 189W will go down in the annals of history as orae of the fat years. The prosperity which has followed the general depression of a Ifew years ago is wide spread, reach ing the four quarters of the globe. In England tiraes were never better. All the great factories and mills and. yards are great hives of industry, Work isplentiful and wages are good. In the United States the news of inc-eased prosperby conies from a thousand places. North and South, East and West, all are alike sharing in the boom, All . branches of trade are feeling the magnetic touch of the business revival. . The farmer, the workingman, the merchant are en joying the brightening influence of prosperity. And it is gratifying to know that when a leading American Paper says that "thisbas been a grand year for business encourage- ment and financial development, and all men without distinction of party have reason torejoice thereat," we in Canada can exultingly add :— Prosperity in a thousand forms is here, too.—Montreal Star. THE REDISTRIBUTION BILL, The closing session of the Dominion Parliament, prior to adjournment for the Queen's Birthday recess, was made interesting by Sir ,Wilfrid Laurier's presentation of the will providing for tbe undoing of the gerrymanders which on two oc• caslons divided the constituencies wit& the' deliberate intention and effect of giving' the Liberals less than their fair share of representation in parliament. The principles of the bill can be very shortly stated. County- boundaries will not be violated. Huron county will be en- titled to three representatives and all the Huron municipalities will be in eluded, not part of it in .Middlesex,' as at present. bruee • county will also be intitled to three representa- tives, Perth county will have : two representatives, and will only con= sist of Perth municipalities. As at present part of ,Perth is in Welling ton and part in Oxford county. Here' after each constituency will consist of the municipalities of 'the county in which it is situated. To show its fairness, and its lack of wish to re- place c.ne gerrymander (or unfair distribution) by another gerryman- der, the Government, in its bill, simply decides the number of mem- bers to be allowed to each .county, or city, leaving the task of fairly mapping out the actual constituen- cies to a commission of Superior 1 Court Judges. All fair-minded men will agree that the new bill is a. very fair one, but it will not be free from severe critic:sin from the Conserva- tive press and Conservative Leaders. EDITORIAL NOTES. THE annual meeting' of the Lib- eral Association for West Huron, both Dominion and Local, will be held at Dungannon, on Tuesday next. Addresses will be .delivered by Robe Holmes, M. P., and Hon. J. T. Garrow, M.P.P. Roswell P. Fowler is said to have been killed by the amount of money he made, and now that the Laurier Government has brought the Grow. ing Time upon us almost any -old Canadian is liable to die from the same cause. --Toronto Telegram. The rato of election Judges have fixed the dates for the trial of the remaining petitions in connection with the bye•elections. West Huron . will eome'up at foderieh on Monday, 17•1 June 12tl1, South Perth at Strat- ford, on Thursday, Jane 29th. Tuesday was a red-letter day for _y the Liberals in North Waterloo. AND NIA711 MRS. PALMER, OF FENLON FALLS, TELLS HOW SHE SUFFERED. CONFINED TO TIER afro FOR %VEEIis•— HER LIMB ,DE(11Mi: gr) NUMB THAT A. RED HOT IRON COULD nn i'Ta ICED UPON IT wrruou'1' HER KNOWLEDGE. Only those who have felt the agon- izing pains of sciatica can form any conception et' the • torture which the victim under, nnee The case of Mrs. Job. Palmer, or Fenlon Falls, was one of unusual obstinacy endseveritt and .she makes the following affadavit in reference- .to her erre, for the good of humanity. '1 nm 29 years of age and hove lived in ibis vieifiity all my We. I had hlwnvs enjoyed the best of health until November,. 1897, when I took a stinging pain in my right hip which seemed to be in my very marrow OS .it effected every muscle and joint. a I keep up for severai weeks al- though suffering_ the most intense pain, freely rising liniments and many.other internal. and external preparations that, synmathizine• friends *Mild suggest,. T was then compelled to stay in bed as I got so weak and run down that I could sit .up no longer. 1, received several courses of medical treatment such as electric batteries, poulticing, etc. -abut got no ease from the excruciating pains .which would shoat down. through my leg into any. very heel where it caused o -i br'rsttng feeling. Often I prayed that my, heel would burst thinking this. might give relief. The limb at last became so numb -that a red hot iron could be placed upon it without my hiving auv knowledge of it. The closing .or opening of a door or anyone entering or moving about in my roan, seemed to increase the pain. For weeks I c•tnxid not , move any part of my body and had to lie in one position all the time. My brother wag cured of rhea mat ism after e.veryother remedy hod failed, by taking Dr.Williams' Pink Pills, j "Every morning I have a bad taste in my mouth; my tongue is coated; my head aches and I often feel dizzy. - I have no appetite for breakfast and what food I eat distresses me. I have a heavy feeling in my stomach. I am getting so weak that sometimes I tremble. and my nerves are all unstrung. I am getting pale and thin. am as tired in the morning pas at night." What does your doctor say? "You are suffering from im- pure blood." WWbat is his remedy? • Mr. L. J. Breithaupt was elected over Dr. Lackner by a Majority of 111. In the General election Dr. Lackner had a majority of 65, The Liberals will now have a majority of 12 in the Local Legislature. W 1rAT a freak the county of Mid. dlesex is for Dominion purposes'. It • You must not have consti- pated bowels if you expect the Sarsaparilla, to do its best work. But Ayer's Pilis'eure constipa- tion. We have a book on Paleness • and Weakness which you may have for the asking. Wok* to ow' Dacgoos. Jrerhans you wouldlike to consols amine' hysialuns about your soma. lion, Write us rrnal• all the particulars 1n your calm, You will receive 4 prompt rmnT 7 Address, 71St, J. C. A7ta;Jt 7owe11, )ass. 1f1AREET REPORTS. wZNOEEAx. Wiughain, May 18, 1809. ! Correoted by P. Deans, Produce Dealer. Flour per 100 lbs . 1 00 to 2 00: Fall Wheat 000 to 0 00 Spring Wheat.. 0 05 to 0 001 Oats, new ... 0 80 to 0 301 Barley..... ...... 0 80 to 0 80' Peas 0 00 to 0 02 Turkey, drawn 0 08 to 0 09' (hese, „ 0 05 to 0 00 Duoks, per pair 0 40 to 0 50 Butter ..... 0 11 to 0 12 Eggs por.dozen 0 10 to 0 10 Wood per cord. , .. ... 1 50 to 1 7o Ray per ton 5 00 to 0. 00 Potatoes, per bushel, 0 00 to 0 70 Tallow, per ib 0 3 to 0 4 ' Dried Apples, per lb 0 4 to 0 0 Wool...............,..,19 to 21 Dressed hods 5 00 to 0 00 Chickens 0 30 to 0 80 BUTTER AND EGGS _ WA i\ T E I ern prepared to pay the highest cash price for all good butter and eggs delivered at my warehouse near the G. T. .R. P. GILLESPIE+ . se I thought as a last resort I would try them, As the directions said that in severe cases three pills could be safely taken at a dose, I took this number three times a day for about a week although I got the relief I so long had prayed _ for in three days after taking the first dose. Then I kept an taking the pills two at a dose. In a week after commencing the pills I was able to get out of bed and dress myself and a few weeks.later when 1 had gained strength enough, I was able to attend to all my house- hold duties and I have ever since en- joyed the best of health. Friends and neighbors who were conversant with 'my case can ;also tellyou of my terrible suffering and the remarkable .-' "fi\4\\ ..:1 cure effected by Dr, Williams' Pink t; _,, �,�.. ,, t .,vee rim _ _l _ _..t ■■l.• nu ■•qr spa==SE-'��= o�asp�sr:��i'-3c,���s'�-6.ii@a=k.._a__._.�d -- � - _:)fY�sr7 ._�.-.'e�,' ��e IT PAYS TO BUY THE BEST. ., ill Pills." • AIRS. SUSTE PALMER. This Trade Mark is 0o every mag. Taken and, declared before me, at See that you get it. Fenlon Falls, in the CBunty.of Vie' toria, this lltb day of May, A. D., 1898. • JAMES DICKSON, J. P. BRUSSELS. • Beattie" Bros. sold one of their 'busds to Wm. Windolf, of Hanover. The Church of England. Sunday School annual cnrivention will be held in Hensall on May 29th.. Brussels Free Library is having its growing time. There are 283 members on the roll ; 2,104 books in the library ; and in the past year 3,389 books bave been issued. Dr. G-. 0. Munroe, who bas been assisting Dr. Kaibfleisch since. last November, has left for Toronto. Dr. Kalbfleisch is quite restorted' to his former good health and vigor •and quite able to attend to his practice himself. At the next meeting of Court Prin- cuss Alexandria, 0. 0. F., ,Brussels, the topie "Which bas done more for the civilization of the world, the Bible or the Printing Press." There will. 131 •three speakers on each `side and an interesting debate is expected. R. M. Hay, of Paisley, a promin- ent Presbyterian and Liberal, is dead. J. A. Bulmer 4 Co., , lumber mer- chants, of Montreal, have assigned. The liabilities of the. firm are over 8200,000. An ostrich feather farm is to be started near Toronto, and it is be- lieved Canada can grow all the ostrich feathers needed. Howard Elliott, a-15 year old boy, was convicted at the assizes at Whitby of .the murder of Wm. Murray, of Beaverton, and sentencers by Judge McMahon to be hanged on Thursday, Aug. 17. The victim; who was 80 years old, lived alone, and was beat- en to death by a club. The object ; was robbery. A Thousand Tongues Could not express the rapture of Annie E. Springer, of 1123 Howard at., Phila. ilhlphin. IPa., when she found that Dr. King'A New Discovery for Consumption. hadcompletely cured her of a hacking cough that for nisny years had made life a bt.r.k.rr. All ocher remedies and doc- tors could give her.no help, but she says of this Roy al Care: "It soon removed the pain in my chest end 1 can now sleep soundly, something t can Fcarcely re tneniber doing tlefore. i feel like sound- ing its praises throughout the Universe." So will everyone who tries Dr. Kin 's New I3ineovc ry for any trouble of the Tomtit. Cheet or Lunge. Price 50 cents and $1,00 at Colin A, Campbell's Drug Store ; every bcttlo guaranteed. ,! IS PUREST IS STRONGEST IS EVENEST IS LONGEST Ba"If your dealer does not handle our Twine write Plymouth Binder Twine Agency, 54 Bay Street, Toronto, BEST AND MOST ECONOMICAL. - • DOES QUALITY COUNT 3 A G -:AI N S . 55,000 worth of BOOTS A D SHOES at cost, This is not a clearing sale to push off old goods but - a genuine giving up business sale. Everything must go. ' Others may be selling cheap, but you will always find 'we area little cheaper, and if anyone is out of sorts in -the house it may be all the fault of a badly fitting shoe. A comfortable shoe is conducive to good temper. We make it very easy on the pocket,as well as easy on the foot. Eaery lady should, take ad- vantage of this and come and get a pair of our pat canvas and cork insole walking boots. They are 'made in French Kid, latest styles Goodyear Welt Process, are as' flex- ible as. a hand turn, and Will not squak. See them. J. G. EATLGES. Please do not ask for goods on approval without paying for them. If not satisfactory the money will be refunded. D. SANDERSON: WITH YOU ? IT PAYS TO ATTUD Pupils are in attendance at The CANADA BUSINESS COLLEGE CHATHAM, - ONT. From the .Atlantic Coast to the Pacific Slope. 133 Cities, Towns and Villages in Can- ada and the United States, during the past year, sent us nearly 300 pupils. There are now 23 Counties and Districts in Ontario, 5 States of the Union to- gether with Manitoba, and the North Wset Territories represented. • Over 200 of our pupils have been plac- ed In good positions since Jan. let, 1898. We recently had four' calls within three weekb to supply teachers for other business colleges. Among those who have accepted posi- tions lately, are :-r-Jennie Bateman, as Steno. and assistant book-keeper, Walk- erville Brewing Co. Annie McRae, as Steno. and assistant book-keeper, Milton Pressed Brick & Sewer Co. ; Catharine McRae, as Steno., George Angell Whole- sale Art Supplies, Detroit, 1Nieh ; Geo Cartwright, as, Steno.,'witb- North. Am- erican Life Assurance Co, Toronto. The spring term is one of the best seasons of the year for making a start. Enter now. D. McLACEELAN & CO. Chatham, Ont. WOOL • 50,000 LBS. WOOL WANTED I Highest prices in cash or in exchange for Yarns, Blankets, Heavy Tweeds, Flannels, &4. • A.