HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1899-05-26, Page 3• 1:1!: - .7-eiferf ' " Jui VVINCiliAM TIMES, MA 26,. tbu9, Withoutv Rival . . 'Vie Deserving Poor. —. I Dr. von Stan's Pineapple Tablets, This one has point, Ili comes to I '.#aAbleiste..Rnm)1"11.'8' 35(1 4 33°3c-611. --- us front—we oon't know where. But it will awaken a sympathCIIAPrEit VII.tie chord ; Paine's Celery Compound as a ja the hee'lls ot newePnixr men I 1. The beginoieg of troutae ie tbe -- whose eyee happen to fall ott this " ti t i ,1,1 f 4 me or at care. itt Sorrows 0 ye: Blued Purifier anti HeaIth page. pepsin arise trona negleet. 4 Giver Hants first in Every What intlaence the hard tittles had A minister wished to ascertain knowledge eoneerning the stimaieli- 2, indigestion ui tee beginning of • Civilized Land. • upon his coDgregation, and said at and some peuple got knowledge through - --- the elose of his sermon, "I would Bustr.ertlits of appetitef lees of vitality, ask every one who is ‘till able to :ass of flesh, lose of refit --these ere the Professional men, Members of parlia- :pay his debts to rise from his seat." penalties which thousands endure SIDRA liankere, business men, mechanics I The whole congregation arose, end our farmers,after happy results and 4.and they nam Thre .They try Dr, Von Stas Dyspep. experiences with Paioe's Celery com.i with the exeeption uf oue. male The Tablets all dist'reeue the . , Wound, empbatically asset the great parson then asked that all those who lie reedicine has no rival. were unable to meet their bilis effect a rapid cure. A. L. ilatuiltoo is.'is e As a blood purifier, disease banisher sells these tablets at 35 cents a aux. . sbould rise. Thereupon the attire- . , ation and praise of those in position „na ,1 inentiotted solitary inttiv Waal got up, affluence, and people in humblemuircum. 1 a _hungry looking, poorly clad 11.1aDi Dr, von Stan's Pineapple Teolets. ,murices have largely added tons extend -1 whose features revealed the terrible - instantly relieves heartbura„ souratora- f‘led reputation. • struggle of one fighting against the ; nen, nausea, .,.• The vass army of sick and weekly • headaches arising teen de ranged digesti apple restored to heatte and vigor uy Or vicisoitilde this world. The Milk- ' on, and they quioken tbe .- 1 aloe's Celery * compound hive dope later regarded him attentive!) , ) et appetite Mille effecting a (Aire. =ore for the present world-wide sale ot ' leindly. "How is it, wy. fettled," tie tbe great healtiebunder thee all the-ywily one Different Ways of Serving said, chat t.0 are toe press notiees ever published. ' Undesuch happy auspioes the pro. • aututig alt these people who eannot Rhubarb. r prietors of Patuets Wary l'eompuund • pay bid debts ?" with full and honest oundderiee urge the 1 "Sir " replied the men heelatiine Corning as it does when fresh at this present senson. Jr, putaish a Ile wspaner, will ' essential to health, the garden rim. nee of Leis noblest ond best ot inediehies i ....I green edibles are scarce and 'yet The work of puvitying . the blood, tutt'ae, tity brothers., wet) ruse „lust Ittla,_,,,, • barb deserves more patronage than cleansing the system, rowilating the 110W, al e all oubeerniere, is nerve, is an imperative one, anti bbould But the tuidiSter iatent'uptett hitu usually accorded it. ID would. :not bedeiayed a itioniebtk if ailing people hastily , . Let us pi sy,” receive it too, if housewives realized would have perfect heattri that its biting aeidity can te .easily Men end Winnell distressed 'by Ched,i. modified to an agreeable tartness, eurinia, rheumatism end JiVtir tine ebo,nervoucnes, gee p lisesneseel opetielti. , A 0 A RD . . mand that tbe comnion method of -mg kidney coroplaiots, cannot afford to treat, . serving it in a two crust pie is the t heir troubles with indifference. Hermes We, the Undcritigued, do hereby agree least wholesome way in which it can and. fatal results follow dela) a. Thte 14 tt; refund_ the money on n twenty-five. , , the time jrth oe taking on of new Streinztri cent owle l of Ur, Willis' English Pills, ue ""eu• and true vitality, unit Line's Uelt ry if: alter i.,,..log tutee fourths of eoutents Baking imparts a richer color and Compound will neY0r die.titpolut the of bottle, they no.not relieve Constepa- flavor to rhubarb than stewing.; but trick end ofileeed. • -, tion anti. headache. We also warrant whichever way it is cooked it should The. Wel motto of Paint -0•1 Celery egan• that tour lautles will peluannently cure pound .‘el eked tiiuk pe, pie well," is Itti the most, ..iosti 0 ate cases of•Coosti nation, first be covered with boiling water trnc to day a/ it way yei rs ago. Sittimfaotion t.r no pay when Wills' Eng- and allowed to remain on the back esti Pies are used. • • of the stove ten minutes, then. drain - In the vear e»ded March 3 let lust ,„. A'.."-- vif""°"', Cherniat rind .Droggist,lect and cooked in • fresh water. NV ingoani, oat. the British and Foreitzn Bitritt ii,,ciatyTo bake make a little rich syrup Collie A. Campbell, chemist and Drug- - issued as many as. 8A.23ti itittles, gist, Witightim• Out. of boiling water and sugar : pour 1,218,818 Teetements, and 2,1.67,855 A; L Hamilton. Chemist and Drug- over the fruit:covet-and set in a hot portions. The total, 4 470,43.0, was gist., Winaharn. 013 . , ove.n ; as soon as tender remove the cover and finish baking. 9° S87 in exoess of the eorrespelaling --, Extending Me Ephere of Affl.1.10110e. figure for 1897 98, thetesti thew • Rhubarb should alsobe stirred in were enneizlerable deereests miller The youeg physician was tired a little syrup. Some persons arel th'e headings Bibleand Tieea !melee when he returned from hie eeerring's food of rhubarb 'cooked in maple In the .95 yeaes lif the wedeln 's es.- calls, but as he, settled • back in his syrup. istence the issue S hey() tiumbei ed chair :Ind his pretty wife of only a l3alted rhubarb served very cold 160.009,393 copies. in 350 le tiguairee. month or two took' a seat beside him is a most appetizing meat or other and dialeets. Rus-ia hetin allay he aeked effeetionately : 'sauce, If baked or stewed rhubarb respects given larg-,1. t'Aelli le- ...'... .. "And 'has my little' wife .been is to be used as a -filling.for plea, warmer weleunte to lee Bible e eleiy tori til y ?" . ' •• tarts, turn overs, pudding or dumptliinny oilier temmee aluteette itnee "Olie 'no," she eitki anittettedlye -lings, it ehouldbeailightly thickened •land ; and in Awe, in, in the teeiu of i tett lettet, not very. -I've • Amur], ,(as eoon as sufficiently cooked* and great hind rotive, the eisetlitti len le le. something to hum' myself with '' -.• before removing frOm the fire) with increased •hy 44,000, To China the I -Indeed," he said, "Whitt is it?" a little corn starch dissolved in cold year .. has been full of exie ielottal : et ilerill org a nizing e clime, A lei Water. ' epportunities, and . the Piet:W.404m ot younsr, girls end tnerried women ' Rhubarb pie is both attractive has risen by 161,801 t, 723.7 Le. !are in it, and we're ex •henginer ex- add 'wholesome made by either of i pt.i.ialieeA a rid tettithiee enett usher the•following methods. Prepare the For Over Fete Years. i how to (.4, lee, • . • pie plant as above direeted and An Ow nrjd wawzrriall Pe ...II —NI e : "What citt' on. do with the things •-while hot add a few. bits of butter Winsitiw•A s4tiothing Sy ru p liatt been I need for over 'I t' yearn by militoo., .,r i .cnt vo ,k "?." he itAlcoll le ell es., edly,.. . and a little cinnamon or mace, Sift mothers fur their children "0.1. . we eend them 1,,, the nelirn• a tablespoonfal of powdered sugar %Oleo teeth l ing, with perfect succi,s. It poothes the .1,or,t Pi -t t0 t,httw w hot v' t an do. over the top before it is baked line a }child, softene the gums, allays ail , mine toe gr.eat Nu" • . • deep tin with paste and 'butte well kn'.".8.4 I'vind n°4% find it4 II"' b"t E'rtw"•* 1 icotined, ltaste "Dittr lithe manna," ho sat& „with the prepared rhubarb.; put tor diarrhoea. lb is nto Eie , i , . Solcl by druggists in every rain. et the, leaning l‘ver and kksille: her. "Al• straps of paste across the top and world. Twenty-fi% e. r-tr.t. n lint 1 b., ' 1.4 W., v. . ,‘,.,..3.11. ;111 , 1 ‘.. .tp toi.lnind's set in the oven long enough .to bake veto. le invaluable. 11,,,,r.. %„1„...i, f4 M I, .„ ; „.. ; -4i v iyi itit:•..)..:. r., ieetend the latter, or else substitute a .thick Yrs. Winslow's ..loot.titag S\ nip. It.ti f , it meringue Lor the paste straps. . - ...moo...4...m ..vg.n.,*•t,44Errea.,.......11, ..P.....* 4.- . ...._. • • . . Rhubarb pie must be served very .••••••••••,•••••.* • take nn othtlir ki • . te elefV. :ea'. -seta 10.7 :yet discovered, and set to work, e does words of welcome to the delegatesThe Brae en*Rwito Ktrilledte not mind. It is not Work tie is and Mrs. Towler replied, 5.1rs. day with all itsetantenta. 'Fhere we • ; afraid of, but the being without Morton, of Wingliain, read a paper over 40 pupils in it at the ligae„ work, and tbe bread that acorn- on "Auxiliary Work front. a, finanelal No one wan thm. s Miough Proh ee ioo: panlea it. eide" whielt was discussed by Barker was slight4 injured. When It is considered what 9 Mesclanies hiscox, Oaten, Towler, The possessive case IA pcmetinma • enortnous thing an Atlantic liner is, Kerr, Held, Wright and Yelland, written in strange fisl•lon. The , d how y aar places there A fine solo, Ife promised never to , following in.nance wee -neteeted in a are in her vast interior, it is not leave me," was rendered. In goad letjer from a. country eta toi.ponclenti. Surprising to bear that sores of men style by Airs. IIiscoir, after which -r-Mie man whtkeM died'a during the course of a year get free Mrs. Laurie, of Gorrie, gave a paper boat:— passages across the herring pond in on "God's vineyard and. woman's I A horror second only to !ha John - one ship or anotht r—and this tholigit place in it." Miss Lizzie Sample, of Iowa 'flood Is upon tie. Tee Miseouri the steamei never leaves port with- Brussels, sang the appropriate solo Futile dyke was undermined giv. out a search being made to see time "Go forward 01 Workersfor Jesus," ing way last night. toliong the losses were sixty-hve nous which were drowned.—Kanc,as City Star. - Secretary of Gemini) C. loyal Corn. niitlee for the Ereefitet of hospitals for the Care of Persous with Deceas- ed Lungs Eiseehaupt The country correspondent views local events through pc wet fa bino- culars—every fire is a can. ti•tg 411,11011 or a holoeaast tied. every accident has "horrible details." e : • no unanthorieed person is on board. A conferetee on Circle and Mission Many are discovered, in bunkers Bands was introduced by Mrs. J. W. and other sueh places, and, of course, Field, of. Teeswater. Those taking carefully conducted ashore, but not - part in the eonference were Mesdames a few manage to alude detection and, Brown, Swann, Towler, Oaten, .Allin of course, once away from land little and others. Chorus by eight little is to be feared from diseeverlY. gide, "Working for Jesus." An in There is a curious notion prevalent teresting part uf the afteritoon's among some Sailors, It os that a program was the reception of .dele• stowaway is a lucky passenger to gates from sister Societies, Mrs. (Rev) carry. Asked once why it was, an Roos representing Melville (Presby - old sett answered that he never terian elinrch; Mrs. (Rev.) Abbey, heard of a ship being lost that had a stowaway on board. Of eourse he had an instance in point to relate. It is to the effect that a stowaway was discovered in hiding on an out- going vessel et the last 'gement and ejected. Shaking his fist at the captain, the would-be voyager cried.: you rotten ship.; neitLer she net' Brussels, "Epworth League"; Mrs, you will live to see 'Christmas day, Muxworthy "District work"; Mrs. while I shall." The prophecy Om,- Wright, and. Mrs. Hiscox, "Temper- ed a true one. The vessel went ance work." Miss Allison, of Gor- down within a week or sailing, and rie, favoeed the audienee with the only the second officer and a few beautiful solo "Out of the deep have. Men were saved, I cried unto Thee." The closing THE' DOCTOR'S WIFE. address was given by Mrs. Gordon • Wright on "Systematie giving." A St. John's (English) chureb; and • YOU M were tendeted by Rev. J. L StewartYST Dili, greet:ngs from the Distrtet meeting - Said his Physleiten. South American, • , C of Bervie, and Rev. A. I, Brown, of Kidneyure Give the Doctor the Tiverton, Five* minute talk on the Lie, Cured Brignt's Disease, following subjects came text Mrs. La Grippe will leave ,its brand en the Brown, of Tiverton, spoke on "Dea- weakened pot.. 4. bright 3 "tig mac'iti ). eoness work". Mrs. Orr, of Teeswater, known n , mit0 a lumbermanfound 1 het the in• well- I'ni glad yur ou ve tned. me out, of "Supply Walt" Miss U. Moore of fluenza epidemic had, dt-‘ eloped in him that most fated of all kiiittoy Iron bles—' Ibeight'e Disease, 101Ctil physicians treated, but to nu purpose. Hs consult. el specialists, °Lily to be told that his life hung on a slender itter.t. end recov- ery was impassible, But pinue3 his fault to the adage, while. there's life there's hope, lie began ia•ing South A.aierican Kidney Onto. and int three months from the day be tionime.nced using it,. the satne pnyei who said be A Four Year's Cripple From Acute cordial. vote of thanks was paned to y L. Hamil mustton die, pronounced cured. Sold • Rheumatism. South American Mrs. Wright for her words of • ' Rtietimatic Cure was the True sympathy, counsel and .encourage- Literary Notes. Physician. • mem, The people of Brussels were • 'Niro. 3. 11. Salle, of 223 Church street, also thanked for their hospitality. "The Miracle at IVlarkhain," Shel- Toronto, wife of Dr. Haste, suffered Mrs. S. Walker and Mrs. W. F. don's latest book,. is a bty and fairly severely from rheumatism for live years.Stewart were the us reviewed in the ',trey teem of of the For four years sho could not walk with- hers and Misses out the use of a cane. At t' s tb Pearl Leatherlake, Pearl Baeker, Endeavor Herald. The at/ter takes pains were inteose,mid she suffered Fernio Allin and Eva Snider lifted the attitute of a, sympathetut critic tortures. No remedy or treatment gave in dealing with this attempted sola• the contributions. A most interesting any relief. She was induced to try Soutlaand profitable convention was tion of the prublem of Oliristainity. Arnerictan Rheumatic Oure. She used In accord with this article is one of • saying am entirely cured and can Benediction by Rev. Ur. Garbutt! rolaf and she closes her signed teatimouy by : With yen till we meet againG43' MOVe about AS blithely as ever in myIghl:nrdr,eebyChtubcrthRenvta. ro of St. jolin's Wood Presbv- vette...tit in En.g. - Mur b..ittles and to -day :s free from pain, concluded by tbe hymn d be Gibson, We." • Suld by A. L. Harnilton. Gorrie. Between 26 andB0 members D. terian ehurch, Lond.ite Ing, which were in attendanee outside of Woman's Foreign Missionery Brtisse16' ' .• . . deserves 'Careful,' reeding: hy 'all..iii- • , Society. '1 . terested in the drawing together — 1 Aro You, Bilious ? of the evangelical denomination, The antual conven doe of the W. F. , A sluggish liver fails to filter the bile The department on Jeillor work is M. S., of the Methodist church, from the blood,andentbedyin po the ur i sen oiti si_ .1 Ofrfomspetehiaelpeinntse or et s t 3, 0 th):: vlitellisarritiaeleers Win hat Di t et, as held '1) th matter gesthrough wthbebu Methodist church, Brussels. on Wed- . rerhattnigeeneo rphwibsolleosnyisiet:ttiviotainuteesd rd nalBoston, Miss Chat lute :E. Wiggins, nesday of last week and despite the . can be completely' oured by Dr. A. 4,-T. 1 and S. John Dittman Clark, which almost constant rain was well attend.°hose's Hldney-Liver. Pills. which ant ,l are valuable contributions to. the ed, a large number of delegates be • '•: directly on the liver, ntaking it healthy 'ever live topic of haw te help our' leg present from the various circuits Znedx at',11r. UnaiInti a dose,25 oentsha boys and girls. The itepartmente• e ,c, eopest me mine in t of missionary intermetion, • news, in the District. Convention opened world. at 10 o'clock, a. m., Mr: methods of work, . pre ver -meeting, itluxwolehy, • at' Teeswater, presiding, and Mrs.: Some Nowspaperisms. and Sunday Scbool note.4 are crowd Baker, of Bervie, taking charge of I. and copy ied veith most inspiring end suggese The telegraph editors tive matter, This znagezine seems the devotional exercises. After Mrs. ',readers of newspapers run • across a w . •• Tait read tbe minutes of the past great inaoy remarkable statements to grobetter every ta 'nthTor- meeting the following ladies reportedonto : The Endeavor Herald CO. in the country correspondence and for the various auxileries:—Wingham Mrs. Towler; Brussels Mies E. E. even feom the press associations.] Mrs. Middleton 11Vrov, writes from Trite expreseions.become a habit of ' Sehomberg, i'Powler's Ex - cold.. Kerr; Gorrie,Miss Laurie;Rineardine eorrespondebts, and ic doty 'of the I t 'Vend S I i • rac traw )erry s the est ,Refore ft Is too late, stop that succession of colds that means nothing more noriess than catarrh, Stop the suffering. Stop the disagreeable catarrhal dis- charges that am so humiliating to you and offensive to your friends, Don't let 1 • it run on until your condition causes you to be ostracized as if you were a leper. Don't neglect yourself until consumption makes its fatal appearance. You can be cured—not merely relieved, but absolutely and perfectly cured. . Dr. Agnew's Catarrhal Powder • ‘,111 restore you to complete, perfeet lwatth. It gives relief at once. It cures in an incredibly short nine: • Hunifteds of cases of from 5 to so years' standing have been cured—caseekhat Pitysilaans had pronouncedincurnble, 'The catarrhal powder acts like magic; not only la catarrh, but in colds, sore throat, .tonsilitis, hay foyer, loss of smeg, clearness and allsimilar diseases. Mr. C. G. Archer, ht Brewer, Maine, writes as follows t have had catarrh rot. several years. Water would run from toy eyes and nose for days at num. About four _months ago I was induced to try Dr, Agnew's Catarrhal Powder, and since using the wonderful remedy t have not had tin attack. I would not be without it." At druggists. Dr. Agnew's Cure or the neat Cures tin ebes of organic or sympathetic disease of the heart—relieves in so minutes. Dr. Agnew's Liver Pills are at *nee a mild cathartic, • invigorator and system renovator. aoc, for 45 doses, 7)r. Agnew's Ointinent relieves lis * day and Cures eczema, salt rheum and all diseases of the skin. Cures piles in a to 3nights, sSc. 7 • SOLI) EV A L, -For rhubarb pudding fill a dish with the prepared rhubarb ; cover with a thinly rolled_ tea biscuit dough and bake, Serve hot with hard sauee. Inflammatory Rheumatism. hire. W. J. Waditworth, Toronto Juno - tion, says :—"For 3 tnonths was contin- ,od to my room with inflammatory rbeu• inatistu and suffered intense pain. Doctors fatted to do megond. Five boxes 'of Milburn's Alieu meth; Pills cured me." FACTS ABOUT STO PERSONS WII0 STEAL THEIR PASSAGE ACROSS TIM ATLANTIC OCEAN', "t arn. not given to losing my temper," said one captain to the writer, "but 1 confess that when on one voyage we found no fewer than Emmen men had managed to stow themselves away below, felt in. Wined to give them all a duetting, and said so," This was tbe captain of an Atlantic, liner, a man to' whom the stowaway is a perpettn1 Mrs. Lister; Teeswater, Mrs. Brjlii copy reader to eliminate these when ; remeVI dy I know of for Senn trier Complaint Whitechurch, Mrs. Cuyler; Kinloss, no runs across thein. Some. of them and Bowel diseases or children. I taws Mrs. Baker. Teeswater MissionI used it for 17 years," Band waa reported. in' a most pleas- are aetuaity wired as follows: 1 - ; • He was overcome by smoke in the ..Yi ing manner by Miss M. eld. The' upper story. •. . • PUNCTURE e. reports were encouraging aod denot . The man was fatally wounded.' ed. progress and enthusiasm. A re- Ile may die. , A muddy street . may look like i "hasty pudding" but it's hard to stir solution of sympathy to Mrs. (Rev.) ,. Jerre' was blown about thirty . Cunningham, of Kincardine, in the feet, He leaves a family. !aboat in. 1 A man Shoiild be alila to buy a • berealtemeat of her husband was The wan was shot twice in the. watch ..on.tieke or at 10.1,4 get nine passed. In the absence of Mrs. taken), Garbutt, of Gorrie,Mrs. Gordon He wag shot in the suburbs. Wright, of London, took Up "Aux- He kissed tier back. time oft it. ‘' iliary Work,"•• in a very ieteresteng She whipped him upon hiveturn. style and a free and full discussion kissed her passionately on her ensued in NOW-) Mesdames Towler, re -appearance. aul, GillCSuxworc y, wain Re clung to her weeping Children Ci,'y for OT RI a PanI, i, Al h S n . 1 As soon as a Mall get-. the ' dust he's likely to bit w liaeself ard be end Kerr took part after which the Dead persons do stranger things ! Wormed by Mrs. Swann, of Ripley. • The Suieide reviving said.— t c/brine of nit kinds are pi onaptly ex - Nitre poor egain. yelled by 1)r. Lowie l'isitaant Worm forenoon session was coneladed with than one would suppose. a praise and prayer service conduct. ' Borne or the most common exam- Syrup. Nice to take, Pile() 25e. AFTERNOON SESSION. pies of triteness are: ' Ono reason why the horse Men opened at :I, Mrs. Eisen, of Tees. It was a galley day or a red letter go la beeattee he eats too much. He water, lead the devotional exercises. Mrs. a J. Alin, of 13russels, spoke DISCIIA.ItGnID TO DIR. • " once. But Mts. litzpatriek Did n' tLose Though the strietest watch is icept hope. Dr. Agnew's Cure for ..he ileart Accomplished What the to prevent his getting on board, it is rare for a trip to. ,be made without .111Yele!ans C"ddI .000 or two specimens of the dead. tf the tnousande of people who rush to this+ is. not wioulre got2 it He a itraYt rirsort,linosv hei,d; fraternity being cerried willy i Y free. Of, caul e, done emit witbot,t, connieetiee on I IIVIir9tie. Yjoahnn ftlg I \t" Uor asra. ip, I. be atokertt aft not, in froquet t. ti.ays}:1,1;,11Stbisit.Ventir e/eb3,:attalothal gin gu. Ly the guilty parties.' With their or Dori!eiznapiwapsuablo.f, The lady procure() others' aid. the stowaway get8 dOW11 the par De somebody on twara the lifter beiog treated by buiineet pPiyakiciltinietZ ftm into tile hold and .11nds iv dark cor- °Irtred 4" las414)rbti: 1644° To 41711'"1/aretirtelieel'iff:; vi• swa is at sen. ret ihrintii,:tiont.uhrietii! a eery 'mute spasm In lase than halt nn • hour, ebd three bottles cured het. Sold tbc by A L Ilse:Moe day as the ease may be. shou:t1 make an 'n J II is. Everyone is of the opinion to the In the "old I;ur.ers hyme when effeet that—"the moose ram up the &odic," we A well known citizen. On one preStlate the el( el. ree oceassion the correspondent put in: A well known citizen, Who is also well•to defamer. -- Out little town was thrown into it ferment of excitement this morn- ing by -- Deceased was Mason of high degree: Your eorrwpondent has learned, The expression is used advisedly. Mr. Gibson was a most highly re• epected citizen and known to almost every man, WOMall and child in tni city. henry Smith was the firstwhite born child In the town site. ralbAlkikel!AMIVW61/4/0.1.11 One Dse Tens the story. When yotir head' aches, and you feet bilious, tonal- pated, and out of tune, With your stomach sour and no tippetite, jug buy n peekage of Ififoinfa Pills Led take e. dose, *OM 1 to 4 pills. You will be surprised at holt easily they will 00 their work, sure emir headache and blliousnefo, resits Ms liver raid make you reel happy *AM, accmts. told. by all medicine dea 4 4