HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1899-05-26, Page 22
When the Whlwtle plows
it iIa * ai; r+.4 *hat the train is oo nR.
and it yo•ttia•j:'t gat off thotraek wiktrun
over unit lu I • •tit. When you cough, it
;iet•et'inertia b .•slnHttil;fit t tit I8• r<rittiea.
end you h't,l a,t.trsr look out. The Nay
to iWp cote 1; : ohm is to et+ip 4ht, 1;0:$(1
Tf1er Slay .,a s• , r t.'ii• 1.19t01 i!* to tike
alhiloti et (' • , 1'1 •lnal t"••t'yttrinir)ttvt+ {:Nro.
21 eta., rill et. 14+e 1d111jt bottle. Money
refuntietl if ,' f•ii'!I i4i tauter.
.,-3The govt -n rich` h ruse i tt Vletoritt,
1. O., stele li'tt•trr4
Thirteen 4 plitllterin eascsi in '`'Vin.
nipeg bfrsl.i':ti, six tet tthe.tit nturst>.si.
1 otnttn "::l' 't::' wilt tlit'nt!tl down
Ill the (1011..t:••1 led t 12 to J.
Ponk;,_s,':',1y c.nsre(l. Fry' xthez
They akc 'R ' na from. Dyspepsia,
Indigestion .:..', Too II.•.t ty Jeering. A prx-
fact remedy ::r : •zzlaces, Nausea, Drowsi-
ness, Bad T:.r.tr: In the Mouth, Coatcd Tougu
Fain in the Sit:^, '.itsRI.ID LIVER. They
Regulate the 170.7m13. z'urely Vegetable.
Small NFL Small. Dove
.mall Price°
the fraud of the day.
See you get Carter's,
Ask for Carter's,
Insist and demand
Carter's Li:•tle Liver Pills.
'W ingha'not Matrix' Meeting. It
The annual sessiona of the Wing
ham I)istriet 'meeting were held in
Isrussels Methodist church, on 'Tues
day and Wednesday of last week,
Rev. David Rtogere, Bluevale, Currie.
man, in the elude ; Rev. S. J. Mux• i
worthy, Fin,. Seeretary. Rev, F. 3.
Oaten, of 1 elgrave, was chosen
Journal Secretary and. Rev. W. M.
Pomeroy, of Bethel, was elected
Statistical Secretary. Tee minister
lel sessions oeeupicd the first day the
brethren present being :-•--Dr. Pas
eoe, Wingham ; 11..A.,tarttham, Kin-
cardine ; John Learoyd, Iaueknow ;
w; J. Arlin,. Brussels ; 8, W. Max.
worthy, Teeswater ; 3. G. xellaad
and 3, I., Ilgntrt Ethel ; R, J. I.Ios-
king. Fardwiett ; R. J. Garbutt,
Gorrie ; .T. 13. Kennedy, Wroxeter ;
D. Ruggers, Bluevale ; E. Otivant,
Ashtield ; N. S. I3nrwash:, Salem
W. M. Pomeroy, I3ethel ; F. Swann,
Ripley ; Ue i. Baker and J. L.
Stewart, liervie•; A. I. Brown, Tiv-
erton ; W. W, Leech, Whtteehurch ;
P. J. Oaten, I3elgrave. Revds. R.
Nut and W. Norton, of Brussels ;
and F. M, Smith, of Kincardine,
superannuated men, were also
present. The character of the
brethren was passed, the saperan•
nuated men recommended to be
continued on -the Fend ; the proba-
tioners recommended for advance -
meat and II. A. Graham, 13. A.,
reeommonded for ordination at next
Conference. T. Hall comes to the
District as a supernumerary. An
obituary notice, bearing on the life
and work of the late Rev. A, Cun-
ningham, was read. The following
resolution was presented to the
meeting having reference to Rev.
Dr. Pascoe :—"That this District
meeting very sincerely regrets that
the time has come when Bro. W. S.
Pascoe, D. D., finds it necessary to
seek a superannuated relation. We
most reluctantly recommend the
Conference to accede to bis request.
In doing so we desire to place on
record our keen sense of the loss
which the church will suffer in the
retirement from the active work of
From his fent to his body,
and ran a blood• tinged,
irritzting water.
Mrs.A.Keirsteau, Snider Mt., N.B., tells
how her little -boy suffered, and how
B.B.B. cured him permanently.
There is not a
mother in this land
who has a child suf-
fering from skin dis-
ease in any form but
will thank Mrs, Keir -
stead, of Snider Mt„
' N.13., for telling of
,.. theremarkableman-
''"- ner in which her boy,
Freddy, was cured
of one of the sever-
FRBUIit I:6:IRSTEAn, est and most tortur-
ing of skin diseases
by the use of Burdock Blood Bitters ; and
not only relieved and cured for the time
beim •, but, mark you, after eight years
Harris, Wroxeter ; Joseph Leech,,The Weaning of Colts.
I3ltievale ; W. T. (Iardner, AshtieId•--- •--
G. Baines, Salem ; M. L. Blair, A spring colt ought to be weaned i
Bethel ; Jno, llgmhertston, Ripley ; before the pastures become seanty of
J. Il. Kaake, l3ervie ; F. Colwell, herbage. At the same time it should
I3ervio ; II ' S. Foster, Tiverton ; beused et:staking a little grain twice
John Taylor, Whireehnrch ; W. - a day while it is stilt running at pee..
Wray, l3elgrave. The vartons ture. The oat is, of course, the hest
schedules were presented and dis•' grain cur colts, as it is also for the
cussed At, 11 o eluek the election ` horse. It does not take w»eh oats
of members to the various Confer- or meal to keep a young colt thrif't-
enee Cowinittees took place with ily growing (luring its first winter..
the following result :— Stauioning If oats and corn are ground together,
Committee, Rey. S. J. Arlin ; Sub- ; without the cob, and some wheat
bath School Coin., Rev. S. W. Max- : bran is added, it will, in most cases, j
worthy, W. II. Kerr ; Epwerttt, . hake a better ration fed with cut
League Com., Rev. F. Swann, Ed- ; hay than could be got from feeding
ward Cooper : Missionary Coin„ W. , oats alone. No corn and cob (meal
II, Kerr, J. Ilumbertston (alternate); I should be fed to young colts, or, in
Sastentation Cum., Rev.W. W.ffact, to any young animal. The cob
Leech, Joseph Leeeh Reeds. !is extremely hank to digest, and, at •
Messrs. Brown and Stewart were least for all youag stock, has not,
appointed to convey the greetings of i enough nutrition to compensate for
the District to the W, Ii'. M. S. Con- !'the danger from using it,
vention in session.
On reassembling after dinner the C
Danger Ii],. Tan ans.
following laymen were eleetod to I —s -
attend the annual Conference at 1 Open a can of 1 eaeehes, aprieotsr
Windsor :— Wingham, Win. Fes- I cherries or other frets- for all fruit.
sant and kI. Park ; Kincardine, S. is acidulous—let it stand for some -
Henry ; Lucknoty, Geo. Greer ; time, and the fruit acids and the tins.
Brussels, W. H. Kerr, 13. Gerry ; are ready to do their work of poison-
Tceswater, J. W Field ; Ethel, J. J. ing. A. chemical iknowledge that.
Mitchell, Jno, Cohere. Fordwieh, Ed. tells just how the dangerous. corn -
Cooper ; Gorrie, Jas. Leech ; Wrox - pound is created is annel essary to an
eter, Wim,. Weir ; Lillie% ale, Joseph avoidance of the peril. The rule to
Leech, R. Stewart ; Ashfield, W. T. follow is never to make lemonade or I
Gardiner (Lucknow).;. Salem, Wm. otheracidulated drinks in• a tin
Melvin (Itiversdale), c Bethel, John bucket nor allow them to stand in a..
Thompson (fine River); Ripley, vessel of tin ;,and, in, the ease of can
John kiumbertson ; Bervie, J. 11. ned fruit or fisb,, ianmedi,ately upon
Kaake (Kinloss), F. Colwell (Bervie); opening the can tern the contents
Tiverton, H. 0. Foster ; White- out upon an earthenware plate, or
church, Wm. Wellwood. (Fordyce) ; into a dish that is made• et earthen-
Belgrave, Wm. Wray. ware or glass..
It was agreed to hold the Fall Fruits in hermetieally sealed cans,
District meeting at Bluevale and the if properly prepared; generate no
next May district meeting at Wing poison. As soonas•opened the action.
ham. of the acid on the. yin. with the aid of
The amount of money raised for the atmosphereibeginsl andiln a short.
all purposes, including salaries; of time the result is. a deadly poison.�,r .sg u9s' � plv.10 �r-s',•O ' s :-St
ministers, connexional fonds_ and This brief treatment of, the question
church •enterprises is $26;f3474. 290 should be remembered: by everyone,
ti, ., .;.�,� .,, .-�,••�.s �'�,. 1 "ti''i'.'�'illitll�i.
Castoria is for Infants and Children. Castoria is a
harmless substitute for Castor 011, Paregoric,, Drops
and Soothing Syrups. It contains neither Opium,
Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. It is Pleasant.
Its is -.thirty years'' use by Millions Off
Mothers. Castoria destroys 'Worms and allays Feverish-
ness. Castoria. eures Diarrhoeuand.Wind Colic. Castoria
rellieves Teething' Troublei,. cures Constipation and
Flatulency. Castoria. assimilates the. Food, xegalates:
the Stoluach and Bowels' of Infants and Children,.hiving
healthy and natltral' sleep. Castoria, is the Children's
P1u ne�Tho. Mother's. Friend.
Castoria. • Castoria,
„Castorfa. is an excellent medicine for "Castoria Is 1,0 well adapted to children
children,. Mothers have repeatedly told me that T recommend it as superior. to. any pm
of -
of its good. eupon their children." • script(= known to nue."
Da. G. C. Oseam),• Lowell; /Crass. IL A -In cuen, Ar- D•. ilimoklyt„X, Y
TI1E tt[NTAUR COMPANY, TT MURRRAYYeTnrr'M- Me' vnr4 et -•V.
persons were received into eburch and its instructions Mowed. The: .� a
.. R .. ,,. f 1 l SHEEP BIP and
aNIM t t W AS EL
nledibersbip during the yeas;. The general press also. should and in
b of membersto'd this 1 know Persiatie•Sbeep.Dipand• Animal Waslb in' the•most higkly eoneentirated T
destroying vermin, in cattle. It is powerful vAstshout being, harsh and' itch
. being successfully number . removing
issemrnatmg! Ls Gimp e -
other places by letter is. 11651, whilst ledge. and all•round satisfactory form, of power for its euringr of skim diseases and
one who has not only won the more than 60 have died.
esteem of all who know him as a Moved by Rev. J. Learoyd;
man of the truest and most trans- seconded by Rev. R. B1tu1, that: our CAST parent Christian character, but also thanks be tendered to the Chairman ' C it
--- mediate• in effect without any irritating results. It is, tel g y '
usetl all' over Can�adh.,fbr'euring Snres,,Bruises.Shtear tubs. 13nils,Riutrnoero.,
• s evidence:
t .• �11�r: G. A. Brodie, Bethesda Ont., says: -"It goes farther and does cosec
tie in cttsbriuti�n
as a minister of the Gospel posses= for his genial and efficient services.
Gauavene Scab, snit tor destroying vermin and insect pest a aonl
' work than any dap•Lhaave ever usedl I uaed it most successfully g
lamps.. The wash healing the wounds rapidly and keeping the maggots
eloquence and power:, We devoutly On motion the hartys thanks of �► NTr Cssan
rot Ringwood; Ont.,. says:- 1 have been unable to gain reel
�t efactuon from many expertmants to dii3ereirt dips
recognize the good hand of God per- the meeting was given to•the' people
mitting him to give' the long period of Brussels for their kind. entertain -
of 46 years of such distinguished ment during the sessions, of •the
service to the church ;. nor would District meeting and Rep, Me. A1l'en
we tail to he grateful for the was asked to convey them{ to, the
splendid ability with which he has congregation next Sabbath.
served the interests of the church as Moved by Jno. Iiumbertson.,. see -
an administrator and officer during onded by Joseph Leech and.resol!ved
the course of many years. In re- ``That the ministers and; laymen of
( tiring from the active work of the the annual District meeving of
ministry we beg to assure him of Wingham District of the• Methodist
� t•
session assembled tea
h admire-
church, in se 1 n
'fie respect an l�
nuall d,
Iw are recti
tion, and our earnest geed will to- fully affirm that o greatly
ward him in the evening of his life
which we hope will be full of peace
and rich in our Father's, blessing."
Rev. W. S. Rigsby, President of the
The tae-
i d s until I usodIn'osin•ti"
" en m" Sheep. Dip and Animal Wasb. It destroys lice and vermon perfectly on
•wit• stepge+ ( cattlerand acts as a tonic, healing wounds, sores, etc."
; eGet it at r'S.ot+•directfroml The'Pickhard?-Renfrewr, limited, Stouffvii•1e. lint
An old lady,. who•is very much or ,ca, e c c� .� . :. mss' 't �' vt�"4.� A"` ®,i'- e+s
a bore, paid a' visit to.a family of her
acquaintance. She- prolonged her
stay and finally said to one of'the l g
children, "I'm going' away directly.
Stanley, and' 1? want you to golpart1.of I
the way with mo." 'Can't do it.. 3s.„----.
W g to have dinner as•soon i
Di;. A.. W. CHASE'S
q sent direct to the -diseased
i o t by the Improved Blower,
ria theulcers, clears the air
er.. steps dropptngs•in the
We are going
L 1' at .ung permonandi cures
-1t• dc5 'ver: 7,lower
h and Fra be
d Stanley.
Gn.,a r Y
o leave's' r tie Sta e .
as.you lea e
y •, .•c W.' chase
,. its llr, A.
fr � 1
grieved and dlsappoitntedl that t , •d,c u.• C.. , rnronto and sufrrlo.
although all the Provinces (with one
exception) and territonies of the THE MONEY SOME! Asia is the largest continetftr, 6,000:
Dominion had given, substantial • , MEN MAKE', j (000 square miles.
Conference, was present and briefly majorities ; the parliamentary eon- ,
and appropriately addressed the stituencies a majority of 431 and the •
nuns Hazes Hello I3i11 wha,tr,(
dei 1.,5... at these. drays von! ''
meeting.. A general discussion was - electorate of the whole Dominion a
MO loam hers shown no sign of returnt g.., en.gaged ed in on the work of the pis majority of 13,000t in Savor of the ' t 1
The following is Mrs. Keirsteads g gseem to be•on, the lamp all the btlile -
trier, and at 5 p. m, the meeting was prohibition of the• ligluor' traffie, the , .
letter:-- and walk ae though ea had inns
"With gratitude I can testify to the brought to a close by the Benedfc- Dominion -
action in Government,
with portant business on hand:'" "
wonderful curative powers of Burdock Men. IN T513 EVENING.
Summit', MIAs 4 ; "Werth the fast is,:
33lood Bitters. Eight years ago our little their predetermination, course, of r ,
Freddy', afiiictedwith salt rheutn which they gave no intimation to Jaek, a little prosperity puts. `thug
was a ublie meeting in the interests of
and was in a dreadful condition. His legs, p g the electorate; not to grant prohibi• drive in a) mean. I have struck a
from the soles ofhis feet tohis body, were
the W. F. 14. S. of the Districtwas pposition at hast after ayear of Serf%
entirely raw, and ran iI bloody water, tion except at the• demand of an +
tirflich appeared to burn and itch until he held, Rev. D. Rogers presiding. ,unreasonable and impossible major' hack, whittler is panning•out first-rate." I
WOW often in great agony. we re- Service opened with a hymn, and ty. We respectfully request our Fitter MAN : "Weil, that's vont,
�` After trying several remedies, It�ev, Mr. Baker, o!Bervie, offered representatives in the house of luck, for I am doing mighty little ;
solved. to give 13B. a trial, The first speaker was Rev:
"You can imagine with what delight prayer.
1 Commons to use their votes and ;these days. But what have you,
and gratitude we saw our boy entirely Mr. Muxworthy, of Teeswater, who influence in securing the utmost and: struck -"
cured tel U.ieae one bottle
gave an excellent and enthusiastic most efficient prohibitory enactment; SECOND MAN : '"Y have taken a
of the second bottle, and from that t;mo address. Fre was followed by I12rs, possible along the lines at present book agency from TIM 13RM,L l'-1
till rte present he has never hada sign of Gordon Wright, Editor of the "Oat indicated by the, Dominion Alliance. GARSIiSSTOS Co., (Limited) of Brant.'
salt rheum or a sick day. You need not look," of London, Who in a most Resolved that eaeh pastor be request- ford, Ont. They have been at mei
wonder that l think them is no other a m athetic and well directed heart ed to present to. each eongregation for months to canvass, but I laughed
medicine can equal Burdock Bleod Bitters y p
to purify the Snood and build up the health fall; no doubt aroused a deeper in his held this important matter And at the idea, and at fast they made' I
and strength."interest iti the work of the W. r. M. forward their action •to their repre• me a' good offer, sot theught I'd, give' 1
S•, than was telt prior to her most sentatives at Ottawa." Carried. The it a. trial. I have been at the work i
interesting 'address, The closing I Chairman and Secretary were hi- now two months, and 1:.like it first.
. Izev. J. Lea., .r
royd, of I neknow, and was a fitting' and send copies at once to the tepee.
was given by i h b resolution and stick i
complement to the two other speak• sentatives in the house of Commonsort
0 G S p ers. The choir rendered the think x coulc4 do the worst, for Y caw
` anthems "Your Maker Proclaim" of the several ridings represented in the advertisement of this firm. yester-
and "fraise the Lord," . A mala this District. day, for more metal'
1i „ The meeting was then brought to , "I defet IMO
Iligllest r 1'Ah prsees paid for' allndrifas Liztte zie Sample favoredittie tti close by [rev. N. i'aul 0/feline,. `yotvEcouidct;, uoun MAN :riitit write and` E
kinds of good Saw Logs, Telegraph; audience with% the solo "Where is praise, `hent to make you an offer,"
poles, Cedar Poste and Shingle Bolts heaven." tztlam' MAN t "Tilitrrks Old Man,
%%Et Spring Months ,
delivered in .air yard. WEL/Mt/Av''E SESSION 1 I will, aria I'll let +batt knew hots' it
Asp must likes to find your blood int• tarntlottt." i•
t -• , address ' atrncted to' sign the above' ]Cess ut on rate, ant going to ate to t.
I+'xns'r MA>x • "Say Bill,
do v
.. ....-
of the I)istrietMeetingwas composed pure anti Making in the red corpuscle%al
of both_ ministerial and lay brethren. I which enable it to carry nourishment to. .M_,�• = -
rt>t 'l'he Xaymen present Were '`Win', the nerves and other or tins. Therefore t �r
.111INGLE GUTTING. Feasant, Win..httmi • Il• 1".1 you feel weak, tired end ifetleiiia acid are .
6 / Henry,t`y, troubled with spring humors, ltolfef is Five otlh Tilitfttr►fralvet, whowomd:
rltrixe tit !ascot prides and satisfaction (sardine ; D. C. Taylor, Lucknow' ; Given by Moodie Saraapnrilla *bleb purl. not obja f s pitting part of thOtr
guaranteed. `'all and get prices be. 'W. Ii. %herr, Brussels ; 'W'. F. E. Orr, ea, enriebes and vitae res the bin atl
f digltf7!!l'i txl" y'trur tfmbor. Teeewater , C'• Cober and J. J, ,
,time at cariyaesng', ii':etersnaee
Mitchell, i+wthel: ' • Cao Ford. Hoods rills cure bihoaetleiies. Veiled 'J3' coerce it firm coag unwed, '
t 1. r for 25 (eats Wy C. L Road & Char, Lowell, , BrtA:�xt crier, O;zl .
,I;3A lsT OW wick ; Jno, Evans, Gerrie ; John mon.
Nine -tenths, it not all of
the so-called Breakfast
Foods that are put up in
, fancy packages, are
sold atit high price in
order to pay for the
cost of the packages and
pictures and the color
work thereon,
is a breakfast food in
the trete meaning of the
words' but your grocer
sells it by the pound.
The manufaeturers do
not ask yeti to pay a
faney price for it, hence,
they can afford to give
you the very highest
quality there is, 'Molina'
is light, rich and very
nourishing - 4a flavor is
The'Iill'eon Cory Limited.
ilaoitturg, Ont.
This braid ng
raped �I,ld ring
soE with AElna
brt,llu,ts, bar
renin aha dorm Austrian Soni.
Slick gPin, at lileantu each. The•
are imaerlsbab'al, pretty and.
rosily told. Soli•thenn, rotnrn tile.
money, and weeeend this valuable
ring iii velvet -lice cue, lw re-
turn marl.
Mime X11?ectalt;p en.,
Doint. rpt•onto, f aJ11..
Caveatsand Trade.Marks obtained, and all patent
business conducted for MODERATE FEES, My
office isin't nimmediate•vieiaityofthePatentOffice
and my fatalities for securing patents are ussurpasset0
Send model, skotch or photograph of inventionlida
description. andstatcmentas to advantages claimed.
Kat. No. ' hare is made for an vpi,Iion its to
pa1entaSilitU and: my fee for prosecutin the „,r
applicasLnn tont nob be called for untilihs
Y patent. allowed. 'vs�•roxs'.Kluina„' eon.
tainmg cilli information seat free. All Cemnlunl.
rations Congideroli'as Strictly Confidential.
5Y>'I 'BARS'
it: Sest:lr:ltics•
Anyone sendingasketeh 1pCovn eI-7n$c
ascertain our opinion Sroe whether en,
tgventtnn is probably patentable.Commntniea.
thus strictly confidential. 13nndbooktnx I'atentsDonny
sent free. Oldest Dnny for securing atente.
Patents taken through Munn t; Co, r000hd
sptctatnotice, without Marge, in tho
Scientific M t ica .
A handeomety illustrated tyeekty.unrestnlr.
coition of any,Crenono Journal. Torras. etl is
ear: Tour. months, $i: Sold by ail newsdoaisrs.
MUNN & CQ.ts1croad,>a,, New,York
Branch Otos. C:3 t" 8C.. Washington. D.