HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1899-05-12, Page 8H. IP9 N D 0 0,
Vllt.'tety the spice of lifts. There
te tubi;lent varlet;• of
at this to to suit all tastes. The
.Boyd' suit* at $3. and $4 in three-
piece style, will soon tind owners at
those prices.
it W. Mo ND O THE
%. LOTII,"rUR--- "
This store is fall of vigour of the
new spring' season more than oil the
alert to feet your expectations tt is
a plea' re to know the retailing of
regi a qualities of Dry Goods,
thing, moots and Shoes, and
loves any at iuoderate price is well
done as to he neeessary for you to
ca3uu,uld ric�T?as.
The Presbytery of Maitland will meet
in the Winghatn Presbyterian aburob on
Tuesday next.
Bev B 'll Reefer, formerly paster of
Wingham Methodist Church, a clever and f
talented Alan, isnow engaged on the
editorial staff of the Ottawa. Citizen,
The Winghanl District meeting of the
Methodist church will beheld in Brussels
on. Tuesday next. The District oonven-
'doa of the W'omens' Missionary Society
will be held in the name place. on Wed-
nesday next.
TI»% Presbytery of Huron met at C1in-
ton on 'Tuesday and transacted consider-
able btisitaeon Ivey Fletcher, Tllan,es
Road, was allowed three menthe' leave
of absence to visit the Old Country, Rev
Stewart, of Clinton, wss also granted
vacation. The Varna congregation was
allowed to proceed with thebuilding of a
new ohurob. Bev Graham, having re-
ceivett a call from Teeswater teation,
he asked leave to accept. 11Ir Delgaty
was still allowed to peesah e,t Blake.
A special meeting of the Town Council
was held, on Tuesday evening, for the
purpose of making some necessary changes ,HARDWARE MERCHANTS.
in the Waterworks by-law. 'Members
present— Mayor Clegg and Councillors
� .
The following motion was introduced been fixed at. 23 mills, Which -is said
Count r after counter piled fall.
We never :planned so lavishly; we've
never Ltd so many buyers. This
month we c,tfer special lines.
100 Sample Parasols, all styles, at
small advance on wholesale trice.
150 prs. Fancy Silk Gloves, all
shades, old country samples, very
200 prs. Sample Bose, plain and
fauev, from 10e. up to $t1,5Q.
100 Fanny Shirt Waists, very spec-
ial, from 75e. to $2 50. Don't
Miss these goods, first choice.
Special•in Boots and Shoes, Ready-
made and Ordered Clothing, Hats,
Shirts, Collars and Ties, Laces,
Embroideries, Carpets and Lace
Everything reliable at
WING .11.A.1I. r.I.'. M 14.',,S MAY 12,
"Can't Afford
to Paint."
The mail who says that, forgets that painting pro-
pperly One ;is. economy, and the fact is he can't afford.
NOT to paint.
How often you require to paint is largely depend-
ent upon tike paint yon use.
SHERWIN-WILLIAMSAUNTSout last others, They aro the most economical paints you can nee, because
they ewermost and wear longest, Add to this their good appearance, and
you have perfect paints—The Sherwin-Williams Paints,
They are made for rriany different kinds of painting. Whatever it in
got}{ want to paint—a house, or anything In or out of the house—we make
thehinht paint for that particular purpose—not ono siap•dasii mixture for
Gregory, 1slclndcc, Ilio Kcutis and Hanson. beef Cilttle are ScarGo. The tax rate in London, Ont., ha9
and carried, whiob completed the business
for the evening :
1lioved by Coun McKenzie, seconded :by
Coun Maludoo, that By-law No 388, 1809,
be amended as follows
• 1 -By changing the sum 97,000 wherever
the same coeurs in said By-law to 37.600.
2 --By adding the words "and the inter-
est thereof" immediately after the word
"hereunder" in the second line of the . 4th
paragraph of the recital thereof.
3—By changing the sung 0226*in said 4th
paragrapll°to 9505.50.
4—By changing the Bums #471, 9245 and
9226 in Sec 5 of said By=law to 9505.50,
9262.50 and 9248 respectively.
5 -By changing the date "twenty-ninth
day of May" in Sec. 7 of said By-law to
"fifth clay of ;lane."
6—By changing the date. "twenty
seventh day of May" in Sec 8, of said. By-
ylaw to "third day of tune."
7 -By changing the. date "thirty first
day of May" iu Sec 9, of said By.law to.
"seventh day of June,"
8 -By changing the dates ' fourth day
of )slay" in the notice to said By.law to
"eleventh day of May" respectively.
9—By clanging the amount 93,000 in
second paragraph of recital to 33,500.
Early closing, May lst. scxotrx, BOARD.
The regular monthly meeting of the
School Board was held on Tuesday. even,.
In seine parts of the province there
is something of a cattle farnine.l
Generally beef cattle are scarce, and
Mr. T, W. Hodson, secretary of the
live stock association, said last. week
that he would not be surprised to see
the price of meat rise. Asked as to
the cause, Mr. Hodson gave it as his
opinion that the large number of
cattle shipped into the United States
since the gnarentine regulation had.
been removed, was. responsible to a
great extent. He did not however,
look for it eettle famine for a while
yet, and ventured the opinion that
when: the farmers found they could
raise mere fish for food in one acre
of a fish pondthan they could in 10
acres of land, they would have fish
The Pork ButaneaSn
ing. Members all present.except H G Lee.
Mr James Powell, of Kincardine, was Minutes of last meeting were read, and ing on an enterprize that is new to
in town on Thursday. on motion of Megan Button and Moore most of those who purpose to engage
License Inspector Paisley, of Clinton, t were adopted. The Principal's report for in it. The San believes the greater
was in town on Sunday. the month of April was read, as follows : depreciation in the value of Cana -
Mr -J R Reynoide, of London, wag 111 DEPTBoers Gulls Tomer, Ave, .dian bacon in Britain, as compared
town for a few days this week. 1 15 18 83 80 . with Irish and American, is due to a
Mr B Lemmex, of Harriston,spent a few 2 22 21 43 40 falling off in the quality of the Cana
Says with Wingham friends this week. 3 22 19 41 37 dian'produet, and that this failing off
58 5s here is accounted for in part by the
06 60 most unfair manner in which the
with their daughter, Mrs H Briefman at 08 50 mer. Another cause for the deterior
.The Farmer's San wonid like to
see one or two of these co operative
pork packing institutions tested be-
fore many snore are constructed,
The figures obtained for Canadian
baconin Britain show, it says, that
everything is not rosy, and show
how necessary itis to .carefully eon-
aider all possibilities before embark -
Mr Geo E Robb, of Clifford, was call-
ing on Wingham friends on Friday last.
4 16 32
5 27 81
6 88 28
7 21 30
42 26
Mr and Mrs John Allenby are visiting 8 53. puckers `t rigged " prices last sum-
$incardine, 208 211 414 967 ation in the quality of Canadian
Mr Robt Patterson, of Kincardine, visit. Non-residents 4 -fees, 0200. bacon is found in ,the system of buy
Mr W Patterson,' Owing to the death of her sister, Miss ingWhdi•e the same all-round
ed with his brother, on `
is given for all the hogs in a
Tuesday of this week. Robertson bas been absent for two weeks., Price
Mrs B Vanetone will hold her first re, -Her place, however, has been effieientiy neighborhood, regardless of duality,
cieptiou' on Tuesday, Wednesday and lilted by Miss Hutton. Miss Robertson and when packers take advantage of
Thursday of next week. will resume her duties on Monday next. - their position to unfairly break
Mr C 0 Stuart i6 on a business tour in • Respectfully submitted, - down prices, the inevitable effect is
the neighborhood of Wiarton, He is A. H MVs it0vE, ' to break down quality. These pro -
representing a varnish firm. , , Principal posed co-operative factories, too, it
Mr Jas Ward, of Wingham, has secured Homuth-Kerr -That the Principal's knows, will - all be comparatively
a situation in Mr Isaac Sanderson's black- report as now read be adopted. Carried. small affairs, and they will have to
smith shop;-Gorrie.Vidette. Secretary reported that express parcel compete with large enterprizes, en -
Mr Walter Crawford, of London, form. referred to at last •
meeting was not for him terprises that have been long estab-
erly mail'Oierk on the L H & B spent a and that he had handed back the order to lisped, and which are supported by
few )tours in town on Monday, the Treasurer. large capital. However, the Stan be
Afr H Cluoas, of Toronto, representing Accounts were read :—R H McKay, Heves ;i0 the no operative system,
glazing, 81,15 ; N A Farquharson, brooms, on it would like to see a;fe�v co -
the Canada Paint Co, was in town during $1.25. i
the week and gave the Tiaras a can. Abraham--Button--That the accounts operative pork factories in successful
iltr and Mrs •Edwin Mainwaringe, o1 St as read be paid.—Carried, operation before farmers embark ex-
George, are spending a few days with theirtensively in them.
A communicatloe from Aid W R Kee of
d4ughter,Mrs It; 3 MacMath,who continues Guelphre re pairing blackboards waaorder-
tivery ill. ed to be filed.
Mies Annie Stewart has returned Home The matter of general repairs of the Order your__
• from Toronto, She bad been attending school building wasleft in the hands of the
business college in that city for the past Property Committee to report at next
lour menthe. meeting, ,
Mr and Mrs John Swarts and family, of Button--Hotnnth -That an order be
Winghahrt, were guests of the former's i drawn on the Treasurer for the teachers
parents, Mr and Mrs George Swarts, on 1 and offheera salaries.. --Carried.
Bifnday.--Clinton News•Record. ,... I The Board then adjourned.
110SIr Wni 11oberteon, jr, Who recently BABY gBA TY.
felt here for Winnipeg, has been fortunate Yon always think of a pretty baby as
In securing n good satiation as boo keep- plump and °hobby. Scott's Emulsion
er in a large bioy°le warehouse. gives 7ttat that plumpness ; not too fai,just
Mr Ed W Bradwin, whe *elide, the enough for the dimples to Come, Babies
biroh in the little red school hoose tinning 1 like it tots,
the Alps in Culross township, paid ye.!oltert.
altar a visit on Saturday. -- Blyth I now. -Iii East Moreno*on May
9 • dald
. tht the wile of David Clow; a daughter
r George Ireland returned home on Mainline tf.
.esday evening from Texan, where he Iletairt-down-At the Manse, in
?' iia , been eojatrrnieg for the past few Molesworth, on May 2nd, by Rev Geo
inoxtt .• r. Irslend la much improved iii Ballantyne, Mr W 12 Belden tie Miss
iretilt• . r liken the country very well, Mary A HCowe, both of Molesworth,
i3rtMritrLr,-BR4wrt-M the reeidenoe
of the bride's father at Wroxeter. on
85 CES for the Trims and Weekly may Std, Mr Thos G Hemphill, to Mime
Globs until January, 1900. a Latta, eldest daughter' of Dr Brawn,
✓ •
to he the highest rate ever collected
Cook's Cotton hoot Compound,
Is successfully 'seed monthly by over
10,000 Ladies. safe, effectual. Ladies ask
your druggist for Cook's Cotton Root Com-
pound. Take no other, as all liixtures, pillsand
imitations are dangerous. Price, No. 1, $1 pp�er,
box;1 o; 3,10 degrees stronger, $8 per box. 1�Xo.
1 br 2, ;nailed on receipt of price and two 8-eent
stains, The Cook Company Windsor, Ont.
Nos.1 and 2 sold and recommenped by all
responsible Druggists in Qanade.
No. 1. and No, 2 for sale by Oolin A. Campbell
Brurgist •
....._._..... �.
Night.onlls• at Button Block, •car Fifth
door south of School House. Shop op-
pointe Maodonald block.. '
The Kentucky Brod, Trotting
r. arsners, why pay 54 and 6 per cent.
interest on your loans) when tnoney may
be bad at 5 per cent. Payments made
to suit borrower. Charges low.
Agency Ontario Mutual Life Assthr•
Rinne Company.
AAtoffice i+iriday afternoon and all day
' Macdonald Blootf4Wirrgham. 'W'1 . WALItEif,. e
Ladies, if you would wish to get the very newest Shades,
Patterns or Materials in Spring Dress Goods in either
European or American Designs, and at tempting prices;
Come to U. M. Gordon's. You will be sure to get better sat-
atisfaction and better value than others can give you..
Ladies' Spring Jackets and Capes
direct from Berlin, Germany, correct in every particular, are
now open for inspection and prices are reasonable.
Our stock of Silks, Embroideries; Laces of all widths,
patterns and qualities, Gloves, biose, Ribbons, Handkerchiefs,
&c., &c., is very complete and attractive,
will stand for t3ervice at Swarth' Hotel
stables during the seaeon of 1899.
' ZENO is a beautifuldarkbay, stands over 113 hands
high, perfect in symmetry and limb and superior
action, weighs 1400 lbs. As his pedigree shows; be
Came of noble stock, combining strains of the
superior racing families of olden tides, and directly
relating to many ni the most distinguished trotters
ever bredin America, and running back through
numereui branches to Old Messenger, Bellfounder
and Hambletonian, the fountain head of the trot.
ting'faudly. As a stock horse he cannot fail to get
valuable stock for every khat of use as well as speed.
ZENO carried off 1st prizes and diploma§ wherever
rt will be to the interest of farmers to see this
horse before breeding their lneros,
050. WRAITH,
Manager. oANw
Val able. Property in the ' own
of Winghatn.
Under 0 by virtue of a timer of sa contained
ina certain :tittered mortg 8e +•'hie . wIll bo'pro.
dumd at the me of sale. there wil be offered for
sale by public' coon by Peter 1) ns, auotionoer,
at the Queen's - • til, is the Town • Wlnth,un In the
County of Huron on Widneada , the 17th day of
May, A n. 1800, at 1 o'clock 0 the 'afternoon the
following valuable p orei•ty, t, t is to say:
The north half of 10 numb r470 on the west aide
of Minnie Street, Go, ro,» it Surreys in the said
Town of Wingham, no t. ting one quarter of an
acro of land more or leis
On this property is sit a e agood frame dwelling
22x 28 and 15 x 15, wi k ellen 12 x 16 and weed.
shed 12x20, There is loot stone cellar under the
main part of the lieu - and'th. house is heated by a
coal rurneoe. Thoro a also liar. - ttd soft water con
venient for use. -
The property 1 Bunted in one .f the nicest and
most con••enien ocalitias in the • to of Winghafn.
Tsaxs et, S Il.—'rub per cent. the pnrchAse
money on tit. day of solo and the b anco wtthout
intcrestin 2' days thereafter. Arra cinema can
be.made, h ever, to allow a portion .f the par.
chase oro -y to remain on mortyagte at easocable
Thep operty will be sold subject to reserve
bid. F. ether particulars and conditions will be
made sown en the day of sato or may bo • ad on
. appfi •. tion 50 the auctioneer or the • Ve dor!s
So1Iic' r.
In ending purohasere will be allowed permit]
to sped the premises,
ated at Wingham this 28th day of April, A,
1 '0•
wrEft DEANS, 11. VANSTONL, Wingham,
Vendor's Solicitor,
Gents' Furnishings
and. Clothing
Our stock of Imported Fine Worsteds, •Serges, Tweeds
and Trimmings of rare quality is the largest and best that we `
have ever shown, •which we make up in the very latest style of
the tailoring art.
We believe that we have the, largest and best stack of
Ready-made Clothing in Wingham, and . will sell Boys` Suits
from $I.25 up, and Men's heavy well trimmed and well made,
Serge Suits at $3100 and up.
Our Shoe Department •
is Literally jammed with the best and newest Footwear that
money can procure. Prices still low.
Please remember that no house in the trade can' do better
for you in all lines of pure' fresh Groceries. -
. Highest `prices paid for good Butter, Eggs and Dried
• The photos M. E. Zarbrigg has in
his window speak tor themselves,
Just look in and see the first time
you are in town or down street,
Photos, Crayon; Water Color, En-
larging and Copyl g receives special
attention. .
Good work guaranteed to all.
Opposite Presbyterian Church.
Boy wanted to learn Photography.
We buildour pumps to last for
them in price from
$2.50 up. ;
Brass Cylinders and Galvanized
Iron Piping,
We have a fall stock of the above
goods. - -
Call and get prices when in need
of anything fn our line.
Opp. Beattie's Livery.
Having moved to town to the rest.
dance lately occupied by Geo•P.Weile, .
cornerCentre and Alfred stre01n, near....
the G'1$11, I am prepared to pay the.
highest cash prices for a1l'kinds of Rags,
Rubbers, Copper, Eorse Hair, Wool
Pickings, Iron and Metal of all kinds,
delivered at my residence, or if word be
left, I will call for same.
The undersigned is prepared to receive
orders for repairing lounges and
undresses, Lounges re-covered, mat.
reseed made over, carpets sewed and
laid. Lowest prices and good workman
ship. Orders promptly attended to,
Leave orders at my residence, Centre
street, next to Win. Holmes', ar address
box 54, Wingham,
General Banking Business trans-
acted. Money advanced. tofartersand.
business men on endorsed notes and
p'armers' Sale Notes Cashed.
Moneys remitted by draft to all parts
of Canada and the 'United States.
Notes and recounts collected on reas-
onable terms -
Having purchased the butcher busies
nets next the Brunswick, I ant prepared
to supply the public with all kinds et
Fresh and Salt. Meats, Sausage,: Bologna.
&e. Orders taken and meat delivered
to any part of town. "
A call solicited. 'P9oneNo. 9.
D. J uximul.
i 1 Stoves:.
They are perfectly safe and warranted
to gitre satisfaction in both
13 a d 13 k`