HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1899-05-12, Page 7It 1 Woman ArsAuvSI' amara Nisi, c eee 4�Q a • * * * * * * * 13Y MRS, MARY , HOLIVIES, Author of. "4 Woman's Love," "The Wife's Secret," "A Heartless Woman," ""Her Fatal Sin," °A Wife's Peril," "A Desperate Woman." 1 3. �•'-%L4,ocP�coy9r{•^cO?��..c�. c,72c^4JIC:ac'R�4aCT3i•CaG•.^6aP:vJ'c_•, .'C. •1iiex liril.•rr'iiiy to IWL)' egret'•' s 11p:U meed Frank 5Tel:oa't11 gtticitly. -0- 11�.(G,�, ments, and flung open the door just.. as "Yes, sl'e---that's her. I couldn't be- ' nitwit! closed the window. lieve as how she were mad like. Bot I "W'i111t do you wad?" nsloecl 'Valerie, her husband 'said $he watt," . s with all the hauteur she -could imintnclt, "Her hatsbierd!" gasped Roy, sinking;: . II "One of the men lies escaped, areal- into a chair: te, and we are searching for l;hn. fie The detective put his hand on the must be in the Castle, far .the policemen earl's shoulder. 'downstairs helve never ., mo ed.; "`Pardon lue, my lord," he said quietly; ' and if he t71ad gave ant they mast have seen hint," "leave it in 'my hands, ' Now, my good texplained the butler respectfully„ woman, answer ay questions. Where is , "In the •(nstlee-nonsense!" i'nie,t'ie this young lady?" Sc rd scoritfully."I don't know, air," the lun(llndy re, "Not nonsense at all, Miss Ross," an- plied, looking a little - frightened; - "site 'Swami. Davis sharply; "he is not only trill took, wit by thee suentd emn abo at . in the Castle, but .in the room!" going to Bornellester by the express. ""11'oman, what da yin mean?"La',. lir, I hope there ait`tt • nothing ' ieeldetie's eyes flashed with the fife wrong! She looked so ill, poor thug!" tlnw was burning 111 her veins, "She is no mote ntatl than 'you or I. t "What I say -search outside the win- She N. the wife of this' gentleman --the . i1ow," cried Davis angrily: 'you'll find • Earl of Darrell. Ah, yon ]neve . heard • hI'au. right." . , of her dieoppeatrtince, of course- Th(ut. N ;Valerie made a hove towards the ntnn had abducted her. She must be yllndow. . rescued at once." 1 "Give me your.lnntc''n," she said to :. "Great Heavens!, it: I'd only known!" the- policeman, whq was gazing with chest the woman, overcome with alarm, • .admiration at iter beauty. "I will show "Oh, my lord, I wish,I'cl known, lie • 1 yen how false this woman's words a1'el" should not have taken her. I` begged (: Site grasped the lantern, and held -it him to wait till to-1no't'row, but he • up high, .then beckoned the mem out. wouldn't hear nothing, • and she. looked fit to die at any Moment. She'd no count Where she was --her mind seemed gone," "On the verge of braid fever, no doubt," said Geoffrey A1•misteed quietly. "Now, Newton, what's to be Zone?" 'C1te st'atio'n to make eugniry; the earl 1 T .d' WXN RAl ma's, MAY 5.e ,escape use tear arta horror Attie int- 1LllU'ded her. .t contused stream of wards babbled from thee lips, .Intl IN lie hent over leer, end tritel to (11'1Ii' her into bie,erlus, aa110 i $hank from hien whit a stifled Hetet tient went through his heart litre tt ptutg, , Ile ht.recl nothing but her childish i pleading* -.tile unburdening of all that ' her young hcau't had borne. The '4trng• I gle that was going on below diel not t reach hint; even vcltgeilllee itself tees s least as 11e 10 it 1 11 ti ' l 1 l 1' , I Pani Ross dreW back- farther. anti ?asthere he could see the' policemen's Paces, but he drew himself behind a slight curve in the masonry, and eseap- ed 'their eyes. Not se Davis, who was 'peering- out. • "Leek!" she. cried suddenly "behind had better stay here." • tben•e--]to is thele I tell you." "Noy no!" cried 'Roy, Stating- to his She was roughly flashed aside -the feet; "I nest go! I should go mad of I ; lighe wets suddenly extinguished by 1'al- stayed here nn instant"' eine, and mingled with Davis'exelileltat- ••Goole, then; there is not a moment to • tions• and the mamas of sorvatnts, lose." '' 1 came the sound of a groan. a sort of They hurried -neross to the station - .f shriek, then the mike es of something "Mende here," whispered :lir. New- clutclting rind' fnl.l'Ing--then all was still: ton as they entered it; "I will speak "What is it?" nintterecl-the policemen, firer„ - They hastily lit the lantern told. still... Ile touched n porter on the shoulder. '.ped out-uetthing was to:1c' seen.. The . ' ""Flus the express to Borncltester gone,• "erand,t same to n sudden break beyond, 1,3, sumer he asked. 'tate curve, • and the tall, beautiful wu- ""(;one? Yes, sir, half an hour ago. Man, who stood pale ns death •. and eltowtiresonte! I must have mode a, :transfixcel. with mean horror, knew mistake; I thought it went • at etiven- '+that her 'wretched biot41•ee. hall.gone .Sett•.;', -,,; 4, Brom her •side forever -from the Menai - ...Ne • • , •of justice; gone with all the crimes un- • "Huth! It's a ;rent nuisance. 1 c is to • i pardcued on his soul -„"sus to hie death• leave islet a friend here, and gone be the - In one secolid site realized this, :end some thein. You. didn't happen to see: '•with .n :tort. of broken shriek site stag - 'w gered back. and before they enuld tissist ]ler, fell senselesls to the ground. i IS CHAPTER XIX. As the earl. with Geoffrey Armistead, Frank Meredith, and the detective, 'reale into Moreton they soon d:scovc'red than ..•.tsetse. great excitement • prevailed; sold • after a 'little questioning;, learned that a wem tn- lead been 'sh.ot in the ,rnilwity (station early that nolle/ng, and that the • 3nnn ]end escaped. Mr. Newton at once .cent to the email •pobe"' station, and, to the -astonishment - of his tetupiny'ers, :Need full eat•t:eiders ]snbont the ease. and finished h deemed. m• g to. see the wounded, wourat at rattle Roy t' it inclined to he euunyod, What 'hast this affair to do. with the search `ire. bail on. hand? . . The (lets";;•it-c' soon explained. He ?saw Myra, - who was tunable to 'spank, s tonot; her ugh 1 ' fIic.(nt etc t 'but batt set k l'dtead to his einiestims, and by alis ' =means he discovered that the melt who I had sent her' to her dearth was the 21112at 1 then >z;•ltght. • • The curl was /ramie. 'Pte drought - ' •of Alice in the green of .this ttnserupnl- env i:Iltiht uit:ddeitcd hem, and the <de1ay, 22 ]rile the detceth e soliglit th r truce" neetes?11 r2i-to:Oh-owing him, wee telmost more than he coups bear. The .(rettt•cl of the tram heel retnrne,l ' 'from London, • and !.cave his evidence; end 10w all WWI ktto2vn, except the ex- nct destination of Count Torre"anti.. hita •,•ictint. ' 'On"e again -tile detective used his •brain'-•. A specie] train wee ordered, ''.Tie three gentlemen with the guu'cl traveled to the very spot where Tut•a Tsai rltrhted• that morning, and, what • =there; they 'went to the handful o1 cot- `•tunes to make legatees. . No one could tell theist nuything; bat, i "elleiting the name of the iteral est town, 1-they liberowe)l the only vehicle to be :ioand-n large tnarket-c•art-and, started ,motsg the same route that poor Atiee 17tad' peen milled,- the earl's heat' grow, i ▪ ing more wretched every minute. ' . They multi only travel slowly, iuz4 -the night was falling as they u,es-".hed • Ike teem. As leek would -ltnre it, they , n - •mrt the same policeman who had (trent- .ed let e t •ed :Tura, end at once front hint learned the time of the hotel to which lie lead 'flee rayl, white enol breathless, rushed -into the hall, "Where is the lady who Was brought "here deli mailing .l(y n dark gentle- man?" he demanded engerle. The latullc�"rd shook his bead nod ea,- ., .ed his wife. �,f "Ito you meet the maid 1(dy, sir! the .esked. The mot looked/int me (mother•, "SA.. slender; fnlp•haired, pretty girl," A t (l" )ct4(e • llt9 gr, to 11'i• ells -ill unto death, perchance -•-turd • Prayed that she height be spared to hitt -the wen= he loved, As 'toy hod elistippt'at'ed up the stairs Geoffrey 4slranlstcotd gave a signet' to the two policemen. They posited. (stile ' the landlady, 11 viiinii 011$-lookhig • old wo- men, and in another instoot were In the dirty, beer -stained coffee -room. Tura lens setting with' his bare( to- wards them reading, the diamonds close to his hued, when a sudden ,exclamation from another man in the room caused hint to turn round, • lYitit a muttered oath he stated to his feet, and put his hand iltto his poc- ket 'for the revolver; btlt'the men were too quick for flint, and though he 'hit n•t them and struggled violently, they • over- came him, turd Count .?gra, Alice's enemy, stood at last in the Meth( of the law. i "What is thus?" - acid ' Geoffrey Arm- ietend, coolly lifting hip the ele•ak and looping at tate t 1t20 eoutniniug the din- t Mends, "Alt, the jewels, of eouxse! Now, my melt, off whit him to the police court, He is a daemons enstouner- 'sitting down to it, 1 has committed murder to (hes!" Eve - r ' girl with a. soft voice is a Cnrse•.yon!" luntteeed Tura, fiercely, beaus over the telephone wire. white es •a sheet. "11'he me :me whatt }p right have you to say anythingeto me? • It 1s a wise bachelor who Fives a I'll have tho law•of you. for t13is," baby something its mother can. use. Refreshing Sleep COMES WHEN, Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills ARE USED, Hiss Margaret Brown, 627 Colborne St,, London, Ont,, says :-"My mother has been afflicted with nervousness and general debility for a long time. She suffered a great deal with insomnia, and found it almost impossible to sleep. "I went to W. T. Strong's drug store and got a box of Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills,, which she took, and derived 80 much benefit from them. that I bought another boxfor her. They have done her a wonderful lot of good,. snaking her nervous system anuoh stronger, giving her restful sleep, and removing many other symptoms which previously distressed her. "I can truly say that these pills are a great remedy for any one suffering from weak nerves, general debility, sleepless- ness or heart trouble.'" Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills are 50e. a box'or 8 for:$1.25, at all druggists. ammua,Otra, High Lights. Most people can't thins; without "Yon are a cle2er nt tn,": Geoffrey" an- 1 The ailliabl3 woman may have lots s vered with a litegl} "but:the g'une if of mean traps, but they are never up, Count Ttlr(ij;'1"0111 •4Ytnlit;lltigltrt are discovered. at this moment closely -guarded p'tiso'tl- { Insurance companies give away ers at Darrell Castle; you will join them very seen•"ht the dale Away with hint!" calendars when they ougat to give So, like the felon 'be was, Myra's de- away fireproof match boxes. $troyer-villein, murderer -Count Jura - ' --ryas dragged off to the tote he awry- - -. - - ed, while above lay the girl whose brain, through his de2i'lish cruelty, wee Blatt Guelph is to have a ra,e meet on with never, whose frail, young body wars Tune G, 7 and 8. About $1,500 1s to sinking beneath the weight of heir and be bung up in prizes. anguish shie had borne these lust few vs. Refugia all substitutes or imitations o% da the genuine Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry, most of tbete are C1HAPTI"lIt ,TY, • • absolutely daugerous, The :Minnie sun was tinging the land- A (non cannotescape his persecut- (lcape with its red glow. It penetrated ors by' eominitting suiscide, for even into the seclusion of a bedroom, anti !after he is dead the coroner's jury. lingered en the wondrous masses of Wi[1 come and' Sic ou• frim, golden hair that crowned the head of a lovely girl standing its a .passive attitude 1 'Knox Church, Listowel, has given by. the 'window. It was Alice-- frail, ! a call to Rev. J. S. Hardy, of Ayr. white, and delicate. As vet she scarcely conpre1mnded all ,-that lied.happenecL Harriston town council has made , .•k don mist of • etvenit1S' was in he, a grant of $75 to the. citizens band mind, mingling pain, 'horrorand .fear on the condition that they give weelz- mrith the sense of comfort and mare t ly open air concerts during the sum- fel,- now, then, perhaps -a gentleman, • and this : She knew nothing of it; neither did she wife,. a pretty, fair-htiired lady?", " .Itnew'one of the loving faces there hung mer. The pollee 'shbolc, his head: over her sick bell,. praying fervently -tor "No, sir; I.. weren't here, it was any bet life. tett-time, lint perhaps Bill" sties. Acre, , Now she was able to stand. to dill, gentleman, wants to ask you a .mare about slowly, and try to recall tier gnestron:' scattered andbewiich red tbeu,:hts. '"What is it, sir?" (Untended the other ; S1io was nwsikeace from her present eater civilly. ."A lady and gentiemat'n, dream by the entrance of Dev1s. very pretty, with lots of yellow lutir: e "Lor', toy lady, have yeti been %tnnd- lei', .yes, she was took fenrfully•iil, flop ing cell this tinge? Its too much,"•15avis peel off in a heed, jea as she was a- exrlaiincd sympat :•-maty; getting inti) the train; your friend Wain' "1 feel better-streegee•, Davis," .Alice -inn fearful way. They're gou:e to a nnsttet•cd. with a fcintt • utile;. "but I em hotel in the to2t 11•ser-1 can't tell ,goat , dying to think of :311 th'it ]els •h,tplieitetl, which." ' • • • , 121"1 it is so •tlifiivIt• •s,) Jillieult.:' "What's the,nse in thinking, my lady? Yaii'll only tire vourselt' out. Dere, let Inc pel<l2, the chair to the window, and - there! her ladyship wants to see yin." "Iter ladyship watts to, see mei" re. pentecl Alice vaguely. "The earl's' mother. • She had nursed S•ou • all the time, my lucle—"• "And s'he is going to nurse you some weeks yet," spoke a voice et the door, and ltc:y's mother carne in. Then' n sort of mist cleared atv:ty froth Alice's mind -she seemed to see and know all that this gentle, white• haired woman had suffered and, done for lies. She rose feeble: and stretched cent her c"i"llnnlcs;" elle' detective slipped Some money into the other's liana. "My poor friend -I mast try"to find hiin et once." He approached the ethers. "They are in•_'E•he tetra. , Now to third where that's the next thing. We must get the _police ee to]e help t ., Ili a few minutest they had separated, all going in cliftei'ont directions except t;eaffeee Armistead and Roy,'Who went off together. Aue hour slipped by. '1111"y drove all around the town, and could discover nothing, and then went itnc•k ft! •the station to wait for b'rnuk and the tleteetire: They had net long to wait, 'Prank packages guaranteed to cure all Sron tinted in, with a face white with hands, and Lady Derrell drew thr forme of sexual Weakness, all effects of abase (velilmeirt. amnia fain to her .heart, j or excess, Mental Worry, Excessive use el Te- Senn are found! Newton lies got the "Rest there, my (laughter," she wide ., basso, Opium or Stimulants. Mailed on receipt /range stu•rouneled-ho ean't escape! She tenderly ; ``my poor little dm•lihl ." ' . of price, one psokatce Sl, size gt, 117 a dd_ese 1�•'plx wfil cure. Pamphlets free to nay address. ]s 402%31 witlt•blaih fetes•!" Then still clasping her io hea• urate, Tho Wood Company, Wivndsor,Ont. Roy uttered no word,. lint followed theeolder wiuoan intwul to the Chair, Sold in Wingham by Colin A. Campbell, the other .twoDirt or the stationdoevn and place Alice in it.. ' Druggist. rite 'or two narrow streets, until they `"You pee stronger to -ley." she said- _.......- .___ np!trisnc'lted a ;lots' Ioelcin>t public house, ""strong'enongh, 1 think, to hear ell 1 Geoffrey put hie hand on the earl's have to 1'ty?" arm: "Toll me auieltly--is nni'th w.; wrong -S s Children Ory for C C. O R ", i • "I see Crimmins'. building is more than half empty nsain," "Yes. He rented the second floor to a crabs band and the third floor to a debating club, and they both got triad and left." -Chicago Tribune Seattle Man-`'i'itat's the use of your kickiiii;• because the papers 'PHONE 4. p'ublished'the fact I" You know you I did have seven hold tips in your town [ -----:-- •- - one right after the other. Tacoma Man -That's all right. I don't care for that, What I'm lick• ing about is the lying statement that the robbers only guI tit .43 altogether. 189'9. A JIJILTO LADY A SHOid In London We Oontisininit rinds Laza-Liver Pills a perfect Condensed Wisdom thr {, Thousands,' sure for Sick Headache. Pully ninety per cent, ,of the women of this country suffer from sick headache. Liver disorder and constipation are at the bottom of the trouble. Laxa-Liver Pills cure the headache by 1 correcting the cause. And they da their work easily and perfectly without any gripe, pain or sickening. But the Hamilton lady we referred to-- Her name is Mrs. ,john Tomlinson. Her address is 107 Steven St. North, This is what she says : "Being troubled with severe head- aches, I was advised by a friend to try Laxa-Livor Pills. 1 only required to use half a bottle when the headache vanished and I have not been troubled with it since." Laxa-Liver Pills 25e., all druggists. Dr. Wood's Norway fine Syrup is the simplest, safest, quickest cure for all coughs aed colds of children or adults. Price 25e.. A baker Living at • 257 Dundas Eitreet, London, Ont., •Geo. 1%berts by name, Recommends I)OAN' S KIDNEY I'II,('f,S Because They eared him, He had. Pain in the Back; His Urine Was red-eolored And painful In passage. The cure through DOAN'li KIDNEY ILLS Wasquick and comp' •e. That's how they 1 a it t Because they're alv y Por kidneys only. .} If you have Sick kidneys Don't experiment With an unknown remedy, Take no substitute for DOAN'S KIDNEY PILLS, P When you want a fine line, of Printing, whether it be' Large Posters Horse Route Cards Dodgers Circulars Letter Heads Bill Heads Envelopes Wedding Invitamtioi:. and. Announcements Visiting Dards • Business Cards Note Books Receipt Books Or any other kind of Printing, you can get the best work at the most -reasonable price at Before. diter. 'Wood's 13hospbodine, The Great English Remedy. Sold and recommended by all druggists in Canada. Only reli- able medicine discovered. Stx • "Ile patient, . Lord Darrell," he Redd --is there moue 'troubl, ?" .litre's pale gently. "Wc1have a desperate moat to chocks Hushed" Q �� �.,';..+ to �,,. (10111 with. Have courage --she Is "No more treelike deer. I boa troth- . ®.:JJ rev • found!"• fug but lempl1ese. Lice, 1 nm going to• "Yes; hat perhaps found to. diel" sit beside .you, end cleat n Whet,.is, Rey covered Itis ince with his hands. yon may go, but don't be, Car away.. )ti'. Newton nnnrnached him. shall rings for you presently." 1)nt• "Lord Darrell," he said (ldc•ldy, "toe- Alive gazed at Lady Darrell's /face !•3w mel1,, have slowed the woinetn, most enxiotl$1,q 1:oer wife las very in. I will lead ,'on. "Now, my deny child, I will toll you to her." all. Viest let all four and dread Thies Roy started and without a W d grog- ftotn your mind. The roma who did you- ed oned itis Way up the '!arrow stnirense to it So fire(t a wroset is separated front emir 3 small ronin. • path forever. The mailer ( f thatc3!or At first 'he could cl:stingnieh eotil'ing; Ida and your own suffetittes have been . thee his eves saw n bed and on it a gtVengect " forth with golden mosees of hair falling "She died theft?" brenthcd Mice feint - over the pillowy. 1,r "And site wee so gond to 111e." He was beside Alice in wan 11t.t tart; "I wits with her when she died, and then es hie tem 'heard her lnnttertvl I hope aitt1 think her end was pee e. 1'(V('rleit words, hes 07053 stew her flushed, She had been 051101ly heeded, but her 9 fare and wild ghee, he sank beside the i )141hire w0$ pore through it a11. We bed, and beret into tears. ; will not wide her hack again, for life, 1 t`'ncoalseimis that the Britt ahs loved ' as the found 'it, had hem very bitter." wag so near, poor Mite murmured en 1 Lady Harrell paused an instant. ineeseently. Then 'toy heard all theta "When yet were found delirious 311 she lead suffered. She moaned to be. ; the inn, et first they feared to move you, free of the horrible' dark num-for ltlt'i to but offer m while the doctors opined Before placingyour older, for Spring Clothing call and' see our 1NEW SAMPLES for x899 We tan afford to sell New Goods cheaper than old stock that cost one-half ►pore than new and better goods of the latest styles will cost to -day. We make clothes that fit. �� YY EESTiE & CO Queen's Block, T H E Ti ONE GIVES RELIEF'. WING HANI. Don't Spend a Dollar for ' O f, Meikine until you have tried You can buy them in the paper 5 -cent cartons Ten Tabules for Five Cents. lass Dort is putt up cheaply to out1t the tm verwil precast dbmi ad tor u low prl11i 'If you don't find this sort of Ripans 'Tabules At the Druggist's Send Five' Cents to THE .it1PANS CHILMXcA1 COMPAtW7 14'i:*S ,Spruce St., New 'York, dild%thela will be sent to you by beast's et ' It cartons will be mailed for 43 cents. Tit( ,chanter ire tela tee me that Ripens 'Tabules are the very met:. Inc you neat. r1=