HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1899-05-12, Page 3WINORAM TilitiAit, MAY 421
Dr. Von Stale% Plueapple Tablets',
P DaiettUaese of Peon% A - NERVOUS BRE*N DOWN . • ThA SW* or
A t t f ;I 060 a: Bose -00
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Irinz Thit
Troulo Enari
Decapanai ,Monitoba.
Of the emigrants to tile West
from this (nattier. this spring several
have settlett, at. or near 1)ettphin.
The followieg desoription of the
town by a :sweet emigrant will be.
of Interest
The towel . of Deephitsels one of
the livliest towne iu Maultobte, end
is beautifalle located. on the eolith
99' stele of the Vermillion. liver, nine ,
Miles from. Lake Dauphin and six
miles from the fuut of tee Riding
Monntaitits, It lo uti the Canadian
Northern railway and is the eentre
uf °tie of the %loot ag rieeltee al dis-
tricts ia Oanacte ; euentry with
plenty of goo isouti mei water, and
adapted priacapally to mixed 'fstrua
ing. There tire in ite immediate
vicinity a elute tier al' enve-mills,
winch [supply the lueal deemed with
spruce lumber al el:it:glee. The
town has a pupulation of nearly
1000 And has 7 geutwo.1 'bores, 6
groeery ss.ores, Iluur arid feed
stores, 8 bardwal e spores, 13 jewelry
shops_ with .watehinakere, bateher
shops, 3 tailor situps, 3 blae,ksinith
shops, 3 lumber yards, 4 hetes of
which 3 are liceeetelee bout and sloe
stores, 2 harness etui es, and shops, 2
furniture stores trite ,uoderetking
departments, 2 bakeries, • . imple-
ment stores, 2 book alai stationery
stores, 2 barber shepe, a gents fur.
Ottawa and a
drug storee,
, a machine shop,
feed and • sale
Col 0
pound Docs a WonU-
roum Work for Every
'4Tired feelings I" These two words
tcover a multitude of daogere and perils,
and ehould, when fully uotoprellended,
be taken tie serious waruillgd., •
'•Tired feelings" result fruin a vitiated
awl deranged uondttiou of the blood and
aerves, which causes a general weakness
lbe entire system. Wastiplition is
%lewdly one, of the dominant troubles ;
digestive vigor is lacking, appetite is
poor and sleep is never retreshing.
To banish "Tired Tetnings" the blood
must be eteansed and purified, and the
serves ton.ed anct braced.
This foundation work is easily and
quickly- accomplished by using Paine's
Celery Coupound, the world's famous
spring medicine. This .noted remedy,
purely vegetable, pletieant to the taste,
is in every ease just what is claimedfor
it. It is the one spring. medicine that
ear best physicians vouch for ; it. is the
great health restorer and strength giver
that the hest people ot Canada talk about
in the home aud on the street,
.A few oottles of Paine's 1)elory Coni -
pond used du ing the rnontb of May,
will banish all the troubles that regular.
• le contribute to eTired.. feelings" and
iIl health. If you are LION70118, sleepless,
iave indigestion. dyspepsia, neuralga,
Imart trouble,,.kideey or liver a If ectiune,
your doctor or druggist will, if lisked,
promptly auvise the using or Paille'S
Celery Curopound. • - • .
Par.3n3.ps Poe Cows.
— • •
There ts no better root fur cows
than the parsnip. It has the ad
vantage that part of the crop may, if
meed be, be wietei ed in the ground
where it has grown. The parsnip,
unlike the beet, makes'a riee milk.
it is eqnal to the carrot in dee- re•
spect .and undoubtedly, 'like that
,rootstelpe, tt.) dolor. . Winter. nestle
. butter. . Parsnips al e a favorite
winter feed oteJersey and Guernsey
farmers, who by Its noe' have been
able to breed cows whine high but-
ter color has become hereditary in
these•breeds. 'No doubt the parsnip
feeding is in part responsible for
the color of Jersey butter.
nishiug store, Banit
private bank, 3
pbotograph gallery
3 livery stables, 5
otables, 3 carpenter. ehuiee grate
elevators, 4 grain w ehouses, 1
large roller flour mill, 2 newspapers,
4 elaurches, a post efitee, sellool
house which would he a credit to a
town twice the size of ,leAuphin,
promptly carried out. We tipped
Dominion Lands office and a :empty
court effice..
oners' trousers, took away 'their
belts, and knew we had them. Their
Severe Salt 1 hour:::
were busy after that, and fast
"Berclook Blood Ritterti coreil Met of hands
runniiag was out of the question.
Gee abeam three years a ;o, and I ,have
Wel eu return of it eince. was SQ bad We made the march safely, and 1
with le I could not sleep. it 'only took do not believe that even Yankee
tevp betties of B,13.B, :slYeet a cure." ingenuity could heve invented a
Mes, Weich, Greenbank, Oat.
simpler solution..
Dr. W. els Wiley. elderchetnist of
tee Ifeited States department of
1w:1011R:tree says that fully' 90 per
cent. uf articles of food and. drink ,c‘TA the Undersigned, do hereby agree
Almost Physical OnnaPee, but COM. A writer is this Lemon ,
a A. certain woman not in her first d
• 1, Have ye heartburn ?
pleotily etitore by QUU4 Anted. no tele Ku soma nearer et,
youth, hut overfioering with vitality, ean Hanaphrey to 14 acute Gom
elicerfeiness and enthuSlaem, retains
her freehneMee Geo. P. Quaeaenbueli, 340 of
es and awakens ad tuira. the secret lotegevity. The:
t.°H"tfeet' Thrwlt9' 'Rua gelrad/21/of ex4 number of excel persons w
g tat -
tion througb her exquisite care of !areaitindown ender at
2, Have ye sour stomach ? her body. It may he said. that she treme nervous prostration. leer appetite story was examined by him wee el
3. Have ye distreafter eating? :is bright woman And had tort her ; ehe suffered from iueouinia, an 1000.74 of whom itre oemtentap.
ss as es a, can be,
las sincere an strong a$ It is posS them :—el took doctor's: advice, but re- et,„ That the priariryil:iletetalditlac'
thrinIgh years of suffering and sue. South AMerican Nervine, awl three 'Ong lifecontists fl
Here are her own words ao she wrote lam, in conontdoekt thaee....
4. TheR are signs ot advancing •. .
eyspepsia, At this stage the tremble Ible fur poor humanity to hecorne, COIVHA .11Q benefit, I :vestment:est using
is easily cured.
.5. Dr. Von Stan's Pineapple Tab- bottles worked marvellous change . Way ; the vtiel tiembinery 'Wentlid.
lete give• instant, relief. They • aid
I produoes Dyspepsia. These tablets out and mimed, by an open windew 'et as erer 4 :ass, art 11,:e: ptiolr: itetildents or la Spite el It w411 go
dress is turned wrong side nie• Are aPPetite mune het*: eleeP up to go fur a given per:«i, mad We -*
digeetion and banish the clause which Every 41 and se ener 1 I h
Dome sixty in a bo—sold by A. L, onec a week,
Hamilton, druggist, price 35 cents, Her under linen is to recommend so worthy a rernedy,” t
arranged at eight on chairs, so that Sole by A, .L. Hamiltoo,
each piece and .part receives a
measure ot air. Her shoes are put
on the windowsill in the sunshine,
De. Von Stan's Pineapple Tablets
and cleansed as well as may be.
Are pleasant to the taste, convenient as Her Yells are washed, if the fabric
a vest.Pooket remedy to relieve distress
after eating, and for all derangements of Permits: Or else pinned across the
the stomaela. They quickly cure the windo* and relieved of all atoms of
worst ferule of dyspepsia.
Couldn't Run Away.
There are tirnes•in war when one
active brain is equivalent to a great
many guns, Witness this incident
of the German Revolution of 1848,
told to the Tribune by a German.
American citizen of New York.
Wo were short of men, and had a
large number of prisoners to look
after. That did not worry us long
as we were not moving, but one day
we had to make a ferced march.
The country through which we
were to pass was hostile, and extreme
watchfulness was necessary. We
had few enough men as it was, and
we know that our prisoners were
ready to run at the first opening.
Finally a young Officer' made a
brilliant suggestion, and it was
the suspender buttons from the pris•
dust. •She washes out her stockings
every other day, and dries them in
a current of air and, sunlight. The
dress shields Are washed after a few
wearings ; this involves a set of half Newpapers are called vehicles of
A dozen and a package of tiny safety information.
pins, but both are cheap enough to Reporters is what is called "the
ill the time appomted. That au
ituportant part of the wintery in-
A. betitence is good digestive .aeld
P1"140 Essay on the Rapers,
nutritive power. le That temper -
The souvenirprdinatnieegingvroersdsemrseno,fs atnue" 1.115nta,liltt-iT"ri.nYneitZ/ionaille beThe 19fe,
the Albany eating and drinking and In regard
Union contains the the following
contribution from a "Printer's to all kinds of food and dritik. 4.
Devil," which is too funny for pub. 'filet an energetics temperament and.
active habity condece to longevity,"
lication in so called comic papers at
least they seldom have sueh genuine
•hemer. it is entitled a "Prize Essay
on Newspapers."
warrant buying and using. The
bath should never be slighted. Such
care of the person is possible to all
except poverty's poorest slaves, since
it is not among the rich that we
find those Who know hest. how to
Weak Women
Can be naadestroog and healthy I.)3' Mil -
burn's Heart and Nerve Pills. Miss
Skullion; 50 Turner St., Ottawa, says :—
"Milburn's ;Heart arid Nerve Pills en-
riched my blood, strengthened my nerves
and restored me to health and vigor."
A Few Prosperity Exhitats.
Here are some of the evidences of
Canada's prosperity, gleaned from
Mr. Fielding's budget speech :
• The reventae this year will be $46,-
632,298.64, compared with $40,555,-
238 in 1898, and $37,829,778 in
. The surplus this year will be
$4,600,000, eompared with a surplus
of $1,722,712 in 1898, and a deficit
of $519,000 in 1897.
The exports last. year were $164,-
152,689, eompared with $140,328, -
•manufactured in the Srxtes aro to refund the 'money on a twenty -live 053 in 1897.
'frauds. All kinds of dale y terovisicins, tent bottle of Dr. Wills' English Pills, The imports last year.were $140,
as. wen' eeeeeare5s ee;eisy -esericey ei it. after using three fourths of contents
of bottle they do not relieve Constina-
823 058, compared with $119 21,8,-,
condiments, including cone the tion and Headache: We also warrapt • 609 in 1897,
staff"—so many of them being
"sticks." They work hard—at re,
freshment bars,
Proofreaders is men what" spoils
the punctuation of compositors. They
spell a word one way today and
another way lo -morrow. Tbey
think they be intelligent persons ;
compositors think different, broken. •
Compositcirs is men as sets up the six week,s,therwards ,:ac. Richards
types—and sometimes the drinks,
Oempositors ie very steady men wee found dead in bed one morning.
Heart disease severed the, t fiver Cord
when they is sober—whieh they
seldom is when they can help it.
Editors is men what knows every-
wszon solialow TBE
PA Let 13...TS,
RAS frls Ann etre 4.)F.O., wit4LB TUE
FaTtiliat S SiTiMENLy,
Mrs, Jane itieharde, tit Kielough,
in •,Kinloss township knows What
sorrow is. Just a year ago her son,
Jambs met wilts an awfal death in
his father's eaw 11111 where he got
caught in a atm t1 and; was 'vihirled
into eternity, las. body tieing eadly
while me nourvhold slept.
Tatst Thiareday the second, accident
happen( d in his saw I and though
thing in the heavens above and the lit few hot „s.alied fatally, as did the
earth beneath.' They is writers: first, teete a3 awfulness about it
what doesn't write anything whatso. that makes ilie blood ran cold. An -
ever. They is the biggest men you
ever see.
Managers is men as takes in the
tin and gives patent 'medicine "ads"
tops of columns next to reading
matter tbirty-seven columns out ef the r w apt vi a, CUL t if below the
elbow. The poor hey picked up his
severed limb :vein •the remaining
band and. starttd to run tome to his
mother. It all happened r-.0 suddenly'•
other son of Mrs. Melia:its, a lad of
seventeen eats, was woreing, about
the big saw and re:telling: .0 ver it to
pull 4tway sinne iihsti uetien, his foot
slipped and hie arm descending upon
thirty-two. •
Proprietors ain't nobcdy. They
ain't ever seen.
Printers' devils is the most ime
portant persons in a printing office, that be had gone some oistance be -
They does the hardest work and fore the horrified spectators recovered:
gets the least pay- . from tee shock. iThey rio a atter him
Pressmen is—evell, there wauldn't aid 0,13 ledItint Ittthor emus to
be no newspapers-, no circus. bill, borne. Trie flPel,o1'S thp 1
ki,t, !Mat SeCOLMIS he was as well
as could be expeettd.
enstes1113 reOleenTIRE
Help: d in a 'reice, and PerManently
berry are adulterated. • that four bottles will permanently cure • The mineralproduction yearwithout.pressmen to print 'em. •
d • • 13 f d
the most obstinate cases of Constipation, was $37,757,197, compared with
roe Over Fifty Years. Satisfaction or no pay when Wills' Eng- $28,661;430. in 1897. the fat of the land.
litih Pills are used.
• • d 1 Its lf ever I start a paper of my owe
An Old end Well -Tried Reinedy—Mrs A. A, Morrow, Chemist and Druggist, - P _,..,'
cnaruereI will call it the Umbrella. Every,
• Wineliev'e • Soothing Syrup tine been Wingham, Ont. last year were ,$227,063,343, come
body will take it.
used for ovelfty years by millions of Colin A. Campbell, Chemist and Drug- pared with $201,141,688 an 1897.
- Mothers fur their ebildren while • teeth- gist, Witagham. Oat. I heard' the foreman tell this fanny
. . . The deposits in the government
child, :lawns the gunas, alla3s all 'pain, gist, Wingbani. Ont • sayings banks were $50,111,118 last
day. It must have been funny
aurae wind cube, find is the best remedy . . . year, compared with • $48,934,97.5 in
189T7iie combined deposits in the
ing with perfect success. eooth es the A L Hamilton • Chemist and Drug- . story to one of the "stafr the othor
Okildren Cry for
for diarrhoea. It is pleasant to the taste. 'cause they both. laughed. This is
world, Tv. entreve cents a bottle. Its the story : "A gentleman was
• M rs. Winsiow's S'outhine Syrup, and • government and chartered banks promenading the street with a little
were $297,483152 on March 31 of boy at his side,wnen' the little fellow
1, veins to incalnitUle. Be sure you ask for Street refuse in Italy as sold by
The wi no 'bottler is a corhcr, but take no other kind. • pabhe auction,
Sokl hv druggists in every pert of the Over the Ocean.
cried out : "0, pa, there goes .an
y pnottsm is scientificallstudied y this year, compared with $277,174,
be makes less noise ithe world Brussels bas a reality assessment H 461 last year. • editor.' 'Hush, hush,' said the
than the uncorker. of $e77,090 this year. • in some of the French medical col-
eges. • The clearing bouse returns were
The lifeboats round the, • British $1,390,019,314 last year, compared
LEcoast during the last year rescued w. ith 81,174,710,341i. in 1897. An
" 682 people. increase of over $2e 5,000,000.
By people—but by far the irtegest array of the Cured ones_ attribute their ore than 2,poo people earn a
far the largest army of sufferers in the world aro the kidney -sick m The note. eirculation of the gov-
• Cures Bright's disease. Cures diabetes. Cures all biaddor alinients. s telling,
Kidney diseases arc the most in- estimated at 4400,000.
living in,P byfortuneeminent and chartered banks was
release from disease to the great South Anxeriean Kdey in—with $66$82,860 in 1897, and $57,•
562,703 in 1896.
' $66 851) 434 last year, compared
and their total yearly earnings are
• sidious of all diseases Common to A prisioner about to be executed
humanity , p The net amount Of insurance in
years medical science has made in France does not know the day.
force in straight life companies was
wonderful strides he coping with its He is informed just 15 minutes be-
fore the -Axe falls. $368,517,074 in 1898, compared
ravages. South' Americait Kidney
. ,
• claims to be no reere—it has been.
Cure has proved rich in ea ing •
Munich restaurants are becoming
pewer, ancl every day testimony amount of new insurance
Ole 077 • 1897
Persieteut use of i'». Agnew' s 'Pint- •
merit win'eradiutite almost every kind of
skin oiseate. N.) witt.Lar how long stand-
ing. or clistreseing,' it, irritation
with MI6 application, It's the quickest
cure known For evzeina and salt rheum,
and w cure, led, bleeding and itching
piles in from 3 to 5 oighte. Sold by A..
L, Bainiltou.'
father, 'don't make sport of the poor A Moctel Hos' ry. -
man—God only knows what you
1., •
may come to yet." The follov.ing was reeeritly fount
• • posted up in a •-•inall we'tern hotel
in the spring the birds are singing ill ward St) tonts per Ptinare foot.. ..
.As they build their summer homo. Meals tocire, ltvealtviest at 5 ; dither-.
Blades or grass aticl buds are springing, at ki, ; flpt,,..i. at 7. .
O'er the mead the cattle roam.
In the• spring your blood is freighted (3 nem s e re 1 t ri veiled not to speak .
With the germs that cause didease, to the rf n nt la welter.
Humors, boils, are designated Grieste ' voortirer in gc t up withotit .
Signals•warning you of these. being, called t'll n lis,1 e' self raising •
In 'the spring that tired feeling
Makes you every duty shirk,— flour for slipper.
Makes you feel like begging, 'stealing, Not reseoneible for diemonds, bil
leather than engage in work. eecles or tit ./ r valuables kept under
'led up for its great curative qua mo ternational.'
re nd mere in some The But there's something known that will a the pillows hey shOuld be deposited
It 1S generally indicated by certain and En lish rillrooms liitsc,oineepelapnatersedwwaisth$6544e,2760,,77,67655 iinn
The hotel is convenient to all.
changes in the urine, such as mucus, Just, exactly Whitt you need.
effected in Canada in the straight
ties. Where kidney disease exists1peaarcill a -
In the safe.
of them now have American bars yoMnawniltio find
daltRhoaonat Waorsra
sediment, albumen, brick dust, acid The shepherds of Gerniany pre 1897
and blood, --pain is not necessarily an diet the weather by observing the
accompaniment, which catty aggro: W001 on the backs of their sheep. The total nunaber of commercial One on Mamma.
en it is very early ne weat er
vates the insidious nature of it. Test- . failures in Canada in 1898 was 1,800,
cemeteries. Hearses to hire -25 ,
cents a day.
If the room gets too warp), open:
11 h
inn. and eterimenting has disclose,d with lia.bilities of 89,821,233, com.
Small Johnny' had on his bestIthe window mid see the fire escape
the fact t al the passing through WI 1 1 prevail, ,, ine, Clothes and his matetna told him not If your fond of athletics and like.
these organs of the solid particles In every city or town in the pared with 2,800 failures
- to play in the dirt with them on. good jumping, lift the matrass and..
mary street, In olden days only representing liabilities of $14,107;
heaven .to play ?' he asked,
in the ordinary course of circulation Netherlaeds you will find a ROSe-
up, grind out and impair them so The carnirgs of the C P. R. in -
"Don't they have aby dirt in see the bed spring.
do in a remarkably short while clog 498.
not performed and disease la.ys hold rosemary, being; id the language of --'
measecl $1,973,000, and those a the
• • mother.
eieerse of course not, replied hit. Wales 's tile r OM part of Great
Britain ht m'neral wealth. England,
that the functions of these organs are undertakers lived in them, the
on the patient with a. ruthless hand. n
°were specie es e lea e G. T. R, $38.,,000, notwithstanding . pr witiolly about £2 to 61611
• d 'd•4 t d
to the Kidney diseases ,require a solvent-- /the rate war during the greater part Then, what do little boys do up ••
solvent—it is a. kidney` aPecifm-- Many of the tall old houses in the °f last Year. there ?" queried johnny.
• ."Oh, the,y play hatps and sing an acre, See la I:1 a l'ttle less than 42,,
bu he ro t of Wales amounts,
South American Kidney Cure is a dead.
• t cantle s in *
sit under beautiful trees, WAS thib) 0VS
residential streets and even equares
less than century ago were the and Hamilton were $3,149,504, in t.e13 Y•
purifier—a healer—a health builder—efficacious alike tip man or woman.
tested by ernineet niedical. authorities kidney diseases, and proved and testified to by' t, h Montreal, Toronto, Ottawa., London
(40 them as the surest and safest cure for all diseases of the kidney.
a 0 t 'n eb t fL dn wlich
•• an bladder. xis a . einr e c: ono,
Good News roan the North Country— began to realize for himself that his case was :lee .e Constipation
of t le well to do, have been 1898 compared with $2,860,167 in
"Well," seta the little fellow
ayoung machinist in a Isrgo menttfacteritmoon- hopeless he tool; his ease Inhis own hands, de-
f i d cut u ' f
don't mallow they can tiave trees
dropsical form. of kidney disease through at, with many so-called cures without relief. ut • Th , number of leomesteads taken - ---1 a' H adache 13Tousness
p Into tenements in the perpet- 1897. the 40 • in t no dirt."—Denver Post e ,
cern in Northern Ontar o, e h te mined to *la for his li a. Ho exper mente
he continued his work until almost commanded and like everything lse, he tried it—to his Up from the Governmeet lands in
•mespherlo changes in following his daily labors— American Kidney Cure was brought to his notice, un •-eur en tor rooms to live,
to quit by thephysician from w o • itishment he began to feel better under its •
tecetvin treatment. no visited Toronto anti use, lie continued to gain strength—hc took six Manitoba end the Northwest was
Pam in the Back.
Indigestion, Dizziness, *;:x
b 1 -and to.chy that same youn man can be IsTothing Like 4,84 in , s g ' 06 "I suffered with pain in the back for —
over a. year fted could not get it eur.ri,
Indleate that pour liver
consultec an eminent out or ty o y
eases. The doctor sent him home with ashopeful fowl(' at that tattle lathe, working or 41 40'
stoq of himself as he could give, but wrote concern, halo and :tearty as the fifst tlay he wont
TOO should remember that no other 1894 .
privately the youtig man•s physician that it there, He glvesa I dm creditio South American medicine Si like Shiloh's Consumption Three bottles ot ITagyard s 'Yellow (eel
wee oyel• a matter of time with him until death Kidney Cure, Cure in me: iespect. 1f other• remedies reinovoil the pain entirely." Mateh di Ottt of order. Ttie
a to *mild calm another kidney deem, When lits have failed to relieve your cough or cold, Millr. IVIccr'regor P. O. Man.
best inedleine to toteie
loath are forerunner§ of nervous caller, • The greatest bay on the face of the flyer and cure ale
SOUTH AMERICAN NERVINE—Issporve healer.. Cures indigestion and stomach trouble§ that in the more reason why you Mrs. Mary O'Dell, 262 Demi Ave.,ili
Pain Ceeeed best Day.
SOUTH AMERICAN RHEUMA IC CURE—Has lifted 'men off a bed of pain after a fait+ days should try Shilolee. Always told ender Tweet°, writes:—"I !alive need Milburn's earth is that of Bengal. 1VIeaSered
DR. ACINDW'S OINVIENT cures blind, bleeding, itching or ulcerating ti.los tor 6
you, tile druggist muet haelt your aevete attack Of I houtuataste. e pal ti
VW, was haVil hat WW1 re . •
eve nights. .35 cts. moriAv , ets ZO OW. etiti $1.00 a ceased after the first clay's trial of tile ing Peninsulas, ite exteet is about
SOLD B!t A L. telsetettisr011e WINGIT Alst, laottles remedy." 420,000 sqUare raliee, 1, eeeente. Sold by an matches deelets.
these -1I'Se, is tound in
notes Pills
fCS a positive auarantee, tf it dues not help Rheumatic Pills and they. eured itie ot in a straight line front the two bolos.