HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1899-05-12, Page 2tovl , uP• ilt� 8 1 Wi WJNG. IAM TIMES, MAY 5, 1899. 'hissere the Bgge Go, Claim print works use 40,000.000 desert egg's per year. wine clarifiers MS 1.0,000,000 dozen. the elunttlrrai- tttsrs and other industries n1se many rtllllians, and these dema» ds inerease more rapidly than table demands. Rev, I)r, Grant, tsf Orilllat, will. write the biography of the lute Rev. Dr, Cecbr:fete of Brandt rd.' Hood's Serino/ulna never disappoints. It tuay be tido n for hit le)re anal imnnv+a+r- imbed blood v,•Iti perfect confidence that it will owe - The anui,•»' Egypt used to fish with cats on Clio Nile. The animals. were trainee to enter the water and seize the tilt, which were then taken away by tial fishermen. AR' 5 TLE ER LL REA �Ir ilE Posit.vc>Iy Morcel by these le S. They also re`;sve Distress from Dyspepsia, Indigestion and Too Hearty Eating. A per.. feet remedy for Dizziness, Nausea, Draws!. miss, BadTastcin the Mouth, Coated Tongue fain in the Side, TORPID LIVER.. They Regulate the Bowels. Purely Vegetable.. Small PEI Smdll Doses Small Price. Substitution i3ae frond of tho day. See you. get. Carter's, Ask for Carter's, insist and demand Carter's Little Liver Pills. &B.& . Makes Rich Red flood. The Best Remedy for Spring Weather Weakness. The Blood is the very essence of life. As it courses through the system it carries with it, if pure and rich, nutrition to every cell in. the body. If impure, it spreads disease. If thin and watery, it fails to nourish, hence we have weakness, debil- ity and decay. It is the wonderful power B.B.B. haS in purifying impure blood, making thin,, watery blood rich and red, that is at the bottom of its marvellous success in curing disease, Those who are pale, thin, weak, • troubled with blotches, pimples or erup- tions of any kind should take B.B.B. , It makes the pale cheek rosy, the skin clear and smooth, and infuses new energy into weak, worn, run down, shattered constitutions. Skih "1 beg to state I have used Clear. Burdock. Blood Bitters for im- pure blood, pimples on the face, &c., and derived great benefit from it. My skin is now very clear and free from alt eruptions. I only -used four bottles of • the 13.13.1. and can strongly recommend it to any person suffering from impurities in the blood or eruptions of the skin." Mas. G. 13. HELMonn, Spence's Bridge, B.C. Every "1 have taken 13.B.B. every Spring. ,spring now for some years, to purity my blood and keep my ,system in good order, and can honestly :say that I do not know of its equal .,anywhere." Mits. AGGIE BAIANTs, Lanenburg, N.S. LOGS! LOGS I Statistical.. ]!'roti! the Provincial Government's report relating to the registration of births, marriages and deaths for tile. year ending December litst, 1897, we !lute the following ;--In 1896 the Province had an assumed ptlpulatiuti of 2,263,492 and with the increase (difference of births and deaths for 1887) of 19,090, this gives the popess lation of 2,283,182, or of one per trent during the year, According to. as• Sultlption the unittigrallts to Ontario have been an increase of 4,870, The tutttil number for 1897 were 47,323 births, 15,2(13 marriages and 27,633 deaths. In 1.840 the population of Ontario was 427,441 ; 1851,. 952,00 l ; 1871, 1,620,851 ; 1891, 2,114,321 ; 1897, 2.283,182, From the ceneus tee population for Huron county was :—In 1851, 19,- 188 ; 1881, 76,526 ; 1897, (based on 1891) 70,955, The births have decreased from 1896 to 1857 by 49, the mau'tittges increased by 82, land the deaths have an increase of 160, Below is the public school appor- tionment of the Legislative grant to the schools of the county fur 1898 —Ashfield, $365 ; Colborne. $225 fxoderieh, $308 ; Grey, $437 ; flay, 842(1; Howick, 8531 ; Ilullett, $341. ; AleKiliop, $329 ; Morris, 8868 ; Stan, ley, 6272;- Stephen, $460; Tucker - smith, $320 s Turaberry, $289 ; Us - borne $295; Wawanosh East, 8232; Wawanosh West, $241 ; tette,. $5,439,, Though, of course, I take a• very Total for Bruce count, $4,331 • total . forPerthcounty, 43,531, Apportion- .lively interest in the genertll welfare ment for separate schools :--Ashfield, $51 ; Wawanosh East, $23.; Stephen, $33. The towns and villages ;' Clinton, Highest cash prices paid for all kinds of good Saw Logs, Telegraph Poles, Cedar Posts and Shingle Bolts delivered in our yard. CUSTOM SAWING, SHINGLE CUTTING done at lowest prices and satisfaction gibed. Call and get prices be disposing of your timber. liteLPIAN fkoO NO CQ NTRQVERSY, or go out of the business altogether. I What has been said of brood mares A13CHRI$IIQP O'1i01�INVIi. \tioUTal) TIA�R i AOI ItESE'Btr THE Weems s egtaally true of foals of all ages, oi& OTHERS. from weanlings to maturity, A'iost farmers who raise only a few foals . Archbishop O'Connor, replying to feed too sparingly. the address presented to him at Tor-; Though these remarks are given onto, 'Pltursday, sttftl in part1 from an Atneriean point of view they, "There are two or three things , nevertheless, have some bearing up• only that oceur to me now as pos• on the rearing of horses in this. Bible to interfere with that gaud will , country,. IIow often. do we see the which ought to exist amongst citizens! brood mare on the ave, age Ontario of the same place and the same farm a subject of neglect and care- ; less if not injurious, treatment. country. We !gust not insist too ; much upon our own rights. We; Hot -seen -ceders, who expect to raise ought to know our own rights, incl ; good horses by such methods, have' we ought to insist upon having then! + evidently missed their calling. Good respected as far, of course, as is con I horses cannot be raised except by sistent with, the general 'welfare of , giving the brood mare the best care the place wherein we happen to be.. ! and attention. The remarks in ref- ute must all learn to bear and fur- ence to foals are also very pertinent. bear, to bear our share in everything that tends to the well being of our country, and at the same time to. for, bear, to bo ready to sacrifice occasion ally owe of our rights, because by doing. this we show how ready we are to produce the good;; which. is expected from us. As it is proper, we ought to insist upon our rights ; let us not forget that rights pushed too far become wrongs, grievous wrongs, and that will be my motive at all times, and my interest at all times, and every act and word of aline will tend that way, to make all the citizens feel that we desire their success as -well as our own .Another source of ill -will sometimes is political controversy. From the time a colt is born •till it reaches maturity it' should receive such treatment in the way of care and feed that it will make it grow and develop into the hightest type of horse. • Of course good breeding and good treatment go hand in hand; but too neglect one or the other is only to court failure and get very un- satisfactory results.. k'UNCTURES.• SOME OF THEM ARE VEkY DEItP, SOME ARE, NOT. Whena woman sees a mouse, .she. gets rat tled. To will one success brings us near. er to another. It's a small ° man who is always of our country, of which I am -proud ; .wrapped up in himself.yet let me say once for all I never Genuine happiness cannot be ob- interfere in matters political. I have tained by false means. my warm'frtends belonging to eachThough you grudgingly give of' the political parties, and whilst I much, still you are not generous. $316; Goderieh, $421; Mitchell, $.273; invsell am na party man, I respect. The man who is to seriousi to take Parkhill, $145; Seaford) $297, Wing- the feelings of others who prefer to a jbke should, take a liverill. ham $263, Brussels x;146, Blyth serve their country in that way. But Sometimes it isn't spring. by a $116, Wroxeter $57, Bayfield $83, I cannot, believe, nor do I believe,' long shot when it is by the almanac. Exeter $221, 13ensall$111.r that government .simply means the It is required to raise $150 for procuring of the greater good for the every school in the township, and greatest number. We know God $100 additional for each extra does nu govern that way. He seeks teacher in a school. The educational always, and on all occasions to pro - machine turned out 1715 public cure good for the whole number school teachers for Ontario last year, • without exception ; and every one in 1117 of which are females, and 598 authority, let it be civil or religious males. That is, there were nearly authority, is bound by his faith to twice as mar., of the fair sex, Be proetire the geed of the whole num- tween ,5 and 6 per cent. of the her aver whom God bas placed: him, teachers secured first class certifi because it we have authority over cates. - . people we hold: it from God, and we are his trustees, and to exercise. that It is announced that Mr. T. A. (authority in any other way than he Browne lies been appointed Post- i would do it, would simply be to master at London, Ont., in sueces destroy the trust the Almighty has eon to Mr. 11. J. C. Dawson, who is :Placed in our hauds. Another source to be superannuated. `of ill -will is what is commonly called religious controversy. teachings we the TORT BOOK 1 Tieve firmly in the'` teachings of the Children Ory for i Catholic Church niust be unquestion ---a� ed. I believe that the. seesesie We presume that. Pluto's cooking is done over a "range" of volcanoes. When a tourist leaves his home for a trip over the Alps, it is proper to. say that he bas gone to a foreign "climb." • Boston 'is the real centre of "culehaw." Any . reared in the "modernAthens" is sure to. knew beans—and brown bread. The :average self made man uses a good deal of ready made material in constructing his model. It's all right for charity to begin at home, but it ought . to get as far as the neighbors by and •by.—L, A. W. Bulletin, • Catholic 't. 5<s !Church is the church of.the Lord IJesus Christ, Because I believe a that, I expect all others, no matter I what their beliefs may be, to respect A daily thorough bath with mild , me in lay belief. Now, just ,sets I soap and warm water, aided by a wish to be respected by others, I, too, brush, whieh leaves the body tingling , respect all others, no matter what of employment, and must . go back and smooth; a nap or rest for 20 ; their beliefs niay be, and I don't see to England." minutes every noon before the system that the interests of religion are ad- The Pastor. "Go back to Eng - has exhausted its supply ' of force, a i vanced in the slightiest by quarreling land to get employment, what non - long and rapid walk, which gradually !about it. It is the duty se: tte all to sense'! I can get lots of work for a extends in length; a warns room in seek what is the true religion, to find young man like you in this country." winter with ventilation night and `out what Jesus Christ taught, It is Bro. R. "Well; I have' hunted day; a perpetual open' air life in ; the daty of us all to submit, with high and low and can get nothing, so summer, a few but complete gyman !humility, and with love to: the teach -what am I to do ?" astics for 15 minutes to supply the ings of the Saviour, and then we The Pastor. "I tell you what you muscles and tone the nerves, food ; promote the best interests of religion can do, Bro. Roberts, take an agency composed principally of fruits and i and at the same time the.very best for a good book, for there is money whole' bread, with meat once a. day "interests of our country, because itis in canvassing. and an abundance of salads and nuts,. only in that country in which religion Bro, R. "Do you think I would and lastly nights of unbroken sieepe 1s respeeted, in.whieh 'God always stoop to book canvassing ?" for nine hours—these make up the 'stands first, where there can be pros -The Pastor. (Somewhat warmly). regimen.—"The Fine Art of Groote- „perity Band the blessings of Almighty "Stoop to canvassing ! Better men. ing" in Demorest's Aiagazane. =God. Hence it is our desire that in than you have canvassed; • I put this nation we shall be united in. do- myself through College with a book -" ing our duty towards Almighty God, prospectus, and I know many sue' and surely to do that does not require cessful men who got their start in How. to Grow Young. The Pastor, "Good morning, Bro. Roberts, what makes you look so sad this morning ?" Bro. R. "I have conte to say goodbye, Mr. Brown, for I am out vki h test Castoria is for Infanta and Children. Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor 011, Paregoric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It contains neither Opium:, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance,. It is Pleasant, Its guarantee is thirty years' use by IWillious of Mothers, Castoria destroys Worms and allays Feverish- ness. Castoria cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. Castoria relieves ,Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency, Jastoria assimilates the Food, Regulates the Stomach and Bowels oflnfants and Children, giving- healthy iving healthy and natural sleep, Castoria is the Children's Lanacewe ilio Mother's Friend. • Castoria,, Castoria, • Castoria is an =client medicine for "Castor* is Ito well adapted to children. children. Mothers have repeatedly told ate that 1 recommend it as superior to any pre - of its good effect upon their children." scriptiou known to me," DA.. G. C. Osnoon, Lowell, Nees. 11. A, AnenEn, M. D. Brooklyn, N. i' THE FAC—SIMILE SIGNATURE OF APPEARS ON EVERY WRAPPER. THE CENTAUR COMPAN TT Me RRAT STREET,NEW YORIt CITY, 1tl ,1 dS1, IL li,1161. t s:3t' `• ?, `a.-e�;7.'iti1Ri;"'i t .rr�r x -� . 's'`7' 7•- ` :^ytr•'si.wVV+tl H — ,..,-- —.... ---.. -.- - , ;..-. . - ..... - ..:_._ ...... .. • ca rr, to ,tit ars .wftt_,to . t.„ .to=rti r►>wspt. r5s st :�'� tt' ' ..,svt a:<z.�s SH&f& P and iPERSI�ATI ANIMAL ,•,' PersiaticSheep Dip and Animal Wash is the most highly concentrated 3 and all roundsatisfaotory forth of power for its curing of skin diseases and ,1 destroying yermin in cattle. It is powerful without being harsh and im- mediate in effect without any irritating results. It is being successfully used all over Canada for otlring'S.1res, Bruises, Shear Outs, Boils,Riugworm, ., Gangrene Scab, and tor destroying vermin and insect pests. Some evidence: Mr. G. A. $rodie, Bethesda, Ont„ says:—"It goes farther and does more work than any dip 1 have ever used. I used it most succegs'ully f i castrating, , laaibs. '•The'.vash healing the wounds rapidly and keeping the quaggois- away. I inost heartily recommend it." Mr. Crossan, Ringwood, Ont., says:—"1 have been linable to gain real satisfaction from many,eeperiments in different dips until I used Persiatio Sheep Dip and Animal Wash. It destroys lice and vermon, perfectly on .3, cattle, and acts as a tonic, healing wounds, sores, etc." pet itntyourdeal• a , ; en's or err°= front The Pickhardt-Renfrew, Limited, S1loufftrille, Ont to ' A :o 4, ico-rncye°45 ,'.s+" ' S?� ~tp`apm-mi :aa►�''�-ilk y that we quarrel amongst ourselves fife as canvassers. My youngest �, f about the most sacred things. If we son is canvassing now, and he makes <�sear — ;see do not know, let us pray to him, tile' enough at the business to pay his ;; ,e.� aa,tnor of right, as well as of truth, way at the University, I induced a — ''''• T, ' and he will make us understand man who failed in business, tit take ,''�. ij!'� what we have to do in His best ia- up canvassing, and he made enough .--" /= terests, as well as in the best interests money to start business again, I ...4.:.'-- . .:.'-C I ' of onraelves and our nei hbors. " gave the same advice to a young . i —e' yam= ' - / I g mechanic, who was oat of employ- %'� }u��//� l��� i went, and he is bow a prosperous .--------1- il�, 7/ ) Brood M�x+ds.. ' . Publisher. Why, some of the big. "' 1 In a recent issue•the horse.breeders gest hien in history have been book agents ! !Stoop to Canvassing' ; you are very fortunate that you can STEP tw to it. I advise you to write the 13radley•Garretson Co., Limited, To• ionto, Ont., for this firm publishes fast selling books, and I know many who are doing well in its eniploy." Bro. It. "I am sorry for speaking as I slid for 1 wI.s certainly wrong. I will write the Bradley.Garretson TI)LONG';salt Bringfrom leek of rtotlrishmeflt. Companyrind see what tile, have to •+ti Those who cannot afford to feed lib- offer,and will postpone my departure Leave Orders at Carr's Feed Storo, erally had better reduce their stock in the meantime." RETURNED ON TIME: I say :--'-"Brood i>laree should lave all the well•cured hay that they Will eat ' Carefully washed, properly ironed when fed regalarly three times a correctly finished and fairly priced ---'dos' ` If. in addition to this,they are that's the history of your linen when .i~ed not less than six quarts' of the brought Here. Not' thing in our i bust Data, there will 'be but little washing preparations to Injure the i danger of- getting 'them tao fat, fibre of the goods and not a thing ! he eountr injurehere is d byr overfeedinmare g, unhealthy about our work rooms. there are many that are actually p` 1 Lr1tee__. Hon. Thomas Ballantyne, is -speak- er -of the Ontario Legislature, isailed for Europe on Saturday, DR. A. W. CHASE'S 25C• CATARRH CORE ... Es sent direct to the idiseased parts by the •Improyed plower.. Heals the ulcers, clears the air passages, stops droppings in the throat and permanently cures Catarrh and Hay Fever. Blower free. All dealers, or Dr. A. W. Chose Medicine Co., Toronto and Buffalo. "PEOPLE ASK FOR Tilison's Gold Dust Corn Meal but`they do not always get It," so write many grocers to us, If any woman who • asks her grocer for Till - son's and thinks she does not get it, will send us just a little of it in a • sealed envelope, we will make it well worth that woman's while. That woman will get enough of the Irl+AI. Gold Dust Corn Meal In re. turn to last her a long time and she will get it ' absolutely free of cost to her if she will ,give us her groaces name, People MUST HAVE just what they ask for. 'lila Talon 44.1 X4initsd, irllronbarsr Ont. •en..n. EARN Thfs lbStifgl EARN ThIa Roil ring set with rbwe selling ono dozen bAustria u Ewes Stick Pins at 10 cents r ult. Tl,cy aro intiwrlshobl,, pretty nett I,wtiv Belli. Sell them return the taourv, and we tend thk valuable slob 1n vc1 ot•liacd et e, by To - turn mail. i fosuo Sientinitr Co.. Dent. ..e Toronto, fan. Caveats and Tradc•Marks obtained, and all patent horsiness conducted for MODERATE FEES. Sly office is in the immediate vicinity of the PatentOffic and my facilities for securing patents are unsurpassed Send model, sketch or photograph of invention, wigs description and statement as toadvantages claimed: R$i'Xo charge de Outdo for ens opinion asks yatentabtiitoand my called for until Oho fee far prosecuting theatl{dIpnt'tawe":avawronssGunn.,' "con-- tainingfull infotmation scat free. All Continual. salons Con:Aderotl as Strictly Confldenfli . FRANKLIN H. HOUGH 2z5 r Sv:eoot. WASHINGTON. D. C. EC YEARS' l XPnnlENCE 'MADE MARKS DCSIGNS COPYRIGHT) &C. Anyone sending n shot eh and description a? quickly naeort4In our opinion tree wlima?cttter an invention is prnhnbly este"toren. Communise• tions strictlyrantldnntlnl, itandbookese Patents sant fres, ttioat esfeeney ler serum!,; pturnte. i'ntenta taken tltrnarit Munn." ca. receive quiet iwtke, without charge, 51 the Scientific JIImQrka . A. handsomaiy tlhnrtrstml Rankly, ?.arrest cir coition of any selonttnn , onrush 'norms, V3 e me; four mo !tats, $1. Sold hys;II nsese„ rs MUNI & �;O,folntosses.,1 raw 'gni Mane uhica, t.,3 Ve`. IT PAYS TO A D V fit. RTI S E IN TIIE TIMES s a IP