HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1899-05-12, Page 1,!..• " -J. VOL. XXVII.--NO. 1412, 4 Vitt, sior eni;iie • 1,toy, Ve140,st..44,0q4, ....01610111011 • eNUR New Goods have now all arrived, and in order to impress the name of the new firm on the buying public, we have marked of our stook at a very small mar, gin of profit, DoN'T FORGET TiM We are showing a large and beauti- ful range in LadlesDress Goods, which comprises all the latest things 'in colors and designs to be found in the market. Ladies, you must see the goods to appreciate theta, no use trying to describe such beautiful goods in printeo' ink. We show the largest and most up to date line of Zephyrs, Gingham, and Muslim in town ;'in Zephyrs we shine particu- larly, having secured a special line that cannot be duplicated elsewhere; • it has met' Oe approval, of all who have seen it and. is going quick. A special importation of the latest dress Triniming just received from Ger- many ; 'laving bought these. goods ilireci . from the Maker, we are in a position to sell them at prices that cannot be touched in town. • GENTLEMEN. -You all need a new ' Spring Suit, and why not let as make it •for you. rt cannot be denied Abet we keep the largest and best selection of Woollens tu town. Our trimmings aro ' the best* thee money an bpy, we have .good workmen to our employ, long ex- •perience at the nsinees, and all these fantare make it possible for us to gua- rantee to our Fames a good -fitting, well made, ant:1.14)14h Suit, eaee• • Our Gent's Fa imbibing department, is replete With all the latest novelties. Ties, Shirts, Underclothing, Hose, Sweittere, Suspenders, Gloves; and every item that goes to snake op a well Dressed Man. It is useless to try and quote prices, we cannoenive you the whole of tbem, and it is misleading to the public to quote a • few ,special or bogus prices as some do. Early Closing 11/Iner, 15 th. 4 SO INGHAM Tu WINGHAM, ONTARIO, FRIDAY., MAY i2, 1899. SEEDS GARDEN SEEDS. Buy your Garden Seeds by the ounce. It will pay you. We have Onion, Carrot, Rad- ish, Lettuce, Parsnip, Beet and Cucumber Seeds in bulk. FIELD SEk.DS —We have Carrot, Mangels and Turnip Seeds. Get our prices before purchasing at • HAMILTON'S DRUG STORE S1 A YEAR IN ADVANCE Clime lietennea.-You can get the Texas All the Hardware. Harneee, Tinsmith, and Weekly Globe until the end of 1899 Flour and Feed, 4 twellery, Book and for 58 'tenni. Stationery, Dry Qom More . and the prin• 2t a • oipal grocers close at • o'cloOli. WE"u c*tl'Es it" ‘ 1) --The Wiug"nru Jon Puninixo.-Ne, styles of• type. and Weigh Scales were pi t up by auction on haa linos of mil fui pspaa lasses tae Thursday evening la ,t for rental for an. Tines in a position ti turn out all kiwis oe 3'ear • Mr T xoung was th ti of tot/ printing, in t' e most ettiefactorY accidents He Manner. Wbatete r kind of jeb printing times, ; his ribsog of Jblad leg broken three This is consider. paid last year. yon wish done we cue do it for you. You had innumerable r At the last regu• waygad our rites right. jocularly says, "Hee RAST lienion'eMEHE M X', for West Hero Clinton Newref Vron'e worthy repre A cyclist ran int Wirigham, the other severely. The docto ther r -Mr ROA Holmes, r.mria irwhiarcza, , in his notes to the re as follows to Bad ententve at Ottawa: DL' Macdonald, of Where did you dal', and hurt him get that *life bas been foil of ably lower than wbat A. VEZERAN'ti DWELL lar meetiog of Mattion 0 0 IP, Bro P G Wm the recipient of a Vet Lodge. 111r Robertson of the above lodge for 2 of the most zealous w He will wear thiliewel Lodge, No 110, Fecreneta - The first football eneesene obertson was made rah Jewell ,t'la League will be pia, as belowneinner mg, between Strat match of the sea on in the Western )avt cornea into are, years . led is OHO Tilts is the opening liters in the lodge:' and vial bo a geed with honor. should. turn out and A RUNAWAY Jo 1 Hanna's delivery um, horse ran away from the side door of the called at 0 o'damk. theneselvee any an yance or disappoint- Onevneeine Bzoro=s.-Mr J W Gibson, Merit. People wh are kept inside all day store on Saturday. :howagon was some- representing the Omveleaid bicyeles. was should have a littl time in the evening for what smashed befor : the horse had gone in town on Friday ast, and gave most outdoor exerciee. The purcbasing public far, and it , came down street with the interesting exhibits of the oonstrection of can make the earl closing a success. shafts. Kr Wm Messer's horse Was on that wheel at Mew - 4 -tele g et Ces hard- • A ad a full display, of num to learn tailoring and cutting. Apply ueed tite the construct to Webster & Co, Queen's Block, Wing- sditedbie •Ythcel(3;toreArtulariUgige haFmc:aireat WINOIIAUIVID Menu= At the keen • interest in the 1STanse in Moleswortl on Tins av, May to a gentlivnan wet. known to niany of our different tests. lessrs Clegg & Co, th 2nd, try Bee Geo ' liantyne, Mr W R readers V"Rev J. ) McCracken expects to local agents, report budileee good i e Belden, .a. former res dent of Wingbam, leave next week on, is trip through Europe. aioyolereino, • • was united in the holn bonds nt wedinnx to • places of interest t troughout the continent Prunes 4 lbs for 25 eta $v p, 42 gallon Mies Mary A Howe, star of Mr George Mr MoOracken pu poses visiting all the • path' for ill. Totem run and Peas, Howe, of the firm Howe, Shelton it Mrs MoOraokeh al ,d family will reside in 3 cans for 25 die 8 be bargains en Cu, of Palmerston a • Trues joins with Part Stenley duri 3g his absence, We Dinner peed Toilet Sets, at Griffin's. 2t the groom's many inglaam friends in ed conple a nappy d Mrs Belden spent 5 week with friends °oar r 141 oSnadtail..dvainygebVaenni: tsilileolpete:rresdwinigll bear t beforte seven o'clock, they ame in the league will confer a fayor an the business men ne, Evory Pere"' and clerks and help • them carry ont the encourage the lerya, provisions of the by law, as well as save cen broken and lie's nowitye, but, as be ever been killed yet.' ie early dosing •bye on Monday next. If its ia mild and do • g Werieen-On short term plan. young the tide of the scree and it b ame friglit ware store, Ile 1 ened and ran twee, also. ' No damage gaugoe, testa, etc, as LOCAL NEWS. o was done to Mr Me ser's horse or buggy. TRIP Lumen EllUROPE.-The following number tofer,,Colpe ive, eel‘ See Halsey Park's advertisement. from thy; week's 0 iesley Free Press refers the day and took a Dr. Butler, of poncipn, will be at the Queen's Hotel, Wingbam, on the first Wednesday of each month from 11.30 a.m. till 3 o'clock p.m., for consultation in diseasee of the eye; eien, nose and throat. CAPT AND M301 M EOD -Capt and Mrs McLeod of the $ A ave arranged to con- duct special serviota in Teeswater next Saturday and Sun ay, Mr Robt Cantelon, of Blitevale, will lelate bis thrilling ox. peiienea at one o these meetings. Is Yowl, NAME has been placed i $r B F to appeal can do with the clerk b entitled to man notice of this a added to the ro wish the rev gentieman bon voyage an •safe reeprn. • . •• . Binder Twine in three gra cleaned et 10 de per We s win od Wneenau HAS B`EIE, Plume:cum - The wishing the newly we town has had fire en'oteetioti *Alice. Friday wedded life. Mr a our evening of last wedc. The temporary several days during t ll the Con- dam •was completed on Saturday: • Hose in town. x ?--The assessment roll omen, Cordage Co'a goodanonest, reliable *31•10.a are were attached to thi several. hycliants on ereeem oe, TUE NEI. ranalenorn was the bands of the town and 'of home • Saturday last and s reams coedit lie easily 'commenced . on tbe ionstruotion of the duction by pippin our order earl t t a st a fu. the); thrown as high es tt rguson. Parties whining Pre . ' bigbeedbuilding we • new dam on Wednes• _ay morning. under o by leaving their appeal advance. Young 62 Pahlin. tf have in tate town, ST Lt4. W. IILISLIOP anti the tone • • • ore the 14th iirat Those Vont M.LN z -Bills are out a • ood franobiee sharild take noinecing tbe ante tainment to be given by • him for the effort be • the Wingham nein trete in the town hall, power to run the w see that their names are • on Thursday • eve • WANTED -Butter and Eggs. • Highest programme proms Prices. Cash or Trade Admittedly the and will include best Produce Mart in Canada. •, G B Eieine, * letroduaingnew n . How Tun:dens anriPar, -- Owing to -fleet songs, intereperie unusual large nureaer of teachers who and jokes ; eireryt have been turned oat of the 'Normal pooled by an offici Scliceels, salaries in nany places have been Olio will consist out down to almost .tarvation prices. The teens:cal nate, jugs St Thomas Board, ehiele has just broken •ROOS% and the wo the world's record 131' salary, hies just in. Orappo," , The gaged a duly quail d lady for one of the I MP Wither Gr4" iga the supervision of ter Greea. No time at forth in securing sad People aunt thank will be lost in compL_tiug this work. A accident happe led on Wednesday towel 14 1/1 - smile a neereioa, Mr Wrn Elliott, ono of the ing; May 18th. The short 11.88.it ?•14.°"131 12 deelta from workmen, was sitting under the bridge, es to be very interesting when tee first load of 'gravel was put in when a good sized tone fell from above chortle of 25 voices, the river until we had 110 ria Pen --a dt and hit him on tile top of the head. pressure an the w eel brute% ' FriclaYZ Quite' a ,deep gaeli - as intlictedlyere. do& gro melodies and coon with fenny sayings and Saturday of las week were Nery• omit, tor mai_ ing days at thew erwoi Its ; the meie and properly cared for. Rptamonect and the injarerl mitre ng up -to date, accom- teame had to wo ic deg and night in order •- . nt orchestra. Grand of songs and dances, to complete tne 'cork. A team n heroes • •SMALL. LOCALS. 'rig, stack wire trerforin- went tbrougb, t e bridge Pride renii•g, derful trick bear, "De but were easil rescued N lout any Campbell's headache Wafers pantie- ntertainment will con- dauwage being ne. 'teed to cure headache. Albert Thomas' P amp ed in Engtand, ie ac elude with the cel departments of i city echo . at the mission 25 and 30 princely renumerit ien of 410 r month. hall is now open • VOLUNTEERS ATTENTION. • No 2 Company. are r que a • Mr id E Kent at on. f' • tandem on the $0t crated cakewalk. Ad- ateamibriufactur- -60 ots pure for the Tures till January. Morrow's rug store. edged in this and let, 1200. e children 15c. Plan of 11 members of JEWELLERY STO BURRED Last Friday ed to report to night, Mr 3 R Memshaw's jewellery store to go eo camp at al 0,y, ,w i gi 0 la tea; was burglarized and gold rings and .• watches amountireg to nearly $1,000 were 7' • he the waterworks b :law. The two lin- ESS l1, II as all menebers vei have to go. A uumber ightness report to Mr Kent. the Old Country t •n a very siteerior -Wednesday nightai rain will do a great grade of land fertilizer. Young ie Poplin, duel of good. - WATERWORKS BY reev --6-s win ba seen . -Winghein Minstreils-lhursda. even - by tbe Council e roe( edings in another ing, May 18th. column, few cba rges have been made Look in end Kee the late login stem- aulin. f new men will be required, who can also taken out. Entrenoe was made through mer duOlt sun es. Young the front door 131 prying it open with portant changes are : 1st -Changing the -The celebrated cakewalk will make A Joraeseme, Captain. iron bars. Tbe 1 s will be heavy for Mr • h 5th day of voting from day 26t to June ; yen laugh at the towr hall on l'ilay 18th. 14 ENV Foment, Sone ilea -The schedule lqunshaw, and yet there is no clue to 2nd -Adding 50C4to the amount of BRINGS The regular meetin i of Court Maitland, of the senior series of e Western Football the burglars. Thursday evening of am" to beets:bed for the patentee of C 0 F. will be held his (Friday) eye& Asscede.tion was reea anged at Stratford last week, the uriph post office was the water privileee nd the ounstruotion . on Friday of last weef. This was render- •entered and the safe pried open and 410 of the diern,r;b?oeottiont ed necessary owing t the fact that Strat- or 015 in postage s amps and small change ford was admitted i o the league, which was carried away The same evening D that 43000 woald at first consisted of eaforth, Berlin and S Eaust's general store at Zurich was properly complete t RESULTS. Wingham. The del gates were :-Wing- entered and sever 1 suite of clothes and was added. It is t , It has paid othere to' attend - ratepayer to work n CENTRAL ROSINESS COLLEGE 1 amount now being I g* - James S Damien nas been ap, ik was of 0 e opinion not be suflicient to postmaster at Lanes' in place of le dam so 0500 more Scott, resigned. the interest of efvter Diagonal lgovexl tit .ben, 0 0 Steveaet ; erlini a i'l SIMMS ; some jewellery w s carried away. The P Bleenitliatha, - Improvements are to be seen in all Seaforth, John A. ackson ; Stratford, safe in the Bank of Commerce office at aiming of this by.1 w. Winghe,m has Leslie Brooks. ?real ent, It C Sheswright, Dresden was bi wn • open on Monday .13he cheapest wate males system to be quartere of the testa Fresh cents of paint, found anywhere. • A public- meeting of and other improvements are in order. nted D13 pply to Mrs 0 STRATFORD, - ONT. and it will pay you. 44 of oar recent stiadentit nave accepted good situations. Bueiriese Men are looking for young men and women nho are trainee train them. Three times the number of requeete for ofileie Resistants have been received by DR thiS year as' compared With any previous year.. .Enter• noW it you attn. Proepectus free. W. .1. ELLIOTT, Principal. starrtagp menses Issued by PRAWC PATEUSOR, No 28, 'Vin- yl:ilia street,Wheghane, Ont. No witnesses Tequired, CHEAP READING 1 d. of Seaforth, (temple the chair, and the night nini over 4 000 in bills stolen. the ratepayers will ,e called before the Tan CHEAPEST IN Tows. - elen's boots vote is taken, she 1 all points en con - pair; women's at from 30o to 40c per pair. nection with the by- een will Le thoroughly and ehoes half soled at from 40o to 45e per What enablea trie to cut down prices is 1 explained and at, tubed, bave no met to pay, no debts to pay, I buy my stock for co,sh. The oldest established shop in town, south side of Victoria St, a •schedule was drawn ford at Wingham, Mi ford, May 17 ; 8eafor 20; Wingham at Berl at Seafotth, May 80 lane 3; Wingnatet oj Sea ort atBerlin, one 10 Seaforth at few doors west df Swarte hotel. Stratford, june 18 , Berlin at Seaforth, et , Trues ABRAII.M. • June 16-; Wingham at Seaforth, Jane '20 ; TRIP -FOR TRE E Stratford at Berlin, :tine 24. loregard to is in store for mem a tie, it was decide theta. win should as fellows :•-Strat- y 18; Berlin at Street, h at Wingharn, May n,May24 • Stratford Berlin at Winglio:in, 'Stratford, June 2; Prase Assodation t count two points an a tie one. Monirenee Sato. - of the powers con mortgages, which time of sale, there vill be offered for sale Mittee of the aseo by public auction, 33r Peter Deana, mut Pacific) authorities tioneer, at this Br inswicik house in the dude two exeunt trone.--A great treat ere of the CrInadian is year in the form of a Pacific Ooltat ex ureion lasting 22 to 25 tinder and by virtue days, via the 0 P . • The arrangements ined in two certain a/ be nroa odathe have jinn been con dueled between a CODI. 'Eaton and the Canadian at Montreal, and in- ns, or rather provide an excursion to Winnipeg e who cannot ge all the Parcel I. 2 brick two story stores, known way to the coast. The privileges of the as the Dawson BI Town of Wingharee on Friday, the 11411, alternattve of an day of May, 1899, a • the hour of one edoek in. the afternoop, t a o ow ng p p y Out Clubbing List., ..' in oder to lime OUY subscribet4 the trouble of reeking two Or more remittaneeir wo have made •ispecialarrangemente with the pnehehere ne which we aro tolled to ogee tho tonowitarinneinecons hi cohneetton with the WINOILAId TIMES at special low mos from now until Dot, glst, MA. Times and Weekly Globe, • id 26 Times and Western Advertlecr. - 1 90 Times and rashly herald and Weekly htar . and Piet . - 176 Viten and Farmers' Adveado, • 7tineit and Vanning, weekly, .. • 176 Times and Montreal Weekly Wallah 4- 1 60 Times and Farmers' Bun. • • , 1 SO Tinier and Deily Mob° ,, 4 25 TWIGS and Daily World . ,, . 800 Thane end tiountrc Gentleman, . 2 fie Times and Weekly Mall and 'Empire 1 26 names and Doily Mennen! Xlerald, 2 00 SPeeltd dulihitur rlitee with all newspapers end nmeastinet quoted on appuention. Addren en otdere to or call at the • TIMES OVPICE- W1$ (IMAM f 11 i ert, a_ and return for th Josephine street, i opposite the Bank Town Lot No 30 the Town of Win farm let No 2. i Turnberry, (nowit lying south of the ott into lots by together with the in said George M Mining 12 acres propbrty there a few fruit treeit, dwelling with k teethed, and a goo basement ; and in illeo,d0W. FOr t apply to J. A. M Ogees. Dated k,on the west side of trip will be confined exclusively to mem- the Town Of Wingham, bees and their wines, and it will be made Hamilton. Parcel Il. memorable by the exceptionable arrange - O. McKay's suiney, in de tie serve and most generous ni the ortation and other.de. it that aelarge a dumber • newspaper Men they n country thordighly. tripe to Roseland find store will be made at on, Calgary, Setif, Van. . Bet -tuning the C It eeetty. The ham, and that part of menta Ida the lst concession of U P It hail been the Town ofWinghaba), matter of tran iagonal Road, riot laid tails, being nest& McKay's survey,' em, possible ane teestwen lot3 and 4 -,"•eg--",-, of 0011 Kay's stuvey, and con. ac""e weste tore or lege. Upon this There wilt be aid o hard and soft water, a other pOititta and a good etory frame rinnipeg, Bran cihon and ,00dshed At. twist and yeetet, frame barn .with done portion of the laude are -8"'"'"'""P "lee 10 me and eorditions of eine Artbiar to Owen rten, Solicitor for Mott. Will dart heat 0 thee.pri1, t899. letthe ill be taken from Port Ond. The excursion ee, later then ,tely Tonigaityveet ?you hit upon a good Spring If not, let WI suggest e DAVIS' SARSAPARILLA. There is no preparation of the kind, • better. and fear as good. REMEMBER. we retort this tritibey if you are nut satisfied. E. DAVIS, Phm. -Mr Edivard Mo "enzie, at one time baggeneman on the , IT ifs B, is just re- oovering oin an lit eck of rehumatism. -The Wheel& Steam Laundry has put n new delivery wagon on the road. Mr Long intends to k ep his laundry in the front rank. Do »az encoura e ehopping after seven o'clock? Give th merchants and clerks an opr,crt may to 'titian fresh air. -Tbe Bast Hu tion meet on Thut week at Olinton. ham school, is in a -Neither of the a license as yet. one oese is against otber the leek pr 'Clone -Alex Shultz, a paird, whn ban vii times, dicta very an the Queerae lest 'week, • Albert* Thomas' your lawn very In at Young & Paulin's. -We orarnitted Macdonald, P, • iscriptive Atlas of under the direct' Minister of the �Wfnghani W by a travelling bt affotcled consider yowler peeple,. DUAIGGIST AND DYTICIA. baron out of tow, en Teachers' .A. 080510. - day and Friday of this ito ate/a, ta• the wing. Meeting and a tar te attendance of the, I.tendanoe. members is desire 1. atels in Atwood have -Tbe Queen's birthday will be celebrat. he complaint in the ea at Dungannon. The programme Will e man, and in the consist of horse re les, bicycle raoes, •Eith- er hotel accommoda- lean sports, and a 'mg of war between the. townships of Asbfrld and West Wawa. • nosh sewing 'machine re- - • - tWinghaen several Darts &typewriter, watch or carnet& in ed a day selling our gods. No money noos- e* at his room in sary, New plan, b'end for particulars. istowel, len AT y of Wholesale Importing Co, Box 284 London, it o ate Will give The Thies Bel & Son 311g Co me band, -he this, paper. • Mention us growth. Bola ing a hardware ro ne at their factory,. Thn town is being boilk in the drive.we.y at the st week to thank Dr north of the factotly and will =else a vary r a copy of the De- suitablete 1 for doting their hardware • „te estate Canada, issues ElIpPRIIE. n of lion Mr Sifton, .-The pet ciet, n"?eter," Of the Beim* teritere Stook, is no more. Ile died on Sunday , tied on Mondial* 1116111. nag ineeription Areal 1 the grave : "rebate • toe and goodwill with Mem" $ teleoleieweesnitaiteineimanes. -Trues till end 1899 for 00 04. -Yesterday (Thu eday) was Ascension. clay. e • -First football re teh • of the Beason on Saturday evening. J -Football-Strat ord vs Wingharn ait . the park on Saturd evenuig. -All the latest jo es at the town hall on Thursday evening, May 18th. -Mr 8 Beattie, of Clinton, lost (me of hie best driving 11 rses one day recently. Keep Wingbam in line with other tip -to - date towns; do 5 ur shopping early. -The Clinten Court of the Canadian Order of Forester is organizing a brass band. - The saw and tanning mills are kept, busy these days turning out buelding material. • -Winghietri bete all team is practicing every eveninR. T ey arill go to Clinton on the Queen's birthday. This store will nose on and after May 15th, at seven eclo :k. 2t MEC leicInnooe • -We understm=1 that the Wingham drovers intend puteingin a weigh scale at the G T R etock y trds, ' • e , . - W Jones, V 8, of Birminglaana, Eng- land, is at present practicing with John Wilson, V'S, of tle town. •• -Wonderful Tr' •Ir Bear, "De Crappcau f. introduced by Sig or Bezzelo at the Wing - ham minstrel she on May 18th. Remember 1 A 1 the leading places of - business close at r o'clock after May 15th. -The loose stones on Josephine street have been racked u piles and broken up. The imptovement is quite noticable. - The regular ',meting of the W 0 TU will be held in the I 0 F hall, Chinholm Block, next Tu sday afternoon at 3 o'clock. -D lifol?hersie , of town, and Mr Holmes, of Lueltn w, have received a car' load of seed potat ee for delivery to the e'a farmers in this vi betty, *0 Dn. Macdonal Is now perrattnellair at home and Cali be -consulted by* his patrons. -Mr 0 el MeDon d 'shipped a oar of hogs to Toronto on Monday. 13 -urchin et Reberteen also ship ed a car of hogs to Toronto on tLe ste day. -Ensign Collie.; travelling financial special, will condud, a Magic lantern and. grapbapbone service in the S A. batradcs on Eridey night, M .y 19th. --Camp CaledoniaaS 0 8, will hold its regular niceting on Monday evening next. Important businesi Will come before the nge I AT MORROW'S DRUG STORE. visited nit Wednesday evening end Wen d of nmusielans." They big, The fate bin amusement for the plated at the bead it etch characters shoals the good, died in p toi soon as they enter. all his neighbor's,