The Wingham Times, 1899-04-28, Page 8stud nelversities, auti we my to ourietwat
711 NCI N0 0 0, "Never has the world taken such i aim to
Vatiewe la Wm spice of 1184.
611flielellt varier.y of .
sur S
at this store to UIt 1 to s, es The
Boys' suits at t:`,.'3 tal t",kt in three.
piece styletwillLoon dud owners at
those prices.
This store is fall of vigour of the
new spring season more than on the
alert to meet your expectations it is
a pleasure to know the retailing of
reliable qualities nt Dry Gouds„
Clothing, Boots and Shoes, and
'Gloves at a tnerierate price is well
done as to he necessary for you to
SP11G DP( C1)13
Counter after counter piled fall.
We never planned so lavishly; we've
never Lull so many buyers. This
month we offer special lines.
1.00 Sample Parasca, all styles, at
small advance on wholesale erica.
150 prs, Fancy Silk Gloves, all
shades, old country samples, very
200 prs. Sample Hose, plain and
fancy, from 10e, up to S1.50,
100 Fancy Shirt Waists, very spec-
ial, from 750. to 82 50. Don't
miss these goods, first choice.
Speeial in Boots and Shoes, Ready-
made and Ordered Clothing, Hats,
Shirts, Collars and Ties, Laces,
Embroideries, Carpets and Lace
Everything reliable at
M. H. MciiiI300
Early. closing, May 1st.
"WELER.0 WE ARE -9.,T."
The Bev. Morgan Wood in his famous
lecture, "Where we are at." was listened
to by an intelligent and appreciative
audience in the town_ hall, on Friday even-
ing last. The orchestra, under the leader-
ship of ex -Mayor Morton, rendered some
choice reamio as a preliminary. Principal
Musgrove occupied the chair and intro-
duced the speaker. Mr Wood :s a tall
man with heavy brows, a large mouth, and
a very expressive face. His voice is
excellent. As an elocutionist he is suberb,
but as a lecturer ho rarobles. We would
advise him to divide his lecture and appear
in numbers; then there would be no pre.
tence of connection. As a critic has said
of him, "It is difficult to know sometimes
where he is at." However, his manner is
wonderfully facinating.
We give the following abstract of his
"The important time of all times is the
present. The Evolutionist has worried
himself to know where I came from, and
the Theologian to know eshat Is to become
of me ; but neither can give me one
definite fact as to my origin or ultimate
destination. Nor yet do I care. 1 wish
to mien the present, realizing as I do that .
he who gains the present will gain the
future ; the man who is to make most of
tomorrow is the man who has made
most of toaday ; be who has grasped most
of this life will get most of the life to
come. So 15 18 only the present that
really concerns us. It is to -day that is
Let us ask ourselves if our day is bet.
ter than that of our predecessors, and the
rank and file answer, "Yes." But have
that rank and file answered in truth et
it bigotry?Rave they examined and corn.
pared and weighted their decision honestly?
No ; they flowered yes because . they
Wished the answer to be yes. Is the world
better to -day ? the individual the corn -
=unity? the nation? Our goals: are to.
day in better condition than ever before.
Our poor houses are more numerous and
oar paupers are more carefully attended.
Out asylume ate inatutions of which the
past has never thrreght. Our national
oontribations to charity are greater than
ever known before. Our national and
individual love and sympathy le greater
far than the history records show. net
does that prove the supremeey c.t the
present over the past ? No. 15 proves
that Liman adyanom have been met by a
oorresponding necessity. Then, we think
Of our inotitutions of learning, our colleges
educate Hien." Why tease pains ? Be -
cane he realizes the necessity a learn.-
ing. Co if we would answer fairly we
=at strike the average between the
worldnecessity to day and what the
world is doing te meet that necetsiby ; and
having done so we will find that it is
partly better, and partly worm Natur-
ally we look at the bright side ; we ire apt
to be optimists rather than pessimiets.
Such ie our condition, partly better,
partly worse, and we wish to know wily
we ttre not altogether ;lett it. 4%, learned
theologian has lately given us two causes
of e‘ii, two piineipal oauses ;--Ignorant e
nt lom, and intelligence of Law, and at
the same time wilful violation of it.
Were Law is violated retribution tett t
be made. AU is result, and when sve
have mastered Law we have overcome
evil results. We, ouaelveas are sataiee
sometimee intelligently, sometimes ignor-
an t ly,b tit ignorance never exousos any more,
in Natural than in State LAW. Think
not that when, you stiffer you see the
hand of Providencei your pain. It is
but the f ulLillment of the Law, if we err
we suffer. We speak of an accident, a
imp -hazard happening, hilt there are none
such ; aH things are caused. on fall
and say you had an accident. It was not
accidental ; it had a 0940e. YOU take a
mid and wonder how it happened ; it had
a cause. You take n fever ; yon don't
know why, yet it ha4 a oause ; a, search
may And it. Natarel laws mast he Pre-
served inviolate as God's.
To day le the supreme moment of our
lives, a focal point, a crisis, a' time of
greatest difficulty. How are we to meet
it ? Ruskin says to handle a cliffioulty, we
should not endeavor to go round it, or
under it, or over it, but straight through
. In doing so we sow a seed tat wiU
one day develop to a beautiful element
of character. We ask the pioneer why at
eighty•five he is still strong physically,
and he will tell you that it is because of
the physical difficulties with which he
had to contend in years gone by. You ask
him how it is that now in old age he has
a fortune by him, and he answers that
it wa'h because of tha financial difficulties
of his youth that taught him money's
worth. His best developments are the
results of his best efforts to overcome
his greatest difficulties. Notwithstanding
thio great truth, how mi.ny, believing it
to be true, are rearing their sons in
exact opposition to its teaching, What is
the result ? Our young man to -day is a
nonenity. a weakling, overocene with
effeminacy and lack of purpose. 1X lives
as a soo of his father. He waits for his
father's shoes.
Yet this age is healthy, a prohlarat-
ical age is always healthy, indivtalIy
and nationally. The leading nations of
the world Malay are thoee whom lilies
have been a daily problem, those who
meet a new difficulty with each stni. 'A
nation that basks in pease, is in a state
of political, national, and international
stagnation. The tropic -isle whose sky is
always a roof, and whose trees are al.
ways a larder, is never a great isle be-
cause she has no difficuitiee. She has no
house to build, noitabls to suPPIY, no feet
to warm, no battle to fight. Why is
Great Britain the mistress of the world ?
is an axiom alt can answer. Because of the difficul-
ties that have surrounded her throughout the age.)
that are past. The whole world waits to -day to
knoW her position on this question and that -before
it L newsHs own, In the late Cuban war Eihe lent
no ships, she Lave no money, she sold no arms, but.
yet she gave the greatest gilt that could be given—
she said to the world "Stand back, and les them
tight it out," sod the world stood, That has marked
a beginning of a new epoch it our history • it has
thrown the world in the labour throes of 'a new
national ideal, an altruism rather than an eszoistn.
Nationalism is extending ; the brotherheod of
nations is being felt, No snore will we sing our
national songs as we have sung them in the past,
our spirit will ee different. We love nob Canaan
the leee but the world more. The anthem of the
future shall be universal.
In Canada, during the past year, we have ex-
perienced a change of sentiment toward our broth
ers on the south, and they toward us, Chamber -
takes declaration %treelike the caliber of a mother to
a child, who had been gone for years, but yet
flesh of her flesh and bone of her bona. True, the
gingo press on either Bide of the line belittled it,
thinking that Great 'Britain should haye awed upon
her dIghity. What dignity does a parent know
toward a child ? Greet Britain and United States
believe that their leaders are leading them
to a
der and greater nationalism,
Teke Britain's work in the Nile,. What did'.the
world Jul ow of it until one day it takes up Its paper
and reads that one iiitehner, Lord Hitabiter, had
won a 0ght, Omdurman ; that leartoum bad fallen
and that Gordon had been le ranged? Yet she ha,1
been silently working there for Years. There ma
power in richenus silence, In knowing that right
malsee reisiht. United buttes has a Imam to lent n
from that Nile Campaten The States have been
fightaing ave,r and °vex their civil war, Before
Cubah war it one looked in a magazine, no mattar
which, ?deplete's, Leslie's, flamer's, Mehsey',
s any,
It Will war, wareelvil war, le pictures by pens
pictures by plates, war, war Isn't that a tin
lenetVewsTell!kneetir omen who hes exalted
himooll When
inge"tild you see Int cl; that'?'IhOmdurman
was won 18 was done ; we hear ea mora.): ,
If y1taneoulive,
View, a front, a rear, a fell. a thre4-emarters, a half,
it tat, mance, comes home. not as a hero, but as u
be r as a; &tenant a ea terc 11
tehae6derk remnants of sunietstitien. Does th
eIrsluatnnaldirisivieRcillit3ton..Picer: lin' t to _eartentib:rte
t .11tral)ew natipnalisin
ile;Th nsgondoel altar
bytwvuerblith en the.
ruert braigdE•figt?i °Ciiltniof
thatrgr,,Ikzen Ping°"(e'11 .8 o; 'eglegI°11POOPle
Uoniatei omeo it: Ye, hermat'
Thil /Winne are 41011070dt° day With the prob.
was Great nribtir
rbti vrell" 1V:6 reTiteft"rtl'a
f iteel eter b it you
going to
adeleties. f r me, I ellauld say, that tansoactlitatiirletf
imagine no more glatecus national oreataration,
lem of capital end Libor. e may work for Mange,
hut tarraltswill notrerme In a day,. we tram so on
s ep by step,preasel upon precept,
'and age nesm '(ou niev earor to tenant
have aimed, to -day Is a day 51 ltSlibyIzt8 and
28 1899.
"Can't Afford
to Paint."
The man who says that, forgets that painting pre-
perl3r dope is economy, and the fact is he can't afford
NOT to paint.
IIONV often you require te paint is largely depend-
ent upon the paint you use.
out last others. Thoy pro the most economical paints you can use, because
they cover meat and wear longest. Add to this their good appearance, and
you have perfect paints—The Sherwin4Villiams /Wee*.
They are made for many different kinds of painting, 'Whatever it Is
you want to paint—a house, or anything in or out of the house—wo maim
the riniat paint for that particular purpose—not ono slap -dash mixture) for
dreamers. Each has a panacea, each knows a.
Utopia, the Single Taxer, the Socialist, the Gem.
munist, the extreme Prohibitionist, the Anarchist—
' *whims Hs fad, each makes hie promise, Itis pro
phesy for the future, well we can bear with them
it they are honest. Remedy has at least a germ in
it, a bacteria.
Ageing Deb sot out latily to bern a Sti,Me Coln.
monwealth. J say, "God bless him," but 1 know
he'll fail. But when I say that 1 remember that
failure le relative not osmium God builds hie
ereatest temples nn seeming failures. I know that
Debs will fail, that scheme has always failed. Oliver
Wendell Holmes tried it and failed. The elements
upon a hich a commonwealth must exist is co-
operation. Co-operation is subjective and objec-
tive. There taut beat least two parties to it, Debs'
commonwealth must have co operation. With
what ? Poor Dubs will fail but God will make his
failure to be one day a gigantic victory. His pro.
feet contains a germ of success God bless him !
Ile is working for a principal, Bear yea oneauoth.
er's burdens. How we like to hear that read to us
on Sunday mornings, we like to hear it in poetry,
and song, we delight In seeing it in our brother and
in pictures, we adore the very sound of it, but it's
seldom we en a man with his must and his sleeves
rolled up carrying another man's burden, but we
love it just the same, 3•ou know.
It should be our aim te help our fellowmen.
Help himto have a taste otheaven On earth, You
may tell him that he will some day inherit e
mansioniin the skies But he dernuresee•Fd Ihire te
Et I " Yen may preach
to him trattagiitgettil will reward him with a
want of desire for food when he gets to heaven, but
that won't decrease his capacity for steak while he
is here. Did it ever titrlee you how material you
are? hew that yea get battery, and cold, and tired
and reek. and lazy ? Then let us atm to assist our
brother in a material manner.
The student of hietory and of the phrosophy of
'history seetethae we are on the dawn of 'is better
day. The young man has a greater chance than ever
before, there opens before him an avenue of golden
eoleverett; prgeesspiosliearies
crying' for more vigor, the press for more tiuth, and
politics fOr niore bonesty. -
You always thirds of a pretty baby as
plump and chubby. Scott's Emaleion
gives just that plumpness ; not too faa,just
enough for the climpiee to come. Babies
HAETINGS.—In Gtenauaan. on April
21st, the wife of Mr Juo Hastings, a
MANUEL.—To Wineham, on April 21st,
the wife of Mr Blija Manuel ;
MASON.—In Blyth. on April 16th, the
wife of hi r. Wm. Mason of a daughter'.
oxs —Jaoxsort.— ln Wingham. on
April 24th, at the ri.eidence of Mr Nell
McGregor, by 113v W Freed, Mr G
Btanley Jones, of %Vest Wawanosb, to
Miss Elma Alaukson, of the town of
If OLEG SO RN—HOLLOWAY •Ai, the reel •
denee of the bride's parents, by the Rev
Dr Pascoe, on the 26th inst, M.r Geo S
Clegborn to Miss Bertha Holloway, both
of Turnberry4
like it too.
Valuable Property in the Town
or Wingham,
tomer and by virtue of a power.of sale contained
in a certain registered mode; ,ge which will be pro-
duced at the time of sale, there will be offered. or
safe by public auction by Peter Deans, auctioneer,
at the Queen's Rotel, in theTown of Winghain in the
County of Boron on Warinesclay, the 17th day of
May, A D. 1959, at 1 o'clock in "the afternoon the
following valuable property, that is to say'
The north half of lot num ber 470 on west side
of Isfinnie Street, Government Sure , itt the said
Town of VVingliatu, containing o quarter of an
acre of land more or less.
On this property is situate a
22x 29 and 15 x 15, wit kit
shed 12 x 30. There is
main part of the hous
coal menace. There i
• od imam tinning
en 12 x 16 and wood -
go atone cellar under the
the house is heated by a
so hard and soft water cow.
venient for use.
The property iasituated in one of the nicest and
most convenient localities in the town of Wingiuun.
TERMb Or SALE.—Tea per rent. of the purchase
money on the day of salo and the balance without
interest in 20 days thereafter. Arrangements can
be made, however, to allow a portion of the pnr-
chase money to remain on mortrage at reasonable
• Tpro
will be sold subject to n reserve
'Old. Further particulars and conditions will be
made known on the day of sale or inky bo had on
application to the auctioneer or the Vendor's
Intending purchasers will be allowed permission
to inspect the premises.
Dated at Wingham this 28th day of Apr11, A. D.
Auctioneer, Tendoes Soll;ter.
BAR12.—In Blyth. on April 15th, Mrs.
. Lilly Barr, relict of the lute James Barr,
aged '78 years find months -
Reria—At Law/side. ou April 14th,
1899, Isabel Melville, wife of Peter
aged 81 yours, 4 months and 4 days.
Boserersoiv.—In Stanley township, on
April 19th, Jessie. wife of DaVid Robert-
sPn. tined 72 years.
MoNevre.—In Wingham, on April 22,
Mary Jane, wife of Mr John Many",
D. M. 464.D0N.
Ladies, if you would wish to get the very newest Shades,
Patterns or Materials in Spring Dress Goods in either
European or American Designs, and at tempting prices;
Come to D. M. Gordon's. You will be sure to get better sat-
isfaction and better value than others can give you.
Ladies' Spring jackets and Capes
direct from Berlin, Germany, correct in every particular, are
now open for inspection and prices are reasonable.
Our stock of Silks, Embroideries, Laces. of all widths,
patterns and qualities, Gloves, Hose, Ribbons, Handkerchiefs,
,Szc„ &c., is very complete and attractive.
Gents' Furnishings
and Clothing
.Our stock of Imported Fine 'Wdrsteds, Serges, Tweeds
and Trimmings of rare quality is the largest and best that we
have ever shown, which we make up in the very latest style of
the tailoring art.
We believe that we have the largest and best stock of
Ready-made Clothing in Wingbam, and will sell Boys' Suits
from $1.25 up, find Men's heavy well trimmed, and well made
Serge Suits at $3.00 and up.
Our Shoe Department
is literally jammed- with the best and newest Footwear that
money can procure. Prices still low.
Please remember that no house in the trade ean 'do better
for you in all lines of pure fresh Groceries. •
Highest prices paid for good Butter, Eggs and Dried
Unreserved Auction Sale •PHOTOGRAPHS A. E. SMITH
Parra Stook and Implements.
Mr. Robert 8. Reid has instructed J. Currie aub.
Monogr, to Bell by public auction on Lot , Con. 19,
East Wawanosh, on •
Wednesday, X 10
the following valuable °party, viz;
1 horse five years o , -1 se eleven years old, 2"
cows newly calved, far ,v cow, 1 steer two years
Vtg;e8har 1ig0g31 • w with
hens, 1 wa.zon. p • truelce, 1 top Phu"' a ou
1n opmatirybob1
pulperplow pearl newl_iaf:r2ihr sots w
El nearly 11CW 1
gitsereoailvet.: 9 r„,,4
0, 1 turnip
arness n arlY ne 1 set single hartil;es1
u-tift egry, nearlyj. tn
new, 'general purnose p
Y P. grind 11:11)te.Prf B
'The photos M. E. Zurbrigg has in
his window speak tor themselves.
Just look in and see the first time
you are in town or'down street,
Photos, Crayon, Water Color, En-
larging and Copyitg receives special
Good work guaranteed to all. ,
doaen new sap pails, new scoop ehoyel, new organ,
unless previously sold ; churn and butter howl
General Banking Business trans-
acted. Money advanced to farmers and.
business men on endorsed motes and
collateral. •
Farmers' SaleNotee Cashed.
Moneys remitted by' draft to all parts
of Canada and the Uni;ed States.
.E. ZURBRIGG, Notes and at:mounts oolleeted ou rens-
Opposite Presbyterian Church. enable terms —
oy wanted to learn Photography.
nearly new, 3 milk cans, forka, rakes, hoes; and — -
seseral other articles too numerous to mention, nELT0N,0 Dumps
Sale at 1.90 olio& aharpt
TERMS.—A !sums of 5.00 and under, cash; over
that amount e gilt mon he credit win DO eiven on
purchasers furnishing approved joint notes. 6 -per
cent per annum off for cash ,sit credit amounts.
Everything will be sold without reser, as the
proprietor has rented his far.
Auctioneer.. Proprietor.
Dissolution of Partnership.
Notice is hereby given that the partnership here-
tofore suheisting botweeo us, the undersigned. as
Tinsmiths, in the Town of Winehare, muter tile
naine 0! James ate d & Son, has this day beet,
dissolved by mutual colieent. Alt debts owing to
said partnership are to be paid to Ja,nee Duffield.
and all claims against the said partnership are to he
presented to him, by whqm the same 0411 bo settled.
The business wilt be continued by the said JamesDnflteItl.
Dated at Wingham, this 18th day of April, MOD,
• Witness JJAME):1 DUFFLE'. D,
F. H. nig, (GEO.M. DUFFIELD,
aged 29 years. 4 months and 14 days. All outstanding accounts must be settled at once,
• •
• •
Cook's Cotton Boot Compound
Is successfully used monthly by over
Iwo Ladies. Safe, effectual. Ladies ask
your druggist for Cooks Cotton Root Com -
' cued. Take no other, as all Mixtures, pills and
Imitations are dangerous. Price, No, 1, Mper
box; No. 2,10 degrees stronger,98 per box. No.
1 or 2, Mailed on receipt of price and twee -gent
Ma;s, The Cook Company Windsor. Ont.
os. lend 2 sold anct recommended by all
responsible Druggists In Canada.
No. 1 and No, 2 for gale by Colin A. Campbell
Night calls nt Button Block, or ono
door south o 3. A. Morton's. Shop
O ()site Maodon ld block.
The annual Meeting
holders a the
Bluevaie flax
f the Share -
• Co., Limited
will be held itt e Poreaters" Hall,
Sattrinty, IAay eth at p.
itai of a Board of Direotors,
trisection of may other bust.aatiese before the meeting.
for th
I and t
W. 3. titTPT,
The undersigned has a ootnfortable
house to rent, situate about one mile
from Wiligham : 8 sores of land in con-
nection ; also a good bearing Orchard.
Raving moved to town to the resi-
dence lately occupied by Geo P Wells,
corner Centre and Alfred streets, neer
the GTE, 1ani prepared to pay the
h ig heat cash prices for all kinds of, Rage,
Rubbers, Copper, Roble Hair, Wool
Iv • g , andeats allkinds,
delivered at my residence, or if word be
left, I will call for same:
The undersigned isprepared teittfitive
orders for repairing lour and
Matetteeee, LOU NOD re.covered, mat -
Names Made. over, carpets sewed and
Lowest primal and good workmate -
ship. Orders promptly attended to.
Leave orders at my residence, Centre
etreet, next to Wm. Holmes', or address
box 54, Wingbani,
W.e build our pumps to last for
years and have them in price from
$2.50 up. •
Brass Cylinders and Galvanized
Iron Piping.
We have a fall stook of the above
goods. •
Call and get prices when in need
of anything in our line,
Opp. Beattie's. Livery.
Having purchased the butcher busi-
ness next the Brunswick, I am prepared.
to supply the public with all kinds of
Fresh and Salt Keats, Sausage, Bologna,
Sm. Orders taken and meat delivered
to any part of town.
A call solicited. 'PhoneNo. 9.
• :4'
On Monday, 10th i of Parlor Saite9,
Bedroom. Sults, Sideboa have a large *stoik.
will satisfy any one in iieesdt.. any such ar lifis that it will pay to take
t., we will begin a Clearing S
s, &tension Tables, Ete.
make room is to p
and find that the best wa in at such prices as
• advantage of this sale, ‘o a few pri s .e what We will sell FOR
kft. 2 wide, double stand and 8 drawer
,/ Bateau, regular es,00for., '7.78
,tention Tahles,)regular $4,50 for .• :.
Parlor Rockere, Gobbler Seat, oak or birch,
Parlor Suite (4 pea) stuffed over, silk phial,
banded treats and backs, $20 00 for •
Polar Suite, (5 pcs)blehttle Plush,net prk
• • : • "
Parlor Suite 5 iecesIn Valetr
6,16 00 far.......
Lounges, extra well made, f;t3 0
Ded.reom Suttee, 8 pee,
We mak
A ni
20,00 1
price $2,25 for .. • ...,., .. .. 1,58
My, Dell Stand, solid oak, It get% ,00
4 x2 4 mirror, Sao for . .. 0,75
or .. .. .. .. .:, . 5.75
hall Stand, widniit.12 keeke..18 ;Nit, _ _
11 Steed, leth century finish, 12 ,
tand, ant, oak finish, $5.50 for 5.90
in Picture and Wreath
different nolors.
from $5.50 up.
11.00 for -1.50 1
1.00 for 5.90 h"
1only, II
ode ft. high, Mtge
ecialty of doing neat, eleaii w
ave a nine line of Room lid:balding
e of Baby Carriages just received in p
f are wanting Bargains now is the time to no
Furnitura and 'Undertaking Store, Winglie.m.