The Wingham Times, 1899-04-28, Page 6TUL WINV/I , 1,.S1 TIMES advice previously given and quoted that the: irrrprovement will be very in these letters, that it will pay any 'mitrited. Uncial' 11ve 4114 business• Canadian manufacturer to , maks li like aduainiatration there le a 1t) doebt; personal study of the requirements whatever that the Iutereolaltdal 1 . FRIDAY, APRIL, 23•. 1899, of the British merket. railway •elate be made let metro of., pernseneut revenue,to the country. R1tIGRATION STATISTICS. OUR OTTAWA The Imperial emigration statistics Z quer leckensee. Fruut our SAID Corru,tendettt. for the month of March tallow that Ottawa, April 23rd. Cntiada is still bolding her own in. From the 14Ce11sn Report reecntly 'teeth the eonlinl; of spring there the proportion of settlers coming to Weed by the tleptuUaent we glean I her shares. The figures rives! show a 'fete facts, The lie granted €, #7,i. : -- 11:ACOn county were are evidences of greater and aver growing progress nnd development tax Canadian indizstrise Fast year the trivia of the l)otnlninian incl c,ns ed $47,000,000 over the previous twelve months, which was itself the biggest up to that time ; the indica- tions this year aro there will be an• other increase of probably $60,000e 000. Tia© inert;ase is not est in natural products, tih)ugh, naturally and neceeserily, these are respo113- Ible for the liters', shares. :lianufae ewers are developing with giant strides and every p:trtut the country, front Nova Sectiat to Vancouver - Island, le sharing in the forward movement. It is announced that a larger blast furnace than bas yet been .constructed in Canada is to be built in Toronto tend that others will be started in Midland, Deseronto and Owen Seend. A >EW $TE#xISiizi' Cl1IPANk. 1,3i)6 in. Atareh of last year and 72790 € list 1,1 ., foreigners as against 1.. year. 1t, In both the British and foreign classes there is a considerable fulling off in the nunlbee going to the United States, and the total emigration for the route is also less than it was a year ago. The figures for tee three months ending Mcreb list, from Great i3ritale are:--iu 1899, 2,622 ; in 1898, 22,595 ; for- eigners in 1890, 2,317, and in 1898, 1,477 ; or an increase of twenty per cent. The total Pmigration from Great Britain in the sante period shows a decrease of about eight per cent. A SIGNIFICANT OMISSXUN, It is indeed.strauge that when all other matters of politienl discussion have been oversho}'sed for the past two weeks by the indiscriminate and incoherent charges against • the A new steaaniahincanlpsn • is seek administration of the Yukon, ai.d when the chief end most striking of ing inc al lwrattlaxl that it mai' ria those ebarges refer to the late ad. business in Called:es inland Craters, Ininistrator whose home is in Brock- aed it is theintentionottheCoanpany vide Ontario, the,entize subject has to at once build a hest of ten sand beef practically ignored by Opposi steel cart iers each with rt capacity of 78,000 bustle's of wheat. These troll speakers in the bye eleetian boat;- will place the transportation campaign in that city. One would Mare unn• d that such i gnestitts: in meets better shaage than tunny to drive rile charges hones and 3t is at present, and it will no longer! 1 h the indictment on the spot Tavern bo r 1,iL >a 1 In 1874,.,.....150 ... ...,,38 .I e nd APRI 1899, MUNYON'S In i6€?.."...,,124 10 In 1553.....,.,131.,,-...,15 In 1887-Qa,na4ian Temperance Act in Weal In 1888,,,,,,, 101 11 In 1893..,,,,,,.10'4..,,..., 5 ltl .1$97......., 2i5 0 In Brine in 1897 there were 871 host °Moo etatistlt:s,• taverns and 4 seeps in taverns and 5 shape; the the Province in X874; tvnl euttrnute. text my rainier Car trill cure 00 per rent, of an fortue.ot kidney„ 001110laint sad la Many tlteltane t3tK tame serious forms of Bright's disease. It the ills:ilea is com- plicated semi n. tour• ounce vet of urluc, We will analyse It au',I advise you fro* wetst to la, k� I3t3 i!r'pil f a vxGaf :. e a r � �,�• fie Meeellt)11I.r1-.->Itev, sal. l astoe, pee 1 .;7 u t 1 IrN,ial3X J,l.t>,X 1N -••lei ntl,tr,lrl>:ii;r€-�, Cara I'lV3'litX k'RIDAY 111O11NINel - ax cue t alt druggists, 2tto. a vial Outdo to health t Ott. Plata, , , ,'. 1 KD.1 Arrl t advice fres. tn14tlClt ld r. 'l.0rvirott at 11 a in atttI 7 p 111, I, ,TER .:-,itev. I). Perri') ,Lotter, lierviet's Ott 11 a at and i lr te. , fettleCOl* els St. Paul's•,• 11ov. Wm.! Lowe, rector. Services tit, 11 a n) and 7 p0). BAPTIST—Rev. W. Freed, pastor. Services at 11 a m and 7 p ni CONGREGATIONAL Rev, 3. W, Outlet, puotnr,. k"3eerviee8 tat it .0. 0) awl 1 t,.illtlS'1'IAN \V RRI RS Misses t,)utrate and mock in cemented. Services tit ;3 p m anti 8') t1r, r t Aetna .--Ca a McLeod 1,A1;tFra 1.:Ct)N'F at)i wife in command. ettiVieal lit in pin and 8ptat, In ouch tit the above named churches Bnbbatb 3Choal is held at ;4.30 p tn, tiL ANK of tH LTO N to v0 c lata! ful'� • The I't�stnl:lstcr••(;,enei'Rt's report .vas •17913 ! snows that the business of the Depart. r r' � • Perth taverns, 1307 shops and 52 whole Anent is`tnoreasiete. The estimated I ] G H A M . sales, but In 1897 it bus dropped tol of letters .eat through the 27e5 taverns, 317 shops and 32 l post office during the year ended Capital, 1,260,000, Rest, 175,000 wholesales. Since 1889 no vessel last June c1toeeds that of the previous From the yeah ht 11,1. 5,000. the totes! no to her Yroatacnt. Jou V8uo eresidont A. +s- amen', Rousame bus teen wegalsot find the state. of 18:) 3 being134,975.000, Ten a?I •t'ree LORs , inept of prisoners committed for years ago the Iiuniber of lettere t'ntj W4tolsaON alt+,A, T. di'nnkenness. For Huron county : throng') the 111;111;1 'in Canada was 1, d''ne' i"acet0� e0A oA. B. 1i4tiun (Toronto). 887 8p 200,000 Ill telditinn to letters, —In 1876, 29 ; in 1882 S ; in 1 t }, handled last i•eaar,.t)tero were '.13,15:3,• Oaahter-.J,TtllaxT3UrzA. Canadian Temperance .let ; fn 18J ,, „ r • 1 , , l vin 2 • in 1807,2 ; in 1.898 1, 000 post cards; :a.,ttl:f .,)Ut) 1 et`;1'tt 1 et = : saeg„e t e4 si`and upwards received and intaraea 't lettere; 5,67 3.000, free letters; .20,• ailoweti, 599,000 itewspalpers nnd periodicail8, seen le leseostte also received at entrant tt—lroura 10 to 8• Saturdays, 10 to rates of Ir. ,rest. 3 37:3,000 ptaels;teses of printers. cope; 17raftson,ircatBritain stud tho United. States j ( t g anS-1100.0S: phetograaphs,etc , ie;tee00 parents sweet andsee It it �1 1 t Q for the United Kingdom and other I. L.1)I()HINSON, Solicitor. countries. The grins revenue of the . by pastel post, end 33,000 pne to s �I'• QORBQUIaI), Aoizsr • When the Diamond Oyes are Departtneet was $•1,626,6:19. Money na .. Loan on Notes. Used. Reiter 321 11X .deuce.—Distrsesing. Y Kidney and Bladder Diseases reliever! in ?Totes' Discounted Lis hours by tiie "Soots A M:RICAN K)n. Beware: of Imitation and NEY Oehl,•:." This new reededy is a grant be a reproach t') Canada;, that `a ;clinch t surprise and dt:llatat on account of its par cent of oar wheat product is ear. i would have been eagerly seized by' - Ada: iterated Dyes. exceeding prosy ptness ill relieving pain tied to the sea beard in 3meriean . in the bladder.:liidneys, bank and every Ithe opponents of the Government. a but on the contrary the position has bintto;lls via _NewTt)rh• These boats port of the urinary passage in male or. female. It relives retention of water and Destroy Your Goo s. pain in Ixlewiul: it almost immediately. If you want quiek relief and cure this is your remedy. Sold by A. L. Hamilton.. Thousands of pleased and satisfied women write about their success and Educational Matters.trinmps with the Diamond Dyes. Mrs. Ascii' also;o t stet -1 ='_r• into Alae been to nil intents and pur.poses They Blast Your Expectations and business et bringing tem ore from . abandoned, It is true that Sir the head of Lake u err cr to the I Charles Tupper stung into action by several blast farnees now operating the pitiless castigation his worthy son or n fit to he c:nsirn toy the member far Pieton bas received Ion all hands for his reckless and. s_ • n•fr-z. 712"12 ILES7 •^t.trLsER1.tur3snbstailtlated speech earlier in _ 311. Constantin, of St. Eustae ie, P. Q., writes as follows In 1898 the Legislative grant for Palmerston mixed Tti„r L',‘-74:7•32 : ;;- �enrreapp>:dent 1tne debate, h #s en Si hour 1b rt "It is with pleasure that I tell you of Bruce (:ol31tty, was X4,3 1. The Londonand South f tt-e yiiAi:4nio +t: vbe givens ,abs ei„r :reiiterate much h that Sir Hibbert my success with Diamond Dyes. A. few grant formerly made by tate enmity 11ncarc7ine Ira g a, a in de`nt'3 reams!! tat_ :said repeating the allegations with• days ago t dyad an overcoat with your council as the equivalent of the Gov- . � ,) v, ¢7e serril t;;FUIlgr;,�ut 1 true TI111pelesLille sregard for facts, I dyes,, and -the result was marvellously d ti f t r e.runlent grant has been dispensed TEMgs.OFFIC/Ett1UsgpHINt= Sri:MT WINODUA1fl, ONTARIO. Aubsertpttonprsoe,$Ipo eas.,Inadvnupe Anvi;rtxisixo Saga - r 1 0 i= I y 1 S� I s ma_. _ f i J110 and Column 500.00 546.00 020 00 00 ftltif 40 00 VI 12 00 4 00 tfuatar„ 20 00 12 00 7 a0 2 00 t R n ,v , ti 6 00� i3 . i UO RQO20. __1.. to: Uses itisorother and So per linoforea4k bb gUelle Insertion. sle•esttred by nonpareil Rase r octit sottces 10t , aur llna tar first insort1on, 6d.porlineforoaohsubsu,ltei1 stsortitn. Advertisomants of Lost, Found, Stray ed,$ituattons and Business 011041055 Wanted, not exceeding 8 line nonpareil; 51 for .first month, and Boo, for each subsequent month, Souses and !arms for Sale, not exceeding 8 line. 4t for llsst month, 50c, per sabsoquent nlontb w. Larger advertisements In proportion. 'These term will be strictly adhered to Special rates for larger advertisements, Or or _ ioitger periods. Advertisements and local notices withoutepeeifa directions will he inserted till forbid and *barged a4cordinglv. TransitS,•J• advertisements must be pall in ad,•anea theollice by Wad €cbti Yt aroo ,sin eordertUooapbe pear that week II. It, ELL/O? T, P,tal'a1'arOa AN$ Postman" WJNGHAI1 HOSPITAL. SURGICAL treatment of all DISEASES1,,1 r part14 i re .1 address AT REASONABLE PRATES Money advanced on Mortgages at 5 per centwith privilege of paying attho end of any year. Note :. and accounts collected. 1tttSST. r1/tolNDt3t3. Beaver 131ook Wineham. Ont GRAND TRUNK RA1L'4YA3;. DSPAI)T Anit3V8 Toronto. and East 6 49 a, tn. 3 06 p. rn, S3Opm1020pm 855ana 305•pin 653 atn 11 10 a. m usfpm )300,pm 1110arn 649E4let 8 30 p 111 •3 80 p m 10 29 p fit 8 30 a m IC'3n_re',i, fee t ee feat beesize, e price land Ln attempt to produce corrobor- Pte€ Lag an sa s ac a y ip a C 27;',..T. :.e ebsei—J:i.nrhn of wb eIi wave evidence, but the country has - xnuc a tel Ate sa_ :ens tene n1permaneney igetsnt a thoroughly ,d. to the peretd. tour WonderTful Mineral Wealth. Q-: 111.if-:L".sswli Tee tete C :usrtrr rarities and i'tdiosyfia.rv'lsios of the A summary of the mineral pro - dente Twee nee g e remark .y 'iTnppers that they produce little l install of •Canada for 1.895 has been aseltnol. Tile edacettonel tits., line' ti�it ,u"sk r'�. J. "Iurray. Chief. II Kt r t 0; how to effect in tY e conutry, and even in `issued by the Ontario geological sur tur;;P(l tint 1715 public school 'f+ t lz `o lessees with.- Now every 'to wnship council • is legniree to rtstAe 15O #'or every. SOCIETY MEETINGS, .. sellout in .the trlwiisltitl, and $1.00 yy^i ��++ Camp Caledonia, No, au, meet a7, f9. month, the first and third Monday in additional for each extra teacher' in every month, in ,.he Add Fellows lint!. Visitier be v, n =,t':> ;'the boalse itself, 'lie honorable vev and as expected it tells a tale ers tut” -afar.° hist year ar 1117 of see es e. fin tee . see ease en gentlemen`s pereena Supporters and. y s i of marvellous development during .`re^_: a.3 . 04 Ian >w e tt camel eche• , ez wilt not take the trouble elle past year. The increase in min eves- r _ ,, a., a o rlS z 1 mom, to stee in the House and 1 -1 - ten tt3 eral production in 1898 was over weeeel _='s ess" n. Le had ,diifil itii~em. 19,000,000, -or Nearly 32 per cent. as and toper cent er the, teachers seenr- cake ire gid- en t -.: Ile 'cinders, and 1 itl'E $.11 a,3la,T31iCf O8 TLE MESE. : compared with 1897. X311 records c a • first doss 3 Ct 1 1 � li ' tF. fl. etE r,. i, s .lea . title t ? :vas �` tee rees'-•'".a. the exact �'.sii 1 - °The anni horst; sbow wine were bas E wef a broken last year. In thirteen dioses and .!runs! seats is :Lei years the aggregate Talus of our l3 r. mar .ate d rRar sisflerl r;;; 99ta't been !}ctrl its Trlrti"e is of .1.,..„, : ineral products bas advanced 270 i more than local- ill. erest for file o t;l> s• tI f t ;ly- Tye ether easel per cent. and. the per capita' value ry toast of tee r.ep esensetiv,,e re a 13rt'.eflIns, Alf Morsel can be Iinade a from '. 0 to 7.20. The fallowing We, the Uadersi�;ned, do hereby rgree 5y d:Srit to Yc a Etr.:e Ss:anueactarer5' sourceofgreat YCerL` alit to t11P, �Qlnln t0 ief'�tttf ttte mODeY C)n €t twentj'—Mae In figures convey an idea of the steady cent bottle of Dar. Wilts' Errs; wig; a ,.rd=ins .�* 11) net Yd rac3eid- ruu,: 313e epe years the show list Ptlis, ing ..> s n cafi",.a ;,t : E3•t were made has laxely depended for petite growth of our mineral wealth dor- `if. after i,sing three fourths of contents st favor and patronage upon. extran ing that period, and the great ex: of bottle, they du trot relieve Coaettpa- up fI ori; stare ere I a=s.terns in ask pension that bas recently set in white; did not- .; et ;rise requirementseons uttrzctioris, such as military c•f tee n,urket, and ere refused as unto, t. °.ac ;:i•v • tee !0rish dealers whirl etre fi:rrlales, and 538. males;. That i:, there were nearly twice as mane of the faircee.. 1G r Vsea 5 A CARD. displays and other spectacular !898 trimmings. This year, however, the 1897 1896 r-a.ur ally dei so accept the fuuetiorz was a horse show, pure and diet eta of the Canadian manufactur- ers simple, and the fact that the public ere tont the grjods were "very touch patronage was as large as aver • hotter" than those ordered. As the exceedingly satisfa.etory. It is yet cost twi,o:,dertt remarks, '"perhaps'more gratifying to note that the ex - they prefer the home trade, if so bibits were more numerous than theyifttvc no light to ruin the ever, and the quality more than up market in Britain fur others whom to the standard. It remains with it will pay to do business in a bust- Canadians themselves to get out of nessiili a way,t, He. follows this : the business the money that is in it t•°:meat by repeatingthe excellent for the intelligent and progressive breeder and shipper, IT'S TOO To undergo an operation for itching . Piles when Dr, A. W. Chase's Ointment is a surer, cheaper, easier way to cure. Cruel, barbarous methods belong to the dark braes of the past. There was a time when a s •rgieat operation was considerer) the only p :,ibis cure for piles. Not so now. , Occa- atona'tly there is still found a physician who adheres toads dangerous andexpensivemethod, but to eery one who still believes in using the knife, ninety and nine recommend the use of 1)r. +: ;haze's Ointment. I hr. C. M. Ilarian, writing in The American. &anil of health, aid : " it's k;r,w that 4 Dr. Chase's Ointment' 1rec-t•1 all tate requisitions of the highest stand- ard ,.f worth, that it will be held in high ettt 31) w;lerever it iaused, and consequently n endorse to reader." eve n arse rt t every r •t e Ly force of merit alone J)r, f'e'tes s Oint- ment has won its way into this wide, wide woad. until it has made the name of 1)r. Chase familiar in almost every hone, audwon^for the *reoernlAe discoverer the title of " Ametic.s Gr€: neat Physician." Iir. Chase's Ointment has never been knawtt ter frit :Is a cure for piles.It platters not *healer blind, itching, bleeding or protruding, Dr. Chase's Ointment is an absolute attd.per. fact cure, ht. 4. IV. Chao* 011itm*ni InDAill« ovirntihnntitir* +,* Or. Chewsn'nRM18a 6nnk, vitro perttklt And *fon tnto Is iz obvi rz hf t gftMt,nor. rA:. a box. Alt PHtM'N, er Astra 0►„x6raata. THE LFTERCOLONtAL, There is no one topie upon which the Opposition appears to love to dwell like that of the Intereolonial Railways. It was for many years such a sink.bole into which to pour pabiie monies tbrlt the Opposition cannot apparently dissociate the idea of a. defleit from its management. There have been very few •years in the history of the road when there 1895 1894 . . .............. 19,033,£07 1893 . , 20,035,082 1899 113,628,417 1891 18,976,616 1890 16,763,353 14,013,913 1889 14,013,913 1888 12,518,894 1887 .. 11,321,331 There is great rejoicing among 1886 .. .. 10,221,255 the farmers of the Rivi:rat because a The chief increases last year werez new law has been trade to protedt Gold, 87,673,000; coal, over 8924,- small birds, Which are so useful in 000; copper, nearly $658,000; ni.kel, destroy in;; in Smite tion and Headache. We uleo warrant that four bottles will permanently cure $37,757,197 the most, obstinate cases • of Constipation. 28,661,430 Satisfaction or no pay N hen Wills' Eng- 22,584,613 fish Pills aro used. 20,758,450 A. A. Morrow, Chemist and Druggist, Winghaln, Ont. Galin A. Carnahan, (!helmet and Drug- gist, Witrychnt;l. tint. s inE+, � PEJMP iYORK& A. I. }lntltnn, Ot,emist and Drug. gist, Winghntn, Ont 8 tt 4 u3 $J L a i7•cYJNCa” IT TAucs • 440` Ir Pee -en n r }p W'61o$ >u1 HEARD EsCt,r . eu ACMIL CAN BoXeD.W111'i eat aT t;+, t "r• b Olt E tet eeertee, nE', Sall • Lays AtITEL ' 1.)s 784 S+erIZIY 7.0.1Ati'd AND Vi t,dt,t3:y 6,t3 ;1. 55 CtI`t FALKIPir tIACtiltill CO CNT. WINGRAM nearly $422,000 ; asbestos, iron ore t . . rte . and cement, about $185,000. The Yukon was credited with a gold out- pat of 810,000,000 last year ; but this year it is estimated that the yield will be over twice, and per- haps nearly three times that amonr.t, The production of copper in Ontario increased over 50 per cent. In 1898,1 and, of course, this province supplies1 practically all the niekel of the world. bas not been a deficit in currentNo one ;an conceive the value of 1 expense accounts, and the total cost Canada's undeveloped resources. It{ of running the roadd since it was is safe to say that, in proportion to} opened has been some millions more - population, the Dominion is poten•; than has ever been received back in tially the richest . country' in the the form of revenue.. Last year as world. 1 usual there was a decide but it was rot. Over 3i'ifty Years, j largely owing to the fact that there Was twa years' expenditure for re 1 WDe s;a vWeil-Tried eKTried Re medars pairs included in the one year's usedoovebYaitY 1m i n e n statement, and even then the iota;! ,►notberslar their children while teeth* i was lower than it was in several ing, with perfect eeuccese. It soothes child, softline the gams, nliays all pain,. ordinary. years Hilder the previous Sures wind epic, anrk Is the best remedy 1 1 administration,But the rev it taste eflua tar dfarrhoraa. li; is pleas fit to ttze in 1898 was $6,5,000 higher than the Said by druggists i#1 ovary part of the' next previous best, and this year, World. Twentyfive oent;a a bottle. Ito p�' ,vale)18 leestuabie. De sure von eek for with the; Montreal extehsion in full Mrs. Window's Soolbing > prop, land operation, there can he no gttesstla take no other kind, 4r: , 009 HEAITH FOR WOMEN Dr. A. W. Chase's Nerve Food Re- stores Weak, Sickly Women to Robust Health. Any irregularities in the monthly uterine action is sufficient . cause for women to be alarmed about their health. Whether painful, suppressed or profuse menstruation, the cause cats be traced to some derangement of the nerves. A few boxes of 1)r. A, W. Chase's Nerve rood will completely build up the exhausted nerves and restore the regular monthly Action which removes front the body the clogged anat. ter that would othomisecause painand serious disease, weak 1 women •t Iv r t ac 1 t is as a restorative o fo pate, that 1)r, A. W. Chase's Nerve food has been singularly successful. It counteracts the debt. Mating diseases peculiar to women by foaling the nerves and creating new nerve fluid, the vital force of the human body. Dr. 4. W, Chase's !Verve !rood has restored scores of hundreds of weak, sickly women to robust health. Sec. a box at all dealers, or J dmanson, Bates & Co., Toronto. 1)r, Chase'; new illustrated book The tits ot,J.ife and How to Guru Thema,' Scat free to youraddress. Medical Superintendent, lham, ani: VANSTONE, • BAM.ttISTSR, hvLZCi'TOli, rte., Private nds eartg,topinerst.commission oharg. loan Mortgages, and farm proven) bought and soler OFFICE—Seaver Block W nq 11Am. .staving purchased the entire business from Mr. Daniel Showers, 1 am now prepared to supply the public with ALLSTEa UtVoiq,tiGt, rieltW. WAY )41 1.114‘ MY Wt ACQ to1`THS 11115 Wood and. Iron .Force and Litt Pulupst, Wass and Iron Cylinders, Gativaniz- 4 4 Iron Tubing, ei eternsy. 'Water Troughs, Sinks, 1i;aths, 3F'i;pe .Pittings Weil Digging and nvetyththg in con- nection with water supplies. Steel ill E11g for C•a vani:;ed �t l� dtn ower 1 p aid pumping water. Deep well pumps a speciality. Repairing promptly attended to. Parties writing for information or ordering by mail should Always state li a . depth well • All work guaranteed or no sale. i.IVIOENTINIGSTA.11, 13r+r 140 Wingharn, Ont. FACTORY AT nttmiCO3 • • T0- Rc3NTO J. 41. DI011Toly 13 3.iu ISTER, &a , Winghan,, . ony E. L. DiCitt Sbv, BARRISTER, ETC. 8oI1I0lT0lt 1)1O l)ANlr oT, wpryrwro s, .gamey To. wax, Ottlee—SleverBlock. wheels., lti 0r CAMERON, lel • BARRISTER, SOLICITOR., cONVEYANCElt, &C, otiiec•--Corner I1auriton and 'St. Andrew stroke opposite Colborne Hotel. Common,•, ,, ..,,<, ONTARIO. . Alai/tilt J. ILtWtt, J3 D8, L t S,. Doctor (1 Dental Surgery of the Pennsylvania 1irnnl Oorlege and Lieentti Ie 4.1 the Royal College of Dente) ~Arasan* of Ontario. mice nsor Pdlit mice, iS' tie iuus • 4 14, al5l 1g", L.1), s, DENTIST, RAS 'WI=eJ . bon It i€. Imes, graduate 01 tea rt. 0, D. S. 01 untasw, ,.fid Id prepared. to do all manner of Dental wu,k. at reasonable pricua. heaver Block, oppeestu the Brunswick Rouse, Mecham. 'r CDN ac I MME - d GENEISAL INSURANCE AGENT W1NOn A,r, r31AL.b, Jet., WINO„sat, LIctEYSmD AUCTIONEER FOh ,rt1E 00tjNT OF HURON. Salsa attended In any part of the Co. Charger ,Moderate. • - e1 ()UN CURTAIL+',. WIrteJ.uu, ()NT., LICEN$Eia AUCTIONEER.. • Sales of Farre Stock and Farm Implement$ :epectalty. All orders lett at' the Tests office promptly atte8 od to, Tern. reasonable. JOB• PRINTING, TROLODIN0 hooks, Pamphlets, Pokers, R 1' I. Rends,. Circulars, &n.,&O.r executed in the bosh style of the art, at moderate prices, and on shark notice. Apply or address IT, 13. ELLIOTT. T slits Office, Wfnghazn BOOKBINDING. We are p,"aded tt announce :that any hooks O! . tlagaztn&,..left with ns 101 Sinding, will' have our y're,npt attention» prices for 0tndingin any style wilt he given 011 a00110.tiolt 0 ttw Tow, t)KWOO' Ill�I1r1IIli1_1i Ilrtd. 02 0 Oltvgg'a t. RA�bR lt's all ri two S"fila )!tight," "Bold alp," My, lit n can wa 34 b€Il:f "I.ttw3t the n1a1). It so, sit• a 'aT)iE+l would la Iters. Tit' and be , l The n staircase difficult 'vrttose 1t Onve room, :l and tvi 1sank111 i• As •'busirtll =gil'l w cold. i Her s wettil: she 1t 1'e1031 15;111 I•Ier Alice' she 1 as s dark „ i,. then. sleep . I at s: ,are, .,1 thet t 14 gioo Vona j� Se bra ttn (�•ta •yoi I ter Ih' 'l,)4 !13 WS MAX •Sewer and Culvert Pipes Alt Sixes from 4 ie. to 24 Its. Also CRtr,rrX 00010th,. ( WR1TE FOR PRICE 1'N ONTARIO SEWER PIPs CO 60 s -u MALAWI 'ST. 1( 1