HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1899-04-28, Page 5HANNA'S
rx k W 1 �"'1'la. a �11 1.111.KSIAPRIL 28, 1.6'99,
Beautiful Designs, Elegant Qualities, Marvellous
Prices, ranging from 25c to $5.04 per pair,
Our stock was never as large. Composed of Ax -
minsters, 3 -ply Wools, Brussels, Tapestries, Unions,
I-lemps and Jutes. Nrices ranging from 150 to
New designs in Oilcloths ; different widths ; good
1 1
Last Thurseay evening about 8
o'clock,,. John Miller. tt Ind of about
fifteen years of age, rinti aeompaRion
named Arthur Iiolztii c)hy� usit nf)ot
ing muskrats along the banks of the
Maitland river. Rubinson asked
Miller foe some cartridges, as. his
supply had run out. A1i11er laid his
gun on' a pile of brush, handed over
the cartridges and Nicked up his gun
by the muzzle, drag tug it towards
,hits, The trigger caught in the
brush and the whole charge passed
through the righrrolag, killing him
almost instantly!The deceased is a
son of the late T. P. Miller. •The
funeral . took place Saturday. after-
noon to the Wroxeter cemetery and
was Int gel y attended. The bereaved
mother, Sisters, brunet and other
relatives have the sympathy of the
coni. nanity in their s•t4 affliction.
Rev. J. B. Kennedy has been in-
vited to return to Wroxeter for the
third year.
All danger of high water is now
past. .It is altogether likely that
some needed improvements will be
made to the dam during the coming
Inspector Robb paid an official
visit to our school last week.
Mr. Thos. 'Hemphill was in Mild-
may last week repairing the part of
his mill dant which was tarried' away
by the spring fresher. .
b'ishirg has been the leading sport
here for the past Werk. -
On Monday, apt a 17th, Ellen
'a he a
F etntr, reiiat of t sc bite
1 �„ J mP.s'
McCracken, died .at the mane of her •
son, Wm. McOl kt it, 4th linel&in
her 98th year The ares a native of
Ireland, Where she wsas also married. •
After a sojourn in Outwit', Co., in'
this province, they moved into this
township over 40) eats ago, Mr. Me•
Cracker) passing , a ►t•iiy 20 years
tater. Deceased wag a while soiled.,
kindly disposititned .old lady who
was most h:ghly renewed, by all!
who knew her, The :;nes are John,
Frank, William. and James, all of
whom are well known residents of
Morris except the (atter stud he lives
at Goderich. Mrs, J,a4. Stretton, sr.,
Mrs. Frank Kerney ani[ Mrs. Jetties
Gibson are the .bnrviving daughters.
Rev, Dr. Kilroy, or nrrritf it'd, was
on Sunday. presented teir.i .4,500 on
the oceasion of his h ivin ; he 25
years incumbent of tea 1' 464e,
t is ri eless
Get your sight tested.. It costs nothing. .
Scietifically, Correctly, Reasonably.
Try us.
'It will soon. be time to use
garden 'tools. We have any-
thing you need in 'this. line,
,and our prices are always low.
We have a good supply of
Milk Cans. The price we
offer.hem at will t l soon sell
Give -us a -call for anything
you need in our1'ine.
Old Post Office Stand.
Or der
-AND —
--FROM THE— ...
Opposite Post Office, Says:
Fresh Beef and Pork.
Lamb Bologna.
Pickled Pork Headcheese
Breakfast Bacon Sausage
Smoked Ham Pressed Beef
Side Pork Tripe
Corn Beef . Pressed Tongue.
Spice Roll, Lard, Fowl, &e.,
always on band.
Our prices are right, Orders
called for and meat delivered to' any
part of the town.
Your patronage solicited.
1)1AlWaN l'011: MEP.
Farmers, why pay 53 and G per cent.
interest on your loans When money may
be had at 5 per cent. Payments made
to suit borrower. Charges low,
Agency Ontario Mutual Life Assur-
ance Company. ' -
At ofiice Friday afternoon and all day
Saturday. -
Macdonald Block, Wingham.
Only one "Slater Shoe" agency,
There is only one "Slater Shoe" Ag'eiv y
in this town. "Slater Shoes" tan be bought
in no other store but this store.
If more than one dealer in each town had the
Agency for. "Slater Shoes," no one dealer could
afford to carry in, stock enough shapes, sizes,
and widths, to fit all feet, and thus
the dealer's trade, the customers'.
feet, and the reputation of the
"Slater Shoe as a foot -fitter
would all be injured.
Price, $3.00, $4.00 and $5.00.
Shoes by man.
Catalogue Free.
For Sale Only by HM NUTH & SON.
Practical and Impartial
Tests prove . .
fitted with new Cleveland
ball and roller bearings
and other 1899 improve•
meats shown only on Cleve- .
lands to be the easiest run.
ning and most perfect
bieyole yet made.
J. •. , GIBSON,
Bicycle £xpert
will be here on MAY 4th
with the latest tips in wheel-
ing, and will give tin inter-
esting . exhibition, It will
pay you to call and see the
best wheels in Anierica.
T, he sturdy farmer with Ms team
has began to turn the soil in preplir.
ation for the seed.
Alvin Duncan, who has been ill
for some weeks, is recovering slowly.
Miss Riehmond, of Algia, is visit-
ing at the parsonage.
The good people of B1uevale and
vicinity are not forgetting the coin -
forts of theia'tninisters. The parson-
age is.��eing beautified by the erection
of a new verandah and the manse is
to receive a thorough coat of paint
and other repairs.
The anniversary services of the
Presbyterian church will be held on
April 80th, when Rev. 'John Ross,
B. A., of Brussels,, will preach morn-
ing and evening.. On elouday, May
1st, at 8 g. nt, a Scotch concert will
be given in the Foresters' hall, when.
Rev. W. J. West, M. A., will deliver
an illustrated lecture on his travels
to the Old Land. Miss McKenzie,
Winghane's teleuted eloeutionist, will
render several selections in Scotch
dialect and iiiusie, and songs of the
same nature will be rendered by the
choir and others. Everybody is
Ask your doctor how
many preparations of cod-
liver oil there are.
He will answer, “Hun-
dreds of them," Ask him
which is the best. He will
reply, "Scott's Emulsion,"
Then see that this is the
one you obtain. It contains
the purest cod-liver oil, free
from unpleasant odor and
taste. You also get the hy-
pophosphites and glycerine.
All three are blended into
one grand healing and nour-
ishing remedy.
soe. anti $1,00, ell °rug b.
A. Frightful Blunder.
Will often cause a horrible Burn, Scald,
Out or Bruise.. Bucklen's Arnica Salve,
the beet in the world, will Will the pain
and promptly heal it. Cures Old Sores,
Paver Sores, [Dicers, Boils, Palms, Corns,
all Skin Eruptions. Best Pile cure on
earth. Only 25 ate, a box. Cure gua-
ranteed, Sold by Colin A. Campbell,
13russels cheese factory will em-
inence operations on Monday next.
D. D. G. M. Irwin, of Stratford,
made an official visit to St. John's
Lodge, A. F. & A. M., on Tuesday
Rev. E. A. treat' of Atwood, and
Pev. Mr, Alvin exeh'anged pulpits on
Sunday last.
Last Sunday afternoon the mem-
bers of Western Star Lodge, I. 0. 0.
F, and visiting brethern and friends
attended • divine service at Melville
church, when Rev. John Ross, M. A.,
preached tbe anniversary sermon.
The Brussels Tennis Club has
been organized for 1899 with the
following officers :—J. D. Ronald,
Hon. President ; Jas. Fox, Presid ent ;
G. P. Blair. Vice 'President ; J. It'.
Cameron, Sec-Treas; D. C. Ross,
A. iTarrozv Escape.
Thankful wards written by Mrs. Ada
E. Hart, of Groton, S. D. "Was taxen
with a bad cold which settled on my
lungs ; cough set in and finally terminat•
ed in Consumption. Four doctors gave
me up, saying I could live but a short
time. I gave myself up to my Saviour,
determined if I could not stay with my
friendson•earth I would meet my absent
ones above. My husband was advised to
get Dr. King's New Discovery for Con-
sumdtion, Coughs and Colds. I gave it
a trial, took in all eight bottles. It bas
cured me, and thank God 1 am saved
and now a well and healthy woman."
Sold by Colin A. Campbell, druggist, 50
eta. and $i.00. Guaranteed or price re-
There gently passed into the
heavenly reward on Wednesday
evering, April 18th at his late
residence' Mr. Thos Campbell. Mr,
Campbell' had partaken a goodly
portion of this world's troubles and
pleasures, living to the ripe age of
seventy five years and had enjoyed
i very good health until this past
winter had left its fatal effects upon
him and within a week of his death
be was taken seriously i11 of pneu-
monia of which diseased, Mrs. Ca p -
bell proceeded only a w•eek.Vir.
and Mrs, Campbell were born in
Ireland and came to Canada, settling
in this township after they were
married, A family of six girls and
two boys survive them, who will
sora:5- feel the loss of so loving and
kind parents. The tenderest. sym
pathy o; the entire neighborhood
will be felt for them in their sad
affliction. The remains were inter-
red side by side in the Wingham
Mrs. S. Young, of Wingham, is
visiting her mother at Marnoch.
Mrs. Ford and Mrs. Gibson, of
Galt, and Mrs: Cahill, of Paris, at-
tended the funeral of their father
sp*i tee Greatest Need.
2tIr, it. P. Olivia, of Barcelonia, Hpain,
bpendahie win teraatAitken, 8, O. Weak
nerves had caused effete pains in the
back of bis bead. On using Electric
Bitters, America's greatest Blood and
;Nerve Iletnedy, all pain soon left him.
Ii'e says this grand u,edieine is what bis
country needs. All America knows that
it oures liver and kidney trouble, per) -
ties the blood, tones up the stomach.
strengthens the nerves, puts vim, vigor
and new life into every muscle, nerve
and organ of the body. if weak, tired
or ailing yon need it. Every battle r;u
ranteed, only 50 cents. Sold by 001111
A. elampbell, druggist.
Another old and highly respected
eitizen of this neighborhood departed
this life at 10 o'eloek on Wednesday
evening of last week, in the person
of Capt. John Buie. His death was
not unexpected, as he had been a
great sufferer for many years from
heart trouble, espeeiauy during the
past two years, and for the past few
weeks had been very ill. When the
final summons came he accepted it
by gently elesing his eyes as if going
in a peaceful repose, The funeral
took place on Saturday afternoon to
the Union cemetery, and was largely
attended by the citizens of Blyth and
Capt. John Buie was born .on the
island of Gigha, Argyleshire, Scot-
land, in 1817. Ile received what at
that time was considered a fair edta
cation, and living among a sea -faring
community naturally took to the sea
for a livelihood. He made many
oeeal, voyages until wrecked on the
island of Anticosti, when he decided
to give up ocean life and try the
great lakes, He was a resident c)f
Blythfor the past thirty years.
Previous to that he had lived in the
principal American cities bordering
on the great lakes, on which, prac-
tically, all his lake sailing was done.
For over thirty years be sailed these
lakes, serving in all capacities, from
a before•the-mast hand to captain
He was altirays proud of the fact
thathis father had been in the bat
ties of Copenhagen, the Nile and
Trafalgar, and was quarter -maser
in these battles oil Lord Nelson's
frigate Victory, being within three
feet of that famous admiral when he
(Nelson) was mortally wounded, and
was one of thosewho carried Lord
Nelson' to shelter. ter. Capt. Buie's ex
tperience on the lakes in tne eat ly
days of steamboating made. hint an
interesting narrator of the maxi no
events of that period.
Capt. 13.uie married Miss Mary Mc
Kellar, wbosurvives him, in Toronto
53 years .ago last Saturday, Apt it
22nd, their union being blessed will.
four sons and three daughters, five
of whom are still living, viz :—Daniel
in Chicago, Duncan in Toledo, John
in Buffalo, .Mrs. Graeey Wing's?, in
and Mrs. Curtis, Blyth. The two
youngest children, Hector and Annie
are dead, the former is buried in
Blyth and the latter in Dundas --
That Throbbing Headache
Would quickly leave you, if you ua
Dr. King's New Life Pills. Thousai. it.
of sufferers have proved their match lest -
merit for Sick and Nervous Iaeadach»s
They make pure blood and strong uer.
and build up your health. Easy to t:, ie
Try sham. Only 25 cents. Money l ,.uk
if not cured. Sold by Colin A. C,a.,•p
bell, druggist.
Notes—Mr Joseph Riley inore:•
this week to Seaforth, where he is gu.
ing into the hotel business.
A meeting was called on Tuesday
evening for the purpose of organ z
leg a base -ball team. There was a
good attendance. Another meeting
will be held on Saturday evening a.'
T. W.' Parlmer's.
Ale. Campbell, on Friday last.
The infant daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. John Menzie is seriously 111 at
Mr. Whaley will preach in Calvin
and Belgrave next Sunday,
Children Cry for
Our ie 1'a pot's, 8 yards to the roll,
whites hatck, et.e. Cannot he beaten.
See oro" Li"e illiltd complete, for
50 '.ants. •
of ,fit
a�• ' Y4.61 al' ll
1 Psu s
I a,n pre!nu'rd to pay ti e highest
cash pri.al tar ail goad hatter and
eggs delivei'i"l at icy warehouse
near the G. T. 11,
: a I LLE sPIF.
Maleolnt Caminbe ll, the p.atmaster
of Lucknuw, is now 80 ears of age.
The new C. P. R. swing bridge at
the Canadian Soo was opened for
traffic on Tuesdar.
mast Saturday atrcrilo .a, an un-
kn.,wn, man, .1.1ppa1.entls under
twenty years of age and dressed as
a. faun laborer, was found dead on
i l e rcadside at the end c.t a culvert
a1 out three miles east of I-larriston.
Ti e 1 ody has the appearance of
ing been there most of tbe
wi ter. Coroners Harvey and Cowan
ha ' the body removed to the town-
ship Hall.
e rostrate
The boys of S. S. No. 8 have
formed quite a strong football team
The girls have also formed a base
ball team. •
On 'Tuesday evening the boys and
girls played a game of baseball
The game was a little in favor of
the boys, but with a little practice
the girls will be hard to beat.
Mr. J. J. Manning left on Monday
morning for Bathgate, D. C.
Mr. Adams ad family were, in
Seaforth on Tuesday attending the
funeral of Mr. Adam's father, who
law on Sunday.
Mrs. E. Lyon is baying the 'house
she purchased from E. Walker re -
shingled, Mr, H. Lear is doing the
S. D• Melville's fine driver was
taken sick on Saturday while arty.
ing to Auburn, but has almost re-
covered in the meantime.
Mr. G. Johnston has erected it
new fence in front of his
1 new property: which, adds greatly to
Weak and Run Down, With Heart
and Kidneys in Bad Condition —
Restored by Mood's Sarsaparilla.
'i I was very much run down, having..
been sick for several months. I had been
trying different remedies which,; did Into
no good. I would have severe spells of
coughing that would leave pie prostrate.
I was told that my lungs were affected,
and my heart and lridneye were in ll bad
condition. In fact, it seemed es though
every organ was out of order. I felt that
something must be done and my brother
advised me to try Hood's Sarsaparilla. I
procured a bottle and began taking it.
Before it was half gone I felt that it was
helping mo. ' I continued its use and it
has made me a new woman. 1 cannot
praise it too highly?' Mxs. SvnraaEsw
',nut, '217 ()seington Avenue, Toronto,
Ontario, (let only Rood's, because.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Is the best—ht feet the One True mood Puller.
Sold by all druggists. $i, six for $5.
• SCOTT &i3owN11).SChch tieta Toon 1!oroho.
• H. i 4 � �4 p ! "CC11 a the appearance. l Hood s Pills (Sable, beneficial. 23e.
t3 �
t "
ere purely vegetable, re.