The Wingham Times, 1899-04-28, Page 3, r VI/ IN (*HAM TIMAS, AiltIL 282. 0)99. S 'ilAbout OalifOrnm, CHLHOSS. 1 Suceseseral Women. EU. ping la , Donald MeKay, of °throes, whO went to Califbrma some tint° ago with thelate LI 0hiehoIne fornicated, the Teesweter Now with eonte in. teresting information Concerning hie trip and also the country. in Oxon- ing the Rooky Mpuntaine on their way to California the train was de layed for six hours by the snow. When high up on the mountains Mr, , McKay said he coula look down on. the clouds. Their destenetion was' Los Angles and they were there about six weeks when Mr, Chishuira died, Los Angeles le a city with a population of 115,000 and there are! from 1,0a0 to 2,000 coining and go- ' ing every day. There ere quite a number of Canadians in the eity and Mr. McKay say e he received a hearty welcomlu e. .He as delighted with the beauty of the country and the line climate. Strawberries were being sold all the titue he was there but he said the fieeet berries grew about Christmas tide He visited an orenge.grove containing1•50 acres and had as many oranges to eat as he .desired. A peculiarity of the orange tree is ibe fact that while the fruit was ripe on the lower branehee there was bloom at the top of the tree. He brought home some fruit, flowers, flower seeds, vegetable seeds, some stalks of barley over four feet in length and well beaded, and a walking. stick made from a small orange tree. Darieg the nine weeks of his absence he did not have a proper night's rest and he .was com- pletely tired out. kie has lost about •fifteen pounds in weight which we trust he will soon recover „now that he has returned to his native soil. rain% kk141111i The Groat Disease Ban- isher and Life Giver. Used by All Classes and Pre- scribed by Honest and Able Physicians. Paineal Celery Compound :ankes le well in spring time. it is as far isUperiur to the ordinary uervinee, sorsa- parillats mut pills as strength is better than weeltuees. ]al'* eatery Compound as a spring medicine has this enti re eon tideece ot our varied classes Oanecliau population. Nothing mere decisively proves the worth, popularity and universal use of the great. wetimiue than the fact Out it is now used isy our wealthiest people who formerly relied ou the west medical Belli. Paine's Celery Compound in spring time ouilds up the broken down nervous apemen purifies the blood, regulates and perfeutiv tones the whole digestive sys- • tem, gree u mash for fuud, and uestuivs all nestled vitality and'bodily etrength., Pain& emery Compouud is to day pr. - scribed by the•foremost physicians or the aura of kidney mid •hver troubles. It is invariably successful in its work, making men and women well when they bave foiled with other medicines. Now is the time to use the marvellous eouipound if you desire new blood, new strength, and new Itfe for the Work and duties or appromming slimmer. Paine' ce:ery Compound has done wonders for your friends and neighbors; you' need the same never-fatling medicine for your caeca If you would be cured do not be persuedeu to try a substitute. • gresbyterian Funds. The announcement has been offici- ally made ter Dr, Warden, -of Tor- Qnte, that the Preebyterian .eh urch funds have elused the year practically free of' debt,. Ore tnunth ago D.. Warden'issued a special 8ppeaI .asking for $92,000 This sum has 'been exceeded, $1.08,000 having been xeceived during March, clearing the following funds of iodebtedness Bouie missions, augmentation, foreign missions, "lai.enith evatigetizatior, Pointe Ada Trent hlos, Knott tee lege, Assetublv, aiu walowe' and orphans' n4., Tile debt of 83,233 of the age(rand lefiena i inistere' rand !u been reduced to $1,81a, end the Mont real Preebt terian College debt llas almost [wen cleared, with pro- specte of its halal wiped off entirely an a few da,vs. The actual enntei, butione daring the month totalled $103,035 The illierest or invest- ment agg relented 6'4,000. On Tii are tatty and Friday -week 114 er 2,600 cone ibutions were received. • Pimp]es.ou the. Face .— Cue he cured in 3 dale by the mat of Dr. &New's Ointaneut. However impoesible this may Seem, a few applications will con- vince. Many are cured who have bceu dietigured tor t ears; Try it to -day. Sold by A. L. Hamilton. 66 on ; ,er S1 -eve" ••••••••••••••••••••••• Catarrh Helievect in. 10 to 60 Min- utes,—One short putt of thebreath through the Blower, supplied with each bottle of Dr. Agoew's Catarrhal POWder, dilTuses tbis Powder over the surface ot the nasal passages. ,Painless and de- lightful to ase. It relieves inetaatly, and penitently cures Cate rrh, Hay Fever, utiles! Headache, Fiore Throat,,Ioneditis and Deafness:. • • •• Sold A. L. Hamilton. • KfI'TLOSS. In tbe death of ilirs. Reid. '.tbe bes loved wite of Mr. Peter'. Reid; the venerable clerk of the township of Katilos, un Saturdeve April 15th, the toWnship loser. tare of its est•set tle rs w wink Waif k no Wei' an d greatly tespeeted.by all, slieeea.sed W..$ horn in Scotland • in 1817, and was constituently in the 82ed year (.1 her agei AI% ami Mrs.'Reid eame to Kinloss rihr.ut 45 years ago and Ia e been residents of the town. - ship ever r-inee, aril only last year had e-lenrated their el x tie. h t ea ir of married life, and in her death her aged partner in life and family have the earnest. sy itipethy of all in their bereavc,men L, • • flaeaale.7,1a:n. —Uwe yuu tried all the isanstiass ytos ever tea 1 or heard of h tor wire ? it yop're airtime t still, .taka attilinirtes itits• Pills. • Teey rt.ver faiti guie.itatea 1 to cure or your money back. •Priee 500. he Carries Her Heart Council met in the Town Hall, The vforeeis wbo emceed are Owe Teeswater, April 10th, 1899, as per who go to their work with a edjdeter- bers Of last meeting, Mem- tnination bora of cou.rage and positive were all present. 'The minutes • of last meeting were read and sus. Orumbling Will Cease if Wingham conviction and whose energies are tained. • People Follow This CAlzen's absolutely tireless Meyer—McKague—That as com-a Advice. It is true that they are not often so plaint has been made that the owner I on,...••••• % When the Kidneys are sick they well paid for the same work as men but that is one of the mistakes of the ef lot 1, con. 11, and 4180 the owners grumble: of lots 2i, 27, 28 and 29, Con, A have You hear them clear through timber*. day that will soon be rectified. We their fences on the road allowance, You feel them clear through the bodyare growing wiser, and one of the preventing travel and that the clerk They grumble when overtaxed. - things that are most important for notify said owners' to remove the Itosuatev?muldi know the reatoole .11 t every one to know is that there is sante ou° before the 1st aay of you, MeKagne—Scott—That the Clerk ingli.atteache is the fleet grumbling warn - P e Mg; your ao WI e who expect two much as 'Presume on no sex in brains. May, 1899.—Carried, ribose who fall are usually those be instructed to procure a sutfteient iv it • if ou hese iG not. account of their belng, WOI0011. number of copies a the Line Fence rooekkioduprfs R ta i'l 7 it ill surely or rou ) e, W come, There is plenty of workand and Pouncilteepers Act to supply Urinary trouble, kidney trouble and Money. too, for the sharp woman each of the fenceviewers and pounce many miseries.• who will fight every difficulty in her keepers with a copy and to instruct Doan's Kidney Pille are made for kid - way, Every body loves a fighter, them by mail or otherwise, that they Uerb:yniAre every form' of kidney 111, whether it be man or women; figlit- must take the Declaration of Office The experience of Wiogbagi people ere who see nothing but success at as required by statute.—Carried. proves this. the other end, of the long road, fight- ue a cose in oint acott—Jarvis--Tbat this Council-thatte la tHere'if,illtia,m Neipl, seetiOn; foreman of ars who believe m in themselves and appoint John McKagati to have the Wingham, Out, said when their efforts and who plan their daily east side of the gravel road, south of interviewed by our representattye. "1 battles as a general plans campaign the village of Teeswater to Boyds have had fverybruvtertewgainelm/ buaseed fighters who hre brave, aboveboard corners, plowed and leveled andahe stones taken off so that it can be :alioues reett!erdles but witItYlittle succeers. and generous in the struggle. These Hearing about Doan'sKeiney kalle, I got are heroines of daily life, and they used for travel in the winter season a box and was relieved from the start4 command success and respect by de - if eecessary.—Carried. TIsey certainly are a qtlitik acting anu Jarvis—IVIeyer—That David Mc- el'able med • " ser ng it.—New Y• ork Telegram. Donald be allowed his statute labor to be done oppositehis lot on the geavel road to plow and level the side of the road, and that Graham Scott have both sides of the gravel roaci. plowed and leveled with the road machine from the 8 and 9 con. to ,tbe corporation of Teeswater— Carried. Jarvis --McKague—That the clerk be instructed to procure, casings or molds for the purpose of manufactute ing.concrete pipes.—Carried. Scott—Jarvis — That the Clerk have a general township by-law drafted and ready. for next meeting of Counci1.—Carried. Doan's Kidney Pills cure backache, lame or weak back, Bright's disease, diabetes, dropsy, swelling of the feet and puffiness under the eyes, gravel, rheunia- tism,weakness of the kidneys in children and old people,female consplaints,etc.Sold by all druggists at 60o a box or 3 for 81.25, Remember the name Doan's and refuse all others. LARGEST IN TWO YEARS. CONSUMPTION 04IMED 235 VICTIMS IN ONTARIO DURING MARCH. The municipalities reporting deaths from contagious' disease during alareti represent a population of 2,- 271,789, or 99 per Fent. of the whole.. The total deaths from all cases num- By laws were introduced, read and blanks filled in and passed. for the bered 2,361, as compared with 2,- 568 in the previotis . month. The: purpose of regulating and enforcing greatest mortality was from con- sta t ate labor, appointing path masters, sumetion, which claimed 235 victims. poundkeepers and feneeviewers, those This is the largest death -rate in two appointed to these positions to hold years, and twenty ahead of the °Mee till their suceessers are ap month of February. The next most • pointed. The following are thefatal maladnight in the following way :—A. pathmasters appointed—Henry Mc- y was scarlatina, which produced 36 deaths, or 4 in excess of little was poured into a saucer and Glynn, Hedrick MeLean, Jas. Stnitairubbed with the fingers into the those in the previous month. Dip- 4ndKevi' IVI4eguei tTetm ligdiei 1.i. thvia, caused 25 Aea,the, a dimiele. -'.Tho New York Times ,reeently roots of the hair. The application tion of 10 as compared with the publiihed an article on Canada from previous month,while typhoid proved which the following extracts are fatal to 17 persons, an increase of taken. We reproduce to show tbat one. The deaths from measles were our neighbors are beginning to learn two, tbe same as in February, and something ot' the greatness of this the mortality from whooping cough country :—"The white pine forests was 9, an increase of 0. of Canada are alone worth more than her pabliedebts. Her fisheries Theyote Rider Killed. aro the best and most extensive in the world. She has 100,000,000 Gedericb,Ap21.—Between 9 acres cf wild lands upon which the ;il and 10 this morning as a youth best wheat can be successfully grown named Andrew Stokes, on a bicycle, in the fertile belt of the North-west ; and a man named Young, in a bug- coal of good quality in abundance gy, were turtling a corner, the wheel very near tide -water upon the Atlan- and the buggy collided, smashing* tic and Pacific ; unlimited supplies of the wheel and throwing the boy off high grade iron ore in all the pro- out stopped, and soon new short with great violetee. Atter the ac- vinces ; the best and most extensive hairs were foand all over the head. cident Stokes got up and was walk- niekle anines in the world ; extensive As the kerosene application was con- ing away when he suddenly fell to and valuable mines of copper and tinaed the hair became Oleic and the ground and was picked up and immense deposits • of agricultural smooth. When, after several months, taken home, when it was found that abosphates in Ontario and Quebec; it was finally discontinued, abun- he was internally injured and broken inexhaustible beds of marble, granite, dant glossy locks replaced the dry ribs were pissing on the lungs. The sandstone and limestone in various and lusterless hair, the forrner con - injured lad died six hours after the colors for building ..purposes; mines dition still existing, though no kero- John McRae, Robt. Whiteman, John apeueriedleynaaccwidheienhtalwas supposed to be of gold, silver, asbestns and mica; sone has been used for several years. • unsurpassed herds of thoroughbred —New York Post McKenzie, jr,, Jos. Bucket, John 1, heumacattle, horses and sheep; three thou - Clark, Jas. LittIO, Peter Scott, John S. Armstrong, John Becking, jr. liontism Cured in a Day.— uth American Rheumatic Cure, for sand cheese factories, from which ! Rheumatism and Neuralgia, radically she exports more than 100,000,000 Michael Graff, Wm. J. Smith, Alfred cures in 1 to 3 daye, Its action upon the pounds of cheese annually. Her Haldenby, Geoe McEvers. system is remarkable and myeterious. peblic schools, colleges, universities, Fenceviewers.— Donald McLean, moves at ciince the cause, and the Andrew 'V101(110E3, Jas. Ballagh, It re dose iyb sereeaseni immediately disappears. The charitable institutions and public enefite. 75 cents. buildings are worthy of an intella Neil McKinnon, John Aitkens, Wm, Sold by A. L Hamilton. gent, highly civilized Christain people Donald, Ambrose Fredrick, George Pith and_!____Point. who govern themselves. Wm. Bortou, John Hill, Wm. Mc- rit. Smith, ,Peter Grant,There is not a community in the Steel, W Patience is alt right in its place, world of 5,000,000 in number more Levi Erb, Thos. ThomPson, Sebes- , but tt is better to back tenacity to free from objectionable elements than tian Lehman, Dougald Campbell, I win. I that of Canada. Canadians are well John Sittler. •iVlany a man -who thought himseif Council then adjourned to meet wise has been declared otherwise by Theyversed in the art of self government. clearly understand that true June, as a Court of Revision and of a jary. • Borne are silent because of their have most wisely adopted gold as a again on Monday, the 5th dayliberty is not lieense, therefore they Appeal and for general business, wisdom and some because of their i single standard of exchange or mete CHAS. Bu'rToN, Clerk.ignorance. sure of vahie. Vier° is not any . Lots of men who never think of demand in Canada for rag money or Ninety Per Cent. making wives of their cooks make a debased silver carrency. Although Of the people are afflicted with some cooks of their Wives. an ultra loyal people they believe in CHAPTER III. 1. In tbe noonday of life, when the vigorous rejoice in the ripeness of strength - 2. When the heart 'should feel young, end tbe red blood of health - glow with warmth in tee veins - 3. The dyspeptics walks wearily in the shades of despair. 4. 0, the agonies of the tlesb that rob life of its Joys! 5. And the ignorance of dyspeptics who remain pilloried in pain while re- lief and cure are so easy to attainL-- 0. At A. L. Hamilton's drug stare—• .• 7. When you ask for Dr. Von Stan's Pineapple Tablets, which contain the pepsin grown in the juice of the fruit. 8. A single tablet relieves heart- burn, sour stomach and other distress. es of indigestion, and many chronic Oases of dyspepsia are cured with oue box—sixty tablets in the box—for 35 cents. The Ornsmal There is only one remedy kmw VW' bee a combined action on the kid and liver arid auras the moat omit pilaw ailment's)? there danced,.iIterinoae..., and that la pr, Chase's Kidney -Lie Pills, the or ginal kidney pill. This world famous kidney rind liver our. baa an onorinows sale in all parts ot Catsada anti tbe Muted States. Ord:titysi and Garden. Raspberries' thrive best in a deep, warm soil. Grape 4 should have an annual en- riching to produce good, cropes. Prune the grapevines to two or three buds of last year's growth. Having the orchard well trimmed up will keep the trees bearing well. Trim the (It ad wood thoroughly out of the currant and gooseberry bushes. In fruit; culture, situation, as well as sell adaptation, must be consider- ed. The men who succeed best, obtain the best paces and • receive returns every year are those who take care of their trees and the crops that grow on them. Grapes are produced. only on the current; year's shoots and on wood from the previous season's grOwth ; hence to produce fruit the wood must be renewed annually. In traiuing the grope it is well to remember that the tendency of the sap is always toward the highest. bud. Therefore upright positions increase the length of growth, while a hnrizontal pesition tends to cheek it. Do You Know Consumption is preventable ? Sciatica has proven I hat, and also that neglect is suicidal. The worst cold 'or cough can be cured with Shiloh's Clough and Cori,e sumption Cure. Sold on positite gua- rantee for over fifty yeare. Kerosene For the Kair. A woman recently asserted that the fine appearance of her hair was entirely due to a persistent and thorough treatment eith the familiar kerosene of corner grocery corninerce. It was applied regularly once a fort - Canada a Great Country. nettling Ballagh, Wm, Rod• tie!: McKenzie, Henry MeAllister, Woe Caslick, Thos. Wilson, Jos. Dosinan, John Ken', jr., John Boyd, Rale. Keith, Lech McKay, John Mee Kenzie, jr., Noah Stream, Geo. Mar - the john litle Win. Kirkland, Flem- ing 13allagh, S. D. A. Stobo, Albert • Hughes, David eicIntosb, Geo. Arm- strong, Henry Arkell; Wesley Me• Ever% G. Dever, Andrew Watson, W. Whytoelt, Mich: Hettinger, Joseph Borho, Dan itiaTavisb, Geo. Robe Grant, John Becking, jr., tired Kroeten, Geo. Bell, Henry Betiningea, Samuel Lindsay, Sol, Hardy, William Beptiat, Jas. Tbompeon, • A. E. Hal-. (lenity JohnHein, Andrew Frei. . burger, Levi Good, Jahn Sittler, A. Bannerman, Andrew Caskeisnett, Dougald Campbell, Edward Wall, Jas. Kirby, Jas. Peterrnan, Wm. Cronnin, • Andrew Meyer, Edward •Wice, Alex. liergott, Bernard Meyer, Geo. Winter. Poundkeepers,— Robert Ballagh, was slow and thorough, the gentle massage of the roots with the finger tips being needed to open the pores for the absorption of the oil. The treatment cans usually made at night and the hair afterward tied up in a li handkerchief. The silk andker- chief is recommended by baitsdress- ers as useful in retaining the natural electricity of the hair. By noon of the following day the oder of the kerosene had disappeared; and in another 12 hours the oilness that followed its use had else gone. The effect of this treatment on the hair was promptly noticeable; the falling What a boon to many a man or woman if this word literally so—How manyspirits are broken because this particular organ is shackled by disease—and yet how many times has Dr. Agnew's Curo for the Heart brushed against the grim reaper and robbed him of his victim. Diseases of the heart are by far the Most treacherous of ailments which afflict humanity—ruthless 10 old and young alike—not insidious but violent, for when the heart fails, the Whole system suffers violence. Discussing causes here will not console the suffering one. The one great yearn of the heart -sickened patient is Lica to get relief and a, cure. Dr. Agnew's Cure for the If eart stands pre- eminently to -day as the star of hope to sufferers front heart trouble, and so far past the experimental period that thousands to• any proclaim, in no uncertain sOunci. the belief that were it not for thiSgreat remedy they world have long ago passed into the great beyond. Messt eminent doctors, whom heart' cases have baffled, have tested Dr. Agnew's claims, and to -day they prescribe it in their practice as the quickest and rem ed heart reed); known to medical science. What are the symptoms ?, Palpitation, flut- tering, shortness of breath, weak and irregular pulse, swelling of feet and ankles, pain in the,left side, chill' sensations, faintingspells, spells, uneasiness in sleeping, dropsical tendency and as many. more indications that the Heart is deranged. Dr. Agnew's Cure for the Heart is a heart specific ; and no Case too acute to find relief from it inside of .thirty minutes --a powerful cure. Mas. Jam. Fmtpkratea, ofGananocpie, Ont., after having been treated by eminent physicians for heart disease of five years' standing, was dis- charged from MEI bospital as a hopyless Inhe curable, Ssuffered front acute pain and palpitation, her feet and ankles swollen, and there was every tendency tea the dropsical form of heart disease, but the lady pro - Cured Agnew's Cure for the Meats she declared, es a last hope. One dose relieved her of a very aruto spasm in less than thirty minutei, and three bottles cured hor.-not a symptom of the trouble remaining Compeer= Wttrase, G. Lees% of the & Wat.R., and living at Ilagarstown,Md,, suffered for years with acute valvular form of heart disease -,cost bion many a" lay off" from his daily duties on the road, and' ho spent a small fortune In remedies and treating with heart PpeCiallsta protnise Of a euro, and all ended In dIsappointment,until a good friend, who had been lenefited, recommended Dr. Agnew's Cure for the Heart. Ile tried it, and found it g two bird and Comfort Eilmost Immediately. Ile continued its usa untiLafew bottles were taken, and to•tip he's well and strong, and says, "Tell all heart sufferers that can highly re0munend this great remedy.' DR. AGNEW'S OINTMENT cures eez8mal salt rheum, weer, scald head and all Itching Ale abatises: cures plies in three to five nights. 3$ cents. DR. AGNEW'S CATARRHAL POWDER rollevet cold In the head Or hay rover In ten minutes—wilt Pure most stubborn and long Standing catarrh cases quickly and permanently, DR. AGNEW'S LIVER PILLS cure constipation, biliousness, sick headache, torpid liveo-elear the Skim 4o dogs, se cent& --a SOLD BY A. L. litAMILTON", form of humor, and this causes a viirietv Lnve makes the world go round, protection to Canadian industries, in of die...meal. The reason why Hood's and the attraction of gravity worries preference to those of mother Eng - Sarsaparilla cures when all others fait is a Mot people. foiled in the tout that it effectually ex land, They have as many miles of yells the humor. Scrofula, salt rheum, There le more power in kindness railway per capita as we have and boils and all eruptions are permanently than there is in dynamite, but it they have common sense enough not cured by this great medicine. takes longer to find, it out. to embarass their railway systems Mood's Pills are the beet tinnily cede Sine doctors 'remind one or with adverse legislation. The history artio tint! live Oe.itle, tellable, Patience sitting on -a monument be- of their banking system is most - sure. cause of the monttents sitting on creditable to their skill in finanee. • • • ')& change of venue has been grant ed in the rhnton ease by Judge Robertson. The trial will be held at Toronto. .4111.0/ • their patients. --Ch caw) News. Their largest bank has $1:1,000,000 • of capital, $6p Young Mothers. Croup is the terror of thousands of young mothers because its outbreak is so agonising and frequeptly fatal. 3h1 - lob's Cough and Consumption Cure acts like magic: in cases of Croup. It has never been known to fail. The worst oases relieved immediately. Price 25 ots., 50 cts end Shoo, --- Grossley and Hamer, the well- known evaugelists, will hold a series of revival meetings in Stratfoid next October. A law passed by the Vermont legislature requires that wagons ta carry three tons shall have wheels with a three-incb- tire, over three tons four inch and over six tons six. • inch. Children Cry for , 03,000,000 of deposits and. a6,030,- '5 ST R 00 IA 000 of eiret(trn, or total resources e of Homes Pihis Are prepared from Na- ture's mild laxatives,. and while gentle are reliable and efficient. They Rouse the Liver Cure Sick Headache, Bil- iousness, Sour Stomach, and Constipation. Sold everywhere, 25c. per box. laepared by 0.1.11tiod CoeLowellaisse. e •