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The Wingham Times, 1899-04-21, Page 6
• • • •. • THE WIN01:1A.M TIMES, 21, ism to be guaged by the o.etual Al Tiee Sprnag Clean Up IV. Ugichnit .,:einleet of melee speet, but by the ability New that the time has anuo wheu Ot the country to terry the expend'. wItitlx.r. Aran, "---1-47r, tare without its heeorelng burden- 813rIng shauld 116 ber' "II' when It - 1 1O(eeeee -- e people. The ammo bs reasonahlt certain that warm • - ' ' expended by one administration we"ther n°t very ler distant, it BUR OTTAWA LETTER. may be actually less thanahat epent would be well to see tt hatgeneral by its sueeessors or predecessors, aud cleaning up be attended tte The From our own Correspondent, yet there may be wt() AO SX. winter's accuntulatton of extraneous Ottawa, April 15th, tra,vagance in the expenditure of matter4 if left uedisturbed, is sure When so much has been said by the entailer amount, while every . to be birt.ce;tler of diseose and death, the Opposition in criticism of the cioller of the larger sum is well and ee tee. t- te absoluteiy necessary spent. that the eleaping up process be necessary delay which has occurred . wisely y, in 'sedates Perliameut together, it is Such is exactly the position in the attended to withoat delaand con.• Odd that there.is so little apparent Dominion at the present time, for tinued till every vestige of garbage, desiron the Left of Mr. Speaker to while expenditures have increased d, eeayei vegetable matter end other get down te busines,e, now that the since the present Government teee. oneurities find their proper place in hastarted. 'rile fourth e efflee, the burden aeon the peer]; ' the manure heap. Countless rail 'week has been entered upon end ilea appreciably deereased. Money lions of diphtheria, te'er and other session s even allowing for thraster holt- is easier, trade is trethendously lin,,Itniserobes need only the warma.- rofits ProAdvertising been drawn oat to an unordinary lee m , .• days tee debate on tee address Iles proved, prosperity exists on every of the sun for their developnient; so r - e band, much needed public works ter , that now is the time to put in practice A ..o.d length. Everything, that can pos. the development of the 40untry's ' the old adage , that "an ounce of basiness Man that Mr?f Philaelphia, nee, but half Plblie serviee has improved en eryWane,- s the country not only ibly be saidhaod, has been placed before resources are being prosecuted, the • pi evention is worth a pound of cure " .8414 the ether day maker's s Exaprofits from hiPhiladel• dozen time, and a curious feature department, while mine your cellar ; see to it that • phia. store last year were over oeVe l the cost bo$ not it is thoroughly cleaned and aired; t the discussion la that no sooner is iucreased. The intelligent business ,sprinkle liberally with lime or other $1.,750 000, and that those from his one hostile criticism disposed of by the supporters of the Government than it le quietly dropped, and a new line taken up. This was most noticeable 'in the discussion on the Yakon• administra- tion last week. Si' Hibbert Tup- per's reekless Iterative was prompt- ly answered in minutest detail by the Minister of the Interior ; Mr. Borden (Halifax) followed the Minis, ter with an entirely new set of allegations. Hon. Mr. Prior added thereto, both elaireing that the in- formation on which they were based bad only just come to hand, although they have been dillgently searching for it for months. Then Dr. Mon- tague, one of the tnost e.xperieueed parliamentarians in the Opposition ranks, specifically ignored Sir Hib- tert's original indictment, declaring that if it was dednite, the charges of Messrs. Borden and Prior were ; and when Mr, Montague got through, the Opposition practically dropped the Yukon altogether and very little more has been beard of it. After dropping the Yukon, vvhieh, indefinite as it was, provided some 'sort of a rallying point around which to talk. Opposition speakers • floundered round in a promiscuous sort of way in the sea of current politics without either compass or rudder. One honorable member occupied a coaple of hours in gener- alities on. "head issues," another re- peated what previous speakers ,had eaid about "Broken Promises," while a third sotght to cheer the drooping twenty-four per cent. spirits of his colleagues by the NOT A MISERLY GOVERNMENT. tion will be held in the Collegiate Heart gives perfect relief in ail cases of .ettinutes.-Dr.. AguevOs Cure for the 83plent though not very original Institute, Clinton, on- Thursday and Organic or Sympathetic Heart, Disease Nor have the various institutions, Friday, May llth and 12th, . eotn- in 30minutes, and ppeedily effects a mire. bservation that the present Goverti- which Are legitirnately entitled to meet had been. "earned into power meneing On Thursday at 10 o'clock It is a peerless remedy for Palpitation. starved for $1,525,460 has beenPalo in left side and all symptoing of a been kept in power till now by a . . The progeam• will. comprise the le .1 ,./ia.ease... Heart. One dose conviodes. grantee for educational purposes, following.:-Presideet's address, Mr. Sold by A. L. Hamilton. • ' lucky wave," (though he did not agricultural grants have been made T. G. shiaiegiaw ; Third class attention whether or not it was the to the extent of $185 205, the hospi-Exeeet a good wife or a gond • " d laluck , Grammar, xe. W. H. Baker ; Junior husband there is no better compan- •••••,,,•••••/....1 Ida not believe tbere As mac of tlyspep, sin, indigestion or any stomach trouble that cannot be re. Roved at ()nee and permanently cured ny_DYSPEPSIA CURE. MUNYON. At all druggist, 2tie, a vial. Guide to Efealth and medi- cal advice free. 1605 Arch street, Phila. 8.4.131tATH SERVICES. 1 •••• Mr•THODIST-Ie'. Dr. Pascoe, pas or. Services at 13.a in and 7 p w. PRWSBYTERIAN-Rev. D. Perrie weir. Services at and? p I EPISCOPAL, St, Paul's -Rev, Wm. Lowe, rooter. Services at 11 m and 7 p m• BAPTIST -Rov, W. Freed, pastor. Services at 11 a m and 7 p w CONGREGATIONAL - Rev. J. W.,1 motor. Serviette itt it m and • CHRISTIAN WORKERS - Misses Outrage and Look in oeinround, Services at3 p ra andep ni. SALVATION ARM17-0a.pt. McLeod anti wire in command. Servtoes at 13, ' • ne, 3 p re and 8 p In ouch of the above named °bluebell Sabbath School is held at 2,30 p New 1.7ork establishment will run ism ee a b • ee close to that figure. The Saturday BANK of HAMILTON WINGHAM. aaPitia, 01,250,000, Rest, 0775,000 President -Jona ,.Saarater. applying to the Government of the sure of safety from infectuous before Christmas the receipts -IN Nev Viee-President-A. (A, RAMSAY. Wan and the , progressive farmer, ably country, the same principles as ife diseases. Some people talk about - Jerk wet e even greater than these awe, piwonit. 06:71:07ES Wm Giros, II 1', A. T, applies to his own business, these diseases being a visitation of in Philadelphia, and exceeded $500,- - WOOD A, B. Luz (Toros to). aPPreci". God for their SIBS Or for tbose of ates these facts and approves of the their • 000. The New York store has paid necessary expenditure required in grandfathers ,• their ideaofthae a profit from the very day it was Cashier -3, TURNBULL. the public services. 'Great Father of All' being thatof opened, although two firms which Saving I vindicetive tyrant whose delight is - mots of $1 and upwards received and interest Briallx-Rours,10to 8; Saturdays, 10 to i d h t blish t si ee A showed T. Stewaxt'edeath have failed. The rate= i Al of Liberalism efficiency with ecommy Pet the blame where it properly reason o a enema er s great sueeess, both in New York and Phil. bought and sold is manifest in the administration of , belongs -the neglect of proper san- adelohia is his skilful and extensive Ve. CORBOVID, Arum provincial affairs, Take for ex- ,itation. Providence helps those who aA ' , • . 1 . Ithasb hi elle to E, L. i>1011INSON, Solicitor. ample the Province of Manitoba. help themselves, and those who - EFFICIENCY WIWI ECONOMY. 1 di tin ain and sufferin sor- °e°14 s t e t e es a men n in e g p The same characteristic principle .row aid sighing-. It is all nonsense: w k a pootts also IrOCi8i:yed Drattirs'o'n Sr.eat Britain and the United States at current confine his advertising to newspapers Since the Greenway administration wish to enjoy good health and pro- and magazines, on which he has Money to Loan on Notes. assumed office, in 1888, tae popule- ; long e must ever remember that spent annually more than $300,000 tion of the Provinee has doubled, cleatt ess is said to be next to in Philadelphia. The advertising and inferentially the cost of Govern- godll ss, and that perfeet health bills of his New York establishment went should double or at least with dirty surroundings -is like try- exceeded even that sum last year. - AT REASONABLE RATES greatly increase also. .As a matter :ing to mix oil and water, Notes Discounted ),,e kt bfini `9- PiluLLSUEIS- 4 IMIDAY 1}101tNINta TIMeS QFFICE,..10sZPRIN 5TeeT WING -HAM, oNTA.itio. stmeortptionprtao,$tpor 1feer 04170,400 ADYESTISING RATES — f r y F. 7:iiiiii7r ifeite1 1 ins , a ter ,, 00 Ona Colonia $00 00 40 00 1 $80 00 *800 !left 1‘14t 000 20 ' TA t 00 .,. 00, Pros kteli 6 aa a 00 2 00 1 00 1.usal anti c titer VONDIU intros dement, 80 per Roo- fer gra; insertiomand 80 ror line oreachsubsequep$ in•artien. Me mired ii) impend $0410. orinal ;settees 10o. per line for first insertion, 4. per Una for web subsequent li sortie: , Advertisements of Lost, Found, Strayed, Situation and BUSIOOKI Chances Wanted, not exeeeding 8 line nonpareil, $1 for first moth, and 60e, for each. %Misery:mit month, liouses and Farms for Sale, not exceeding 8 line. 41 tor Mat month, ffee, per subsequent Month Larger advertisements hi no:mortice, These Mom will be strictly adhered to Special. rates for larger advertisements, or or 'tenger periods. Advertisements and local notices without specie° directions will be inserted till forbid and charged; accordingIy. Transitory advertisements must be paid in athance Changes for contract advertisemente must be in, the °Mee hy Wednesday noon, in order to appest, that week IL. R, ELLIOTT, Parmaniron anti rtramseas W r NGHAM HOSPITAL. For tne treetment of DISEASES OF WOMEN and stetemse CAt Es of all kinds. POP particulars. AMU ek+8 DE. J. P. EENNEDY, SiodiOul Superintendent, It'inghani, (MU. 3 -1) VANST4E, • BA KRIATElt, euLICITOR, Etc.. private %nit Company funds to loan at lowest rate. interest. No commission charged. Mortgages, town., and farm property bought and sold OFFICE -Seaver Block WiNomus, . ---.1.:. J. A. MORTON of fact there has been an annual i . New England Home Megazine. •Tobactoo,Heart. • timer advanoed on Mortgages at 6 pet centwith privilege of paying at the and of any year. Not, and accounts collected. BARRISTER, .to,, The very Ern year that the Green- ROST. NoINDOO. Mr. W. J. Judson, Curtis et , St. ' fl of legislation, salarie,s, and other ; te Ten"' t b ttl of Dr. Wills' l t•he money on a twenty-tive Eno:1w, pills excessive use of Tobacco. I used one with my heart for two years, caused by . GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. E ' • L. maims". . . administrative expenses, was reduced. if. atter using three fourths ;.'f contents box of Milburn s Heart and Nerve ills .` ' —. . decrease in Governmental expenses of between $50,000 and $60,000, A CARD. way Government took office the cost We, the Undersigned, do hereby agree Thort..as. Ont., says: "1 had trouble .Beaver Block Wineham, Ont minghon, Ont, they do not relieve Constipa• and have not suffered from palpiyation nearly $58,000„ and in spite of the 'of bottle, increased volume of work carried ' tiou and Headache. We also warrant, Edam" • that four bottles will permanently cure - out by the several, departments the most obstinate cases bf Constipation. "What do you w,tint ?" sharply cost last year had increased less than t.be atisfaction or no pay when Wills' Eng- asked the lady of the house as a $5,000, thus making the total still lisb Pills are used. stranger walked around to the back less than it was during the last year a_.A. A. Morrow, Chemist and Druggist, door of a hoase. "Nothing at all, of Conservative admidistration, by w 0171411:MA A. 1-1O:1,.,,t" nearly $53,000. In comparison --... A. --then, Cbemist and Drug. xna'am," suavely replied the staling - gist, Wingham, Ont. , er, bowing. -et was just 111 a king a with other Provinces the expenditure A. L. Hamilton. •Chetnist and Drug- bluff. I g08 put oft a street car and on civil government in Manitoba, has gist, Wingham, Ont , • , the eoudeetur stood on the platform increased only six per `ceet in tbe * grinning at me, so I just walked into ten years, while in the other Provin- East Huron Teachers. the nearest e-ard to make him 'think ees the increase bas ranged. from ._,... • ' I had reached my destination. the East Huron. Teachers' itssocia- Heart Insease Itelloved la 30 DEPART ARRIVE Toronto and East ii 49 a. rn. 3 05 p. m 8 80 p m 10 29 p m Palmerston mixed 55arn 3 05 p m Londonand South 6 53a in 11 10 a m 3 3C p m 8 00.p m Kincardine 11 10 a m 6 49 a 111 3 80 p n1 SSOpin 10 29 p m 8 30 a na .,; • • .SOCIETY rarriNas.. 0 _Camp Caledonia, No. meet Os U. 0. the first and third Monday In every .1110ntR, in .be Odd Fellows Hall 'VI'ftt" rinitontrtrannsecere: J. Murray, Chief. 1.3 13 -The regular annual meeting of twelve per cent, to one hundred and ublic assistance, been stinted. and a. Shortness of Breath, Smothering Spells, 'by a lucky wave," that, "they have tals have received $240,670, and Jar then that it was so," whereupon the Reading, Miss C.' Annie Taylor ' ion than an enterprising and pro - municipalities $433,032, which, with Arithmetic : re. C. NI G. O. M. and: gressive newspaper. Opposition cheered loudly, and were minor amounts have a total , of $20 Prime Factors, Mr. L. 199 MeFaul ; apparently quite eatisfied with the 88, exp ana ion. Y g ' Province. Not one cent of this has been paid out of the V2,500,000 ture, math elan, Mr. H. E. Fair • . , current revenue of the Over -strain and Under•power of surely abont time that the Opposition Brain, Dr. Shaw • Entrance. Litera- t got down to business, let up upon b . . Children Cry for Vrk ADM ALKIVAtAkIl ABSOLUTE - 416, IOVEITY ' in's/m.5 IT TALKS IT PLAYS CAN 131C MAIM GOEY A CHILD CAN ©AT; $2.49 / BOXED.WITH on R,EGORD BARRISTER, ETO. BOLIOLTOli TO BANN Or RAMILTON, aroNBT LOAN. Oftiee=Idever Block. IA Ingham •„ mi LIAMBRON, BAR filSTICII, SOLICITOR, CONVEYANCER, &Q. Office -Corner ,riamilton and St.,,Andrew litre* Loppesite.ceiberueltettelt, ...• MA, . Gonsarco, ARTILUR 7 N. 11.13 L °NtATio, Poctor nt Dental Surgery of the Peneesqvitnia.. Mewl College .ked LiPubti te of the Royal Colleger• ooftuticzt,I.vi iigliau of Ontario. Unice over P40 fr s. ationiu, L. 8.5, tr • neat or Block, Wingham - Speeial cal mit eit to the preset.. vntiou of notmoi -meth Crowns and bridle work and gold ffilaige a specialty. The beat local asiestht to tor palciess extraction of teeth free. All oink at loa IAA prices. CIIN 11.12CUIE- F-141TiA RECORDS t,}ANERAL INSURANCE AGENT AlGERIS WAgrf0 1 14 Evcc.:Prwrocarrs'4ANO VILLAGE'. ADDRESS CAN.TAEXING MACHINE. CO LONr:CiN, L.I. meowed money, in spite of the 2 , , zheir ieterminable talking, partieu- Delegates report, Mr. Wm, Watters ; DEAAS Ja. irk ix A • ONTARIO, • &trey as they have shoe n for several Election of Offieers ; Treasurer's re- Byra, a town in Africa, is built • macie by the Opposition • p W la entirely of zinc. The publie build- • WI statements to that effect, so freely days past that there is nothing new • poi t : Verb hrases r.• . to be said. ed thus :-In railways, 8839,149 and Literature, in Pablle seheels,itnore thab X6,000. •That $2,500,000 has been expend. Lough ; Tettehing of Coniposition thig% nn4 residences did not cost RIZOGESS VG, PROFILIGATE. . NGHAM LIt'ENS,,Is' AUCTIONEER FOh r COUNT n CRON . • nubile baildiags, $447,602 ; interest with Prelude on the Philosophy of The cost of Goin vernent must al- on bonds issued by ConservatiThi ve Impute Blood - ngs in General, Mr. 0, Clarkson ; ways bit prporticnately grcater itt a ( Govcrnment as to raUwys- - -, Revietv Work, Mr. James MeEwert ; Always aleaared, purified and enriched Having purchased the entire business ,r) -Inq new and sbarsely settled eoantry. 660 ; deficite left by late Administra- by Sordoni( liloo_d 13ittess. Mrs. John from Mi. Daniel Sbowersi, 1 ant ,now Improvisioned Apparatus for Phise , Douglas, FuPar_ P. 0.. CIA:. staYs : "j. prepare to supply the public with and in proportion to the efforts of tion (being trust funds, etc., asedfor 'cal Science, Mr, E. MeLeate History, have wee R.id.R. for impure lar od, ' I d I th i , h i th d lc h ,i 1 la the. peone to eve op e rterritory ,cui root purprse as s own ti e Mr, George Spotton. . Pimples on iny faoa an sic e e. *ill the actual expenditure grow. Auditor -General's report) $315,000 t Ott Thursday evening Mr, Prank Pour battles • made my skin ale tr and Thf,. trite test of st aresinanship is not these, amounts with the Mance in 'Yeigh, of Toronto, will deliver ins' free fr."' eruption and cured we t om e, • '; r.A. W. CHASE hand, $141,815, make a total of' a° popular and instractive, talk on pletely." $2,496,295, the exact eroceeds of the "Imperial Canada" in the town hall. — lean. In view of the statements 50 The lecture is illustrated with over freely made in the debate last session 100 superb stereopticon views and is upon the application of Manitoba for highly a grant from her own Khoo' funds spoken of by those who ha,ve Triumphs over the Worst Forms of held in trust by the Dominion that heard it. KID EY . . . educational purposes but to cover up the money was not to be• used for A Good Report. 0 "My mother was troubled with rlieu.D. other deflate, it is only fair to.the atism iu her knee for a number of yettra, DISE ri SE ryes.. Wasted and Dr. A. W. Shattered by Worry Chase's 0! Overwork are Province, and to the Greenway and it broke out into a running sore. She has taken three bottles of Hood's KBVItalIZSO lay doctor whose name is familiar ahrsost every ; • sessi n when no doubt Fenn, Cloverlawtat Ate:taster, Ontario. .;111itts to scores of tbo_stards of women teanholgothdis as the matter will again be under of this . great tnediaine.l' MRS. Jolla "Nes"-what woerldrVof Gevernment, that these exact figares Sart:top:villa arid now ab e is almost +se- amy -Liver Pills adds to the fame of the great The wonderful success of Dr. Chase's Kid- should be emphasized, partieuterly tirely wed. She -cannot speak trio highly 'home as the author of the world famous Recipe I Woer1001011 this o, t trough the straint of Social life and the the same inaccurate statements will Hood's PillS aura nausea, sick bail& grave.VOt r yof home cares, are fast approaching the Nervonts h d ti s dvs ep4ia irritability by ache, bilionsnees, indigestion, consti- and dangers of kidney disease by this greatest i Pains and aches in the body; derangements of day, restlessness and sleeplessness by night. Dation. Scores mid thousands of grateful men rind ; 'repeated. women have been rescued from the miseries I the organs peculiarly feminine, loss of energy kidney curcs. Mr. D. C. Sint:non% Mabee, Ont., Writes ' and ambition, despondency and despair. TheSe are some of the symptoms known to rd2 Over Fifty 'rears. In every eity or town in the! "My kidneys and back were so bad I was I An Old and Well -Tried Remedy Mrs . 'Netherlands you wilt find a Roe I the woman of exhausted nerves. These tire tatitt like brick dust. i sons compelled to get : used for over fifty years by minions, of a t k - lived 'them,thesymptoms which entirely disappear when 1)r. A. W. Chase's Nerve Food is used. enable to utak or sleep. . my urine had seta- , Witslow's Soothing Syrup has beets mary street, In olden days only 1 1111 tir ft erg111 rose. ee cleating new, rich Wood and nerve tissue In, four or five times during the night. 1 SOW i mothers for their cherlten bee teed Dr. (...ita.c's Kidney -Liver Pills advertised and .,,,,,,,, „,..h f i / 'w 1 ' I. marY being the language of the this great food cure of l)r. A. W. Chase re. , child, softens the game. allaye till PEON " Vw •I's • 4351)6e107 . dedieated to the stores ant/ revitalizes the wasted nerve cells, per eat suffde8a. t soothes the 0,,,,,..,p i concluded to give them a trial. I have only i 1"+“ "" used one box and am conmIetelyeured. /n -as puts new vigor and Vitality into the system and *great sincerer for tit years, but my kidneys do . Mires wind eolith and is the best remedy dettd..., • frees woman of many ills which are due to nothothermenow. 1 enjoY goodrestand sleep ' for diarrhoea. it is pleasant 1,0 the WV). Mrs. Joe DOtyl Port Gilbert, le. exhausted nerves. boon to suffering Iilundoity." world. Twetsty-tive eente a bottle. Its her teeth Bei cooclutied she hml worme. buliitirinArl..t\ipkr.IC)tlemettiss's, Nei-ehrtioioarklecsurteisleble)otdhye and consider Dr. Cliace's kidney -Liver Pins a. sold by druggists in every part of the S saya, "My little stirl would grind .., , . d restores the glow of Dr. Chase's Nithwy-Liver 1,iliS, one. pill a value to iticaluable. Bemire you ask for I 1/AVS her three doses et De Lowes roundh.1"tat PhiTti''etle?ow cheek. . d.,s.., ace. n le,x, at an dralas, or Dimensore Mni. WirisIOWs Soothing Syr Op, : rind Worn) Syrup which acted with got ib easete! to niltaniti`,,,ders, er Edmancon, Bates Batts tl, co., Toronto. take no other kind, effete." Pried 25e. & LO., Torninc.. 'MENEM WAY ALCSTEEL UPViteig v3iLL MY. A COM. circ Tlit,T ntikzilim s Woad Anil Iron Varee Mod Lift Pumps, Brass and tetra. Cylinders, Galvaniz- edOn. Tubing, =Cisterns, y . .^iry ter Prays:41m Sinks, Da ks,Pipe Pitting, Weil Digging and everything in con- nection with water 01.111Pties. C alvanized Steel Windin ills forpower ard pumping water. 'Deep well pumps a speciality, Repairing promptly attended to. Patties, wtiting for information or ordering by mail should always state depth ce well. All w nit guaranteed or no -sale. 0. ivxortmrIGSTAR net 140 Wiogharo. Ont, Sales attended in. any part of the INS, Charge , Moderate. 1011N 01/.1011E, WINOBAld, ONT., • LICENSED AUCTIONEER. " Sales of Farm Stock and Farm hopiereebts 13114oltrYderit tat at the Touts office promptly abteu31 ed to. Terr reasonable, PRINTIHG, TWitotietNo Books, Pattiphlots, Posters, 81 .L Rends, Circulars, Cc., tah, executed ih the best Style of Otto art, at moderate prices, and on0104 notice. Apple or ddress II, B. ELLIOTT. T hots Office, %Ingham SOOKiaiNoiNG. wo nro to announce thst any Mocks er .ott., hat witb ustfor Binding, Will hare Our rre•-, at !Alm. rite* for Binding% any style 1 will to. ort toblinotiOn 0 the 1VP144 OISOO • WE MAZE Sewer and Culvert Pipes All Sines tram 4 in. to 24 10. J1.160 Conn onions, wonFOI4 THE ONTARIO SEINFil PIPE CO "DO 14 ADELAIDE sy. tuvrovx Venture°. TORONTO . o •