The Wingham Times, 1899-04-21, Page 5"
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- 1P,
iii WINtifiAlt1 TIMES, APRIL 21 1509.
8>''111 is the Mao who likes le be well Dressed
we are. after. --;Every style,
kind and fashiou finds its
earliest showing here,
The men to whom we
expect to sell
Ready Tailored Clothing
Are the Men
who have worn made to men,
sure clothes.
If you travel in• this class
1 we should like to see you.
Shorey's Guarantee Card in the pockets of
each garment means;
and, as we dislike to return money we mast give you
satisfaction. Youcannot get anything more than this.
Sold exclusively by JOHN HANNA
GeLyour sight tested. It costs nothing.
§cietifically, 'Correctly, Reasonably..
. Try us.
it will soon be time, to use
garden tools. We ,have any- need in this line,
and our prices are always low.
We have- a good supply of
Milk Cans. The .price we
offer them at will soon sell
Give us a call for anything
you need in 6ur line.
Old Post Office Stand.
Order your____
•11/1 I I IP<
—AND -
• ()wing to having bought a large
stock of Boots and Shoes in Listowel,
I ani forced to close out the whole
of my stock here. which consists of
the best goods in the markets, hav-
ing got in my spring ,etock before
deciding .to * make a sale, Come
along and secure bargains such as
have -never before been offered in
Sale now care Examine goods and
prices. We will do all we edvertise
from time- to time. Goods marked
in plain figures and one price to all.
bridge bat sad to return &mg' g,
Buy Consumers
Corsage Po's
It is equai to anything made.
It is made by skilled, fres
labor. (no prison labor). ,
itis made by those who use
)our feria prodoute. •
The money is ali spent on
Canadian eon.
You are helping those who
beIl'Pou"a114; not sending your
cash to a foreigo country to
benefit tbe revelers lot leen.
It is Canadian, end you are
Lowest prices guaranteed.
Bold by
Be loyal to your own country.
* J. CLEGG & CO.
GLosi NG
BLUEVALE. of Mr..W.M. Danlep, who departed
, "Sprig le eopig" at last, at 1401 thls life on Sunday, Audi Ott. E. •
The breaking up of the ice on tne ceased had oply been ill eight flay
pond and river last week was quite with an attack Of hiflamniation and
magnificent Te water was 0:acne:,
high and although the bridge and Ix'leilds. Alooll sympathy goes out
Ilt:riadeeraretiltilevhasheareriba:ilekd t: :se:a:4411i:
i darn had e greater stress to
I I this Me hour of bereavement.
against than for many previous years, i
. buoriddgaeiniangeth:raisnundoendelattoe tithinorktina.Any i rrutsAu16:dda;Eniderttorbittapsr wneeedkb, erwobnun,
a number of men were 'working on
Rev'. W. J. West* and Mr, George
Hudson attended the funeral of the tbe lam, fighting the floating lee and i
.• tittle daughter of Rev, le 13, Aleitae "A strong current of water, wni,th
at Cranbroolt, on Tuesday oi last WAS likely to do damage to the dam
acnes 1erkins was • standing ou
Is A MOIL io front of the water, holding
Miss Ilanna Ball, of Brussels,
the light f.or those who were working,.
visiting her many uegeaintances in
when a piece of-ieestruck the kg on
and about the village.
i Rev, W. J. West spent eeveral I which be was st"ding
knocked into the water. The alat at
and ha was
days of last week in London.
Before placing your order
for Spring Clothing call and
see our
given and a search was made
A horse belonging to Mr, W. J.' Wa6
for c;
Johnston, jr., of the first line of the body, but without 61.1leea
until Suudittr afternoon, it was found orris, cut its leg and it was feared
about a mile from the dam. Deeerti.
ed was a kind and loving father and'
esteemed citizen, and by his death a
vaeaney has been. made Oat will be
hard to fill. He had been a resideat
of Gorrie for 40- years, duelists which
time be held the following important
positions :—Fifteen years Reeve ot
the township, eight years County
Master of the Orange Assoeiation„.
five years President of the Conserva-
tive ASSOeiftti011, and Treasurer of
the township tor tbe past 12 years.
Tice deceased leaves a Widow and
four of a family. Of these W. J.
lives in Chicago, Joseph S. in Grand
Rapids, Mich., It J. ll in Toronto,
who has just completed his course at
Wycliffe College, and Miss Annie,'
who resides at borne with her mother.
The funeral took place on Wednes-
day afternoon, and was the largest
ever seen in the distriet, their being
about 1500 people present. The
funeral was under the auspices of LARGEST STOOK
the Orange Assoeiation, and the BEST
members of this society turned. out
about 300 followers to do honor to
their deceased brother. Rev. A. B. LOWEST PRICE
Feeney, the incumbent of St. James
church coriclueted the services. The
Revs, Moorehouse, London; Wright, • Oar 7e Popes's, 8 yarda to the roll,
Brantford; Gu.nne, Parkhill; Brown- white backeele. Cannot be beaten, .
lee, Granton, and Raeey, 13elinont, See our Lace Blinds, complete, for
would bleed to death before a veter
Mary could, arrive from Winghani.
Owing to the bad. state of the roads
the surgeon was a long time in corn-
ing. The bleeding stopped, however,
and the animal is getting along nieely.
Mrs. Biala is visiting her mother,
Mrs. Rutherford.
Story of a Slave.
To be bound band and foot for years
by tbe chains of disease is the worst form
of elavery. George D. Williams, of M all -
chaster, Mich., tells how such aslave was
made free. He says : "My wife has
teen so helpless for live years that she
could not turn over in bed alone. After
using two bottlee of Electric Bitters, she
is wonderfully improved and ble to do
nees, eleeplessness, melannbol bead-
her awn wurk.” This suprenn' remedy
for female diseases quiokly cure rvous-
ache, backache, fainting and dizzy spells.
This,miracle working medicine is a god -
for 1899. We can afford to Every bottle guaranteed. Only 50 cents.
send to weak, sickly, run down people.
Sold by Colin A: Campbell, druggist.
sell New Goods cheaper than
old stock that cost one-half CLINTON.
more than new and better
goods of the latest styles will
cost to -day.
We make clothes that fit.
Queen's Block.
Monday . was celebrated the dia.
mond wedding of Mr. and Mrs.
Andrew Jamieson, who for over 20
years have been prominent and re-
spected residents of the Township of
Hullett. For sixty years this worthy
pair have been man and wife, and
nine children, four sons and five
daughters, are living to -day. Mr,
Bisraark's iron ItTerve
Jamieson is no less than 87 veers of
Was the result of his splendid health. age, and Mrs. Jamieson, ort - May 24
Indomitable will and tremendous energy net, will complete her eightieth
'ate net found Avbere Stomach,' Liver, year. The old lady is not a little'
.Kidneys and Bowels are out of order. proud of being an exact contempor-
le you want these qualities and the sun -
was they bring, use Dr. King's New Life
'Pills. They develop every power of
brain and body. Only 25 dents at Colin
A. Campbell's Drug Store.
Me. Will Campbell is engaged
with me, Hutton for the summer.
Mrs. J no. Hastings, of' Orangeville,
is at present visiting her mother,
Mrs. Anderson, of this burg.
Rev. Mr. Roie, of B1'115.908, will
preach the ahniversary services in
Eadie's church on April 30th.
Owing to 'the high , water, the
prayer meeting on. Thursday even-
ing was not so well attended as
usual ; 'some came as far .as the
1 'n
3. G. KARG
Goods taken out on approval must
be paid for, and if not satisfactory
"Went to the river and couldn't get
Ir. Thitmas Alain s made an
addition to his property by pinches -
alt former residents of the village 50 cents,
were presen't at the faneral.
,Reenarleable Rescue.
Ittra, Michael' :Curtain, Plaitfield, Ili. el:4
makes the stetement, that she caught
cold, which settled on leer lungs ; she
ary of her Majesty Queen Victoria, was treated for a mouth by her family a nephew of gr. and Mrs. S. C.
she having been 'born upon the very physician, but grew worse. He told her
HOwlett of this tovvnthip:—Quorge
same day as our Sovereign. Mr. she was a hopeless victim of consumption
and Mrs. Jamieson are natives of and that, no Li:led:eine could cure her. Shupe, Safe:1k street,, was
tbe ncrth of Ireland,. and early in Itsreotufygirsotr uognet,esumtepdtiDonr.;Isiii3negb'sc;uNgehwt the General hospital cn Ifeesday
evening, suffering from,: an attacle
the century they came to this country, a bottle and to her delight found beiself
settling in the township of Vaughan, benefitted frOin tiret dose. She contin- of acute pneumonia, to which. he sue.
in the comity of • York, hewing a ued its use and alter taking six bottles, embed Wednesday,morning at ten
home for themselves out of the bush. tOeUr1)otheatir soundotand is 55
-w, now does o'clock. Deceased was aged twenty -
About 20 years ago they moved to ever wIlls. Sold blcr' and)oitill 117. Oemeapabse 1 i', threeyears at- the time of his death
stud was respected by all who knew
their present home, near this town. druggist, la:ge bottles 50 cents and S1.00.
Volcanic Erniptions EAST WAWANOS/1.
Are grand, but Skin Eruptions robe lire The following is the report of
union school NZ. 8, East Wswanosh
oe'Blundell's Arnica Salve cures
t.hern ; also fild, Running and Fever
a d Morris for the in of March. Mrs: Chas. Hereford, wifeof Street
.eores,Incers,Boils, Felons. Corns, Warts, " Inspector -Hereford, and Mrs. John
Cuts, Bruises„ Burns. Scalds, Chapped The nanies are arranfved in order of
Rands, Chilblains. Best Pile cure on merit: —50 elass.—Katie Granby A,' Stall'0013, wife of John Stuegeon,
iery, W. e r. . .
D S McDonald wife of D. S. Me -
earth. Drives out Pains and Aches. N „I w ai , s rv. .cattle dealer, died Saturday. Mrs.
Only 25 et% a bor. Cure guaraat ed.
Sold by Colin A. Campbell, druggist. Gosman, M. Waish, A. Claming; Jr.
Do' maid, farmer,' Lake Shore range,
IV.—T. ••Williams, M. Grasby, M.
died Sunday.
T CAN BERRY. Gosman, J. Taylor, 10. Kraehling;
Sr. III.—T, Blake, M. Armour; Jr.
the money will be refanded. • irg the farm of Mr. Tommy Metiers° Mr. Alex. Kelly has this week III. --9. Netherly, A. Willianss, W. Daniel Henofot of Zurieh pat coal
received a thoroughbred Shorthorn Love, J. Kelley; IL—S. Netherly, A. en on a, heifer and set fire to it to
D. SANDERSON. It has hitherto been claimed that bull from Mr, D. Milne, of Ethel.
superstition was a thing 9f the past, Mr, Milne is well known as an wen. Lindsay, B. Fraser, C. Fraser, C. vermin on the animal. Thdi
Taylor, F. Kelley, B. Ellison; Pt. IL resultwasthat his barn wai burned
but who can account for the strange
AN ITEM OF INTEREST. weird loolsing light seen gliding along sive breeder of thoroughbred stock --M. Williams,H. Grasbv, T. Fraser with a lot of live steek, and lie him -
and this animal is said to be one of E, Arinoar; Pt. 1.—Leo Kelley.,-- self was seriously burned.
Farmers; why pay 6,A end 6 per eeet.• the 9th at a late hour last Wednes. h ,best of his lot. LILLa ISBISTER, Teacher.
e of Brooksdale, is
interest on your loam; when money may day night. ord has been received frot Mr Mr. S. C. Howlett was • called to John M L .a ,
be had at 5 per cent. Payments made Messrs. Henry and John Abrabara
to suit borroWer. Chazees loW. m. Gemmill, who recently lef ere Guelph last week to the bedside of dead, aged 10e.
are at present prepairing the timber f Pilot M und Man that hey h in _
Agency Ontario Mutual Life Assut- for Mr. Weir's barn.. or o o his nephew, w o is seriously . 44.1
had their house burned to les. Howlett left on Wednesday
1141. anue Company,
—FROM THE— Saturday. . smile these days.
At office essidite afternoon and all day Tom, James is wearing a' broad" ground, one day not long eine morning for the same place.
Well Made
ABNER. cosris, b
Mr. Gemmill and ali the male mem- 1)r. Wna. F. Shortt, son of Mrs. and
HOLSTIEN blkkgr.
Macdonald Block, Winghalt4 s of the family were away liona Shade. of Westfield, died in Detroit
• Children, should always home at the time of the fire and on Wednesday morning of last week
...ncrease in weight. Not to g. tlood's Sarsaparilla is prepared by ex -
- — -
0. A talkative tag.
• Thetag Oil every pair of "relater Shoes%
tells the leather, its wear, service
adapted to, how the shoe is made, how
to ease for it and the factory number, by
any faults may be traced to Co
operative. This tag is good for live
cents on °bottle of Slater fllide Polish.
Goodyear Welted end statiped on
the sole by the makers. 4.00, t4.00
and $5.00 ]Cr pair.
"The Slater Shoe."
7pWARNHAATojecullioLArIS2 $4.4;
hardly any of their effects were from blood oisonin • Deceased
a es
row, not to increase in flesh,
jelongs to old age.
Present and future health
demands that this increase
in weight should be steady
and never filling.
To delicate children,
Scott's Emulsion brings
\ flesh. Better color comes
richer blood and firmer
ig to the cheeks and stronger
muscles to the limbs. The
'vain in weight is substantial;
A, K.
it comes to stay.
5..oac... sit druggists.
sco.rr&tOWNt, Qualms, orente.
tar Sale Only by HOMOTH & SON.
saved. The loss will be a
heavy one.
Inspector Robb paid an °Mole' Mile Hoover, of Marnoch, is visit- medicifte, containing lust those Vegetable
Visit to our school this week, ting her daughter, MTS. T. Fowler, of ingredients which were Beamingly In -
A sad calamity took plow Sunday Newbridge. tended by Nature herself for the allevia-
e. When George Saunders, Me.' Campl ell, of WhiteehOrth, tion of human ills. It purifies and ea
who resides on the twelfth coneession' has sold his tense and lot to Mr. G. riches the blood,lenes the and
U nowiek, committee! suicide by 1 Cottle. digeetive organs. end creates an appetite;
slY was a very clever and successful perienced pharmacists of torlay,who have
pramitioner, am a young man brought to the production of this great
whose death will be regretted by a
large eirele of friends. smell. Hood's Sarsaparilla is a modem
medicine the best results of medical re -
it absolutely cuteS an scrofula eruptions,
boils, pimples sores, salt rheum arid
every form of' skin disease; cures' liver
drotvninghiniself in the north branch Mrs. Mereot k, of Aslifield, is Mak.
uated about eighty rods froin his i daughter, Blea. M. Robettson, of Mar. tallItatgurg:Ynggetaistergle=
father's ;arra. It is believed that he; wick. tirely overcomes that tired teeing, giving
has been temporarily insane for some' TI 0 late flood has left the 9th and etlitunirtg.e'regjellarZeggirTritfirva
time. The itmera I took place frern : 10th toncession bridge embankments old feier, and by purifying the blolodit"
hiefather'sresidence on Wednesday l in a very bad eondition. keeps the *hole syntern healthy.
afternoon to the Lekelet cemetery. 1 elr. ti, Cottle was in I,ottdou en jp s a rs g!
Mr, Win. Dole, C. O. 1.' Inspector,. business leer, sem*. ,
of the River Maitland, Which is sit.!ing an extended visit with her
00 S parilt
has been deities good work for Mei Miss elery Simpson is visiting at.
1 Order at Guelph Ma week. 1Mr. D. Simpson's on the 10ei. I
Death has claimed another victim The following from the Guelph 1
• •raid refers. to the death of
in the persert e I a, ) 1
Is the best—in feet the One True BleedPar/fiat
Sold by ail druggists. Si; six for its.
Hood's Pine cure an Livee 111*ilfed
11° sock iieadathe. Met