HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1899-04-07, Page 80 0,
in vat i'•ty, elegance sod novelty
the di q" ty e eecds all pi'i p ious
efforts rut one part, ill' king this dis•
play the hest within pour reach.
1n til.='using from Our att,ek you.
telt deVnri: t.0 getting• whatever 18.
correct and stylish is Gloves,
An important part of Easter Outfit.
will be it pair of new boots. You
Gft loot do better tuna come direct to
our shoe department. We have in.
stock all the leading lines.
Large variety of New Goods,
Come and enjoy looking through our
`stook as you ren fit,
We invite you to come and see the
newest nod (,est in Spring Ready-to-
wear Clothint. It afford; us great
pleasure in extending this invitata•
tion, for never before had •we the
assortment of worth: and Fashionable
Now is the time to make your
purchases. Many of the best pat-
terns are being picked up. First
choice is always best at
M H. lific1141300.
Tlie regular meeting of the town council
was held on Monday evening. A large
number of citizens were present to hear
the early closing question discussed. All
the members of the coaaioil were present
and the minutes. of Inst meeting wereread
and approved.
Communication was read frotn T B Mc-
Andrew, resigning his position as a mem-
ber of the fire brigade.
Communication was react from Chief
Manuel of the fire brigade, recommending
the appointment of A Dinsley and, D
Longheed, 4:a members of the fire brigade in
place of :l' ,1,3. McAndrew and A. Brisbois.;f
Hanson-.-(obey-That the resignation
of T B McAndrew as firemen be accepted.
andthat vacancy be filled by A Dinsley,
and that IY Brisbois' place be filled by D
A petition from Goderich re C. P R ex-
tension from Winghara to Goderich; also
with reference to Goderich harbor im-
provements was read and ordered to be
The finance committee recommended
that the following accounts be paid
Wingham Electric Light C o.... , , $ 41 16
+T B Ferguson, salary and postage 102 60
Y 'V'annornian, salary 84 00
Jos Coad, salary ... 15 00
T 1'3Manuel, salary,. 8 30
" " testing hose .,,.... 50
Thos Bell, oak stand desk , „ 12 80
It Corley, 2} cords wood.......... 5 06
Geo Russell, testing base....:..... 50
ireinen's Salary, $5.00 each for 12'
men .,............... • ... 4.. 60 00
Jho Hanna, supplies for fire hall,. 1 20
Thos Gregory, wood for charity .. 6 50
a- Hanson-•-Golley- Thatthe report of
finance committee be adopted and cheques
issued accordingly -.-Carried,
The Mayor reported that he had received
$2,000 Treasurer's bonds from the Domin-
ion of Canada Guarantee Co.
Mclndoo-McKenzie--That the $2,000.
'treasurer's bonds from the Guarantee Co
be received ae satrstactory---Carried.
T A. Morton presented, a petition to the
council which was largely signed by the
business men of town, asking council to
pate a by-law, compoling business men to
Oka* their shops every evening at 7 o'clock
except Saturday evenings and evenings.
preceeding holidays, every monthit the
yeftr except Detiember. Mr Morton had
alto prepared a by-law. The by-law did
not include furniture dealers, bakers,
bn'tcbers and restaurant* and also prow4-
;_ sal for the 001114 of drag and book stores
at 1f o'mlorrk instead of 7 o'clock, 11411
Merton in presenting the petition irpeke
*totally to favot of the early closing
'fibtatudarab'isdiaeu cion ar l bile questi en
wait indulged in by the different Pennzoil -
lore. Co'lnoillori McKenzie, lllcIndoo,
Irwin and Hanson spoke strongly in favor
of the petition, and Councillors Gregory,'
(?obey wad Mayor Clegg thought the mat-
ter shoutd be deferred until the petitiau
had been looked over,. The following.
motions were theu introduced :--
Hansott-MeIndoo---That the petition
far early closing be received and a bylaw
(Jolley-(; regory--In amendment,that
petition be referred to a committee . con•
sistiug of Mayor Clegg, Councillors M0
Kenzie and Aialndooto enquire into and
report to council ori ,April 10th.
These mations then brought forth more
Couucilior Me euzie thought the hy.law
should be passed to -tight, A merchants'
committee had gone round and got opin-
ions from the dttterent shop keepers before
as petitiuu was presented to them for their
signatures. They had plenty of time to
consider what they were doing. We are
here to carry .out the wish of the people ;
the petition was largely signed and vier-_
chants had been to oonsiderable expense in
the matter. Leaving it, over for another
week would oat make tnattera any better.
Would mot be doing otir duty if we did mat
pass, by 'law,
Councillor Gregory said he had Beard
rneroltantsisay that if they had stopped to
consider what they wore signing they
would not have signed the petition.
Should surely t, aIt another week before
taking action.
Mayor .Clegg said council should not do.
things hurriedly. Should leave the matter
over for regular or special meeting.
-Councillor Irwin said council would.
not be doing justice to the petitioners if we
did not do our duty in passing the by-
Councillor Golley =thought some one
would break by-law inside of two weeks,
Who would enforce the bylaw ? The
Chief or the petitioners. Would, offenders
be fined or sent to jail ? Not a merchant.
in town would have back -bone enough to
inform on an offender. He vapid like to
see his amendmept carried.
Councillor Mclndoo said the by-law
should be put through to -night. We have
the names of the people who are interested
in the matter.
Mayor Clegg here ruled Councillor Han -
son's motion out of order. Notice bad to
be given at a regular meeting before by-
law could be passed. He wee opposed to
haste. He wasnot against the by-law if
petition were sufficiently signed. '
Councillor Ranson did not consider hie
motion out of order antatbought we should,
act On the matter to -night.
J A Morton said he thought Councillor
klanson's motion was quite regular and' in
Councillor Gregory said matter should
be laid over for a week. He would yote
for by-law if he was satisfied names on the
petition were alright.
Mayor Clegg said he only wished to have
the matter properly investigated.
Councillor Hanson's motion baying been
ruled out of order, Councillor Golley's
motion, referring the question to a com-
mittee wascarried and the council went to
work on the regular •business.
Hanson -Irwin -That the Clerk be 'in-
structed to order 150 dog tags for the
present year -Carried,
Golley-Hanson-That John Murray be
paid $25 on account -Carried.
The above is for work in connection
with the wheel house. .
The by-law to regulate the closing -of
shops in the Town of Wingham was then
McIndoo-McKenzie-That when this.
council adjourns to -night it shall stand
adjourned until Monday evening. April
10th, when the early closing by-law shall
be introduced --Carried.
McKenzie -Irwin -That $300 be placed
to the credit of the School ' Board-Oar-
Chief Vannorman asked the council for
six weeks' leave of absence, saying that he
would get a man to take his place.
Golley-Ranson--That the request of
Chief Vannorman for six weeks' leave :of
absence be granted, providing he engage a
man satisfartory to the Mayor -Carried,
By-law No 387, authorizing the Itfayor
and Treasurer to borrow $500 to meet
current expenditure until the taxes are
collected was read three trines.
IIanson-Golley-That By-law No, 887,
as now read be passed -Carried.
Council then adjourned.
n.lxaAson crass -stone 1,150.
Jennie' Murray 1,096, Geo Moors 1,046,
Laura Martin 1,031, Belie Hough 080, Ida.
McAllister 079,141y Pattersoe 072, Anna
Gray "948, May Gordon 008, Mabel Ross
001, Charlie Bell 899, Davie Davidson 888,
Leo Kerr 878, Lily Sherk 875,• Lillian,
Kerr 898, Chester Hogg 884, itch MoAllist•'
erSi8, Chester Davis 818, Etta "Curry 702,
Lizzie Little 788, Bert 1'3olmeti 782, Peter
Deans 755, Maud McNaughton '729, Gordon
Griffin 722, Grade Smith 048, Maud Intone
688, Edgar Ilenderson 581, Saga Poslrff
428, Nettie'Linklater 274.
Taws .n'- aeoBa 926.
Fired Reseal 777, Ott McGillivray 766,
Gertie Wellwood 717, Harry Seyffert 716,
Della Taylor '700, Willie Rodents Mg, tired
1 HE WING -HAM TOMS, APRT. -,, 7 IS00%
Tiserner 608, ltoy Smythe 594, harry
Montle!. 573. harry li~ittuaice.502, Rob Per.
guson 458, Tom- Cattwtight 460, John
Lamont a72, Ilob Elliott 277, John Jerome
27k, • Jolui Deubledeu ' 14, Rub Brooks
John . It,ankiu and wife, of l3eafortb,
visited with Jas McIIelvie and wife ou
(rood Friday,
M r e o stn
t Jno Factory, nry, of W od ok, was
renewing: acquaintances in town during
the holidays.
Miss Robertson and L.eater Robertson
are spending their holidays at their home
n ar Goderich.
Diamond Monday If ':Mr J lata t td left on ....oda, for
w Springs, . where heas
S` eel . ria s. LT 1 et h 9c=
p k
oared a. situation,
RobtHarrison, Sound harxisot , cI Owed S d grist
and woolltu mills, was the guest of W
T Hall on Easter.
Miss Nellie Gray is in Toronto this
week, attending the meeting of the Edu-
cation a l .A ssuGi a do n,
Jae Mc15;inlay and Bert Moss,, of Lon-
don, are speudiug the Easter vauatioa at.
their homes in town.
T &Reid, principal of the Owen Sound
Collegiate, is spending the vacation
under the parental roof,
Mrs Jos Brad win and Ed W Bradwin
were the guests of Editor Bradwin ab
lyth for Good Friday.
Walter Bell leaveson Monday for Lon-
don, whete lie has eeeurei a situationin
McOlary's stove foundry.
MrJobnson, geueral agent for the Mas-
sey -Harris Co, is ie townthis week looking
after the cowpany'e►iijlivery, •
Dr Kennedy left Wednesday for 'Tani,
stock, having been called there by the sud-
den death of his wife's brother.
A. Cosens, B A, Science Master of the
Cook's Cotton moot Compound
Is successfully used monthly by over
10,000Ladies. Safe, effectual. Ladies ask
your druggist for Cook's 'Cotton Root Com-
pound. no ether, as all Mixtures, pills and
imitations are dangerous, Price, No. 1, $1 per
box", 140. 2,10 degrees stronger, $8 per box. No.
1. or 2. mailed on receipt of price and two S -sent
StampsThe Cook Company Windsor, Ont.
► r N. I and 2 so;dana recommended by all
responsible Druggists is Canada. .
No, land .No. 2 for sale by Colin A. Campbell,
P riem -1st
Graduate New York, Philadelphia, and Toronto
Opti:al Colleges.
Call early and avail yourself of hi
valuable services, as this is a rare
opportunity to have your eyes proper-
ly tested, free of charge. No guess
work bift a scientific certainty, Diffia
cult casesaccurately fitted. ALL
6"7d 'Z never essn at private bounce.
Will ngaiu be at
Colin A. Campbell's 'Drug Store
Wednesday, April 26
One day only. Call tally. Examination Free.
The home is sad, the flags are at
half-mast. ' A good man has gone
to his long home. Was he wise
as well as good? That,. q ltestiou
is answered by the amount of his
insurance. if had a policy in
C;d ,order
Osov Qit
for $500, pow, $t5oo or $2oo0
his widow and children or relations
ate tire of that amount, debt -free
and absolute. And the price of
protection is so cheap in this best
of Canadian Societies that ogle
nearer misses the little money that
makes the loved ones safe.
Vqr further particulars, enquire
of ally --of the Officers or Members
of the Order, or address
rC. C. yt., Xngeriotl, Rlgit sett', nratttford`
,.Coad ti]il, stewhrt Buttbu 617, Brlith ERNST GARTONe, S., Ott arattttord,
Brampton IIigh School. was vialting with
his brother, Abner Coons, this week.
Mr Alex Alderson, of Wingham, former.
ly of the freight office here, spent Easter
with friends in the city Onelph herald.
Airs 1'ettman, .of Wierton, is visiting
with her daughter,Mrs.lt J 'Martin, previous
to loping for a visit with friends in Staa
Mogan In Wingbam,. on April Gtb
the wife of Einar Moore ; a daughter,
SuAnwlrr-Qn. Tuesday, April, 4th, at
"Mount View,,, 204 Catharine street
south, Hatuiltou, the wife of F. W.Brad•
win ; a;daughter.
Cor,vrty--In Culross, on March 13th,
the wife of Mr, ft, Colvin ; a son,
Iiowa-In Culrafs, op Maroh 23rd, the
wife of Mr. John Howe ;, a daughter.
ColvxN-In Cuirass, on March '24tb,
the wife of 41r. (leo. Colvin ; a daughter.
IPEa-Buite ss ---At the residence of
e bride's parents, Winehanh, on March
23rd, by Rev. D. Petrie, Mr. Stephen
Piper to Miat Maggie Burgess, both of
JFNii1NR-Salmis---At the residence of
the brides mother, April 3rd, Mr. ;Will
H. Jenkins, of Hamilton, son of Thomas
Jenkins, 13tuevale.road,tn Miss Gertrilayf
Verne Smith, of Grand Rapids, .Mich:
Gxaxy-In Teeswater, on Wednesday,
March 29th. Jessie, beloved dauguter of
Al 's, Alex. Grant, aged 26 years and 6
McCuToaEoN-•In Morris, on Saturday,
arch 15th, John Me uteheon, aged 81
Years and 7 months.
Night calls; at Button Block. or one
door south of J. A, Morton's. Shop
opposite Macdonald block.
A Carload .f
for : e cheap,.
Also Seed Peas -Canadian Beauttes.
W. J. DUFF, B1uevale.
M. E. Zilrbrigg makes the newest
things in the photo line. Just go
and 'see the collection he has in his
Crayon and Water Color, Enlarg-
ing and Copying receives special
attention. A boy wanted to learn
Opposite Presbyterian Church..
bA VI ]R
General Banking Business trans-
acted. Money advanced to farmers and
business men on endorsed notes and
Farmers' Sale Notes Cashed..
Moneys remitted by draft to all parts
of Canada and the Ilnitod States.
Notes and accounts collectedon reas-
onable terms
Having moved to town to the resi-
denee lately occupied by Geo P Wells,
corner Ceptre and Alfred streets, near
the GTD,.I am prepared to pay the
XAA.A# AAAr'TR. } . R • A4
R.- A
in nnnl ►nn i A
The past two seasons use of S. W. P. has con-
,1 , virrced us, along with our customers that Sherwin -
0, Williams Floor Paint is decidedly superior goods.
Tit drys sufficiently hard in one night,
• tap
Waif aif a cent buys enough
cR for Two Coats on ' one
,square foot of surface';
A painted milk can with glassgauge and metal
for 6oc.
✓ A Carload of Cement ,Jost received thiis. week. . v
Ladies,- if you would wish to get .thevery newest Shades,.
Patterns or Materials in Spring Dress. Goods in either-
itherEuropean or American Designs, and at tempting prices;
Come to D. M. Gordon's. You will be°sure to get better sat-
isfaction and better value than others can give you. ° • . '
Ladies' Spring Jackets and Capes
direct from Berlin, Germany, correct in every particular, are
now open for inspection and pricesare reasonable. "
Our -stock of Silks, Embroideries, Laces of all widths,
patterns and qualities, Gloves, Hose, Ribbons, Handkerchief's,
&c., &c., is very complete and attractive.
ents urnishings
and x +1othin
Our stock uf. Imported Fine Worsteds, Serges, Tweeds
and Trimmings of rare quality is the largest and best that'we
have ever shown, which we make up in the very latest style Qf
the tailoring art. '
We believe that we have the largest and best stock of
Reddy -made Clothing in Wingham, and will sell Boys' Suits
from $1,25 up, and Men's heavy well trimmed and well made
Serge Suits at $3.00 and up. . .
Our Shoe Department
is literally jammed with the best and newest Footwear ihdt
money can procure. Prices still low..
Please remember thatno house in the trade can do.better
for you in all lines of pure fresh Groceries.
=Highest' prices paid for good Butter, _ Dried
+Apples. ,\
blithest cash prices for all kinds of Rage, , 1
Rubbers, Copper, Horse Hair, Wool
Pickings, Iron and Metal of all kinds,
delivered at my residence, or if word be
left, I will call for same,
The undersigned is prepared to receive
orders for repairing lounges and
matresses, Lounges re-ooversd, Mat -
remises made over, carpets sewed and
laid. Lowest prices and good work°man-
ship. Orders promptly attended to.
Leave orders at my residence, Centre
street, next to Win. Holmes", or addrees
box 54, Wingham.
Farmers, why pay 5X and 6 per peat,
tutored on your loans when money may
be had at 5 per cent.. Payments made
to suit borrower. Charges low.
Agency Ontario Mutual Life Assnr-
anee COW may,
tSt o81ateFriday afternoon and all day
ABNEU, oc sElvs,
Macdonald Block, Wingham.
Order your
4CIEV.IMPA. 11/1
-11101111 THE- „.
On Monday, 10th inst., we will
Iledroom Suits, Sideboards, Exten
and find that the best wily yo m
will satisfy any one in nee
advantage of this sate.
17 i.in a Clearing' Sale of Parlor 'Stiites
!an Tables, Eta. We have a large stock
e room is to put them aitch prieesAa
o any such articlesthat it will paf(to take
(e a few prices of what we will' sell POE.
Parlor Suite (6 Pienos) wtrrink seat and
edges, valor c,were, worth moo for ..$20.00
Pariin $eabe (4 pes) stuffed noir; silk plush,
horded fronts and backs, 32000 for ., 15.00'
Parlor ggusto, (b pcs),tpbatr 1'luah,netpricei,
08.00 for .. 28,00
Parlor Butte (5 pieces). to Valor Coyers,
550 00 for .. ., 28.00.
Lounges, extra well made, 4e 00 for .. 4.60
Sideboards, a aerate, 1800 bevel Mirror,
37.00 for , ,. . ., 5,00
fred•rootn Sultes, 8 pot, l3edatdad aft. high,
4 ft. 2 wide, double stand and 8 drawer
l3ureau, regular: 0.00 for , $ 7.75
3 xtontion Tables, regular $4.60 for „ ,. $.25
Parlor hookers, Cobbler Seat, Oak or birch,
price $2,26 for . .. 1.50
only, Hall Stand, solid onto le Looks, 39,1:0
1 only, hall Stand, walnut, 12 heels, 18 x24
,stirror, $12 for '1.80
testy, Sall Stand, 10th Century finish, 12
books, 14x2 4 mirror, $10 for 6 E
1 only, flail Stand, nut oak Huish, $6,50 tor 8.
Mattretees 4 x 2, $3,00 for ., .. 1.
Wiake a specialty of doing neat, cleats work in Picture and Wreath
Framing:. We have a niee line of Room 'louldings, in different colors.
A nice line of Baby Carriages just received in prices from $5.5O up.
If you are wanting Bargains now is the time to Colneto
I'i'urnitture and thidertakulg ,iewtare, Wingha'm.