The Wingham Times, 1899-04-07, Page 3- it 0 CUE' T, MES-, APRIL 7, 18 9, Run Down Ii0 Int He wns a good natured itaet:olor Some interesting facts in regard to i of the family, arid, being the Childs the growth of Manitoba were brought. suite at 6.. r,1al uncle. wets lett in charge of the baby out .during the opening,* debate in the! COSI one day while every one eine w:,s. LeOelttture. Tho bank ng business out, and out of .curiosity be blade a of tYinnipel; increased frrent 6 ,000.-' lis« of what the buoy did in one 000 in 1891) to $84,000,000 in 1897, i hear Here it is: axil X90,000,000 in1898, Air, Bui• ' Diamond es uara11w 1 1. Yelled fifteen minute; without lours est mated, than the last amount' tee Success, taking; breath. (The.baetteloi• time- should be,i,nereased by 1`0,(i00,000,' keeper declares solemnly that tads isn bt:eause last year was poor for hag -1 Diamond Dyes are without exception a true statement.) vesting, and the movement of grain ,the grandest home agents for eptio,y 2. Pulled enough hair Mau his did not eowmenee forsoine six weeks'saving, Many a woman with one or two uncles herd and whiskers tc stair a slater than usual. The number of tea -cent paukawes of these dyes has What Daley Pi1 ci ib Growth > a i in, One our, o tanitoba. , lagnificentCl OSEN Ii'l1IENDS. a' far Bew Nothing Like oltory Compoigal FortheNervousSystem. It is the World's Best Spring Medicine. As far as the sick and swfferiug ars concerned, time is tot, proeious in their estimation to waste in reading any loug dissertation on their ,•ondrtion b•rsed ou ..a medical or saieutidu etantipuiut, ' The suffering and tiiseased know well of their perilous and low condttioa of beaitb,, and sad hearte'yearn for release from the chains of death's agents. Each broken dots' ni weak and suffering anan and woman shooktww that the underlying cause of their bunions and .aa losents, apparent in headaohes, sale - aches, backaches, s}eeipter,snass. (Jyspep- sia,neuralgia and rheumatism, is faulty. nutrition .of the entire cervous system. 'Ilse blood is pale, wats ry and hamper - .ed ie its life sostaioing work by humors ,and impurities. The nerves ,.annot :ttssimilateproper n,urishineut, nu matter chow much out is taken into Lhe system, When your enutlition is snub as we Srays described, I'at nets Uelery Compound is your sure deliverer and rescuer. It ealuickly arouses a hearty appetite, regu- lates the bowiesmad brings about a. tpgrtnal action of toe liver. At this season, Paine's Celery Com- pound frees the a)stein clot nnl''y of a)'•eu:mat'rstn, eczema, salt rheuw and other blood troubles, but also uF neural- gia, ,nem:ous beadeelies, dyspepsia and kidney d,iaease• Let the ,ad, eat of spring he to you a time of cleansing, tuning and repairing of your entire a,etean. Paane's Celery Cotupo.uud will do this blessed work in a way tht,itoo other wedicine can do. It is the only ,presertpt:on that your. drug- gist .or rw.edical adviser uan honestly recommend. No other remedy Mtn take the plate ,of Piunt+'s Celery Com- pound for yes cwa.. The use of one bottle will bring cioleic co eviction to the greatest •dou btomi. . Gleaning,,. There are 169 Seoteh mountains /Which have the prefix "Ben.» Algeria is the only country in the World where the horses outnutnoer isle Inman .beings. , A coat of arms adopted for Deer Island. the site of I3oston's'reformatory, las a deer's head above the motto "Strong, Yet Mild." Glasgow numbers among its pop- ulation a man who is making a marl• useript copy, of the Bible. He ex peers to finish it in two years. A London music hall is exhibiting N •man who measures 7 feet 11 inches. He is ail Egyptian. He is a young iman and may grow highor yet. He drinks -a bpttle of whisky daily. The aboriginal papulation of .Australia is d3'ing out so rapidly that It has/'been proposed to establish re- servations whe•e the remnants can kletructed in a riculturat labor and cared tbs. • sofa pillow. homesteads taken. in 1897, the first` dyed her old dress a beautiful and 3. Further t* decorated the :vall',of many years in which an appreci E peose OCbae colo , so as to olasei the ea paper as high U cuuld teach with !able increase was noted in the, be spade over Yor the little ones, and by the poker. . . '1 amount of itnrnigration, was 1,14.1, dye it with Diamond Dyes no one 4. Broke a glass vase by sitting Out of this number 519, nearlyfifty would recugulze that the dresses and i down on it. per cent. were from the Dauphin! goads were not oew, Din rnnnd Dyes are 5. Swallowed six buttons and a district in the northwestern part of a guarantee of perfect work and satisfac. ttoe when the simple directions are good part of a, skein of'thread. the Province In 1898 the number followed. 6. Emptied the contents of his 'was -2,013, and 740 homestead en- Insist upon getting Diamond Dyes mother's workbasket into the fire- tries were made in the Dauphin dis• every time you buy, as inferior and oda aerated dyes are sold by some dealers.. ! puce. tris t alone, 7. Tried to squeeze the head of :dr, Young pointed out the rapid •mhe poulterer, the eat into a cup and was scratehed growth In ag;ricutture in the last ten baldly its the attempt, years. The a ereage of wheat has Small flocks well cared for will I 8. Knocked the head off a fine " increased' from 623,245 to 1,488,232, give the beat results, wax doll belonging to bis elder sister of oats from 218,744 to 514,824, of The roosts shoald be low, especial in trying to .drive a tacksinto a toy barley from 80,238 to 158,058; the ly for large, heavy fowls. wagon with h 9. Fell olf'tbe edge n the sofa and 101,836, and of cattle from 148,209 water and good pasturage, brought down whit Dian two costly to 227,097, The mileage of railways Young ducks will have cramps if vases, which were ruined, has increased from 1,399 to 1,764, of exposed to' wet weather 10, Brake wo panes of window which 188 were built in 1898. On Crowding the chickens too°closely i glass with a cane whit;h uncle let farm .buildings there was an expendi- into small quarters often causes them 1 him have. tune of $675,513 in 1896, if $735; to have crooked backs. 11. Feil int°. the coal scuttle and 310 in 1897, and of $1,469,740 in A good feed for fowls is barleyi, spoiled his new white dress. 1898. School accommodation has meal mixed with an equal.part of 12, (trawled under the sofa and been very rapidly increased, and the cornmeal scalded and fed warm. refused to come out unless uncle expenditure last year was •$200,000 No matter how the eggs are set M. would hive'him the jam pot, as against $60,000 in 1897. We they should be . carefully tested on i 14: Got twitted amongst the legs shall have to work to 'keep ahead of the sixth or seventh day after being of a chair,which had to be broken our younger brother, set. tai get him out. No single food contains all the nun ber of horses from 45,746 to Geese thrive better with plenty of Rlsw. H. A, AX,LAN, ELM= GRAN COUNCIX,I,,OR -»k RATERNAL• GREET=fr Toronto, March 110,—The Chosen Friends continued in session yestcr• day A deputation from the A. 0. , th 17. W., consisting of Geo, P. 'Graham, G. M., and M. D. Carder, grand re I their corder, was received, and they earn- i sy ed fraternal greetings from than body. A deputation was received with a hearty weleornef'roln the Bons; of Seotland, consisting of Grand Chief Fraser and 11lajor Robertson. In the evening W. J. T. Lee, provincial chief ranger of the Catholic high h Order of Foresters, conveyed fratern- al greetings from that order and was given a cordial reception. The officers` elected were: Past grand eouncillor,T. G. Davis, London; grand couneillor, •Rev, E. A. Allen, Murray; grand vice couneillor, W. J. 1'teCamoir, Belleville; grand recorder, W. F. Montague, Hamilton (re elect. ed); grand treasurer, S. Broadfoot, Guelph (reelected);. grand. medleal examiner, A. Wolverton, M. D. Hamilton (re elected);; grand prelate, Rev. J. McLeod, Yankleek Hill; grand Marshall, D. Rogers, Ganan- oque;. grand warder, ThomasDurale, St. Thomas; grand guard,O. Walker, Ailsa Craig; sentry, J A. Cummins, Alvinston. ' Representatives on executive com- mittee—W. ti'. Miller, of Hamilton, A. Morris, of -Pembroke, and Joseph. Wilson, of Kingston. Three year trustee—Wm. Smith, P. P., Columbus. The' sam of $6,000 was set apart for organization work, and the up - building of weak councils. Toronto was selected for the next 15. Poured a jug of milk into his NO SUFFERING IN CAMP necessary elements ir. proper pro- 'place of meeting. From Dread Catarrh—Dr. Agnew's portions for'egg ' producing ; variety 16. Finaily, when he saw his is needed. Catarrhal Powder Kills the. Dis- mother coining, he ran to the door ease Germs and Cures the Distress- Lack of grit, m eans improper and tumbled oft the 'steps, making - ed Parts—Relieves in Ten Minutes. digestion, while filth means lack of mother's .f=lippers. his nose bteed- and tearing a hole a Alf. Leblanc, of St. Jerome, Quebec, health. Supply plenty of grit and Pout square in his dress. says he used Dr. Agnew's Catarrhal keep tee quarters clean,. And still the youngster's uncle Powder for an acute case of catarrh in From now on every advantage thinks thtt boy will .make. something the head and it cured Lim. He has 125 'should be taken to give the fowls as men working under him' in the.lumber- y et. ing camps, and what it has pone for him free a range its possible. They will f �, • it has done for many of them. Be boys keep healthier. I , PLUN x?1D TO EELS D�,ATJ3.. it for camp use and pins hrs faith to it as Cleanliness and good feeding and lnsidi' usDiset a Lurks Everywhere. the quickest reliever for colds in the comfortable dry quarters are the A bright young man in Gray Cnunty, head, and surest cure for catarrh'. Sold essentials to success in the poultry Ont., tboeghtlesely plongad.into the lake by A. Hamilton. at a summer resort when the blood -was above the normal hea . The shook " Fakirs Again. stopped the kidneys work., Poisons which should have been carried orf aere Another fakir has been making circulated through the system. Dropsy the rounds of'the country. This one aasytbe result, and one bright aictumn is'a pretty slick tea agent, who has the mourning badge was onthe* door, tied a promising young• life was snu tied a smooth tongue and a very taking out. Be trusted, himself to skilled phy- appearance. A well known farmer sluiane, but they failed to do what South south of the town was "done up" by American Kidney Cure would have done. him a short time ago. Tho :agent It chars, _.eats iiud puts and. keeps the kidneys in perfect action. A speuitio for called on him with a, fine line of all kidneys ailments. Sold by, A. L. sample teas and after praising their Hamilton. ' • quality and considering the price, A to ,a1 option' the ttitinici the large quantity given,. and that only through, him, could such won- • pality t f Durfertie Man ; was defeat , A Health Promoter: ed by nine votes.., derful bargains be secured, After this sort of talk he secured Mr. Far Dr..t..ow's We' met syrup:. is recog- ;men's esteemed order" for a chest nized by Muthere as . the best remedy of his wonderful tea. they can. give'their` Children.' It is ZYI due time sample, safe and etfectual. Price 25e. the tea came to hand and appeared to be a drat class article, but; after the first inch: or so from. the top, the tea proved unfit for use. The farmer paid a good price for wothless article and now his, friends who would have nothing to do with this slick agent are laughing at his i11 luck. Nobody should• feel sorry for a 'farmer who who will deal' with these 'irrespon- sible people at all. Ridgetown has a• great many first-class stores in which any quantity of first class tea can be had at a fa ir price, and if it is not as represented you have the , Merchant to fall back en. Baying, from these agents is a very poor plan and you are sure to be duped nearly every time you try it. It is also hurting; the farmer by not dealing with the ,Ridgetown. merchants, for eve)•y dollar he sends away injures the prosperity of the town, for if this thriving corporation takes a backward step se also does the value g, .Burning, Creeping, Crawling Skin Diseases relieved in a fete minutes by Agnew's Ointment. Dr. Agnew's Ointment ralievee, instantly and cures. 'Patter, Salt Rheum, Scald Head, Ecze- ma, Ulcers, Blotches, and all. Eruptions of the Skin. Itis soothing and quieting and acts like magic in all Baby Humors, Irritation of the Scalp or Rashes during teething time, 35 cents.. Sold by A. L. Hamilton. Munieipal Printing Abuses, business. --St, Louis -Republic. For Over Fifty Years. An Old and Well -Tried Remedy—Mrs 1 Winslu'.v's Soothing Syrup has been used for over'ifty years by millions of mothers for their children while teeth• ing, with perfect success, It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, aures wind cult°, add is the best remedy for diarrhoea. It is pleasant to the taste. Solcl by druggists in every part of the world. Twenty-five cents a bottle. Its value ie invaluable. Be sure you ask for Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup, and take no other kind. t Y d� as y4r 1,F a./,tp;T .. Rhea atiG rture South Awnerican Rheas- • Matic Cure Cures In 1 to a. Days. Solomon Woodworth, of Hope- well Hill, N.B., is rescued from a deplorably helpless condition, induced by the agonies of rheumatism. Mr. Woodworth had contracted rhaunta- tisna of the severest form and in a very short time was incapacitated for Work—for weeks be could get no rest —suffered the most violent pains in his arms and shoulders—grew worse and felt he could not live, so terrible were his sufferings—bis arms became per-, featly helpless. He began tatting South American Rheumatic Cure -- after the secpnd dose he .experienced great relief and at the end of three hours every vestige of the pain was gone --the use of his band and arm returned gradually and he feels alto- gether like a new man and to -day re- joices in a cure which he proclaims almost a miracle. South American Rheumatic Cure cures in z to 3 days every form of rheumatism and neo- ' ralgia, no not suffer longer—it will relieve in sk hours, • South American tfervine soothes the nerves and euresall forms of tier- vousncss, 130013, Aideriean kidney titre cures only kidney diseases—relieves it x few gouts, SOLD BY A.1,. 'F.CAMILTON', WII.V'C EtAM. There is net enough thought given to one of the most important items that concerns our: happiness and health. This is the light we read' by, which effects our eyes, and there is nothing that could befall us that would sadden us more than the loss of oar eyesight. , The lamp -s we read by should be a housekeeper's especial care ; as her household expect her to protect and' lookout fur the health and comfort of the family. I beats d an occulist say, that fewer children would have to wear glasses and have their eyes treated if more attention were paid to the lights they studdied and read by. They so often strain the eye trying to read by an indifferent flickering tight. There is nothing more unhealthful' than to sit night 'after night by a foul smelling, indifferent coal oil lamp. It is the scrupulous eleanlia npss of everyday cleaning that makes the lamp give a clear, bril. Dant light, Never use any but the of your farms decrease; it is well to best of heatdli„ ht oil, and this. way of cleaning, day :after day, secures you remember that the prosperity of a healthful light. free from odors Ridgetown will add dollars to tl'e and flickering Try it once and you value of your feriae. Ridgetown will be aastontshed to see the difl'er- Standard, once. That useful and widely read peri- odical,,the Municipal World of St. Thorne's, offers these remarks upon an abuse that is keenly felt by print- ing establishments generally, espe- cially those connected with the bet- ter class of newspapers. The Can- adian Press association were of the opinion that it is not desirable to tender for municipal printing, owing to the starvation rates at which the smaller offices do the work. The members of the couneils are indebted to the local press for publication of minutes and recognition in other ways and in return the printing should he divided on an equitable basis The printing committee of the County Council of Wentworth asked for new tenders as an irresponsible rate cutter had put in a ridiculous low rate. The best plan is to instruct the clerk to divide the printing equitably between offices specified by resolution and insist on good work at reasonable prices, Just Like Smoke. WES' Council met went on jthireh 2 alt present; Reeve in Utes at last meeting' proved, The Treasurer showed balance on hand o Filed. R. Brown presented a l;, asking to have roadwav bets, lots 18 and 19, eon. 5 and 6, put better condition, W. II. Wilson pre= seated a petititn asking to have roadway opened between lots 18 and. 19, eon. 3 and 4, The board agreed to examine roadways mentioned in each petition. A bylaw for Man- ehester drain was axialiy passed. Mrs, Still and figs, Altai were exempt from statute labor for the present year. The following cheeks were issued a --W..111. Wilson, gravel and lumber, $8.93 ; Wm. Milligan, gravel, $1.44; Dungannon public, library grant, $10.00. The follow; ing pathmasters were appointed. —R, Kirk, J. H. Penstaud, Wm. Watson, R, Jones, J, . Wil- lard, J. Mole, S. Clark, J. A. Mals lough, J. Bailey, D. Smylie, J. Welsh, rr. Routledge, Wm. McIntyre, J. Mills, J. Washington Thos. Nichol- son, Win. M.il;igan, J. Johnston, U.S. Wilson, M. Young, P. McAnn, Thos. Young, W. Andrews, J. Clifton, D. Leddy, F.I. Taylor, M. Bear, George Woods, J. Bowers, R. Durnin, Wm. Campbell, Wm. Wilson, Jas. 'Agar, R. McAllister, M. Leddy; J. Leddy, J. Robinson, J, Chamney, .Thos. Woods, S, Cook, . 0. Durnin, • Wm. Cameron, J. Purden, Wm. Kenning= ham, P. Welsh, J. Forehan, Wm, Brophy, Jos. Edwards, D. Ruther- ford, A. Harper, E. Morton, A. Durnin, Thos. Saunders, W.3, Todd, D. Ferrier, R. Lockhart, Vt . Well- wood, E. Haines, J. Bowles, C. Gay nor, W. 0. Loughlin, Thos. Miller, Jos. Gaunt,. J. Barber, J. Atchieson, E, Jarvis, Thos. Lott, A. Emerson, Wm. Callaghan, Jos. Lyons, 1. Jury, R. McQuillin, K. Cameron, E. A. McQuillin, H. Patterson, D. Archer, R. Thompson, H. horn, P. Clark, Win, Thompson, R.'Mallougha Council adjourned to meet on Monday, May' 29th, as Court of Re- vision and for general business. W. S. Mo0nosraa, Clerk. A cough id like smoke. Smoke indi- cates that there is fire somewhere. A cough indicates that there is a serious disease hidden away in the breathing. organs. Put out the fire with water and the smoke will disappear. Pat out 1 throat and ]ling diseases with Shiloh's 1 Consumption Cure andyour cough will disappear. 25 ets., 50 ots. and 8100 a bottle. (uaranteed to do everything claimed for it. A CARD. We, the Undersigned, do hereby agree 1 to refund the money on a twenty -live cent bottle of Dr. Wills' English Pilis,� if, atter using three fourths+ of contentsi ,f bottle, they do not relieve Constipa• I tion rand headache, We also warrant that four }crottles will permanently cure! Alae most obstinate cases ofConstipation.l ;,at.tsfactiou or nn pay when Wills' fish ['ills are used: A, A. Morrow, Chemist and Druggist, '4't'ing#ham, Ont, Constipation, Headache, Biliousness, Heartburn, Indigestion, Dizziness, Tndieate that your liver is out of order. The best medicine to rouse the liver and euro alt these ins, is found in Toronto Firemen Testify. M. McCartney, Lombard Street Fire Hall, Toronto, dated March 4th, 1897, states:—"Ain subject to .very painful; conditions of costiveness and other trou- bles resulting therefrom, but I am glad to say that' have found aperfect remedy in Dr, Chase's Kidney -Liver Palls. 1 trust this may be of b'enetit to others." 1 Tb.e United States postal depart ment proposes to use reindeer to - carry the mails to Alaska. 1 It is better to preserve health than to euro disease Therefore, keep your blood I pure with Hood's Sarsaparilla and b'e- i always well. Rey, Geo. Chittenden, an aged Baptist minister, died at Brantford on Tuesday. 1 Children Cry for ASTOR IA. In disposing of his $2,000,.000 - es. tate, deceasd ICh cago, lefteitor � $1,000eachto several old Tribune employees. The 'family 1 !get the bulk, fi Colin A. Campbell, Ohemist and Drugs gtsti, � inehem. tint, 1 flood's Pills' A, L. ilalmilton, Chemist and Drug- , giss, Wingbam, Ont 1,25 cents. Sold b5 ail medloitie dealers. i A CARRD& 1 Mr, Ed. Ilaintainan, nos Monies Ave„ irohokOS, i . J., advises alt mon who gra weak andwho desks a rpeedy and perfect cure to write to 1 Dr, Gustav H. Bobertz, "62 Woodward Ave., Detroit, Micb. TO RETAIL GROCERS To meet a popular demand, we are now putting up our Split Peas, Pot • Barley, Wheatlets and Wheat Farina in strong Jute' Packages of lbs. They are neatly print- ed and besides their attractiveness for your store, you will find them most convenient. In thus helping you (and meeting your Ideas) we believe that we shall help our- selves. Yours -- for more business and lots of it, The Zillion 'Co; y Limited, 'e:leeal,:arg, nat. 1