HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1899-03-31, Page 7:rs F,go, 'ME WINOHA111 `..' ..M. aS, MARCH 81 1899. , n, " +M^.s.10 n n ^ n ^ ^ n n q n R 9 N es i? .4� a.4aXss.'�!'Xo%774%0K470-'g a:'�[oc '^0470- g400* c [a(. a°`,X.")+9 I,4 K.r �''M n� s A„ 'p �k ,r*".w!N rel 'y` �Iw ",+_ rt+• _u• "4_ •'a'" 4 O Woman Woman` ; P.GAINS tdogo * * * * * * * 13Y MRS, MARY E. HOLMES- Author of °A Woman's Love/' "The Wife's. Secret,"`tA heartless .Woman,"' artier Fatal Sin," "A Wife's Peril," �a °° A Desperate' Woman," oft ;. -6". -.0 ace w U kk.i G �?/ �, q�„/�-O *0$<:0✓�O�G/ e ., Y esgi est ��e•G�r„y�•�� � � d� ���•1 �"%1'!�a`Ry�/"� '+a' \ ' n R �aG�`t P stratgtl':, s want to eee� ryes •be�to�re I c�o lodged asp Lady Duereil's' guest, With sullen sorrow Myra: went about . stint 'abroad with ,the dialuotlil" Is that safe?" (lementlect :Myra sud- denly, pointing to the glittering Ting on the dirty hand of the old woman, Diane Burden looked up angrily, brut -Count Jura simply shrugged iils should- ers, "It's all right hero, it pleases Iter to wear it; there is no one to see it;, when she goes from here it will bo different, But Myth. is wise; be careful, Dame • Burden—be career "Tt"s1ot me you need Warn," muttered the old woman angrily, glaring- at her (laughter. • "I am to be trusted." "Of eoursci," rejoined the count, "Now, Myrna it is tinge to start; remember. all you have to (1o. Yon -are always safe, my girl always safe." "George," ¥yi'a turned, "do not go away to -day.'; The count frowned, then his face I.cleated. "To -day. Wily, Myra, how weld 1 ; g,r, with the Grange plant on tomorrow 1 night—you are forgetting that-" 1 Yea, I 1 otgot that Good-bye, i George." "Good-bye, Myre; tete case of your- self, and be careful." e. Myra left the vault, went along the passage, and' re -ached -the- fragment of steps that led to the opening through ' which the robbers effected their en- trance end exit. - • She pushed the • qualms of fear and Pala, from .her; work had to he done -- week from which emany a nein would have shrunk, eutiiiling as it clid, so mach anxiety, ease and frend of discovery. i In Myra's savage, hottest breast dwelt t;o knowledge that the •errand on which she was bound was-tisin; she 'only re- membered IN' lay before her to do- her trust to her eoinThmions, her loyalty to them all -nod for a time her wound - lea love Was btinisiied. ('onnt Turd peered after ,the girl's re- , treating _ figure till it clisappearec1. "She's gone, thank Heaven!" he ex- elnimed iu accents of relief.. "Myra is beer Alice. There was ti lesser on t;ie ,,ie eeianiglrg eenu'isaiater;, Dense Burden; you rarest keep her in cheek, or leek out for ' another berth." "hos only a bit • foolish, George. , quickly answered the old woman. I'll her work. George went off to Italy witdtou,t n Word, and despair and grief haat eaten her heart nearly away when the barn4ng Ere of Please was added to her burden., uud trulisforlued her at ewe auto a. wo- naou full of mares and thoughts, or veng- eance. Alice's fair loveliness was a sight that brought the flush of agony to thea- dark cheeks; the knowledge that George low' ed her was it very ;sword thrustinto her bleeding heart, and filled her eyes •with unshed tears. ' ! "I -Ie means to take her with flim!" she thought bitterly, as ;the lay er'ou•whed on the rug. "\V.11at right ties site to wine • and push hint from me? 1 -Ie did love we once, but Tier fair beauty blinds hila to me. What if I"—she started, half-rttis- ed herself on her urns—"what if 1 sepat'- ate them forever? She sleeps ---a blow • with this," touching it dagger that hung • on the wall, "and all would be -ended" • She stretched out her hand, then let it drop heavily with ;i slaudcler, "No, no, site begged for pity; she hates and fears hiltie I P1'011111;0 I would help her, 'but oh, my heart is broken! Why does heaven let such. suffering coxae? It is too mueli—too Lau e2h !" ! .She burst into a heavy fit of tears, then buried •her face in the enshiosis,aud ; worn out with excitement and fatigue, sobbed 'herself to sleep at last, • She was awakened early by her . mother. The faint teething light stream- : ed in 'through it slit in the wall, but the old woman held a caudle. - !t, "I3e sharp, put on your thick coat and 'at. George is wafting for you.". 1 µc Myra staggered to her feet; she pas- sed Iter hands oven eyes swollen etrom the bitter tears she had shed. "Ali richt-•-1 will eotue," she ma- stered. "Whet is the tinge?" -; "Six and after. Sam is going to drive .a e!'ou—tool: 'sheep." 1 Dame Burden turned away and •h(n+t i ally -white fallen, the lips were brown tort' parched. ' 1 "She's in a high fever,"'`mutteeetl the old woman, 1 Myra 1i-olto from her dream.. She . speak to her. and tell her you ain't etende up. to the confit, and a thrill Of plensed with .her.. Lee', she ain't a bit joy swept through iter.lila m�e—she takes 'after her father," a "He can't take her away to (11'3.--#• "Well,. 1 can't be worried with her ..1•wtrouidr.1 ill • her to be mowed," 1t 7K ':t!n. . foolishu�s," returned the Millet, "'and lipid` thought. that bashed through hes` that's nn enol of it. She's iltuidsoiiie., tbrain• nnd wcnld please many a mon—in feet, f She 'turned,- and pouring some wetter " ?iloses wants 'to marry. her. I expect Ituto a great basin, plunged her fates 1n: he'll say ns much to her.11hen.ho sees to it. then, when -tines relvertind, she her. I have given .f tam a letter to ;rive divested• hes self of her weird l,'u'nents, her just .when she starts—it is to Mone, donned a Mel: ulster, and :ut etevyclaly •teflon, him to keep her in town ti'.I the kind of hat, and with her hair tucked !` any after to=morrow." ' safely aiveye looked a quiet demure girl • '"Birt .can rte do it?"' nsked Dame Bee - 'With splendid flashing; eyes.' den eagerly; "yen know what Myra is." Dame Burlcn was busy spreading a t " "I think he'll succeed.. Now go and beard • with some rend as her deuebtar,loot. after her," nodding her head to peeing tenderly, drawn the coverlet care I 0 ui1. the inner chamber; "I am going, fully over the sleeping form, and placed .to have breakfast, ttntl—he e, peth,2ps a cull of water •71ear,'entered the order I. you'd better hand me back that ring— . i it mny be safer?" "'there, eat tithe eiyra, and., be *dolt a "V he'f4 to see it here,. George?" the ;about it," she ex i t'nttl•. old women exclainhed. "Don't t;lke' it "'3l'lhete is George?"asked tixi girl, l.trrrm mei I've worked hartl and well lignoaing the .co•nnuand; "what ere' my ; for you, end I don't ask, much pay - orders?" ' I meet; these ding' old vaults can't split ' "Ile is putting the plate into. the seek: i an tis." . 'Sam is ,tong to drive you to Nestle ; •`Ali right," said the connt; "you'll be •117ewi1 He'll pet you rote the train for leaving the dingy t 011115 in two or three Dondon. Bill will meet yon nt the. , days.. arid then you can sport your tin,, a>thcr end with the .rant. Cow( in:l, 1 to your 'friends •tt—y01 know 011014." -eat scene food, me you'll faint before tithe' • "Ales right -glnd 1 spell be," grumbled %clay's ort:". { Dante Burden. n, busying herself with 11..s a Myra tool; the cliff of coffee, clrntilc a 1 blrtkfust; "these ruins . ain't to my little, and ate a few mouthful's of b'et.(l: honey; I've a horror we shall be trapped 'Slhe 1001ced1,, pair and 4ti 10 l3• resolute. ; in.0 enl like rats,. one of these days!„ I Motltex " she sniff. sprat:leg t "Don't lie' n: feat' exela!med the men,. in a low tyke. "look to hen she i4 ill— 1 angrily, turnieg-n shede paler. "These fieri' 511. • Keen her bete till I comet ruins, ns yott icnoti', are supposed to be :!tack, If—if (leot•gc offers to get 'her i haunted; none ,of the -villagers welled er'way. don't eel! htm, Do yon hear? 13 (tome' near tet serve thir lives, and as to Mall be li1el: by nighttnll. Keep her !.tie •big folk, tlhere 5s nothing ,to titin 'here; promise' lite." ' them 'except now anxl brei» on a very 1, "1 promise," answered the old women n rare oemision—tInere's ,n0 one to invite eat .once, "Whene Would George tike them, Demo Barden; 3017 forget we are :idea' to? Deat't fill vent heed With fiend' not hospitable." 0115 110110en410, Myra; she`s here to plraee ' The old Woman laughed. some spite: he has nothing else--" I `"lisast ed. «lite dogs ow11 tlleiit, George 1" "Sheet 'hoar hcxvtusc he 1ovev het," the i .shr • girl said btttetlei "do enit think I ant I "X did hear, tett I've forgotten—,mane 11iud? Ire Bever Welted at me as he , old mon...aim is traveling abroad; we've looked at her. -,At moments .I feel as of l nothieg to ddo with ]rim, and ht' isn't x could Liil her, and thee—then 1 nente ns 1 likely to come he1'e, a8' he hates the bee site plencletl • to ate,` atul I Tutt h*•r, 1 whole eonntry end the very name of the Moltht!r, 7.071 SWear to keep litre heee?" 1 rules, Now tem to. herr . she lit!ly he "7!•ra--ryes, 1 swear!" Dante Pettrtionmeeker take her some of those Awls.'rerliied 4httrriedly. 1 Red took after her ,,;well. You -ender- Myra Waimea at her: her heart leas stand?" nitd (Jonnt ;Tula turned away. 11 Stull of nttisgifitlgs, Dante Iltr'clen nea'r'ed her head and "Am I her child?" she 081cer1 llentself; shuilied towards the inner moat where ycrslle will etvenr one 711001ent and Welk Alice lay, glnnoing etre': end anal et her ' , eget ward the nest, Weil. I enr>, but dirty IutatcT, with its glittering jewet elfin - frust she twill be too ill, I Must mire ing 511 the gloom like n grorious star. het." . 1 Alice moved re8tlertsly es she stetel : tele turned at the thought stud n slight neat' her. The olid woman mOistene(1' lute :lush h onnted 1 m try lei tare. lips with Wn#ar itiltT 81i1oethed T)atcic elle _, ,. COttnt Tura had just pa nett through , masses or hair From the fleshed*tee; the cnrtrtins'. ! them, not t'tnrierstrtnding• tyle • indistinct "Aeh, lllyrit, yen Are rentiel Yeti ere rt, tninnnurlags that roll front the Ars ifs*, -Irenatiret Here 18 the 10y of the thouso, the ant clown beelde he newly 'l1 nn+l the c) < "lBiil will be at the st'ittinn, I'h01fy the Watched' her diamond' wftl1 re greedT3' 1oo1?? 'taatok, cart'fully lock nil it -3 )71 !MOW On 'herr sinister fade. twhete. Go to 111o8es. • tell him all is ' b'OOOI this she felt into a are, then '*trey for his '1lrailer, Sliest eolith 'Melt into a eouei ,slun2T0l, ''l9ieli lasted tbs. n20113' minutes, 0101e Alice 11)08011 4134 10401 004 10 '60 lult•iting delirium that had seized her for the titre. She had no kuowleclge of )where she was, she lied no (10171'aess of reeellee- tion; her brain was o'eupied with strange and horvil)le fames, that reek- ed her mind testa tilled her with a Geese of vagno feta unfathomable terror. Count aura Was too much oceepitel et .first to Notice the silence; he was talk- ing 'thickly and earnestly to Paul itoss, The latter was pale and gloomy. "1 diel not think you a coward, Paul," the count said with a sneer, after Helve., to the other speulcing for a tithe, "Nor ant 1," answered Paul with en ugly look peeing. over his face, "I ata Careful—that is all." " Caret 7l!". "Yes, Cleerge',-sonletking s1'1uns me we oeght t'r cry oft' this Orange affair, Yoe dou't know Geoffrey Armistead --•I do, 11)' is a eat that smells out the euiee z:•ilen least expected: .' dread him; be - setae, 'what have we -to get from there? A17nistead's /mile is not Darrell Otiste, remember, 1;'c 11m•p enough plate to stock a ship." "11't' c'an't have too morale," wheeled the doant! "Sly mind is 111a.(10 ftp, Paul; we 'have everything arranged. I shall go on." "Ten go yourself!" exclaimed Pail Ross roughly, "for I will Dot be in it!" "1 thiuk you will, Paul." Count Titre rose and pet his land on the other's shoulder, .while a cold g!ittecr came into his oyes. P;tul shifted the hand -from his shoulder. "I will not," :he answered sullenly. 'Then I Shall laaform Dan L')wly \when 7 gO ftp to town that the man the is seeking, the mail who rained and nlurdre:ea his Wife, is cone other than "Hash—for Goal's sake, hush! I will go, curee yon! May yott never be in Such a push yourself! Let the plant go os•, anal ]f the worst .dogs come, Meter George, I give you fair warning, you shall stood ie the dock with me—I swear it!" The count simply - - shrugged his shoulders. "Don't let your secret carry away all your wisdom, mon ami," he said_with a smile, •as he lit t1 cigar; "the Plaut will not Saila And even, if- it (toes," - bA thought hurriedly, "I shall be near at hand." •. "Now for the di•amondti, hse'nwed Peel after a long pause; "t.lhat 18 to become of them?" - "They tti•e melee," Count Tura return- ed quietly; "1 thought that was settled. lost night. The 'plate, or the greater' part of it, is yours. Myra has gone with it to Moses elhe;Ldy; be1:ore uighthl eZ,-, peel it 1i ill be melted down." "And the oilier treasure?" asked Paul. with a sneer; "]s she yours too?" "She is," - answered the count with knit brows;. "prey, have yon any objee- tions ori that point?" Paul I1ade no reply, but rose to his feet. • "Do yon conte with us to -night? he asked sullenly. "Of coarse," returned the other care- lessly; then as Patti slew -heti out be- tween the curtains, he glanced after him with 11 black' frown. "To -night!" he . muttered; "to -night 77111.8711' tis separated for good and all, my friend. I'm* growing sick of your sulky ways; I leave- you all. It 'seems like -a dream of ' bliss, the vision of tt sonny land—after, all these .gloomy vaults. stmshine, flowers and love!" Le threw away the edger he tvas-s:nok- in„ : ah flush was on -.his thee. "She has wound herself round my heart like strings of iron, yet with a golden tout. I Bever thought the WO - 111611 lived that could move me su. She sense nee now. but mire ahoy, alone, in my power, end all will go well. We shun then reign in a heaves of love aa�d heppinees." 1Io moved towards the inner room and whistled softly. Demo Borden' awoke with a start. "Get everything reedy, put me lag- gaage together," be said swiftly; "we start to -night." • .- The old wonlnn rubbed her eyes. Myra's Commode came back to her. "She is not able to glove, George." she whispered; "Owls in a fever." The count's thee grew (lark. Carse it! We must go—delay ds datagct'ous; but how is it to be nl72r1ag- ed? Ira tihrnight to himself for a few mo- ments, then said: "She is only temporally ill from the effects et the rltlnraforin; it will not hurt her to be.nioved." "But will she go?" asked Dame Bin - den (•nllni1gly. "I have a plata. 1'Listen, Pie spoke a few Words to her •in a quick, low voice, then with a gesture of, minuend left ]ler. . • DR. WQQD'S NORWAY PINE SYRUP* �' A positive euro for all Throat, Lung 1 and Bronchial diseases, Healing and soothing in its action. Pleasant to take, prompt and effoe- tual in its results, Mr. Chas, Johnson, Bear River, N.S., writes ; '1 I was troubled with hoarseness and sore throat, which the doter pro- nouneed Bronchitis andreeommended me to try Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup. I did so, and after using three bottles' was entirely' eured." Take a taxa -Liver Pi11 before retir- ing. 'Twill work while you sleep with- out a gripe of pain, curing biliousness, constipation, sick headaohe and dyspep and x you feel lie toe• 'n the s naer itbet tet morning. Frick 260. c1iAFTS:It XIV. The aftetntoon was growing dusk When Lady .dice 1147107 to eortsenonsnets. Sha 11148 weak neat trembling; her hands were burning, her throat patch- ed. She sites the, ettp which Myra had placed' beside her. and grasping it, dwelt l'-., ll3. l; eat;,of the water. Thee the lny deem, and let her eases Wandertooth'. ' Again her fens Megan to groty. She pee1•ed info the gloom end tittered at faint shriek es the curtain '41478 lilted Old 1111.1116' ffnrden appeared. "Alt. you've waked 1111, 'tlenrie," said the ol'd Woman soothingly' "That's right." "Where 0111 I?" gasped Alice, clasp. 111g hes' hands together. "What place i8 this? What has happened to me?" Deaths at tllneal.dine. • Kincardine, Out,, /vial ch old and muchrespected resident of Rincardine died. yesterday in the person of Lieut.•Col, Ohl istopher Robert Baker, aged 81 years. .De. ceased was born nt Teterboro, Eng- land, in 1814, and came to Canada about 50 years ago, He was for years diyision court clerk and j .stice of the peace here. He was lung_ identified with the 'ThirtvSecond (Bruce) Bette/ion •as an offcer,'and on his retirement was appointed lieutenant colonel ,of the reserve militia of South Bruce, which office he has since held. Dr. Hopkins, for 24 years a rest. dent of Kincardine, died here Tues. day night at the age of 83 years. liewas a native of Ireland, and came to Canada in 1837. He lived at Montreal, Brockville, Toronto, London and Dunnville, before cool- ing to Kincardine. lie did service in the Dunnville Field Battery dor ing the Fent.n raid, Dr. Hopkins witS twice married. ills family con- i$ist.-s:of Robert, .of Cl1 i.eare ;'•Ninithlas. 'a medical practitioner in Dunnville; Mrs. Mi:,hner, of Dalnnville; Mrs. 'Crayston and Mrs. Mattinson, Lon- -don, and Miss Fanny Ilt+i•kin, Iiir:• cardine, TOC WEAK TO 1 „SEW OR 41 • An Ottawa Lady Relates Her 1 Experience for Benefit , No CENSORS13LP. In Giving the News of the Great °tires effected by South American Nervine -It ,Etas Saved an Army of 'Sufferers From the Pangs of In- digestion and Nerve 'Troubles. • L. M. Holn,es. or Parrsb, rt; N. S., was taken severely ill abort a year ago with nervousness and inUtgesttoo, and for some tirne was completely 'prostrated. He consulted best doctors, but, they fail- .• edto help him. A. newspaper sdvestise- ment brought South American Nervine to hie notice. Ile tried :t with the result that he was greatly benotitted from the first bottle, andancr six bottles completely oured.hin, and he would be pleased to give all.deteils of bis eerie to guy person asking hiatal Sold by h.L. Hamilton, Di-. L. B Clemens, a weil known practioner at Berlin, Ont., d;ed very suddenly. Every cyclist should terry 'a bottle of I3agyard's Yellow Oil. It has no equal for taking out inflammation, reduoing swelling or relieving pain. Price 25e. Mr. James Ronald, of Listowel got a verdiet against his son }Cobert at the Stratford ',ssizes for 650 for slander. Huron Lodge, I, 0. 0. F., of Goderich, will spend 67,000 in erect ing a building and a hall. Saved the Ilaby. "Dr, Fowler's Ex- tractor Wild:Strawberry seem) my baby's lite. She was cutting her teeth and was taken ill w th Diarrhoea very badly. My , sister advised Fowler's Strawberry. 1 trot a bottleiand It stopped the trouble. at once." Mrs. Peter crones, Week worth, Ont. ' A London music hall is exhibiting 1 a man who measures Seven feet eleven inches He is an Lgyptian. Ile: is young and may grow higher. The Arabs show their friendliness when meeting by shaking hands six or eight titnes. Arabs of distinction 1 go beyond this ; they etnbra ie each other several rimes. 1sctore. Aft'e•ii'ood'e ioap1iod1no The Great English Renal/. drSold sodeorncrlded b ell nggista n Ctnnnarda. ')illy rills able dlciiue discovered. bene S'1 paekapar prraranteEal tb c1Yie• as1e1 forms o Sexes weaknessx�,811 effe'ete of abbot? Or excess, Mental Worry . 1$xeossive use Of To boom Opium or Stimulants. Mailed. bit• reeeip6 of price, one paokage $1, six, $6. One tet`trefer se *is vnZi cure. i'amphlets free to roti addres8l. { 'Tho,Wood Company, WiildSor, Onf+ Sold in Wingliatn by Colin A. Campbell. Druggist. of Others. Mrs. William A, Holmes, 630 Con- cession.. SF., Ottawa, Ont., testifies as follows; For some years past 1 was greatlytroubledwith weakness both ofthe nenres and heart. My heart would beat very irregularly, sometimes throbbing, and, at other times seeming to go up into raythroat, thus causing aterrible smother- ing sensation. Finally Igrew so weak that 'could not sew. Although I tried many remedies I could obtain no relief, and was almost in despair of a cure. r `One day, however, Iheardofislilburn's Heart and Nerve Pills and began to use them, and ant nowbetter tllan'havo been for years. I work right along now, and the pains and palpitation have left me, much tmyrelief. 111 blood seems to be y enriehed andfull of vitality, and my entire system is in ahealthyand vigorous state." 7 Women ..Nee Not Suffer From those terrible suet aches, back aches, head. - aches and the thousand sad one other ills winch 'make life full of misery. Most of these troubles aasadr due to impure,, imperfectly' filtered blood—the giant** are not acting right and. ii consequence the system is being poisoned with ilupuri- ties. DOAN'S KIDNEY DILLS aro daily proving themselves 'wolnait'a greatest friend and benefactor. Frere is an instance; Mrs. Harry. Fleming, St. Mary's, Nal., says;: "'The use of Doan's Kidney Pills restored me to complete health.. 'The - first symptoms I noticed in my case were severe pains in the small of my .hack and around the, loins, together with general weakness and loss of appetite. I gradually became worse, until, hearing of Doan's Kidney Piles, 1 got a box from our druggist, I am pleased to testify to their effect- iveness in cerreeting the troubee frons whin!). T suffered WHO IS YOUR PRIM E I f oil arc ;:c t gt.tting your job Print- ing at "1"II:.. TIMES Job Printing Rooms, you should Stat, to consider the reason. No job too hmatll or none too large for I.iS to give you 1111 estimate on, The Largest Plant in Ontario c ; do no better work than TI1E TTS;r: 11rC1 the office is thoroughly ecltlll.:l)ed in every branch. Pamphlet Work Our Sample'; of pamphlet work will compare fav'ur:tli1y with the output ‘.)f ANY large City • :itablishment. 'We have the stmt.. f ccilities and are under less expense than the metropolitan offices, and ca e consequently morethan meet them in ;trier_: ' OOrmercial Stationery We now make a si,ecialty .of stationery for business inert, Merchants will find our prices compare t•tvorably with any cut rate printt-r's and at the same time they will rcca-ive better satisfaction. Proof shown with all work, and prompt attention given tc, mail orders. 'PHONE 4. THE TIMES ONE GIVES RELIEF. WINGHAM. Don't 4:a T r ^�3 • Dollar for Medicii t.e until you have tried You can buy them in the paper 5 -cent cartons Ten Tabules for Five Cents. Ms soft is pot op cheaply to codify oho lfttetiil prWni demand for a low pd. If you don't find this sort of Ripans Tabules At the Druggist's Send 11'11Y1 Cents to Tire RIrM4t Clet tekeet COlakit•At:t'i', Sib: lis Aimee St,, New' York, aactelnis will be sp nt to you by'ti)tti1; et es cartons will be mailed for 48 n:isntx. Cit: chances • titrr* tea to ,no that Ripens Tabules are the very tancdi ins you retroed,