HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1899-03-31, Page 61F
0 Iut tii11 o #; optueee or ilia oval ubsel vation crude it' lair °hallos. Tepper lice any re..
early in his speech, when speaking •
•' "^"""-� '�'"*^'^°""""""' of uitottier member of the house, he epees for ilia Beet Ile will Qia',rb• the
la'1tiDaSe, 14A11,0II 31. xritw. tented:eel, "Indeed I have come to laeltl;vnaai tendencies tit the chief
•e"" - • .-. , the emit'1n6I0n, after listening to the newspapers. itis 11 very lugubrious
honorable gentleman, that thea great chorus they are delivering nowadays.
eonld not have been shtick with the BI1t WILFRID'S, SPEECH.
essential of oratory is to.. be able to "Never tailed, Charlie. Cheerup.
Prom our own Cat,eip3mirnt• say whatever the occasion nay re•' Wilfrid 'tviisat had little boy fur using
Ottawa, ,1'artrelt 25(b. toile without 'regard to ftaetS."
The sessiO1 has tat last commenced Viz 1'o8T OF1`ICi: 3o$:z411trniENT, such naughty words. You mustn't
in earneit, and those well wore hop - There is no department of the play with him any more."
ing for a dhart Se4S}Ota, "I, tlerll't3 sei'viee Chet h;1s been more carefully The attitude of the Conservative
latus enooUragerent i't'elll te atti- administered than ttlo General Post press seen w he that of a panieky
MUNYQN.'S GUARANTEE. 13: ,I3fiQ. '.'.kl, t31[IB.V.If :It+s.
#rrouir Assertions as to Jost 'Whitt
tam IRealtedies Will iltt.
141nnson guarantees.
(hot iths Itheu4uatiatn
Cure wilt Cure nearly.
011 eases ot rhe,wne-
tiom la a few hours:
that his Dyspepsia Cure.
will euro indigestloa cut
all atamach 40010;
that his Ii.ldne7 Care
will cure Po per cent.
of all cases of ifIdie
trouble• that fila Ca.
tarrh Cure will cure
catarrh no •natter stow
long ntaudinlrt that his
headache Cure win euro
n hind o headache a
a few minutes; that
3s Ai Cu ty
n'hI U rt
tulle Of the Oppn,ttton leader In lite °tali e and thele is no department old hen who takes a, wounded chick lglgy
up onr
speech on Monday (evening, when with whieh the Opposition' would' , • form 1 cold and so on through the snore list e
pp meter 11L1 wing slid elft( kis to coil)- remedies, At all druggists, 24 rents n v141,
"the old Cumberland war horse inure gladly find fault, it' there was fort it, As a matter of fact. Sir Wil- 1ley i` . rJrlln av ADoo1u eiorrrse wren,
slowed that there was tots of fig*5P t A t 1 s ,
„ht in the slightest excuse tor doting so frtd's speeQb, wallets is ascribed as
11tie yet. .iia filet lie 4Yd w nwre offered them. There is more than "bitter te vituperation," was a
Pugnacious both in word an gee tetlson for this. In the old days smooth, fluent, forceful effort which
as be ,p;•ot;eeded with his infarwellutt:t the ,department was in charge of one transgressed no rule of debate, and
.arraiingteent of the. Government. of the iuost reckless and extras agent at the sante time administered a ver
Why Local Panees Are Not
' Stopped,
M. 'i 1101) T-Itev. D'. li118 '+.rl,
or. fiervieee alt 11 it n3 anti 7 p
ISRSABYT'ERIx1,N Rev. t.l i' t.:. ;
pa )tor. faervicos at 11 a tet and.7 p r..
EPISCOPAL, :St. Pouf's Iit>v, Wee '
1„4owe, reeler. Servtnes at 11 a 111 valla 7
p 0.1.
BAPTIST -Rev. alt. Freed, 1i11Mle,r.
Services et 11 a to and 7 p (U
Guilin, pester. Services at 11 a ill Mitt ,
Ontrant and .Lode in or,rurilnd, Services
at +3 p ►1i and 813 tit,
SA LVesTION A] MY- Onpt, Merseod
anti wits+in varnmulitl. servtcesat 11, a,
w,.3pni and idpm, •
In each of the above named ohurches
Sabbath School is heldet 2,30 p in. •
►pit tI III its .+:Il . a!1CO5
4.;vErt1 1�1ti11:,} ,,lttit:vlNG.
Ti 64-1;$ OFFICE', 'r,Cl"i6it?tEi:.STHET
vVI'C;•Iitl'.i aR:`t`,`s1tTfD.
;4ubsoriptionpriee.;0.;3t•. ,'.;IZT.tttitdlvance
'..1 1yr. nu 3 Diu, J. 1 me
on, Colvin .n t, Loo no +u 4,i; r ,,;, PO
Halft.4o On i t g•! 0i1 y 4 GO
quarter '4„ L0 00 int : ,;,,, ! y 00,
,'t.,+ inch a as: { . i) . •1
00f 04
Legut and other rose;-, ,..trt.3ft.:mount. Ho per line
for Flrs.Insert ian,nud 11a per lime for welt subsequent
itr arts n, 1I O. anted by r,o Jn rail HeAlu.
1,014,1 noises. me. eau. hr,,; tor tires insertion,
6. our line for each subsequent .nwrrtirt
Advertisements of Lent, found, tray (A,situations
ANK f HA Fin L clad t311eiUUN3 lihah,•r.µ Wanted, not ted see reeding R one
nnnA.troli, ill fi)r twat month, and see, for oaoh,
(a w,bsequunt month,
Some newspaper subscribers often ,
r.111ta, it was a m•trvcllons pertornl' of";alinisters, Sit' Adolphe Caron, and salutar • emotion to to gentlemen wonder why n publisher will keels~laser dooee r rirsomel f,54k7Or �$4.C, not eMnECdinq fi line,
. who, per subsequent month
tituee an heard it will admit, for i.ri many other ways, resulted net who was in sore lace"1 Of it, Sir on sending the piper when the sub -
I G l,arher advertisements bi 11,•oporttan.
g n 1 hese Urine will he etricti
whatever we may think of the only in inefficient serviee but in a Charles is a very obnoxious coral. seriprind has expired. The reason tipenii0 rates for lar,erynd�c,rkierrgeenta, or or
subjec -matter, the mental activity deficit of nearly $800,000. 13ut in pound of pomposity and ventosity. is this: lair}ten the ' subscription. is i Capltwl, $1,3GO.t100, Rost, 1h77d,000 lois Leet.sou outs and tarsi notiroa with s
d that
l d3..,.,.,, nut pegi$a
and, the physz('al en til awes t 8 the last two years this has been a Hie egotism would be intolerable if paid to a certain time and i3 prompt -
would enable a loan who has utmost changed, sand this one item there has it were not ludicrous. His tongue ly d's;ontinnect at that time many a
completed leis fourth score, to stand alreedy been a saying of $415,750 in has been an unruly member, alt his, subscriber allowed his angry passional
Up in his place in the House for fear the new contracts with better and
hours and forty minutes and during 'f '1't b r of
elle whole of the time speak •cogently, mails received has increased in no
slid with great viforand considerable less than .176 existing post offiees,
action, with very slight reference to and there has been a net irerease of ,
note, is a performance which few 178 offices during Post -master Gen -
men could surpass. •:rat Mtlloek's reign. In spite of
IT 18 AS EXTRA. AS EWER. the reduction in cost the railway and
Itis there#ore the more to he re- stage service had rapidly increased,
rotted that xt parliamentarian of and. if it had been paid for at the
g same rata per mile that It. was in the
such experience and admitted old days, the cost to .tale country
ability, should minimize the effect of- would have been over half a million
hie. criticism .by calling• into operation more in the four years contract
his characteristic and apparently term.
uncontrollable habit of reckless and Not only have the postoffices in -
The exaggeration. The most creased but the money offices have seems to hurt badly, for Sir Charles' not doubted when the publisher eon -
grown during the year froze 1349 to friendly journals are howlingets die- tinges to send the paper. Should
Government would scarcely enure 1739, an increase of 390 offices. - many as' if they had been spanked the subscriber desire to have the.
to claim that their acts had through. .That better facilities mean increas= the 1 T t Star, I 1 Paper diecontinnnd at any p•erticular
3t is even more absurd to declare, as. from the feet .that over 11,000;000 '
Sir Charles Tapper declared, eo not more letters passed through the mail ,
,only in general terms but in detail, . lase, ;ear than the year before. Ire
.. n swl ler ser'tiee. le num e
'life, acid there are people who say to Ilse end curve the publisher for 1
that it wages even in his sleep; Sir insinuating tl'at his credit is tot
Charles,. it Is said, passes from e_good, This will make the average
talkative wakefulness to uneasy Men mttd. Rather than cast any in
nightmares. in which site mutters sinia�ition3 against. the subscribers
jeremiads against the Liberal Gov- t,onest•y to pay ft'etnszll debt, it has
ernnent and compliments to hintself; become custolne•`y fdr country news -
His chief funetion in the Conserve,. . paper* to continue sending their paper'
tive party has been that of "Stormy- after the subseription ban expired,
Petrel," an epithet given hint because although the large dailie:t and week
lie is a past master at croaking, • flies do not Keneraliv follow the rule,
Mt'. Blair administered a verbal as"the subscribers live ata distance
Castigation to Sir Charles at the.iast and besides, they are not acquainted
session. It did -the 01d Man of the with them and 'do not know their
Sea no lasting good Sir Wilfrid 1'u;' financial standing, Orie should deem
peated the operation this week, It it an honor' to know that his credit is
out been without fault or error, but mss ves - Orono at nt open• p
ed business every time, zs shown • dent, time, he should inform the publisher
to that effeet.
A P .,^;etiologist Speaks.
that every single act in every tie bl 1 f b TP
" numerable other reforms may e • Els trade returns of 1598 afford Prof..J.
I'rec1dunt—Join 5TUAa'r.
Vioo•rresidon0—A. 0, RA,isA5,
Jonil Paocrott.'can, Ronan, Wu Guises,: M 1', A.
WOOD, A. B. Lott (Toronto).
t4aviugo Banks. -1/0‘1114.10t0 to 8; Saturdays, i0 to
Aeposas. of Oland upwards received and interest
3pocial Deposits also received at current
rates o1 ir..:reut.
Drai`ts o,, 3reat Britain and the United State,
bought .and sold
E. L. D.Ic/t1I14SON, Solicitor,
Money to Loan on , Notes.
ns will ha tn*artod tilt forbid and ohaegedi
aeonrdiuglie. Tranaltury advertisements must be
paid in adranon
the omen by 4V dui day 0000,snrt order to APPain,
T, that week
Notes Discounted
Money advanced on Mortgages at 6 pet oentwiih
privilege of psyin r et rho end of any year. Not,
and accounts oaltuate&
Beaver Block Winrhatn, Ont
W. Grouter writes from one- ( DE?ABT AitRIVE
iiartment of tyle ad
m nistration had fairly placed to the credit of the conclusive •evidence of the substantial. t 1pit:atiun oP 'the heart Wed
seen badly conceived and worse, present`:administration such as the,
tarried out. private post card, the special delivery nature of the tariff reform effeetetl veru Revere. Hearing determined
Milburn's them,
and Nerve Pilia I determined to try them,
and att-r taking thea( fo • about a week
Iw.ise-'r•,i” .
Having for example opened with a `"" _ _� _ .�_ __-_ by the Liberal Government. The
system (ac. while to cap all the
retrospective glance at the condition reduced domestic rate, and the long duties collected were $22,157,788 on
of affairs prior tq 1878 and from
that on to the close' of administretiun
giving as Sir Wilfrid Leerier bas .,
g �+ there was a customs taxation of $23,- tended the poste] 1l+ to eystelnto a
desired imperial penny postage, imports of $1.40,323,053. Ie 1893
Toronto and East
Palmerston mixed
London and South
The. 1'uet.ut.lst0r (;ere; al 1188 ex- 10 29 p m 8 30 a m
640 a. m. 3 05 p. m
855am 305pm
653 a m 1110 a m
33Cpm 800pm
11 10a in 6 40a m
330pen 330pm
in which he was so prominent a pointed out; penny postage to the ,,
`member, Sir Charles asked, "what _ Empire, is gladly credited to the 172,308 on imports of x+132,257,022; large number of loft e • not hitherto
,definite policy has the Government efforts of the Canadian Government that is, $1,000,000 more duty on $8, -lace 4 c'ed that privileges, so thatin t
had since it assumed (tie reigns of bysuch men as Mr. Henniker 000,000less of imports. In 1.897 very few officers will it be necessary
dower "?None." They had broken Heaton and others, whose personala'70s custom taxation was $'22,469, -Ito send postage stamps for small
every anti -election promise they had knowledge of actual conditions and 5 on. $1 ,892,286; that is, $300,. , znouits.
made,and what prosperity the000 mote taxation freedom from party prejudice enable
.on $27,500,OJ0-••�--->
-country had enjoyed during the last them to be unbaised judges. l sof ilnpdrts. In 1888 we paid
three years had been in spite of, not $22,209,641 on imports of $110,89'4,-
3n eonsequenee of, the Government ;
OF INTEREST TO THE WEST.630'; that is, we paid more taxes on
dor that prosperity was the outcome The representatives `from, the nearly $30,000,000 less of imports.
of what the administration bad not West are starting well. Dr. Douglas, 1889 we paid $23,784,523 on $1.15,-
>Gone rather' than what it had ac member of Bait Assiniboia, has given 225,000 ; that is, $1,600,000 more
uomplished, nay, more, it was abso- notice of three bills of particular taxes on $25,000,000 less of imports.
intely, wnoAy and entirely due to interest to the West. The first is to In 1890 we paid $24,015;000 taxes
the policy of the late administration. regulate the trade in grain in Man- on $121,858,000,• and in 1891' $23,-
itoba and the Territories, the second 481,069 on less than $120,000,000 of
WHAT AN UNFORTUNATE FAMILY respecting joint securities for seed imports. It must be remembered,
WE ARE. grain indebtedness,' and the third too, that. the British preference of 25
Proceeding to deal in details with respecting abandened lands in con- per eent. did not go into effect in its
the policy of the Government the trol of colonization companies, and entirety until the middle of last
-worthy baronet declared the rate of interest exticted from year
ed t'1 t tl
action of the Canadian High Com settlers by these companies.
attissionera at Washington bad been.. Col. Prior (Victoria City) is anxious The Ontario Bureau of Mines gave
``humiliating and degrading to Can- to know all about the action. of the.
out astatement
regarding the pro•
oda„ their proposals had been edis Lieutenant Governor, of British
honorable,” there should have been Columbia in calling on Mr. Semlin duction of Ontario metals. Last
no adjournment, they were wrong in to form a government, and will ask year the product of pig iron amount -
refusing to accept part because they for a commission to enquire into the ed to, 48,253 short tons, the value DR. A. vv.Onese .Vr WORK ON. HIS Leer
they . matter. GaIeAT REMEDY,
could not get all wanted, and I4 to Morrison, of New Westtnin- beiug computed at $530,789, There
fn fact they had as if their onlyr were on an averse 30 1 DOCTORS 1"AIL
desire was to destroy any chance r, n y re erne rclin a PHYSICIAN CURES.
.e isle who rete tl - t ... d f
average, men employ, MUD THE GREAT
there night have been of their trip to Dawson City has given notice ed, and $61,576 were paid out in
in -
obtaining .� satisfactory treaty," of a number of questions relating• to wages, copper and wastrel m- 11��� 1 1 1
In like mannee Sir' Charles took the Yukon administration. duster of Sudbury employed: an �l�I{ {� SIN BED
ob The tit
Camp Caledonia—No. 49, meet
S. se. $. the first and third Monday in
every 'month, in' .bo 045- t'nIlows EAU •Tiaitrne
hrcthren veleta, J. Murray, chief, ' 11 B
);Ilion, Kon: Sce
/TcS,'r'{cr rT TALKS
SAN is . iie.a'nn Lon'
A CteilleD CAM
• C3PLerapATE.,
z _
D. 11. 1.Lr.Iorx,
Pnorstnroa 4NA PVslraaap.
For the treatment o1 DISEASES ('0' WOMENand,
BUttoiCAt Cat LS of all kinds, For particulars.
add, chs
Medical Superintendent, 5 ingham,
i3ARiu rsIt, SoLioiroa, Etc.,
Private and Company funds to loan at lowest rata~
iniewebt. No commiastcn chargee, mortgages, town,
and farm property bought arn1 sold
OFFICE ---Beaver Block tVit.uuAM.
OOLIOrrOR To. BAIZE OF It'AATILTON. L'oiij ' crit'..
Office -..Meyer Monk. WWI:hero
iV • t#, CAMERON, -
Otlice—Corner IIantilton and St. Andrew etreatts
opposite Colborne Hotel,
eaUnnaion. .: °aroma.
A RTalUit J. xis is, DDS, L D S,
Doetm' .of Dental Surgery M the Pennsylvania,
Dental Dental iSu'ueonse anti Loftnti untateiuf • Office o the Boy eCollege-
Otfiice; W ughau,
S. J ERnhl E, L. D. S
to • bei, fir Block, winglism c '•
nri, f natural iteethven e
the metier.
1. d4,, roto ,u -d Fold fangs a specialty. The beat.
100,1 WIN. / i • n., t : 7-,tths ext, action of teeth free.
Ail 1.'.•h .,G saesthL ti.tuu A
Brio ej011N KITCiiII:•
t+�t Lm,6.v
Atrs WANE3.0.
• LONDON, ONT, p t)l:A,\S, .1 .. }:'tN(i., 1N,
.4 .
L1f1ENSV.D. 4'JCT1Ols, t8 P. Nt31, ,tits: t'<00N
Sate::, attended .ale any ,I.urt, or tee 08. 0barge
Moderate. " -
J-011 V G(Jittt11!, Wivon,ar; UNT,,
Salsa of learn Stook uttd Falai -i ptentonts
. All orders lett at the Trxae othee promptly anew."
ed to. Took., reabonabte.
Having' purchased the entire business
from Mr. Daniel Showers, I ant - now
prepared to supply the public with
up other portions of the Govern- Mr, McIrnce, of Vancouver, has average of 610 men, and paid out in THENLW
meet's polley. Their preferential given notice of a bill to amend the wages $315,500. The product of I'Iom Kidney Dissase-Althougii : a
tariff was "a fraud and a sham" Naturalization Ate matter was 8,373,560 ,pounds of fine +.
The ,piebeseite was "an imposition,'( Copper, valued at $268,000, and 5,
567,69.0 pounds of ,fine nickel, valued
"The imperial penny postage reform esUFFEREDONT'OLDM.ISERY." at $514,220. These values are
was contemptible. The promised., Soleil American Rheumatic Cure based on the 'selling price of'the
redistribution bill evidently con- Thwarted Disease and CaredMatter at the works which is only
templated "deliberate filching of
:electoral: rights" and eou1d only be
Matt of Thret-Score and Ten, Dr.
Chase's . Ki(lt:ey - I,iV r Pills
Gave Him Beek Perfect
Rim Outright. , one third of the selling price of the This is to certify that 1 was sick j
enacted at "the sttcriftce of alt . Robert E. Gibson, merchant, Pen- refined metal. ,The production of in bed the most of the time for „three 1
„ broke. etiya'that tea year, ago he con- 'gold was 16,075 ounces, valued in years with 'kidney disease. X tonic
• lirineiple. The suggested reform traded rheumatism in. a vary .severe 271905. This is 43 percent. Several boxes of pills ---different kinds ,
It• of the Senate was "the Most silly type, suffered untold misery-reeOrted to •oduc p ent. more Sand a. great fatly other kinds of
proposal that ester emanated from ily-biisters and other severe treatments than thepa t of 1897., and 123 patent fedtetnes;. besides that I lyse
• %b6lrlonth of than," it was'"monstrous with tlo lasting (rood or relief.. When ,per cent, snore then in 1896. Tee ander treatrflent by four different doe- i
• „ }tope of recovery was wei1 nigh gone he bureau of mines cotifidently expects tors during the time and not stale to 1
and absurd, and eoulfl Only be was inaucer! to try Soatth Atnerieae that. the present year will witness a ,idney.'LIveri Iilsaand since that ti ne
oarrit d out by a direct breaeh of the Iihenrnaatie. Care. The first .dose gave large ineresse tat" the product of the ntave been working every day although
�gttnet understanding Catered trite LI_ in ,anti rc+li f, half a bottle cured... a man neatly 70 years ot age, )Dr.
'with the 'rovinees at Con#edera. ,. ells were t !mines, relatively and positively. Chase's Kidney. Liver Pills have cur-
ed Dig.
Per alter rlfty Years.
LI_ ootnght tits own words
iflttii. It is the brat A-me:wade remedy on ,
earth." Sold by A. t.
Alto�•ether Sir Charles" delivered
himself of p y
he li
wood and Iron Payee And
Litt Pterktpe, flrass [hold
Iron Cylinders, Galvaniz-
ed Iron. 'Puling. Cisterns,
''Witter Veonghs, Sinks,
I}:iRtlts,Y*L jie Pitting, Well
rA112ES SI�2rso1`T )C',/igg}iirng' acrd everything in cote
tt artieuIarl fi . —Ali °Id and well -Tried Remedy --Mrs
G' tllnatory Cntinc awn, ere/step for "The Story oC t ro'Phiitppmes" by Mtittati
It' 1, ton. j
Newcomb Mills, Ont. f nection With water supplies.
ne of Lrlv�atr,Stor,vrtswa gTEI pineatYc'!t[t[E ,,,rSoothing
r • It the Kidneys are not in al
per/catty 1 C -.• Alvan iaed Steel Windmills tor power
,d 1 d' i Th st t MEC a f oothing Syrup hog boon esti pumping clean and healthyr conditiunr the k Iaod p p ng water,
italstnad, ndtnmis"toners by ti,e out erhm0ht a �ok llsetl for over afty years by irlalilote b- becomes impregnated ~vitt, irtlpurities T)ee well
bag adjectives in the s'ti Iatiire vial xistorian to (rte war bep'trt,nent, Tho boots mothers Pox their children wallas teeth• li, , pumps a specialit .
was written in army camps at Sarr Francisco, on the %n p ttrid a 'decay of toe Kidneys, soon Iteltatring-promptly attended to.
degree and of vett and pLCturesgtze Paellio witty Ora:31 t Mbrr tf h the hOsp•t 1 t nt g, with erPect success. ;lilt soothes the takes ytlace i3rislllt s Itisease 7Sia P i f } t
►rlriety. Of coarse leis supporters ,
vigorously' cheered hint on and thee
crowded galleries looked interested roar of battle at tha fall Qf 4tahita Bonanza for gold
et(Onte, Brimful OI rHslnpi pictures takes by trot
' , a e n °« child, softener the ems, a11ia artier, writ ig or n ormatfon or
notulu, In iron ~ hontt, in the Amertoan trenches
at iX lS f1I pain, hetes, Gravel, stone in lite' ^i'31adder,
7Flanlla, in (Fro inanrlrent earnns with At nFflaldo, ozh (lures wind collo, and is thtf beat remedy efnilaindiFatlori of tale Bladder, and ti ordetrinl; by mad Should alwaytk State
rho deck of the Oltsapla with Deasy, and In (be ' for diarrhoea. It 1s pleasant to the taste. i lolls last of IC1dtleyr dtsenses beoome t[epth raf well.
by druggists in eery part of the seated, ated sooner or later in so.mat;y All wok guaranteed guaranteed or no sale.
and !(mused, Is was an elitertai ste ' erawiont pliotakraphere ori the spot, Targa honk, woYl(1'. TWefltyiive a eDtta a bottle. :t3 instances end fatrtllyr lyes ChuSe s
tow. prlece. nit( prolita, Froiltht pard, Crodut value is inbalttnble. Bo sure you risk for' i tangy-l,iger iaiil:3 cure oil 1 -Idney
tf ening,s performance and, nIU.Ch • given,
nl to edl ltr7arhya ofile varsbo5 sr, maltnod 1rs. WIOSIOtli'ti Soothing r gtup. ttnd 2 ' j per hex yyr ell dealers, zriica
Idttt jciye t by tt lti rge aadieaee tbhicll gdR Cblen a, take to other kind.
• Cs
Ti40LU.DIN0 Books, I'ampidor Posters, 116.
P Ileads, Circulars, ac., ,;r Q., exr, utud 11, tholrest
style of the art, at moderate prices, and en short
notice. Apply or address
T xis Office, witighath
We are pl-used to anooun40 that ant" nooks or
Magazines left with us for Binding,will have our
prompt attention. Prices for Blhdngin any ""style
will be given On a0ptict,tion o the Trtfaa Office
WE 1VMAKE ,:..
Sewer and
All Sikes from 4 in. to 24 1n. Also
Wt0.111n FOR PRIC:GSs . ,
0. NORM !'� GST A.L� l �.
Rev 140 Wim bam. Gilt,. Ti'?G'to4.41 .13AlIco.
t 11 1 L..._._.-. 1 11_1 - -.. - III 11111111