HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1899-03-31, Page 5•
. �f,; ,, ;
may be neat to .the.wlsyluni because he is not "call .thllre:"
I:ianna'r;,Groceries are all there."
1 lb, first-class, Baking 'Powder, a Whisk worth 15e and a Yielder
-week for 2:te.•r. ;?s.�.r'�5'
\V rt;\ t a 1 i A.MM I D.1fL ES, MARCH 31, 18 0.
.L)o you know where to buy
:your .BOOTS and SHOE&
:I have taken charge of
'trimmed with Elegant Colored Plush and supporting tt Mirror or 4 x 5, this
1 ib, n sr-elttstt Ba :f nf,'',1'owder and a 6 qt. Granite Kettle for .50,e.
1 ib iirst•e1asa-Baking'I?owder and a large Granite a Pot for .50e.
1 ib. first-class I3ak1n; 'Powder and a three , 'ottle (Rasa Cruet,
(Vinegar, Salt, 1'e�pper)'for:50e.
With .1. ib. sof 'Eakin.g Pour t► e ' at 50c, you can.
b.ave a cb,anco to, get a $ /�� Ladies' Bicycle.
1 lb. of f1rst••r:lees Baking ;1'ovlider "nd a large.Tin Cake Dish, with
lid for 50q.
Ladies";.•the Premiums are, worth the money and you have the Baking
Powder FR.l+lr,
Hoping you will :get •somo• of: these before they are a11 -gone.
Tired of the :same old thing for the
breakfast table i'
Flake Barley makes
• a nice change in
place of the Oat Meal.
Try it—it will do yew
good. It nourishes
without heating the •
blood. Best grocers •s'il it. Any grocer can
get it for you. Sold b}� .the pound,
19 L II
Get your sight tested. It costs nothing.
Scietifically, Correctly, Reasonably.
Try, us.
Shoe : u.wiuess
zrid am prepared to offer bar-'
gains such as have never be -i
fore been offered in Winghani,
and will give• you prices frotn
time to tate 111 txlis paper un-
til the whole stock is cleared
out, 'which must be within the
next sixty days if possible.
Goods going out on approval
must be paid for. ; if not satis-
factory gooney will be refunded.
BEL OIiAVE. Kelly, jr„ and Geo. McCall . 8thlino awarded the enuaratei ;ice
Mr. D. Sproat was in Seaforth last —C. A, Rowe, R. Cockerline, C. ship printing far the •serpent
Thursday attending the funeral of a TItylor, Geo. Armstrong, Jas, Short• tbs brise agreed upon being it.
fri d, reed, Jno..Searl, W. Sheldice, P. The Connell then adjeltrued ,. lei
salnuei Irving moving his family McArthur and Jas: Murray ; South Friday, A>tay 26th next, them to magi
arid, house h y f3'8' i as a Court of Revision, and for alum
this week.
irol e' arts to Winartaatn boundar —Geo. 014% • West bottntl-
ar,y---••Jas, Golley,. fl. McCrea, T. basiness,
Mr. and Mrs. Parsons, of I3ay. field, G ismau and N. C ming ; Belgrave. P. POR'rii,RFmEliti, Tp. Clerk.
were in the village looking after —Win. Watson; Iu fst boundary --A. Mr. Janes Sbiells had t't serious
their proporty last week. I3ryans, A. Forayth,aThos. Maunders attack of Brouchittls, Mut is able to •
Mra. John McElroy, who has been and Jas. Bolger ; S'Valtiolr---J, Moore. be up again,
ill for the past three months with On motion' of Messrs, adode, seed 1 Mr. Thos, Walker has leased Jas.
vnlvuiav an of the heart, died by Jackson, the council then ad- Young's farm for a term of three
jonrned to meet again on the 29th of years.
May, for Court of Revision eel, Master cloy Reid is ill with the
other. business. Scarleteen.
Wtt, OIARK, Clerk. • liar, A. Rintoul,who has been to the.
West with a carload `of aii'raea has -
Working -Night nncl Day,. - returned with good reports.
The busiest and mightiest little thing Mr. and Mrs .Tolrn McCallum are
that ever was made is Dr, King's New visiting friends in f Acton and Milton
Life Pills. Every•pill is a sugar-coated . this week.•
at her residence in Doris about
three o'clock on •Sunday afternoon
stud was burled in the Union come.
tery Tuesday afternoon. •
liar. Wm. N. Knowles, the noted
trapper and hunter, died on the 17th
inst, and was buried -the hallowing
day. 'HIe had lately been living in
Morris in a house belonging to Ur,
John Nethery.
n interesting event took place at
t' a home of Mr. Mathere, near Blue.
vale, on Wednesday, when his
daughter, Miss ;Susan A,, was mar•
ried to 1r. Henry 0. Owens, well
knownin this vicinity. 1lev, D.
Rogers, of 131uevale, was. the officiat-
ing clergyman,:
E G1'�
Brave Mclean r 1
CJI E P Viotima too stomach, liveerra and kidney
troubles se well as women, and all feel
the results bin lose of appetite, .poieons in
244, A rE
1 1 the blood, red, li tie, nervousness, head,
ache.anA tired hstleae, run-dowq feolin t
But there's no need to feel -like that.
Litten to J. W. Gardner. Idavitle, Ind.
He says: "Electric Bitters are just the
It will soo r e time to use
garden tool, We have any
thing you eed in this line,:
and our prices are always' low.,
Vire have a good supply of
Mill:; Cana. The price we
offer them at will soon . sell
them. •
Give us a call for anything
you need in our line.
ss s
�_ .
direct wire."
Every pair of "Slater Shoes
bears a descriptive tag which tells what
every shoe wearer wants to know before a
he buys. He thus gets the information
"by direct wire" from the makers who 4 i'I r
ou htto know its hidden materials lf
and could not afford to mis-
represent then, Goodyear
Welted. Stamped oa the
sole, $3.00, ,54.oe and $5.eo
aper pair.. .
For Sale Only by HOMUTH & BO lLES.
Made of Large, Strong Wires, 'Heavily Galvanized.
3' DIN..
Amply provides for expansion and contrac- . 4.'"°" �t� 81M.
Best Bessemer steel wires ",,, 0, 11i
Con. Only B .,
used. . Always of uniform quality. I
Never goes wrong no matter how •
great. a strain aa,aa
is put upon it. 22•IN,r.
Does not muti-
late, but floes
efficiently turn -.
cattle, Horses,
'hogs and pigs. :
1 `!in 414, 7.114
5111. 5111.
•4N�4MGiU•LW'N%fYb�v.W�XdAWMAH1M1iPfANW✓':LyilelY9}eWla•ll%YM$2.idYAuY.•R6W. 1tL.YBkMWnv1,4YV1•
thing for a man when he is all run down
and don't care whether he lives;or dies,
It dirt more to give me new strength and
good appetite than anything I could
take. I can now eat anything and have
a new lease -on life." Only 50 cents, at
Colin ,A. Campbell's. Every bottle"gue--
Dir. J. D. d'IcEwen's sale of farm
stock and inipliments on Wednesday
of last week was largely attended.
Everything sold well ; the live stock
going at particularly good prices.
J. Currie, the auctioneer, done his
part of the'business up to the' handle,
The council met according to ad-
journment, on . March 20th, 1899.
Membersall present, the Reeve in
chair. Minutes of last meeting were
rend and •passed. ,
Mr. Jno• Nethery and others ap
globule of health, that changes weakuese
into strength, listlessness into energy,1 A unmoor of the young people of
brain.fag, into mental power. They're 9th and 10th concession spent Ari en*
wonderruf in bu:;ding up ;be health. joyaraie evening at the hone of Wm.
Only 25o per box, hold try Colin A. Deacon on Tuesday last,
Campbell, Mrs. Peter King has re'urneci to
EAST WAW.ANOSH. f her home after spending tiro winter
The Cou:.el1 met in the Council 1 with her another and daughter in
Clamber, on March 23rd, pursuant Miebian*
to adjournment. Members all pres•
Miss Minnie Walsh is sick with in.
ent. Minutes of last meeting read flanration at present.
Miss Eddie Henryand passed, The following path- returned
of i11arnoeh has
masters, pound keepera and fence returned to her borne after retaking
viewers were appointed for the cur -an extended visit with friends in
Eden Mills
rent year Pathrnasters—Geo. L._ miss Millie Agnew was ,.at home"
Sturdy, Wm. King, sr, John Cowan, _ to a few friends Tuesday evening
sr, Jas. Potter, sr, •Alex. Patterson,
John Mc0linehey, Henry Govier, W.
D. Wilson, `Phos. Brown, Wm. John-
ston, R. C. IsicGowan, Robt. Marshall;
Wm. ,Radford, John Dingwall, Allan
Lindsay, Jas. Arinour, Jas. Tunney,
Menno Vincent, Robt. Buchanan,
John N. Campgnll, John Redmond,
sr, Ed. McDowell, Mark Mason, Jas,
Vincent, Jas, Ross, Lancelot Nethery,
Wm. P. Hallihan, jr, Jas; T. Bell,jr.,'
John Mc'D,iwell, Robt, McDowell,
Starkbouse, David Cook, Fred
Cook, John T. Goulds, jr., David A.
Dunbar, John Campbell,Walter
Scott, sr., Thos. 1I. Taylor, jr., Wm.
Grigg, David Sproat, Duncan And•
arson, sr., Adam Ro e t , Jamescosta hundreduoltarsabotrie Asthma,
Walsh, sr , Adam D. Hoover, Ii. J. Bronchitis.and all throat and lung i,fec•
Wright, Joseph McBurney, Pat- tions are positively cured by Dr. King's
rick Gibbons, Henry Deacon, Josepb New Discovery for CUL1811 ai.,i,. Sold •
Mrs. Robert McBurney of the 10th
concession is very poorly at present. •
Mr. Jas• Young's sale on Monday
was largely attended. The stook
and implements .all sold at good
Beats the Klondike.
Mr. A. C. Thomas, of Marysville, Tena,
bas found a more valuable dioeovery
than b es ) et been made in the Klondike.
POI' years he suffered untold agony from
consumption, accompanied by hen.orr
hages ; end .was absolutely oared by Dr.
King's New Discovery for Consumption.
Coughs and Colds. He declares that gold
is of little value, in comparison wttb this
r son marvelous cure ; would have it, even if it
Brandon, Matt. 1'ergtison, Thomas .by Colin A. Campbell. Regular ' size 50 '
• 1. centsand 41 00: Guaranteed to cure or'
Abraham, John Cochrane, Robert
peered in reference to .the effects o� 1 prrcerpfundati.
pe � Goultis, Geo. Robertson, Jno. Reid,'•
n 1 >k, the late Wm.•.icnowles,.: who died Bertram.J-....Reid,,. Llisha•-Walker,; WROXE i.Eil..
Old Post Office Stand.• `about the 17th of the present month Robt. S. Reid, Thos. Taylor, Win, J. Abewr120 new books have been
• . 'Code—Cardiff—That this council Currie, Wm M. Anderson, Theo. placed in the free library.
take no action in the matter at pre- Finna, Robt. Shiell jr., Rbt. Mc. Mr. W. Leckie has gone to
' sent, until inquiry .is made by the Clenighan, Wm. Coulter, Allan Atwood to work in •a tailor shop. '
TIVERTON. •clerk, endeavoring to gain some in- la'r•alick, Arch'd Clow, Jas. Sather- Mr. »rid Mrs. Gen. Harris have re
Mr. Norman Melnnes, postmaster
and general merchant of Tiverton•
for about 40' years, rued on Monday
evening ai',er: an illness of several
weeks, aged 75 yenta,.The late Mr.
McInnes was a pioneer merchant of
Bruce. He was born at. Vankleek
Hill and moved up hese forty-two
years ago. Ile was fur two years a
grain merchant in Kincardine, and
then moved to Tiverton, where he
established a large general store.
Ile also engaged largely• in.the pug-
' chase of grain, and shipped by
water from Iuverhnron. Ile was in-
terested in stnek raising, and was in
every sense a public-spirited atld ea•
terprising men, aas:.isting in every en-
terprise that aided to advance the
prosperity of the. district.. He was
the first merehant in 'Tiverton, and
during these years maids a success
of every busing s he engaged in. He
had held the office of Postmaster of
the village fur about forty years,
IIe was a staunch. Liberal in polities,
and a consistent member of the
Presbyterian church. He , .neves
:married, and lived with • a sister.
His death is a decid •d loss to the
, "MkIYY
and See it. Can show you how it will save you money.
For sale by JP10, OLEO 00., Hardware Merchants,
There are three conditions:
When the blood -is poor;
When more fleshis needed;
When there is weakliess
of the throat or lungs.
There is one cure: that is
Scott's Emulsion.
It contains the' best cod-
liver oil emulsified, or di-
gested, and combined with
the hypophosphites and
glycerine. It promises more
prompt relief and more `last-
ing benefit iii these cases than
can be obtained from the
use of any other remedy.
gee. And St.ao, all druggists.
SCO'r'r & BUWNa, Chbausts, Toronto.
Letgigot' from Nil+ ar
fora ation respecting the relatives of land, Barth O'Connor,' Wm. Bee-. tics ( gra,
said deceased.—Carried. croft, Jas. Martin, sr., Areh'd Mar- The Walker house has leen unser:
Cardiff—Shaw—Thatthotownship tin, Robt. Haines, George C. Naylor, g ling sunk: iuip. til ements. •
hall be put in a proper state of. re Jas. McGei;, Thos. Jamieson, jr., :11148 .ltiraiiie Vogt has 1t ;r for Listo-
pair, and that Mr. Jackson bein:3truct- Wu;, James, Jas. Robinson, George wel,.whiti•e elle intends : t uar;ifr,
ed ,to draw specifications ' for the ` Wallace and Fred Champion. Mr. Allan il,te, of '1 w Crap was
work, the 'satne to: be left at the Ponndkeepers—John Hoare, Alex. -home for t few days.
residence of Dir. Cardiff and that the McGowan, Benj. H. Taylor, .Esaias Mr. lolni Gibson -intends erecting
clerk be instructed to advertise for Pearen, Andrew Shiell, David Clow, a new tarn .this summer.
the work. -Carried. Jas. Robinson, Jas. Owens and John Alt Thomas Apples is talking of
Cardiff—Shaw—That by-law No.
4, as now read, be provisionally
adopted and that the.same be pub -
Cochrane, vel caring his hata'.e. •
Fence Viewers—Jas. T. Bell, jr., Iced Ili ss>u F>totra'uis'•v Grain
John 'McDowell, Geo. Fothergill, Was the hell that hit G. 8 btaratlravin,, of
fished as required by statute, in .the Wesley Pattison, John Menzies, sr„ Newark, Mich., In the Coil !Car. :it
Brussels Herald. -Carried. and •Sam'! McBurney. caused horribleTeersthat' r a treatment
On motion of Mr. Code, seconded
by , Mr. Jackson, .the .following ac-
counts were ordered to be paid,
Moved by Mr. McCallum, seconded he►perl for 20 yea a. '!'hen Titautan's
Aruica'Sa•lto cured' him. 'ur�s uts;
by ilii. Currie, that all pathmastera Bruises, Burns, a1)nil,. ii'}•t,tis•, Corns,
for the current year must . return hkin Eruptious; Berra Pio r.+ on
namely :— Municipality of Turn their road Hata not later than the earth. 25 c,ts a box., Oure,,t;,irauteed.
terry, 13: line expenditure; $4,87 ; first day of September next, other- Sold by Coltu•. A. Gampbelf.
R: Blair, gravel, 75e, Wm. Bird, wise all statute labor not returned The position of buainri-s it ager
Morris, share of plow broken on B. will be charged for on collector's roll, of the Sr Thomas Journrrl tar been
line, $1.60; A. E. Bradwin, printing , to be collected along with ordinary I accepted by L. I3, Di rush, i t' the
:by-laws, $12. taxes, and that a by-law confirming Stratford Herald.
,Pathmasters were then appointed the same be read and passed at next A big Montreal Co ,airy his atl-
as follows,. viz :—North boundary, meeting of Council -Carried. vanet-d the price of eotu it .. and it is
C. Henderson, W. Henderson, P. Resolved that the Clerk be in- expected the advance" mill become
Fowler, Thos. Jewitt, Sno. Hall, Wm. strutted, when making out the road general.
Robertson, W. J. Johnston, R. Messer lists for this year to charge each lot
and J. D, Miller ; 1st line—Jas.'i"yfe, the fall aniotlnt of statute labor due. }
C. Campbell, i .'Maguire, C...iaguirv,. , on same, to be performed in the • I 1 ec
Wm. Fraser, J. Sellars, W. J. Johns division in which said property is
ton and R. Miller ; 2nd line—�J, H. situated. Weak grid �ovv Spirited —Nervous ,
Brandon,Wm. Elston, Wm.'Garniss Messrs. John McDowell, George
I Farrand, D. Agar, S. Calbick, Wm, Hdwatt & Son, and Benj. Witmer Prostration EA Poor and '
Forrest and Win. trioses ; 3rd line— were present as a depdtation asking Could Not Rest.
Wm. Wra3, Wm, Hopper, Thos. that something be dote this season tri take greatpleasure inrecommending
Proctor, Jno. Garniss, F. Brewer, 3, towards cutting'
Budd, W. Farrow and Jas. Ireland ; pairing and improving the hill at
Qu Ped
dow all
and otherwise re- Rood's' Sarsaparillatoothere. It. has beezt
' the means of restoring my wife to gout '•
4th line --W G Nicholson E Biel- lots 33 and 34 con 6 known as health. She was stricken ow w a
ins, Geo. Proctor, L Wheeler, R 1+'otherg`ill's hilt attack of nervous pros(ratio She suf= y
1 fared with headaches and h .,areas were l
c when same ae t n wt ltY !! under severe strain. She ecame very
ney, ar I , N. Black, lose spirited and so weak she could only '
Kenzie and Wm. Bryans; 5th line this matter. i loo a little work without resting, iter
11. Johnston, A. Cloakey, A. Easotn, Communication received from W m. t appetite was poor, ani beint3 ro weals
A. Clark, Wm. Miller, T. Clark, D. Lane County Clerk re supplying Tp. i she eriutd not get the•proper rest at night. 1
Sommerville, N, Platt, P. Keys and . Councils with assessment and collet She decided to try good's Sarsaparilla, as
,Jno. Broadfoet ; 6th line—J..Grasby�, tors' rolls as done by the county at , we had' Bard it highly praised, and I am
Tno Young Jas Hill P. Cantelon- present No • action taken E•r.; I glad to state that
lioo'd's Sarsaparilla has
$aara-- 3'LI anneal St. 'West, I1ami1
Cute hen and Jno,. Jobb ; 7th line-- With tl e present sytem of famishing ; ton, Ontario. !
Win. Cunningham, J Kit A I'1 T d h
., , , e ,
Wheeler, R. McMurray, Jas. Dear- Postponed till ..0e May meeting,
It C diff N Bl k K M t'i5 " 'll betaken '
Jas. Thuell, Wm. Smith, P. Me- SVawannsh Council being sati•fied 1 perfectly cured all her aiiiuetate'" (?.
N. 'Taylor, M. Kelley, T. Skelton., these rolls.
ln. i mm�g stn, as. Kelly, re Treasurer reported a a lS .,.,
-Hewlett, A. McCall, Jas. Evans, R. • balanen nn hand .at date of $268.731. ' '�
O S armal
Bewely and Wm. Itaunders;. Sth .t debenture for 570 was issued in la the Beat.--tn fact the One True Illood?url-
line-�-D. Laidlaw, 1:1, Richmond, :1, fiver of Finlay Anderson for services ter. All druggists. six row. (ietHood's.
, Smi*,li, Wm. Marshall, Jno. Mcia lroy, as Tp. Treasurer In 1898. , are tasteless, mttd.ef[aea-
J. tieCauglly, Wm. Jackson, Geo. . The Advance, Wingham, was ''9OU 5' CJI tave. All druggists. Mi.